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Dear Students and Colleagues,

I am thrilled to introduce my new e-book “The Power of Preparation’, a workbook, which

includes five full NMT variants and answers with vocabulary lists and is designed to prepare
students for the English exam. Whether you are a student looking to improve your language
skills or a teacher seeking additional resources, this workbook is perfect for you.

First and foremost, I want to express my sincere gratitude to all of you who have supported
me throughout this journey. Your feedback and encouragement have been invaluable in
creating this workbook. I also feel immense respect for everyone who has purchased the e-
book, your support not only helps me to continue creating valuable resources but also shows
respect for my intellectual property. I would also like to remind everyone that obtaining the e-
book free of charge not only undermines the hard work and dedication that went into creating it
but also impacts the economy and our soldiers, as your support helps me pay taxes and
contribute to society. Thank you again for your understanding.

Inside the workbook, you will find a variety of reading and Use of English tasks, designed to
enhance your language proficiency and give you the skills needed to succeed. The workbook is
user-friendly, with clear instructions and detailed explanations, making it easy to use for both
students and teachers. I would be incredibly grateful if you could take a moment to send me a
review or give some feedback via messages after you acquaint yourself with the workbook. It
will help me continue to improve and create more useful resources in the future.

Lastly, I would like to invite you to check out my courses, which are designed to provide
support and guidance to learners. I am passionate about helping everyone improve their
language skills, and I would be delighted to welcome you as my students. At any time of the
year, we offer courses that cater to a diverse range of needs and interests. Whether you require
a course that includes Business English for students or one that prepares individuals for
university entrance, we have got you covered. It's also a common practice for colleagues to join
our courses to hone their skills as well. There are many new ones yet to come, so stay tuned for
more exciting news!

Thank you again for your support, and I hope you find my workbook helpful and enjoyable.
Let’s fall in love with exam preparation!

Best regards,

The author of this e-book,

Olha Pahutyak
Шановні студенти та колеги!

Я дуже рада представити вам свій новий електронний посібник «The Power of Preparation»,
що включає п'ять повних варіантів НМТ із відповідями та списками лексики, розроблений
для підготовки студентів та абітурієнтів до іспиту з англійської мови. Незалежно від того, чи
ви студент чи учень, який хоче покращити свої мовні навички, чи викладач, який шукає
додаткові ресурси, цей посібник ідеально підійде для вас.
Перш за все, я хочу висловити щиру вдячність всім, хто підтримував мене на шляху
створення цього інфопродукту. Ваші відгуки та підтримка були надзвичайно цінними. Також
я відчуваю велику повагу до тих, хто придбав посібник, оскільки ваша підтримка допомагає
мені не тільки продовжувати створювати корисні ресурси, але й проявляє повагу до моєї
інтелектуальної власності. Я також хочу нагадати всім, що безкоштовне отримання
посібника не тільки підриває та нівелює важку працю та відданість, які було вкладено у
створення цього інфопродукту, але також впливає на економіку та мою можливість
підтримувати тих, кого зачепила війна, від наших воїнів-героїв до цивільних, що
постраждали від повномасштабного вторгнення. Кошти, одержані за інфопродукти та курси
допомагають мені сплачувати податки та сприяти розвитку суспільства. Ще раз дякую за
ваше розуміння.
У цьому робочому зошиті ви знайдете різноманітні завдання з читання та використання
англійської мови, які призначені для покращення навичок, необхідних для успішної
підготовки до іспиту. Книга є зручною, з чіткими інструкціями та детальними поясненнями,
тому її легко використовувати як студентам, так і викладачам. Я буду надзвичайно вдячна,
якщо ви знайдете хвилинку, щоб написати мені відгук у Instagram повідомлення після того,
як ознайомитеся з посібником. Це допоможе мені продовжувати вдосконалюватись та
створювати більш корисні ресурси у майбутньому.
Нарешті, я хочу запросити вас ознайомитись з моїми курсами. Я прагну допомогти всім
покращити мовні навички та розкрити свій потенціал, і я буду рада бачити вас в рядах моїх
студентів. Ми постійно пропонуємо курси, що відповідають різноманітним потребам та
інтересам. Чи ви потребуєте курс, який включає Бізнес-англійську для студентів, чи курс, що
готує абітурієнтів до вступу до університету - ми маємо все, що вам потрібно. Крім того,
дедалі більше колег долучаються до наших курсів, щоб поліпшувати свої навички. Ми також
працюємо над створенням нових курсів, тож залишайтеся на зв'язку, щоб знати всі новини!
Ще раз дякую за вашу підтримку, і сподіваюся, що для вас мій електронний посібник буде
корисним та цікавим. Пропоную від усієї душі полюбити підготовку до іспиту з англійської

З повагою,

Авторка цього електронного посібника,

Ольга Пагутяк
Test #1
Read the texts below. Match choices A-H to 1-5. There are 3 choices you don't need to use.

1 2

3 4

5 Which of the advertisements is about ... ?

A mastering the kitchen

B unique accessories
C eating out
D professional software
E paints, brushes and canvas
F luxurious clothes
G hi-tech equipment
H affordable garments
Beyond the Crown: Her

Majesty's Hidden Talents

Read the text and choose the correct answers.

Queen Elizabeth II led a remarkable life, and her hobbies were just one
aspect of her character that made her a beloved figure around the world.
One of her most notable hobbies was horse riding and horse racing.
Her passion for equestrian sports was well-known, and she owned and bred
horses throughout her reign. She even won the Royal Ascot Gold Cup in
1985 with her horse "Aureole," which was the only horse that she personally
owned and trained to win the prestigious race this once. She also attended
the Royal Ascot horse race every year, and her love of horse racing was
evident in the way she watched the races with great enthusiasm.
Another hobby of Queen Elizabeth II was photography. She took
pictures since her childhood, and her photographs were published in a book
called "A Family Album." She had a keen eye for capturing candid moments
and took photographs of her family, friends, and various locations she visited
during her official tours. For example, when she was on a visit to
Canada,one of the photos taken by her was used as the cover of a famous
Canadian magazine. She also used photography as a hobby to relax and
unwind, and she even captured some of the most iconic images of her family
and her official duties.

Queen Elizabeth II was also known for her love of gardening. She took a keen interest in the gardens at
Buckingham Palace, Balmoral Castle, and Sandringham House, and helped with the design and planting of some of
the gardens. She also enjoyed walking in the countryside, and had a special love for the Scottish Highlands, where
she spent her summers. She even brought her own seeds and plants with her when she visited her country homes,
and it was known that she enjoyed nothing more than getting her hands dirty and planting her own flowers. She was
involved in the design of the Diamond Jubilee Garden in 2012, created to celebrate her 60th year on the throne.
In addition to these hobbies, Queen Elizabeth II was also a music lover and a patroness of the arts. She had a
particular love for classical music and supported the Royal Opera and Royal Ballet. She played the piano and violin in
her youth, and recorded a special announcement in sign language for a UK
charity for the deaf. She also enjoyed listening to music and regularly
attended concerts, operas, and ballets. She even made some of her own
music, as she had a talent for composing melody.
Queen Elizabeth II was also an avid reader and had a particular love for
mystery novels. She read the works of Agatha Christie and even met with
the famous author in person. She also had a large collection of books and
enjoyed reading in her spare time. She even had a secret room in
Buckingham Palace where she would spend hours with her nose buried in
books and relishing her own company.
All of these hobbies and interests were a testament to the Queen's
varied and fascinating character. Her dedication to her hobbies and interests
was just one of the many ways in which she amazed and captivated people
around the world. She was a true inspiration, and a remarkable woman who
led an extraordinary life.
Beyond the Crown: Her

Majesty's Hidden Talents

Read the text and choose the correct answers.

1. Queen Elizabeth II… 2. What information is not mentioned in the text:

a) was a regular participant in horse races; a) She was on the cover of a Canadian magazine;
b) won a horse racing trophy one time; b) She took memorable family pictures;
c) had a business of breeding and selling horses; c) She had a talent for catching spontaneous moments;
d) found horse races too boring to attend. d) She had her works published.

3. The Queen: 4. It is true that she:

a) designed the Diamond Jubilee Garden on her own; a) was a celebrated musician;
b) used to spend summers outside the UK; b) hosted concerts and operas;
c) displayed lack of basic personal hygiene; c) created a special message for the disabled;
d) had green fingers and a good eye for design. d) played some instruments throughout her life.

5. Queen Elizabeth II…

a) had a reading nook for enjoying solitude;
b) met authors of her favourite books;
c) was presented with a book by Agatha Christie;
d) loved solving mysterious cases herself.

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reading h a t it's like
e w
Echoes from the Past
Read the text and match 1 - 6 to (A-H). There are 2 extra variants you don't need to use.
The ancient Slavic people believed in a pantheon of gods and goddesses who controlled the natural
elements and governed the human experience. This article explores the world of Slavic pagan gods and
goddesses, delving into their powers, attributes, and the rituals associated with them.

1__ Perun 2__ Zorya Rankova

Perun, the god of thunder and
Zorya Rankova, the
lightning, stood tall and proud
goddess of dawn, spoke in
as he spoke, "I am the ruler of
a warm and gentle voice, "I
the skies and the protector of
am the one who brings the
the people. My strength and
light of the new day and the
power are unsurpassed, and
hope of a fresh start. I am
my axe and thunderbolts strike
associated with the morning
fear into the hearts of my
star, and I am often invoked
enemies. But I am also a just
during the rituals of new
ruler, and I will always protect
beginnings and for
all my people from any evil.
protection and assistance
Remember that when my axe
along your chosen way.
strikes an oak, the tree splits in
Offer me sacrifices of fruits
two and a bolt of lightning is
and flowers, and call upon
created. Offer me sacrifices of
my presence, and I will lead
oxen or horses, and call upon
you and light your way, so
me during thunderstorms, and I
you will never feel lost or go
will answer your call."

3__ Svarog 4__ Lada

Svarog, the god of the sky and Lada, the goddess of love,
the creator of the world, spoke in beauty, and fertility, spoke
a wise and calm voice, "I am the in a soft and melodic tone, "I
father of all gods and goddesses, am the one who brings
and the creator of the world. My people together and adds
wisdom and intelligence are harmony to relationships.
beyond description, and I am My grace and beauty are
associated with the sun because incomparable, and I am the
I am the one who controls its one you go to in order to
movements and light. Offer me seek help in matters of love
sacrifices of birds, and call upon and relationships. Offer me
me during times of war or conflict, sacrifices of flowers,
and I will guide you to victory and particularly those associated
protect you from harm. I am also with love and beauty, and I
associated with fire and will do my best to keep your
metalworking and I am often heart full, and make sure
invoked by the blacksmiths and you are admired and
the warriors, giving them power cherished."
and strength."
Echoes from the Past
Read the text and match 1 - 6 to (A-H). There are 2 extra variants you don't need to use.

5__ Morana 6__ Mokosh

Morana, the goddess of Mokosh, the goddess of fertility
winter and death, spoke in a and the earth, spoke in a
cold and distant tone, "I am gentle and nurturing tone, "I
the one who controls the am the one responsible for the
weather and guides souls to growth of crops and the
the other world. My powers abundance of the land. My
are unmatched, and I am curing powers are unrivalled,
often invoked for help during and I am often invoked for
times of death or illness. healing of the body and soul.
Offer me sacrifices of food Offer me sacrifices of fruits and
and drink, and you can vegetables, and call upon me
count on me during the for protection and blessings on
darkest times in your life, your crops and fields. I will take
and I will make sure that care of your land and make it
your soul is guided safely to bountiful. Your healthy body
the kind of afterlife it will never go hungry with me by
deserves." your side."

Which god/goddess:
A was very fair in spite of being too intimidating?
B would help you feel appreciated and adored?
C protected soldiers from war and battles? list below
Choose a name from the
ddess under
D fired lightning bolts out of their axe? and think of a god or go
they would
E was the ancestor of the rest of deities? that name. Write what
Use the text
say about themselves.
F would walk your spirit to hell or heaven? as an example.
G made sure you had a plentiful harvest?
H offered guidance on your life path? a.
m lya , K arn a, Diya, Dum
, Ze
Mriya, Dolya torm , Tuman, Dim
Velet, S h
Hniv, Chas,
Hummingbird Wonders
Read the gapped text and insert the missing pieces.

There are 2 extra variants you don't need to use.

Hummingbirds are tiny flying superheroes! Imagine (1) _______, hover in mid-air,
and even fly backwards. That's exactly what hummingbirds can do, thanks to their
incredibly high metabolism. But that's not all, these little birds can also enter a state
similar to hibernation, (2) _______ and conserve energy.
But let's talk about their looks, because hummingbirds are also known for their
dazzling plumage. Male hummingbirds have feathers that shimmer and change color
(3) _______. This is because of tiny structures called platelets in their feathers that
scatter sunlight in different ways. It's like they're wearing a suit of rainbow armor!
Not only are hummingbirds cool to look at, (4) _______. They feed on nectar
from flowers and in the process transfer pollen, helping plants to reproduce. They
have long, slender beaks and tongues (5) _______ to extract nectar. And,
hummingbirds are not just amazing when they're stationary, they're also incredible to
watch as they fly forwards, backwards, and even upside down!
But the hummingbird's awesomeness doesn't stop there. Some migrate long
distances between their breeding and wintering grounds, covering a distance of up to
500 miles! Also, their courtship rituals are quite impressive. (6) _______ and show off
their feathers in order to attract a mate. They are also solitary nesters, females build
small nests out of plant fibers, spider webs, and moss, and they usually lay 2 eggs
that they incubate for 2 weeks. These tiny, but mighty birds are truly an incredible
species to study and admire.

A of every female flying around;

B being able to fly at lightning speed;
C that allow them to reach deep into flowers;
D depending on the angle of the light;

ut any E a bird that flies around blossoming bushes;

Write abo
bird that
animal or F but they're also important for the environment;
you find fa G male hummingbirds will do acrobatic flights;
Explain wh
H where they slow down their metabolism.
Smart Homes
Read the text below, choose the correct

answer (A, B, C, D)

A smart home is a cool and high-tech way to control and automate various household
functions. Imagine being able to turn (1) ______ lights and adjust the thermostat from your
phone while you're away from home. You can also check on your (2) ______ and receive alerts
if there is any unusual activity with a smart security system.
Moreover, smart home technology can help you save energy and (3) ______ your family's
utility bills. For example, you can use smart thermostats that can learn your schedule and
automatically adjust the temperature to save energy when the house is (4) ______ . Smart
lighting systems can also be programmed to switch off lights when a room is not in use, and (5)
______ can be scheduled to run during off-peak hours to save money on electricity. Imagine the
satisfaction of being responsible for saving your family money and natural resources.

