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The most essential achievement of a company organization is to comprehend consumer behavior. It's
fascinating to investigate the relationship between "what we purchase/buy" and "why we purchase/buy it."
Every customer has their own set of behavior(habits). In this way, Brand act as a significant role in
customer buying or purchasing decision making. Customer decisions are influenced by a variety of
elements,including social, cultural, personal, and psychological considerations. In today's competitive
environment, consumers have different opinions on brands, and they decide premium brands, so that they
can easily persuade their friends, family, and colleagues at work places. In terms of client purchasing
behavior, consumer behavior is the totality of their attitudes, preferences, intentions, and decisions. .
During the period 2020-2025, the Indian footwear market is expected to develop at an annual rate of 8.28
percent.In the projected period, the rising tendency of premiumization in the Indian footwear sector, as well
as the move to branded footwear from unorganized and unbranded footwear, would aid market expansion.
The rises of the middle income group and the increase in literacy rate are projected to boost the Footwear



Running, cycling, and other sports are just a few examples of the physical activity that sport shoes are
made for. Yet nowadays, people also wear it as a casual piece of apparel. Owing to this situation, there is a
major concentration in the manufacturing of sports shoes, and there is intense competition as many
companies with unique sports shoe brands enter the market. Every day, the benefits of physical activity for
health are more understood by young people, health-conscious adults, and even school-aged children. As
a result, they choose the best sports shoes. Based on these facts, an increasing number of businesses are
entering the sports shoe industry with their unique brands, along with other elements like pricing, style,
product quality, durability, variety, and advertising to draw in customers. Customers so frequently choose a
specific brand. One of the biggest sports shoe manufacturers in India is Nike, followed by Adidas,
Reebok,Fila and Puma. According to the survey, most consumers were satisfied with particular brands of
sports shoes in light of the selected criteria, and consumer behavior toward sports shoes is also
favorable.The finding revealed that the emotional value of the brand and normative influences are the most
and least significant antecedents respectively for brand preference also as age increase the preference
toward local brand are increased whereas the emotional value of the brand significantly affect male youths
and females as a whole.The finding revealed that the emotional value of the brand and normative
influences are the most and least significant antecedents respectively for brand preference also as age
increase the preference toward local brand are increased whereas the emotional value of the brand
significantly affect male youths and females as a whole.


2.1 Awareness of the Brand
Table 2.1 Showing Awareness Ration about the Branded Sport Shoes


1. YES 96.6%

2. NO 3.4%


Majority of the target audience are aware of the branded shoes very less percentage of them are unaware
of the brands that are available. The reason could be that they aren't found of shoes or simply that they do
not want to invest in something like shoes or rather say are happy with the traditional way of shopping from
the local footwear store.
Preference of people using sports shoes.
Table 2.2 Showing Preference of Wearing Shoes



1. YES 88.7%

2. NO 11.3%


Well maximum number of the target audience prefer wearing shoes with good percentage and few very
don't prefer wearing shoes it could be that these people don't wear shoes on regular basis

2.3 Satisfaction towards Price Range of Preferred Brand.

Table 2.3 Showing Satisfaction towards Price Range of Preferred Brand


1. YES 40.9%
2. NO 42.4%

3. NO COMMENTS 16.7%


Well here the target audience are not quite satisfied with the price range of the product they find
the price range a bit on the higher side. whereas there are quite a good percentage of the
audience who are satisfied with the price range of the product they find the investment right. and
few of them don't want to comment on this aspect.

2.4 Showing Preference of Factors Influencing for Buying Branded Sports Shoes.
Table 2.4 Showing Preference of Factors Influencing for Buying Branded Sports Shoes.


1. QUALITY 40.9%


3. PRICE 19.2%


Maximum number of the target audience gets influenced by the quality of the product while
making the purchase and quite a few consider durability as an important aspect while making the
purchase, price is another aspect that the audience thinks while making the purchase. Design and
variety very few consider as important aspects.

