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Answer key Sreamescs 1 GRAMMAR & 2 Doyouhaveany brothers or sisters? ‘Whar university do you goo? ‘What anguagescan you speak? Where did you study English before? ‘What kind of music do you listen to? How ofien do you do exerci ‘Where did you golast weekend? did youdo lastnight TTY programmes does your girlfriend watch is your biehday are you from «did your friends go.on holiday last year do you read ‘were you angry yesterday 2 VOCABULARY 12d 3i 4g Se Oh 7b 8a 9F 1c 3 PRONUNCIATION 22P 3R 4M SB 6K 71 © 2programme 3thirteen _4thitty Stunivcrsity Gweekend 7 magazine Ssister Slanguage 10.address 4 SPELLING AND NUMBERS 2 seventeen, eighteen eighty, inet one hundred, one hundred and one ‘ight hundred, nine hundred four hundred and fifty, five hundred five thousand, seven thousand thirty thousand, forty thousand bb exercise Sbreakfast 4 family Scinema thousand 7eacher Suniversity 9 weekend 10important 5 LISTENING 4 Because some friends are waiting for him. | Because Sandra's boyfriend arrives, bIT 2F 3F 47 ST OF Srrmenisamesesee 1 GRAMMAR 4 2 ledoesn'erain alot here Wedon'tliveina flat [don't play tennis He doesn't havea beard They dont go to the gym She doesn't write a blog b 2Does 3do 4Docs Sdo 7 Does © 2earms Sstudy 4want Gshare Thave 8 doe Sdoesn'tlike 10 prefer 12geton 6 Does Slives M1 dont see 2 VOCABULARY a 2bald 3scraight, curly 4¥beard, moustache ~ 5 fat, slim thin, overweight 7 red meu height b2d 3e 4a Sb OF © extrovert 3mean unfriendly Slazy Gunkind 7 funny” 8intelligene 3 PRONUNCIATION a Iwatches lives 3likes 4starts Slaves 6cooks © extrovert 3unftiendly 4 generous Smousache 6serious 7curly 8 quiet 9 oversight 4 READING bat 3F 4F st 5 LISTENING 4 three © 1E 2A,F 3B,D Sresesom one 1 VOCABULARY 4 Down: leggings 3erousers 4shirt cracksuit cap ‘Across: Strainers Sbelt Scoat Sdress 10tie b 2onthelefe Sinfrontof 4nextto Shchind 6 between 2 GRAMMAR arerelaxing Jarewalking 4islying Sisrelaxing Garesitting 7arethey doing Bare waiting are watching is playing bb Qdrives Saresleeping 4’sraining Sdrinks Glike Tworks Swears 9'restudying 10live 3 PRONUNCIATION 4 fashion, sandals, sweater, trainers, shir, skirt, Tshirt, third, world 4 LISTENING David Hockney used his iPhone andiPad to draw them. b 1 InParis, 2 Thesunrise 3 Hesends hem tohis friends. 4 30Jamuary 5. Fiveeuros. Serre stamens 1 CALLING RECEPTION “There's problem with the shower. 'Ilsend somebody up right away. Vmsorry tobother you again, have a problem withthe Wi-Fi 6 Ti put you through to 2 SOCIAL ENGLISH 2 good view 4 ustbe 3looking forward Ss Bytheway 3 READING 227 37 4F ST OF 7F Sresmaesmenisens: 1 VOCABULARY 2 2for,walk Shook 4abroad hire Gout 7stay Ssigheseeing sunbathe 10 away b 2sunny Scromded delicious Sunhelpful Gbasic 7 friendly Slovely Seloudy 10disgusting 2 GRAMMAR a Regular: arrived, asked, invited, rented, stayed, sunbathed Irregular: bought, could, chose, ate fl, sid b 2 They didn't buy 3 The people weren't 4 Ididne sunbathe 5 Wedidn'thire 6 He didn't spend Our room wasnt © wanted Ihooked Stock Sarrived Gwent 7asked Slooked 9 couldn't 1Owent 2 didehey