Jahandideh-Tehrani Et Al 2019

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Environ Monit Assess (2019) 191:752


Review of climate change impacts on predicted river

streamflow in tropical rivers
Mahsa Jahandideh-Tehrani & Hong Zhang &
Fernanda Helfer & Yingying Yu

Received: 13 June 2019 / Accepted: 24 September 2019

# Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

Abstract Tropical regions are characterized by hydro- Keywords Climate change projections . River
logical extreme events, which are likely to be exacer- discharge . Model uncertainty . Downscaling method .
bated by climate change. Therefore, quantifying the Bias correction . Hydrological model
extent to which climate change may damage a hydro-
logical system becomes crucial. This paper aims to
evaluate the findings from previous research on
projected impacts of climate change on hydrological
systems located in regions bounded by the Tropic of
According to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Inter-
Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. It intends to provide
governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC 2014),
an in-depth understanding of the climatic conditions,
further warming and changes in components of the
applied approaches, climate change impacts on future
climate system is predicted due to continued emissions
streamflow, and measures to reduce prediction uncer-
of greenhouse gases and climate change. It is also very
tainty in the tropics. The review revealed that there is a
likely that extreme precipitation events will occur more
significant variation in the magnitude of climate change
often and intense. Additionally, the heat waves will last
impacts on streamflow in the tropics. The reason for the
longer and become more frequent (IPCC 2014). There-
inconsistent trend prediction is that projections are
fore, more rigorous hydrological cycle with significant
heavily dependent on the trajectory of greenhouse gas
changes in precipitation, temperature, and evapotrans-
emissions, climate model structural differences, and un-
piration is predicted (Middelkoop et al. 2001). These
certainty of downscaling methods and hydrological
changes affect runoff and water availability, and thus
models. Therefore, to minimize the uncertainty and
influence the discharge regime of the rivers. The inten-
maximize confidence in streamflow projections, it is
sity and characteristics of climate change impacts vary
essential to apply multi-member model ensembles and
from region to region. Some regions are expected to
to clarify the adaptation strategy (coping, adjusting, or
experience water deficiency, and others are expected to
experience more severe flooding. The increased fre-
quency of floods and droughts consequently lead to
significant economic losses, including reduction in crop
M. Jahandideh-Tehrani (*) : H. Zhang : F. Helfer yields (Abbaspour et al. 2009) and severe damages to
School of Engineering, Griffith University, Gold Coast, QLD infrastructure (Dang et al. 2016). Therefore, determining
4222, Australia
the likely changes in river discharge under climate
e-mail: mahsa.jahandideh-tehrani@griffithuni.edu.au
change conditions becomes essential for planning and
Y. Yu designing future water management regulations and
CSIRO Land and Water, Canberra, Australia structures (Middelkoop et al. 2001).
752 Page 2 of 23 Environ Monit Assess (2019) 191:752

Tropical land regions of the earth occupy a substan- Numerous studies have investigated the impacts of
tial fraction of the global land area, covering approxi- climate change on future streamflow of various rivers
mately 19% of the land surface (Peel et al. 2007). These located in different parts of the globe (e.g., Jahandideh-
regions are roughly located between the Tropics of Tehrani et al. 2015; Ouyang et al. 2015; Kara and Yucel
Cancer and Capricorn and are strongly influenced by 2015; Ashofteh et al. 2016; Pichuka et al. 2017;
solar energy. The solar energy affects the hydrological Shahvari et al. 2019). In the majority of these investiga-
cycle in the tropics more than any other region tions, both climate and hydrologic models were applied.
(Latrubesse et al. 2005). This leads to high variability Routinely, the hydrological models are first calibrated
in precipitation and evaporation (Gu et al. 2007). Addi- using observed streamflow data. Next, the models are
tionally, tropical rivers are characterized by high to very applied to simulate the future climate data and to gen-
high runoff values and experience flooding more often erate predicted streamflow. Finally, the predicted and the
than other regions. The tropics are the world’s largest observed historical streamflow data are compared and
focus of thunderstorms as well as being the birthplace of analyzed to identify and quantify the impacts of climate
tropical cyclones which often achieve their maximum change on river discharge. According to the published
force in the tropics as well (Syvitski et al. 2014). There- studies, some countries are predicted to experience in-
fore, it is vital to examine the changes in streamflow crease in projected streamflow under climate change,
magnitudes of tropical rivers resulting from these vola- including China, Sweden, Denmark, and Malaysia
tile weather conditions, particularly under climate (Estrup et al. 2006; Graham et al. 2007; Li et al. 2013;
change. Amin et al. 2017; Yu et al. 2017), while some countries
According to the IPCC Fourth Assessment Re- are predicted to experience decrease in projected
port (IPCC 2007), climate change is unequivocal streamflow, such as Vietnam, Iran, and Germany
and is expected to affect all variables of the hy- (Menzel and Bu 2002; Khoi and Suetsugi 2012;
drologic cycle, with impacts on the temperature, Jahandideh-Tehrani et al. 2015). Streamflow changes
magnitude and intensity of precipitation, may also vary within a year. In Nepal, for example,
streamflow, droughts, and floods. According to Shrestha et al. (2016) estimated streamflow decreases
Huang et al. (2013), a 100-year global linear trend during spring and summer, while autumn and winter
(1906–2005) indicates 0.74 °C increase in the will have increased streamflow.
global mean temperature. This warming is the The study of climate change impacts on future tem-
cause of higher evaporation and air humidity, and perature, rainfall, and streamflow is vital, particularly in
changes in precipitation (Huang et al. 2013). the regions limited to the tropical boundaries, as the
It has been widely reported that climate variations rivers and basins in these areas are under the influence
will cause an increase in precipitation rates in most parts of complex hydrological regimes. Additionally, the
of the world (Wang et al. 2013; Rana et al. 2014; Apurv knowledge of climate change impacts is limited, and
et al. 2015; Karandish et al. 2016; Singh et al. 2016; there is a need for an in-depth study of the climatic
Masood and Takeuchi 2016; Mehr and Kahya 2017; Li conditions, applied methods, impacts of climate change
et al. 2017). However, a few studies demonstrated that on future streamflow, uncertainty sources of projections,
climate change will decline future precipitation and measures for uncertainty treatments in regions be-
(Raghavan et al. 2017; Pattnayak et al. 2017). The trend tween tropical boundaries. Therefore, the review aims to
of precipitation changes may vary between the wet and present an overview of the studies that focus on future
dry seasons. For instance, in Iran, Malaysia, and Eastern streamflow trends driven by climate change projections
Africa, total rainfall is projected to increase in the wet in tropical regions. The specific objectives of this review
season and decrease in the dry season (Ashofteh et al. are:
2013; Onyutha et al. 2016; Tan et al. 2017). Addition-
ally, different regions within same countries are expect- 1. Examination of temperature, rainfall, and
ed to experience different precipitation changes. For streamflow conditions in regions between tropical
example, decreasing trends of precipitation are estimat- boundaries
ed for the Northern Arabian Peninsula, while increasing 2. Evaluation of tools and approaches used in climate
trends of precipitation are estimated for the Southern change impact assessment studies in regions be-
Arabian Peninsula (Almazroui et al. 2017). tween tropical boundaries
Environ Monit Assess (2019) 191:752 Page 3 of 23 752

