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A system of ideals, especially

one that forms the basis of
political policy
A form of gov’t
where individual
Fascism freedoms are denied
and complete power
is given to the gov’t.

Photo taken by Mrs. McKee’s Great-Grandpa Jesse

Anti- Semitism
Hitler’s plan for the elimination of
Jews, non-conformists, LGBTQ,
non-Aryans (non-white), and the
Giving into aggressive demands
to keep peace
Germany, Italy, Japan

Photo taken by Mrs. McKee’s Great-Grandpa Jesse


Great Britain, France, United

States, Soviet Union.
Photo taken by Mrs. McKee’s Great-Grandpa Jesse
Allows America to sell, lend, or lease
arms or other war supplies to our allies.
Made the US lots of $

Photo taken by Mrs. McKee’s Great-Grandpa Jesse

Blitzkrieg "Lightning war", type of
fast-moving warfare
used by German forces
starting in 1939

Photo taken by Mrs. McKee’s Great-Grandpa Jesse

Pearl Harbor
December 7, 1941

Surprise attack by the Japanese on the

U.S. Pacific Fleet in Hawaii. American
losses =3000. US entered the war the
next day.
Japanese Internment
After Pearl Harbor government officials
who feared that they might cooperate in a
Japanese invasion of the US put more than
100,000 Japanese-Americans into
internment camps. Most were American
Rosie the Riveter

A cultural icon of the United

States representing the women
who assisted the war effort

Restricting the amount of food and

other goods people may buy during
wartime to ensure supplies for the
Atomic Bomb

Type of bomb built during World War II that

was more powerful than any built before it.
Detonated over Japan. Ended the war.

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