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brain research 1470 (2012) 52–58

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Research Report

Hyperarticulation of vowels enhances phonetic change

responses in both native and non-native speakers of
English: Evidence from an auditory event-related
potential study

Maria Uthera,b,n, Anastasia Giannakopouloua, Paul Iversonb

Centre for Cognition and Neuroimaging, School of Social Sciences, Brunel University, Uxbridge, Middlesex UB8 3PH, United Kingdom
Department of Speech, Hearing and Phonetics Sciences, University College London, United Kingdom

ar t ic l e in f o abs tra ct

Article history: The finding that hyperarticulation of vowel sounds occurs in certain speech registers (e.g.,
Accepted 26 June 2012 infant- and foreigner-directed speech) suggests that hyperarticulation may have a didactic
Available online 4 July 2012 function in facilitating acquisition of new phonetic categories in language learners. This

Keywords: event-related potential study tested whether hyperarticulation of vowels elicits larger

Mismatch negativity phonetic change responses, as indexed by the mismatch negativity (MMN) component of

Cross-language perception the auditory event-related potential (ERP) and tested native and non-native speakers of

Hyperarticulation English. Data from 11 native English-speaking and 10 native Greek-speaking participants

Phonetic categorisation showed that Greek speakers in general had smaller MMNs compared to English speakers,
confirming previous studies demonstrating sensitivity of the MMN to language back-
ground. In terms of the effect of hyperarticulation, hyperarticulated stimuli elicited larger
MMNs for both language groups, suggesting vowel space expansion does elicit larger pre-
attentive phonetic change responses. Interestingly Greek native speakers showed some
P3a activity that was not present in the English native speakers, raising the possibility that
additional attentional switch mechanisms are activated in non-native speakers compared
to native speakers. These results give general support for models of speech learning such
as Kuhl’s Native Language Magnet enhanced (NLM-e) theory.
Crown Copyright & 2012 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction adult speech (Burnham et al., 2002; Kuhl et al., 1997; Uther
et al., 2007). Kuhl et al. (1997) first demonstrated this hyper-
There is a growing body of evidence suggesting that language articulation effect in infant-directed speech by contrasting
directed at language learners is acoustically different from acoustic properties of speech directed at infants and adults in
language directed at fluent, native speakers. Data from infant three language populations (American English, Russian and
studies show that infant-directed speech hyperarticulates Swedish). In all three cases, mothers spoke to their infants
(exaggerates) contrasts in F1/F2 space as compared to normal with acoustically more extreme vowels compared to when

Corresponding Author. Fax: þ44 1895 269724.
E-mail address: (M. Uther).

0006-8993/$ - see front matter Crown Copyright & 2012 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
brain research 1470 (2012) 52–58 53