3. Finding a trend for future streamflow change under Tropical regions

climate change conditions in regions between trop-
ical boundaries The tropics refer to the regions bounded by the Tropic of
4. Identification of sources of uncertainty in Cancer (23° 27′ N) and the Tropic of Capricorn (23° 27′
streamflow projections under climate change S) as shown in Fig. 1 (Gopal 2013). Due to the high
5. Proposing measures to reduce uncertainty and in- angles of the sun, solar energy is greatly accumulated in
crease confidence in the predictions of streamflow these regions, which leads to a warm climate without
under climate change conditions strong winters (Latrubesse et al. 2005). The greatest
angle of elevation of the sun ranges between 43° and
In summary, this study will analyze climate change 90° during the day between the tropics of Cancer and
models, downscaling methods, hydrological modelling Capricorn (Edelman et al. 2014).
approaches, and findings reported in studies conducted
in the tropics. This study will increase our knowledge of Climate condition
methodological approaches used in the assessment of
climate change impacts on river discharge and facilitate Based on Köppen’s classification (Peel et al. 2007),
the conduct of similar studies in other locations. climatological regimes in the tropics are characterized
by having mean annual temperature above 18 °C all the
year with a significant amount of rainfall. According to
Köppen-Geiger (Geiger, 1954), the tropical climate is
Literature sources and review method classified into three main subtypes: (i) tropical rainfall
forest climate (Af)—permanently wet regions with
A conventional literature review method was employed some rain in all months, with the average precipitation
in this study to find relevant literature and analyze of at least 60 mm; (ii) monsoon climate (Am)—driest
findings. The main focus was on literature dealing with months with precipitation less than 60 mm, but more
impacts of climate change on future streamflow in trop- than 1/25 the total annual precipitation; and (iii) period-
ical regions. To ensure a broad coverage, nine scientific ically dry savanna climate (Aw)—driest months with
databases were consulted: Scopus, Web of Science, more than 60 mm, but less than 1/25 the total annual
Proquest, SienceDirect, IEEE1 library, Wiley Online precipitation. However, the present study is not limited
Library, ASCE 2 Journals, Taylor & Francis, to the stated three climates, and the reviewed literature is
SpringerLink, and Google Scholar. The combined key- limited to the tropical boundaries (regions bounded by
words used in the search for papers were “Climate the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn) as
Change,” “Tropical Regions,” “Streamflow,” and “Tro- shown in Fig. 1.
pics.” Only peer-reviewed publications were consid- The tropical regions are considered the most vulner-
ered. After finding publications based on this search able areas in the world in terms of natural weather
strategy, publications focusing on future streamflow disasters. Thus, the study of the impacts of climate
trends, tropical regions, and river streamflow (rather change on the tropics has been attracting a large amount
than extreme flow) were kept for analysis. In order to of attention by researchers. Tropical regions, in general,
synthesize the outcomes of these papers, the applied experience hot and humid weather, extreme rainfall,
climate models, bias correction, downscaling methods, cyclones, and considerably high solar radiation. The
hydrological models, greenhouse gas emission scenari- tropics experience extremely high rainfall during the
os, and case studies were examined. A compilation table wet season and extremely low rainfall during the dry
was constructed to organize the selected papers and their season (Herawati 2015), which can often lead to cata-
outcomes by continent and region. Furthermore, the strophic weather events. For example, in 1970, the
projected trends for streamflow changes were analyzed Bhola Cyclone occurred along the coast of Bangladesh
for each country separately. and led to the death of approximately 300,000 people by
generating 9.1 m storm surge (Needham et al. 2015).
Extreme droughts are often observed in the Sahel re-
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers gion. Catastrophic droughts occurred in this region over
American Society of Civil Engineers the period of 1969–1973, resulting in the loss of
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Fig. 1 Tropical regions (Edelman et al. 2014)

thousands of people (Edelman et al. 2014). In terms of result of less rainfall and higher rates of evapotranspira-
climate change, according to the IPCC report ( 2007), tion (IPCC 2007). Thus, there is enough evidence to
the tropics will be experiencing more intense tropical accept that extreme events such as droughts, floods, and
cyclones (typhoons and hurricanes), larger wind speeds, high-intensity cyclones will increase in the tropical re-
heavier rainfall, as well as increased sea-surface air gions (IPCC 2013).
temperatures in the future. The potential consequences
of climate change in tropical regions, such as water Temperature
stress, flood risk, coastal inundation, sea level rise, and
sea water intrusion are summarized in Table 1. Accord- The general climate of the tropical regions is warm, with
ing to the IPCC (2007), there is high confidence that a monthly mean temperature above 18 °C in all 12
surface runoff and average river discharge will increase months of the year. Close to the Equator, the difference
by 10–40% by mid-century in some wet tropical areas. between the highest and the lowest monthly mean tem-
On the other hand, runoff is estimated to decline by 10– perature is rarely more than 4 °C, and in some areas,
30% over the dry regions at dry tropics, which is the such as Quito and Ecuador, it is less than 1 °C. Moving

Table 1 Potential consequences of climate change in tropical regions (Source: Edelman et al. 2014)

Potential problems Central and South Asia and Northern Africa and Oceania Central and Caribbean
Southern Africa South East Asia Middle East South America

Increased water stress and x x x x

decreased water security
Water security and supsply x x
variability impacts
Increased flood risk x x
Increased coastal inundation, sea x x x x
level rise and storm surge
Sea water intrusion x x
Environ Monit Assess (2019) 191:752 Page 5 of 23 752

away from the Equator makes the annual temperature 322 days per year with thunderstorms. Rio Branco in
variation relatively larger, but it rarely exceeds 15 °C. Brazil, as for another example, experiences 100 mm of
Therefore, the Equatorial zone is featured by consistent rainfall spread during the months of the dry season, and
warmth and small fluctuations in temperature from day burst, intense rains in the months of the wet season
to day. Regarding the consistent temperature, many (Latrubesse et al. 2005).
regions locating within 15° latitude of the Equator, The trend for rainfall changes in tropical regions is
particularly islands and coastal areas, have the highest quite variable. In two studies conducted by Wentz et al.
recorded temperature less than 5 °C above the average (2007) and Adler et al. (2008), the analysis of the rainfall
daytime maximum temperature in the warmest month. trend using observed climate data demonstrated that
This is due to the stability provided by the ocean tem- monthly average precipitation has been increasing since
peratures (Edelman et al. 2014). 1979 in the tropical regions situated within the latitudes
Atmospheric temperature records indicate that 30° S and 30° N. Another study by Gu et al. (2007)
warming has been occurring in the tropical troposphere demonstrated that rainfall in the tropical regions situated
since 1960s (Santer et al. 2005). Vuille and Bradley within the latitudes 25° S and 25° N has been experienc-
(2000) found that the tropical Andes’ temperature has ing an upward linear trend (0.06 mm/day per decade)
increased by 0.10–0.11 °C since 1939. They also over the ocean, and a downward linear trend (− 0.01
showed that the temperature trend varied depending on mm/day per decade) over land. To be more exact, 5.5%
the altitude, with the warming trend generally reducing increase and 1% decrease has occurred over a 27-year
with increasing elevation. Vecchi and Soden (2007) period (1979–2005) in tropical oceans and lands,
have also claimed that the Indian Ocean temperatures respectively. Feng et al. (2013) focused on the seasonal
have remained relatively unchanged, whereas the rest of distribution and variability of rainfall and found in-
the tropics’ temperatures have become warmer. On av- creases in the inter-annual variability of seasonality in
erage, the tropics’ temperature has increased by 0.7–0.8 most of the dry tropical areas.
°C over the last century, and climate models predict a
further increase of 1–2 °C by 2050 and 1–4 °C by 2100
(Edelman et al. 2014). Streamflow