1 A    out B    away C      off D      in 

2 A    residency B    property   C     habitat D      lodgings

3 A    eliminate B     reduce C     boost D      increase

4 A    unoccupied B     deserted C     depopulated D       uninhabited

5 A  gadgets B    tools C     vehicles D      appliances   

are some
possible c
a smart
of living in
Christmas with a Heart
Read the text below, choose the correct

answer (A, B, C, D)

The holiday season is a time for families to come together

and create lasting memories. One tradition that my family has
always upheld is (1)_______ the Christmas tree. My parents
(2) _______ gather my siblings and me around the tree every
year and we would each take turns placing the ornaments,
some of which (3) _______ down for generations. We would
also sing carols and enjoy hot cocoa together as we admired
the final product.
If it (4) _______ up to me, we would have a different theme
for the tree each year. However, my mother always insists that
we stick to the classic red and green color scheme, because it
is a reminder of our family's heritage. Despite this, I always
look forward to the process of decorating the tree, (5) _______ it brings a sense of unity and
nostalgia within our family. It is a tradition that we must continue to uphold, even as we grow
older and start families of our own.

1 A    to decoratring B    decorated C    decorate  D     decorating  

2 A    were used to B     got used to C     used to D    be used to

3 A    has been passed B     have been

C     have been
D      has been

passed passing passing

4 A    were B     will be C     is D       had been

5 A  like B    as if C     as though D       as

Test #2
Read the texts below. Match choices A-H to 1-5. There are 3 choices you don't need to use.


Call us: +532235624534

3 4

Which of the advertisements is about ... ?
A staying clean and fresh on the go.
B offering your services at a higher price.
C taking the first step towards becoming an influencer.
D stylish home renovation and refurbishment.
E finding peace and tranquility within yourself.
F consulting the best travel agent.
G pampering and rejuvenation experience.
H creating a cozy and functional space.
The Finnish Perspective
Read the text and choose the correct answers.
When it comes to educational systems, Finland is often held up as an
iconic example of excellence. With consistently high academic achievement
levels, a comprehensive system of support, and a focus on creativity and critical
thinking, the Finnish way of teaching is truly something special. But what makes it
so successful?
One of the key features of the Finnish education system is its emphasis on
early childhood learning. Children in Finland start their formal education at the
age of seven and before that they have access to free pre-school. This is a major
factor in the country's high academic achievement levels.
Finland also boasts small class sizes and highly-skilled teachers. The
student-teacher ratio is low, which allows for individualized attention and support
for each student. The teachers are highly qualified and are required to have a
master's degree in education. This ensures that the students receive the highest
quality education possible. Their schools are also renowned for the emphasis on
creativity, critical thinking and student-centered learning. The curriculum
encourages students to think independently, to ask questions and to take risks.
This approach fosters a love of learning, which is an essential component of a
successful education. By the way, school teachers in Finland have good salaries,
with an average one of around €52,000 per year, which is a lot higher than other
countries. With experience, and for the teachers who hold a position of
responsibility, the salary can increase, and that fact motivates them to work well.
In addition to its strong academic focus, the Finnish education places a
major emphasis on extracurriculars. From sports to music, art and drama,
students participate in a wide range of activities that are important for their overall
development. This holistic approach is one of the reasons why Finnish students
consistently score well in international tests of academic performance. That being
said, many people might be surprised to know that Finland has one of the
shortest school days and school years in the world. Students typically attend
school for only four hours per day. This might be contradictory to the common
belief that longer school days and years lead to better academic performance.
Research suggests that shorter school days and years allow for more time for
students to pursue extracurriculars and for teachers to plan and evaluate their
lessons, which leads to better quality education. Additionally, there’s no
homework assigned to students, but instead students spend more time with their
families and engage in activities outside the classroom.
Furthermore, the Finnish education system is one of the most equitable in the
world. The government provides free education for all, regardless of their
background or socioeconomic status. This ensures that all students have equal
opportunities to succeed and to reach their full potential. Another unique aspect
is that it does not have a school selection process. Unlike in many other
countries, there is no way for parents to select which school their child attends,
and students are assigned to schools based on their place of residence. This
means that there is no segregation of students based on their academic abilities
or social class, and all students have equal opportunities to receive a quality
Lastly, unlike many other countries, Finland doesn’t rely on standardized
testing. Instead, the focus is on formative assessment and teacher evaluations to
track student progress. This approach is thought to reduce the emphasis on rote
learning and test-taking, and instead encourages students to think critically and
develop their problem-solving skills.
The Finnish education system is a shining example of how education can be
done right and it is definitely worth studying and learning from.
The Finnish Perspective
Read the text and choose the correct answers.

1. What is true according to the text? 2. How is the curriculum in Finnish schools designed?
a) Pre-school education starts when a child is 7. a) To encourage learning based on memorization and repetition;
b) Parents don’t have to pay for pre-school. b) To focus on getting ready for exams;
c) Attending pre-school is mandatory. c) To cultivate a passion for learning;
d) Starting education at the age of 7 is optional. d) To have extracurricular activities instead of classes.

3. Finnish teachers… 4. Why is the Finnish education system considered

a) are responsible for teaching many students; equitable?
b) spend a lot of time grading home assignments; a) Because government provides scholarships for
c) try to find work in other countries; overachievers;
d) have a possibility of getting a raise. b) Because parents can choose the school that is the best fit
for their kids;
5. What is true about the Finnish system c) Because it has a short school day, no evaluations and no
according to the text? homework;
a) Standardized testing is not a primary method d) Because Finland provides equal chances of academic
of assessment in Finland. success for all students.
b) The Finnish system is not accessible for kids
from every background.
c) Educational institutions do not measure
student progress.
d) Extracurricular activities are not an essential
part of education.
Having read the article
about education in
Finland, what impressed
you the most?
Teen Earnings
Read the text and match 1 - 6 to (A-H). There are 2 extra variants you don't need to use.

As a teenager, finding a job can be a great way to earn money and gain valuable work experience. However, it can
also be challenging to find a job that fits your schedule and interests. In this article, we'll explore some of the best side
hustles for teens, including their potential earnings, responsibilities, and downsides.

1__ Yard work 2__ Delivery services

Yard work is a great side hustle With the rise of online shopping
for teenagers who enjoy being and food ordering, there's a
outdoors and covering their growing need for people to
green fingers with soil. deliver groceries, take-out
Advantages include the ability to meals, and other items. This job
work flexible hours and the can help you develop a sense of
potential to earn a good hourly accountability and maturity
rate. It is worth mentioning that, because it requires a high level
the job can also be physically of responsibility. However, you
demanding, very messy and may have to deal with heavy
may include dealing with difficult traffic. Additionally, delivery
weather conditions. This job services can also help you
would suit a teenager who is develop your interpersonal skills
physically active and enjoys when dealing with customers.
working outdoors. This job would suit a teenager
who is responsible and has a
reliable vehicle.

3__ Online freelance work 4__ Selling items online

There are many online platforms Selling items online can be a
that connect freelancers with great way to earn money while
clients looking for various using your practical talents. It
services, such as writing, requires a high level of creativity
graphic design, or programming. and business acumen, which
Freelance work needs a high can help you develop your
level of skill and expertise, entrepreneurial skills. You will
which can help you develop also have to learn how to
your self-confidence and self- advertise your products
esteem. You will also learn how because the online market offer
to be self-motivated. is huge, so you will have to
Unfortunately, the job includes stand out to attract customers. If
dealing with difficult clients and you don’t, they will just go to
constant tight deadlines. This other sellers, your rivals. This
job would suit a teenager who is job would suit a teenager who is
tech-savvy and has a passion creative and has an interest in
for this particular skill. business.
Teen Earnings
Read the text and match 1 - 6 to (A-H). There are 2 extra variants you don't need to use.

5__ Event planning 6__ Pet-sitting

Many families and companies hire Pet-sitting is a great way to earn
teenagers to plan and coordinate money while also spending time with
events such as birthday parties, animals. You will not be exposed to
graduations, and community events. interactions with people, which is a
You will learn to interact with plus for some personality types. It
different people, such as vendors, requires a high level of care and
clients, and attendees. You will also attention, which can help you
have to delegate tasks to a team of develop a sense of empathy and
people to ensure the event is compassion. You will learn how to
successful. However, the job is not be responsible and how to be
regular and sometimes you get patient when dealing with animals.
unexpected offers that do not fit into But the job can also be physically
your schedule. This job would suit a demanding and may include dealing
teenager who is detail-oriented, with pets who are sick or have
good with time management and behavioral issues. This job would
has a passion for planning events. suit a teenager who loves animals
and has some experience with pet

Which job:
A would suit a highly organized teenager?
B will give you little time to finish the task?
C requires first-aid training?
D is for those who don't mind getting their hands dirty?
E will have you taking orders from a team? y o u en
oul d you
h a t job w W h i ch job
W st?
F involves a lot of competition?
o i n g the mo ?
d do
G is perfect for introverts who don’t enjoy socializing? never
H requires a mode of transportation?
Gen Z:
The Game Changers
Read the gapped text and insert the missing pieces. There are 2 extra

variants you don't need to use.

Gen Z, also known as the iGeneration or the Post-Millennials,

refers to those born between 1997 and 2012. This generation,
which currently makes up the largest portion of the population, is
characterized by its digital natives status, (1) ______ playing a
significant role in their lives.
Gen Z is known for its frugality, as they grew up during the
2008 financial crisis, and as a result, they are more financially
cautious than previous generations. They are also more
environmentally and socially aware, (2) ______ and social justice.

In terms of education, Gen Z is known for its high academic

performance. They are also highly interested in vocational education and
apprenticeships, (3) ______ that can be applied in the real world. In
terms of employment, Gen Z have need for flexibility and a strong
interest in freelance. They also focus on start-ups and entrepreneurship,
(4) ______ .
Gen Z celebrity (5) ______ is Billie Eilish. She is famous for her
activism when it comes to mental health and body positivity. She has
often advocated for self-acceptance, (6) ______. Another representative
of Gen Z is Millie Bobby Brown. She is a British actress best known for
her role as Eleven in "Stranger Things." She is known for her activism,
particularly in the areas of bullying prevention, and gender equality.

Gen Z is a generation, shaping the future in ways we couldn't have imagined. Their diversity,
entrepreneurial spirit, and desires for social and political change are driving progress and innovation in
many areas.

A who embodies many of the values of the generation; s

Think of another famou
B with a strong interest in issues such as sustainability; Gen Z representative.
C representatives are few and far between; How does their work ali
with Gen Z's main value s?
D trying to get rid of gender inequality, racism;
E having grown up with technology and the internet;
F challenging societal beauty standards;
G with a desire to be their own bosses;
H and very keen on learning practical skills.
Savoring Japanese Cuisine
Read the text below, choose the correct answer

(A, B, C, D)

Japanese food is globally recognized for its unique flavors and

traditional roots. Some of the most popular dishes include sushi, ramen, and
tempura, each boasting its own distinct taste. The secret to the (1) _______
of Japanese cuisine lies in the utilization of fresh ingredients and the
meticulous preparation and presentation of each dish. The staple
ingredients in Japanese cooking (2) _______ rice, seafood, and vegetables,
resulting in dishes that are not only tasty but also healthy, making them an
ideal choice for a balanced diet.
Sushi is one of the most iconic Japanese dishes and is widely enjoyed
by people worldwide. This dish is made with seasoned rice combined with
seafood and other ingredients, and is often paired with soy sauce, wasabi,
and (3) _______ ginger. There are numerous types of sushi such as maki
rolls, nigiri, and sashimi, each with its own unique texture and flavor. With its
low calorie (4) _______ and high protein content, sushi is an excellent
option for those who are seeking a light and nutritious (5) _______. Whether
you have a liking for the classic salmon or tuna flavor or prefer more
adventurous options like octopus or eel, there is a sushi dish for everyone to

1 A    excellence B    incompetence C   masterpiece   D    expertise   

2 A    absorb B     consist C   contain   D      include

3 A    rotten B     pickled C   fermented   D      condensed

4 A    volume B     count C    measure   D       estimation

5 A  provision B    menu C    cuisine  D       meal

Write a recipe
of your
Art, Food, History
Read the text below, choose the correct

answer (A, B, C, D)

Paris, the City of Light, is a destination that should be on

every (1) ____ bucket list. With its stunning architecture,
museums, and famous cuisine, Paris has something for everyone.
From the iconic Notre-Dame Cathedral to the charming sidewalk
cafes, there's always something new to discover in this vibrant

For those (2) ____ in art and culture, Paris is a dream come true. Home to
the famous Louvre Museum, which houses the Mona Lisa and many (3) ____
priceless works of art, Paris is a mecca for art lovers. You (4) ____ also explore
the Musée d'Orsay, which showcases the works of Impressionist and Post-
Impressionist artists. And, of course, no trip to Paris is complete without a visit to
the famous Eiffel Tower, which provides breathtaking views of the city.
Whether you're a history buff, foodie, or art lover, Paris has something (5) ____ .
So why wait? Book your trip to Paris today and experience the magic of this
enchanting city for yourself!

1 A    traveler' B    travelers' C     travelers D    traveler's    

2 A    interest B     interesting C     interested D     interests

3 A    other B     others C     another D      the other

4 A    have B     ought C     should D       need

5 A  to offering B    to offer C     offering D       offer

t is our
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dre y?
Test #3
Read the texts below. Match choices A-H to 1-5. There are 3 choices you don't need to use.

1 2

3 4

Which of the advertisements encourages

people to ... ?
A take catering to the next level.
B get a personal assistant.
C upgrade their fashion.
D enter a digital library.
E cook with confidence.
F score big with in-person study sessions.
G always stay organized.
H reach their academic goals.
A Leader for Ages
Read the text and choose the correct answers.

