Statement of The Problem

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Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine the Negative Impact of Covid-19 to the Logistics.

Specifically, the researchers aims to answer the formulated questions as follows:

1. What is the profile of the respondent in terms of the following:

1.1 Name

1.2 Age

1.3 Profession

2. Who will lead the repair and maintenance of private facilities, assist in information


3. Who are most affected by the disrupted supply chain?

4. Who aims to provide a menu of solutions to address gaps in Logistics capacities?

5. What can we do today and in the future to “immunize” our local supply chains in

cases of partial disruptions?

6. What sector is recommended to be part of any government policy effort in mananging

the effects of Covid 19 in the flow of goods and services?


The methods that will be used by the researchers will help in gathering data in order to give

rise to good research outcomes and decisions considering this matter. The methodology may

include, interviews, surveys, and other research techniques, and could include both present

and historical information.

This research study helps to determine the negative Impact of Covid–19 restrictions on

supply chain management and how it affects the overall performance of the supply chain


Significance of the study

The findings of this study is to aim to provide crucial information and knowledge regarding

the chosen topic. The purpose of this study is to create solutions, what actions are needed to

immunize the local supply chains in cases of partial disruptions. These models attempt to

approximate reality, but the basic insight and takeaway is that all of these systems are

interconnected, and should be recognize these tightly-coupled interdependencies whenever

policies and decisions are made that may affect a large segment of the society. The objectives

are to replenish critical inventories and create money flow in the system to relieve consumers

who intend to buy basic goods.

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