they were speaking to adults, resulting in a ‘‘stretching’’ of studies that have attempted to enhance acoustic cues in a
vowel space. Interestingly, it has been subsequently shown manner not unlike natural hyperarticulated speech have
that vowel space expansion is a function of the age of the shown no advantage in being used as training stimuli
child, with the largest hyperarticulation effects with younger (Iverson et al., 2005).
infants (Liu et al., 2009). Although infant-directed speech also With respect to neural processing, however, there are very
contains a number of other acoustical modifications (heigh- few studies looking at whether phonetic processing in the
tened pitch for example), hyperarticulation of vowels appears brain is enhanced by hyperarticulated stimuli. Matsuda et al.
to be uniquely didactically-oriented, as suggested by a series (2011) showed that only mothers (as opposed to fathers or
of related studies conducted by Burnham et al. (2002) and even non-parents) with preverbal infants showed enhanced
later, Uther et al. (2007). In the study by Burnham et al. (2002), activity in the language areas of the auditory dorsal pathway
they investigated the parallels between infant and pet-direc- IDS, although Matsuda et al.’s study did not directly investi-
ted speech (a speech register that although sounds qualita- gate the phonetic processing of IDS. Zhang et al.(2009) used
tively similar to infant-directed speech and yet requires no an IDS-motivated training programme and measured MEG
didactic modification). They replicated the findings of vowel responses to phonetic change. Although the trainees did not
hyperarticulation in infant-directed speech, but found that achieve native-like improvements, training did have signifi-
pet-directed speech did not contain vowel hyperarticulation cant identification improvement compared to baseline con-
at all. However, they did find equivalent pitch and affect ditions. Zangl and Mills (2007) also studied infant responses
changes in pet-directed and infant-directed speech as com- to familiar and unfamiliar words using IDS and ADS condi-
pared to normal, adult-directed speech. tions and measured the N200–N400 (word meaning)
In a follow-up study, Uther et al. (2007) found that mothers responses and the N600–N900 (attentional processing). IDS
hyperarticulated their vowels in an equivalent manner when was found to increase activity for both 6 month and 13
talking to adult foreigners (L2 speakers of English) as they did month-old participants but only the 13 month-old partici-
when talking to their own infants. This hyperarticulation of pants showed increased activity to both familiar and unfa-
vowels did not occur when the mothers were speaking to miliar words. Again, Zangl and Mills’ study did not look
native adult speakers of English. By contrast to the pet- specifically at phonetic processing. This study therefore
directed speech, the foreigner-directed speech was unique sought to investigate this area further by looking at the effect
in that it did not contain the heightened pitch or affect of hyperarticulation (a property of IDS) on the brain’s pre-
patterns that were evident in the infant-directed speech. attentive detection of phonetic change.
Together these results provide strong evidence for a didactic To this end, we used the mismatch negativity (MMN)
role of hyperarticulation which occurs both when speaking to component of the auditory event-related potential (ERP) as
L1 (infants) and L2 (foreigners) learners of (in that case), an index of phonetic processing. The MMN component of the
English. These results suggest that the hyperarticulation auditory ERP is elicited when a repetitive sequence of ‘stan-
found in both infant- and foreigner-directed speech are not dard’ stimuli are presented interspersed with occasional
only didactically oriented, but are independent of vocal pitch ‘deviant’ stimuli which differ from the standard stimuli in
and affective valence. Such a notion of a didactic role of some way. This ‘deviant’ stimuli can differ in simple acous-
hypearticulation has been incorporated into models of tical features (e.g. duration, frequency, intensity) or could also
speech learning such as Kuhl’s Native Language Magnet (e) differ from the standard stimuli in some more abstract sense
theory (Iverson and Kuhl, 1995; Kuhl and Iverson, 1995; Kuhl, (e.g. reversal of an ascending sequence into a descending
1991, 2004; Kuhl et al., 1992). There are of course other models sequence; see Garrido et al., 2009; Naatanen, 2011 for a
that also account for or are compatible with these data (e.g. review). Traditionally, the MMN response has been inter-
Best et al., 2001; Escudero and Boersma, 2004; Flege, 1995, preted within a ‘memory trace’ (Naatanen, 1992) or a later
2003; Strange, 2011; Vallabha and McClelland, 2007), but variant, the ‘model adjustment’ hypothesis (Winkler, 2007),
arguably one of the most detailed models with respect to although more recent work would posit an alternative view
language development, vowel hyperarticulation effects and suggesting that it represents the activity from an ‘adaptation’
the brain is Kuhl’s theory. system based on afferent neuronal activity (where MMN is
Although hyperarticulation therefore appears to have a posited as a refractory effect from the N1 component) being
didactic function, the question then arises as to whether attenuated (May and Tiitinen, 2010). Generally speaking
hyperarticulation actually assists the learner in distinguish- however, researchers have lately assumed that the MMN at
ing vowel contrasts. Several studies have attempted to look at least reflects a combination of two kinds of activity (N1
this issue in different forms. On the one hand, there is some refractoriness and a sensory memory representation) (e.g.
support for this idea: infant studies show a correlation Garrido et al., 2009). Another important observation about the
between infant discrimination and maternal hyperarticula- MMN is that it is elicited in the absence of conscious,
tion (Liu et al., 2003) and a later study, Song et al. (2010) also focussed attention to the auditory stimuli. It is therefore
showed that vowel hyperarticulation significantly improved suggested to reflect a preattentive mechanism that may
infants’ ability to recognise words. Similarly, effects have also trigger an attentional switch to particularly novel or surpris-
been shown in studies with adults, with Liu et al. (2005) ing stimuli (Naatanen et al., 2011).
finding that increased vowel space was significantly corre- With respect to processing of speech sounds, an interesting
lated with vowel and word intelligibility and Bradlow et al. effect observed on the MMN is seen when examining responses
(1996) found that a hyperarticulated vowel space was a good to phonetic changes. The earliest studies (Naatanen et al.,
indicator of overall intelligibility. On the other hand, other 1997) showed that MMN to phonetic changes was specific to
54 brain research 1470 (2012) 52–58