Cleopatra, the last pharaoh of ancient Egypt, was a powerful and

alluring ruler who continues to captivate the imagination of people around the
world to this day.
Cleopatra was born in 69 BC, the daughter of Ptolemy XII, a Greek king
who ruled Egypt as a client state of Rome. She was just a teenager when she
was forced to flee Egypt and seek refuge in Syria, but she finally returned to
Egypt and seized the throne in 51 BC.
One of the things that sets Cleopatra apart from other historical figures
is her intelligence. She was fluent in many languages, including Egyptian,
Greek, and Latin, and she was well-versed in the arts, sciences, and
philosophy of her time. This made her a savvy politician, able to navigate the
complex world of international politics and form alliances with powerful men
like Julius Caesar and Mark Antony. Her intelligence allowed her to maintain
Egypt's independence and protect it from Roman expansion.
Cleopatra's beauty and charm also made her one of a kind. Her beauty
was so striking that it was able to captivate anyone she met, including the
powerful men of Rome. Her charm and charisma were also renowned and helped her to win the hearts of many.
Cleopatra had many beauty rituals to maintain her looks. According to legends, she often took warm milk baths for her
smooth and soft skin and used honey as a face mask. She also used saffron to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and
avoid premature aging, olive oil to remove makeup, and aloe vera to keep her skin looking youthful and radiant.
As a leader, Cleopatra was deeply loved by people. She worked tirelessly to improve the lives of her subjects,
building temples, monuments, public works projects. She reformed the legal system, provided free healthcare and
education, abolished the use of forced labor in the construction. She was also a dedicated and loving mother.
According to ancient sources, she was deeply devoted to her children, protective and caring. She also took an active
role in their upbringing, making sure they were well-educated and prepared for their future roles as leaders. However,
Cleopatra was a ruler first, and her children were also political assets. She used them to cement her alliances with
Julius Caesar and Mark Antony, who were the fathers of her kids, and to secure her own power.
We even know a little about her favourite pastimes. Cleopatra loved to spend
time on the Nile, which was the lifeblood of Egypt. She had a pleasure barge,
which she used to travel up and down the river. The barge was one of the most
luxurious vessels of its time and was equipped with all the amenities of a
palace. The Temple of Isis was also one of Cleopatra's favorite places. It was
dedicated to the goddess of motherhood and fertility. Cleopatra was a devotee
of Isis and she visited the temple often to pray.
The downfall of Cleopatra's reign came in 31 BCE, when she and Mark
Antony were defeated by Octavian, the future Roman emperor, at the Battle of
Actium. Cleopatra and Mark Antony no longer lived, but her legacy lived on.
Egypt would be ruled by the Romans for centuries to come, but the memory of
Cleopatra would remain forever etched in history as one of the most powerful
and fascinating figures of time.
Her story has been retold in countless books, movies, and plays, but the
real Cleopatra was far more complex and interesting than the romanticized
version, portrayed in popular culture. She was a brilliant leader and a trailblazer
for women in power, and her legacy continues to inspire people to this day.
A Leader for Ages
Read the text and choose the correct answers.

1. It is mentioned in the text, that Cleopatra...: 2. Cleopatra…

a) fled Syria when she was just a teen. a) was a well-known artist.
b) eventually took control of power back home. b) contributed towards Roman expansion.
c) returned to Greece in 51 BC. c) was multilingual;
d) was exiled for more than 20 years. d) was married twice.

3. It can be inferred from the text that she … 4. What is not true about Cleopatra as a mother?
a) wanted to stay young as long as possible. a) She used her children for political gain.
b) didn’t pay much attention to her looks; b) She was actively involved in raising them.
c) took pleasure in taking hot saffron baths; c) She had children with two different political leaders.
d) never wore any makeup. d) She used her kids’ help in public works projects.

5. We can learn from the texts that…

a) Cleopatra ruled Egypt for 20 years;
b) She normalized the use of slaves for building purposes.
c) Cleopatra watched her children become leaders.
d) Cleopatra was not a religious person.

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Skeletons in the closets
Read the text and match 1 - 6 to (A-H). There are 2 extra variants you don't need to use.

Fashion houses, also known as design houses or couture houses, are companies that design and create luxury
clothing, accessories, and other fashion items. They are known for their high-quality craftsmanship and unique designs
that are often worn by celebrities and other high-profile individuals. However, many of them have also faced certain
troubles in their history. In this article, we will take a look at some of the most famous and influential fashion houses in
the world and the scandals they have faced.

1__ Chanel 2__ Louis Vuitton

Founded by Coco Chanel in 1909, Louis Vuitton is a luxury fashion
Chanel is one of the most well-known house that is known for its premium
and respected fashion houses in the leather handbags and luggage. The
world. The company is known for its company is also known for its use of
iconic designs, such as the little black monograms and its iconic LV logo. In
dress and the Chanel suit, as well as 2020, the brand dealt with a scandal
its use of high-quality materials, such involving the use of child labor in its
as tweed and pearls. However, in cotton supply chain in Uzbekistan,
2019, it was revealed that the leather goods production in India and
company had used forced labor to production of embroidered goods in
produce their garments. It is stated Bangladesh. After openly taking full
that migrant workers in the United responsibility for their actions, Louis
Arab Emirates were being kept in Vuitton has implemented a number of
inhumane conditions and were not initiatives to improve working
paid fairly. Chanel denied the conditions and prevent child labor,
allegations, but the company faced such as regular audits of its suppliers,
significant backlash from human training programs for workers, and
rights organizations and consumers. partnerships with organizations that
focus on children's rights and fair
labor practices.

3__ Prada 4__ Dior

Founded in 1913 by Mario Prada, Founded in 1946 by Christian Dior,
Prada is a luxury fashion house that Dior is a luxury fashion house that is
is known for its outstanding leather known for its high-quality clothing,
goods, such as handbags and shoes. accessories, and perfumes. The
The company is also known for its company is also known for its use of
use of minimalist designs and clean luxurious fabrics, such as silk and
lines, as well as its use of high-quality satin, and its recognizable designs,
materials, such as leather and suede. such as the "New Look" and the "Bar
In December 2019, Prada came Suit." In 2020 Dior has been criticized
under fire for selling a collection of for using fur in its clothing lines. It has
keychains and other accessories that long been a controversial issue, with
were criticized for resembling animal rights activists arguing that it is
blackface. The items featured cruel and unnecessary to use the fur of
cartoon-like figures with large red lips animals for clothing. Activists have
and black faces, which many people also criticized the brand for not being
found to be racist and offensive. The transparent about the sources of its fur
items were removed from sale and and for not ensuring that the animals
their production was cancelled. were treated humanely.
Skeletons in the closets
Read the text and match 1 - 6 to (A-H). There are 2 extra variants you don't need to use.

5__ Yves Saint Laurent 6__ Versace

Yves Saint Laurent is a fashion house Versace has become one of the most
that is known for its first-rate clothing recognizable fashion houses in the
and accessories, as well as its use of world, and it is known for its glamorous
bold colors and patterns. In 2002, YSL and extravagant runway shows. The
was criticized for using underaged and brand has a wide range of product
skinny models models in their fashion lines, including clothing, footwear,
shows and advertising campaigns. As handbags, and accessories, as well as
a result, many people argued that it home decor, perfumes, and cosmetics.
promotes an unattainable body image In 2019, Versace faced a scandal
and self-unacceptance, particularly for when it was revealed that the company
young girls. In response to the had made a significant donation to the
criticism, YSL stated that they will only re-election campaign of the former
use models who are over 18 years of United States President Donald Trump
age and that they will promote a who is known for being a racist and
healthy body image. They also said misogynist. In response, Versace
that they will work with models who are distanced itself from the donation,
diverse and representative of a variety saying that it was made by the CEO
of body types. and it didn't reflect the company's
values or beliefs.

Which fashion house:

A kept young children hostage?

B had a clash with environmentalists?
C made people work against their will?
D put the blame on one of its executives?
E set unrealistic and unhealthy body standards?
F publicly admitted guilt and made amends?
G was bribed by a famous politician?
H had to eliminate one of its collections?

t h e te
ts abo you
gh t i n
ou wor
o ur th t h e
ey is
Writ a n dal
ch s
pi n ion?
AI: To be Feared or

Read the gapped text and insert the missing pieces. There are 2 extra variants you

don't need to use.

The future of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is just peachy. We're talking about
robots taking over our jobs, eliminating human error, and making life just a little
bit more boring for us humans. Oh, and let's not forget the ethical dilemmas that
come with creating something that's more intelligent than us. Because (1) _____
by a machine?
But, in all seriousness, AI is already being used in a variety of ways, from self-
driving cars to virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa. And let's be real, Siri is way
more helpful and patient (2) _____. So, I guess, millions of them are about to
lose their jobs as AI progresses. But the future of AI is where things get really
interesting. Imagine a world (3) _____, from cooking and cleaning to providing
healthcare and education. This future is not far off.
However, with these advancements come ethical dilemmas. Will AI be used to
create a class divide, (4) _____ to advanced AI technology? Will AI be used to
create autonomous weapons, leading to a future of warfare without human
involvement? Or will AI be used (5) _____ , where everyone has access to the
same opportunities?
The future of AI is uncertain, but one thing is for sure, it holds immense power
and the way we choose to harness it (6)_____ . But let's face it, the robots will
probably end up taking over the world and enslaving humanity. So, good luck
with that.

A than any human customer service representative;

B to create a more equal and fair society;
C who wouldn't want to be outsmarted;
D will every single one of us arrive;
Do you agree with E with only the wealthy having access;
the author that
F where robots can do most of our daily tasks;
robots will take over
the world? G and far less demanding than others;
H will shape the future for generations to come.
Limitless Possibilities
Read the text below, choose the correct answer (A, B, C, D)

The world of professions can seem (1) _______ for teenagers as

they begin to think about their future careers, because there are so
many to choose from! However, it is important to remember that there
is no need to feel pressure to choose a specific path now. Life is all
about (2) _______ , and it is completely normal to change your mind
about what you want to do in the future. In fact, many successful
people have changed their careers multiple times throughout their
Take the time to explore your interests and try new things. You
may find that what you thought you wanted to do is not what you truly
enjoy, and that is okay. As you (3) _______ more life experience and
learn more about yourself, you will be able to make informed
decisions about your future. Don't feel like you have to have it all (4)
_______ out right now. The journey of self-discovery is a lifelong
process, and it's never too late to change your mind and (5) _______
a different path.

1 A    overrated B    overwhelming C   overcrowded D    overburdened  

2 A    discovery B     examination C    research  D     misery

3 A    purchase B     aim C     win D      gain
4 A    solved B     understood C     figured D       fixed

5 A  lead B    go C     chase D       pursue

When you were little,

what did you want to be?
Did it change over time?
If so, how?
Let's Go Green!
Read the text below, choose the correct answer (A, B, C, D)

Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time. If

we don't act now, the consequences (1) _____ catastrophic for
future generations. One solution to this problem is to reduce our
carbon footprint by using renewable energy sources such as wind and
solar power. Additionally, it is important to adopt sustainable practices
in our lives, such as using public transportation or carpooling. We all
have a role to play in preventing (2) _____ harm to the environment.
Have you made (3) _____ changes to your daily routine to live
more sustainably? By being more mindful of our consumption habits,
we can ensure a healthier planet for (4) _____ and for those to come.
It is also important to learn about the impacts of climate change and
the steps we can take to address it.
Climate change is a global problem that affects everyone and requires
a global response. The Paris Agreement, (5) _____ by nearly 200
countries, is a right step in the right direction but it’s not enough. It is
essential that countries remain committed to it and work together to
reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase their resilience to the
impacts of climate change.

1 A    will be B    are C     would be D     would have been  

2 A    far B     more far C     farther D     further

3 A    a B     any C     some D      not

4 A    ourself B     oneself C     ourselves D      yourselves

5 A  signs B    was signed C     signed D     has been signed 

In your opinion, what are

some of the most
pressing environmental
issues that society
should prioritize?
Test #4
Read the texts below. Match choices A-H to 1-5. There are 3 choices you don't need to use.

1 2


5 Which of the advertisements

encourages people to ... ?

A support a start-up company
B show a document and save money
C experience the thrill of the wild
D sleep soundly and arrive fresh
E send kids to college with savings
F enjoy the healing benefits of gemstones
G join the team of successful specialists
H take part in a survival show
The Great Pretender
Read the text and choose the correct answers.

Frank Abagnale Jr. is a name that has become synonymous with

deception and imposture. The man behind the legendary con artist
character portrayed by Leonardo DiCaprio in the hit film "Catch Me If You
Can," Abagnale pulled off some of the most audacious and elaborate
scams of the 20th century, using a variety of aliases and tricks to stay one
step ahead of the law.
Abagnale's father was an embezzler. Although his parents divorced
when he was a pre-teen, he managed to learn a lot from his dad. Frank’s
‘career’ began in the early 1960s, when he was just a teenager. Using
nothing more than a few forged documents and his knack for deception, he
managed to pass himself off as a Pan Am pilot, a doctor, and a lawyer. He
used a variety of identities such as Frank Williams, Robert Conrad, Frank
Adams, and Robert Monjo. Frank Williams was one of his most successful
identities, which he used to pass himself off as a Pan Am pilot and to travel
around the world for free. What will surprise many people is that he never
actually flew a plane. Despite gaining access to airline facilities, and even
working as a substitute pilot, Abagnale always managed to avoid taking off
and landing a plane. Robert Conrad was another identity that he used to impersonate a doctor and a lawyer,
Frank Adams was an alias he used to cash fake checks and Robert Monjo was one of Abagnale's most complex
identities. He had to master French and to have a good understanding of French culture, which he used to pass
himself off as a French teacher and a university professor.
Frank Abagnale crisscrossed the country, living a lavish lifestyle and defrauding people out of thousands of
dollars. He was able to forge checks so well that many banks accepted them without question. He managed to
cash more than $2.5 million during his criminal career. But Abagnale's greatest trick was perhaps his ability to
evade capture. Despite being on the FBI's most wanted list, he managed to evade authorities for years, using a
variety of aliases and tricks to stay one step ahead of the law. He would frequently change his appearance,
using makeup and false identities, and would often use wigs, glasses, and fake mustaches to change his look.
He was also known to use different accents and mannerisms to throw off authorities further.
In the end, it was a stroke of luck that finally brought Abagnale down. In
1968, he was arrested in France and subsequently extradited to the United
States to face charges. It is worth mentioning that his capture wasn't the
result of a long investigation or a well-crafted trap but more of a chance
event. A French police officer recognized him in a hotel, and he was
arrested while trying to use his usual fake Pan Am pilot ID, this was a
fortunate coincidence that led to his capture.
He served just over five years in prison before being released on the
condition that he assist the FBI in their efforts to combat white-collar crime.
After serving his sentence, Frank Abagnale Jr. became a reformed man and
began using his knowledge and experiences to educate others about the
dangers of identity theft and fraud. He became a highly sought-after
speaker, giving lectures and presentations on the topic to various
organizations and agencies, including the FBI and other law enforcement
The Great Pretender
Read the text and choose the correct answers.

1. Which alias required him to speak a 2. Why did banks accept his checks?
foreign language fluently? a) Because he was able to create perfect fake ones;
a) Frank Williams; b) Because police couldn’t catch him;
b) Robert Monjo; c) Because he often changed his appearance;
c) Frank Adams; d) Because he was good at persuading people.
d) Robert Conrad.

3. Frank Abagnale was arrested under 4. What is not true about his criminal career:
alias: a) He worked alongside FBI;
a) Robert Conrad; b) He got basic knowledge from his dad;
b) Robert Monjo; c) He was able to trick the authorities for long;
c) Frank Williams; d) He was able to change his manners, accents and
d) Frank Adams. looks.

5. What is true, according to the text? the
a) Frank’s parents got divorced because his dad was a criminal; to
learn abo
b) His criminal career lasted for 10 years; other
c) It took a long and skillfully planned covert operation to capture him;
d) Frank Abagnale was a real master of disguise.
Write w
hat you
have dis
Diva Demands
Read the text and match 1 - 6 to (A-H). There are 2 extra variants you don't need to use.

