Rayl - Obs 4

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Observation Record – Internship II

Winthrop University – Richard W. Riley College of Education

Internship II Intern: Ella Rayl Mentor: Kristi Whiteaker Observation date: 03/29/23  Announced
X Unannounced
Observer: Content/Topic: Lesson Approach:  Co-Teaching
 Supervisor  Mentor X Site-based Writing – Patterns in Text X Solo Teaching

ADEPT Domain (competencies below are required to Evaluative Comments (evaluate the This Overall
meet expectations of Internship II) candidate’s performance based upon Observation performance in
the criteria of each ADEPT domain for Internship II thus
the observation period AND the overall far
experience thus far)
1.1 Creates standards-based lessons in accordance with Lesson was aligned to standards and
the requirements of the discipline, including objectives with logical progression.
learning objectives that are measurable, rigorous,
and align with the standards Teacher used Calkins curriculum as a
1.2 Designs, selects, or modifies multiple assessments framework for lesson and personalized to
X Satisfactory X Satisfactory
that are aligned with lesson objectives her students.

1.3 Uses data from a variety of formative, diagnostic,

and summative assessments to guide instructional
 Unsatisfactory  Unsatisfactory
1.4 plans for safe and appropriate learner use of digital
tools for problem solving, conducting research, and
creative expression
1.5 Plans developmentally appropriate, rigorous, and
differentiated instruction to address diverse
learning needs
2.1 Effectively communicates appropriately challenging Lesson began with a brief recap of prior
expectations to learners learning.
2.2 Helps learners assume responsibility for their own
learning Teacher’s tone is very enthusiastic when
2.3 Differentiates instruction to meet the needs of delivering instruction. She shared with
diverse learners the student that she loved a book (Henry
2.4 Demonstrates a thorough command of the content & Mudge) that they really connected
taught and appropriately addresses learner with. Her passion shines through.
questions and misunderstandings related to the
content Teacher models patterns in writing and
2.5 Implements instruction that encourages learners to helps students with strategies such as
reflect on prior content knowledge, and link new looking back to find details. She asked for
concepts to familiar concepts and experiences student input to lead her writing and
2.6 Measures student mastery of learning during referenced a supportive anchor chart.
instruction by using a variety of formative X Satisfactory X Satisfactory

assessment strategies with established Teacher modeled writing conventions to

performance criteria reinforce what is expected of students as
2.7 Effectively uses summative assessment strategies to writers.
determine mastery of learning and communicates  Unsatisfactory  Unsatisfactory
results to students
2.8 Implements effective questioning strategies
(written and verbal) that align with lesson
objectives and encourage higher order thinking
2.9 Provides specific and timely instructional feedback
to students pertaining to stated outcomes
2.10 Facilitates safe and appropriate learner use of
digital tools for problem solving, conducting
research, and creative expression
2.11 Uses appropriate voice tone, inflection, pacing, and
nonverbal communication to manage instruction
/environment effectively
2.12 Implements strategies that address the needs of
learners from diverse cultural and linguistic

3.1 Creates and maintains a safe educational Classroom has a strong sense of
environment that is conducive to learning community and positive relationships are
3.2 Maintains a caring, fair, and inclusive educational very evident – both teacher-student and
environment student-student. X Satisfactory X Satisfactory
3.3 Creates environments that promote positive social
interaction and collaboration in the learning Teacher uses frequent praise and positive
environment reinforcement.

3.4 Implements proactive classroom management
Unsatisfactory  Unsatisfactory
strategies that promote positive behaviors and Strong classroom management. Visuals
active engagement on board to show students exactly what
they needed. Procedures were clearly

4.1 Collaborates with caregivers and school Teacher is open and eager to hear
professionals to enhance student learning constructive feedback. She is a strong
4.2 Maintains professional relationships with school collaborator, supports school initiatives,
personnel and students and is reflective in her practice.
4.3 Is a participant in school initiatives and supports
school-related organizations and activities Professional responsibilities are handled
4.4 Demonstrates effective verbal communication that well and district rules followed.
is appropriate for the intended audiences and uses
standard English Teacher is a respected 1st grade team

4.5 Demonstrates effective external written member. X Satisfactory X Satisfactory

communication that is appropriate for the intended
audiences and uses standard English
4.6 Adheres to the university and school/district rules,
Standards of Conduct for South Carolina Educators,
and FERPA requirements and acts appropriately  Unsatisfactory  Unsatisfactory
when faced with legal issues of children
4.7 Demonstrates professional responsibility (e.g.
preparedness, responsibility, initiative, time
4.8 Is receptive to and incorporates professional
learning and constructive feedback from school and
university professionals
4.9 Uses self-reflection to evaluate and improve
professional practice
(specific competencies vary by program area) Content is presented in a concise and
 Presents content without error in both written students then apply their learning to their X Satisfactory X Satisfactory
and oral format own writing which makes the learning

 Provides meaningful, content-based feedback experience more meaningful.

 Teaches for transfer by connecting to prior
learning and other content area Teacher engages students in dialogue.  Unsatisfactory  Unsatisfactory
 Masters content to accurately address student
questions and address misconceptions

Specific strengths: Required actions for improvement:

Excellent modeling of creating patterns in text which engaged students

through opportunities for input. Content was fast-paced but personalized.

Your enthusiasm was contagious and really drew your students in to the Suggested actions for improvement:
lesson. Students seemed to have a slow start when working independently.
Consider a quick brainstorming session about their own past
writing/characters followed by a pair-share in order to spark creativity and
help them organize their thoughts prior to independent work.

Teacher candidate initials the statements below:

______ I received an explanation of the feedback from this observation during the post-observation conference.

______ My performance in the experience thus far has been discussed and I understand both my strengths and
required actions for improvement.

Date of pre-conference (required for announced observations) N/A

Date of post-conference 03/29/23

Candidate signature _______________________________ Observer signature ________________________________


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