ACT1 - Understanding Mathematics

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Activity 1

Understanding Mathematics

EXERCISE True / False. If you think that the statement is correct, write True.
Otherwise, write False.

False 1. Mathematics is demonstrated only in the language of numbers.

True 2. Any person can recognize mathematical patterns without mathematical
False 3. Patterns that occur in nature are only for arts appreciation and not for
mathematical explorations.
True 4. Every phenomenon can be explained by mathematics whether it is social or
False _5. Mathematics is not meant to be learned by everyone.

Give a brief answer on the following.

1. Where is mathematics?

It's impossible to escape mathematics it exists in the mind, in the realm of ideas as a
concept. In practically every aspect of life, including the technology we use every day and the
natural world around us; mathematics is expressed. Mathematics describes our comprehension
of all we experience and is the language of science and engineering. It is negligible as a real,
tangible object we may even say that it is real or not really substantial but appearing real due to
representation. A perfect subconscious experience, in other words.

2. What role does mathematics play in our world?

In order to comprehend the world and ourselves, we need to use mathematics, which is a
key component of human intellect and reasoning. As well as encouraging logical thinking and
intellectual clarity, mathematics offers a powerful method for developing strength of mind.
Additionally, comprehending mathematics is essential for learning other academic disciplines like
physics, business studies, and even the arts and music. It organizes our lives and keeps them
from becoming chaotic, making mathematics a potent instrument for global communication and

Argue whether you agree or disagree on how the following mathematicians/ philosophers
view mathematics.
Mathematician/Philosopher Notion on Mathematics Your Claim
Albert Einstein “Do not worry I believe that he was simply
(1879-1955) too much saying you were likely to not
about your be capable of comprehending
difficulties in more than he did, therefore
mathematics. I you would never experience
can assure you the same challenges he did. I
imagined that he stated this
mine are still
after becoming a
mathematical genius.
Galileo Galilei (164-1642) “Mathematics is the In my opinion, mathematics
language with isn't a creation of mankind
which God has written the but rather a natural
universe” phenomenon that we have
only recently discovered,
hence it is unquestionably
true that God has authored
the cosmos. The universe
was designed to make it
possible for math to be found
in the manner in which it is.
Luca Pacioli (1445-1517) “Without mathematics, there Yes, unless you are actively
is no art” looking for it, math isn't
always noticeable in art.
Additionally, a lot of painters
use mathematical
breakthroughs they are using
ratio to make their work
appealing and realistic. In
addition, math may also be
regarded as artwork in
nature as well as in works of
art like paintings.
Part 2: Appreciation of Math Around Us

1. Look around you and take a picture of the objects or scenario that shows the
concept of mathematics in forms of (three picture each)

a. Nature

b. Arts

c. Daily Living
d. Objects

e. Symmetrical objects

2. Describe the concept of mathematics that has been used

Nature provides us with designs and patterns that existed long before humanity,
forms that existed beyond explanation. Mathematics has had a direct impact on art
through conceptual tools such as linear perspective, symmetry analysis, and geometry.
3. Draw a square. Determine all the rotational and reflection symmetries present in
the figure. Briefly explain your answer.

270o 360o

180o 90o

Since square is a regular quadrilateral with four equal sides and four equal angles, it possesses
rotational symmetry with an order of four.

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