Celebrities are known for their extravagant and sometimes bizarre demands, and their contracts are no exception.
Here are some of the weirdest requests and clauses that celebrities have had in their contracts:

1__ Beyoncé 2__ Lady Gaga

Beyoncé is said to have a "no Lady Gaga has been known to
talking" and "no eye contact" demand that her dressing room
clause in her contract, meaning be stocked with a famous brand
that anyone working with her is of energy drinks and that the
not allowed to initiate a room be decorated with a
conversation with her unless it specific type of crystals. She
is strictly necessary. Looking at also requests her dressing
her directly without her room to be equipped with a
permission is also not allowed certain aromatherapy oils. On
either, as you understand. She top of that, she requests a strict
also requires that her dressing costume change policy,
room be equipped with a including a designated team to
specific brand of humidifiers. handle her elaborate costumes
She always asks for a strict and a separate room for
security in her dressing room, costume changes as well as an
including cameras and a extra one for keeping them.
bodyguard on duty at all times.

3__ Rihanna 4__ Billie Eilish

Rihanna has a clause in her Billie Eilish is known for her
contract that requires that all unique and eclectic style, and
furniture in her dressing room her contract demands are no
be made of a specific type of exception. According to reports,
wood and that the room be one of Billie's most notable
decorated with a particular contract demands is that her
type of art. She also requests dressing room be decorated with
that her dressing room is a specific type of plants, like
always equipped with a succulents and cacti. Billie's also
certain brand of scented known for her commitment to
candles. Rihanna always sustainability and eco-friendly
requires that her dressing practices. It’s been reported that
room staff wear all black she requests that all materials
clothing. Moreover, she tends used for her shows are eco-
to asks for a specific type of friendly and that her production
music to be played in her team makes an effort to
dressing room, including a minimize waste and carbon
playlist of her favorite songs. footprint.
Diva Demands
Read the text and match 1 - 6 to (A-H). There are 2 extra variants you don't need to use.

5__ Jennifer Lopez 6__ Cardi B

Jennifer Lopez is said to Cardi B is known for her bold and
have demanded that her unapologetic personality, and her
dressing room be equipped contract reflects just that. One of
with a specific type of air Cardi's most notable demands is
fresheners to create a that her dressing room be
pleasant scent. She also stocked with a very expensive
needs to have a special brands of champagne, wine,
brand of slippers she can whiskey etc. After all, she always
use. Furthermore, she also talks about her desire to live it up
asks for a famous brand of in style. She is known to have a
simulators in her dressing strict policy on wardrobe and
room and a personal trainer styling, requiring a specific team
on standby. Her other of stylists and designers to work
demands include a on her costumes and looks for
particular brand of toilet her shows. Cardi's also known
paper, a certain brand of for her love of so she requests
skincare products and a that her jewelry and accessories
professional hair and are of a top quality and that her
makeup team to accompany dressing room is equipped with a
her. security team to ensure the
safety of these items.
Whose contract:
A demands multiple private spaces?
B requires that jewelry be kept in a secure vault?
C implements strict protocols for limiting interactions with personnel?
D states that the celebrity never socializes with staff? gine
a you
E shows love of luxury beverages? spe elebrity rself as
c . W
wou ific d
F specifies provision of fitness equipment as an obligation? ld y ema hat
in y
our ou inc nds
con l
G reflects their love and respect for nature? trac ude
H imposes a dress code for employees?
russian propaganda:

Playing Dirty
Read the gapped text and insert the missing pieces. There are 2 extra variants you don't need to use.

Welcome to the world of russian propaganda. It’s a land where facts are optional (1) ________.
Where, if you believe everything you see and hear, ducks can attack tanks and specially trained
mosquitos can kill russian soldiers. Let’s dive into the wild world of Kremlin's spin-doctors and their never-
ending quest (2) ________ .
Their favourite myth is the following: "Ukraine is a failed state". (3) ________ that Ukrainian
politicians are corrupt and their economy is failing. This narrative is used to present russia as a more
stable and prosperous alternative, discourage Ukrainians from looking to the West for support and make
russians mock Ukraine.
There is also the "Bandera followers" conspiracy theory. In the context of the ongoing war in Ukraine,
russian state-controlled media outlets have been talking even more about the conspiracy theory that, in
Ukraine, (4) ________ , a Ukrainian nationalist leader from World War II. They allege that these "Bandera
followers" are fascist Nazi-sympathizers (5) ________ . This theory is used to justify russia's annexation
of Crimea, support for separatist movements, as well as their full-scale invasion of Ukraine.
I am pretty sure that we can’t even name all the myths and legends russian propaganda has come up
with. Most prominent, however, like (6) ________, Ukrainian citizens waiting to be rescued form the Nazi,
Ukrainians creating a new Bandera-pagan religion, are so absurd that they leave us with only one
question: how can a sane person believe that?

A the government is controlled by followers of Stepan Bandera;

B have the nukes to destroy the world;
C and logic is a foreign concept;
Let's change a game a bit D NATO laboratories using birds for creating bioweapons;
Imagine you're a Ukrainia E to make us all believe in their version of reality;
spin-doctor. Write a pie
of news about russia tha F who are intent on oppressing ethnic russians in Ukraine;
is as absurd as possible. G to debunk the myths of russian propaganda;
H russian media outlets have been spreading the idea.
Nature's Medicine
Read the text below, choose the correct answer (A, B, C, D)

Herbs have been used for thousands of years in various cultures

around the world to (1) _____ a wide range of health conditions. Many
commonly used herbs, such as chamomile, ginger, and garlic, have proven
benefits and have been extensively researched. Herbs can be used in
various forms, such as teas, tinctures, and capsules, and are often taken
for their natural (2) _____, such as anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, or
antibacterial effects.
However, it is important to note that herbal medicines can have side
effects and interactions with other medications. Some herbs can be toxic in
high doses, and it is crucial to only use them under the (3) _____ of a
qualified healthcare specialist. Additionally, the quality and potency of
herbal products can vary widely, so it is important to buy from reputable
sources and to be (4) _____ of any contaminants or substitutes in the
products. Overall, herbal medicine can be a useful complementary or
alternative therapy for many health conditions, but it should be used with
(5) _____ and under professional supervision.

1 A    relieve B    solve C    treat   D      reduce  

2 A    traits B     properties C     features D      components

3 A    supervisor B      surveillance C     provision D      guidance

4 A    knowledgeable B     attentive C     aware D       informing

5 A  warning B    caution C     worry D       concern

Learn about any

herb and its benefits.
Summarize what
you've learned.
Tech Trap
Read the text below, choose the correct answer (A, B, C, D)

Very (1) _________ people realize the impact that social media has
had on our lives in recent years. It has changed the way we communicate,
share information, and form relationships. No one told us that the platforms
we use for entertainment (2) _________ become such a crucial part of our
daily lives. However, with great power comes great responsibility, and it is
essential that we use social media in a mindful manner.
Many of us are guilty of spending too much time scrolling through our social media feeds, checking for
updates, and comparing ourselves to (3) _________ . This constant exposure to an idealized version of
reality can be damaging to our self-esteem and mental well-being. It is important to be aware of the amount
of time we spend on social media and limit it if necessary. Furthermore, we should strive to use social
media to build connections, not just consume content. Those who (4) _________ the constant stimulation
that social media provides may find it difficult to disconnect, but it is a necessary step towards a healthier
relationship with technology. If you want to avoid negative consequences of excessive social media usage,
you had (5) _________ be mindful of the amount of time you spend on these platforms.

1 A    few B    much C    little   D    any   

2 A    will B     would C     has D     was

3 A    others B     other C    the others  D     another

4 A    be used to B     got used to C     used to D    is used to  

5 A  either B    rather C     better D      whether

i s
t cial
Wha rite so ?
u rm
p latfo
med o?
Test #5
Read the texts below. Match choices A-H to 1-5. There are 3 choices you don't need to use.

1 2

3 4

Which of the advertisements is about ... ?

A baby food and drinks
B a workshop

5 C hiring opportunities
D team building activities
E a gift-giving idea
F off-campus housing
G purchasing and leasing property
H feeding essentials
Translating Love:
The Five Love Languages
Read the text and choose the correct answers.
Love is a powerful emotion that can be expressed in many different ways. According to
Dr. Gary Chapman, there are five main "love languages" that people use to show their affection.
Understanding them can help you navigate the ups and downs of relationships and communicate
your feelings more effectively.
If your love language is words of affirmation, you value verbal expressions of appreciation.
To show love to someone who speaks this language, try saying "I love you" or "I appreciate you"
often. You can also leave little notes or texts throughout the day to show your love. Compliment
them regularly, give them verbal encouragement and support when they need it, tell them how
much you appreciate their presence in your life. Another love language is quality time. If it’s
yours, you value spending one-on-one time with your loved one. To show love to someone who
speaks this language, try setting aside special time for just the two of you, whether it's a date
night or a walk in the park. Put away your phone and other distractions and focus on spending
time together, express your openness to participating in activities that your partner likes, even if
it’s not your cup of tea.
If someone speaks the language of receiving presents, they value tangible gifts. If it’s your
partner’s, try giving them small gifts, such as a bouquet of flowers or a special piece of jewelry.
You can also make them a homemade gift or a craft. Make sure to remember important dates
and occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays. If your love language is acts of
service, you value actions that show you are loved. To show love to someone who speaks this
language, try doing things for them, such as cooking dinner, doing the laundry, or running
errands. Plan a special surprise such as a romantic dinner or a day out, make them breakfast in
bed, help them with their goals and projects. And last but not least, the fifth love language is
physical touch. If you speak this language, you value physical contact as a way to show love and
appreciation. To make someone who speaks this language feel loved, try holding hands,
cuddling, or giving a hug. You can also give them a massage or a back rub to show your love.
It’s important to show affection in public through holding hands or putting your arm around them.
It's worth noting that there are alternative love languages, for example, physical presence.
This love language is all about being physically available for your loved one. People who speak
this love language value being in the same room or space as their partner, even if they're not
talking or interacting. They feel comforted by the mere presence of their partner. Another one is
shared interests. This love language is all about common activities. People who speak this love
language value engaging in shared hobbies, such as sports, games, or arts and crafts. One
more alternative love language is adventure. It is all about experiencing new and exciting things
together, usually on a whim. People who speak this love language value the excitement of
adventure, whether it's traveling to new places, trying new activities, or pushing their limits.
It is commonly believed that a person's love language is set and remains the same
throughout their life, but in reality, people's love languages may evolve and change as they
progress through life and encounter new things. A person who primarily valued physical touch in
their youth may find that as they get older, their love language shifts towards acts of service or
quality time. It's important to be aware that people change, and their love languages may change
as well, it's not set in stone. Additionally, some people may have a combination of love
languages, and one may be more dominant at certain times and less dominant at others.
Everyone is different and so are their love languages. We should also keep in mind, that love
languages are not only for romantic relationships. They can be applied to friendships, family
relationships, and even professional relationships.
Humans are not the only ones capable of speaking love languages. The universal language
of love that is observed in many species of animals is physical touch. For example, primates may
use grooming (cleaning and untangling hair and fur) as a way to show love and affection, dogs
may use cuddling and licking, and birds may use preening and touching to show love and
affection towards their mate.
Let's embrace the beauty of love and make the most of every moment we share.
Translating Love:
The Five Love Languages
Read the text and choose the correct answers.

1. Showing your willingness to do things 2. What is the main difference between acts of service
that your partner enjoys is the act of… and receiving gifts?
a) Physical touch love language; a) Acts of service are actions demonstrating commitment,
b) Quality time love language; receiving gifts is getting material things.
c) Words of affirmation love language; b) There is no difference between these two love languages.
d) Receiving gifts love language. c) Acts of service are about regular compliments, while receiving
gifts is about cuddling and hugging.
3. Which of the following is an example
d) Acts of service are about words of encouragement, while
of alternative love language?
receiving gifts is about helping with household chores.
a) devoting your full attention to your loved one;
b) being ready to display your affection in front 4. Can love languages change over time?
of other people; a) No, it is psychologically impossible.
c) willingness to be spontaneous and being b) Yes, they can change as people grow and experience new
open to impulsive decisions; things.
d) never missing an important occasion or c) It's still not clear for professionals.
forgetting a special date. d) None of the above.

5. What is the thing to keep in mind when it

comes to love languages?
a) They are the same throughout a person’s life. Think of a person
b) They are unique to each person. you love (family
member, friend,
c) They are only for romantic relationships.
partner etc). What
d) They are used only by people. is their love
language? What
do you do to
make them feel
Legal Madness
Read the text and match 1 - 6 to (A-H). There are 2 extra variants you don't need to use.
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the wacky world of laws! Are you ready to be amazed and amused
by the absurdity of it all? Buckle up, folks, because this ride is going to be a wild one!

1__ Canada 2__ Greece

In Canada, pretending to be a
In Greece, if you wear high heels
witch or a wizard can land you
to ancient sites, you might be
in serious trouble. Not only will
turned away at the entrance or
you be breaking the law, but
even face a fine. This law was
you could also face fraud
put in place to protect the
charges for scamming people.
ancient ruins and historical sites
The law is in place to prevent
from damage. The law is in place
fraudulent practices and
to preserve the cultural heritage
protect people from being
of Greece. Because, clearly,
scammed by those pretending
high heels are the number one
to be sorcerers. Because
enemy of historical preservation,
clearly, witches are the only
not the thousands of tourists that
ones capable of fraud, while
tread on these sites every day.
bankers and politicians are
completely trustworthy.

3__ Switzerland 4__ Thailand

In Switzerland, flushing the In Thailand, if you're caught
toilet after 10 PM can land you leaving the house without
in hot water. Not only will you wearing an upper piece of
risk disturbing your neighbors, underwear, you could be
but you could also face a fine arrested and charged with
for breaking the noise indecent exposure. The law aims
pollution laws if they report to promote a sense of modesty
you to the police. The law is in in public. It is aimed at
place to ensure a peaceful maintaining a certain level of
night for all residents in the decency in the public sphere.
area. Because, obviously, the Obviously, nothing says 'decent'
sound of a toilet flushing is the like being arrested for not
worst thing that can happen at wearing underwear beneath your
night, much worse than a clothes, while walking around in
party or a crying baby. a bikini on a beach in the same
country is completely
Legal Madness
Read the text and match 1 - 6 to (A-H). There are 2 extra variants you don't need to use.

