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Oral Examination

Marking Rubric:

Student can identify basic images of items, clothing, tools, houses, places, etc. / 3

Student can identify geographic features (maps, physical features, climate, etc.) / 3

Students can answer intermediate questions about culture, geography, development, etc. / 4

Student can describe issues or answer complex questions / 5

The five cultures I know best are:

Kayapo Minoans Inuit Mongolians Incans

Basic Questions
What geographic features defined the boundaries of this culture’s territory?

What modern country do you find the ___________ in?

1. Kayapo: Brazil

2. Minoans: Island of Crete

3. Inuit: Canada

4. Mongolia

5. Incans: Peru

What was the ____________ main form of transportation?

6. Kayapo: Canoe

7. Minoans: Ship

8. Inuit: sleds and skin-covered boats

9. Mongolia: horse

10. Incans: Runners and camel

Describe the natural resources commonly used by the ______________.

11. Kayapo The Kayapo commonly rely on the resources of the forest for their sustenance and livelihood, including
fruits, nuts, game, medicinal plants, and timber.

12. Minoans: The Minoans, who lived on the island of Crete from around 2600 BC to 1100 BC, commonly used the
natural resources of the island, including timber, clay, metals, and agricultural products such as olives and

13. Inuit: The Inuit, who live in the Arctic regions of North America and Greenland, commonly use the natural
resources of their environment, such as fish, seal, whale, caribou, and other animals, for food, clothing, and
14. Mongolia: Mongolians, who live in a landlocked country in East and Central Asia, commonly rely on natural
resources such as minerals, livestock, timber, and water for their economy and traditional way of life.

15. Incans: The Incas, who lived in the Andes Mountains of South America, commonly used the natural resources of
their environment, including terraced agriculture, herds of llamas and alpacas for transportation and wool, and
minerals such as gold and silver for decorative and ritual purposes.

Describe the weather patterns of the ________________’s territory.

16. Kayapo: The Kayapo's territory in the Amazon basin of Brazil generally experiences a hot and humid tropical
climate, with heavy rainfall during the wet season and drier conditions during the dry season.

17. Minoans: The Minoans' territory on the island of Crete generally experiences a Mediterranean climate, with
mild, rainy winters and hot, dry summers.

18. Inuit: The Inuit's territory in the Arctic regions of North America and Greenland experiences long, cold winters
and short, cool summers, with heavy snowfall and high winds.

19. Mongolia: Mongolia's territory experiences a harsh continental climate with long, cold winters and short,
warm summers, with temperature extremes ranging from -40°C to 30°C (-40°F to 86°F) and low annual

20. Incans: The Incas' territory in the Andes Mountains of South America generally experiences a cool, dry climate at
higher elevations, and a warmer, wetter climate in the lower valleys and coast.

Describe a common meal of the ______________.

21. Kayapo: Fish

22. Minoans: Olives

23. Inuit: Seal

24. Mongolia: Meat

25. Incans: Corn

What were the clothing of the ______________?

26. Kayapo: Loincloth

27. Minoans: Tunic

28. Inuit: Parka

29. Mongolia: Deel

30. Incans: Tunic

Describe the materials and functions of the housing of the ______________.

31. Kayapo: The Kayapo traditionally build their homes, called malocas, out of wood and thatch, which provide
protection from the elements and a communal gathering place for the extended family and community.
32. Minoans: The Minoans constructed their homes out of stone and mud brick, featuring courtyards and rooftop
terraces for ventilation and gathering spaces, and using natural materials to keep the interior cool in the hot

33. Inuit: The Inuit traditionally constructed their homes, called igloos or snow houses, out of ice blocks or animal
skins, providing insulation and protection from the harsh Arctic climate.

34. Mongolia: Mongolians traditionally lived in yurts or gers, which are portable, circular structures made of a
wooden frame covered in felt or animal skins, providing shelter and warmth in the harsh and nomadic

35. Incans: The Incas constructed their homes, called qullqa or kancha, out of stone and adobe bricks, featuring
sloping roofs and courtyards for ventilation and protection from earthquakes in the Andean highlands.

What was the major geographic feature defining the lifestyle and culture of the ______________?

36. Kayapo: The major geographic feature defining the lifestyle and culture of the Kayapo was the Amazon
rainforest, which provided them with abundant natural resources, and also served as a spiritual and cultural

37. Minoans: The major geographic feature defining the lifestyle and culture of the Minoans was the island of Crete
and its surrounding Aegean Sea, which influenced their trade, economy, and cultural interactions with
neighboring civilizations.

38. Inuit: The major geographic feature defining the lifestyle and culture of the Inuit was the Arctic region,
characterized by its extreme cold climate, sea ice, and permafrost, which greatly influenced their subsistence
patterns, clothing, housing, and social organization.

