The Concept of Literature

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THE CONCEPT OF LITERATURE • Fairytale – has magic and/or

talking animals. Often starts
Literature is concerned with the content and with “Once upon a time..”
the form, in other words not only the story but • HISTORICAL FICTION - set in the past
the way it is written. and based on real people and/or
Etymologically: “acquaintance with etters”. events
• MYSTERY- a story about a
Latin “littera” - individual written character crime/solution of a crime.
(letter) • REALISTIC FICTION – real life, with
Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin: characters dealing with real life
“litteratura” - writing, grammar, learning problems. focuses on romantic love
and relationship between two people
• SCIENCE FICTION – Set in the future
LITERARY GENRE or on other planets, has aliens,
robots, and/or futuristic technology.
1. Drama - a play for theater told by • THRILLER OR SUSPENSE - a story that
character dialogue makes readers nervous or excited.
SUBGENRES: 3. Non-Fiction - Writing that is real
• COMEDY- a funny or humorous and factual or that actually
drama with a happy ending;
resolving funny situations with
charm, wit and laughter. Latin Roots
• TRAGEDY - a sad drama with a sad AUTO = self
ending. BIO = life
2. Fiction - a story that did not GRAPHY = writing
actually happen in real life SUBGENRES:
SUBGENRES: ▪ BIOGRAPHY- a story /writing about a
• FANTASY - has monsters, magic or person's life
characters with superpowers. ▪ AUTOBIOGRAPHY – a story the
• FOLKLORE/FOLKTALES - old cultural author writes about himself or
stories; passed down through oral herself.
tradition. ▪ NARRATIVE NON-FICTION- a story or
• Fable – animals and a moral narrative that happened in real life.
lesson ▪ PERIODICALS/SERIALS- magazines,
• Mythology – has newspapers, journals that are
gods/goddesses. written regularly or in series.
• Tall Tale – Main characters ▪ REFERENCE MATERIALS -
skills/size/strength is greatly books/resources with facts usually
exaggerated; Exaggeration is arranged by date or in alphabetical
humorous order.
• Legend – Based on a real 4. Poetry - writing using language and
person or place; Facts are sounds in special ways to express ideas
stretched beyond nonfiction; SUBGENRES:
12ST Reviewer

• LYRIC - a poem about the speaker's • Our ancestors also had their own
thoughts alphabet which was different from
1. elegy – formal lament for that brought by the Spaniards.
the death of a person
2. ode - long lyric poem with a
serious subject basically o oral in nature and is full of lessons and
written with enthusiasm ideas about life, its blessings, and its
and excitement about a consequences.
person or thing.
3. sonnet - originally a love Forms of Literature during the Pre-colonial
poem Period
4. haiku- traditionally a 1. Oral Literature
Japanese poem o RIDDLE (Bugtong o Palaisipan) - It is
• NARRATIVE - a poem that tells a called Tigmo in Cebu, Paktakon in
story. It is always told by a narrator. Ilonggo and Patotdon in Bicol.
1. Epics – a long poem about a Examples of Riddle;
hero a. Dalawang balon, hindi malingon. -
2. Ballads – a song, originally tainga
transmitted orally, which b. Naligo ang kapitan, hindi nabasa
tells a story ang tiyan. ----- bangka
• DRAMATIC - words/verses spoken c. Dalawa kong kahon, buksan
by a character walang ugong. ---- eyes
1. Soliloquy - a long speech; o PROVERBS (Aphorisms o Salawikain) -
one character; No others on These are usually given by parents or
stage can hear what is said; elders of the community. To others,
Reveals inner thoughts or these are like allegories or parables that
motives of a character impart lessons for the young.
2. Dialogue - shorter or longer Examples of Proverbs;
speeches; between two a. Ang MABIGAT gumagaan kapag
characters among many napagtuTULUNGAN
characters; Others onstage b. Ang isip ay para ITAK, sa hasa ay
can hear and respond. TUMATALAS
3. Monologue - Longer o SAWIKAIN (IDYOMA) - An expression
speech; One character; that does not give direct or exact or
Others onstage can hear literal meaning.
what is said and respond to Examples;
it; Generally reveals a. Luha ng buwaya – Hindi totoong
previous events; Explains a nagdadalamhati, nagkukunwari,
character’s choice of action. pakitang tao
b. Di-makabasag pinggan – Mahinhin
The Pre-colonial Period (BC/Early Times-1565)
• The first period of the Philippine o MAXIMS (Sabi) - An expression where
literary history is the longest. some are rhyming couplets with verses
12ST Reviewer

