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2023- paper 14

Glucose X Y



1) A. The above diagram shows the mechanism by which a glucose molecule is subjected to
cellular respiration.
i) What are the processes named A and B and where do they take place?
process place

A) ………………………………………… ………………………………………….
B) ………………………………………… …………………………………………..
ii) Name X and Y.
X ……………………………… Y……………………………….
iii) What is the number of C atoms in X and Y.
X …………………………… Y ………………………….
iv) What are the other products when glucose is converted to X?..............................................

v) Name P and Q.
P ………………………………………. Q ………………………………………
i) What is the number of ATP molecules formed in B by one glucose molecule ? …………………
ii) Explain the significance of Krebs’ cycle as a center for metabolic intermediates.

iii) What is oxidative phosphorylation?

iv) How many ATP molecules are formed during oxidative phosphorylation by one glucose
v) Explain how this number of ATP molecules are formed.

C) i) Give one main difference between alcohol fermentation and lactic acid fermentation.
ii) Name the micro organisms involved in the above 2 processes separately.
Alcohol fermentation …………………………………………………

Lactic acid fermentation ……………………………………………….

iii) What is the overall equation of alcohol fermentation?


ii) Why is a glass tube with a tap is attached to the flask?

iii) What is meant by respiratory quotient of respiratory substrates?

iv) How would you measure the rate of respiration using the above setup using the parameter,
volume of Oxygen absorbed per unit time?
v) Explain why germinating seeds provide a suitable tissue to determine respiratory rate.

vi) Name 2 substrates other than glucose used by cells in aerobic respiration and as what
intermediates do they enter the respiratory pathway?
1) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
A) i) What is the parameter used to determine the rate of photosynthesis in the experiment
given below?

ii) Explain the function of each of the parts given below.
Water bath-

Graduated scale-

Bend of the capillary tube-


iii) Explain how you carry out an experiment to determine the effect of light intensity on the
rate of photosynthesis using the above setup.


iv) The leaf is the main photosynthetic organ in a plant. It has several adaptations to maximize
the efficiency of photosynthesis. Explain the adaptations of the leaf under following themes.
Maximize light absorption-

Maximize intake of Carbon dioxide -


Maximize transport of raw materials needed for photosynthesis and photosynthetic products.
1. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
B) i) Draw the electron microscopic diagram of a typical plant chloroplast, and explain how its
structure is well adapted to its function.

ii) Adaptations –


iii) Explain the following terms in relation to the enzyme activity.

Cooperativity -
Feed back inhibition-
What is the significance of feed back inhibition in metabolic pathways?

iv. State the conditions of prebiotic earth that would probably have favored the abiotic
synthesis of organic molecules.
v. Write the 4 main stages in sequence of formation of first cells on earth according to the
theory of bio-chemical evolution
vi. Write two physiological features of the first formed cells and how long ago the first cells
appeared on earth?

vii. Name the organism who first acquired the ability of oxygenic photosynthesis in the history
of life. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

viii. Evidence for the oxygen generating photosynthesis was gathered by the scientists after
they analyzed the banded iron in the ocean floor. When did these organisms originate on earth
as implied by this evidence? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
viii. State the origin of the following organisms
a. First eukaryotic organisms-………………………………………………….

b. First multicellular eukaryotes-………………………………………………

c. Sponges-………………………………………….
ix. Nostoc , Anabaena , Escherichia coli , Thermococcus , Amoeba , Agaricus , Selaginella ,
Select the organisms from the above list to match with the following features-
1. Unbranched hydrocarbons in the membrane lipids-…………………………………..

2. Histones not associated with DNA-……………………………………………

3. Circular chromosomes as the main genomic DNA-…………………………………….
4. Ability to survive in extremely hot environment-…………………………………………
5. Unicellular with a nucleus- ………………………………………………
6. Cell wall made of peptidoglycans-…………………………………………….
7. No cell wall-……………………………………………………….
8. Cell wall made of chitin-…………………………………………
9. Multicellular-…………………………………………………..
10. Presence of chlorophyll a-…………………………………
11. Members of a mutualistic association-………………………………….
12. Heterotrophic mode of nutrition-………………………………………………..

Write short notes on the following-

1.Plasma membrane 2. Endoplasmic reticulum 3.Mitochondria

2023- paper 14- Marking Scheme

1) A. The above diagram shows the mechanism by which a glucose molecule is subjected to

cellular respiration.

i) What are the processes named A and B and where do they take place?

process place

A) …Glycolysis………………………………………………cytosol………………………………….

