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Lafayette High School

Trip Rules

Lafayette High School students are expected to conduct themselves in a proper manner, obeying the
rules listed below, as well as, the general rules of conduct contained in the Lafayette Student
Handbook, Student Activities Code of Conduct and those expected of a good citizen.

1. Trips such as this one are a privilege – not a right. (Students suspended during the academic
school year may lose the privilege to travel.)

2. All rules and guidelines must be followed while on tour.

3. Only positive behaviors will be accepted of each member of the trip.

4. Appropriate clothing must be worn at all times. (In compliance with RSD and LHS Policy)

5. Students will be prompt and prepared for each and all activities.

6. Students must socialize only with students and parents that are a part of the LHS community
while on the trip. Students may not be away from the group at any time without permission from
the sponsors.

7. Students must travel in groups no smaller than 3 people.

8. Students will be responsible to pay for any damages to property or furnishings in the hotel or
other buildings.

9. Only students assigned to a specific hotel/dorm room may be in that room for the duration of the
stay. Students are expected to use appropriate voice volume while in and moving through the

10. Alcohol and/or other drugs are forbidden at all times. Violation of these rules will result in the
Rockwood policy being strictly enforced

Students and parents must sign this form as an indication that they
understand these rules and fully intend to comply with them.

In signing this form, I understand that failure to comply with these rules can result in disciplinary
action, including removal from this trip, at the parent’s expense.

Student Signature:

Parent/Guardian Signature:

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