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EcE 224
Advanced Engineering Mathematics
for ECE

Power Series

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Faculty in Charge
EcE 224 | Advanced Engineering Mathematics for ECE

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Intended Learning Outomes

Write the ILOs stated in your laboratory activitiy.


A power series is a kind of infinite series that consists of a sum of terms, where
each term is an expression created by multiplying a constant coefficient by a power of a
particular variable. With each term, the variable's power grows, and the coefficients
might be either real or complex integers. One may consider the final function
represented by the power series as a function of the variable.

A Taylor series is a sort of power series that expresses a function as an infinite

sum of terms, where each term is a coefficient multiplied by a power of the variable and
evaluated at a specific point. The derivatives of the function assessed at the point serve
as the basis for the series' coefficients. The function near a point may be roughly
calculated using the Taylor series, and its value can be determined at any point.

When the evaluation point is 0, a Maclaurin series is a particular instance of a

Taylor series. In other terms, a Taylor series with a 0 central point is a Maclaurin series.
Moreover, the derivatives of the function with an evaluation of zero are used to get the
coefficients in the Maclaurin series. For estimating functions, computing integrals, and
resolving differential equations, Maclaurin series are helpful in calculus and
mathematical analysis. A variety of physical events are modelled using them in physics
and engineering as well.

Define infinite series (ILO 5), power series, Taylor and Maclaurin series (ILO 7)
as well as their properties (ILO 5, 6, 7). Cite also common applications of power series
in engineering. Rules on plagiarism will apply.

 Control systems: The design and analysis of control systems, such as those
used in manufacturing, aerospace, and automotive applications, rely on power
series. They are employed to simulate the behavior of dynamic systems and to
create feedback controllers that increase the system's performance and stability.

 Signal processing: Power series are used to represent signals and assess their
frequency content in digital signal processing. A power series called the Fourier
series, for instance, sums the sine and cosine functions to describe a periodic
signal. This is employed in programs for processing images and sounds.
EcE 224 | Advanced Engineering Mathematics for ECE

 Electromagnetic theory: Power series are used to simulate the behavior of

electromagnetic fields and to assess the effectiveness of antennas and other
electromagnetic apparatus. For instance, the Bessel functions are power series that
explain how electromagnetic waves behave in spherical and cylindrical coordinate

 Heat transfer: Power series are used in engineering applications to simulate the
behavior of heat transfer systems. The heat equation, which explains how heat
diffuses through a medium, has approximations that may be found, for instance,
using the Taylor series.

 Fluid mechanics: In engineering applications, such as the flow of fluids through

pipes or the behavior of turbulence, power series are used to represent fluid
dynamics. Power series techniques, for instance, can be used to estimate the
solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations.

Enumerate in detail all the procedures done during the experiment. Rephrase the
statements into past tense and first person perspective (I, my, me, etc,). Write the
results if asked. Include photos if necessary.

Refer to the Guide Questions.
EcE 224 | Advanced Engineering Mathematics for ECE

Write your conclusion about the results of the laboratory activity. You may also
add your learnings and interest gained after doing this activity.

At least 6-8 photos/screenshots caption showing the conduct of the laboratory

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