Concept Paper FINAL

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Republic of the Philippines

City of Olongapo
Olongapo City Sports Complex, East Tapinac, Olongapo City
Tel. No. (047) 224-2089 loc. 314

Employability of BS Customs Administration Graduates of Gordon College in

Olongapo City

Rivera, Nicole Ramos

Rodriguez, Samantha Q.

Ruegas, Hikaru Shaine D.

Sanchez, Charlene Y.

Sarmiento, Ralph Jell

Torres, Richard C.

Velgado, Vane D.

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine the Employability of the Bachelor of Science in Customs Administration

Graduates of the Gordon College Batch 2021-2022. This study also seeks to answer the following:

1. What is the profile of the BSCA Graduates as regards to:

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

1.3 Civil Status

1.4 Year graduated and

1.5 Whether employed or not employed

2. What is the status of the employed graduates in terms of the following factors:

2.1 present employment status

2.2 present position

2.3 length of stay in the first job

2.4 reasons for accepting job not related to the course

3. What are the reasons why some of the graduates are unemployed?

4. What are the suggestions given by the graduates to further improve course curriculum?

Preliminary Literature Review

Employability of BS Customs Administration Graduates of Lyceum of the Philippines University-


Case, K.A.M., Gutierrez, M.J.S., Magtibay, V.M.A., Mendoza, J.H.M., Mendoza, J.C., Encio, H.E.,

(2022). Employability of BS Customs Administration Graduates of Lyceum of the Philippines University-

Batangas, Asia Pacific Journal of Academic Research in Business Administration, 8(1), 105-118
This existing research study has the same purpose and objectives which can greatly help the researchers

in writing and conducting this research.

Employment Status of the Customs Administration Graduates of MPCF-LC

De Leon, M. (2013, September 19). Employment Status of the Customs Administration Graduates of

MPCF-LC [Slides]. Prezi.


This slide presentation shows a brief outline of the study and can be used as a guide of the researchers in

writing their research.

A Tracer Study On The Employment Status

Capala, C. C. (n.d.). A Tracer Study on the Employment Status (1). Scribd.

This study tackled about employment problems and other possible barriers, graduates and present job

seekers face in the corporate world. The researchers may use this study as a reference to formulate

questions to be used in the survey questionnaire.

Goal Statement

The specific goal was to present the profile of the respondents in terms of gender, year of graduation, and

employment status; to describe the impact of work-related values and school-related factors provided by

GC on their employability, and to propose an action plan based on the study's findings to improve the

employability of BSCA graduates at Gordon College.

Research Questions

The research question shows the main problem of the study is to determine the Employability of the
Bachelor of Science in Customs Administration Graduates of the Gordon College Batch 2021-2022.
1. Profile of Respondents:

1.1 Name 1.2 Gender 1.3 Age

2. Are you currently working as a customs broker?

a. Yes b. No c. Still looking & Applying

3. How many times did you experience Job interviews?

a. None b. 1-4 times c. 5 – 8 Times d. More than 9 times

4. What are the problems you encounter when you are looking for a job vacancy as a customs broker?

a. Lack of budgets to support all the requirements for applying

b. Lack of job vacancies due to pandemic

c. Still not ready to apply for a job and work as a custom broker

d. Didn’t get hired by the job openings

5. Can you rate your experience as you apply for a job in your desired course?

a.0% Very Poor b.25% Poor c.50% Fair

d.75% Good e. 100% Very Good

An Abridged Methodology

The methods that will be used by the researchers will help in gathering data in order to give rise to good

research outcomes and decisions considering this matter. The methodology may include, interviews,

surveys, and other research techniques, and could include both present and historical information.
This research study helps determine the employability of the BS Custom Administration Graduates of the

Gordon College Batch 2021-2022. For fulfilling the aim goal of this research study, it may use techniques

to identify, select, and analyze information applied to understanding the research problem, thereby,

allowing the readers to critically evaluate a study’s overall validity and reliability.


The researchers aim to conduct the research for 15 weeks. This is in line with the given schedule but due

to the pandemic, the schedule may still vary. Refer to the table below for the list of activities.


Week 1-4  Title Proposal Presentations

 Research Proposal Presentation

Week 5-8 Data Gathering

Week 9-11  Research Instrument Construction

 Draft Survey Questionnaire

 Final Questionnaire Due;

 Start Collecting Data as soon as the Final Questionnaire is approved

Week 12-15 Drafting the Findings, Conclusion, And Recommendations

Week 16-18 Presentation/ Final Defense of Research

Statement of the significance of the study

This study can serve as a basis or reference of the future researchers. The data gathered in this research

can help to assess the Customs Administration Employment rate of the Graduates of Gordon College in
order to improve what is lacking and may be used as a basis in formulating employment programs. The

results of this study would be a great help to the following:

To the institution: this study can help to assess the employment rate of their graduates. Through this

study, it will be easier to address certain matters base on the result of this research.

To the Customs Administration Graduates: This study can help assess which areas to improve.

Through this study, it can serve as a building block for employment collaborations and partnerships

which can help the institutions fresh graduates to locate a job.

To the Customs Administration Students: This study can serve as their basis for employment after they

graduate. In some cases, some students still do not know the path they are taking. Through this study,

they can foresee future job availability that awaits them.

To the Future Researchers: This study will be a source of information of another study that has the

same or related purpose and objectives.


 Case, K.A.M., Gutierrez, M.J.S., Magtibay, V.M.A., Mendoza, J.H.M., Mendoza, J.C., Encio,

H.E., (2022). Employability of BS Customs Administration Graduates of Lyceum of the

Philippines University-Batangas, Asia Pacific Journal of Academic Research in Business

Administration, 8(1), 105-118

 De Leon, M. (2013, September 19). Employment Status of the Customs Administration Graduates

of MPCF-LC [Slides]. Prezi.