Rainfall Tropical river systems are highly affected by the annual

and inter-annual variability of the Inter-Tropical Con-
The climate of the tropical regions is characterized by vergence Zone (ITCZ) (Syvitski et al. 2014). In terms of
high humidity and rainfall, with rainfall being the most water discharge, of the ten largest rivers in the world,
variable element in these regions (Mc Gregor and eight of them are tropical rivers: The Amazon, Congo,
Nieuwolt 1998). Both the quantity and the temporal Orinoco, Brahmaputra, Parana, and three tributaries of
distribution of rainfall are important since they are ap- the Amazon River, including the Negro, Madeira, and
plied to distinguish the climatic zones in the tropics Japura rivers. All tropical rivers experience high but
(Latrubesse et al. 2005). Latrubesse et al. (2005) cate- variable peak flows over both the wet and dry seasons.
gorized tropical rainfall into three main types: (i) con- Additionally, some tropical rivers have two flood peaks
vective, (ii) cyclonic, and (iii) orographic. In general, within a year: (1) principle flood peak and (2) secondary
tropical climates have small spatial variations in temper- flood peak (Latrubesse et al. 2005). Due to the complex-
ature, but large spatial variation in precipitation. The ity of tropical climates, it is difficult to define a unique
tropics include both the driest and wettest areas of the regime for tropical rivers. Nonetheless, Latrubesse et al.
world such as the Atacama Desert, on the west coast of (2005) classified tropical rivers into two main groups:
South America, with mean annual rainfall less than 1 (1) rivers with clear high and low discharges and (2)
mm, and Western Colombia and Hawaii, with more than rivers with two flood peaks over a year. Syvitski et al.
10,000 mm annual total rainfall (Edelman et al. 2014). (2014) described that most tropical rivers are character-
In addition to rainfall quantity, the frequency and ized by strong seasonality. For instance, the Godavari
intensity of the rainfall are quite variable in the tropics. River in India can deliver extremely high discharge
Duitenzorg in Indonesia, for example, experiences in- (thousands of m3/s), while also becoming completely
tense and brief thunderstorms almost daily. It averages dry during the same year (Syvitski et al. 2014).
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The framework of climate change impact assessment

on river hydrology

Climate change has significant impacts on all aspects of

the hydrological cycle. Numerous modelling studies
have been used to assess the impacts of climate change
on runoff in different regions (Pilling and Jones 2002;
Maurer 2007; Fowler and Kilsby 2007; Ranger et al.
2011; Wang et al. 2012; Aissia et al. 2012; Huang et al.
2013; Camici et al. 2014; Teferi et al. 2015; Apurv et al.
2015; Sorribas et al. 2016; Duan et al. 2017). Figure 2
indicates the approach of most studies for evaluating
climate change impacts on future river runoff. The first
step is the selection of a general circulation model
(GCM) model over the current and future periods. The
next step is to select an emission scenario for climate Fig. 2 Framework of climate change impact assessment on river
change impact assessment. Next, bias correction and/or hydrology
downscaling methods are applied to convert GCM pro-
jections for climatic variables into regional scale for the The climate model intercomparison project (CMIP)
purpose of regional climate change impact assessment. is a standard experimental framework for the purpose to
After downscaling the GCM data, a simulation model is study the output of coupled atmosphere-ocean GCMs.
required for obtaining river runoff and flow conditions CMIP provides standard or benchmark experiments that
using the future rainfall and other climate data. The indicate critical tests of a model’s ability for simulating
observed and simulated hydrological conditions of the the observed climate. CMIP5 (CMIP Phase 5) is the
river need to be compared in order to calibrate the most extensive among CMIPs, which can potentially
simulation model and find a trend of changes over time. enhance a standard set of model simulations to (1) assess
In order to analyze the results, scenarios can be defined, how accurate the models are in simulating the recent
such as the consideration of changes in land use, river past; (2) project future climate change on two time
morphology, human activities, and reservoir construc- scales, including long-term (out to 2100 and beyond)
tion and operation. and near term (out to about 2035); and (3) identify the
The main four steps, mentioned in the framework in uncertainty in model projections. CMIP5 includes de-
Fig. 2, will be discussed in the following sections. cadal length predictions and long-term simulations
(IPCC 2013). Considering that horizontal resolution of
the climate data is too low to resolve important features
GCMs and emission scenarios at regional scales, downscaling techniques and/or bias
removal are required to derive site-scale climate infor-
Projections of future climate change are usually made mation from the coarser resolution GCM outputs.
using GCMs. Amongst other climatic variables, GCMs Climate change has been and will continue being
predict precipitation and temperature under possible significantly dependent on human activities in the com-
future scenarios or historical trajectories, including ing years. These human activities define the amount of
changes/trends in CO2 concentration, industry, econo- emission and concentration of greenhouse gases in the
my, land use, and population. GCMs simulate heat/mass atmosphere. In 2000, the IPCC published different emis-
exchange processes between atmosphere, ocean, and sion scenarios in the Special Report on Emission Sce-
earth surface in a three-dimensional form (Schlesinger narios (SRES), each of which was based on various
1983). Their outputs include many climate aspects such assumptions of greenhouse gas emissions and economic
as the atmosphere and ocean temperatures, precipitation, and industrial growth. The emissions of greenhouse
wind, cloud cover, and sea ice extent. Additionally, gases in these scenarios were established according to
GCMs are tested against historical observations for cal- factors such as population changes, economic and in-
ibration and validation (IPCC 2014). dustrial growth, and the policy importance of the
Environ Monit Assess (2019) 191:752 Page 7 of 23 752

