Facebook's Path Towards Ethical Practice - Government and Customer

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Facebook's Path Towards Ethical Practice

Current Issues
with Facebook
Customers can demand better privacy
policies and practices from Facebook.
Government can enforce regulations
and hold Facebook accountable for
unethical behavior.
The Role of Customers
in Promoting Ethical

Customers can demand transparency,

accountability and data privacy from
Facebook. Governments can enforce
stronger regulations and penalties for
unethical behavior.
What Customers Can Do

1. Support regulatory efforts: Laws and regulations can help

to hold Facebook accountable for its actions. Supporting
regulatory efforts that promote transparency, privacy, and user
rights can encourage Facebook to behave in a more ethical

2. Encourage Facebook to invest in Security Management:

Facebook can invest in technologies such as artificial
intelligence and machine learning that can help detect and
prevent the spread of misinformation, hate speech, and harmful
content and promote security.
The Role of
Government in
Ethical Practices
To promote ethical practices,
government can enforce regulations
and penalties.
What Government
Can Do
1. Enforce antitrust laws to promote competition.
2. Create and enforce data privacy regulations.
3. Investigate and hold accountable companies that
engage in unethical practices.
4. Governments can collaborate with businesses to
promote ethical behavior. This can include partnerships
between government agencies and businesses to
develop and implement ethical business practices.
To help Facebook become more ethical, customers can
demand transparency and accountability while the
government can implement stronger regulations.
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