Investigator at Your Service

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An investigator is a fundamental person in b the crime scene investigation, they are the one
who investigates the crime scene and they must be available any time 24 hours a day and seven days
a week, they take risky responsibilities in investigating the crime scene by performing various tasks
such as identifying and locating the offender, knowing the identity of the victim, collecting reliable or
strong evidence from the crime scene and present it to the court to prove that the offender is guilty,
and being a witness in favor against the offender.

In addition, crime scene investigator requires a lot of experience and knowledge regarding
crime investigation to avoid negligence, they must also be well-trained crime scene investigator to
perform the job well and efficiently for the reason that the proving guilty of the criminal offender and
obtaining justice for the victim is primarily dependent on the crime scene investigators.

It is also important that the crime scene investigator has unlimited access to all office support
staff and to local and foreign agencies related to the Criminal Justice System such as the National
Bureau of Investigation, Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency, Bureau of Corrections, Bureau of Jail
Management and Penology, FBI, INTERPOL and alike. In order to monitor the progress of the crime
investigation, the investigator shall make a report to their seniors or supervisors in order to inform
the accomplishment they had made.

Crime scene investigators are also required to attend autopsies, processing warrant of arrest,
and perform an interrogation of suspects under custody, especially in a murder case. It is also
important for crime scene investigators to observe due process and know the rights of the suspect
under custody.

I conclude that Crime Scene Investigators have a major role in solving criminal cases and they
are committed to take any risky tasks in to accomplish its main goal that is to obtain the justice for the
victim and to prove that the offender is guilty.

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