want 3 didthey book 4 didthey arrive 5 did the woman atthe desk 6 didehey go 3 PRONUNCIATION Bhooked invited © caught, saw 4 said, went a 2wanted 2rang,sat_3drove, wroce Save, made 4 LISTENING a2 c3 d5 e4 ioe 1 GRAMMAR 4 2wassnowing 3weren't driving Swashedoing Swere youcrying Gwassiting 7 wereliving Swasnt working b 2 Hefelloffhisbike when he was cycling home 3 Thechikdren were playing video games when the vistors arrived 4 Wewere having abarbecue when it startedorain 5 Iwas finishing my report when my ‘computer crashed € 2werehaving 3got_4was speaking Snoticed Gwassitting 7decided Swent said 10stopped Iwas passing I2took IBeame | 14was smiling 1Slooked 16 was aughing 2 VOCABULARY 2 Zin 3on,inatzon don Son Gatin,at 7inon 8Atin,in b2onin 3on,injon 4injon Sat 6on, fon 7atin Batat 4LISTENING + Yes b2b 3c 4a Sa Roseman 1GRAMMAR 4 2Nextday when 4Suddenly STwominuteslater 6 Afeer that b tbso IeAlthough 2a Alkhough bso ebecause 3abut 3b Although Bebecause © 1 soldidn’t have any breakfast 2 but Thad a great holiday in Egype 3 although {dont realy lke him 4 solcalled the police 5 although he has alot of money 6 because she couldn’ find her wallet 2 VOCABULARY 22g 3f 4b Sh 6a Te Be 3 PRONUNCIATION I awful, birthday, evening, perfect, restaurant, second 2 again, although, because, invite 4 READING 225.143 5 LISTENING IT 2P 3P 47 Soresrcnsnaneume 1 GRAMMAR a2 ‘mgoingeobook isn't goingto sleep, '.goingroget {sn goingto fly ‘regoingto be ‘minor going to stay Are, going to need vwearent goingto go We're going to go are you goingto travel Were going robe are yougoingtodo We're going to stay we're going to rent Isiegoingtobe 0 iisnt goingtorain SP 6T 2 VOCABULARY 2lift 3Departures. 4checkin Sgate Gpassportcontrol 7 Baggage Reclaim Strolley 9 Customs 10 Arrivals 4 READING a three b2T 3B 47 ST OF 5 LISTENING | Dialogue? Check-in jalogue 3 Immigration jalogue 4 Baggage reclaim ialogue 5 Customs © Lasandwich 2 B28 3 415673702 4 grey 5 some chocolate Smeenne 1 GRAMMAR 4 2'vedrving Sarentstopping 4 regetting S'regoing Garen'ttaking 7 'restopping Strearriving 9'repicking 10'recatching wz ies goingrobe he's going to get the job aren'e going to miss y she's going ro have 2 VOCABULARY 2in Sahout 4for Son 6to at Sof 3 PRONUNCIATION a 2 Taloveto, 3 Areyou ee this weekend? 4 Sorry, no.'m working on Saturday 5 What about next weekend? Whatare you doing then? 6 Nothing Next weckend i fine 7 Great. Doyou like walking? 8 Toveit! 9) OK. Let’ goto Devon the countryside is beautifull 4 READING b 2B 3P 4B SV OP 5 LISTENING a Iraly and France bb 2astudent Saweck 4Venice StheLouvre Ginhotels Reames scemeay 1 GRAMMAR a 2a 3d 4h Sb 6g 7e Be b which Swho 4which Swhich Gwhere 7who Swhere where 10who 2 VOCABULARY 2kind 3similar like Ssomething Gexample 7 someone 8 somewhere 3 PRONUNCIATION 4 2aquite,bquiet 3ashoes, bsocks 4aswoet,bsuit Sasightses,b sunbathe Gaweight, height 7ashirt,bshorts Sacloudy, berowded 4 READING a 2fashionista 3Chicklit 4 E-waste Ssandwich generation 6 Agrivouri F Netiquette Sstaycacion 5 LISTENING three b2F 31 47 SF OF 7F ST Sores 1 VOCABULARY 2menu 3starcer Swaiter | waitress 4main course dessert bill 2 AT THE RESTAURANT 2 Yes, please Can | getyou something to start with? No, thank you, Just a main course, I'd ike the steak, pease 5 And how would youlike your steak? Rare, medium or well done 6 Rare, please Would you like that with fries or witha baked potato? 