Political Science As Science The Ultimate Objective For Social Science Is To Build A Science

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Political Science as science analysis should also be grounded in the experience of

The ultimate objective for social science is to build a the people you study.
science - a body of knowledge that is deemed to be
Quantitative approach two research is often used in
reliable for being correct and useful as explanation of
understanding the magnitude of a phenomenon by
why and how it is that events occur the way they do.
testing hypotheses about the relationship between
This is deliberately not a technical definition of
variables, and making predictions about human
“science”, but it is meant to indicate its essential
first, that it consists of knowledge; Manuscript Writing: Parts of a Research Proposal
second, that it involves a body of knowledge and is Review of Literature
not limited to a single piece of knowledge; Once you decide on a topic, gather books and articles
third, but it is correct; on the theory you plan to use as a framework for your
and fourth, that it can be relied upon as source or study. Read and take notes as you would for a textual
basis for explaining events. analysis paper on article critique. That is, the purpose
of the literature review is not simply to discuss what
“science”, the essential criterion for science is the
has been done on your topic but to determine what
rigor in the method (or methodology) Used to acquire
has been done well.
knowledge, which includes observation of what is
- student needs to find a weakness in the logic and/or
observable through the senses of human, the manner
methods of previous studies.
of observation being design in such a way (usually
- In writing your review of literature, provide
called experiment) as to allow inference of a
hypotheses in their proper setting. Begin your review
necessary relationship between a suspected “cause”
with a summary of the theory from which your
and hypothesize “effect
question is derived. Next, discuss each relevant study,
Science, then, is a particular activity defined by its summarizing the theoretical approach, major
discipline. By discipline is meant a set of practice hypotheses, operational definition, and conclusions
accepted by a community for achieving their goals. drawn in each one
For science, this would be practices of “data
Statement of the Problem and Hypotheses
gathering” marked by “empiricism” and “objectivity”
- statement of the problem reveals the gaps are
and “data analysis” that usually employs the logic of
contradictory findings that you found after reviewing
the chosen theory and relevant literature. Its purpose
is to point out methodological problems apparent in
the empirical literature, and/or the logical next step.
Defining Research
research refers to the process of collecting and Methodology
analyzing data for the advancement of knowledge. -First, determine the appropriate research method
This systematic study is often academic practice that and design of the study. The method and design must
involves: fit into the objectives, general and specific problems
- defining a problem or investigating a question of the study.
- formulating a hypothesis and argument; - Second, identify the target population and locale of
- referring to different sources and ideas; the study.
- collecting, analyzing, and organization of data; and - Third, classify the appropriate data gathering tool.
- making deduction that lead to conclusions. - Fourth, give a narrative description on the steps
undertaken in data gathering.
- Fifth, explain how the data has been treated.
Research Approaches (Trinidad, 2018)

Qualitative approach to research is often used in

Theory guides Interpretation
exploring new ideas or explaining concepts in greater
- Without a sound theory, we will not be able to tell
depth. Here, research questions focus on
why our research results provide an answer to the
understanding the phenomenon, persons,
research question.
community, or reality in its natural and everyday
state. - Your
Theoretical Framework Research Paradigm (Cristobal, 2017)
- theoretical framework can be formulated from an - The result of a clear understanding of the conceptual
existing theory/ies serves as the foundation of the and theoretical framework is a diagrammatic
research study. illustration of the study called the paradigm.
- In research, the theoretical framework defines non- - A research paradigm is a pattern, model, or set of
observable constructs that are inferred from forms which contains particular elements. It is the
observable facts and events that are thought to have researcher’s scientific vision expressed graphically by
an effect on the phenomenon under study. It drawings or sketches. In a scientific work, the symbols
describes the relationship/s among variables for the must be specific in meaning. The paradigm is
purpose of explaining a current state or predicting somehow like a visual representation of the entire
future events. The theoretical framework is as well thesis.
concerned with determining cause-effect
relationships. Thus, a good theory expands vision and
guides thinking, professional practice, and research
(Cristobal, 2017).
- In the formulation of a theoretical framework,
relevant theories must be provided. The researcher
cites and discusses related theories that serve as the
foundation of the variables and their relationships to
make the study more scientific and understandable
especially to the readers.

Concepts (Rich, 2018)

- concepts. A concept is merely a word or symbol that
represents some idea.

Purpose of Concepts
- First, because we are involved in empirical inquiry,
the concept must refer to phenomena that are at
least potentially observable.
- Second, in addition to having empirical referents,
concepts must be precise. They must refer to one and
only one set of properties of some phenomenon.
- Finally, useful concepts have theoretical import. A
concept has theoretical import when it is related to
enough other concepts in the theory that it plays an
essential role in the explanation of observed events.

Conceptual Framework (Cristobal, 2017)

-explanation of the scope and range of a concept or
construct can be done even without a theory or, in
some cases, with the combination of two or more
theories which lead to a researcher’s formulated
framework. This is called a conceptual framework.
-conceptual framework is largely based on theories or
parts of theory combine with other parts of another
theory, or on the intellectual synthesis of the various
readings (related literatures) of the researcher. It
guides the researcher by giving clear directions to the

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