environment. The four main greenhouse gases emission Downscaling methods and bias correction
scenarios established through IPCC were (1) A1, (2) A2,
(3) B1, and (4) B2. In the A1 emission scenario, a GCM projections for climatic variables (e.g., tempera-
positive forecast is applied to the future of the global ture, rainfall, wind, vapor pressure, etc.) are usually
economy and new industry supply. This scenario con- coarse in resolution (typically 80–300 km), and there-
siders the largest population growth in mid-century and fore, they are usually unsuitable for regional scale ap-
predicts a subsequent downward trend; furthermore, it plication, such as in the assessment of the impact of
assumes a rapid improvement in economic growth and climate change on river streamflow. Due to their coarse
new technology. The A1 emission scenario is classified resolution, GCMs are incapable of capturing local cli-
into three subgroups: (1) A1F1 (use of fossil fuels), (2) mate features affected by smaller scale variations of land
A1T (use of non-fossil fuels), and (3) A1B (use of both cover and topography. As such, the influence of these
fossil fuels and non-fossil fuels). A2 emission scenario variations on climatic variables (e.g., on precipitation
considers large population growth and slow economic and temperature) is eliminated, although these variations
growth. Population distribution remains constant in the play a pivotal role in the formation and distribution of
B1 emission scenario, which assumes a larger popula- these variables. To solve this resolution problem, cli-
tion in mid-century, since when this trend is similarly mate predictions from GCMs should be first translated
downward; moreover, rapid changes in economic for regional impact assessment, using some sort of
growth are considered. The rate of population growth downscaling techniques. There are two general methods
in the B2 emission scenario is lower than the A1 sce- for downscaling climate change projections: (1) statisti-
nario, and the economy grows at an average rate. In the cal downscaling and (2) dynamic downscaling.
B2 scenario, more attention is focused on environmental Statistical downscaling uses observed relationships
conservation (IPCC 2000). between large-scale climate variables (predictors) and
In 2014, four new pathways, namely representative small-scale climate variables (predicted) to generate
concentration pathways (RCPs), were developed for fine-grain time series from GCM outputs. In other
climate modelling and research, which have replaced words, regional variables are expressed as a function
the four emission scenarios from IPCC (2014). RCPs (a statistical model) of large-scale variables. For in-
result from scientific collaboration between climate stance, rainfall at a site may be correlated with large-
modellers, emission experts, and ecosystem modellers. scale atmospheric pressure fields. If such a relationship
The word “representative” emphasizes that RCPs indi- exists, this relationship (i.e., this model) can be used to
cate a larger set of scenarios in the current scientific project future rainfall using pressure fields simulated by
literature. The term “concentration pathway” signifies a GCM. The relationship between the two variables is
that introduced RCPs are not the final scenarios; in other achieved through regression methods (e.g., multiple
words, RCPs are not complete in terms of fully integrat- regression statistics, principal component or canonical
ed socio-economic, emission, and climate projections. correlation analysis, neural networks) (Bhend et al.
Radiative forcing levels of + 8.5, + 6, + 4.5, and + 2.6 2015). The most simplistic and common type to statis-
W/m2 in the year 2100 relative to pre-industrial values tical downscaling is the “bias-corrected spatial down-
gave rise to the four RCPs: (1) RCP 8.5, (2) RCP 6, (3) scaling” method (Räty et al. 2014). This method consists
RCP 4.5, and (4) RCP 2.6 (Van Vuuren et al. 2011). of computing the biases between recent climate obser-
Give the comparison between RCPs and SRES, a vations and recent climate derived from GCMs, and
parallel approach is applied in the development of then adjusting the GCM future climate projections for
RCP scenarios, which allows for policy changes in these biases, thus generating a new time series for the
the socio-economic scenarios, while SRES uses a site under study. In other words, a relationship is first
sequential approach for scenario determination, obtained between recent climate observations (fine
where political and legislative actions have no scale) and recent climate GCM model outputs (larger
impact on the development of these scenarios. scale), for a same variable, and this relationship is used
Therefore, if there is a change in any previous to generate a finer-scale future time series from the
scenarios of RCPs, changes can be imposed to larger-scale future time series derived from GCMs. An-
one individual scenario, without restarting the other simplistic method is the delta change method or
whole sequence of scenarios. change factor method. In this method, the present value
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for a variable of interest, such as temperature, that a of bias correction methods are (1) linear scaling, (2)
GCM produces, is subtracted from the future projected local intensity scaling, (3) power transformation, (4)
value for this variable of interest. This difference is then variance scaling, (5) distribution transfer, (6) the delta-
added to current observed climate for that variable in a change approach, (7) daily translation, (8) daily bias
local (finer) scale to obtain an estimate of possible future correction, (9) quantile mapping based on empirical
values at fine scale for that variable. This method com- distribution, and (10) quantile mapping based on gam-
bines the amount of change from the GCM with the ma distribution (Teutschbein and Seibert 2012; Chen
spatial and temporal variability from observed (current) et al. 2013).
climate (Helfer et al. 2012; Jahandideh-Tehrani et al.
2015). Simulation model
Dynamic downscaling nests a fine-scale climate
model (or regional climate model (RCM)) within a In order to evaluate climate change impacts on
GCM. In other words, GCM outputs are used as bound- streamflow, hydrological models are frequently applied.
ary conditions in RCM modelling. Dynamic methods These models employ predicted rainfall and other cli-
are used to obtain a finer and more precise representa- mate data (e.g., soil properties, vegetation cover, soil
tion of regional-scale features. In general, although dy- moisture content, watershed topography, features of
namic methods provide higher precision, they are ex- groundwater aquifer) as boundary conditions to drive
pensive and time consuming. The National Centers for the hydrologic processes, such as infiltration, runoff,
Environmental Prediction Regional Spectral Model and discharge. Such modelling results can be applied
(NCEP/RSM), Regional Climate Model (RegCM), to analyze climate impacts in relation to river hydrology
Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) System, and implications. Different hydrological models are catego-
Providing Regional Climates for Impacts Studies rized based on model inputs and parameters and the
(PRECIS) model are examples of models used for dy- extent of applied physical principles (Devi et al. 2015).
namic downscaling (De Sales and Xue 2010). Hydrological models in a river basin can be classified
The ability of GCMs and RCMs for simulating into different groups such as empirical models versus
Earth’s climate system is limited due to their inherent physical models, and lumped models versus distributed
simplifications. Therefore, model outputs have different models (Devi et al. 2015). Pechlivanidi et al. (2011)
kinds of biases compared to the observed climate. These classified hydrological models according to the model
biases are obstacles to the direct use of model outputs in structure, spatial distribution, stochasticity, and spatial-
climate change impact assessment. Consequently, mod- temporal resolutions. Model structure classification
el outputs are statistically verified based on model per- leads to (1) empirical (metric) models, (2) conceptual
formance in simulating the present climate. This post- models, and (3) physics-based models. Other classifica-
processing step is routinely used in model data for the tions of models mentioned in studies are (1) lumped and
purpose of promoting the feasibility of impact model distributed models, (2) deterministic and stochastic
simulations. Bias correction methods apply a transfor- models, (3) time-scale based classification, and (4)
mation algorithm to adjust original data from GCM or space-based classification (Pechlivanidi et al. 2011;
RCM outputs to match observed data. The purpose is to Devi et al. 2015). Empirical models are observation-
obtain the possible biases between the simulated and oriented as they need existing data for their mathemat-
observed climate variables in order to correct both con- ical equations. The performance of these models de-
trol and scenario runs. To be more precise, bias correc- pends on the range of available data, and therefore, they
tion approaches utilize the difference between RCM/ are valid within boundaries, which leads to limited
GCM outputs and the observation time series for the confidence in the results. Conceptual models include
control period to modify the RCM/GCM outputs for the the physical elements of a catchment. The calibration
future period (Teutschbein and Seibert 2012). Bias cor- process of these models involves curve fitting, which
rection methods can be classified into two main groups: makes the interpretation and prediction of land use
(1) employing the statistics (mean, standard deviation changes less reliable. Physically based models use state
and coefficient of variation) of future simulations; and variables, which are the function of both time and space.
(2) estimating the cumulative probability of correcting The main advantage of these models is that they do not
variables (Watanabe et al. 2012). Some typical examples require extensive hydrological data for calibration. In
Environ Monit Assess (2019) 191:752 Page 9 of 23 752

many studies, the combinations of previously defined change models, (3) bias correction and/or downscaling
models are applied, and are called hybrid models, in- methods, (4) hydrological modelling, (5) a summary of
cluding two or more elements of stated models. key findings, and (6) references.
Many developing countries suffer from lack of me- As can be seen in Table 2, highly different streamflow
teorological and hydrological data, which limits their projections have been reported. Both positive and nega-
capacity to plan efficient water resources management tive changes in streamflow are projected for the tropical
(Gebremichael and Hossain 2010). Therefore, in addi- areas of Asia. In Thailand, one study conducted in the
tion to the stated hydrological models, the runoff data upper Ping River Basin shows a decline in streamflow
can be obtained from the global data sets and remote (Sharma and Babel 2013). In Bangladesh, three basins
sensing, which ensure high-quality data in terms of (the Brahmaputra, Ganges, and Meghna basins) have
spatial and temporal resolution. In order to provide been studied under six climate models (Masood et al.
access to remote sensing data, the National Aeronautics 2015; Masood and Takeuchi 2016). Significant increase
and Space Administration (NASA) has launched the in river discharge is projected for all three basins, with the
Earth Observing System (EOS) program to collect in- Meghna basin experiencing the largest increase. There-
formation about Earth’s ocean, atmosphere, and land fore, with high confidence, it can be accepted that Ban-
surfaces through satellites (Tang et al. 2009). To manage gladesh will experience increased streamflow under cli-
and easily access vast amounts of NASA remote sensing mate change. India, Malaysia, and Vietnam have different
data, the Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information predictions for streamflow under climate change. In In-
Services Centre (GES DISC) hosted the NASA dia, four different catchments were studied, and different
Geospatial Interactive Online Visualization ANd aNal- trends in streamflow were obtained. The Mahanadi River
ysis Infrastructure (Giovanni) system which has been and the Upper Sind River basins are expected to have
developed in 2003 (Acker et al. 2014). Giovanni is a increased streamflow, while The River Chaliyar is pre-
Web-based online tool to visualize, analyze, and access dicted to experience reduced streamflow (Asokan and
a wide variety of remote sensing data, without having to Dutta 2008; Narsimlu et al. 2013; Raneesh and Santosh
download the data (Acker et al. 2014). The surface 2017). The streamflow of the Brahmani River basin
runoff data can be downloaded through Giovnni portals shows both increasing (considering rise of both rainfall
such as the North American Land Data Assimilation and temperature) and decreasing (considering the rise of
System (NLDAS) which provides precipitation, land temperature only) trends (Islam et al. 2012). Similar to
surface states (e.g., soil moisture and surface tempera- India, in Malaysia different streamflow trends have been
ture), and fluxes (e.g., evaporation and runoff) by inte- obtained for several watersheds of the Peninsular Malay-
grating observations with land surface modeling (Rui sia. While the Muda, Dungun, Kelantan, Terengganu,
et al. 2011). The National Climate Assessment - Land Pahang, and Perak River watersheds are expected to
Data Assimilation System (NCA-LDAS) is another experience significant increase in streamflow, the
Giovanni portal for obtaining routing variables, such streamflow of other watersheds, including the Selangor,
as runoff, flooded area, and streamflow, driven by the Johor, Southern Peninsular, and Kedah, are expected to
atmospheric forcing data from North American Land remain almost unchanged (Shaaban et al. 2011; Amin
Data Assimilation System Phase 2 (NLDAS-2) (Xia et al. 2017). The Klang watershed, at the west coast of
et al. 2012). The obtained precipitation and surface Peninsular Malaysia, is projected to have slight
runoff data from Giovanni can potentially benefit cli- streamflow decrease (Kabiri et al. 2015). In Vietnam,
mate prediction models. the Song Cau watershed, the Sesan catchment and the
Vu Gia-Thu Bon catchment will experience significant
increases in streamflow (Phan et al. 2011; Raghavan et al.
Review of climate change impacts on tropical rivers 2012; Duong et al. 2016). The streamflow of the Be River
Catchment in Vietnam is expected to decrease (− 5.6–
The reviewed studies on climate change projections of 5%) under six GCMs and increase (25.5%) under one
future streamflow in the tropical regions are summarized other GCM (Khoi and Suetsugi 2012, 2014). The appli-
in Tables 2, 3, 4, and 5 for Asia, Africa, Central and cation of different climate models and methodologies
South America, and Australia, respectively. These tables lead to these inconsistent predictions within the same
contain information about (1) study location, (2) climate catchment, as each methodology and each model take
752 Page 10 of 23 Environ Monit Assess (2019) 191:752