8 Abaked potato, please 9. OK. And odrink? 10 Water, please 1 Sullor sparkling? 12 Still 13 Here's your steak, madam. 114 Tmsorry but asked for my steak rare and this is welldone. 3 SOCIAL ENGLISH Istartwith Zany suggestions, be great Swehave 4amistake,my day 5t0 go 4 READING a 2Spm-Tpm, 3$1295 4 2146.9chst 5 Restaurants inthe Theatre Distict 6 830-845 7 Atlunchtime 7 Scandinavian food 1 VOCABULARY a 2make 3tidy dlay Sclean Grakeout do 8puraway b 2make 3make 4do Fido Smake Sdo 6make 2. GRAMMAR a 2 Haveyoumadeany plans for the weekend yet We haven't finished lunch yet Daniel has already tidied his room Ive already done the froning Have you been tothe supermarket yet [haven't cleaned the bathroom yet Edward has already taken outthe rubbish bb 2'sjusefallen 3 'vejust won 4 sejustcleaned 5'sjust aid 6 Ne just missed 3 PRONUNCIATION & young 3year yellow Suniform jacket Tteenager Sbridge 9jumper Wenjoy 4 READING a2 b2r 37 47 SF OF 7T 5 LISTENING a Speakers b Speaker 2E, Speaker 3A, Speaker 4D, Speaker SC Somamcsaraene 1 VOCABULARY 4 Zchangingrooms Seheckout 4 receipt Ssuit size 7fit Stake, back 9 shop assistants b Down: 2item Sauction 7 website Across:Sbasket_4payment Gcheckout Bdelivery 2 GRAMMAR 4 2 Thaven'tbrought my credit card Has Anna gone / been shopping Has your sister ever worked asa model You havent worn your new shirt Have [ever told you about my holiday inGreece 7 ‘The shopping centre's never been so crowded 8 Tvenever used eBay b 2A Have youeversold, Bhave, Add you sll Baidnt want 3A Haveyou ever worn, Bhavent 4A Haveyou cverlost, Bhave, left 5A Haveyou everhad, Bhave, didn't have, could 3 PRONUNCIATION a Aproceed 3clothes 4.eard 4 LISTENING a Ashopping centre b 2 S£145billion 3 Twodepartment stores, one supermarket, and 300 smaller shops 70 10,000 By car, bus, rain, and by the underground Some trousers Because there were too many people in the changing rooms tory them on Sramennmensisans 1 GRAMMAR a Zanything 3anywhere 4anywhere Sanyone Gsomething 7 nobody Ssomewhere 9 somebody b2T 37 4P ST 6F 7F 2 VOCABULARY 2relaxing Shoring 4 depressed Sincerested Gexciting 7 depressing Brelaxed bored excited 3 PRONUNCIATION a1 anything, dress friendly, sweater, website 2 coat, do, goes, home, photos 5 funny, gloves, inch, something, nothing 4 READING a2 Tidy your wardrobe Listen to some podcasts Play board games Bake loaf of bread Learnhow tojuggle Meet your neighbours Organize your shelves 9. Take some photos 10 Startablog 5 LISTENING 4 Speaker I went camping nthe Lake District. ‘Speaker 2 stayed ina hotel in Paris. ‘Speaker 3 went toa local museum. Speaker 4's brother and wife came to stay bb 1 Speaker'3 2 Speaker4 3 Speaker? 