B) …Krebs cycle…………………………………………Matrix of mitochondrium…………………………………..

ii) Name X and Y.

X -Pyruvate……………………………… Y-Acetyl coA……………………………….

iii) What is the number of C atoms in X and Y.

X …three C atoms………………………… Y …two Carbon atoms……………………….

iv) What are the other products when glucose is converted to X?.- ..ATP and


v) Name P and Q.

P -Carbon dioxide………………………………………. Q …NADH……………………………………


i) What is the number of ATP molecules formed in B by one glucose molecule ? …2………………

ii) Explain the significance of Krebs’ cycle as a center for metabolic intermediates.

…It is an intersection of catabolic and anabolic pathways. The intermediate molecules of Krebs

cycle are used to generate ATP. Some of the intermediate molecules are used to synthesize

non-essential amino acids and fatty acids by reverse reactions



Glucose X Y


iii) What is oxidative phosphorylation?

…synthesis of ATP using the energy released as a result of oxidation of molecules, NADH and

FADH2 by molecular oxygen via electron transport chain.

iv) How many ATP molecules are formed during oxidative phosphorylation by one glucose


v) Explain how this number of ATP molecules are formed.

Total number of NADH= 10 ( 2 from glycolysis,2 from pyruvate oxidation, 6 from Krebs cycle)

2.5ATPs produced by oxidative phosphorylation via ETC from each NADH molecule. Therefore

total ATPs produced from oxidation of NADH= 25.

Number of FADH2 produced in Krebs cycle is 2. 1.5 ATPs produced by oxidative phosphorylation

from the energy released by oxidation of FADH2. Therefore 3 ATPs produced from FADH2.

Therefore total ATPS=28

C) i) Give one main difference between alcohol fermentation and lactic acid fermentation.

…Final electron / Hydrogen accepter in alcohol fermentation is acetaldehyde; in lactic acid fermentation
it is pyruvate

ii) Name the micro organisms involved in the above 2 processes separately.

Alcohol fermentation - Saccharomyces

Lactic acid fermentation - Lactobacillus

iii) What is the overall equation of alcohol fermentation?

………………C6H12O6 → 2C2H5OH +2CO2 + energy (ATP + heat)



ii) Why is a glass tube with a tap is attached to the flask?

To make the water levels equal in the 2 arms of U tube before commencement of the


iii) What is meant by respiratory quotient of respiratory substrates?

Ratio of the volume of CO2 released to the volume of Oxygen consumed over a given time

period for the respiratory substrate

iv) How would you measure the rate of respiration using the above setup using the parameter,

volume of Oxygen absorbed per unit time?

Make the apparatus air tight by applying vaselin over the rubber stopper.

Keep the flask of the respirometer in a water bath.

Make the water levels equal in the 2 arms and mark the water level in the left arm of the U


Start the stop watch. Record the water level in the left arm after 2 hours (t)and measure the

rise in water column -L cm. This can be considered as the volume of oxygen absorbed over 2

hours by the seed sample. Therefore rate of respiration= L/t

v) Explain why germinating seeds provide a suitable tissue to determine respiratory rate.

The respiratory rate is high as they are metabolically active/high metabolic rate.

As it is a non-photosynthetic tissue the volume change in the apparatus can be directly

corelated to the respiration

vi) Name 2 substrates other than glucose used by cells in aerobic respiration and as what

intermediates do they enter the respiratory pathway?

1) Fatty acids as acetyl co A, glycerol as G3P


2) Amino acids enter Krebs cycle as carboxylic acids


A) i) What is the parameter used to determine the rate of photosynthesis in the experiment

given below?

Volume of Oxygen released per unit time by the aquatic plant

ii) Explain the function of each of the parts given below.

Water bath- ……………………Maintain a constant temperature throughout the experimental

time. To function as a heat shield when an artificial source of light is used.

Syringe- ……………Draw water through the capillary tube in order to bring the Oxygen bubbles

collected at the bend to position along the scale at constant time intervals

Graduated scale- measure the volume of oxygen produced over a known time period

Bend of the capillary tube- Trap all the Oxygen bubbles produced during a known time period

iii) Explain how you carry out an experiment to determine the effect of light intensity on the

rate of photosynthesis using the above setup.