2.5 Preference for Alternative Brand

Table 2.5 Showing Preference of Wearing Alternative Sports Shoes.


1. YES 68%

2. NO 32%


Maximum number of the target audience would like to switch over the brand of the shoes and rest
of the audience would not like to switch the brand

1.To study the consumer preference towards branded sports shoes at Badlapur.

2.To identify the most preferred brand among the customers and personal views of the customer
regarding various branded sports shoes.

3.To assess the level of importance given to certain factors such as price, quality, durability, etc.
Bythe customer while making the purchase of branded sports shoes.

4.To explore characteristics of branded sports shoes that have an influence on the Purchase
Behavior of the customers.

5.To find out the influence of various variables towards customer buying behavior branded sports


Following are the hypothesis of the present study:

H1: There is a significant relationship between footwear brands price and consumers’
H2: There is a significant relationship between footwear brands quality and consumers preference
H3: There is a significant relationship between consumers’ brands conscious and
consumers’ preference
H4: There is a significant relationship between brand loyalty and consumers’ preference
H5: There is a significant relationship between brand’s store location and consumers’


Present study is designed to determine the factors influencing consumers’ preference for
purchasing footwear brands. Researchers adopted a quantitative approach for the present
study and selected a sample for data collection, composed of girls who have purchased
and used footwear brands.

1.Research Problems: Consumer preferences in Belgaum for various brands of sports shoes
2.Method of Sample: Random Simple Sampling
3.Sample Size - 40
4.Sample Units: Before picking a sample, a choice must be made on a sampling unit. A sampling
unit might be a geographical one such as a state, district, or village, for example. In this study, the
sampling unit is the BADLAPUR area.
5.Source of data: The study's data was gathered through primary sources, such as a
questionnaire and interview i.e. market survey and the market area is Badlapur.


A survey was conducted to gain information about consumer preference on different types of
shoes in the Badlapur area. It is hence presented with the help of a questionnaire in the
mentioned link.Words used in the questionnaire are readily understandable to all the respondents.


1. According to the data collected, almost 78.9% of the respondents agree that the strategy
performed with the help of social media marketing helps to build a strong brand equity,
whereas 21.1% of the respondents disagree with it. Following perception is stated with the
help of the pie chart mentioned above.
2. The following pie chart shows that upto what percentage the respondents agree to different
attributes of shoes. Where 33% of the respondents agrees to the quality of the shoes

3. The pie chart mentioned above indicates that 30% of the respondents strongly agree that
celebrity promotion helps in the selling of shoes whereas 40% of the respondents agree, 25% are
neutral and 5% of the respondents disagree.
4. The following pie chart indicates that 50% of the respondents take suggestion from the
internet,27.5% of the respondents take suggestions from their friends and 20% of them take the
suggestion by visiting a retail outlet.

5. The outcome of the survey indicates that over 50% of the respondents prefer good quality of
shoes then any other perception of buying shoe whereas 30% of the respondents prefer low price
and 10% of the respondents prefer comfort and preferred color.


1.There are minimum outlets of branded shoes in the entire city which are located near the
station and opposite the katrap chowk, Badlapur Thane which makes it difficult for the customers
in the city to travel from one end to another just to purchase a pair of shoes.
2.The people also claim that they're not aware of the offers and discounts done by these outlets
since they hardly travel this side of the city where these outlets have been located.
3.There are local shoe stores in the city who sell these branded shoes but people have trust
issues when they want to buy branded shoes whether they're purchasing the original product or
4.Initially people did not accept the branded outlets since they were expensive and Badlapur being
tier city, was not at all welcoming for such expensive brands because of the economic life in the
5.The customers are willing to make the purchase if the cost of these brands is affordable
6.Customers have issues with the lesser availability of the products and the colors of the products
are less which disappoints them while making the purchase.
7.The sales promotions done by these outlets at times won't be able reach the

Customers so they suggest to make some promotional activities which can reach maximum
customers of the city and they have maximum footfall in the outlet
8.They've issues with the sizes since each brand has difference in the sizes and this is the major
complaint from the ladies and they have difficulty in finding proper sizes.