4 Speakers 6 Speaker4 8 Speaker 2 Sreceenmen: 1 GRAMMAR 4 2worse Jmoreslowly 4hotter Sharder Gfurther 7better Shealthier ‘Smoredangerous 10busier asstylishasher shoes asbigasmyboss's play as well as Spain Ariveas carefully as me asexpensive a laptops look is relaxed as Harry asdinty ashisshiet 2 VOCABULARY 2spend Jon 4waste Ssave Gin 3 PRONUNCIATION a 2centre 3paremts 4ago Schild 6 pavient 7 problem Scommunication traditional Waround 11 seconds 2better 1 2cenf 3parQnes 4go Schikl 6patiQoe 7 probigm SeQymmunicafa 9 exdiGnal 1OGround 11 secQjads 12 bee 4 READING b2F 37 47 SF OF 5 LISTENING a 1Speaker 3 2Speaker 5 Speaker 2 Speakers bb Happiest: Speakers 465 Least happy’ Speaker 2 ie 1 GRAMMAR a 2wetiest Sfurthest 4worst Supliest Gsaest” 7most exciting 8 friendliest bb 2themostinteresting 3 mostexpensive ‘heat Sbusiest © 2 Tharsthe fastestcarT'veever driven 5 lesthe most beautiful building we've That's he healthiest meal he's ever eaten Iesthe best photograph you've ever taken ‘Thisisthe mostexciting sport 've ceverdone That's the wore flight we've ever had 8 This isthe most interesting ity ve ever visited 2 VOCABULARY a Dooast west 4 population > 2polluted 3safe 4noisy Shoring crowded © 2rownhall 5 famous Beastle 4statue 3 PRONUNCIATION 2 Zoramded 3dangerous texting Sighening generous» 7imerescing ‘pred 8 rouaaic 4 LISTENING 21246 bar 3F 47 SF ine 1 VOCABULARY a illness 3skin 4faces hones Soprevent 7brain 2.GRAMMAR a 2afew 3many 4much Salitde Genough Tmany SAlitle Salocof afew bb 2tallenough Stoomuch 4-enough rime Stoomuch Groomany 7 enough exercise Ssleep enough 3 PRONUNCIATION a Imuch,none 2 few, food, too 3diet like, quite 4any, healthy, many 4 READING potatoes: b2F 3F 47 SF GF 7T 5 LISTENING & Aliceis.35. Her body ageis 31 b 2no Sany 4alocof 5 positive Galietle Tafew Senough Seremmiinngsce 1 VOCABULARY 2d 3e 4a 5b 2 TAKING SOMETHING BACK TOASHOP Zhought problem afraid Ssize Gsmall 7medium Sse 9 sorry refund M1 changingrooms 12 receipe 3 SOCIAL ENGLISH 2. Ob, you know. Working! But iewas OK. 3. Why dont we gout for dinner? I could bbooka restaurant. 4 OK. For what time? 5 Eighto'clock? 6 Canwemake itabic earlier? Say, seven thirty? 7 OK. ilgoand havea shower then. 8 Sure, 4 READING a 2Tiffany& Co 3Ricky’s 4 Ricky's b Theyboard 2 pricey 3accessories 4 engagement Sremeeensoens Shuge 6 do-it-yourself 1 GRAMMAR a 2wontwin 3won'tremember 4'llforget | Swon'tsell 6 Ilmiss 2 VOCABULARY 2learn 3Vllpass 4Pull Sbroken Gborrow Those Sturnon sent 10 found 4 READING 4 2Gemini 3Aries 4Aquatius 5 Taurus 5 LISTENING 4 Matt's star sign is Capricorn and Amy's star signs Virgo. b 2M 3A 4A SM 6M 7M Sricscasasoamen 1 GRAMMAR 2 ShallITend yousome money Filhave the chicken Shall rake your coat Shall earn off the airconditioning? 3 4 6 Lwon'the late b2P 30 40 SD 6P 2 VOCABULARY ae tomy tod. ha deat 3 PRONUNCIATION: 2 2 GD .emal amie 3 pte tn 4 READING 4 Paul learnt not to lend money to strangers ba6 b3 cS c4 £2 g8 h7 5 LISTENING 4 They had problems with crime, bb Speaker 2A Speaker3C Speaker4B. Speaker SE 1 GRAMMAR a 2 do...go,read 3 willwin, Mose 4 were... doing, was watching 5 Have. dreamt, "ve... had 6 are... doing, 'm reading 7 Did... sleep, wokeup 8 are... leaving, going to go b 2havedone 3works 4'sstudying Shas... published Ghelped 7 chose Bdiscovered had 10saw