of 5, 6 or 8 syllables, each line having the a. Myth

same number of syllables. b. Legends
Examples; c. Fables
a. Pag hindi ukol, Hindi bubukol d. Epic - These contain encounters
b. Sa marunong umunawa, sukat of fighters, stereotypical princes
ang ilang salita or heroes that save a damsel in
o TANAGA - a mono-rhyming hepta- distress.
syllabic quatrain expressing insights and e. Fantasy Stories
lessons on life is "more emotionally
The Colonial Period Spanish Occupation (1521-
charged than the terse proverb and thus
has affinities with the folk lyric.”
Examples; • The arrival of Ferdinand Magellan on the
a. Ang hating-gabing kulay tulad ng shores of Homonhon island in March 16,
aking buhay Kaylan masisilayan 1521 is not the start of their conquest
ang iliwanag ng araw but it spelled a new era for the
o FOLKSONGS (Awiting Bayan/Kantahing Philippines.
bayan) - Often repetitive and sonorous, • Christianism was introduced, many were
didactic and naive as in the children's baptized and changed their surnames.
Examples; Two Classifications of Filipinos during the
a. Lullabies (Hele or oyayi)-These Spanish Period
are sung to put to sleep babies. a. Taga-bayan – Filipinos who were within
e.g. Ili-ili (Ilongo) easy reach of the power of the Church
b. Drinking songs - these are locally and State; urbane and civilized
known as Tagay and are sung b. Taga-bukid or Taga-bundok – Filipinos
during drinking sessions. who kept their distance from the
c. Love Songs - to many Filipinos, colonial administrators; Brutos salvages
these are known as the Harana. (savage brutes); Indio
d. Working Songs - Examples are:
Kalusan (Ivatan) – work songs; Two Classifications of Literature during the
Soliranin (Tagalog) –rowing song Spanish Period
e. Religious Songs - are songs or
1. Religious Literature religious lyrics
chants that are usually given
written by Ladino poets or those versed
during exorcisms and
in both Spanish and Tagalog were
thanksgiving during good harvest.
included in early catechism.
f. Songs of Death - are lamentations
o Pasyon - It is a narrative poem
that contain the roll of good
about passion (journey and
deeds that the dead has usually
suffering) and the death of Jesus
done to immortalize his or her
good image.
o Senakulo- It is the re-enactment
o FOLKTALES (Kwentong Bayan) - These
or the dramatization of the
are stories of native Filipinos, typically
passion of Christ.
passed on by word of mouth.
o Komedya – it is a theatre
Examples; (nasa first lesson)
dramatization of the conflicts
12ST Reviewer

between Christians and Muslim Tagalog) during the 19th century. Also
heroes usually ending with the known as Huseng Sisiw.
victory of the Christians and B. FRANCISO BALTAZAR (1788-1862) – he
conversion of Muslims to was popularly called Balagtas, he is the
Christianity. acknowledged master of traditional
2. Secular or Non-Religious Literature - Tagalog poetry.
any literature which is not rooted in
Nationalistic/Propaganda and Revolutionary
religious beliefs, practices and
Period (1864-1896)
o Awit- Tales of Chivalry (high o During this period, the language was
respect of men for women) and slowly shifting from Spanish to Tagalog
is made for singing and and the works of literature were
chanting; Usually portrays a addressed to the masses instead of
knight saving a princess or the addressing only the elite.
like. It has 12 syllables
o Korido- a metrical (a piece of Categories of Literature:
literature that has a 1. Propaganda Literature - its objective is
measurement for aesthetic to reform.
purposes) tale. It has 8 syllables o Political Essays and Political Novels - are
o Prose Narratives- written to composed of satires, editorials, and
instruct readers on proper news articles that aim to attack and
decorum. expose the corrupt Spanish rule.
Spanish Colonization Period has also oral and Example of Political Essays:
written literature. a. 1882 - Diariong Tagalog -
founded by Marcelo H. Del Pilar.
1. ORAL LITERATURE – b. 1888 - La Solidaridad-
a. SONGS – a composition for voice quincenario; first released in
and voices performed by singing. 1889
b. RELIGIOUS DRAMA – setting forth Examples of Political Novels:
events recorded in the Bible or a. 1887- Noli Me Tangere
moral lessons to be drawn from b. 1891 - El FIlibusterismo
religious teaching. 2. Revolutionary Literature - more
c. DRAMA –enacted in front of live propagandistic than literary as it is
audiences. It is also known as play. more violent in nature and demanded
2. WRITTEN LITERATURE – complete independece for the country.
a. SHORT STORIES – a brief work of Example of Political Essays:
literature a. Political Essays- helped inflame
b. POETRY –an imaginative awareness the spirit of revolution.
of experience expressed through EXAMPLE: 1896 - Kalayaan - a
meaning, sound, and rhythmic newspaper of the Katipunan
language. which means “Independence and
Solidarity” edited by Emilio
A. JOSE DELA CRUZ (1746-1829) – famous Jacinto
poet and playwright (mandudulang
12ST Reviewer

