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By Jeremy Vetock

Warlord Queek Headtaker leads his verminous army forth on a campaign of destraction.
SKAVEN BESTIARY .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . race of ratmen that lair in the darksome tunnels of
The Skaven are a malevolent
THE MENACE BELOW ... . . . . . . 4

....... 6 Giant Rats ............. .... .... . . ... . . ... . . . . ... . . .. .54 world. They watch, wait, and scheme until the time is right to
rise upwards in a
verminous tide to overrun and enslave all surface dwellers..
Rat Ogres .................................... .. ..... 55

SKAVENBLIGHT. . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . 10
\reIcorne '0 Warhammer
THE UNDER-EMPIRE . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 12
Hell Pit Abomination. "" 56 Armies: Skaven, the definitive HOW THIS BOOK WORKS
.. 58
us and altogether evil ratmen of the This book contains everything you need to know
uide to the raveno
provides all the information to
\Varlock Engineers ....................

"orld. This book in order to collect an army of Skaven. To do thiS,

LAIRS OF THE UNDER-EMPIRE. . . . . 14 undc n:...
Poisoned Wind Globadiers ...... . . . .. . ..... .. .. . . .59 Paint, and play an army of the sinister Skaven in \Varhammer Armies books are split into sections,
co11 c c , , ,
...... 16 mme r tablerop wargame. each of which deals with a different aspect of the army.
Weapon Teams ... . ................ ..... . . . . . .. .. .. . .6 0
Warhammer Armies: Skaven contains:


The Doom of Kavzar . .. ...... 16
Warplock Jezzails ....................... . . 65 r rulebook contains the rules you The Menace Below. The Hrst section introduces the
The \Xfarhamme
HISTORY OF THE SKAVEN . . . . . . . . • . . . .. . . . . . . 18
Doomwheel ................................. n ee d 10 fight ba �
tles with your Citadel Miniarures.
Skaven and their place in the Warhammer world.
army has Its own book that works with these It describes the treacherous and hierarchical society
· ·

SKAVEN TIMELINE. . .... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 your collection of of ratmen, their mysterious beginnings, the sprawling
Warp Lightning Cannon ........... . · ..... . 68 rules and allows you to turn
into an organised and battle-ready force. Under-Empire in which they live, and the history of the
lld, Claw ....... ................. .
. . .. 69
. . . 33 mi
This particular army book describes the Skaven. Skaven attempts at world conquest thus far.

SKAVEN BESTIARY. . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Throt the Unclean. . 70 Skaven Bestiary. Every unit, diabolical device of
Clanrats ..................... . . . . 34 Slnveel Gnawtooth .................... 71
devastation and type of hero in the Skaven army is
described here. You will find information for every
$wrmvermin ... . 35 enuy, alongside complete rules and detaiJs of any
Queek Headtaker.......................... . .. 72
special abilities or equipment they possess.
Skavenslaves.................. . · · · · · · · · · · ... ..... . 36
"lretch Craventail .............................. . ... 73
Rat Swarms ..................... · .... 37 WHY COLLECT A SKAVEN ARMY? The Verminous Horde. Here you will see photographs
Lord Skrolk...... . . . . . .. ..... . . .. .... 74
Warlords & Chieftains
Skavcn are a characterful, black parody of mankind
of the range of Citadel miniatures available for the

Deathmaster Snikch ......... . ...... . .. .. . . . .... ....7;

. 38 ultimately embody everything that is wrong with Sk,wen army, gloriously painted by Games Workshop's
humanity, only more so. In addition to being cowardly, world-renowned 'Eavy Metal team. Colour schemes for
Thanquol & Boneripper .................. .. . . . . . . 76
Skaven Mounts. . . ... . .......... . ... . · · · ...... 39
Skavcn cheat, steal, and endlessly stab each other in the the different units in the Skaven army, example shields
Vermin Lord ............................ . .....40 oock for their own promotion. They will, quite literally, and banners and a wealth of infonnation and
SKAVEN MAGIC . . . . .... . . . . . . . . 78 l'at each other alive. Skaven are never culpable, being inspiration can be found here .
Grey Seers ........... . . . . . . . . . 41
wholly unable to take the blame for even the most

Screaming Bell ........... ....... 42 THE VERMINOUS HORDE . . . . . . . . . . . 80 oInious and egregious errors entirely of their own Skaven Army List. The army list takes all of the troop
making. But, unlike humans (at least, the better sorts), types, war machines, and famous Skaven individuals
Plague Monks .. .. ...... 44
SKAVEN ARMY LIST .97 Ska\'cn embrace this tOtal lack of scruples or honour. In presented in the bestiary and arranges them so you
ba, the better at scheming and double-crossing a Skaven can choose an army for your games. Units are classed
Plague Priests . . . _ .... ...... . . . . .. .. . . 45
Lords .................. . . . . . . . 98 1.\, and the more s\vaggeringly arrogant he acts about it, as either Characters, Core, Special or Rare units and