Table 2 Summary of climate change impacts on future streamflow in Asia

Country/region Climate model Bias correction/ Hydrological Key findings Reference

type (GCM or downscaling method modelling
RCM) and

Bangladesh (Meghna Basin) One GCM Monthly bias A global-scale Mean annual runoff (Masood
(A1B) correction hydrologic model increases by 34 and and
(calculating the ratio H08 39% over 2015–2039 Takeuc-
between the and the 2075–2099 hi 2016)
long-term monthly periods, respectively.
mean precipitation
of the WFD data and
that of the
for each month)
Bangladesh Five GCMs Monthly bias A global-scale By the end of the (Masood
(Ganges-Brahmaputra-- (A1B) correction hydrologic model century, runoff is et al.
Meghna Basin) (calculating the ratio H08 projected to increase 2015)
between the by 16.2, 33.1 and
long-term monthly 39.7% in the
mean precipitation Brahmaputra,
of the WFD data and Ganges, and Meghna,
that of the respectively.
for each month)
India (the River Chaliyar) One GCM Nonlinear bias SWAT (physically Streamflow is expected (Raneesh
(A2, B2) correction (Leander based model) to decline under two &
and Buishand 2007). scenarios. Santosh,
The use of PRECIS 2017)
RCM for
India (the Upper Sind River One GCM The use of PRECIS SWAT (physically The average annual (Narsimlu
Basin) (A1B) RCM for based model) streamflow will et al.
downscaling. increase by 16.4 and 2013)
93.5% over the
mid-century and
India (the Brahmani River Six GCMs PRMS run under the Annual streamflow will (Islam
Basin) (A2) platform of MMS) decrease by 6 and et al.
(distributed model) 11% under 2 and 4°C 2012)
temperature rise,
However, considering
the rise of both
rainfall and
temperature, the
annual streamflow
will increase by 62%.
India (the Mahanadi River One GCM Simple downscaling IISDHM (distributed The intensity of flood in (Asokan &
Basin) (A2) based on Thiessen model) September and Dutta,
polygons. drought in April will 2008)
increase over
Malaysia (Malaysia Peninsular) One RCM RegHCM-PM The RegHCM-PM Mean monthly (Shaaban
(consists of a streamflow remains et al.
mesoscale consistent during 2011)
atmospheric model both the future and
component and a historical periods for
Environ Monit Assess (2019) 191:752 Page 11 of 23 752

Table 2 (continued)

Country/region Climate model Bias correction/ Hydrological Key findings Reference

type (GCM or downscaling method modelling
RCM) and

regional land all watersheds except

hydrology model the Kelantan and
component) Pahang. These two
watersheds will
experience significant
increase in
Malaysia (Klang watershed) One GCM Statistical downscale HEC-HMS The average annual (Kabiri
(A2, B2) modelling. Mean (physically based mean discharge will et al.
and variance of data model) decrease by 9.4, 4.9 2015)
was adjusted by bias %, and increase by
correction. 3.4 % under the A2 in
the 2020s, 2050s, and
2080s, respectively.
The mean annual
discharge will
decrease about 17.3,
14.3 and 6.2 % under
the B2 scenario in the
2020s, 2050s, and
2080s, respectively.
Malaysia (Malaysia Peninsular) One RCM, Dynamic downscaling WEHY model Mean monthly flow is (Amin
boundary (physically based projected to increase et al.
condition model) over 2040–2100. 2017)
ensemble of
15 GCMs
(B1, A1FI,
A1B, A2)
Thailand (the upper Ping River One GCM Spatial downscaling HEC-HMS Annual streamflow will (Sharma
Basin) (A2, B2) techniques. GG (physically based decrease between and
transformation model) 13–19%. Babel
Method for bias 2013)
Vietnam (the Be River Seven GCMs SWAT (physically Six GCMs suggest that (Khoi and
Catchment) (A1B, A2, based model) the river flow will Suetsugi
B1, B2) change by small 2012)
amounts (− 5.6–5%
compared with the
baseline), while one
GCM shows a large
increase of 25.5% in
river flow.
Vietnam (Song Cau watershed) Stochastic Statistical downscaling SWAT (physically Mean annual discharge (Phan et al.
Weather based model) will increase under all 2011)
Generator emission scenarios
(LARS_W- for 2020s, 2030s, and
G) 2050s.
Software (B1,
B2, A2)
Vietnam (the Be River Ensemble of Delta change SWAT (physically Streamflow will (Khoi and
Catchment) four GCMs downscaling based model) decrease between 0.7 Suetsugi
(A1B, B1) and 6.9% due to 2014)
climate change, while
752 Page 12 of 23 Environ Monit Assess (2019) 191:752

Table 2 (continued)

Country/region Climate model Bias correction/ Hydrological Key findings Reference

type (GCM or downscaling method modelling
RCM) and

streamflow will
decrease between 2.0
and 3.9% due to the
combined impacts of
land-use and climate
Vietnam (the Sesan catchment One RCM, Dynamic downscaling SWAT (physically Streamflow is likely to (Raghavan
of the Lower Mekong Basin) boundary (WRF-NCEP). based model) increase over both et al.
condition Dakbla and Poko 2012)
from one river basins,
GCM (A2) especially during the
peak rainfall season.
Vietnam (Vu Gia–Thu Bon One RCM, Dynamic downscaling MIKE SHE The river flow might (Duong
catchment) boundary (RCM WRF) (physically based increase up to 200% et al.
condition model) during rainy season 2016)
from three and reduce to roughly
GCMs (A2) 7–30% during dry

WFD Water and Global Change Forcing Data, MRI-AGCM Meteorological Research Institute Atmospheric General Circulation Model,
SWAT Soil and Water Assessment Tool, PRMS Precipitation Runoff Modeling System, MMS Modular Modeling System, IISDHM The
Institute of Industrial Science Distributed Hydrological Model, RegHCM-PM Regional hydroclimate model of Peninsular Malaysia, HEC-
HMS Hydrologic Engineering Center- Hydrologic Modelling System, WEHY Watershed Environmental Hydrology, GG Gamma–Gamma,
WRF-NCEP Weather Research and Forecasting model, RCM WRF Regional Climate Model: Weather Research and Forecasting, SHE
Système Hydrologique Européen