5__ Saudi Arabia

6__ India
In Saudi Arabia, women who
dare to drive can face arrest In India, it is illegal to sell and
and punishment. This law eat meat on certain days of the
reflects traditional beliefs week in certain areas. This law
about gender roles and the was passed to respect the
idea that women should be religious beliefs of the majority
protected and not allowed to of Hindu population, who
drive. The law is a reflection consider cows sacred and
of the societal norm in Saudi refrain from consuming beef.
Arabia. Because, according Because clearly, the best way
to Arabian men, women to respect a religious belief is
can't be trusted with the by limiting the personal choices
responsibility of driving, but and food access of others, isn't
entrusting them with raising it?
children and running a
household is totally fine.

Which country’s law:

A can be broken by a crying child?

B forbids a specific type of footwear to enter certain places?
C has something to do with bras and T-shirts?
D will punish you because of the complaints of people living close by?
E doesn’t allow impersonating a magician?
F forces you to become a vegeterian?
G displays a major case of gender inequality?
H imposes some dietary restrictions? f i n d the m e
u ar
la w do yo hink there t?
Which D o you
e d i n the tex
? tion
absurd le laws men
Can Beauty

Save the World?

Read the gapped text and insert the missing pieces. There are 2 extra variants you don't need to use.

The Miss Universe pageant is a highly publicized event that has

been held annually since 1952. The contest is designed to celebrate
beauty, intelligence, and cultural heritage, but (1) _______.
One of the main values of the Miss Universe contest is the
celebration of diversity. The pageant brings together contestants
from nearly every country, (2) _______ . However, some critics
argue that the pageant still promotes a narrow standard of beauty,
(3) _______.
The Miss Universe pageant is not just about physical beauty.
Another important value is the promotion of women's empowerment.
The pageant encourages contestants (4) _______, and to have a
strong sense of self. The contestants are also expected to have a
platform that they are passionate about, which allows them to make
a positive impact on the world. Some choose to promote children's
education, others advocate for HIV/AIDS awareness and so on.
Miss Universe 2020, Rabiya Mateo from Philippines, used her
platform to advocate for better mental health awareness. She has
been very vocal about her personal struggles and shared her own
stories (5) _______ and social media posts. She has also partnered
with organizations and institutions that focus on mental health.
Rabiya's platform has been well received by many, especially by the
youth, (6) _______ that someone who has achieved so much is
also open about their own journey.
Rabiya's platform aligns with the idea that mental health is a
crucial part of overall health and well-being, and that it should be
treated with the same level of importance as physical health. She
has been advocating for better mental health education and
resources, and for the elimination of the stigma around mental
health issues, which discourage people from seeking help.

A who can relate to her personal story and find it inspiring;

etc) were
If you (your friend,sibling B it also raises several extremely important issues;
at would
a new Miss Universe, wh C to be confident, intelligent, well-spoken, compassionate;
your/their platform be ab
D which will actually make her really popular in the future;
E showcasing the beauty and cultural richness of different ethnicities;
F in becoming the best possible versions of themselves;
G about dealing with anxiety and depression in various media interviews;
H one that is primarily focused on physical appearance and youth
Trinkets and Treasures
Read the text below, choose the correct answer (A, B, C, D)

Flea markets, also known as (1) _________ meets or open-air markets, are fascinating places where
people gather to buy, sell, and trade goods. They've been around for centuries, and today, flea markets
can be found all over the world, offering a diverse array of items and (2)_________ a unique shopping
Visitors to a flea market can expect to find anything from vintage clothing and (3)_________ furniture to
handmade crafts and second-hand electronics. The excitement of discovering hidden gems, bargaining (4)
_________ the best price, and interacting with vendors from various cultures, make flea markets a popular
destination for tourists and locals alike. Whether you're a collector, bargain hunter, or simply looking for a
unique shopping experience, a visit to a flea market is sure to be a fun-filled adventure.
One popular flea market is the Portobello Road Market in London, England. Known for its diversity of
vintage finds, it has become a staple in the city's shopping (5) _________. Every Saturday, the market
transforms into a lively and bustling hub where visitors can haggle with vendors for one-of-a-kind items and
enjoy the unique atmosphere of this historic market.

1 A    sway B    sweep C   swoop   D     swap  

2 A    doing B     creating C    having  D     getting

3 A    antique B     elder C    ancient   D     temporary

4 A    with B     under C     for D      at

5 A  scene B    scenery C     stage D      setting

What is your opinion ab
flea markets?
The Future of Sports
Read the text below, choose the correct answer (A, B, C, D)

As the world of sports and technology continues to evolve, I can't help but imagine what
competitions in the future (1) ________ look like. With advancements in AI, exosuits, and VR,
the possibilities are endless.
In the future, athletes will be able to train and perform (2) _______ their peak with real-time
analysis and feedback from AI systems. Personalized training programs will be the norm,
based on everyone’s unique strengths and weaknesses. It's not hard to imagine a world where
athletes can make split-second decisions, all (3) ________ of data-driven insights provided by
Wearable technology will also play a big role in future competitions. Exosuits will enhance
each (4)________ performance, providing additional strength, speed, and endurance. These
suits will constantly monitor vital signs, so athletes can perform their best, every time.
As for the sports themselves, we'll see the
rise of hybrid competitions, merging traditional
sports with technology. The spectacle of a
skateboarding and drone racing, or the
immersion of virtual reality sports, will be (5)
________ anything we've ever seen before.
It's a truly exciting time for sports. The future
of competitions is shaping up to be so much
more than we could have ever imagined, and I
can't wait to see what happens next.

1 A    would B    might C    must  D     ought  

2 A    at B    on  C     in D      of

3 A    owing B    despite  C     thanks D   because  

4 A    athlete B     athletes C     athlete's D    athletes'  

5 A  likely B    unlikely C     unlike D     like 

Think of a futuristic sp
that may be invented in
Vocabulary Practice:
Reading # 1
Useful Vocabulary List:
TEST 1 Answers and explanations:

A pendant – підвіска, ланцюжок 1 B ( one-of-a-kind; custom add-ons; be the

An add-on –додатковий елемент or scan the code only one…)

To upgrade – покращити 2 H (trendy, not spendy, easy on your

Custom – виготовлений на замовлення wallet; clothing)

Fashion-forward – що цікавиться модою 3 G (cutting-edge technology)
To browse –переглядати 4 D (specialized tools for graphic designers;

Augmented reality—доповнена реальність editors)

Immersive –що занурюється 5 A (expand cooking skills, becoming a

Cutting-edge – новітній, передовий culinary pro)

A tool – інструмент, знаряддя EXTRA:
An editor – редактор C Eating out – just a food-related workshop
A foodie – гурман (inf) E Paints, brushes, canvas – the text

Aspiring – що прагне стати describes software

Garments – предмети одягу F Luxurious clothes – they are affordable

Beyond the Crown: Her Majesty's

Vocabulary Practice:

Hidden Talents
Answers and explanations:
1. Queen Elizabeth II… or scan the code
a) was a regular participant in horse races; (she was a regular attendee.)
b) won a horse racing trophy one time; (She even won the Royal Ascot Gold Cup

in 1985)
c) had a business of breeding and selling horses; (The Queen owned and bred horses

but she didn’t sell them)

d) found horse races too boring to attend. (she watched the races with great


2. What information is not mentioned in the text:

a) She was on the cover of one Canadian magazine; (one of the photos taken by

her was on the cover)

b) She took memorable family pictures; (she even captured some of the most iconic

images of her family)

c) She had a talent for catching spontaneous moments; (She had a keen eye for

capturing candid moments)

d) She had her works published. (her photographs were published in a book called "A
Useful Vocabulary List:
Family Album.")
Equestrian - кінний
3. The Queen: To breed – розводити, вирощувати
a) designed the Diamond Jubilee Garden on her own; (She was involved in the design
Reign – царство, правління
but didn’t do it on her own.) Evident - очевидний
b) used to spend summers outside the UK; (“… love for the Scottish Highlands, where
To capture – захоплювати
she spent her summers.” – Scotland is in the UK) Candid – щирий, чесний, не награний
c) displayed lack of basic personal hygiene; (“…she enjoyed nothing more than getting
To unwind – відпочити, розслабитись,

her hands dirty and planting her own flowers…’ only refers to her love of gardening) розвіятись
d) had green fingers and a good eye for design. (“Queen Elizabeth II was also
The Scottish Highlands – Шотландське

known for her love of gardening.”, “… helped with the design…” ) високогір’я

4. It is true that she: Jubilee - ювілей

a) was a celebrated musician; (Queen Elizabeth II was also a music lover but she
A seed – насіння, насінина
wasn’t a famous one) A patroness – покровителька
b) hosted concerts and operas; (She attended them.) Sign language – мова жестів
c) created a special message for the disabled; (“…recorded a special
Deaf - глухий
announcement in sign language for a UK charity for the deaf.”) Avid – завзятий, наполегливий
d) played some instruments throughout her life. (.”…She played the piano and violin in
To relish – смакувати, насолоджуватись
her youth…” , not throughout her life) A testament – твердження, свідчення
Hygiene - гігієна
5. Queen Elizabeth II… Throughout - протягом
a) had a reading nook for enjoying solitude; (“She even had a secret room …
A nook - закуток, куточок
where she would spend hours with her nose buried in books and relishing her own

b) met authors of her favourite books; (only one – Agatha Christie)
c) was presented with a book by Agatha Christie; (Nothing of the kind is mentioned.)
d) loved solving mysterious cases herself. (She loved reading about them.)
Sample answer:

I couldn't believe my luck when I was invited to visit Queen Elizabeth's secret reading room. The moment I walked into
the palace library, I saw a bookshelf that looked just like the others, but little did I know, it was a secret passage
that led to the most magical room I've ever seen. As I walked through it, I felt like I was in a fairytale. The room was
so cozy and inviting, with comfortable seating, a fireplace, and floor-to-ceiling bookshelves lining the walls. I couldn't
believe my eyes when I saw the large window with a beautiful view of the palace's gardens. The room was equipped
with all the necessary amenities, including a desk, a lamp, and a comfortable reading chair. But the most exciting
thing about the room was that it had a hidden bookshelf that opened up to reveal a small library of the Queen’s
favorite mystery novels.

Vocabulary Practice:
Echoes from the Past
Fertility – родючість,

Useful Vocabulary List: плодовитість or scan the code

An echo – відлуння Grace – елегантність, величність
An element – стихія Incomparable – незрівнянний
To govern – управляти To cherish – леліяти, плекати,

To delve into –копатись, дізнаватись

інформацію. To deserve – заслуговувати
Unsurpassed– неперевершений To nurture – живити
An axe – сокира Abundance – достаток
A just ruler – справедливий правитель Unrivalled – поза конкуренцією
Sacrifice – жертва, жертвоприношення Curing powers – сили зцілювання
An oak – дуб Blessing – благословіння
An ox (pl. oxen) – віл (воли) Bountiful – щедрий, багатий на
Dawn – світанок Intimidating – що вселяє страх
To invoke – закликати, накликати Battle – битва Answers and explanations:
To go astray – збитись з дороги A deity – божество (бог/богиня)
A blacksmith – коваль A plentiful harvest – щедрий
1. A --... my axe and thunderbolts strike fear

A warrior – воїн урожай into the hearts of my enemies. But I am also a

just ruler,...
2. H - ... I will lead you and light your way, so

Sample answers: you will never feel lost or go astray.

3. E - I am the father of all gods and

Dolya, the goddess of destiny, fortune, and fate, spoke in a goddesses...

mysterious and powerful tone, "I control the destiny of all living 4. B - ... I will do my best to keep your heart

beings. I am the one behind the spinning wheel which makes the full, and make sure you are admired and

thread of life, I am the one who decides the fate of everyone. Offer 5. F - ... I will make sure that your soul is

me sacrifices of wheat, barley and rye, and call upon me for guided safely to the kind of afterlife it deserves.
6. G - ... I will take care of your land and make

protection and guidance, and I will make sure not to cut your
it bountiful.
thread of life too soon."

protected soldiers from war and battles - Svarog

Chas, the god of time, spoke in a deep and ominous tone, "I am the protected hissubjects from harm, not battels, but

he helped to win battles and wars.

ruler of time, and the one who controls the past, the present and
fired lightning bolts out of their axe - a lightning

the future. Offer me sacrifices of apples, cherries and pears, was created when Perun's axe hit a tree and split

and call upon me when you need to learn how to make amends it in half; it didn't come out of his axe.

for your past actions and learn from your mistakes so that you
don’t repeat them ever again."
Vocabulary Practice:
Hummingbird Wonders pollen – пилок
slender – стрункий, тонкий
Useful Vocabulary List: a beak – дзьоб
A hummingbird – колібрі to extract – витягувати,
or scan the code
To hover – витати видобувати
In mid-air – в повітрі stationary – стаціонарний,

backwards – назад нерухомий

hibernation – сплячка courtship rituals – токування,

to conserve – зберігати шлюбні ритуали

dazzling – вражаючий solitary – одинокий
plumage – оперення a nest – гніздо
to shimmer – сяяти fibers – волокна
a feather – пір’їнка moss – мох
to scatter – розсікати, відбивати mighty – могутній
suit of armor – броня, обладунки an angle – кут
to transfer – передавати blossoming – той, що цвіте
Sample answer: Answers and explanations:
1. B (imagine +gerund; all about flying);
One animal that fascinates me is the octopus! These intelligent and 2. H (hibernation – when they sleep, the

adaptable animals have unique skills that make them unlike any other keep their energy)
3. D (a feather reflects light and colors can

species. Octopuses have the ability to change their color and texture to
blend in with their surroundings, making them expert camouflage 4. F (not only, but also)
artists. They can also squirt ink to distract predators and make a quick 5. C (beaks, tongues that allow them to

getaway. Additionally, octopuses have eight flexible arms, each lined 6. G (rituals for attracting a mate are

with hundreds of suckers that can taste and sense their environment, described)
allowing them to manipulate objects and even open jars. They are also
known for their intelligence, they have been observed using tools, solving A. of every female flying around; (a bait for # 3,

puzzles, escaping enclosures and even exhibiting personalities, which however it’s not possible for one bird to change

the color of another one)

makes them very similar to humans.
E. a bird that flies around blossoming bushes; (a

bait for #1, but it’s not grammatically correct, we

cannot combine a gerund and infinitive like that)