.... lOO
Plague Censer Bearers .. . .......... . .. ...... . ...... 46 thc more Suitable he is for leadership of a Warlord clan! can be taken in different quantities depending on the
Heroes .
A kaven army is a ragged mass of vicious cut-throats,
size of the game you are playing. The list is followed by

Core .............................................. . .102

PJagueclaw Catapult ........... . .................47 the Tools of Supremacy - the deadly and ingenious
eagcr 10 usurp civilisation and nest in its broken ruins. magic items of the Skaven.
Plague Furnace ................... . . . 48 They are a multitudinous horde with a staggering
Special ....................... . . . 104
Night Runners....................... . . 50 amOun t of troops at their disposal, from rank after
Rare .......................... . 106 "'Ink of warriors, such as Clanrats, Stormvennin, or
Gutter Runners . . . . ...... . . 5 1 Ska vcn slav es, to packs of war-beasts

· · · · · · · · · · · · ·
like Giant Rats or
TOOLS OF SUPREMACY . . . . 107 th hUlking Rat
Ogres. Specialist troops, such as the
Assassins . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
PoISOned Wind Globadiers or
stealthy death squads of
PackmastersIMaster Moulder .............. . . . 53 REFERENCE . .112 GUtter Runners, march
alongside the larger blocks of

Infantry. T
owering over it all are the devilish war FIND OUT MORE
achines of a
Wickedly clever race. Masters of an insane While Warhammer Armies: Skaven contains everything
lend of magic
and technology, the Skaven can field a you need to play a game with your venninous army,
number of
Infam ous Doomwh
i nfernal devices of destruction, such as the there are always more tactics to use, different battles
to fight and painting ideas to try out. The monthly
ofn...·lOatl. ol1
eel or the highly feared war engine
known as the Screaming Bell. magazine White Dwarf contains articles about all
aspects of the Warhammer game and hobby, and you
Thc Ska
:ed ven are the ultimate scavenger army and they
to battle by a Warlord or a Grey Seer, the
can find articles specific to the Skaven and their viJe
ways on our website:
. crful mage-rats that claim to be the prophets of

fOul vermin-god, the Great Horned Rat.


Comem, 'mmdu,"on
An evil force unlike any other is watching and waiting. ratmen that is forever scratching at the fabric separating
They are impatient, yet they bide their time. They are the material world from the great beyond.
scheming, their nefarious plots stretch unseen across
all lands. They are everywhere, yet they remain hidden. When the Skaven abandon their secretive ways and
From the Worlds Edge Mountains [Q the jungles of the emerge from their subterranean lairs, they do so for
Sourhlands, from the arid dunes to the barbaric only one reason: to unleash vicious and inhuman war.
No[rhlancts, no kingdom remains untouched . They It is a nightmare vision - a ravenous horde, a chaotic
are a heinous race that over the long centuries has and rolling tide of verminous ratmen in unimaginably
brought low ancient Dwarfholds, grinding down that vast numbers. Ranks of Clanrat warriors surge fOIWards,
proud race co but a fcaccion of its former glory. In the bristling with blades and spears, strange doom-laden
past they have contaminated the temple-cities of the symbols and runes scrawled on their shields and
cold-blooded creatures of Lustria, and reduced the banners. The Stormvennin, hardened e1ites, stand OUt,
Empire, the greatest human nation of the Old World, their well-armoured and militaristic ways comrasting
to total starvation and near ruin. And they are planning with the ragged masses of the Skavenslaves that are
for worse to come .. driven callously to the front. Amongst the tattered ranks
of Skaven soldiers can be found troops more foul _

Across the surface of the world alliances are severed, packs of mutated beasts bred for battle, fanatical
plagues are spread and wars are started - all disease-ridden Plague Monks and arcane and terrible
orchestrated by a shrouded and impalpable menace engines of destruction that blend science and sorcery in
that lurks undetected under the very feet of those they a diabolical and hitherto unseen fashion. A Skaven army
conspire to destroy. They are the Skaven and they seek moves at a speed that belies its staggering and unwieldy
nothing short of complete mastery of the world. size, seemingly pouring over the landscape in flOwing
waves of chittering ratmen. After a battle a Skaven army
The vile Skaven gnaw the roots of the world like a will disappear like flood waters, draining back into
malignam cancer. They spread corruption, mercilessly coumless unseen holes, leaving only scoured lands
undermining civilisation, waiting until the time is ripe covered in cracked and well-picked over bones.
to invade. Countless armies prepare to burst forth from
their underground realm to claim the rightful heritage Who knows where the Skaven will surface next? The
of the Skaven. To rule supreme is their ultimate destiny, only certainty is that they wait in the dark beneath the
promised to them a hundredfold in the furtive whispers world, ever watching with beady red eyes for the right
of the Great Horned Rat, the malevolent god of the moment to strike .