39. Mongolia: The major geographic feature defining the lifestyle and culture of Mongolia was its vast steppe
grasslands, which supported their nomadic pastoralism and facilitated their mobility and resource extraction.

40. Incans: The major geographic feature defining the lifestyle and culture of the Incas was the Andes mountain
range, which influenced their agricultural, transportation, and architectural practices, as well as their religious
beliefs and political organization.

Intermediate Questions
Describe the level of development achieved by the ______________.

41. Kayapo: The level of development achieved by the Kayapo varied depending on their specific social and
environmental contexts, but in general, they maintained a sustainable way of life based on their traditional
knowledge and practices, while also adapting to modern influences and engaging in political activism to protect
their rights and territories.Minoans: Tunic

42. Inuit: The Inuit developed a highly adaptive and sustainable way of life in the Arctic regions, based on their
specialized knowledge and use of natural resources, as well as their unique social and cultural practices, which
allowed them to survive and thrive in one of the harshest environments on earth.

43. Mongolia: The Mongols developed a complex nomadic pastoralist culture, characterized by their skilled
horsemanship, military conquests, and trade networks, which allowed them to establish a vast empire in Asia
in the 13th and 14th centuries.

44. Incans: The Incas had a highly organized society with advanced infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, and
agricultural terraces, and their sophisticated administrative system enabled them to govern a vast empire in
South America prior to the arrival of the Spanish.
How did the climate affect the development of the ______________?

45. Kayapo: The climate affected the development of the Kayapo by shaping their hunting, farming, and fishing
practices, as well as their cultural and spiritual practices.

46. Minoans: The mild and temperate climate of the Aegean Sea allowed the Minoans to develop a thriving
civilization with a focus on agriculture, trade, and maritime activities.

47. Inuit: The harsh Arctic climate of the Inuit's territory shaped their nomadic lifestyle and traditional practices,
such as igloo building and seal hunting.

48. Mongolia: The harsh and variable climate of Mongolia, characterized by extreme cold, high winds, and low
precipitation, greatly influenced the traditional nomadic lifestyle of the Mongolian people.

49. Incans: The diverse climate and geographical features of the Incan Empire allowed for the development of a
sophisticated agricultural system, which in turn allowed for the growth of a complex civilization with advanced
infrastructure and social hierarchy.

How sustainable were the cultural practices of this culture?

50. Kayapo: The cultural practices of the Kayapo were generally sustainable, as they relied on traditional methods of
agriculture, fishing, and hunting that were carefully managed to prevent overuse of resources.

51. Minoans: As the Minoans were an ancient civilization, it is difficult to determine the sustainability of their
cultural practices, but their agricultural techniques and trade relationships suggest that they had a level of

52. Inuit: The cultural practices of the Inuit were generally sustainable, as they were closely tied to the natural
environment and were based on principles of conservation and respect for the land and sea.

53. Mongolia: The sustainability of cultural practices of Mongolia varied depending on the specific practices and
time period, but in general, nomadic herding practices were well adapted to the environment and generally

54. Incans: The cultural practices of the Incans were sustainable in terms of their agricultural practices, such as the
use of terraced farming, irrigation systems, and crop rotation.

How did the geography affect the trade and military situation of this culture?

55. Kayapo: As the Kayapo were located deep in the Amazon rainforest, their geography made it difficult for external
trade and militarily, provided natural barriers for protection against invaders.

56. Minoans: The geography of the Minoans, with their location on the Aegean Sea and easy access to maritime
trade, allowed for their culture to thrive through seafaring trade and for their naval power to become a
significant military force in the region.

57. Inuit: The geography of the Arctic region where the Inuit lived limited their trade and military interactions with
neighboring cultures.

58. Mongolia: The vast open steppe of Mongolia made it difficult for military forces to advance quickly and made
trade routes hazardous due to the long distances and harsh terrain.

59. Incans: The geography of the Andes Mountains helped the Incans to develop a network of roads and bridges for
trade and communication, and also provided natural defenses against invaders.
Complex Questions

How did living in the high Andes Mountains affect the development of this culture?

Living in the high Andes Mountains affected the development of Incas by influencing their agricultural practices,
construction techniques, and social organization due to the challenges posed by the rugged terrain and climate.

How did the Incas benefit from their geography?

The Incas benefited from their geography in several ways, including the abundance of natural resources such as
minerals and fertile soil, the protection provided by the Andes Mountains, and the strategic location of their
capital city, Cusco, at the center of their empire.

What major cultural or technological advantages did this culture have, allowing them to thrive?

The Incas had a sophisticated system of agriculture, engineering, and communication, as well as a well-organized
government and military, which allowed them to thrive and build a vast empire.

What led to this culture’s decline?

The decline of the Incas can be attributed to a combination of factors including the devastating impact of diseases
introduced by the Spanish, the disruption of Incan society and infrastructure by the Spanish conquest, and internal
political instability and succession struggles among the Inca leadership.