Nationalistic/Propaganda and Revolutionary 4. Pedro Paterno (1857-1911) – put up a

Period (1864-1896) collection of his Spanish poems under
the title Sampaguitas y otras poesías
Poetry- helped inflame the spirit of revolution.
varias, also known as Sampaguitas y
EXAMPLE: poesías varias (the first book of poetry
published by a Filipino in Europe); Ninay
a. 1896 - Katapusang Hibik ng (1885, first novel in Spanish about the
Pilipinas ni Andres Bonifacio Philippine society).
b. 1896 - Liwanag at Dilim ni Emilio 5. Marcelo H. Del Pilar (Plaridel, Piping
Jacinto Dilat and Dolores Manapat/1850-1896)
c. 1898 - True Decalogue ni – was well-versed in the art of poetic
Apolinario Mabini jousting called duplo before he
SOME OF THE PROMINENT WRITINGS DURING assumed the post of editor of La
THE SPANISH PERIOD Solidaridad. He is especially effective as
a parodist.
o Doctrina Christiana (1593)- first book 6. Andres Bonifacio – He was considered
published in the Philippines using as the “Father of the Philippine
xylography. This is an 87-page book by Revolution. He belongs to the trilogy
Padre Juan de Placencia and Padre which includes Herminigildo Flores and
Domingo Nieva del Pilar. He is also known as the author
o Barlaan at Josaphat (1708) - Originally of the poem “Pag-ibig sa Tinubuang
in Greek language and translated in Lupa (1896).
Tagalog by Fray Antonio de Borja and 7. Herminigildo Flores – he was known for
published by La Compania de Jesus and his poem “ Hibik ng Pilipinas sa Inang
regarded as the first novel published in España” (1888).
the Philippines.
American Colonization Period (1901-1946)
PERIOD Literature was spurred by 2 significant
developments in education and culture:
1. Modesto de Castro - was a native priest
who lived in the first half of the 19th 1. introduction of free public instruction for
century, notable for his sermons in all children of school age, and
Tagalog. Known for Urbana at Feliza 2. the use of English language as a medium
(1864). of instruction in all levels of education in
2. Francisco Baltazar (1788-1862) - public schools.
popularly known as Balagtas. Known for Philippine literature in English became a direct
Florante at Laura, Orosman and Zafira result of American colonization; imitative of
3. Jose Rizal (1861-1896) - Philippine American models of writing.
national hero; known for Noli and El Fili
(works that sparked the revolution in
1896); Other known works: Mi Ultimo
Adios (poem), Sa Aking mga Kabata; A
las Flores de Heidelberg A. POETRY - poetry under the American
rule still followed the style of the old,
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but had contents that ranged from free • During this period, writers were given
writing to societal concerns under the the chance to write in newspapers
Americans. • Some of these newspapers were:
B. DRAMA - was usually used in the a. 1902 – Ang Kaluwasan (Cebuano)
Amercan period todegrade the Spanish b. 1903 – Muling Pagsilang (Tagalog)
rule and to immortalize the heroism of c. 1913 – Makinaugalingon (Ilonggo)
the men who fought under the d. 1908 – Nueva Era (Ilokano)
Katipunan. • The best-known magazines that
C. REMAKE NOVELS - took up Dr. /jose capitalized on short stories and poems
Rizal's portrayal of social conditions by were:
colonial repression. a. 1922 – Liwayway (Tagalog)