While the town of Mironia slept. the fog rose from the Blighted Marshes and engulfed the Tilean village. The lanterns
of the Night Watch were all but lost in the thickening mist and the hourly tolling of the «AIrs-weir sounded
muffled and distant. The men of the patrolling night watch were wary. for the fog seemed sinister and wholly
unnatural. but only the soft lapping of the canal waters and the damp dripping of condensed moisture could be heard.

None marked the furtive scuffling of clawed feet across the cobblestones. Many of the town's patrol were already
missing when some sixth sense caused Capitano Rizzilo to spin around. Behind him. outlined in the fog. were dozens
of black-clad and shadowy figures. Underneath their cowls verminous eyes reflected crimson in the flickering light.
The clash of steel that followed was brief. but enough to raise the alarm.

As the clanging warnings rang out they were. in turn. answered by a discordant clamour from the surrounding fog.
Abandoning all pretense of stealth, a chittering horde rose up and advanced into Mironia. So it was that the soldiers
and townsfoIk awoke to find themselves under full-fledged attack. A wall of rune-marked shields stretched across the
narrow streets. Doors and shuttered windows were smashed as man. woman. and child were pulled screaming from their
homes. Near the garrisons. resistance was fiercest. Behind make-shift barricades the surging tide of ratmen was. for a
time. stemmed. It was there that the green-tipped flames erupted and eldritch chain-lightnings flashed across the sky.

By morning every citizen. like the fog. had disappeared. Only smoking ruins remained and these too. in time, would
be claimed by the rising swampland.
there are scattered throughout the Under-Empire, as the

fHE wARLh'er s dominates Skaven
vast interconnected Skaven nation is known. There are
, ttt:3ChC
�US ' archY of clan \Varlord clans making certainly thousands, but the numbers change daily.
tion. At the top 0f th e
a[ are kno\vn as
. WIth \Vh

u p the. b�f Ik of the bulging popula
(hence the term)
The larger, more powerful Warlord clans actively seek
out and destroy smaller clans, absorbing their numbers

HORNED RAT d chn power is the Warlord

MQI lu m. A Skaven as warriors or slaves, or simply gorging upon them. Clans
that grow toO large and fractiOUS can, if the \Varlord is not
illed maxi
" ha IllU SI
cm body a kill_o

' .
rd i physic ally larger and more I posmg
ofte n
threo, but he must also be a
,urlo s .. aggressive enough, split into rivalling factions.
deVIOUS tac[lCIaO
The Skaven are a race of bipedal ratmen that are so know �
� ?
as the Iack Hun er and goes some way
th1n hl� brc

3.head 0f any
would-be usurpers. As It
. .
IS the

rarely seen that many deny their very existence. The 10'ta'
explatnmg their propenslry for feasting upon
r way to rise by any means passl"ble,
majority of the man-sized vermin are slight of build U\l.:nCUH
(of either side) after combat. Larger individuals anyone and everyone.
have \\WOrd is right to suspect
and, if they abandoned their slinking hunched gait, been known to devour an entire Skaven after a 1
ba tt!
stand between four to five feet in height, with the A Sk.wen suffering the pangs of the Black Hunge
r an � Hcnt.l."l h lhe
Warlord, and therefore mos
t likely to attempt

., \'er. .u... •any num

.I _
largest specimens reaching over six feet. Skaven are unable to replenish himself will visibly weaken manders,
C Uows,
lesse r com
ior class 10
and '� ber
so oftCn
covered in close fur, save for their ears, muzzle, hands, soon after die. This is why personal challenges ers. The warr
pack lead

" rut and <

;md l' largely

( hM: ual
• •
and fleshy, wonn·like [ails. The eyes of the ratmen end with the loser being eaten by the victor. ats as well as th ehte
formed of C1aru
gleam red in torchlight and their mouths are lined with
, the bedrock on which the
'10f1'In-cm1in. At the base
� I c;:
"y , is the worker·class, the lowly
r.u men
wicked teeth, particularly their yellowed incisors, which Although not regularly seen by surface dwellers, upon To a non-Skaven all the hordes of the Warlord clans may
the is built