Smart Homes to eliminate - вилучати

to boost - підсилювати
Answers and explanations:
Useful Vocabulary List: deserted - покинутий
depopulated - безлюдний, де колись були 1. C (turn off = switch off);
household - побут 2. B (a place that you live in and own)
люди, але зараз нема
to adjust - корегувати 3. B (reduce - to make something smaller or less in

uninhabited - незаселений, безлюдний,

property - власність size, amount, or price)

an alert - застереження 4. A (unoccupied - temporarily empty)
a vehicle - транспортний засіб
to reduce - зменшувати 5. D ( appliances - machines that are designed to do a

utility bills - рахунки за комунальні послуги or scan the code particular thing in the home, such as preparing food,

a schedule - розклад heating or cleaning)

unoccupied - незайнятий, без людей
an appliance - прилад
satisfaction - задоволення
residency - резидентство,

habitat - природнє середовище
lodgings - тимчасове житло

I have mixed feelings about living in a smart home. On the one hand, it is pretty cool to be able to control various aspects
of my home using just my voice or a smartphone app. On the other hand, there are also some challenges that come with it.
For starters, I am always worried about privacy. With all the data that a smart home collects, it feels like my every move
is being monitored. I also worry about security risks, like hacking and cyberattacks. I have heard stories of people who
have had their smart homes taken over by cybercriminals and it's a scary thought. Additionally, smart homes can be
expensive, and the cost may not be feasible for everyone. Keeping the systems functioning properly also requires regular
maintenance and updates, which can be time-consuming and costly. All in all, living in a smart home has its pros and
cons, but I'm not sure I'm ready for such a technologically advanced lifestyle. I prefer the simplicity and independence
that comes with living in a more traditional home.
Christmas with a Heart or scan the code Answers and explanations:
Useful Vocabulary List:
To take turns – робити щось по черзі 1. D (an activity - gerund);
An ornament – прикраса 2. C (used to + Infinitive);
To pass down – передавати з покоління в
3. B (Passive Voice, plural subject);
покоління 4. A (Second Conditional);
A generation – покоління 5. D ( as (conjunction) - because)
A reminder – нагадування про, згадка про
A heritage – спадок, спадщина
To stick to – притримуватись
A unity – єдність
To uphold a tradition - підтримувати традицію

My favorite family tradition is the celebration of Ivan Kupala Day. On this day, my family and I gather with friends
and neighbors for a night of dancing, singing, and jumping over bonfires. One of the most exciting parts of this
celebration is the search for the mythical fern flower, said to bring good luck and prosperity to whoever finds it. My
siblings and I join in the hunt, running through the forests and fields in search of this rare flower. As we dance and
sing around the bonfire, I feel a deep connection to my heritage and the rich cultural traditions of my ancestors. Ivan
Kupala Day is a time to celebrate the arrival of summer, the bountiful harvest, and the beauty of nature. It is a joyful
and festive occasion, and I cherish every moment spent with my family and friends, creating memories that will last a

Reading # 2 Vocabulary Practice: Answers and explanations:
Useful Vocabulary List: 1.C (ready to be a content pro?)
To elevate – підняти, вивести на новий
2.H (the best use of your room; will feel

рівень like home; clean and tidy)

A coaching session – тренувальна сесія or scan the code 3.G (promote well-being, reduce signs

Tailored to your needs - розроблені

of aging etc)
відповідно до ваших потреб 4.A (travel-friendly, toiletries)
A dorm (dormitory) – гуртожиток 5.E (create inner balance)
A campus – корпус; студентське містечко
Storage – зберігання EXTRA:
Tapestry– гобелен, витканий килим B Offering your services at a higher price.

Durable – для тривалого вжитку,

(You are not the one offering your

зносостійкий services)
To relieve – полегшувати, позбавляти D Stylish home renovation and

Tension – тиск, напруга refurbishment. (It’s not home

To enhance – посилити, покращити refurbishment, it’s about your dorm room

To boost – збільшити, зміцнити that will feel like home)

A benefit – перевага, користі F Consulting the best travel agent. (Travel

To rejuvenate – омолоджувати toiletries have nothing to do with a travel

To pamper – побалувати, поніжити agent)

On the go – находу
A getaway – коротка відпустка
To stock up on – запастись, закупити
To hinder – заважати, ускладнювати
To tap into – підколючитись до, почати

To harness – приборкати, налаштувати під

Refurbishment - переобладнання,

The Finnish Perspective Vocabulary Practice:

Answers and explanations:

1. What is true according to the text?
a) Pre-school education starts when a child is 7. (Formal education starts at this age.) or scan the code
b) Parents don’t have to pay for pre-school. ( “…before that they have access to free pre-school.)
c) Attending pre-school is mandatory. (there’s access but the text doesn’t say it’s mandatory)
d) Starting education at the age of 7 is optional. (it’s the start of formal education which makes it compulsory.)

2. How is the curriculum in Finnish schools designed?

a) To encourage learning based on memorization and repetition; (No, .”… This approach is thought to reduce
the emphasis on rote learning.”)
b) To focus on getting ready for exams; (Finland doesn’t rely on standardized testing.)
c) To cultivate a passion for learning; (.”…This approach fosters a love of learning, …”)
d) To have extracurricular activities instead of classes. ( They are not instead of classes, they are a part of curriculum.)

3. Finnish teachers…
a) Are responsible for teaching many students; (No, “The student-teacher ratio is low,…”
b) Spend a lot of time grading home assignments; (There’s no homework.)
c) Try to find work in other countries; (They have salaries a lot higher than in other countries.)
d) Have a possibility of getting a raise. (With experience, and for the teachers who hold a position of responsibility, the salary can


4. Why is the Finnish education system considered equitable?

a) Because government provides scholarships for overachievers; (Education is free for everyone.)
b) Because parents can choose the school that is the best fit for their kids; (“…there is no way for parents to select which school their child

c) Because it has a short school day, no evaluations and no homework; (there is evaluation; the other factors are not reasons for this educational

system to be considered equitable.)

d) Because Finland provides equal chances of academic success for all students. (“This means that there is no segregation of students

based on their academic abilities or social class, and all students have equal opportunities to receive a quality education.“)

5. What is true about the Finnish system according to the text?

a) Standardized testing is not a primary method of assessment in Finland. (“…unlike many other countries, Finland doesn’t rely on

standardized testing.”)
b) The Finnish system is not equally accessible for kids from every background. (It is.)
c) Educational institutions do not measure student progress. (“…, the focus is on formative assessment and teacher evaluations to track student

d) Extracurricular activities are not an essential part of education. (“…the Finnish education places a strong emphasis on extracurriculars..”)

Sample answer:
Useful Vocabulary List:
Comprehensive - комплексний
An emphasis - акцент Two main points that stood out to me from the article about the
Renowned - відомий
A curriculum - програма Finnish education system were the emphasis on creativity and
An approach - підхід
To foster - сприяти critical thinking, and the holistic approach to education that
Average - середній
includes extracurricular activities. I find it really exciting that
Extracurricular activities – позакласні заняття,

зайнятість the Finnish education system encourages students to think

To engage in – займатися, бути залученим
Equitable - справедливий independently and to take risks, as this is something that I
Holistic - цілісний
believe is important for personal growth and development.
Contradictory – протирічний, суперечливий
Residence - проживання Additionally, I think it's great that students are given the
Segregation – сегрегація, розшаровування
Assessment - оцінка opportunity to participate in a wide range of extracurricular
To track - відстежити
activities, as it allows them to explore their interests and
Mandatory - обов'язковий
Optional - необов'язковий passions beyond the classroom. I think this holistic approach to
Repetition - повторення
To get a raise - отримати підвищення education is really valuable and makes for a well-rounded
An overachiever – відмінник, хто має

результат вищий, ніж очікується

An institution - установа
Vocabulary Practice:
Teen Earnings
Tech-savvy – той, що знається на

Useful Vocabulary List: технологіях

Business acumen – ділова хватка,
or scan the code
A side hustle – додатковий заробіток (inf) кмітливість до бізнесу
To gain experience - набути досвід Entrepreneurial skills - навички підприємця
A downside - недолік A rival - суперник
Green fingers – талант до садівництва A vendor – торговець
Flexible - гнучкий To delegate tasks - делегувати завдання
Heavy traffic - високий рух An attendee – учасник, відвідувач
A vehicle - транспортний засіб Exposed to - відкритий для
Expertise - експертність Compassion - співчуття
Self-esteem – самооцінка Behavioral issues - проблеми поведінки
Constant - постійний First aid - допомога при нещасному випадку,

A tight deadline - строгі терміни перша допомога

Answers and explanations:
1. D - ...covering their green fingers with soil, ...

Sample answer: 2. H - ... has a reliable vehicle.
3. B - ... constant tight deadlines.
Pet-sitting is the perfect job for me as I have always loved 4. F - ... the online market offer is huge, ... they

will just go to other sellers, your rivals.

animals and have experience taking care of them. The flexibility
5. A - ... detail-oriented, good with time

would work well with my school schedule. I would never be management

6. G - You will not be exposed to interactions with

interested in working as a delivery driver, as being stuck in a

people, which is a plus for some personality types.
car/on a bike and dealing with traffic sounds like my worst

requires first-aid training - pets may be sick, but

you won't treat anybody (pet-sitting)

will have you taking orders from a team - you will

be giving them tasks, 'delegating'. (event

or scan the code
Vocabulary Practice:
Gen Z: The Game Changers
Useful Vocabulary List: flexibility – гнучкість
entrepreneurship –

digital natives – жителі цифрової ери підприємництво

significant – значний, важливий self–acceptance –

frugality – економність самоприйняття

cautious – обережний a representative – представник
conscious – свідомий bullying prevention –
Answers and explanations:
social justice – соціальна справедливість протидія,запобігання буллінгу 1. E (explaining what ‘digital natives status’

vocational education – професійно-технічна

gender equality – рівність статей means)
освіта a spirit – дух 2. B (giving more details; the phrase ends in

apprenticeship – практика, стажування to embody – втілювати ‘sustainability’ and is followed by ‘and social justice’,

employment – зайнятість few and far between – рідкісні,

those two being examples of a plural noun ‘issues’)
поодинокі 3. H (‘practical skills’ that can be applied in the

Sample answer: real world_

4. G (freelance , start-ups, entrepreneurship – that

Greta Thunberg is a Swedish environmental activist who gained all means ‘being their own bosses’)
5. A (‘celebrity who embodies…’)
international recognition for her work in promoting climate action.
6. F (mental health, body positivity, self-

She embodies many of the values and characteristics associated acceptance – that’s how Billie challenged societal

with Gen Z, such as her passion for social and political change, beauty standards)
C. representatives are few and far between (bait

her entrepreneurial spirit, and her focus on solutions. She has for #5, it’s not grammatically correct, because we have a

been a vocal advocate for climate action, traveling and speaking at predicate in the sentence.)
D. trying to get rid of gender inequality (can be a

various international events and conferences. Her determination,

bait for both # 2 and #6; doesn’t fit either gap; ‘get rid of’

leadership and impactful activism align with Gen Z's focus on means to eliminate something you no longer with to

environmental consciousness and their desire for positive change. have; in #2 the gap is followed by ‘and social justice’ –

something you should never get rid of. In #6, nothing is

mentioned about genders - Billie advocates for other

or scan the code
Savoring Japanese Cuisine Answers and explanations:
1. A (excellence - how good it is.);
Useful Vocabulary List: 2. D (include = consist of);
Vocabulary Practice:
flavor – смак та аромат 3. B (pickled -preserved in vinegar);
root – корінь 4. B (count - the amount of something

distinct – відмінний, чіткий contained in a particular substance or area);

excellence – відмінність 5. D (meal - an occasion when people eat

cuisine – кухня (всі страви) food, especially breakfast, lunch or dinner;

utilization – використання the food that is eaten at a meal)

meticulous – ретельний, детальний masterpiece – шедевр
staple – основний expertise – експертиза,
To make cabbage rolls, boil a large head of cabbage until
seasoned – приправлений експертність the leaves are soft, then remove and let cool. In a pan,
pickled – маринований to contain – містити
sauté 1 chopped onion and 2 minced garlic cloves, add 1
ginger – імбир to absorb – поглинати
calorie count –вміст калорій,
rotten – гнилий pound of ground beef and cook until browned. Mix in 1
розрахунок калорій fermented –
cup cooked rice, 1 can diced tomatoes, 1 tbsp tomato paste,
nutritious – поживний перероблений,

salt and pepper to taste. Place a spoonful of the mixture

salmon – лосось ферментований
tuna – тунець condensed – згущений in each cabbage leaf, roll and place in a baking dish.
adventurous – авантюрний, що
a volume – об'єм Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C until heated through,
любить пригоди measure – вимір
octopus – восьминіг estimation – оцінка approximately 30 minutes. Serve with a dollop of sour
eel – вугор provision –
cream. Enjoy this classic Ukrainian dish!
incompetence – некомпетентність забезпечення харчами

Art, Food, History Vocabulary Practice:

Answers and explanations:
a destination -- пункт призначення or scan the code
a bucket list -- список мрій 1. D ( Singular possessive case, because

stunning -- вражаючий we have 'every');

a sidewalk – тротуар 2. C (interested = state, feeling, emotion

vibrant – яскравий, вируючий etc);

priceless – безцінний 3. A (many + other + plural);
breathtaking – вражаючий, що заставляє
4. C (should + bare infinitive);
затамувати подих 5. B ( something + to-infinitive)
a history buff -- любитель історії
enchanting -- зачаровуючий
For me, visiting Tokyo, Japan will be like stepping into a futuristic dream. From the bright lights and high-tech gadgets
of Akihabara to the traditional shrines and temples of Asakusa, this city has something for everyone. The fast-paced
energy of Tokyo can be overwhelming, but it's also exhilarating. I’m sure I will love walking down the busy streets and
trying new street foods, like karaage (fried chicken). The shopping here is amazing, too. I will spend hours in the famous
department store, Tokyu Hands, browsing all the cool gadgets and stationery. And let's not forget about the famous
Shibuya crossing, where thousands of people cross the street at once. I can't wait to visit Tokyo and see what new
experiences await me!

Reading #3
cluttered – Безладний, захаращений
TEST 3 Answers and explanations:
tongs – щипці кухонні
a whisk - вінчик кухонний для збивання 1. G (take control of your life; focus);
a spatula – кухонна лопатка 2. C (hottest trends, latest products,

a pot – каструлю, горщик clothes);

a pan – сковорідка 3. H (ace your exams);
roasting dish – ємність для запікання 4. E (impress your guests; home chef);
to score – отримати (бали, результат) 5. D (e-books).
in-person – вживу, особисто
mentoring – наставництво Extra:
action-packed – повний подій A (no catering services are mentioned;

subscription – передплата only home cooking);

teen-friendly – що підходить для підлітків B (a planner is not a personal assistant);
to get hooked on sth – (inf) підсісти на щось F (it's an online course, not an offline one)
to immerse – занурюватись, заглиблюватись
catering – кейтеринг, сервіс приготування їжі на

Cleopatra: A Leader for Ages Vocabulary Practice:

Answers and explanations:

1. It is mentioned in the text, that Cleopatra:
or scan the code
a) Fled Syria when she was just a teen. (She sought refuge in Syria.)
b) Eventually took control of the power back home.
(“… she eventually returned to Egypt and seized the throne in 51 BC.”)
c) Returned to Greece in 51 BC. (She returned to Egypt)
d) Was exiled for more than 20 years. ( It’s not possible as she was nearly 18 years old
when she seized power – born in 69 and seized the throne in 51 BC.)

