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2arn0122, 1659 VOCABULARY EXERCISE 536-472-ING-004 / Book 5, module 1,opic ree, / VOCABULARY EXERCIS rea personal / Mis cursos / 2022-C: magn 1 A Sparsely[_populated 8 Satelite|_dah 6. 8us[_serminal o.[_ business Jer. E[_ monsoon] season F. Public [transportation G[_secludes _]vilage HLL security Jouard | Boarding[ pass 1 revelving]aoer Preginn2 4. Simon .. to Brazil next week @b isgoing to Oe has gone (Quitar mi eleccign htpsspataformavirualila edu dofmod!quiz/attamptphp?allompt=893777Bemid=278621 13 2arn0122, 1659 VOCABULARY EXERCISE Ppa 3 Sinresponder sin Puna cone 100 2 Harold in this village since he was a chil Oa. isliving @ b& has been living Oc tives uitar mi eleccién Pepe Have you... the documentary about the Tuareg on TV? Oa saw Ob. been seeing @c seen Quitar mieleccién Before coming to London, the tribal chief... an escalator before, Oa. isn't seeing Ob wasn't seen @ & hadhvt seen Quitar mi eleccin htpsspataformavirualila edu dofmod!quiz/attamptphp?allompt=893777Bemid=278621 20 2arn0122, 1659 VOCABULARY EXERCISE rreparta 6 Sinresponder sin Pune come 100 You would have a better relationship with your neighbors ifyou were a bit Oa. most friendly @b more riensly Oe asfriendly as uitar mi eleccién “= Evidencia de ls doncecia Ira MULTIPLE CHOICE = htpsspataformavirualila edu dofmodiquiz/attampphp?allompt=899777Bemid=278621 a

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