were watching 2 VOCABULARY 2with Mor 4at Sto Gin Tof Sfrom 3 PRONUNCIATION 4 2now Shorrow 4down 4 LISTENING 2 2 You are falling 4 Yow are flying b Dream2a Dream 3d Dream 5b 3 Youare ost. 5 You can't escape. Dream4e Nrereammascaraas: 1 GRAMMAR 4 2rosce Snottofinish 4t0find Snottorell Gnottodo 7orent b 2difficuletotalk Seasytobuy ‘Simportant nottosay 5 great tohear Gfuntobe © 2eostudy 3tobook 4romake Sto get Grotake 4 2whento-all_3how many to buy ‘where to.go S what to stay how much totake 2 VOCABULARY offered 3didn'twant 4 pretended Seeded 6 promised. 7 planned 8 forgot/didn’t remember 9 forgot | didn'tremember 10eried 11 learned 4 READING a The writers generally positiveabout mothers-in-law. b 2b 3a 4e 5 LISTENING b 2) 3D 4D 5) 6D 7D 8) irene: 1 GRAMMAR a 2playing studying 4wricing Ssnowing Sgoing 7 swimming Sgetting Slistening 10using, notdriving b2a 3e 4f Sd 6b © imagining 4 driving Slistening GStaying Treading 8gertingup Staking 10going 11 exercising I2having 1S Turning Mleaving 4 2rouse Shuying tocarry Seravelling Gtoread Ttolookfor Sto show Sreading 1Olooking 11 nottolose I2toborrow 13tolend 14 reading T5totake 16rocharge 2 VOCABULARY 2e 3b 4a Sd OF 3 PRONUNCIATION 4 2promise Ssurprise 4 engine 4 LISTENING bb Speaker2D Speaker3A. Speaker 4 Speaker Srmerscnccamsss 1 GRAMMAR 2 1 don'thaveto, haveo 2 Do...haveto,haveto, don'thaveto 3 Do... havero,don'thavero, have to 4 Does... have to, doesn't have to,has to b 2Youmust 3 You musta’ 5Youmust 6 You mustn't 4 Youmustn't © 2mustn't 3musin'e 4 don'thavero Smustn't Gdon'thavero 2 VOCABULARY 2 quite difficult counderstand American films new teacher speaks very fast ‘of those students ate abit unfriendly English books isa realy good idea incredibly hard tolearn Chinese 4 READING 44 Students’ own answers b 2Luis 3Kiko AJosef SGloria 6Paolo 5 LISTENING 4. Onall Mac computers, Phones, the iPod touch and the iPad. bb 2 around3,000 3 8,000 4 290,000 2006 peer ‘1 VOCABULARY 2cold Shadstomach 4tremperature Sheadache Gcough 2 GOING TO A PHARMACY 2well Ssymptoms dhave Sallergic beter Peake Severy Soften 10much 3 SOCIAL ENGLISH Tovely, glad 2Can,for should, sure 4 READING 2c 3A 41 Sees 1 GRAMMAR a 2should,F 3shouldn',E shouldn't, Sshould,C 6shouldn', D b 2shouldn'edrink Sshould go 4 shouldsee should tel Oshouldn'egive | 7 should call © B4 Cl D7 E6 F2 GS SH 6G 7F 8B 9D Se 2 VOCABULARY 2getshome Sgotlost 4 getfit Setting worse Ggottickets 7 geton Sgotstexcmessage 9 getting up get. school 3 PRONUNCIATION 4 2could 3s0up 4book 4 LISTENING bb Speaker2B Speaker3D Speaker 4E Speaker 5A 1 GRAMMAR 3a 4f Sb 6d b 2see Suse swon'tger Sdon'ttake Gdoesn'twork Twillbe Sisn' 3 4 throw, make, will come, A 5 ‘scatch, won'the, G 6 break, have, B 7 see, runs, "I go,E 2 VOCABULARY a Dlost,missed Stell says 4 waiting, hope 5 watching, ook at 6known, met 7borrow lend Slooking for, found Swearing, carrying 10take, being 4 LISTENING a five b 2 InMayand June. 3. Exeranightsina hoteifyoucan' ly home. 4 Things will only get worse. 5. Your Family and friends at home 6 Whatthey will dif there isa natural disaster. 