Neverland + Map

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Look at the grid below, it gives details of places that can be found on a typical air
base. Read the descriptions and match them with the correct title and the
corresponding trade.
Operations Centre 1.This is the first building A
you see when you enter an
RAF station. This is the Physical Education Officer
nerve centre of all security
on the base. Physical Training Instructor
Hangar 2. All aircraft using the B
airfield are controlled from
here by air force personnel Catering accountant
who monitor and guide all
air traffic in the area. They Chef
also direct the station's
emergency services Steward
backed up by firefighters.
Medical Centre 3. This is the station's C
health and fitness centre.
Staff provide sports, Provost/ security officer
recreational and adventure
training opportunities on RAF police
and off the base.
Tower 4. This is where aircraft D
are serviced. A large
number of the RAF's Admin officer
workforce is employed
here in a whole range of Chaplain
engineering roles.
Engineer officers lead Legal officer
teams of technicians drawn
from four main engineering Personnel administrator
trade groups: aircraft
engineering, avionics Training officer
engineering, ground
electronic engineering and Station commander
general engineering.

Station HQ 5. Most RAF stations have E

centres dealing in primary
Description+trades: and secondary health care. Aerospace Systems
They are often backed up Operator
by Military District Hospital
Units (MDHU) and Air cartographer
aeromedical evacuation
units. Fighter controller

Flight ops officer

Intelligence analyst

Intelligence officer
Gym 6. Good F
telecommunications and
radio links are both vital to Intelligence analyst
air and ground operations
as well as the smooth day- (Communication and voice)
to-day running of the RAF.
This is where contact is Telecommunications
maintained with aircraft Operator
and where radio trafic is
Mess 7. This is the nerve centre G
of the station from which all
air operations are Medical officer
Dental officer

Nursing officer
Transmitter 8. This is the command H
and administrative
headquarters of the station Aircraft/avionics/ground
where all staffing welfare electronics engineers
and money matters are
dealt. technicians
Guardroom 9. Every station provides I
separate catering and
accommodation for Air traffic controllers
officers, sergeants and
junior airmen and women. Flight operations assistant

Say whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE.

1) The Station Headquarters is the first building you see when you enter an RAF T F
2) Fighter controllers work in the Operations Centre T F
3) If you had a pb concerning your pay, you would go to the Station T F
4) The provost works in the same building as the Station Commander. T F
5) A Steward works in the Mess T F
6) An aircraft technician works in a hangar T F
7) Firemen receive their orders from the Control Tower T F
8) PTI stands for Pilot Training Instructor T F
9) If you wanted to contact the RAF Police, you would go to the Guardroom T F
10) If you work in the catering trades you have something to do with feeding T F
service personnel.

Look at the map of A.F.B Neverland and answer the following questions:

a) Which service on the base is responsible for arranging accommodation for visiting
service personnel?

b) In which part of the base would unmarried personnel live?

c) Where would married servicemen or women and their families live?

d) Where might it be possible to find spiritual relief?

e) Where would service personnel go to ask for a vehicle?

Follow the directions that your partner will read to you , as you drive around the base.
At the end of the exercise fill in the word in the grid below.

1) You are at the main entrance. Enter the base. Turn left. Keep going until you
reach a small square building. Turn right. Note the first letter of the name of the
first building that you will soon see on your left.
2) Carry on to the end of the road. Turn right and head for the roundabout. On
your way, you meet member of the base personnel, the person greets/salutes
you. Note the first letter of the word used when you first meet someone.
3) Now, turn right at the roundabout. On your right you will see a board on which
a letter is written. Note this letter.
4) Take the first road on your left. When you reach the second crossroads turn
left. At the next crossroads there is a road-sign which means « stop ». Note
the first letter of the colour of this well-known sign.
5) Now, note the first letter of the closest building on your left.
6) Go past the administration wing and then take the third turning on your left.
You see a General coming out of the building on your right. Note down the first
letter of the symbol of his rank.
7) Write down the first letter of the building on your right.
8) 9) Go to the end of the road and turn right. Carry on until you see an aircraft.
Slightly further up on your right is a building from where all air movements are
controlled and monitored. Note twice the second letter of the 4th word of the
name of this building from which all aircrafts are controlled and monitored.

10.Now turn on the apron and take the next exit on your left. Write down the first
letter of this new « road ».

11.On your radio you get a call from Air Traffic Control telling you that you have no
clearance to be in this area. They order you to make a U turn and then to turn left.
You should now be in front of a hangar. Its width is twice its height which is 9
metres. Note the first letter of its width.

12.You are also not so far from the the place where planes take off and land. Note
the first letter of its name.

That's the end of the game. You should now be able to read another word for
« marksman »

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

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