1) Darken the lab and place an electric bulb at known distance from the plant (10cm- d cm)

2) Start the stop watch and measure the length of oxygen bubbles produced after known time

(t minutes), using the syringe to draw water to position the oxygen bubbles along the scale

3)Repeat the procedure by changing the distance of light source from the plant

(20cm,30cm,40cm etc)

4) A constant temperature has to be maintained in the water bath

5)CO2 concentration has to be constant in the test tube

6)Plot a graph using rate of photosynthesis vs light intensity

7) light intensity can be measured by 1000/d2

iv) The leaf is the main photosynthetic organ in a plant. It has several adaptations to maximize

the efficiency of photosynthesis. Explain the adaptations of the leaf under following themes.

Maximize light absorption1) thin flat leaf blade with a large surface

2) presence of numerous chloroplasts in the mesophyll cells

Maximize intake of Carbon dioxide -

1- Presence of numerous stomata in the upper and lower epidermis

2- Presence of numerous interconnected inter cellular spaces to store air

Maximize transport of raw materials needed for photosynthesis and photosynthetic products.

1. Extensively branching network of veins with xylem and phloem tissue

B) i) Draw the electron microscopic diagram of a typical plant chloroplast, and explain how its

structure is well adapted to its function.

ii) Adaptations –a) lens shape- to converge light into the interior

b) numerous membranous sacs/ thylakoids - provide high surface to house photosynthetic

pigments, enzymes, proteins and non-protein components to carry out light dependent

reactions efficiently

c) large stroma containing sufficient amounts of enzymes of Calvin cycle and RuBP

c) Ribosomes to recover proteins quickly that are, essential for functioning

iii) Explain the following terms in relation to the enzyme activity.

Cooperativity – A type of allosteric activation in which binding of one substrate molecule to

one active site stimulates changes in all the other active sites to increase the catalytic activity

in a multisubunit enzyme.

Feed back inhibition-termination of a metabolic pathway by inhibitory binding of the end

product to an enzyme that acts early in the metabolic pathway.

What is the significance of feed back inhibition in metabolic pathways?

Prevent the wastage of chemical resources through limiting the production of more end

products than required

iv. State the conditions of prebiotic earth that would probably have favored the abiotic

synthesis of organic molecules.

Frequent volcanic eruptions, reducing atmosphere, lightening, extreme UV radiation, hydrother

mal and alkaline vents.

v. Write the 4 main stages in sequence of formation of first cells on earth according to the

theory of bio-chemical evolution

1) abiotic synthesis of small organic molecules such as amino acids and nitrogenous bases from

inorganic molecules


2)polymerization of small organic molecules into macromolecules such as proteins and nucleic



3) organic macromolecules packed into membranes to produce protocells.


4) Nucleic acids gained the self replicating ability which made inheritance possible for the cells

vi. Write two physiological features of the first formed cells and how long ago the first cells

appeared on earth?

Anaerobic respiration, heterotrophic absorptive nutrition

- 3.5 billion years ago

vii. Name the organism who first acquired the ability of oxygenic photosynthesis in the history

of life. – Bacteria similar to present day Cyanobacteria

viii. Evidence for the oxygen generating photosynthesis was gathered by the scientists after

they analyzed the banded iron in the ocean floor. When did these organisms originate on earth

as implied by this evidence?

2.7 billion years ago

viii. State the origin of the following organisms

a. First eukaryotic organisms- 1.8 billion years ago

b. First multicellular eukaryotes- 1.2 billion years ago

c. Sponges- 700 mya

ix. Nostoc , Anabaena , Escherichia coli , Thermococcus , Amoeba , Agaricus , Selaginella , Cycas

Select the organisms from the above list to match with the following features

1. Unbranched hydrocarbons in the membrane lipids- Except Thermococcus

2. Histones not associated with DNA- Nostoc , Anabaena, Escherichia coli

3. Circular chromosomes as the main genomic DNA- Thermococcus, Nostoc, Anabaena,

Escherichia coli

4. Ability to survive in extremely hot environment- Thermococcus

5. Unicellular with a nucleus- Amoeba

6. Cell wall made of peptidoglycans- Nostoc , Anabaena, Escherichia coli

7. No cell wall- Amoeba

8. Cell wall made of chitin-Agaricus

9. Multicellular- Agaricus, Selaginella, Cycas

10. Presence of chlorophyll a- Selaginella, Cycas , Nostoc , Anabaena

11. Members of a mutualistic association-… Cycas , Anabaena ………………………

12. Heterotrophic mode of nutrition- Thermococcus, Amoeba, Agaricus, Escherichia coli

Write short notes on the following1.Plasma membrane 2. Endoplasmic reticulum 3.Mitochondria

Plasma membrane-Diagram

1- Outer limit of the cytoplasm of all living cells/ dynamic boundary that separates the

living cell from its surroundings

2- The fluid mosaic model was put forward by Singer and Nicholson to explain the


3- Thickness of plasma membrane is about 7 nm.