1 GRAMMAR Whose laptop is that, his Whose keys ae those, hers Whose caristhat, ours Whose coatsare those, yours Whose house is that, theirs b 2yours,ours 3his,His 4ours, theirs 5 Your, Mine, hers een 2 VOCABULARY 2quietly Sseriously 4 lazily Sdreamily Gcalmly 3 PRONUNCIATION a 2disance 3 dollar 4advantage Senjoy completely remember Spromise 9 suspicious 4READING 2 Students own answers b2G 3D 4H Sy SLISTENING 4 Theexperiment hoped to found out men and women cook differently Tewasn't sucessful bar 37 4F SF oT inemarssaeccars 1 GRAMMAR ate 3a 4c b Sb 6d would you doiFyou found a million euros aphone ifhe could afford one five me caviar woulda’ eat it ‘would you sayifyou could talkto the president Took fora new jobifl were you saw; would seream woulda'thave, didn’t have wasn't, would get Tived, would earn would... do, attacked 2 VOCABULARY 2 Across:2cow 6jellyfish 7 whale bear 10snake Down: Sspider 4bee Ssheep Shorse 3 PRONUNCIATION 2 2eamel 3chicken crocodile Sdolphin Gclephant 7giraffe jellyfish lion Wmonkey 1 mosquito 12rabbie BBspider tiger 4 READING {Students own answers b2 5S LISTENING 4 By pressing his fingers into the shark's eye b 1 Australia 2 Fishing His head, shoulders, and one of his arms. Metal Hisson By helicopter He had deep cutsalloverhis body anda broken nose 8 Overthree metreslong Sram 1 VOCABULARY 4 2claustrophobia d_3arachnophobia a 4 glossophobia e Sacrophobia c b 2scared 3fear terrified Safraid 6 phobia 2 GRAMMAR a 2since 3since 4for Sfor Gsince 7for Ssince b 2since Ssince 4for Ssince 6Since For Bsince since € 2Hovlong has. played 3 How long has... lived 4 How long has had 5 When did. hear X How long a X since February X have youhad for eight years “ v 4 LISTENING a afearofdogs b2c 3a 4e Siemens, ‘1 VOCABULARY 22d 3b 4f Se Gh 7g 8a 2 GRAMMAR a 2sent 3shemet 4They ell Sthey gor 6Theyhad 7They moved Sthey'velived Shasjustpur 10he'sheen 11 havemade b 2 did... get,'vebeen 5 has... worked, finished 4 have... had, bought 5 did... mect,'s known 6 have... lived, arrived 3 PRONUNCIATION 41 married, primary, secondary, separate 2 divorced, musician, retire, successful 4 READING 2 A7 B2 C6 D3 ES G4 bb 2 didhis mother buy 3 were 4 did John Lennon die 5 hhas Julian Lennon made 6 has Sean Lennon played 5 LISTENING They were both two years old. b2r 37 47 ST 6T 7T 8F Meese ceitie son 1 VOCABULARY straight 3round exit Slights Gtake7lefe Bright 2 ASKING HOW TO GET THERE ‘Could you say that again? How many stopsis that? OK. Andthen? Whereis (OK. Thanks. Seeyou later. 3 SOCIAL ENGLISH 2said dont 4stay Sfeel Glong Think 4 READING 2 30-40minutes 3S14_4 S45 5 nothing 6 6.30am. 7 $13, Sremumuenance: 1 VOCABULARY a 2given 3discovered fused 5 played Gshown called Sinvented opened Whased 2 GRAMMAR 2 Thefilm The iron Ladyis based on the life of Margaret Thacher “Mobile phones weren't invented by Apple Lead isnt used in petrol nowadays Low-cost lights are sold online The Petronas Towers were designed by an Argentinianarchitect ‘Avatar wasnt directed by Steven Spielberg Minis aren't made by a British company. bb 2 Contact lenses were invented by a Czech, chemist Where are olives grown, ‘The VW Beetle was designed inthe 19305 Diamonds