2. Cleopatra…
a) was a well-known artist. (“…she was well-versed in the arts.”)
b) contributed towards Roman expansion. (“Her intelligence allowed her to maintain Egypt's independence and protect it from Roman

c) was multilingual; (“She was fluent in many languages,…”)
d) was married twice. ( We know nothing about her marriages, only alliances.)

3. It can be inferred from the text that she …

a) wanted to stay young as long as possible. (“…to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and avoid premature aging, … to keep her skin

looking youthful and radiant..”)

b) didn’t pay much attention to her looks; (“Cleopatra had many beauty rituals to maintain her looks.”)
c) took pleasure in taking hot saffron baths; (“…she often took warm milk baths.”)
d) never wore any makeup. (“She also used … olive oil to remove makeup.”)

4. What is not true about Cleopatra as a mother?

a) She used her children for political gain. (True. “…, Cleopatra was a ruler first, and her children were also political assets. She used them to

cement her alliances with Julius Caesar and Mark Antony,…”)

b) She was actively involved in raising them. (True. “She also took an active role in their upbringing, making sure they were well-educated.”)
c) She had children with two different political leaders. (True. “…Julius Caesar and Mark Antony, who were the fathers of her kids,…”)
d) She used her kids’ help in public works projects.

5. We can learn from the texts that…

a) Cleopatra ruled Egypt for 20 years; (51 BC – 31 BC)
b) She normalized the use of slaves for building purposes. (“…abolished the use of forced labor in the construction.”)
c) Cleopatra watched her children become leaders. (This is not mentioned.)
d) Cleopatra was not a religious person. (“Cleopatra was a devotee of Isis and she visited the temple often to pray..”)

Useful Vocabulary List:

To flee – покидати територію (в бігах) Sample answer:
A refuge - притулок
Eventually – врешті решт
To seize - захопити
To be fluent in – вільно володіти
Spending a day as Cleopatra is a unique opportunity to gain
Well-versed – досвідчений, добре обізнаний insight into the life of such a powerful woman. I would try to
An alliance - союз
An expansion - розширення learn more about the political and social landscape of ancient
To hydrate - насичувати водою
To nourish - живити Egypt. This would give me a deeper understanding of the
Healthcare - охорона здоров'я challenges she faced. I’d also take the time to experience the
To abolish - забороняти
Forced labor - примусова робота luxuries of Cleopatra's life, such as spending time on her
Upbringing - виховання
An asset – актив, цінний вклад pleasure barge and visiting places like the Temple of Isis.
To cement – цементувати, посилювати
This would give me a sense of what it was like to live in such
A barge - баржа
Amenities - зручності opulence and how it influenced her worldview. And I would
A temple - храм
A devotee - прихильник probably spend some time getting ready, experimenting with
A downfall - падіння
different hairstyles and makeup to find the perfect look.
A legacy - спадщина
Etched – викарбуваний
A trailblazer - першопроходець
To contribute - робити свій внесок
Political gain - політична вигода, користь
Vocabulary Practice:
Skeletons in the closets Unattainable - недосяжний
Diverse - різноманітний
A representative - представник
Useful Vocabulary List: or scan the code
A variety of - різноманітність
A skeleton in the closet - (ідіома) неприємний
A runway show - показ мод
секрет, скелет в шафі. Re-election – переобрання, повторні вибори
Craftsmanship – ремесло, майстерність A misogynist – мізогін, ненависник жінок
Luxury – розкіш, розкішний To distance oneself – віддалятися,

Forced labor - примусова праця відсторонитись

Garment - одяг To reflect - відображати
An allegation - звинувачення A value - цінність
A backlash – контрареакція, реакція на To keep hostage – тримати в заручниках
Child labor - дитяча праця To have a clash with - мати конфлікт з Answers and explanations:
Embroidered - вишитий Against one’s will - проти волі 1 C - forced labor
To implement - застосувати To put the blame on – звинуватити 2 F - ...openly taking full responsibility, ...

Suede - замша To set a standard - створювати стандарт implemented initiatives ...

To resemble - нагадувати To make amends - виправляти
3 H - The items were removed from sale

Transparent - прозорий помилки, загладжувати провину and their production was cancelled.
A bold color - сміливий колір, яскравий A bribe - хабар 4 B - ...animal rights activists arguing that it

Underaged - неповнолітній To eliminate – видаляти, позбутись is cruel; ... criticized the brand ...
5 E - ...promotes an unattainable body

Sample answer: image and self-unacceptance.

6 D - ... distanced itself from the donation,

Versace's scandal with their CEO donating to Trump is a major fail. It's wrong saying that it was made by the CEO
that a fashion company would get involved in politics and support such
controversial policies. They also didn't consider how it would affect their kept young children hostage - used child

customers or the society they operate in so it just shows that they don't really labour, didn't kidnap children/ demand

money. (Louis Vuitton)

care about their customers or their impact on the world. was bribed by a famous politician? -

donated money to the re-election

campaign of Trump. (Versace )

Vocabulary Practice:
AI: To be Feared or Embraced? Answers and explanations:
1. C (we created something more intelligent

Useful Vocabulary List: and now we will be outsmarted by it) or scan the code
2. A (more helpful and patient than… -

peachy – прекрасний, шикарний (сленг) comparison)

to eliminate – вилучати, позбутись 3. F (describing the world; daily tasks like

patient – терплячий cooking and cleaning)

an advancement – прогрес 4. E ( we get an explanation of a class

autonomous – автономний divide where only rich people can use AI)
warfare – війна, воєнні дії 5. B (equal opportunities for everyone)
involvement – втручання, залучення 6. H (we make a prediction about the future)
access to – доступ до
immense – нескінченний, величезний,
D. will every single one of us arrive ( a

потужний question form; doesn’t fit #1 because it’s not

to harness – приборкати, налаштувати під

Passive Voice and doesn’t fit #4 and #5

себе because it won’t make sense.)

to enslave – поневолити G. and far less demanding than others (a

to outsmart – перевершувати, бути

bait for #2, but no other AI forms (pl) are

розумнішим за mentioned)

Sample answer:
I'm constantly thinking about the dangers of AI. It seems like every day there's a new article about how advanced AI is
becoming and how soon robots will be doing everything from driving cars to performing surgeries. It's hard not to feel
like we're on the brink of a robot uprising. I can't help but think about all the ways that AI could be used to control and
manipulate us. What if the government starts using AI to track our every move? What if robots become so advanced that
they don't need us anymore and decide to eliminate humanity? I know that some people say that the development of AI is
nothing to be worried about and that it will bring many benefits. But I can't shake the feeling that we're playing with
fire. It's hard to trust that the people in charge will use AI responsibly and ethically when they can't even seem to agree
on basic human rights.
Limitless Possibilities Vocabulary Practice: or scan the code
Answers and explanations:
Useful Vocabulary List:
1. B (overwhelming - not pleasant, there's

overwhelming – надмірний, подавляючий too much of something)

pressure – тиск 2. A (discovery - you learn about new

specific – конкретний things as you live)

a path – шлях 3. D (experience can only be gained);
a discovery – відкриття 4. C ('figured', we have 'out');
throughout – протягом, впродовж 5. D ( pursue - it means you follow this

to explore – вивчати, дізнаватись про, відкривати (нові території тощо) path).

to gain – отримувати
experience – досвід When I was little, I wanted to be a veterinarian
an informed decision – рішення, основане на інформації; свідоме because I loved animals. However, as I grew up and
To figure out – вияснити, розібратись
learned more about the veterinary field, I realized
self-discovery – самовідкриття, самопізнання
to pursue a path – йти певним шляхом that I didn't have the stomach for some of the more
overrated – переоцінений difficult procedures. I then considered becoming a
overburdened – перевантажений (інформацією, проблемами)
overcrowded – надто людний teacher, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to spend my
an examination – екзамен, огляд whole career in a classroom. Currently, I'm interested
a research – дослідження (наукове)
in pursuing a career in graphic design because I
a misery – біда, нещастя
to purchase – придбати enjoy creating visual designs. In short, my career
to aim – цілитись aspirations have changed over time as I gained more
to solve – вирішити(проблему)
life experience and knowledge, and learned more
to fix – полагодити
to lead – вести, слідувати за about myself.
to chase –переслідувати

Let's Go Green! Vocabulary Practice: Answers and explanations:

Useful Vocabulary List: or scan the code
1. A (future possible situation - First
a pressing issue – нагальна проблема
consequences – наслідки
2. D (further - we speak about things to

carpooling – практика спільного

come with time)

використання приватного

3. B (a question form; there's no need for

транспортного транспорту
prevent – запобігати
4. C (we - ourselves, Reflexive pronoun);
mindful - дбайливий, уважний
5. C ( a modifying phrase - signed)
consumption – споживання
committed to - відданий
gas emissions – викиди газів
resilience – стійкість, незламність

I believe deforestation and loss of wildlife habitats are pressing environmental issues that need to be addressed. Trees
play a crucial role in absorbing carbon dioxide and producing oxygen, and their destruction can contribute to global
warming and loss of biodiversity. Wildlife habitats are also being destroyed, resulting in loss of homes for countless
species and disrupting delicate ecosystems. This can lead to imbalances in the food chain and extinction of many species.
It is important that we take action to protect our forests and wildlife habitats.

Reading #4. Vocabulary Practice: Answers and explanations:

Useful Vocabulary List: or scan the code TEST 4 1.
B (flash your student ID)
C (great outdoors, valuable skills etc)
A shelter – притулок 3. F (watch your health improve);
Preparedness – готовність 4. G (thriving business);
‘leave no trace’ – не залишай за собою сліду 5. D (no more neck pains; have a

Clarity – ясність, чіткість vacation you deserve etc)

To amplify – підсилювати
To enhance – покращувати Extra:
Thriving – процвітаючий A it's not a start-up company, it's a thriving

To settle for – погоджуватись на business;

Earplugs – беруші E the sale is for students, not their parents;

A gemstone – (напів)дорогоцінний камінь,

student ID is required;
кристал H it's not a show, it's a camp.
The Great Pretender Vocabulary Practice:
or scan the code
Answers and explanations:
1. Which alias required him to speak a foreign language fluently?
a) Frank Williams;
b) Robert Monjo; (“…he had to master French.”)
c) Frank Adams;
d) Robert Conrad.

2. Why did banks accept his checks?

a) Because he was able to create perfect fake ones; (“He was able to forge checks so well that many banks accepted them without

b) Because police couldn’t catch him;
c) Because he often changed his appearance;
d) Because he was good at persuasion.

3. Frank Abagnale was arrested under alias:

a) Robert Conrad;
b) Robert Monjo;
c) Frank Williams; (“…he was arrested while trying to use his usual fake Pan Am pilot ID.”)
d) Frank Adams.

4. What is not true about his criminal career:

a) He worked alongside FBI (He worked with FBI later on, after being released from prison, not when he was a criminal.);
b) He got basic knowledge from his dad; (True; “…he managed to learn a lot from his dad..”)
c) He was able to trick the authorities for long; (True. “. Despite being on the FBI's most wanted list, he managed to evade authorities for

d) He was able to change his manners, accents and looks. (True. “He was also known to use different accents and mannerisms to further throw

off authorities.”)

5. What is true, according to the text?

a) Frank’s parents got divorced because his dad was a criminal; (The reason wasn’t stated.)
b) His criminal career lasted for 10 years; (It lasted no longer than 8 years.)
c) It took a long and skillfully planned covert operation to capture him; (It was a coincidence.)
d) Frank Abagnale was a real master of disguise. (“He would frequently change his appearance, using makeup and false identities,

and would often use wigs, glasses, and fake mustaches to change his look.”)

Useful Vocabulary List: To combat - боротися

White-collar crime – злочинність в офісах, банках, установах тощо
Deception - обман
An identity theft - викрадення особистих

Imposture – фальшивість, самозванство

Con artist – шахрай
Sought-after – популярний, затребуваний
To pull off – виконувати (акцент на тому, що

це не легко)
Sample answer: Law enforcement - правозастосування

Audacious - зухвалий
William Henry Ireland was a British forger in the late 1700s known for
Elaborate - детальний
A scam - шахрайство his elaborate hoaxes involving the works of William Shakespeare. As a
An alias - псевдонім
Embezzler – казнокрад, викрадач/відмивач
teenager, Ireland set out to create a project that would prove the existence
Forged - підроблений
of previously unknown Shakespearean works. He began by forging
Knack for – талант, здібність до documents and manuscripts, including letters and legal documents. He
Substitute - замінник
Impersonate - притворятися even went as far as to create a fake play, "Vortigern and Rowena," which
Complex - складний
To master - володіти
he claimed was written by Shakespeare. Ireland's forgeries were initially
To crisscross - пересікати met with great excitement and were widely accepted as genuine. He even
Lavish - розкішний
To defraud – обдурити, ошукати managed to convince prominent literary figures of the time of the
To evade - уникати
A wig - перука authenticity of his works. However, his deception was eventually exposed,
A stroke of luck – щаслива випадковість and Ireland became the subject of ridicule and scorn. Despite the
Subsequently - пізніше
Extradite – передача злочинця однією
scandal, Ireland continued to create and promote fake Shakespearean
державою іншій
A trap - пастка works for several years, earning him the reputation as one of the most
Fortunate - щасливий
infamous literary forgers in history.
A coincidence – співпадіння
Vocabulary Practice:
Diva Demands or scan the code
Useful Vocabulary List: A carbon footprint – вуглецевий

слід, сукупність викидів

A clause (in a contract) – пункт у договорі Commitment to – відданість

Bizarre - дивний чомусь

To initiate a conversation - ініціювати
Sustainability – сталість, стійкість
розмову Pleasant - приємний
Permission - дозвіл Simulator – тренажер
Equipped with - обладнаний On standby - в режимі очікування
A humidifier – зволожувач повітря
Stocked with - заповнений
To accompany - супроводжувати Answers and explanations:
Vault - сховище
Elaborate – вишуканий, витончений, з
To live it up - жити на повну 1. C - ... a "no talking" and "no eye contact" ...

багатьома деталями Bling – блиск, побрякушки/сяючі

unless it is strictly necessary
Scented candles - ароматні свічки аксесуари 2. A - ... a dressing room + a separate room for

designated – визначений, назначений Provision – забезпечення costume changes + an extra one for keeping them.
To handle something – подбати про щось To impose – зобов’язувати,
3. H - ... always requires that her dressing room

To minimize – мінімізувати, звести до нуля,

нав’язувати staff wear all black clothing
значно зменшити 4. G - ... dressing room be decorated with a

specific type of plants, eco-friendly , ... minimize

Sample answer: waste and carbon footprint.

