Activity 10 Questions

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Activity 10 Questions






Activity 10 Questions

Question One

Given that, ads are 5;

Si= α+β x5+Ui

= α+ (350)5+Ui

= α+1750+Ui

Thus, sales when ads equals to 20

= α+β x20+Ui

= α+ (350)20+Ui

= α+7000+Ui

Therefore, the expected changes of Sale when ads changes to 20

= Si – S2

= 7000-1750


Question Two

When an individual suspends a judgement or the opposite of leaping to conclusions when making

evaluations or explaining a claim this is known as Skepticism. It helps the researchers to take into

considerations each scenario and carefully analyze each piece of data. Since it will be easy for us to

remain objective when carrying out this research, therefore we ought to be cautious of the outcomes that

are in part (a). Thus, the company must have an evaluation of all statements made to ensure that there is

enough supporting data. Nevertheless, the company research department is lacks enough data to be able to

prove this.

Question Three

To give our advertisements legitimacy, the company must be vigilant and provide evidence based

on actual consumers data rather than using guessed data. Advertising will hasten the death of the

company’s sales rather than boost the firm’s sales if they claim that their quality or value is the "best"

when it plainly is not. Additionally, it is best to resist from identifying and disparaging the competitors. It

could be confounding and unpleasant, and it might fail on the company by increasing rather than

decreasing consumer loyalty to rival brands.

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