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Прочитай письмо и выполни задания.

Dear pen friend,

My name is Tom. I am a boy. I am ten. I am from England. I live with my mum, dad and two
brothers Mike and Ben. They are five. They like to play football. What is your name? How
old are you? Have you got a sister or a brother?
My birthday is on the 9th of September. I can ride a bike very well. I like playing computer
My favourite subject is P.E. What’s your favourite subject? When is your birthday? What
do you like? What can you do well?
I have got a nice kitten. My kitten is grey. Sammy likes milk and fish. I like my kitten but I
would like to have a parrot too. Have you got a pet? Is it funny?
Please write back.

Your pen friend,

Tom Kellen.

1. Закончи предложения:
a) Tom is
b) He lives with
c) Tom likes
d) Tom can
e) Tom has got

2. Переведи на русский язык подчеркнутые предложения и запиши:

3. Выпиши предложение, которое не соответствует тексту:
a) Tom is from Russia.
b) He can ride a bike.
c) He has got a kitten.
d) Tom is ten.

4. Напиши слова во множественном числе:

tooth - _____________________
boy - _______________________
goose - _____________________
house - _____________________
child - ______________________
man - ______________________
scooter - ___________________

5. Спиши, вставь пропущенные слова.

bed, watches, home, gets, plays, homework, breakfast, mum
Will lives with his _______________ and dad. He goes to school. He _______________ up at
7.30 a.m. Will has his _____________________ at 8 o’clock. Will comes _________________ at
3.15 p.m. After lunch he does his ____________________. In the evening he______________ TV
and _______________ video games. He goes to _______________ at 10 o’clock.

6. Ответь на письмо Тома. Закончи предложения.

Dear Tom,
My name is ________________. I am from Russia. I am _______________. I live with
________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
My birthday is on the ______________________________________.
I like _________________________________________. I can ________________________________________. I
have got _________________________. My favourite ____________________ is ____________________ _.
Please write back.

Your pen friend,


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