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Research Design

The researchers of the study utilized triangulation mixed method research design. Within this approach,

the quantitative data of the study have the same level of significance in the qualitative data. Generally, the

objective of this research design is to implement and combine several methods (quantitative and qualitative

methods) simultaneously not sequentially to increase the validity and quality of the study. Hence, the combined

methods do not necessarily cross the qual-quant divide. Thus, the aspects of this study included the accumulation

of statistics quantitatively followed by quantitative data gathering. In determining the knowledge and attitude of

the Cebuano citizens towards the COVID-19 vaccine, a non-experimental survey research was employed in the

quantitative phase. This type of research enables the utilization of a diverse approach to gather data, engage

respondents, and employ distinct "methods of instrumentation" (Ponto, 2015) which led the researchers to use an

adopted survey questionnaire from Akter et al., (2021). In the qualitative phase, the phenomenological approach

was conducted, the approach was formulated by Edmund Husserl and was developed through the latter work of

Heidegger, M. The approach was employed to determine the perception of the Cebuano’s which is based on

the respondents lived experience that includes their decision and willingness in acquiring and accepting the

COVID-19 vaccine. Thus, the researchers administered an open-ended questionnaire to address the goal.

Research Environment

This study was conducted on the major island of Central Visayas which is the island of Cebu. The locale

is situated from Northern Cebu, Central Cebu, and Southern Cebu. The respondents are from the different

barangays such as in Barangay Apas in Cebu City which as of 2015 Census reports has a total of 24, 591 residents,

Barangay Lamintak Sur in the Municipality of Medellin which has over 2,583 residents, barangay Tuyan in the

City of Naga with 11, 337 inhabitants, Barangay Paknaan in Mandaue City with at least 28,000 residents, and

Barangay Punta Engaño in Lapu-Lapu City which has over 8753 inhabitants. Cebu is a major island in the central
Visayas which has three highly urbanized cities namely: Cebu City, Mandaue City, and Lapu-Lapu City. The area

of the land is 4,468 square kilometers (1,725 sq. mi), making it the 9th largest island in the Philippines and with

a population of 2,938,982 inhabitants. Cebu is known for the tagline Queen City of the South for its strategic and

economic importance to the country. It is one of the most thriving cities in the country and the Cebuano language

is used in Cebu and most areas of Visayas.

Research Respondents

The primary participants of this study were the local citizens of Cebu. Particularly, Cebuano citizens

coming from Barangay Paknaan, Apas, Punta Engaño, Tuyan, and Lamintak Sur. Respectively, there are 100

participants from Brgy. Paknaan, 100 from Brgy. Apas and 100 from Brgy. Punta Engaño, Brgy. Tuyan and Brgy.

Lamintak Sur. In total, there are 500 participants based on the tallied number of respondents per barangay. The

sample size for the entire population was determined through purposive random sampling. Above all, among the

500 expected respondents only 368 were accumulated which corresponds 96 participants from Barangay

Lamintak Sur, 75 participants from Barangay Paknaan and Punta Engaño, 50 participants from Barangay Tuyan

and 62 participants from Barangay Apas for the reason that some respondents specifically the senior citizens and

person with comorbidities are sensitive about the vaccination which they find it difficult to take the survey and

choose to refuse.

Table 1
Frequency Distribution of Respondents Demographic Profile
Variables N Percentage
IATF Category
Front liners 82 22.3
Students 125 34
Senior Citizens 57 15.5
Person with Co-morbidities 22 6
Teachers/Social workers 82 22.3
Lamintak Sur 96 26.1
Paknaan 75 20.4
Punta Engaño 75 20.4
Tuyan 50 16.3
Apas 62 16.8
18-20 49 13.3
21-30 159 43.2
31-40 51 13.9
41-50 42 11.4
51-60 21 5.7
61-up 46 12.5
Female 241 65.5
Male 127 34.5
Highest Educational Attainment
Elementary Level 17 4.6
Elementary Graduate 12 3.3
High School Level 19 5.2
High School Graduate 45 12.2
Senior High School Level 12 3.3
Senior High School Graduate 8 2.2
College Level 152 41.3
College Graduate 103 28.0
Employment Status
Unemployed 160 43.5
Employed 208 56.5
Socio-economic status
P5 000 and below 143 38.9
P5 000- P8000 81 22
P9 000- P15 000 66 17.9
P16 000 and above 78 21.2
Total 368 100.0

Recruitment and Sampling Design

The respondents of the current study were Cebuano citizens. In choosing the members of the population to

participate in the study, purposive sampling was used. Using this sampling technique, the researchers selected a
sample size of 500 research participants from the given population. 100 respondents from Apas, 100 from Tuyan,

100 from Naga, 100 from Lamintak Sur, and another 100 from Punta Engaño. Thus, out of the 500 expected

research participants only 368 were accumulated, specifically 96 participants from Barangay Lamintak Sur, 75

participants from Barangay Paknaan and Punta Engaño, 50 participants from Barangay Tuyan and 62 participants

from Barangay Apas. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the chosen respondents were dependent on where the

researchers reside. The Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) vaccination priority list was used as a guide in

purposively selecting the respondents. Hence, an inclusion selection criterion was considered to define the key

features of the target population. This includes (a) front-line health workers, (b) students, (c) senior citizens, (d)

persons with comorbidities, and (e) teachers and social workers. Using this sampling technique, the researchers

may assess the level of knowledge and attitude in a broad sense.

In determining the general perception of the Cebuano’s, point of saturation in the qualitative phase was used.