native-language. In that study, they demonstrated that a lan- An ANOVA was performed including Fz, FCz and maximal
guage-specific Estonian phonetic contrast elicited a significantly frontal lateral electrodes (F1 and F2). These analyses showed
reduced MMN response when presented to Finnish speakers, as that hyperarticulated stimuli elicited larger MMNs (F1,19 ¼5.146,
compared to their own Finnish contrast (despite the fact that po0.05) and MMN was more frontally distributed (F1,19 ¼9.750,
the acoustic difference in the non-native contrast was greater). po0.05) and the English L1 speakers had larger MMNs com-
The fact that the same acoustical difference can be perceived pared to the Greek L1 speakers (F1,19 ¼ 9.750, po0.05, see Figs. 2
differently by individuals depending on their language environ- and 3). There was no significant lateralization of the MMN
ment suggests the existence of language-specific representa- response. Analysis of the MMN peak latency showed that
tions. Interestingly, Cheour et al. (1998) further demonstrated hyperarticulated stimuli elicited earlier MMNs overall com-
maturational language-specific effects on the MMN. When pared to the non-hyperarticulated stimuli (F1,19 ¼ 34.365,
tested at six months, the MMN appeared to reflect only the po0.01). The matched duration stimuli also elicited later MMNs
acoustical difference between the contrasts. On the other hand, compared to the natural duration stimuli (F1,19 ¼ 9.741, po0.01).
at one year of age, the MMN amplitude was dependant on native Interestingly, the English L1 speakers also showed a later peak
language. For the Finnish speaking infants, the MMN was latency compared to the Greek speakers (F1,19 ¼ 5.146, po0.05).
considerably attenuated for the non-native (Estonian) vowel The duration  hyperarticulation interaction was also signifi-
contrast. In a later study with adults, Winkler et al. (1999) cant (F1,19 ¼12.576, po0.05) with the natural duration condition
showed that the language-specific representations can also be showing an earlier peak latency for the hyperarticulated
affected by training. In that study, it was shown that Hungarian stimuli compared to non-hyperarticulated stimuli. On the
adult participants who were fluent in Finnish produced larger other hand, the peak latency for matched duration stimuli
MMN responses (virtually equivalent to that shown by native did not show much of a difference between hyperarticulated
Finns) compared to naive Hungarian adult participants who and non-hyperarticulated stimuli. No other main effects or
never learnt Finnish. interactions were significant.
It is therefore clear that the preattentive neural processing
as indexed by MMN is affected by perceptual processes 2.2. P3a data
involved in learning another language. In this respect, the
MMN component is a useful tool to investigate language- A t-test was used to determine whether a significant P3a was
specific phonetic processing. Our aim was therefore to use elicited. These analyses showed that there was some kind of
the MMN to measure whether hyperarticulated vs. non- activity in the P3a latency range (see Fig. 4) for the L1 Greek
hyperarticulated vowels elicited an equivalent MMN response speakers. The amplitude analyses was conducted on the
in both native and non-native speakers of a language (in this centro-parietal midline electrode (CPz) as P3a is maximal in
case, English). If MMN was enhanced in hyperarticulated
conditions (particularly for non-native speakers), then this Difference ERP waves (deviant minus standard)
would provide good evidence that hyperarticulation does hyperarticulated hyperarticulated
indeed facilitate discrimination of unfamiliar phonetic con- natural duration matched duration
trasts for a language learner.

2. Results
L1 English
L1 Greek
2.1. Mismatch negativity (MMN) data

MMN amplitudes were tested for significance using a t-test non-hyperarticulated non-hyperarticulated
natural duration matched duration
against a value of zero at Fz to determine if a statistically
significant response was elicited. A significant MMN was
elicited in all conditions except for the matched duration
conditions in the Greek speakers (t9 ¼2.107, p¼ 0.64 for non-
hyperarticulated matched duration condition and t9 ¼ 1.796, Fig. 2 – Difference (deviant minus standard) ERP waveforms
p¼ 0.106 for the hyperarticulated matched duration condition). at the Fz electrode.