are found in many different colours ‘When were vitamins discovered Spanish isspokenin Spain and many partsof South America 8 Where were the Lord ofthe Ring films made are worn by people ofall ages ‘weren't invented by Microsoft the heating controlled by computer was written by Stieg Larsson aren't used by people very much today wasn't painted by Picasso allehe Harry Potter films directed by the same person 3 PRONUNCIATION a checked 3wanted 4rained Sdecided 4.LUISTENING ae 3a bb 2 inPercy Spencer's pocket, not onthe table 3 German, not American 4 glass and paper, not water and a. 5 the man's wife’shand, nothis hand 6 8 potata chips, ncrisps chef, nota waiter ‘Saratoga chip not Saratoga potatoes! Siromsmescerts 1 VOCABULARY a 2h 3e 4b Sa b2g 3c 4a Of 7i 8d 9g Sb i 7f 8d 9 2 GRAMMAR 2 I didn'tuse to behave Weused to wear Did Alexuse tohave didn’t usec study tased to be didn’t use to play Did your teachers use to give Heused to go Wedidn'tuse to understand Didyou user School used to Did your friends used tohelp 4 READING a 2. What's the most important lesson youleamed at school? 3 Didyoueverbehave badly? 4 What subjects were you good at? 5 Whar did you want todo when you left school? 6 Did you have a favourite teacher? b2T 3B 4F ST 6T 77 SF 5 LISTENING Amy was good at languages ar school, bt Tony wasn’ bb 2 studied itar university 5 some numbers 44 too uncomfortable 5 German, (6 make younger pupils earn languages Srommssamaezsey 1 GRAMMAR 4 2mighego Smighthave 4mighttake Smigherain Smightinviee 7 might mal Smight eat bb 2mighenorger 3 might have 44 might not come _S might not be Gmightmiss Tmight go Smighe ail 2 VOCABULARY 4 Sdecision 4die Seducation Gelect imagination Sinform 9 invitation Olive option 12organize 13 succeed bb decision invite 4Success 5inform decided Fimagine Slife 3 PRONUNCIATION a2Y 3K 4K 5K 64 7X 8v 4 READING &. Todiscoverifa good night's sleep helps when yotthave tomake an important decision. bb 2atdifferenttimes 3sometimelater 4Some Sfour different Tlost SREM sleep 5 LISTENING bb Speaker 2D Speaker3A Speaker 4E Speaker § B Sree ‘1 VOCABULARY a 2erack match point serve 4 Slap Gpenalty 7 corner unker bb into 2 round Stowards 6 past Binto doutof © Across:4down Sup Down: lourof 2round 3into 6 past Through Salong Trowands Sacross 2 GRAMMAR 4 2kicked,under 3 went through threw, into Sranacross hit, over b 2ourof 30 into Salong Gunder Tpast Sthrough along 10towards Macross 3 PRONUNCIATION a 2volleyball Swindsurfing Geycling Srughy athletics Ymotor racing 4 skin " basketbs ee 4 LISTENING 4 cards, tennis, football,board games, basketball bb 2SpeakerS 3Speaker! 4Speaker4 5Speaker 3 1 VOCABULARY a over Salter 4off Sin Gon b 2ehrowaway 3tumup lookup Slookforwardro 6gcton with 7 goout Stryon Stakeback IO giveup 2 GRAMMAR a 2payitback 3lookforchem 4¥ Slooks after my kids 67 2 She'll give them back on Friday 3 Areyoulooking forward toit 4 called her back when I got home 5 Wedon'e get on with them 6 Shall weturniton 4 READING a 2getup Sgoour Ggiveup Feu biv 2x 3x 4x SK 6x ov tov Atakeoff Spuron mm Byritedown 74 8x 5 LISTENING 2 positive b2T 3F Sree 1 GRAMMAR a 2Neither was! 3Sodol 5Soam! 6Neitherhavel b 2Sodidl 3Neitherhavel 4Sowast SNeither aml GNeither can 7Sowould! 