different assumptions, leading to various outputs. The Nzoia river catchment, the Mara River basin in Kenya
discrepancies in the projected streamflow is the result of (Githui et al. 2009; Taye et al. 2011; Dessu and Melesse
many factors, such as catchment size, methodology 2013), as well as the Sassandra and Chari rivers in west
framework, and land use change. Due to these discrep- Africa (Dezetter et al. 2009) shows that future
ancies, it is difficult to draw a general conclusion regard- streamflow will experience an increased trend. Overall,
ing the trends of streamflow in Asia. Ethiopia and Ghana are likely to experience a decline in
As can be shown in Table 3, in Africa, there has been streamflow, while Kenya will probably experience in-
some studies on the Nile River basin, indicating in- creased streamflow.
creased streamflow over early century and decreased Tables 4 shows the seven studied basins in Central
streamflow over both mid and late century (Elshamy and South America. The Rio Grande River and the
et al. 2009; Kim and Kaluarachchi 2009; Beyene et al. Amazon River in Brazil are expected to experience
2010; Booij et al. 2011). Additionally, studies on the streamflow increase (Nobrega et al. 2011; Viola et al.
Lake Tana Basin in Ethiopia (Abdo et al. 2009; Setegn 2015; Sorribas et al. 2016). The Ipanema catchment and
et al. 2011), the White Volta and Pra river basins in the Tapajos Basin in Brazil, as well as the Rio Lempa
Ghana (Kankam-Yeboah et al. 2017), the Okavango Basin, in Central America (name Guatemala, Honduras,
river basin in Angola, Namibia, and Botswana and Mexico), are projected to experience decreased
(Andersson et al. 2006), as well as the Volta River basin, streamflow under climate change (Maurer 2009;
the Senegal and the Gambia rivers in west Africa Montenegro and Ragab 2010; Mohor et al. 2015). In
(Dezetter et al. 2009; Sood et al. 2017) demonstrated Ecuador, the Paute River Basin is expected to experi-
that the streamflow will decrease under climate change. ence increasing trend in streamflow (Buytaert et al.
By contrast, investigating the Nyando catchment, the 2009).
Environ Monit Assess (2019) 191:752 Page 13 of 23 752

Table 3 Summary of climate change impacts on future streamflow in Africa

Country/region Climate Bias correction/downscaling Hydrological Key findings Reference

model type method modelling
(GCM or
RCM) and

Angola, Namibia Four Delta change downscaling Modified version of River flow will decrease by (Andersson et al.
and Botswana GCMs the monthly 20% (14%) under A2 (B2), 2006)
(the Okavango (A2, B2) Pitman model respectively over
River Basin) (semi distributed 2050–2080. Flow will
model) decrease by 26% (17%)
under A2 (B2),
respectively over
Ethiopia (the Blue Ensemble Bias correction with NFS model Mean annual runoff (Elshamy et al.
Nile Basin) of 17 distribution mapping (conceptual coefficient will reduce by 2009)
GCMs approach and adjusting the distributed 3.5%.
(A1B) fitted distributions within a model)
GCM grid cell (spatially
Ethiopia (the Six GCMs Triangular cubic interpolation A two-layer water Mild increases in runoff. Low (Kim and
Upper Blue (A2) method for downscaling balance model flow will increase. Kaluarachchi
Nile River (lumped model) 2009)
Ethiopia (the Lake Ensemble The historical modification SWAT (physically Five of the nine models (Setegn et al.
Tana Basin) of nine approach for downscaling based model) indicate significant 2011)
GCMs reductions in annual
(A1B, streamflow over the
B1, A2) 2080–2100 period.
Ethiopia (the One GCM Statistical downscaling model HBV (semi Runoff volume in the wet (Abdo et al. 2009)
Gilgel Abay (A2, B2) distributed season will reduce by 11.6
catchment in conceptual and 10.1% under A2 and
the Lake Tana model) B2, respectively, in 2080s.
Ghana (the White Two GCMs A stochastic weather SWAT (physically The White Volta Basin: the (Kankam-Yeboah
Volta and Pra (A1FI) generator based model) mean annual streamflow et al. 2017)
River Basins) LARS-WG will reduce by 22 and 50%
in the 2020s and 2050s,
respectively. The Pra
Basin: streamflow will
decrease by 22 and 46%
over the 2020s and 2050s,
Kenya (equatorial Ensemble Frequency perturbation Two hydrological Mean runoff and extreme (Taye et al. 2011)
lakes region) of 17 downscaling approach models: VHM peak flows will increase in
GCMs and NAM the 2050s in Nyando
(A1B, (lumped catchment, while the Lake
B1) conceptual Tana catchment has unclear
model) trend for mean volumes
and high/low flows.
Kenya (Nzoia Five GCMs SWAT (physically On average, streamflow will (Githui et al.
river catchment (A2, B2) based model) increase. ECHAM4 shows 2009)
in the Lake the highest increase in
Victoria Basin) annual runoff, while
HADCM3 indicates the
lowest runoff increase.
CCSR indicates a decrease
in baseflow under A2 for
752 Page 14 of 23 Environ Monit Assess (2019) 191:752

Table 3 (continued)

Country/region Climate Bias correction/downscaling Hydrological Key findings Reference

model type method modelling
(GCM or
RCM) and

Kenya/Tanzania Five GCMs Delta and direct statistical SWAT (physically River flow volume will (Dessu and
(the Mara River (A1B, downscaling based model) increase significantly for Melesse 2013)
Basin) A2, B1) the periods 2046–2065 and
Southern Africa One RCM RCM and statistical A development of Average annual runoff will (Arnell et al.
(A2) downscaling. the macroscale decrease by 20%, and small 2003)
runoff model increase is also expected in
described by northern Tanzania and
Arnell (1999) western Madagascar.
West Africa (the One RCM, Dynamic downscaling SWAT (physically River flow will decrease up to (Sood et al. 2017)
Volta River bound- (COSMO-CLM). Bias based model) 40%.
Basin) ary correction using data from
condi- the Climate Research Unit
tion from (Mitchell and Jones 2005)
one as a reference.
West Africa (four One GCM Superimposing the GCM grid The hydrological Runoff will decrease in the (Dezetter et al.
main rivers: the (A2) on the finer CRU grid. model GR2M Senegal and Gambia 2009)
Senegal, the (conceptual catchments, while runoff
Gambia, the model) will increases for that of the
Sassandra and Chari and the Sassandra.
the Chari)
The Nile River Ensemble Using empirical The VIC In almost all 11 GCMs, the (Beyene et al.
Basin of 11 quantile–quantile mapping (semi-distributed Nile River is expected to 2010)
GCMs for downscaling. For bias grid-based land experience increase in
(A2, B1) correction the resampling surface model) streamflow early in the
approach of Wood et al. study period (2010–2039),
(2002, 2004) was applied while streamflow is
to create a daily time series expected to decrease
for the hydrology model. during mid- (2040–2069)
and late- (2070–2099)
The Nile River Three Bias correction by The HBV (semi Discharges are expected to (Booij et al. 2011)
upstream Lake GCMs multiplying daily GCM distributed decrease by 40 and 60% for
Nasser (B1 and values with the ratio of the conceptual 2065 and 2100,
A2) mean monthly observed model) respectively
value and the mean
monthly GCM simulated
value for the respective

NFS The Nile Forecast Center, HBV Hydrologiska Byråns Vattenbalansavdelning, LARS-WG Weather Generator Long Ashton Research
Station, VHM A Dutch abbreviation for “generalized lumped conceptual and parsimonious model structure identification and calibration”,
NAM The Danish “Nedbør-Afstrømnings-Model”, ECHAM4 European Centre HAMburg 4, HADCM3 Hadley Centre Coupled Model
(version 3), CCSR Centre for Climate Research System, COSMO-CLM The Consortium for Small-scale Modeling in Climate Model, CRU
Climatic Research Unit, VIC variable infiltration capacity
Environ Monit Assess (2019) 191:752 Page 15 of 23 752

Table 4 Summary of climate change impacts on future streamflow in Central and South America

Brazil (the Ipanema Two A hydrological Streamflow will decrease by 34, 65, (Montenegro
catchment) GCMs distributed and 72% for the time spans 2010– and Ragab
(B1, A2) catchment scale 2039, 2040–2069, and 2070–2099, 2010)
model (DiCaSM) respectively.

