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Management versus Change





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Management versus Change

It is common practice to use the terms change control and change management

interchangeably. Both are the components of infrastructure and system management that are

placed to the most use and receive the most attention. When it comes to change control, it is

expected of individuals to think ahead about any important adjustments that should be made as

well as how they may prevent making unnecessary modifications. Additionally, one is obligated

to evaluate how such modifications will have an effect on other systems contained inside the

system. The implementation of change should also be controlled to guarantee that it is carried out

in a methodical and well-coordinated fashion. Coming up with significant modifications while

also ensuring that there will be only a minimal amount of interference with the normal operation

of services is the primary responsibility of change control. Additionally, it intended to place an

emphasis on the management of time and the efficiency in the utilization of resources that are

utilized in the process of making changes (Akbar et al., 2019).

The responsibility for ensuring that the changes have been implemented properly will fall

on the change management team once a decision regarding a change has been reached and

agreed upon. This includes the formation of teams, the making of personal preparations, and

providing assistance to an organization in the process of ensuring that these changes have

become a reality. Alternately, change management viewed as managing how different

characteristics of individuals are changed, with the end goal of putting these changes into effect

(Idris et al., 2018).

The process of establishing and considering changes as they occur in the course of a

project is what change control focuses on. The goal of change management is to ensure that new

objectives are met by focusing on how individuals adapt to new circumstances and how changes

in the workplace are implemented. The management of change focuses on ways in which a

situation can be improved with the fewest possible resources being used. Management of change

entails directing and communicating with individuals in an efficient manner in order to bring

about the changes that are implemented. Change control necessitates the use of information

technology-based solutions, in contrast to change management, where such solutions are

typically not required (Idris et al., 2018)



Akbar, M. A., Sang, J., Khan, A. A., & Hussain, S. (2019). Investigation of the requirements

change management challenges in the domain of global software development. Journal

of Software: Evolution and Process, 31(10), e2207.

Idris, A., See, D., & Coughlan, P. (2018). Employee empowerment and job satisfaction in urban

Malaysia: Connecting the dots with context and organizational change

management. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 31(3), 697-711.

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