Afountain Lessonplanrationale

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Lesson Plan Template- 2021

Below is a template you will fill in as your lesson plan. It is designed to include the actions of the 4 National Visual Arts Anchor Standards of
Creating, Connecting, Responding and Presenting. The left column you will populate with the lesson criteria. Be thorough and descriptive. The
right column you will share your rationale for the choices you are making. The rationale/reflection should be backed up by readings from the
class, and other content you’ve learned in other courses. Sharing your rationale is important as it asks you to think about why you are doing
what you are doing. Reflecting deeply is a significant aspect of teaching.

Perspectives On the Future : Collage

Lesson Title: ______________________________________________
Two Weeks
Grades 10 or 11 Anticipated Time Frame:_______________________
Targeted grade Level: ______________

Lesson Plan Rationale

1. Conceptual Structure/Big Idea:
Why is this a relevant concept for students to explore? How does it connect to
contemporary culture and context? Given the circumstances of the past few year,
Have students reflect/create their interpretation of the future. I believe it would be beneficial for students to take a step back and reflect upon
their thoughts and feelings and current events and how it relates towards the future.
2. Key Concepts (What ideas, facts, and new knowledge will the students acquire?List Why is it important for students to know these concepts?
the key art concepts that will help students to understand the big idea as an artist.) I feel these concepts are important to foster for this project so students can delve
1. Introduction to color theory, what does their color palette say about their piece? deeper into more abstract concepts, but still be able to make a cohesive piece that
2. Highlight the importance of emphasis in a piece, what is the big idea of your piece. has meaning behind it. The meaning behind the work should be what they put
3. Develop an awareness by relating research to their work to help support their core their emphasis on, and a reflection of their thoughts/feelings.
4. Learn how to express their feelings through the art process.
3. Objectives (what students will DO): How do the objectives fully support learning and how do they connect to the
1. Students will conduct research to support/highlight an aspect of the future they students’ lives? (What evidence can you provide that makes you say this?)
want to talk about. These Objectives will help push students with planning their project, these skills
2. Students will use thumbnails to help them brainstorm possible concepts for their can be applied to future projects as well, such as utilizing thumbnails. Exploring
project. As well as showcasing their though process/meaning behind it. possible concepts can help materialize a final project.

3. Students will utilize multiple materials such as News Articles, Magazines, Glue,
Scissors, and ETC.
4. Essential Questions (BIG overarching questions): How are these questions meaningful to the student? How do you know?
1. When looking towards the future what do you envision? These Questions are to help Guide students explore/materialize their
2. Is you Perspective Optimistic or more Nihilistic? Why is that? interpretation of the future and what it means to them. Along side what they
relate to these given prompts.
3. What influences your Opinions?
5. Standards: NVAS:
1. VA:Cn10.1.IIa Utilize inquiry methods of observation, research, and experimentation to explore unfamiliar subjects through artmaking.
2. VA:Re.7.1.IIa Recognize and describe personal aesthetic and empathetic responses to the natural world and constructed environments.
3. VA:Re.7.2.IIa Evaluate the effectiveness of an image or images to influence ideas, feelings, and behaviors of specific audiences.
4. VA:Cr3.1.IIa Engage in constructive critique with peers, then reflect on, reengage, revise, and refine works of art and design in response to
personal artistic vision.

6. Connecting and Responding: Explain how the students will explore the concepts of the big idea through
artists and their artwork. What opportunities will the students have to
Teaching Resources: (art work, videos, books, etc) RESPOND to art? Choose artists whose work exemplifies an exploration of your
Art: (Artists and insert thumbnail photo of examples shared) big idea and include examples of the artist’s work in your presentation.
Collage Inspiration Understanding that abstract collages can be overwhelming to start, these examples will hopefully help inspire students and guide them towards what it is they wish to depict in their personal collage. Maybe there is an aspect they are wanting to put emphasis on, like color, or maybe a particular word.
An overview of what a collage is and how to best utilize one.

7. CREATING Lesson Plan Sequence Share rationale for choices in teaching and learning strategies, here is where I
1. Day 1 - Introduce project through hook, afterwards hold class discussion about should see additional evidence of the readings. How will you scaffold the
said project, have students look for articles online/ in magazines to support their lesson to maximize learning?
2.Day 2 - Students should have their sources ready to reference off of/ use in their I want to give students as much space as possible to explore this project on their
project. They will begin to thumbnail their ideas. own, due to a lot of this being centered on their own views. However, I will be
3. Day 3 - Students will share their thumbnails and receive feedback from a peer providing a bit of scaffolding to help set up the project, this is to just help establish
review. Afterwards they will begin their project. a starting point for the students. Part way through there will bee a peer review, this
4. Day 4 & 5 & 6 - Studio/work days. is available to students who might want feed back on their composition/ or if they
5. Day 7 - Check in with class to see progression, students can request peer feel stuck. At the end I want students showcase their work, they will leave it at their
feedback if wanted. Continue to work. area and walk around the classroom to view their peers work. Students will then
6. Day 8 & 9 & 10 - Studio/ work days. hold a conversation on what they saw and share what they thought was interesting,
7. Day 11 - Add final touches to project and present work. Students will also have or curious about.
to write a reflection on their project and process. (Students won't have to publicly
share their reflections unless they wanted to).
8. Differentiation/Accommodations/Modifications (For differently Share rationale for each
abled on both ends of the spectrum) 1. This applies to particular circumstances as well
1. Students will be provided with an extension if needed 2. Jumping into a project like this can be overwhelming, having articles ready in
2. If a student doesn't know where to start with their project research, I will have a hopes that it can help guide student into ideating.
few articles ready for them to use.

9. Assessment Strategies: (Connecting and Responding) What evidence from Share rationale for formative and summative assessment, HOW will this reveal
performances and products demonstrate deep understanding and generalizable knowledge acquired and how they will use it?
new knowledge?) What evidence of pre-thinking, in process ideation and How will you know what your students have learned about:
development will be required? • Formative assessment will be held at the start of the project through the
Students will have to provide thumbnails and a reference to the articles they will be thumbnails/ documentation of the students work and research. As well
using for this project. This is to document their thought process. as the peer review part way through the project.
• Summative will be based upon the final work and the students
After creating the project, students are expected to write a reflection about their reflection of their work.
work and explain the symbolism behind particular materials/visuals they used. This
is to show their thought process behind the piece.

10 Insert photo of teacher created exemplar here: Rationale here should discuss the significance of what was created and address
prior knowledge (ideas, context etc) students will need to understand the
lesson content.
For this project I took an abstract approach at depicting a more optimistic view of
the future. A lot of the sources I referenced were wellness magazines and a
magazine on current events.

11. Materials/Tools/Art supplies needed What prior knowledge students will need to effectively use materials to express
their ideas? (you may complete this AFTER making your teacher exemplar)
Newspaper, Magazines, Scissors, X-acto Knife, Glue, Bristol Board, Colored Paper. Students will have to know how to properly utilize an x-acto knife as well as be
familiar with how to properly format/layout their work.
Describe possible systems and management strategies Students are responsible for
12. Materials Distribution/Clean Up Students will gather/clean-up their own materials. themselves.
13. PRESENTING How will your students’ work be PRESENTED and curated? Who is the audience? What kind of feedback will the artists receive?
Students will present their own work in the classroom at a "round table" discussion. The audience will mainly consist of the students and their peers, this art is more of
Afterwards students will write a self-reflection about their work and submit it to a focus of what they want to create. It's not being made to cater towards anyone
me. else. Feedback will be based upon is they can explain their symbolism/process.

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