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B : good morning dok

A : good morning, come in, what is ur name ?

B : bla bla

A : okei, How old are you?

B : bla bla

A : what complaints are you feeling?

B : lately I feel pain in my gut and interfere with my activities

A : how long have you felt it?

B : the last three months doc

A : Do you also feel that your stomach easily feels full, both when eating and after eating?

B : sure dok, and also my stomach is bloated and often burps

A : after hearing these complaints, I can conclude that you are diagnosed with an ulcer

B : what should I do to reduce the pain?

A : You can start by living a healthy life, eating nutritious foods, avoiding spicy and oily foods

B : then what else dok?

A : as well as regular exercise, eat regularly and avoid junk food

B : will I also take medicine?

A : sure, I will prescribe antibiotics, hopefully the pain will decrease and you can do your usual activities

B : okeii dokter, thank u

A : my pleasure

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