4- Phospholipids and proteins are the main components of the plasma membrane.

5- The phospholipid molecules are organized as a bilayer due to their amphipathic


6- The hydrophilic heads of phospholipids face outwards into the aqueous environment

of both inside and outside of the cell.

7- The hydrophobic hydrocarbon tails face inward and create a hydrophobic interior.

8- The fluidity of the membrane is mainly due to the lateral movement of the

phospholipid molecules

9- And the mosaic nature is attributed by the diverse and random arrangement of variety

of proteins.

10- According to the arrangement of proteins , they can be described as integral proteins


11- peripheral proteins.

12- Integral proteins penetrate the lipid bilayer.

13- And majority of them are transmembrane proteins

14- Which penetrate all the way through the lipid bilayer.

15- The other integral proteins extend only partway into the hydrophobic interior.

16- Some of the transmembrane proteins have hydrophilic channels

17- For passage of water, polar molecules, ions.

18- The proteins bound loosely to the inner surface of the membrane are peripheral


19- Some proteins and lipids have short branching carbohydrate/oligosaccharide chains

20- Attached covalently to outer surface of some lipids and most to proteins,

21- Which project out of the cell as antennae.

22- They are glycolipids and glycoproteins respectively.

23- Animal’s cell membrane contain few cholesterol molecules randomly integrated into

the lipid bilayer.

24- To regulate the fluidity of the membrane by providing flexibility at low temperature

and stability at moderate or high temperature.


Functions1-Physically separates the intracellular components from the extracellular environment.

2-Regulate exchange of materials needed for survival of the cell.

3-Some proteins enable neighboring cells to communicate with each other./ cell recognition.

4-Some protein molecules function as receptors for interacting with specific biochemicals such

as hormones, neurotransmitters and immune proteins/ antigens

5-Some proteins function as enzymes

6-Some proteins help to maintain shape of the cell by providing surface for attachment of

cytoskeletal fibers.

Endoplasmic reticulum- Diagram (use the diagrams in resource book)

• Organelle found in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells

• It is a network of internal membranes forming flattened or tubular sacs /cisternae

• Separating the cytosol from the ER lumen.

• Continuous with the outer membrane of the nuclear envelope.

• There are two types of ER as Rough endoplasmic reticulum and smooth endoplasmic


• Rough ER made of inter connected system of flattened sacs,

• Ribosomes are attached to the outer surface of the membrane making way for the

movement of proteins synthesized on ribosomes into the lumen of ER.

• The enzymes are built into the ER membrane.

• The smooth endoplasmic reticulum lacks ribosomes

• And is a network of tubular sacs.

• Connected to RER.

• Membrane bound enzymes are abound.

Functions of RER1-Transport proteins synthesized by the ribosomes.

2-Synthesize glycoproteins

3-Facilitate growth of its own membrane by adding phospholipids, proteins , carbohydrates –

4. Produce transport vesicles

Functions of SER1-Synthesizes lipids including oils, steroids, and phospholipids.

2- Metabolism of carbohydrates.

3- Produce transport vesicles to transport within cell

4- Involves in detoxification

5- Stores calcium ions.

Mitochondria- Diagram

• One of the most common organelles in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells.

• Elongated organelle, somewhat like sausage shaped.

• Enclosed by an envelope of two membranes.

• The outer membrane is smooth and the inner membrane is convoluted effectively

increasing the surface area

• The infoldings of the inner membrane are called cristae.

• The narrow region between the 2 membranes is called the intermembrane space.

• The mitochondrial matrix is enclosed by the inner membrane

• Which consists of 70S ribosomes,

• circular DNA molecules,

• phosphate granules and

• Enzymes of Krebs cycle.

• The cristae contain stalked particles with enzymes needed for oxidative


• The membrane of cristae houses the enzymes and proteins essential for electron

transport chain

Functions- • Synthesize ATP in aerobic respiration by substrate level phosphorylation and oxidative
phosphorylation. • Involves in photorespiration


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