.tnd rc'.ldily disposable

are razor-sharp for ripping and tearing. Skaven are arguably the most numerous of all races. Skave nslaves. Their rniserable lives look the same. However, to a keen observer, or the
With a population of titanic proportions, the Skaven on toil, dange rous expenments, or as ratmen themselves, there are distinctive differences.
.u'C fn..'t! ly expen ded
Skaven move in rapid Stop-start scurries. They exude remain hidden away underneath unsuspecting nations. Clan markings, freely interspersed with the foul symbols
(;Ulnon fodder in battle.
nervous energy in twitchy, hurried bursts and always Mysteriously, little to nothing is known about the of the rat�eity, are often painted, scratched or smeared

\.11 of lhe teeming masses withi

seem to be in an agitated state. Skaven metabolism females of the Skaven race. The only sightings are by n the clan follow the atop shields and banners. Some clans, such as Clan
burns at a ferocious rate, peaking with a spike of Dwarfs, who occasionally encounter vast breeding tyranni cal hierarc hy. It is a lawless orld Grutnik or Clan Mordkin, are known to dye their fur in
pits ",me p311ern of
\It hen: the sU"ong survive, but had
adrenaline if they feel angry or threatened. This hyper duri.ng the bitter and merciless wars of extennination better watch therr specific colours. Others brand vile Skaven runes or clan

b.u:k."I Back-stabbing and double--crossing are not

Vitality gives rise to the quick reflexes, endless haste the two races continue to fight in the deep warrens far icons into their skin so their foes know whom they are
and the legendary speed of the Skaven. The drawback are facing. The most successful clans, such as Clan Mars,
from the light of day. Dwarf reports claim that Skaven lOn."dcrcd dishonourable amongst Skaven, but
1n."Ill-ad 'teen as the traditional way to advance. As
to such velocity is that the ratmen need to gorge females are rare, large, indolent, and only semi­ every have better weapons and more annour than the others,
themselves after a long march or battle to refuel their intelligent (at most). They do, it is guessed, produce is looking for a chance to stick it to looted over many long campaigns and jealously hoarded.
onc of the r.umen
hl"l mate for personal gain, an act of treachery must be Clan Carrion are such expert scavengers that they carry
drained bodies. Amongst Skaven this phenomenon is frequent litters of a mind-boggling size.
p;u1ll"\darly cunning or weU timed in order to work. heaped detritus from battles as well as scraps from the

lbl" s)�tcm naturally develops both extreme paranoia ruins in which they lair. Warriors from clans like Clan
.and Ihe most insidiously cunning leaders at every level. Volkn bear blades of shiny obsidian metal, mined deep
underneath their volcanic lairs. When the multitudes
'u\cn hierarchy is obvious, as underlings go to mass for battle though, these visual differences blur
C"bboratc lengths to prostrate themselves (insincerely amidst tl1e ravenous horde and even the ratmen tend to
mu \ltllh great ceremony) before any superior. Likewise, rely on their keen sense of smell to find their own clan.
.an) Slc....·cn in even a nominal command will lord il over
mferior". Every Skaven knows his status in a pack, but
ptlMlion.!t can change rapidly. A few betrayals or a single
.All decent folh find the common rat repulsioe.
hKk-'tabbing can elevate a warrior to a leader before the
hod)" of his victim drops. In the same vein, a ruler is only Harbinger of disease, it scaoenges en our waste-heaps
lOgiC :ICt of treachery away from being eaten alive. and frightens our children. How immeasurably worse
l>ailylifc at all levels is marked by a shifting and jostling

then is the foul Shaoen - standing on its hindlegs in foul

for power, as Skaven plot and scheme to raise their own
parody of a human. Rats as tall as man, and blessed
pcnonal .!ttanding. Alliances are fonned, broken, and
with the most oile intellect and cunning. They are the
reformed again. Even amongst catmen of similar status
lhcn: is no equality; someone is always ahead. Every darh side of our souls, come to destroy us for our sins.
Sk.l\l:n looks for weakness in the pack and is himself
bcmK m:lfked by others. At any stratum, but especially Albrecht of Nuln
among:,t the lowest tiers, this squabbli Burned at the stahe,
of phY'lcal clashes with tooth and claw. Most
ng takes the fonn
Skaven are le 1301 for pernicious declamation
Karrcd by fights of this type, and
l")'C. Skaven crippled in such
many have lost an ear

r the \'1Clor does not

contests do not last long.

them apan and eat them,

butcher them, the masses will rip
as it is foolish to pass up such
an easy meal Opp

All c� ucruale in
number, the population rising
�ncnually during times
of ample food and crashing
during ILoan period
COUld number in the
s. At its peak a single large w.u-lord clan

=. hundreds of thousands and could be

across a score of differe
nt lairs and strongholds.
• l., no knOwing

exactly how many different clans

Chnd«n of 'he Homed R" Children of the Homed R"

