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Business Model C

Business Name: Anchor Management

⏺ Key Partners ⏺Key Activities ⏺Value Proposition

⏵ ⏵ ⏵

⏺Key Resources

⏺Cost Structure

siness Model Canvas
Prepared by:

oposition ⏺Customer Relationships

⏵AM has two feeding schemes which
they provide their products ⏵They
provide the products at such a low cost
they basically giving it away for free and
make a loss every time they sell it to the
feeding schemes ⏵The feedings
schemes in which they partner with
would only have to help cover packaging
costs ⏵They
provide canned fish to 20 Pre schools and
15 Primary schools ⏵They partnered
with The Givers in 2017 and have been
providing canned fish for disaster relief
in the Wetern Cape region

⏵Major retailers sell the cans AM
produces under their own label.
⏵AM has signed a contract with major
retailers that states that AM can not
sell under their own name to the
public but they do supply to high
volume consumers such as the
Department of Health and Gold Reef
Mining ⏵AM
distribution works through ASL
transportation a very reliable company
which they trust ⏵Private label
companies provide their own label to
put on our cans but for the high
volume consumers which we sell to we
use a label created by Paul Herring Srs

⏺Revenue Streams

⏺Customer Segments

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