Brazil (the Amazon Five Bias correction using both MGB-IPH model Mean and maximum river discharge (Sorribas
Basin) GCMs distribution mapping (distributed is projected to increase over et al.
(RCP (“quantile-quantile”) and model) (2070–2099) 2016)
8.5) the delta-change
Brazil (the Upper One RCM Dynamic downscaling The LASH model The annual runoff is expected a small (Viola et al.
Grande River (A1B) (Distributed, reduction over 2011–2040, but for 2015)
Basin) Semi physical) 2041–2099, the trend will change
to strong increase.
Brazil (the Rio One GCM Dynamic downscaling MGB-IPH model Mean annual river discharge will (Nobrega
Grande Basin) (A1B, (distributed increase by 5–10%. et al. 2011)
A2, B1, model)
Brazil (the Tapajos Four Dynamic downscaling MHD-INPE Decreasing discharge is predicted (Mohor et al.
Basin) GCMs model over 2011–2099. 2015)
(RCP (Distributed)
Central America (the Ensemble Statistical downscaling and The VIC (Liang Median of reservoir inflow will (Maurer
Rio Lempa Basin) of 16 systematic bias et al., 1994) change by 13% (B1) and 24% (A2) 2009)
GCMs correction (distributed, over 2070–2099. Frequency of low
(B1, physically-- flow years increases.
A2) based model)
Ecuador (Four Ensemble Conceptual model The average monthly discharge will (Buytaert
mesoscale of 20 remain almost constant. The et al.
hydrological GCMs inter-annual variability in monthly 2009)
catchments in the (A1B) discharge ranges between ± 30 and
Paute River Basin) ± 65%.

MGB-IPH An Acronym from the Portuguese for Large Basins Model and Institute of Hydraulic Research, LASH Lavras Simulation of

Only a few studies have been conducted in the trop- northeast coast) using 15 GCMs. This study showed
ical regions of Australia (Northern Australia), and there- that seven GCMs indicated 29% increase in mean an-
fore, the knowledge of streamflow changes in this re- nual runoff, whereas the other GCMs indicated 26%
gion is limited. Petheram et al. (2012) studied decrease. Therefore, no specific trend of streamflow
Australia’s northern regions (Timor Sea, Gulf of change could be obtained for Australia.
Carpentaria, and the most northern section of the

Table 5 Summary of climate change impacts on future streamflow in Australia

Country/region Climate model Bias Hydrological Key findings Reference

type (GCM or correction/ modelling
RCM) and downscaling
scenarios method

Australia, Northern Ensemble of 15 Statistical Five Seven GCMs show 29% increase in mean (Petheram
regions ( Timor Sea, GCMs downscaling lumped-- annual runoff, while other GCMs show et al.
Gulf of Carpentaria, (A1B) (empirical conceptual 26% decrease (during 2046–2065 2012)
and North-East Coast) scaling rainfall-runoff relative to 1930–2007)
method) models
752 Page 16 of 23 Environ Monit Assess (2019) 191:752

From the analysis of the above studies, it can be downscaling approaches, the delta change and the bias-
concluded that establishing a unique trend for the corrected spatial downscaling methods are the most
world’s tropical rivers is impossible due to high com- widely used approaches (Andersson et al. 2006; Helfer
plexity of the tropical climates and uncertainty of cli- et al. 2012; Khoi and Suetsugi 2012; Dessu and Melesse
mate change predictions. As a result, authors have found 2013; Khoi and Suetsugi 2014; Sorribas et al. 2016).
different trends for projected discharges, both in the The delta change technique is generally based on calcu-
tropical regions as well as in individual tropical coun- lating the differences between the simulated future cli-
tries. This is due to the influence of several factors on the mate and the simulated present climate, and then adding
response of individual catchments, including emission these changes to recent climate observations. By con-
scenarios, climate model characteristics, studied pe- trast, the bias-corrected spatial downscaling method is
riods, land use changes, human activities, agricultural based on computing the biases between the modelled
activities, and different bias correction and downscaling current climate and the observed current climate, and
methods. Consequently, the corresponding uncertainties then, by assuming constant model bias, adjusting the
in climate change impacts predictions, as well as those modelled future climate for the calculated biases. The
uncertainties in model simulations, should be investi- quantile-quantile transformation (also called quantile
gated precisely in order to minimize inappropriate pro- mapping) is another statistical method which was ap-
jections. Regarding the difference between the features plied in some studies (e.g., Beyene et al. 2010; Sorribas
of each climate model, most studies applied more than et al. 2016).
one climate model in order to produce more reliable According to Tables 2, 3, 4, and 5, the statistical
results in the form of a range of possible outcomes. downscaling is the most applied tool to generate local
Moreover, most studies utilized bias correction methods climate variables. The second most applied tool is the
to improve the downscaled data of the climate models, dynamic downscaling technique (i.e., the use of regional
thus reducing, to some extent, the uncertainty of the climate models). The dynamic downscaling approach is
research outcomes. To reduce the uncertainties and pre- based on equations of conservation of mass, energy and
vent inconsistent trend predictions, historical observa- momentum, and as such, it accounts for physical inter-
tions should be compared with model outputs, and only actions between most land-atmosphere processes. Het-
models that indicate a satisfactory agreement between erogeneity in regional topography, vegetation, soil, and
the historical and simulated data, should be selected. climate is considered in dynamic downscaling (Amin
et al. 2017), which leads to more reliable results. Bias
Applied methods correction is another approach to correct GCM/RCM
model outputs for future periods. Several methods for
As stated before, reviewed studies applied different bias correction have been used, such as monthly bias
tools to evaluate and predict the impacts of climate correction (calculating the ratio between the long-term
change on tropical streamflow. In terms of climate monthly mean of the observed and simulated climate
models, GCMs are the most commonly applied climate data for each month) (e.g., Masood et al. 2015; Masood
models as they are able to simulate more climate as- and Takeuchi 2016), or distribution mapping (e.g.,
pects, and have also been validated against historical Elshamy et al. 2009; Sorribas et al. 2016). The GG
observations. Among the greenhouse gas emission sce- transformation method was applied by Sharma and
narios, the A2 emission scenario, which is based on Babel (2013) to reduce the biases between the daily
large population growth and slow economic growth in GCM simulated precipitation and observed rainfalls.
the future, is the most favorable one. However, most They also improved the prediction of rainfall amount
studies applied more than one emission scenario and and frequency, as well as number of rainy days through
made comparisons in order to consider all possible GG.
scenarios for economic, human activity, and population As stated before, in order to evaluate climate change
growth rates. Most of the reported studies applied sta- impacts on streamflow at watershed scale, hydrological
tistical downscaling and/or bias correction of the RCM models, driven by future climate data (e.g., temperature,
and/or GCM outputs to provide reliable information at rainfall and evapotranspiration) are used for predicting
regional and basin scales with regard to spatially coarse the streamflow changes. According to Tables 2, 3, 4, and
resolution of local land conditions. Among the statistical 5 numerous papers emphasized using the SWAT model
Environ Monit Assess (2019) 191:752 Page 17 of 23 752