I wish to maintain my privacy when traveling. Therefore, I require my 5. F - ... asks for a famous brand of simulators
6. E - ... a very expensive brands of champagne,

travel arrangements to include measures such as booking flights, hotels,

wine, whiskey etc.
and transportation under a false name, having a "do not disturb" sign
on my hotel room door at all times, ensuring there are no cameras or
recording devices in my room, and ensuring that there are no events or requires that jewelry be kept in a secure vault -

parties at the hotel during my stay. Additionally, anyone who works at no separate vault is demanded, just security for

the hotel is not allowed to share any information about my stay. her dressing room (Cardi B)
states that the celebrity never socializes with staff

- socializes when the need arises. (Beyoncé )

Vocabulary Practice:
russian propaganda: Playing Dirty
or scan the code
Useful Vocabulary List:
media outlets - засоби масової

To dive - занурюватися
A spin-doctor – піарник, PR-спеціаліст
to allege - заявляти
A myth - міф
to justify - оправдувати
corrupt - корумпований
invasion - вторгнення
stable - стабільний
prominent - видатний
prosperous - процвітаючий
sane – в здоровому глузді
to discourage – відбити бажання
nukes - ядерна зброя
to mock – дразнити, глузувати, кепкувати
oppressing - подавлення
a conspiracy theory - теорія змови Answers and explanations:
to debunk the myths - розвінчати

ongoing – постійний, тривалий

міфи 1. C (we describe how delusional it all is)
2. E (a quest + to-Infinitive; ‘their version of reality’)
Sample answer:
3. H ( Subject + predicate; the idea that …)
4. A (Stepan Bandera - a Ukrainian nationalist

The Kremlin was taken over by a group of aliens from a distant
5. F (fascist Nazi-sympathizers who are intent…)
planet, Banderland! The aliens, who had been observing Earth 6. D (we’re listing all the crazy things - NATO

for centuries, saw an opportunity to intervene in the political laboratories using … Ukrainian citizens waiting …,

Ukrainians creating)
affairs of russia, which was on the brink of self-destruction.
The aliens, called "Banderians," landed in Red Square and
quickly took control of the Kremlin, using their advanced
technology to neutralize any resistance. They declared that
they had come to russia to bring about a new era of peace and B. have the nukes to destroy the world; (*a bait for #5;

however, there’s already a predicate in the sentence –

prosperity but seeing how brainwashed russians are, they

decided to leave and went on to help other countries. G. to debunk the myths of Russian propaganda; (a bait

for #2 – they are the ones creating those myths, they

do not debunk them)

Nature's Medicine Vocabulary Practice: Answers and explanations:
or scan the code
Useful Vocabulary List: 1. C ( to treat - to give medical care or attention to

a person, an illness, an injury, a condition);

Herbs – трави 2. B (property - a quality or power some herbs

Chamomile – ромашка have);

Ginger – імбир 3. D (guidance - help and advice);
Surveillance –

A tincture- настоянка 4. C (aware + of = you realize that something

Anti-inflammatory –

протизапальний 5. B ( caution - the quality of being very careful to

about – обізнаний

Pain-relieving – знеболюючий avoid danger or risks)

Interaction – взаємодія
Attentive to –

Potency – міць, сила Echinacea is a fascinating herb with a rich history and a wide range
уважний до
Reputable – авторитетний
Informed of/about –
of benefits. This hardy plant has been used for centuries by Native
A contaminant – забруднювач
A substitute –замінник
Aware of –

American tribes to treat a variety of health conditions. It is now widely

Complementary –

recognized as one of the most effective herbs for boosting the immune
обізнаний system and fighting off infections. But that's not all that echinacea
Under professional supervision

A warning –

– під професійним наглядом has to offer! This versatile plant has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant,
A supervisor – наглядач
A property – властивість
Caution –
and pain-relieving properties, making it a popular choice for treating
Provision – провізія,
everything from headaches to skin conditions. Whether you're looking to
Worry –

забезпечення (їжею) prevent illness, speed up recovery, or simply improve your overall
Guidance – керівицтво,

Concern –
health and well-being, echinacea is a herb worth exploring.

Tech Trap Vocabulary Practice: Answers and explanations:

crucial – ключовий or scan the code 1. A (very + few + plural noun);
mindful – розумний, усвідомлений 2. B ( would - reported speech);
scrolling – пролистування 3. A (plural form, not specific people, just

media feed – медіа стрічка in general);

an update – оновлення 4. B ( Those (pl.) ... + got used to +

constant - потсійний noun);

exposure – виставлення, незахищеність 5. C (had + better - strong advice)
to strive – намагатись
to consume – споживати
consequences - наслідки
excessive – надлишковий
TikTok is my favorite social media platform because of its unique features and the endless creativity it allows. TikTok
allows me to express myself through short, fun videos set to music and trending hashtags. It's also a great platform to
discover new trends and viral challenges, making it the ultimate source of entertainment for me. The algorithm even
personalizes the content it shows me, making my experience on the app even more enjoyable. I just can't get enough of it!

Reading #5
Answers and explanations:
Canvas – полотно для малювання Vocabulary Practice:
Spacious – просторий
A stone's throw – за два кроки
A spill-proof sippy cup – чашка-

1. B (class, instructor);
2. F (out-of-the-dorm; apartments,

Utensils – столові прибори

houses etc);
An explosion - вибух
3. H (bottles, cups, utensils);
A bliss – блаженство or scan the code
4. E (perfect for birthdays etc);
Peanut butter – арахісова паста
5. C (seeking a professional).
A blend – суміш
Intellectual property –

інтелектуальна власність
A (no food is mentioned);
To lease – винаймати/здавати в

D (you have to join a team, not to build it);

G (nothing is said about buying)
Translating Love: The Five Love Languages Vocabulary Practice:
or scan the code
Answers and explanations:
1. Showing your willingness to do things that your partner enjoys is the act of…
a) Physical touch love language;
b) Quality time love language; (“… express your openness to participating in activities
that your partner likes, even if it’s not your cup of tea.)
c) Words of affirmation love language;
d) Receiving gifts love language.

2. What is the main difference between acts of service and receiving gifts?
a) Acts of service are actions demonstrating commitment, receiving gifts is getting material things. (If your love language is acts of

service, you value actions that show you are loved. If someone speaks the language of receiving presents, they value tangible gifts.)
b) There is no difference between these two love languages;
c) Acts of service are about regular compliments, while receiving gifts is about cuddling and hugging.
d) Acts of service are about words of encouragement, while receiving gifts is about helping with household chores.

3. Which of the following is an example of alternative love language?

a) devoting your full attention to your loved one; (Quality time)
b) being ready to display your affection in front of other people; (Physical touch)
c) willingness to be spontaneous and being open to impulsive decisions; (Adventure: It is all about experiencing new and exciting things

together, usually on a whim.)

d) never missing an important occasion or forgetting a special date. (Receiving gifts)

4. Can love languages change over time?

a) No, it is psychologically impossible.
b) Yes, they can change as people grow and experience new things. (“…people's love languages may evolve and change as they

progress through life and encounter new things…”)

c) It's still not clear for professionals.
d) None of the above.

5. What is the thing to keep in mind when it comes to love languages?

a) They are the same throughout a person’s life. (They can change.)
b) They are unique to each person. (“Everyone is different and so are their love languages.”)
c) They are only for romantic relationships.(“ They can be applied to friendships, family relationships, and even professional relationships.”)
d) They are used only by people. (“Humans are not the only ones capable of speaking love languages.”)

Useful Vocabulary List: Sample answer:

The ups and downs – злети і падіння

An affirmation - підтвердження
An appreciation – подяка, цінування I think my best friend's love language is quality time. I make
An encouragement - заохочення
sure to spend one-on-one time with her regularly, whether it's
A quality - якість
A distraction – відволікання hanging out after school or going to the movies at the weekends.
Tangible - матеріальний
A craft – виріб I also try to plan fun activities that we both enjoy, like going
To value - цінувати
shopping or trying new places to eat. I also show my
To cuddle - обіймати
To rub – терти willingness to do things that she enjoys even if it's not
Affection - прихильність
Mere – лише, самою something I'm particularly passionate about. For example, she
On a whim – спонтанно
wanted to try rock climbing and I wasn't sure if it was
To evolve - розвиватися
To shift - змінюватися something I would enjoy, but I decided to give it a try and went
Set in stone – закарбований в камені,

незмінний with her. It turned out to be a lot of fun and I was glad I
To preen – чепуритись, чистити пір’я
To embrace - обіймати
stepped out of my comfort zone to try something new. Things like
that make her feel loved and appreciated, and makes our
friendship stronger.
Upper underwear - верхня
Vocabulary Practice:
Legal Madness частина нижньої білизни or scan the code
Useful Vocabulary List: (In)decent - (не)пристойний
Exposure - розкриття,

Wacky - дивний виставлення на показ

To buckle up - пристебнутися, приготуватись
To maintain - підтримувати
до Beneath - під
To land someone (in trouble) - завдати комусь
A societal norm – соціальна/

в неприємностей суспільна норма

Fraud charges - обвинувачення у шахрайстві To run a household - керувати

Fraudulent - шахрайський домашнім господарством

Scammed - обдурений, ошуканий To pass the law - прийняти закон
A sorcerer - маг, чаклун To refrain from - відмовитися,

Trustworthy - надійний утриматись від Answers and explanations:

A fine - штраф Sacred - святий 1. E - ... pretending to be a witch or a wizard can

Cultural heritage - культурна спадщина To consume - споживати land you in serious trouble.
Historical preservation - збереження історії Food access - доступ до їжі 2. B - ... if you wear high heels to ancient sites, you

To flush the toilet - злити воду в унітазі To impersonate - прикидатись

might be turned away at the entrance or even face a

Hot water - халепа кимось fine.

Obviously - очевидно Gender inequality - гендерна
3. D - ... you could also face a fine for breaking the

нерівність, нерівність між

noise pollution laws if they (your neighbours) report you

статями to the police.

Sample answer: 4. C - ...if you're caught leaving the house without

The law prohibiting women from driving is absurd. It is unfair that wearing upper underwear, you could be arrested.
5. G - ... according to Arabian men, women can't be

women are not allowed to have the basic rights simply because of their
trusted with the responsibility of driving.
gender. I don’t understand why such a law is still in place in the 21st 6. H - it is illegal to sell and eat meat on certain days

century. On the other hand, the law prohibiting high heels at ancient of the week.

sites protects and preserves the cultural heritage. It promotes a sense

of responsibility and shows respect for the country's history and Extra:
culture. This law ensures that historical sites can be enjoyed for many can be broken by a crying child - a crying child and

a party are listed just for comparison.(Switzerland)

years to come. forces you to become a vegeterian - it's not about

giving up meat altogether, there are just some days

when you can neither sell meat nor eat it. (India)
Vocabulary Practice:
Can Beauty Save the World? or scan the code
Useful Vocabulary List:
A pageant - конкурс To align with – бути на рівні,

Annually - щорічно співпадати, узгоджуватись

Heritage - спадщина Crucial - ключовий
Diversity - різноманітність Well-being - благополуччя
To promote - просувати Elimination - вилучення
Empowerment - підкріплення сили,
A stigma – клеймо, тавро, стигма
розширення можливостей, підвищення
I/we can relate to – для мене, для

Answers and explanations:
нас це життєво
Passionate – захоплений, пристрасний Compassionate - співчутливий 1. B (‘it’ – contest. The contest not only celebrates

Awareness – усвідомлення To showcase - представити beauty, but also raises important issues.)
Vocal – голосний, заявляючий про щось Anxiety - тривожність 2. E (‘diversity’, ‘nearly every country’ – ‘different

A struggle - боротьба ethnicities’)

3. H ( ‘a narrow standard of beauty’ – one that is

Sample answer: focused …’)

4. C (encourages + to-infinitive)
My platform would focus on promoting accessibility and inclusivity for 5. G (‘shared her own stories’ about dealing with

individuals with disabilities. I believe that everyone deserves equal
6. A (‘youth’ who can relate; find it inspiring that

opportunities and the ability to live a fulfilling life. I would work to she succeeded despite problems)
raise awareness about the barriers that such individuals face, such as
lack of accessibility in public spaces and discrimination in the
workplace. I would also work to promote the inclusion of individuals D. which will actually make her really

popular in the future (She is already popular)

with disabilities in all aspects of society, including education,
F. in becoming the best possible versions

employment, and social activities. of themselves. (A bait for #4, however, we can’t

use a gerund and an infinitive in the sentence

together like that.)

Trinkets and Treasures Vocabulary Practice: or scan the code

Useful Vocabulary List:

A trinket - дрібничка Diversity - різноманіття
A treasure – скарб To haggle –

A flea market – блошиний ринок, ринок

торгуватись Answers and

вживаних товарів A vendor – вуличний

To swap – обмінюватись, домовлятись торговець explanations:

To swoop – налетіти, кидатись, хапати Temporary –
1. D (‘swap’ – to give something to someone and get

To sway – гойдати, хитати тимчасовий something in return)

To sweep – замітати Ancient – древній 2. B (‘creating’ - making)
To trade – обмінюватись A scenery – краєвид,
3. A ( ‘antique’ – antique furniture, jewellery etc is old

A gem – перлина, самоцвіт декорації and often valuable)

To bargain with sb – домовлятись з A stage – сцена
4. C (bargain + for)
To bargain over/for/about – домовлятись
(театру тощо) 5. A (‘shopping scene’ - a particular set of activities

про/стосовно A setting – обстановка,

and the people who are involved in them;a particular area

Sample answer: оточення тощо of activity or way of life and the people who are part of it.)

Flea markets? Yes, please! I love them! They're so much fun and there's always something new and interesting to see.
You never know what you might find. I mean, sure, some of the stuff is old, but that's what makes it so cool. It's like a
treasure hunt! Plus, the prices are usually so much better than what you'd find at a regular store. And you can
always haggle with the vendors, which is part of the excitement. I love the atmosphere and the energy of a good flea
market. There's just something about it that makes shopping feel like an adventure.

Vocabulary Practice:
The Future of Sports
Answers and explanations:
Useful Vocabulary List: or scan the code
1. B (future possibility)
A split-second decision – миттєве рішення
2. A (at + a point is space)
Data-driven – керований даними
3. D (because + of)
An insight – осяяння, отримання точного

4. C (each + a singular noun; singular possessive

глибокого розуміння
Wearable – що можна одягати
5. C ( be + adjective; anything + un)
Endurance - витривалість
Vital signs – життєві показники (пульс, тиск,

To merge – з’єднуватись, зливатись в одне
A spectacle – видовище

Sample answer:

I can't wait to see what the future holds for extreme sports. If I
had to guess, I think we might see something like a high-flying
obstacle course that combines elements of free running and wing
suit flying. Imagine soaring through the air, flipping over
obstacles, and landing perfectly on a trampoline before launching
off again into another dizzying feat of athleticism. It would be
like nothing we've ever seen before, and I would love to be one of
the first to try it out!

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