While many are jealous of the power and might of THE LEADERS IN THE SHADOWS
Some Skaven factions are very different to the Warlord
Clan Moulder, few dare to openly deny them. At need
shadow and mystery, Clan Eshin is by far Regardless of clan, all Skaven are fractiOUS, self-serving
clans; the most famous of which are the Greater clans: in
Clan Moulder can field an entire army of war-beasts. .
Clan Moulder, Clan Skryre, Clan Eshin. and Clan nefariO US of the Skaven clans. fhey are feared creatures, yet they share a remarkably Singular viSion,
and the art of stealthy death is one that
Ille m
15 mu rderers
Pestilens. Each of these clans is the equivalcm of scores a united aim that can, for a time, quell even their own
of \Varlord clans in terms of influence, military might, have mastered. They are silent stal.kers more than inter-rivalry. They mean to raze the world and rule over
will of the Great Horned Rat.
Clan Skryre speCialises in the the y

insane blending of Sorce the ruins, for such is the
of infiltrating past any number of guards or
and economic power. These four Greater clans have and arcane tec nology. Its mem
bers, known as warloc capa ble .
ascendancy over the \Vadord clans and each has its Own . their disposal are a range of troops tramed to All should feel the iron claw of Skaven tyranny. So it is
Engmeers, are mventors that build "., SAt p .
� kill from the solitary AssasSinS,
infernal devices to whole deat squad s destined to be and so it is preached by the Grey Seers,
specialisation, armaments, and ways of waging war.
capable of endish destruction.
. Many are sorcerers in For the right price Clan the Skaven sorcerers supreme.
as Gutter Runners.
their own fight, able to manipulat
Eshin will
CLAN MOULDER e the Winds of Magic
slay any rival, steal any information, or
Clan Moulder rose [0 infamy by mastering the art
to cast speUs and intertwine encha
ntments into Grey Seers make up their own small but highly
act of sabotage �equired. No Warlord wants
of mechanical form. From their warp com mit any
breeding, murating, and surgically creating forges under the positioned clan. It is possible they are a unique sub­
tc d by a Clan Eshm contract and the mere
black-clad killers is enough (0 make any
monstrous verminous capital of Skavenblig to be mr gc
ht, Clan Skryre has

fighting-beasts. It is unknown how they of the species and this is a view that the Grey Seers themselves
stitch together p oduced untold weaponry, inclu men tion
disparate parts of mutated creatures, for ding the pOisoned over his shoulder. There are Clan Eshin help to propagate. The mage-rats also claim many titles,
and the deadly \
r.trman look
they jealously wllld globe, the Warpfire Thrower,
guard their methods. It is no secret that scattered throughou t the strongholds of many including ProphetS of the Great Horned Rat, and also
has risen to become arp
Clan Moulder agen ts
Warlord clans and even hidden
Lightning Cannon. Clan Skryre
is one of the wealthiest of aU clans, for within the cities of the the Grand Intermediaries to the Council of Thirteen, the
rhe heinous ably the most influential of all '
clans. By selling

creations are sold to the Warlord clans, : . shrouded high rulers of the chaotic Skaven society.
who are eager surface dwellers

t boost their fighting prowess by addin
g swarms of
th 1I weird arsenal of devastation
to the Warlord clans as
q�lck1y as slaves can churn them
Giant Rats, packs of COwering Rat Ogres
, or perhaps
off the assembly lines,
cLAN PESTILENS Pure white or grey fur and distinctive horns mark
� ?
. CI m
. Skryre has grown as wealthy as Clan Moulder.
somethmg e en � re bizarre. A portio Perhaps the most ill-regarded of all clans is Clan Pestilens. Grey Seers, who are perhaps the most powerful and
n of many None dare offend Clan Skryre for
Warlord clan s mLluary strength fear of ending up at They are known as the Plague Monks, for they :lIe the mysterious individuals in the whole of a Skaven army.
was birthed in lieU Pit, the wrong end of any number of
the loathsome stronghold of Clan weapons that could disciples of disease and decay. Members of Clan Pestilens The potent mage-rats travel the Under-Empire seeking
Moulder. melt, blast, desiccate, or otherwise
cause grievous death. dedicate themselves with insane fervour to spreading to coordinate and unite the bickering clans, as well as,
pestilence and corruption in the name of the Skaven god, furthering their own sinister plans of advancement.
me Great Horned Rat. The solitary Grey Seers are the mysterious binders of