If the researchers can acquire interview results that are duplicative and tend to be homogeneous, adding another

participant would not change the information. This redundancy signals the researchers that data collection can be

stopped. When the point of saturation is known, researchers can determine whether or not they have a concrete

perception of the topic.

Research Instrument

The data was gathered using a structured survey inquiry type and guide. Questions about their awareness

and knowledge about COVID 19 and COVID-19 vaccines were drafted and modified from the survey

questionnaire from World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

(CDC). The study also adapted and modified the type of research instrument presented in the study of Abdul,

Mursheda, Farhana (2020), and Akter (2021). The survey is broken into four sections. The demographic profile

of the respondents is the first part, which includes age, gender, educational attainment, employment, and

socioeconomic status. The second section consists of 10 multiple choice questions and 15 true or false questions

designed to assess respondents' knowledge on COVID-19 and the COVID-19 vaccination. The third section,
which consists of 10 items, is made up of statements that determine the level of attitude. The final section includes

five open-ended questions on the respondents' decision to take or not take the COVID-19 vaccine, as well as their

perceptions of the vaccine. The level of knowledge was measured based on the scaled score (Level of Knowledge,

scaled score from 1-7; below average, scaled score from 8-12; average, Scaled score of 13-19; above average)

(Sattler & Dumont,2004). A 4-point Likert scale was used to assess the level of attitude (Level of attitude, 4: very

positive, 3: positive, 2: negative, 1: very negative). The Colaizzi approach was used to assess the qualitative data.

Data Gathering Procedures

The researchers constructed a letter of consent validated by the Professor. The letter seeks to answer the

variables in the statement of the problem. The researchers utilized both quantitative and qualitative instruments


Phase 1: Preparation Stage

The researchers were able to send a letter of request addressing the barangay captains to conduct the study.

Consecutively, the letter sent was approved and the researchers were able to start conducting the study in 5

different barangays.

Phase 2: Quantitative Phase

The quantitative phase of the study consists of two parts; (I) the profiling of the respondents, and (II) the

adapted survey questionnaire which was taken from the study of Akter, et al., (2021) about the knowledge and

attitude and perceptions towards COVID-19 vaccination in Bangladesh and Center for Disease Control and

Prevention (CDC) and World Health Organization. In this phase, the quantitative portion of the study entails the

second and third segment of the adapted survey questionnaire. The researchers ensured that the total number of

respondents must reach the advisable sample size; 100 individuals per barangay.

Phase 3: Qualitative Phase

In the qualitative phase, general perception and beliefs of the respondents was identified through the

saturation point based on their responses on the open-ended questions. In this phase, a qualitative portion of the

study was specified in the fourth segment of the adapted survey questionnaire in identifying the perception of

Cebuano citizens towards COVID-19 vaccination.

Phase 4: Interpretation Phase

The data gathered was tabulated, analyzed, and interpreted. For the quantitative phase of the study, the

researchers used statistical tools to determine sociodemographic profile, the level of knowledge and attitude as

well as the significant difference with sociodemographic profile. Also, the researchers wanted to determine the

perception and significant relation of socio-demographic profile and decision. The researcher continued to do the

qualitative phase of the study and select purposely the respondents to whom their responses are relevant. This

was done through an actual interview through the open-ended questions stated on the adapted survey

questionnaire. Nevertheless, the researchers asked for consent from the participants. The gathered qualitative was

interpreted through Colaizzi Approach (Ghada Abu Shosha, 2013) for the narration of the answers of respondents.

Data Analysis and Treatment of Data

The data collected from the quantitative phase of the study was analyzed, tabulated, and interpreted.

Microsoft Excel and SPSS tools were used for quantitative analysis. For further information, the following

statistical tools provided validation and reliability of the information that the researchers gathered in this study.

First, determining the frequency count which corresponds to the tally of factors related to the profile of

respondents such as age, gender, educational attainment, economic status, and employment. Secondly, identifying

the scaled score of the respondents in determining the level of knowledge (Level of Knowledge, scaled score from

1-7; below average, scaled score from 8-12; average, Scaled score of 13-19; above average) (Sattler &

Dumont,2004). The significant difference between knowledge and socio-demographic profile was determined

through One-Way Anova. Then, finding the weighted mean which quantifies the response of the respondents

based on the level of attitude of the respondents (Level of Attitude, 1.00 – 1.75 Very Negative, 1.76 – 2.5

Negative, 2.51 – 3.25 Positive, 3.26 – 4.00 Very Positive). Further, Kruskal Wallis H-Test was performed to

identify the significant difference of the level of attitude and socio-demographic profile. A chi-squared test was
performed in determining the significant relationship between the decision and socio-demographic profile of the

respondents. Also, binary logistic regression was used to determine the significant relationship between the

knowledge and attitudes of the respondents towards their decision. For the qualitative phase of the study, the

researchers utilized the Colaizzi method. This method is used to depict, find, and determine the perception and

beliefs of the respondents towards the COVID-19 virus and the COVID-19 vaccination.

Ethical Consideration

This research study was carefully reviewed by the CNU Research Committee. The ethical principles that

were implemented during the research period starts with the participant's willingness to participate was taken into

account. Second, they are given a letter of consent that contains information and guarantees that they will be

protected and not harmed during the research period. Standard safety protocols were followed during the data

gathering procedure, specifically social distancing, sanitizing and mandatory wearing of masks and face shields

to avoid close contact. Furthermore, they have the right to withdraw at any time. The information gathered from

the participants was kept private throughout the study. Besides, the use of words and language in the questionnaire

was scrutinized and carefully considered. The work of the other authors who contributed to the study was then

acknowledged and noted. Finally, the data will be thoroughly analyzed and kept objective to avoid biases.

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