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I. Từ vựng tiếng Anh 5 unit 12 Don't ride your bike too fast!

Tiếng Anh Phân loại/ Phiên âm Tiếng Việt

1. knife (n) /naif/ con dao
2. cut (n) /kʌt/ vết cắt, cắt
3. cabbage (n) /kæbidʒ/ cải bắp
4 stove (n) /stouv/ Bếp lò
5. touch (v) /tʌt∫/ chạm vào
6. bum (n) /bʌm/ vết bỏng, đốt cháy
7. match (n) /mæt∫/ que diêm
8. run down (v) /rʌn'daun/ chạy xuống
9. stair (n) /steə/ cầu thang
10. climb the tree (v) /klaim ði tri:/ trèo cây
11. bored (adj) /bɔ:d/ chán, buồn
12. reply (v) /ri'plai/ trả lời
13. loudly (adv) /laudli/ ầm ĩ
14. again /ə'gen/ lại
15. run (v) /'rʌn/ chạy
16. leg (n) /leg/ chân
17. arm (n) /ɑ:mz/ tay
18. break (v) /breik/ làm gãy, làm vỡ
19. apple tree (n) /æpltri:/ cây táo
20. fall off (v) /fɔ:l ɔv/ ngã xuống
21. hold (v) /hould/ cầm, nắm
22. sharp (adj) /∫ɑ:p/ sắc, nhọn
23. dangerous (adj) /deindʒrəs/ nguy hiếm
24. common (adj) /kɔmən/ thông thường, phổ biến
25. accident (n) /æksidənt/ tai nạn
26. prevent (v) /pri'vent/ ngăn chặn
27. safe (n) /seif/ an toàn
28. young children (n) /jʌηgə t∫ildrən/ trẻ nhỏ
29. roll off (v) /roul ɔ:f/ lăn khỏi
30. balcony (n) /bælkəni/ ban công
31. tip (n) /tip/ mẹo
32. neighbour (n) /neibə/ hàng xóm
33. scissors (n) /'sizəz/ cái kéo
34. tool (n) /tu:l/ dụng cụ
35. helmet (n) /'helmit/ mũ bảo hiểm
36. bite (v) /bait/ cắn
37. scratch (v) /skræt∫/ cào
38. call for help (v) /kɒ:l fə[r] help/ nhờ giúp đỡ

Choose the odd one out. 

1. A. night B. farm C. school D. library
2. A. morning B. birthday C. afternoon D. evening
3. A. chocolate B. bank C. sweets D. cake
4. A. get up B. go to school C. go home D. judo
5. A. zoo B. police station C. nuts D. post office
Look and write the correct words. 
climb ; fall off ; cut yourself
run down ; get a burn ; roll off
1.You go up a tree or the stairs with your feet and hands. ______
2. You hurt yourself with a knife. ________
3. You drop yourself from something like a bike or a tree. ________
4. You hurt yourself by touching very hot things like fire. ________
5. You go down very fast. ________
6. You fall off a bed or a sofa ________
I. Read and circle a, b or c. 
You can have accident any places and at any times. To avoid them, you should
follow these instructions:
Don't play with animals on the street, like dogs or cats because they may bite or
scratch you.
Don't play with things that can make a fire, like a lighter, matches or stove because
they can make you bur.
Don't ride your bike too fast because you may fall off and break your arm or your leg.
Don't use the sharp things, like knives or scissors because they make you hurt.
Remember to call for help when you have an accident.
1. To avoid accidents, you ______ follow the instructions.
A. may
B. should
C. shouldn't
2. Don't _____ with animals on the street, like dogs or cats.
A. do
B. run
C. play
3. You shouldn't play with things that can make a fire because they can make you
A. burn
B. hurt
C. fall
4. Remember to call for ______ when you had an accident.
A. parents
B. help
C. teacher
II. Fill in the blank
1. F_ST
2. TOU_H
3. C_IMB
5. BOR_D
6. K_IFE
8. S_AIR
10. B_EAK
12. BU_N

III. Fill in the blank with suitable word

1. What are you__________? I’m __________a cabbage.
2. Don’t play with a _________. You may cut yourself.
3. He shouldn’t climb the tree because he may ____________and break his leg.
4. Why _________I play with the matches? Because you may get a burn.
5. They are ________________the apple tree. They may fall.
6. Mary shouldn’t _____________too fast because she may fall off her bike and
break her leg.
7. Don’t __________the stove. You may get a burn.
8. Don’t let your baby __________the bed.
9. Linda is playing with a cat. It may _____________her face.
10. Falling is common type of ______________for young children at home.

IV. Matching
1. Don’t play with the knife A. Because you may fall.
2.Where are you, Tom? b. I’m cooking some rice.
3. Don’t touch the stove c. I want to light the candle.
4. why shouldn’t I climb a tree d. OK, I won’t.
5.What are you doing, Mai? e. He may fall off his bike and break his arm
6. What are you doing with the matches f. I’m upstairs, Mum.
7. Look! Peter is riding his bike too fast g. A knife
8. What are you holding in your hand? h. You may get a burn.

V. Read and answer the question:

Falling is common type of accident for young children at home. Your baby brother or
sister may fall off a bed or a sofa. He or she may also fall down the stairs. The
following tips can help to keep your baby brother or sister safe:
- Make sure he or she can’t roll off the bed.
- Make sure he or she can’t open any windows.
- Don’t let him or her go near the stairs.
- Don’t let him or her out on the balcony.
1. What is the common type of accident for young children at home?
2. How to prevent a child from falling out of the windows?
3. What may happen if a child goes near the stairs?
4. What should we do when a child is on the bed or a sofa?

VI. Give the correct from of the verbs in the bracket

1. Don’t (let) ________your child play with a knife.
2. Mary (cook) ______________in the kitchen at present.
3. Where are you, Peter? I (be) _________upstairs, Mom.
4. Jimmy (climb) __________the apple tree yesterday. He (fall) _____and
(break)___________his leg.
5. Look! He (run)_________down the stair. He may break his arm.
6. Mai has a ___________. She (go)__________to the dentist tomorrow.
7. Hoa (wash)____________her hair three times a week.
8. Last Monday, My mother (have)_____________a bad pain in her stomach.

VII. Read and match.

1. Don’t play with the knife A. Because you may fall and break your leg.
2. He is riding his bike too fast. B. A sharp knife.
3. What are you holding in your hand? C. Because You may get a burn.
4. Why shouldn’t I climb a tree? D. OK, I won’t.
5. Why shouldn’t I play with the stove? E. He may fall off his bike and break his arm.

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