FOUL RUNES OF THE NEFARIOUS SKAVEN Their warriors are recognisable not just by their
the Skaven race, always seeking to pull the feuding
clans along in some interwoven, but never fully
revealed, scheme. Many Warlords fear, quite rightfully,
distinctive chanting, but by the horrible poxes they
Skaven use scrawled or 'claw-marked' runes
to pro I rum
. �
. clan allegiance· or to bring bear, for it is Clan Pestilens doctrine that to spread that they and their clans are just pawns in the subtle

favour of the Horned Rat· Runes can be fo their the
u d on s eIds, banners, or scratched into disease one muSt bear the contagion within. Rather manipulations of the horned sorcerer-rats.
mark out a clan's territor Here are many stonework to
0 Ihe mOSl commonly seen runes. than sicken and die themselves, however, these

infectious catmen instead grow tougher, their hides

thickened by the endless weeping sores and buboes.
In battle the zealous Plague Monks charge recklessly
into the fray, eager to unleash their rabid hate. Clan
Pcstilens does nOt sell the fighting services of their

brethren for mere profit; however, they do lend their

Clan Eshin
Rune V � �� warriors to any cause likely to aid their own. They often
negotiate hard·driven alliances or promises of future
support from Warlord clans who are desperate for their
backing . For major battles, Clan Pestilens has even been

� � T? � �: ;�; ��: 7 17 tp
Clan Moulder known to deploy some of its own specially created
R Rune diseases, spreading such vileness upon the world as the

---<>< Black Plague, the Red Pox and the Oozing Eye Death.
G t Il t


When the multitudinous Skaven march to battle,
it is rarely ever a single clan, but instead a verminous
conglomeration, an anarchic confederation of ratmen.

This great rat-host will stream endlessly out of the

��*iiY tunnels from the dark underneath, forming a battleline

that stretches and darkens the horizon. Numberless

If fri # J /' :::;";::.,.. f � ;N f "

regiments from many different Warlord clans mass
up, each ranking beneath a different foul symbol
emblazoned on a tattered hide banner. What supports

k' /J' j + 1- Jt ) III

each horde depends on what the Warlords could buy,
baner or steal. Some Warlords come equipped with a
vast arsenal of destructive engines of war that tower
Clan Skryre Runes
to the skies and crackle with dire sorcerous energies.
·As ClanralS sU'lIch Others scuttle forward with a filthy tide of mutated
alleglallces• beeomc ('IIs/tW Clan Pestilens Rune
ef/. or $Cfl/."llllge �(/r /1 Is commo war-b easts loping at their centre. The vanguard of an
ll /0 see a host of
dlfferellt symbols _I wlth/,
) the MIme clUWJXICk.
army might consist of stealth troops trained by Clan

� Eshin to move at speed to secure the high ground or

slip around the sides to harass the enemy's flanks.

Child<en of .h,
Ho,",d R"
ChUdren of .he • lome-d R"
of Skavenblight exists underground in
rh e majority
unfa thom able levels, caverns, and shafts. No map could
h pe to account for the many districts or the ever­

Through magics more powerful than the unsuspecting Well past the swampy borders are found deep-water

c anging location of lairs, breeding pits, or strongholds
_ all
connected by an intertWining network of tunnels
world can imagine, the largest and most densely channels where rotting slave-hulks, great barges the sections. The deeper levels can
gnawed out between
I '
populated city in the world is kept secret, its location size of Empire villages, ply along the murksome flow.
ly be reached by cages atmc Id '
le to masSIve Clams
only guessed at by the very wisest. Deep in the rotting Banks of oars or ingenious water-turbines propel the
�� d lower ed into the depths. At the centre of the city
r s the Great Temple of the Horned Rac. It stretches for
heart of the Blighted Marshes festers the vile capital of ships through the turbid waters. Vast flotillas of
me rarmen, the decay·ridden nexus of all Skaven. This
sbeU of a once-great city of mankind lies morc than half
Skavenslaves launch our, either swimming or mounted
in small shantycraft. They scour the reed beds for the
: iles beneath the surface but above ground is marked
b' a single, cloud-piercing tower reaching high over the
sunken in the morass, a testimony to the corruption
and ruin spread by the Children of the Horned Rat.
foul crops that grow there. Overseers apply the lash as
slaves struggle to make quotas before the slave-hulk

