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Dianne Marie M.


1. What can we learn from the Medicis?

One of the things we can learn from the Medicis is having a vision for the arts, when hiring
someone to do work for you, you must make sure that the person hired knows and fully
understands the vision you had in mind to create what you desire and to create something
extraordinary and make sure what you spend your money on is surely to benefit you.

2. How come there was so much talent in this period?

At the time of the Renaissance, the amount of distractions and source of entertainment were
limited, not only that but the people with wealth at the time as well as the higher crust of society
had eyes for the arts and philosophy and were dedicated to making their city as a whole to look
as beautiful as their visions entail.

3. Why is it called the Renaissance?

It is called that because the buildings and the society as a whole in the 15th and 14th centuries
underwent huge changes, which is the start of a new beginning, the word “Renaissance” is
derived from a french word meaning “Rebirth”, stating the change of tides in this time period.

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