Shoes allow us to travel farther, be more expressive, improve our performance and aid in overall
health. Shoes are one of the most essential pieces of clothing that aids in creating a sense of
style, as they are truly functional as well as fashionable. Shoes can create the feeling of walking
on clouds as well as adding the necessary accessory to create a spectacular entrance.les to our
souls, shoes contribute a great deal to our human experience. While shoes have a basic
functional purpose with many benefits, there are also beliefs and intrinsic values that accompany

They cushion our body weight, protect our feet, and allow us to safely play sports. You should
always make sure that the shoes you wear fit you properly in order to avoid injuries and
deformities such as: bunions, corns, calluses, hammertoes, plantar fasciitis, stress fractures, and
more. Each year, more than 20 billion pairs of shoes are manufactured around the world, and one
study from Quantis claims that the footwear industry is responsible for 1.4% of global greenhouse
gas emissions stemming from the production chain and materials used.


If we look at the global footwear market, industry trends and forecasts predict that the market will
grow by 12.83 percent year-on-year by 2028. Changing lifestyles, growing economies, and
heightened focus on health globally, especially in the wake of the pandemic, have boosted the
demand for footwear globally. There has also been a massive shift in consumer perspectives
regarding footwear. Consumers no longer look at shoes and footwear to serve just function but are
now gradually moving towards footwear for fashion. You must have heard the term ‘Sneakerhead’
being used to describe people who are shoe fanatics. Some shoes by brands like Nike and Puma
are considered collectibles and despite what you would believe, have a massive re-sell and
up-sell market of their own.

Increasing disposable income is allowing Indians to move up the value chain and ask for products
for different use occasions, further leading to the surfacing of new product segments in footwear in
terms of price, performance, and aesthetics. This, in turn, is fuelling growth in individual
categories, be it slippers, sandals, or shoes, driving industry leaders to innovate their offerings
continually.Due to changing consumer preferences, 86 percent of footwear consumption has
become non-leather by volume globally, and India is witnessing a similar trend. However, leather
footwear continues to be a significant part of the industry and is a major export category for India.
The UK, for example, is one of the leading export destinations of Indian leather footwear. But
factors such as government policies banning animal slaughter in leather tanneries have impacted
leather availability, further moving the industry towards the non-leather category.Hence, along with
the decrease in use of leather shoes are on their way to become completely eco friendly and
sustainable to all.



● Easy availability of low cost of labor.

● Exposure to export markets.
● Managements with a business background become quality and environment
● Presence of qualified leather technologists in the field.
● Comfortable availability of raw materials and other inputs.
● Massive institutional support for technical services, designing, manpower
development and marketing.
● Exporter-friendly government policies.


● Low level of modernisation and upgradation of technology, and the integration of

developed technology is very slow.
● Low level of labor productivity due to inadequate formal training / unskilled labour.
● Horizontal growth of tanneries.
● Less number of organized product manufacturers.
● Lack of modern finishing facilities for leather.
● Highly unhygienic environment.
As mentioned earlier people in Belgaum city were not comfortable and welcoming for
these branded outlets because of the economic lifestyle of the city now things have slightly
changed since the city's been developed and people are accepting the change and are
ready to move on with these changes now people in the city are looking out to explore
more brands and they are not thinking much about the expenses but cannot completely
say they are ready to spend allot they are trying to accept the change and will be
comfortable accordingly. earlier men were more found of shoes and they were ready to
spend according their brand preference but now women are also in the league they need
sizes and colors which make them look good these changes have taken place since the
trend of being fit has come into picture Gyms , Zumba studios etc. have developed their
interest towards shoes now a day's women are even wearing shoes on daily basis for
comfort and style majorly we see these in college going students, coming up with more
outlets and different varieties and sizes will make is work in the city.


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