d solation. The Shattered Tower is a piece of madness
made manifest, in places marble-white and perfect,
moves on - sometimes churning over swimmers trying whilst in others decrepit and crudely patched together.
This is SkavenbHght, a sprawling metropolis of endless to get back onboard. Escape through the horrors of the Masonry from many realms and eras of architecture are
caverns; a multi-layered under-city of twisting corridors, Blighted Marshes is impossible and, as unbelievable as
stacked atop each other, but for all that it stretches
and nightmare squalor on an unimaginable scale. This it sounds, the worst punishment any grain-slave can upwards to impossible heights. It is the fabled black
evil capital of a nefarious race is the veiled lair from
which rule the mighty Lords of Decay, the ruthless
suffer is to be abandoned in that stinking quagmire. heart of Skavendom, about which are told many
legends. The temple is the base for the Grey Seers and
leaders of the Skaven who sit upon the Council of
home to their ruler Seerlord Kritislik, who occupies the
Thirteen. It is from here, amidst labyrinthine darkness,
first seat on the Council of Thirteen.
that the Skaven scheme for supremacy, gnawing over
plots for the final apocalypse.
Skavenblight houses innumerable clans - from the
great powers to upstart and little-known Warlord clans.
It would be impossible to reach the Skaven capital
All areas are packed, crowded with seething hordes
across the land surface, as the immense Blighted
that demand constant expansion. At the lowest levels
Marshes are certain death to cross. The noisome stench
countless Skavenslaves toil away, never to leave the
of the sucking mud and fetid waters rises high into the
mines or factories for the whole of their short and
air, a vast and poisonous cover that prevents the full
Closer to the swamp's centre ruined towers punctuate horrible lifetimes. They are regularly worked to death
Light of the sun from penetrating its gloom.
the murky waters, the passing slave-hulks sending
waves lapping over the crumbling edifices. As the banks
and replaced. Armies of slave-workers shift mountains
of rock drilled out by tracked machines of immense size
become solid ground there reside teeming portS where that burrow out new runnels for the ever-increasing
endless trudging lines of bent-backed figures haul black population. Elsewhere in the Under-city can be found
corn or moonseed from the quaysides to the factories. the unbreathable air produced by the Monastery of
Enormous mill wheels of worm-eaten wood and rusted Clan Pestilens, that unwholesome clan's largest
iron relentlessly churn out grain to feed the starving dwellings outside of the South lands. The fort-like
hordes of Skavenblight. Periodically, armed patrols warrens of the Ironspike sector are maintained by Clan WARPSTONE
sweep the lines, enforcing speed and mercilessly Rictus, and all know and fear the Caverns of Unyielding Warpstone is the physical manifestation of raw magic.
gathering up any who have collapsed or expired under Shadow, the Clan Eshin quarter where treaty-pacts are It is rue in the extreme and merely handling it can
their weigllty loads. Any such unfortunates are thrown claw-marked, and the doom of many assured. lead to a horrible mutation or agonising death. Despite
in with the crops, literally more grist for the mill the risk. it is coveted by dark sorcerers. necromancers.
With the exception of the Great Temple of the and alchemists. Yet none scour the lands as greedily as
Beyond the great granaries the outline of a vast city Horned Rat, perhaps the most prestigious precincts the Skaven. who prize the substance above all others.
rises out of the mud. Clammy green-timed mists wrap of Skavenblight are the warpforges and workshops of
the ruins of vast arches and shattered buildings. The Clan Skryre. At one time the f:lmed Warlock Engineers Warpstone enters the world in a number of different
ground trembles with rhythmiC cadences and sudden took control of the city, usurping whole quarters of the ways. Clouds o[ warpstone dust drifts through the
pillars of flame leap out of fissures. The cracked paving Under-city for their sorcerous machinery. The cathedral­ Realm of Chaos; blowing southwards out oC the
stones tilt crazily up from the deserted streets and sized halls are lit by glass spheres filled with lightning. Northern Wastes during the great storms of Dark
holes and vents pockmark the rubble-strewn byways. Steel-wheeled carts are hauled along metal rails by Magic that precede evil times. If powerful en�ugh.
Shadowy figures flit or scurry amidst the crumbling tireless, smoke-belching iron beasts. Pistons, gears, Dark Magic can actually pool and crystallIse Into the:
structures. Some of the caves burrowed into the and cogs the size of houses endlessly churn, generating distinctive nuggets that glow black with ominous hues
mounds of debris gleam with ominous lights, while power for relentless industry. All other clans resent the of venomous green. The largest pieces of warpstone.
others are gaping maws leading down into darkness. space, wealth, and power of Clan Skryre bur few would however. plummet from the skies as mete�rs from
dare to openly defy them. the sickly second mOOD known as Morrsheb.

As large and impressive as Skavenblight is, its reach is

The role of warpstone in Skaven society is manifol
"All tunnels lead to Skavcnblight." hnolo�y
mightier still. Stone-gnawed and chiseUed passages forming the power supply for their twiste te:�
. to theIr
and spellcasting. as well as �he key l�grcd�ent
extend away from that den of despair, diving deep
common ShYen phrlsc llluding to the nexus of the Under-Empire.
under the roots of the Black Mountains and extending mutating agents. Warpstone IS added to �runute .
s. It IS
The phrase is also tommonly uscd wheD admitting In exposed ICt of thousands upon thousands of miles in all directions. quantities to improve metallurgy and pOison
d cum:ncy -
tre,chery. The SkiYeD sec bctrlY11 15 ineyjtlble. lod the ooly regret of So the Grey Seers routinely travel outward, checking even used by the ratmen as their debase
such IC1S is gctliog uught before succeeding. aU Skaven strongholds and spyposts and bringing their the foetid warptokens.
plans for supremacy to the multitudes.