(e.g., Githui et al. 2009; Setegn et al. 2011; Phan et al. exact, the frequency and intensity of the rainfall vary
2011; Raghavan et al. 2012; Khoi and Suetsugi 2012; across the tropics. For example, Duitenzorg in Indo-
Narsimlu et al. 2013; Dessu and Melesse 2013; Khoi nesia is characterized by intense thunderstorms all
and Suetsugi 2014; Sood et al. 2017; Kankam-yeboah year round, while Rio Branco in Brazil experiences
et al. 2017; Raneesh and Santosh 2017). Other applied only 100 mm rainfall during the dry season
hydrological models were the MGB-IPH model (e.g., (Latrubesse et al. 2005). In terms of streamflow
Nobrega et al. 2011; Sorribas et al. 2016), the NFS temporal pattern, the streamflow is highly variable
model (e.g., Elshamy et al. 2009), the HBV model even within a single year. For example, rivers of the
(e.g., Abdo et al. 2009) and the VIC model (e.g., Maurer Indian subcontinent can potentially deliver extreme
2009; Beyene et al. 2010). For more detailed streamflow discharge, while they can also become completely
studies, physically based models such as HEC-HMS dry within the same year (Syvitski et al. 2014).
(e.g., Sharma and Babel 2013; Kabiri et al. 2015), and These rainfall and streamflow variabilities confirm
MIKE-SHE (e.g., Duong et al. 2016) were applied. the necessity of investigating future rainfall and
Overall, it can be concluded that the uncountable streamflow conditions in the tropics at regional
number of methodological frameworks lead to inconsis- and/or local scales.
tent predictions, with not enough evidence to make & Evaluation of tools and approaches used in climate
results reliable. Therefore, it is vital to synthesize knowl- change impact assessment studies in regions be-
edge by applying multi-member model ensembles and tween tropical boundaries: Climate change model
model intercomparison projects (e.g., water projects; outputs, greenhouse gas emission scenarios, bias
agricultural projects; urban development planning). correction and downscaling methods, as well as
The approach for the treatment of uncertainty could vary hydrological models are the required tools for eval-
based on the required adaptation. The adaptation strate- uating the impacts of climate change on future
gy could be either coping, adjusting, or transforming, streamflow. These tools consist of different ap-
and each strategy will require specific uncertainty proaches and have different classifications. After
treatment. analysing the results of the studied papers, it could
be concluded that the different applications of the
Key findings and discussions various methods is one of the reasons for different
streamflow projections, regardless of catchment
The large number of studies reviewed in this paper show size, topographic features, land use pattern changes,
that there are several influencing factors on the response and human activities. Most of the studies from the
of individual catchments to projected climate change. literature review applied more than one climate
Therefore, reported streamflow projections across re- model and bias correction methods in order to obtain
gions located between the tropical boundaries is various, more accurate predictions and reduce uncertainty.
which makes it difficult to draw general conclusions GCM outputs and the A2 scenarios are the most
regarding the future streamflow trend. A summary of frequently applied driving forces and greenhouse
the main findings of the reviewed literature is listed as gas emission scenarios, respectively. The reason
follows: for the popularity of GCM model outputs is that
they are tested against historical observations as well
& Evaluation of temperature, rainfall, and streamflow as their potential in simulating complex climate
conditions in regions between tropical boundaries: aspects. In terms of downscaling methods, the delta
Hot and humid weather, extreme rainfall, and con- change is the most widely applied method due to its
siderable high solar radiation are the main features simplicity and the ability to preserve the observed
of the climate for the tropical regions. In terms of pattern of temporal and spatial variability of climate
temperature, the mean annual temperatures are data. Among the hydrological modelling ap-
above 18 °C, and the increasing distance from the proaches, the SWAT model is the most favorable
Equator makes the annual temperature variations tool as it considers the physical features of the
larger. In terms of rainfall patterns, tropical rainfall catchment. The studies which applied the SWAT
is highly variable, with the wettest and driest parts of model emphasized its capability in capturing the
the world being located in the tropics. To be more impacts of land management practices (e.g., land
752 Page 18 of 23 Environ Monit Assess (2019) 191:752

use and land cover changes, reservoir management, scenarios, and multi-downscaling techniques, which
groundwater withdrawals, and water transfer) on is impractical due to time and computational limita-
water, sediment, and agricultural chemical yields in tions. Consequently, the most efficient solution is to
large complex watersheds. The possibility of inte- synthesize knowledge by applying multi-member
grating SWAT into a GIS system is another impor- model ensembles and model intercomparison pro-
tant reason which leads to this extensive use. jects (e.g., water projects and agricultural projects).
& Finding a trend for future streamflow change under Additionally, the approach for the treatment of un-
climate change conditions in regions between trop- certainty will vary based on the required adaptation.
ical boundaries: The analysis of projected The adaptation strategy could be coping, adjusting,
streamflow trends in tropical countries revealed that or transforming, and each strategy requires specific
there is no clear trend for the entire regions limited to uncertainty treatment.
the tropical boundaries. Some tropical countries,
such as Ethiopia and Ghana, are expected to expe-
rience a reduction in annual mean streamflow; other
countries, such as Bangladesh and Kenya, are ex- Conclusions
pected to experience an increase in annual mean
streamflow; and some other countries, like Ecuador, Hydrological variability is one of the main challenges
are expected to have no significant changes in an- facing integrated water resource management. Consid-
nual mean streamflow. Additionally, inconsistent ering both the volatile and changeable weather condi-
predictions within the same catchment are observed tions in the tropics and the importance of tropical rivers,
in the reviewed research. In Vietnam, for example, it is essential to have accurate prediction of future
the Be River Catchment is expected to experience streamflow under climate change. In this study, we
small amounts of streamflow changes, varying from summarized the projected climate change impacts on
− 5.6 to 5.0%, according to six GCMs. The same streamflow in the regions between the tropical bound-
catchment is expecting a 25.5% increase in aries. Present review also highlighted that uncountable
streamflow according to another GCM. number of methodological frameworks have been used,
& Identification of sources of uncertainty in which leads to inconsistent streamflow predictions. Dif-
streamflow projections under climate change: Pre- ferent streamflow predictions is the result of influencing
dictions of future streamflow vary mostly due to the factors (e.g., climate models, greenhouse gas emission
uncertainties associated with climate model predic- scenarios, hydrological models, climate data resolution,
tions. These predictions are heavily dependent on etc.), which are considered as sources of uncertainty. In
the trajectory of greenhouse gas emissions over the order to increase the confidence in the streamflow pre-
coming decades, which is affected by socioeconom- dictions, it is necessary to clarify the adaptation strategy
ic and technological factors, which are uncertain and synthesize knowledge by applying multi-member
variables. Other sources of uncertainties in climate model ensembles and model intercomparison projects.
change arise from model structural differences, cli- The present overview could potentially provide deci-
mate parameters, initial conditions, climate data res- sion makers with helpful information about the trends of
olution, downscaling methods, and hydrological streamflow changes considering different climate
models. Due to unceratinties in the stated sources, models and emission scenarios. In addition, an overview
an uncountable numbers of methodological frame- of previous research helps researchers find research
works have been applied. There is insufficient evi- issues in the realm of climate change. Based on the
dence to acknowledge the most efficient methodol- present review, the issues associated with the reviewed
ogy as same rivers indicated distinct trend projec- study can be summarized in having little attention to the
tions depending on the adopted methodology. potential uncertainty of climate models, emission sce-
& Proposing measures to reduce uncertainty and in- narios and particularly hydrological models. These is-
crease confidence in the predictions of streamflow sues lead to many discrepancies in the trends of
under climate change conditions: For minimizing streamflow changes even within one country. Addition-
the uncertainties, the optimal climate change impact ally, another issue is the low applications of dynamic
assessment tool should include multi-models, multi- downscaling, which can model spatial and temporal
Environ Monit Assess (2019) 191:752 Page 19 of 23 752

variabilities efficiently. Many researchers applied statis- Andersson, L., Wilk, J., Todd, M. C., Hughes, D. A., Earle, A.,
Kniveton, D., et al. (2006). Impact of climate change and
tical downscaling methods rather than dynamic down-
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while efforts should be made to use dynamic downscal- Apurv, T., Mehrotra, R., Sharma, A., Goyal, M. K., & Dutta, S.
ing more frequently as they provide more accurate and (2015). Impact of climate change on floods in the
precise results. Regarding the significant difference of Brahmaputra basin using CMIP5 decadal predictions.
Journal of Hydrology, 527, 281–291.
precipitation in the dry and wet seasons and strong Arnell, N. W. (1999). A simple water balance model for the
seasonality of the tropics, it is recommended that climate simulation of streamflow over a large geographic domain.
change impact analysis on streamflow should be studied Journal of Hydrology, 217(3-4), 314–335.
separately in the stated seasons to provide accurate Arnell, N. W., Hudson, D. A., & Jones, R. G. (2003). Climate
change scenarios from a regional climate model : Estimating
change in runoff in southern Africa. Journal of Geophysical
Research-Atmospheres, 108(D16), 4519.
Funding Information Funding for this project has been provid- Ashofteh, P. S., Bozorg-Haddad, O., & Mariño, M. A. (2013).
ed by Griffith University Postgraduate Research School through Scenario assessment of streamflow simulation and its transi-
the GUPRS scholarship, and Griffith University International tion probability in future periods under climate change. Water
Postgraduate Research School through the GUIPRS scholarship. Resources Management, 27(1), 255–274.
Supplemental Data Ashofteh, P. S., Bozorg-Haddad, O., Loáiciga, H. A., Asce, F., &
No data, models, or code were generated or used during the Mariño, M. A. (2016). Evaluation of the impacts of climate
study. variability and human activity on streamflow at the basin
scale. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering.
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