Natural duration stimuli Matched duration stimuli

Bot Bot

Bought Bought

Fig. 1 – Diagram of different stimuli duration conditions. The matched duration conditions had vowels that were identical
duration. The natural duration condition had stimuli with a longer vowel in ‘bought’ and a shorter vowel, in ‘bot’.
brain research 1470 (2012) 52–58 55

the centro-parietal range. The L1 English speakers did not condition. It was interesting that only the native Greek-
show any significant P3a activity. The L1 Greek speakers only speaking group showed any P3a effects. The fact that the
showed a reliable P3a for the natural duration conditions P3a effects also tended to be larger in the natural duration
(hyperarticulated natural mean¼ 1.22 mV, t9 ¼ 4.644, po0.05; condition is in a sense not entirely surprising, as the duration
non-hyperarticulated natural mean¼ 1.357 mV, t9 ¼ 2.563, condition conditions also tended to elicit larger MMN
po0.05) and the non-hyperarticulated matched condition responses.
(mean¼ 0.608 mV, t9 ¼ 2.563, po0.05). The P3a amplitude in
the hyperarticulated matched condition approached, but did
not reach statistical significance at 0.05 level (t9 ¼ 2.211, 3. Discussion
p¼ 0.054). The amplitudes in conditions where there was
statistically significant P3a activity in the Greek speakers These data show a robust effect of hyperarticulation on MMN
were submitted to a repeated measures ANOVA. This did amplitude. Generally hyperarticulation elicits larger MMN
not show any significant difference between the 3 conditions. responses regardless of language group. Therefore, hyperar-
However, descriptively, one can see that the smallest P3a ticulation does appear to provide a benefit for the listener,
activity was within the hyperarticulated matched duration regardless of their L1 background. There was no significant
hyperarticulation by group interaction which might have
-3.5 been expected although there are a couple of good possible
English as L1 explanations. Firstly, it could be argued that the Greek speak-
Greek as L1 ers of English were so proficient in English to the extent that

-2.5 they might be more ‘native-like’ in their perception (given

Amplitude (µ

-2 they had an average of 9 years instruction in English).

However, the fact that the native Greek speakers had sig-
nificantly smaller MMN responses compared to the native
-1 speakers of English would, to a large extent, mitigate this as a
-0.5 complete explanation. Another possibility could be that the
hyperarticulated stimuli elicited MMN responses that were
hyper hyper natural non-hyper non-hyper near ceiling regardless of L1 background. The fact that the
matched duration matched natural Greek speakers elicited very clear P3a responses in the
duration duration duration natural duration conditions would certainly suggest that the
Stimulus condition MMN response was likely at saturation for that group in those
conditions. There was also a P3a effect in hyperarticulated
Fig. 3 – Mean MMN amplitude at Fz across different matched duration condition. To further definitively tease out
stimulus conditions for each English and Greek L1 the effects of these two possible contributing factors, more
speakers. All MMN mean amplitudes in every condition testing (possibly using a more naive L2 group) would be
were statistically significant when tested against zero, useful. It is of course entirely possible that one might not
except for the native Greek-speakers’ non-hyperarticulated necessarily expect that hyperarticulation would only aid
matched duration condition. second language learners, so it is of theoretical interest to

Native English speakers Native Greek speakers

Hyperarticulated Non-hyperarticulated Hyperarticulated Non-hyperarticulated

natural natural
duration duration

matched matched
duration duration

Fig. 4 – Standard and deviant ERP waveforms at selected frontal, fronto-central, central and parietal sites.
56 brain research 1470 (2012) 52–58