 Capala, C. C. (n.d.). A Tracer Study on the Employment Status (1). Scribd.
Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo
Olongapo City Sports Complex, East Tapinac, Olongapo City
Tel. No. (047) 224-2089 loc. 314

Negative Impact of Covid-19 restrictions on

Supply Chain Management

Rivera, Nicole Ramos

Rodriguez, Samantha Q.

Ruegas, Hikaru Shaine D.

Sanchez, Charlene Y.

Sarmiento, Ralph Jell

Torres, Richard C.

Velgado, Vane D.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the negative impact of Covid-19 restrictions on supply chain management.

Since most people these days prefers buying online, to which the goods were mostly from other countries,

through this study, the researchers will able to identify negative factors of Covid-19 restrictions which

made an impact to the overall performance of the supply chain companies.

The researchers aim to gather data through the formulated questions as follows:

1. What is the profile of the respondent in terms of the following:

1.1 Name

1.2 Age

1.3 Profession

2. Who will lead the repair and maintenance of private facilities, and assist in information


3. Who are most affected by the disrupted supply chain?

4. Who aims to provide a menu of solutions to address gaps in Logistics capacities?

5. What can we do today and in the future to “immunize” our local supply chains in cases of partial


6. What sector is recommended to be part of any government policy effort in mananging the effects

of Covid 19 in the flow of goods and services?

Preliminary Literature Review

The impact of COVID-19 on the transportation and logistics industry

Perkumiene, D., Osamede, A., Andriukaitienė, R., & Beriozovas, O. (2021, December 27). The

impact of COVID-19 on the transportation and logistics industry.

Retrieved September 5, 2022, from

This study talks about how firms ensure the effectivity of the distribution of goods despite the

global pandemic. This might help the researchers in plotting their research since it has a distinct

similarity and has a great connection to the topic.

COVID-19 and its Effects on the Supply Chains in the Philippines

COVID-19 and its Effects on the Supply Chains in the Philippines. (2022). Arete. Retrieved

September 5, 2022, from



The researchers need an article which is about how covid-19 affects the supply chains in the

Philippines. This article can be a reference as to how the Philippines face the ongoing pandemic

which can help the researchers assess how they cope up with the current system.

Logistics and supply chain resilience key to post-pandemic recovery

Philippine Disaster Resilience Foundation. (2021, July 28). Logistics and supply chain resilience

key to post-pandemic recovery. Retrieved September 5, 2022, from



This article shares the challenges and solutions which logistics practitioners shared themselves. It also

contains brief explanation about Philippine logistics cluster plan, passenger travel during the pandemic,

emergency medical logistics, and the supply chain during the pandemic, which can be a great source of

information once the research begins.

Goal Statement
Due to the covid-19 restrictions, it causes disruption to the supply management chain. Through this study,
the researchers aim to create conclusion and recommendations base on their findings and create solutions
which can benefit both consumers and the supply chain companies.

Research Questions

The researchers aim to gather data through the formulated questions as follows:

1. What is the profile of the respondent in terms of the following:

1.1 Name

1.2 Age

1.3 Profession

2. Who will lead the repair and maintenance of private facilities, and assist in information


3. Who are most affected by the disrupted supply chain?

4. Who aims to provide a menu of solutions to address gaps in Logistics capacities?

5. What can we do today and in the future to “immunize” our local supply chains in cases of partial


6. What sector is recommended to be part of any government policy effort in mananging the effects

of Covid 19 in the flow of goods and services?

An Abridged Methodology

The methods that will be used by the researchers will help in gathering data in order to give rise to good

research outcomes and decisions considering this matter. The methodology may include, interviews,

surveys, and other research techniques, and could include both present and historical information.

This research study helps to determine the negative Impact of Covid–19 restrictions on supply chain

management and how it affects the overall performance of the supply chain companies.

The researchers aim to conduct the research for 15 weeks. This is in line with the given schedule but due

to the pandemic, the schedule may still vary. Refer to the table below for the list of activities.


Week 1-4  Title Proposal Presentations

 Research Proposal Presentation

Week 5-8 Data Gathering

Week 9-11  Research Instrument Construction

 Draft Survey Questionnaire

 Final Questionnaire Due;

 Start Collecting Data as soon as the Final Questionnaire is approved

Week 12-15 Drafting the Findings, Conclusion, And Recommendations

Week 16-18 Presentation/ Final Defense of Research

Statement of the significance of the study

The finding of this study is to aim to provide crucial information and knowledge regarding the chosen

topic. The purpose of this study is to create solutions, what actions are needed to immunize the local

supply chains in cases of partial disruptions. These models attempt to approximate reality, but the basic

insight and takeaway is that all of these systems are interconnected, and should be recognize these tightly-

coupled interdependencies whenever policies and decisions are made that may affect a large segment of

the society. The objectives are to replenish critical inventories and create money flow in the system to

relieve consumers who intend to buy basic goods.


• Perkumiene, D., Osamede, A., Andriukaitienė, R., & Beriozovas, O. (2021, December 27). The

impact of COVID-19 on the transportation and logistics industry.

Retrieved September 5, 2022, from


• COVID-19 and its Effects on the Supply Chains in the Philippines. (2022). Arete.

Retrieved September 5, 2022, from



• Philippine Disaster Resilience Foundation. (2021, July 28). Logistics and supply chain

resilience key to post-pandemic recovery. Retrieved September 5, 2022, from



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