b. 1930 – Bisaya (Cebuano)
c. 1934 – Hiligaynon (Ilonggo)
FICTION d. 1934 – Bannawag (Ilokano)
• Seditious plays were mounted in the
o Marked by imitation of the style of
form of Zarsuwela. Known zarsuwelistas
storytelling and strict adherence to the
were: Juan Abad, Aurelio Tolentino and
craft of the short story. Some known
Juan Matapang Cruz.
writers of fiction were Francisco
• Among the Tagalog novelists were
Arcellana, A.E. Litiatco, Paz Latorena,
Ishmael Amado, Valeriano Gernandez
Icasiano Calalang, Arturo Rotor, Lydia
Peña, Faustino Aguilar, Lope K. Santos
Villanueva, Manuel Arguilla.
and Lazaro Francisco.
NOTABLE WRITERS • The Tagalogs invented the balagtasan in
honor of Francisco F. Balagtas (1st was
SHORT STORIES - most prevalent literary form.
on 1924 with Jose Corazon de Jesus
o 1925- Dead Stars - Paz Marquez Benitez “Huseng Batute” and Florentino
(landmark of Filipino writer's maturity Collantes as rivals)
in English.
Japanese Colonization (1946-1960).
o 1927 – The Small Key – by Paz Latorena
o 1933 – Footnote to Youth –by Jose ▪ Tagalog poets broke away from the
Garcia Villa Balagtas tradition and instead wrote in
o 1940 – We Filipinos are Mild Drinkers – simple language and free verse
by Alejandro Roces. ▪ Fiction prevailed over poetry
• 1930 – Child of Sorrow – first novel in
English by Zoilo Galang a. 25 Pinakamabuting Maikling Kathang
Pilipino (1943) – compilation of the
short story contest by the military
SHORT STORIES - most prevalent literary form. government
i. Suyuan sa Tubigan – Macario
• Jose Garcia Villa – earned the Pineda
international title “Poet of the ii. Lupang Tinubuan – Narciso
Century”. Reyes
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iii. Uhaw ang Tiagang na Lupa – ▪ Magazines and other Publications - News
Liwayway Arceo on economic progress, discipline, culture,
tourism and the like were favored more
than the sensationalized reporting of
killings, rape and robberies.
▪ Palanca Awards for Literature - Established ▪ Filipino Poetry – Poems during this period
in 1950. were romantic and revolutionary.
i. Jose Garcia Villa ▪ Filipino Songs – Many Filipino songs dealt
ii. Nick Joaquin with themes that were really true-to-life
iii. NVM Gonzales like those of grief, poverty, aspirations for
iv. Bienvenido Santos freedom, love of God, of country and of
v. Gregorio Brillantes fellowmen.
vi. Gilda Cordero Fernardo
▪ National Artist Awards


a. 1946 – Ginto Sa Makiling –by Macario

b. 1947 – Heart of the Islands – collection
of poems by Manuel Viray
c. 1950 – Philippines Cross Section – a
collection of prose and poetry by
Maximo Ramos and Florentino Valeros
d. 1952 – Prose and Poems – by Nick
e. 1953 – Philippine Writing – by. T.D.
▪ REPUBLIC PERIOD (1960-1985)
A. 1967 – Horizons Least – a collection of
works by Artemio Patacsil and Silverio
B. 1969 – Mga Ibong Mandaragit –
Amado V. Hernandez
C. 1970s The government took part in
reviving old plays like the Cenaculo,
the Zarzuela and the Embayoka of the
D. 1972 – Kerima Polotan Tuvera’s - novel
The Hand of the Enemy
▪ Radio and Television – Radio continued to
be patronized during this period.
▪ Filipino Films - A yearly Pista ng mga
Pelikulng Pilipino (Yearly Filipino Film
Festival) was held during this time.

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