How has living in the rainforest affected the development of this culture?

Living in the rainforest has shaped the Kayapo's cultural practices, including their reliance on the forest for food,
medicine, and materials, and their deep spiritual connection to the natural world.

Predict how climate change, deforestation, and the increased contact with the modern world will affect the
traditional lifestyles of the Kayapo people in the future.

The effects of climate change, deforestation, and modernization may threaten the traditional lifestyles of the
Kayapo people and their cultural and ecological practices.

How did the Kayapo modify their environment?

The Kayapo practiced slash-and-burn agriculture, which involved clearing small patches of forest and burning the
vegetation to provide nutrients for the soil, while allowing the land to regenerate before returning to it.

Why are Kayapo people coming into conflict with the outside world? What struggles are they facing?

Kayapo people are coming into conflict with the outside world due to deforestation, mining, and land grabbing,
resulting in struggles to protect their land, culture, and way of life.


Explain how geography influenced the Inuit’s food, art, clothing, transportation, and housing in a unique way.

The harsh Arctic climate and environment influenced the Inuit's reliance on hunting, resulting in specialized tools
and clothing, transportation on sleds or kayaks, and housing constructed of snow or animal skins.

Predict how climate change will affect the traditional lifestyles of the Inuit people.
Climate change is expected to have a significant impact on the traditional lifestyles of the Inuit people, affecting
their ability to hunt, fish, and travel on sea ice, as well as leading to changes in wildlife populations and altering
the landscape.

What are the main natural resources of the Inuit people? How does resource access limit development?

The main natural resources of the Inuit people are fish, marine mammals, and caribou, and resource access limits
development because of the remoteness and harshness of the Arctic environment, which makes it difficult to
access and transport resources.

What special efforts have been made to protect the Inuit traditional culture and language?

Special efforts, such as the creation of language preservation programs and cultural heritage centers, have been
made to protect the Inuit traditional culture and language.


What are the important animals to the Mongolians, and how were their lives and culture shaped by their
relationship with these animals?

The most important animals to the Mongolians are horses, sheep, goats, cattle, and camels, which were integral
to their nomadic way of life and used for transportation, food, clothing, and other daily needs.

How did the Mongolians benefit from their geography?

The vast grasslands of the Mongolian plateau allowed the Mongolians to develop a nomadic pastoralist lifestyle,
relying on their domesticated animals for sustenance, transportation, and trade.

How did geography limit the spread of the Mongolian peoples?

The difficult terrain of the Mongolian Plateau and the surrounding regions limited the spread of the Mongolian

Describe how the modern world has affected the nomadic Mongolian peoples’ traditions.

The modern world has had a significant impact on the traditional nomadic lifestyle of Mongolian people by
encouraging urbanization and sedentarization, decreasing reliance on traditional livestock herding, and
introducing Western cultural values.


How has living on an island affected the development of this culture?

Living on an island influenced the Minoans' maritime and trade-oriented culture, as well as their artistic and
architectural styles.

How did geography play a role in this culture’s eventual decline and disappearance?

The Minoans' vulnerability to natural disasters, such as volcanic eruptions and earthquakes, due to their location
on the Aegean Sea, and their dependence on sea trade, may have contributed to their decline and disappearance.

What were the benefits of this culture’s geography?

The Minoans' geography provided them with access to maritime trade routes, fertile land for agriculture, and
natural resources such as timber, metals, and clay.
What impact did this culture have on nearby cultures (and vice-versa)? Give an example.

The Minoans had significant cultural and trade connections with nearby civilizations such as the Mycenaeans on
the Greek mainland, as evidenced by the presence of Minoan-style artifacts found in Mycenaean tombs, and the
Mycenaean-style goods in Minoan palaces.

Oral Examination Images Questions

Incans (Pg 76-81)

Name of Capital City


Name the 2 most important domesticated animals

Llamas and alpacas

Kayapo (Pg 76-81)

What is the connection between how they dress and their location?

The materials and designs used in Kayapo's traditional dress reflect their natural environment and cultural
traditions, such as the use of bird feathers and body paint to symbolize their relationship with the rainforest.

What does the body painting say about their culture? Why do you think they do it?

The body painting of Kayapo people reflects their cultural identity and spiritual beliefs, and it is believed to
protect and empower them during rituals and ceremonies.

Inuit (Pg 14-20, 22, 26, 40-41)

What is the name of their ice house?


What is their clothing made of? What animal specifically?

Inuit clothing is made of animal hides and furs, including caribou, seal, and polar bear.

Mongolians (Pg 91-95, 100-101)

Minoans (Pg 83-85, 89)

Name of Capital City

The Minoans did not have a capital city, but Knossos was the largest and most important city on the island of

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