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Georgia O’Keeffe

Read the biography sheet and watch the You Tube video on Georgia O’Keeffe and answer

the following questions.

1. What fueled Georgia’s fascination with nature? (1mark)

She grew up on a farm which is what fueled her fascination with nature.

2. What kind of art did Georgia want to do that she wasn’t learning in school? (1


Abstract art

3. Was it common for women to be professional artists when Georgia first

started exhibiting her work? (1 mark)


4. What city did Georgia move to and famously remarked the city could not be

painted as it was but rather as it felt? (1 mark)

New york city

5. What did Georgia mainly paint pictures of during this time period? (2 marks)

Large close ups of flowers

6. What city did Georgia then move to? How did her paintings change because of

her surroundings? (2 marks)

- New mexico

- It went from buildings to desserts with bones.

7. Georgia O’keeffe continued to paint until her death. How many paintings did

she create? (2 marks)

More than 2,000 paintings.

8. What do you think Georgia meant when she said, “I have been terrified every

moment of my life - and I haven’t let it keep me from doing a single thing that I

have wanted to do”. Answer in at least 4 sentences. (2 marks)

I think she meant that even if something scares you, you should still do it. She finds

a way to do whatever she wants. Life can be hard and scary at times but you have to

just face it. Living life to the fullest means not letting anyone or anything stop you

and I think that her quote means.

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