10th Eng 1

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Name_____________________ Class10thSubjectEnglish Test #1Teacher: M Usman

Time:1hr Obtained Marks ________ Total Marks35 Date

 Choose the correct options. / (10)
i. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) was well-known for his justice. The underlined word means:
a) Happy b) Famous c) Tired d) Active
ii. Hanging up signs and posters on doors and windows means_____
a) Love and sincerity b) Care and affection c) Luck and happiness d) Bad luck
iii. You ____since morning
a) Is working b) Are works c) Will be working d) Have been working
iv. He has already ____two glasses of water.
a) Drank b) Drunk c) Have drunk d) Drink
v. You ___ a book now
e) Read f) Reading g) Are reading h) Was reading
vi. He was absent _____the class.
e) By f) On g) From h) To
vii. The synonym of “glorious” is
a) Lustrous b) Poor c) Splendid d) Fabulous
viii. Sleeping must be peaceful
e) Gerund f) Infinitive g) Adjective h) Pronoun
Choose the word with correct spellings.
ix. i) Spirtual j) Spiritual k) Speritual l) Spiritaul
x. m) Perfaction n) Parfection o) Perfection p) Perfektion

QNo:1 Write down the short answer of any TWO of the following: (4)
(i) How can people achieve perfection in the moral, spiritual and social areas of life?
(ii) What is the significance of New Year’s Eve dinner?
(iii) Why did Quraish think that the Rasool S.A.W would favor them?

QNo:2 Write down the Essay on any one of the following topic (14)
i. Sports and Games
ii. My last day at school
QNo:3 Use the following pair of words in your own sentences (2)
(i) Alter , Altar (ii) Advice, Advise

QNo:4 Change the following sentences into indirect form. (2)

i. She said, “The patient died in the hospital.”
ii. I shall say, “I like clouds in the sky.”

QNo:5 Translate following Paragraph into English: (3)

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