8Neither dol 2 VOCABULARY 2as 3like 4both S50 identical 4F 57 6T 4Sowouldl Gneither 3 PRONUNCIATION © similar 3coincidence Sdiscover Geverywhere 8 definitely 4amazing 7 personality 4 READING al b2P 3P 47 ST 6F 5 LISTENING a2a 3b b 2k Serer matnetogtane 1 ON THE PHONE Fin, bey leave, message, call, back 4 pu 30T 4KB SRR GOT 2. SOCIAL ENGLISH 2 Agreatnows Igo first SNeverbetter Alacer 3READING b2f 31 de Sd 6b 7m 8g 95 Wk Wa 121 13h Srrewceesmnuazat 1 GRAMMAR 2 Thadn'tclosed Shadateflown, Shad started Shadread Ghadn'theard lad they eaten sushi before Hadhe won a medal before Had they madea cake before Had she run a marathon before Had you been there before had done the ironing, he put the clothes away 4 they had watched! the news, they ued ofthe TV 4 Thad read the book, [gave itback 5 had tried on the top, she went co the checkout 6 we had had dinner, wedi the washing up Zopened 3hadbroken had already left Shadntstolen Ghadn'tlost Thad seen Shadlefe Ohad put 5 2 PRONUNCIATION 4 2Weldlostit. 3 You' seen her 4ledbeenterribleday. $Thadn't sent. She hadn'edoneit. 7 Theyhade told me | 3 VOCABULARY 4 2put Sbelonged lett Sgone on got our of | 10gocon Thad Srealized 9was 4 LISTENING a A2 BI C4 D3 b 2 30hours (not 13) Zambia (not Kenya) ‘swum to safety (not walked) cooking (not washing up) to0 smal (noe big) living room (not kitchen). Mrs Dodel’s husband (not Mrs Dodd) Serereensenenmemn 1 GRAMMAR didnt like her parents was getting divorced ‘been tothe police station hadn't met his girlfriend id seen James with another woman couldn't cook wouldnt rellanyone ' speak to her tomorrow | the next day ‘dgotalor of work todo Lwanta cup ofefee Wehaven't seen the new neighbours yet [don't want to goto the cinema Well goto the party My computer has jst broken ‘Thecity isvery old Wellvisityou 2 VOCABULARY a told 3eold 4said Stold Gsald 7said Btold said 10said b 2eold 3eold 4said Stold Gsaid Yeaid Ssaid Yeold 10¢old 3 PRONUNCIATION 4 married Sletter 4middle Shurry Gdifferent 7sorry Ssummer Smessage 10happy 4 LISTENING a Jess gossips, but Alan doesnt b2P 3F 4F ST 6T 7T SF 1 GRAMMAR a 2a 3a 4b Sb 6a 7a 8b bbs cS di e6 £8 g2 h7 © 2 didSpainwin 3 did REM stay 4 plays 5 did Amy Winehouse die 6 do polarbearslive 7 roads join '8 produces the most bananas 2 VOCABULARY 22 overweight —Ieisn't used to describe personality 3. trackswie~ Ie isn't an item of jewellery. 4a phone call —Iedoesn use the verb ‘do 5 exciting —Itisnt a negative word. 6 town hall-Itisa’ somewhere youcan, Adoshopping. finish Ie isn'ta verb that can be followed by to 8 getup-Ieisn'tause of get’ which means "ecome’ 9 at-Ieisnt aninsect on Shack 4out Sto 6forward Fintojaeross Sin Yon 10up « 3fall 4make Sdo_ Glend Tepend Sget earn 10 find 3 PRONUNCIATION 4 2school Shope tum Sbald Gtowel 7ehin Shorse 9word 10wear Mfear I2eity LBchemist’s 4 forget 4 READING 22G 3] 4C SH 6D 7F 8A 91 108 5 LISTENING 4 Timid 2Sport 3Call_ 4Millionaire SPop. bb Speaker2C Speaker’3D_ Speaker4B Speaker 5A

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