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M7: Asynchronous Activity #1 Technology and Human Rights

1. How are today’s three biggest technological trends impacting these rights?
- A number of experts say that digital life will continue to expand people's limits and
chances in the next ten years, and that the world to come will do better than harm in
people's lives. Still, nearly a third of people think that digital life will hurt people's health,
mental fitness, and happiness the most. Technology has given us many new ways to talk
to each other electronically. For instance, there are emails, social networking sites,
FaceTime, which lets you talk to someone on the other side of the world, and video
chatting, which lets you hold meetings online. People are safer and healthier because of
the changes in technology that have been made in the health business.

2. Find and examine one (1) local government policy or law that protect the well-
being of the person in the face of new technologies. Explain briefly how this
policy address the ethical concerns in the technological era.

- The anti-cyberbullying. It is where bullies use technology to bully, threaten, stalk, mock,
shame, tease, and spread stories about their target person. The Anti-Bullying Act includes
cyberbullying as a type of bullying. Cyberbullying is internet bullying. It needs to be taken
seriously because it can cause a lot of bad things to happen to the person who gets it.
Also, it makes a person feel upset and upsets their peace of mind. After being cyberbullied,
a lot of people have been known to feel depressed. Even though RA 10627 does not
punish all forms of cyberbullying, this does not mean that the people who do it will not be
punished. We live in a global town thanks to the internet, cell phones, and tablets, and we
know that not everyone can deal with bullies who hide behind their computer and cell
phone screens.

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