note that hyperarticulated stimuli elicit enhanced MMN surprising or particularly novel changes in the auditory
responses even in native listeners. In this manner, the environment (see Polich, 2007 for a review), and is distinct
hypothesis that vowel hyperarticulation in F1/F2 space facil- in topography and morphology from other P3 waves. It was
itates phonetic processing is supported. interesting that P3a effects were observed in the Greek
In terms of MMN latency, the results generally mirrored the speakers but not the English speakers. It is possible that for
MMN amplitude results, with the MMN responses to hyper- the Greek speakers, the most prominent changes resulted in
articulated stimuli tending to peak earlier compared to an attentional switch and engagement of attentional pro-
responses to non-hyperarticulated stimuli, which concurs cesses because that they were listening to English-language
with the generally larger MMN responses to hyperarticulated contrasts. To the native English speakers, it is possible that
stimuli. Despite there being no difference in size of MMN the vowel changes do not actually sound so unusual or
response to matched vs. natural duration stimuli, it was ‘surprising’ to a native speaker. Of course, speculation about
certainly the case that the matched duration stimuli elicited the attentional processing would necessitate more experi-
later MMNs. Interestingly, there were MMN latency effects on ments to definitively test this. One useful way of investigating
that if anything, might be the opposite to what might have this further might be, for example, to compare active attend
been expected. Despite larger MMN responses for the English conditions as well as passive listening conditions.
L1 speakers, their responses peaked later compared to the In summary, these results suggest that hyperarticulated
native Greek speakers. Looking at the morphology of the stimuli do generate more efficient phonetic processing in
waveforms, it looks as though the more ‘peaked’ nature of both native and non-native speakers, even in the presence of
the MMN in the native English speakers may be the reason significant native language main effects. In this way, the
for this delay. hypothesis that hyperarticulated stimuli does aid phonetic
Despite the absence of a group by hyperarticulation effect, processing is supported. Further studies should focus on the
this does not necessarily rule out that hyperarticulation potential benefit of directly training the language learner
would be useful for the non-native speaker in a training with hyperarticulated stimuli as well as and also testing its
context. The only way to really test this idea would be to possible effect on different language learner proficiency
examine MMN responses to hyperarticulated stimuli as a levels. Certainly, these data would suggest that the time is
function of directly training with hyperarticulated stimuli. ripe to further study the effects of hyperarticulation on the
Presumably with a period of training, one would expect that brain’s phonetic processing and its ability to change with
non-native speakers might start to process the hyperarticu- training.
lated stimuli in a speeded manner more like the native
speakers. Nonetheless, the overall effects of hyperarticula-
tion on the MMN response regardless of language group are 4. Experimental procedures
supportive of Kuhl’s (2004) view of hyperarticulation as a
didactic tool to aid the speech learner.
4.1. Participants
Stimulus duration had surprising little effect on the MMN
response. None of the duration main effects or interactions
Participants with their L1 as either English or Greek were
were significant. In a sense this is somewhat surprising given
recruited from Brunel University, UK. The native English-
that we have previously shown that duration is more readily speaking participants (6 male and 5 female) had a mean age
used as an acoustic cue in both Greek (Giannakopoulou et al., of 22 (range 19–30), were born in Britain and were studying at
2011) and Finnish speakers of English (Ylinen et al., 2010). Brunel University. The native Greek-speaking participants
Looking at the data more closely, it looks as though there was (6 male and 4 female) had a mean age of 26 (range 22–30)
a tendency for the matched duration stimuli elicit smaller and were born and spent most of their lives in Greece, but
MMNs compared to the natural duration stimuli, but this was were studying at Brunel University on exchange or tempora-
not statistically significant at the 0.05 level. This may well be rily. The Greek participants had all studied English as L2 in
due to the English language proficiency of our participants. In
school (normally 9 years duration). The participants were
this study, the Greek speakers were already in an immersive
either given course credit for their participation or offered
English environment at university, whereas in our previous
small incentives (chocolates and a chance to enter a prize
study of Greek speakers, they were all tested in their home
draw for an mp3 player).
countries. Unfortunately, we do not have corresponding
behavioural data on these participants to be able to compare
the two Greek native speaker groups. Future work would 4.2. Stimuli and procedure
therefore be focussed to test lower proficiency Greek speakers
of English and also collect corresponding behavioural data. The hyperarticulated stimuli were synthesised based on best
Future work might also test the correlation between MMN exemplars in Iverson and Evans (2007) (bot: F1¼ 535 Hz,
and how ‘good’ an exemplar it is to each individual, given F2 ¼762 Hz, vowel duration¼ 70 ms (entire word measuring
their language proficiency. 320 ms); bought: F1 ¼392 Hz, F2 ¼ 636 Hz, vowel duration¼ 216
It was also interesting to observe that P3a (or ‘novelty P3’) ms (entire word measuring 460 ms)). The non-hyperarticu-
responses were elicited in the native Greek speakers of lated versions were 29% closer to the centre of the vowel
English, which tended to be more prominent in the natural space, simulating a 50% reduction of the total area of the
duration condition. In terms of theoretical significance, P3a vowel space (bot: F1¼ 525 Hz, F2 ¼976 Hz; bought: F1¼ 423 Hz,
activity is thought to index involuntary switches as a result of F2 ¼887 Hz). We included matched-duration versions of the
brain research 1470 (2012) 52–58 57

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