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❏ Size Estimation (Function Point Metrics):

Step 1:​ Estimating the variables and Calculating UFP for the FP
Metric of size estimation

Inputs​- 3
1. Users’ Details (Simple)
2. Stock ID (Simple)
3. Stock buy/sell Qty. (Simple)
Output​- 2
1. Stock Details (Simple)
2. Portfolio and Funds Details (Average)
Inquiries​- 2
1. Stock ID (Complex)
2. Stock buy/sell Qty. (Simple)
Files​- 3
1. User Details (Simple)
2. Portfolio Information (Average)
3. Funds (Simple)
Interface​- 1
1. Stock Exchange API for getting real time prices (Average)

UFP = 3*4 + 2*5 + 2*4 + 3*10 + 1*10 = 70

Step 2: Calculating the Refined UFP based on the
complexities of all the variables:

Simple Average Complex

Input 3 0 0
Output 1 1 0
Inquiries 1 0 1
Files 2 1 0
Interface 0 1 0
Refined UFP = 3*3+1*4 + 1*5 + 1*3 + 1*6 + 2*7 + 1*10 + 1*7
= 4*3 + 1*4 + 1*5 + 1*6 + 3*7 + 1*10
Refined UFP = 58

Step 3: Calculating DI, TCF and FP

Average DI= 14*4 = 56 
TCF = (0.65 + 0.01 * DI) 
= (0.65 + 0.01 * 56) 
TCF = 1.21 
= 58 * 1.21 
FP = 70.18 
❏ Effort and Development Time Estimation
(COCOMO Model):
LOC Estimation:  
1. Registration: 250
2. Login: 150
3. Home Page: 400
4. Equity Details-
a. Stock Information: 270
b. Buying and Selling of Stock: 350
5. Funds and Portfolio: 520
6. Miscellaneous: 400

Therefore, LOC is approximately 2340. So, ​KLOC= 2.34

Effort = 2.4*(KLOC^1.05) PM
= 2.4 *(2.34^1.05) PM
Effort = 5.8598 PM

Tdev = 2.5*(Effort)^0.38 Months

= 2.5 *(5.8598)^0.38 Months
Tdev = 4.89 Months
❏ Project schedule breakdown (Activity network
and PERT chart):

The Activity Network Representation

Task Number  Task  Duration (Days)  Dependent on Task 

T1  10  - 

T2  25  T1 


T3  30  T1 


T4  Code Database  40  T2 

T5  45  T3 

Code Interface 

T6  65  T4 & T5 

Integrate and 

T7  45  T1 

Write User 
The Activity Network

Projected Parameters Computed from Activity
Task  Early  Early  Latest  Latest  Slack 
Start  Finish  Start  Finish  Time 

Specification  0  10  0  10  0 

Design  10  35  20  45  10 


Design  10  40  10  40  0 


Code  35  75  45  85  10 


Code  40  85  40  85  0 


Integrate and  85  150  85  150  0 


Write User  10  55  40  85  30 

The PERT Chart

The critical path is shown with blue color 

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