SI",,"cnbU,h! 'Wj.
The Under-Empire stretches across the world, spreading As of yet, none of the human realms are assaile d as
outward from the decay-ridden nexus of Sbvenblighr. openly as the Dwarf Kingdoms - bue the days of
It is a comple.x spider's web of tunnels that spans the Old World are numbered. Tunnels spread under
globe. The Under-Empire is unbound by oceans or unsuspecting nation of the Empire with major l.1irs

mountain ranges and, in sprawling size, is inarguably beneath the cities of Nuln, Middenheim, and Marie
the single largest and most expansive of known realms. Further to the north, the fastness of Hell Pit can be
found many days march past reason. The ratmen e
Dcspire its immenSity, the majority of nations and races operate spyposts under the skin-huts of the Dark God.
do not acknowledge that Skaven exist, or if they do, worshipping barbarians. Bretonnia is rife With lairs,
have Iinlc appreciation of the magnitude of the threat Brionne and QuencHes heavily undemlined by runne
beneath their feet. Many Skaven cities are built directly and nests. Estalia and Tilea are dlOrOUghJy corrupted
under the unsuspecting cities of human realms. The beneath the surface. The Tilean City-state of MiragLiano ts
deepest sewers and wells of men meet the uppnmosr aware of the menace residing in its sewers and there art:
workings of the Under-Empire. This easy access allows daily confrontations, but not yet open war.
Skaven spies and saboteurs to slink to rhe surface.
Indeed, the eyes and ears of the ratmen are everywhere. Skaven lairs can be found beneath the ruins of anCicnt
temples situated along the leylines of magic or near
The Dwarfs have an inkling of the true scale of the Skaven the precious warpstone that the catmen Covet. Sk.1\'Cn
threat, but mankind litt1e heeds such cautionary tales, for tunnels push into Araby, the Southlands, the Dark Lands
the complaints of Dwarfs are lengthy and seldom speak and as far away as Lustria, Naggaroth, and even far
openly of defeats. Many Dwarfholds have been destroyed, Cathay. Thus far pristine Ulthuan has aVOided the
turned into nest-lairs by the Skaven, while the remaining penetrating tunnels, but the insidious tendrils of Ihe
Dwarf bastions are already besieged from below. Skaven Under-Empire are ever seeking a way.


lel lhC no
rt 1, In the

cou n. �,
blasted wasteland
re the infe
rna l bre
known as the
eding pits 0[ Clan
stronghold is
Only to a race as malevolent and twisted as the Skaven
would a terrible place such as the Dark Lands become a
land of promise and opponunity. Yet it is so, for the
peaks. As large as the surface city was the
overp opul ated
S �ulginglY
The Skaven realm is connected by the Under-way, \tDulder. ', I
' g� �
true I floor of a ragged chasm lands east of the Worlds Edge Mountains are home to
hern spur 0[ tI
walls and
(fOwed mro the
owy 010
a great sprawling series of tunnels. Sections of this Karak Eight Peaks lay underneath. It was le many of the richest meteor-struck craters in the world.
these e dl untainside on the nort
hidden byway are crude and winding, while others
make use of the ancient underground passageways
miles of colonnaded halls and arched passage
made an impression on the Skaven. After cemu

s t atess cn .1 ,n
\\drldo!> Ed. g
e Mount ains. V olcan iC pool s at the battorn Many warpstone comets can be seen blazing fiery
green-tinged trails before ploughing into the dusty and
e a greyish plume of noxious
rie f ne rais
ra v i
:and lhe �ou I
built in straight precision by the Dwarfs during their bitter warfare, the hold was wrested from the l) lh
e th e bone-strewn plains of the craggy land. The incalculable
W orse than

dou , stench is lege ndar y.

golden age. The tunnel segments of dressed and Dwarfs. The once grand mansion of the bearde
� ful cacophony value of the warpstone to the ratmen is only surpassed

d-one . howe ver ' is the dread
masterly carved stone contrasts sharply with the rough­ asSault'
now the fortress-lair of Clan Mors, one of the clamour out by the relentless way in which they seek it out.
largest �
s. screa" m5 snarls, and shrieks that . .
hewn construction of rhe rarmen, which seems gnawed and mOst influential of the Warlord clans. fh ow
o Not witho ut good reaso n IS thiS
out of the living rock. Becween SkavenbLight and the ,,( the &.
.roz. c n chasm. .
n as Hell Pit.
major outposts and venninOllS cities, many tunnels In addition to being a controlling hub for many place know

11lc great I'tb

have been widened, subterranean highways engineered passageways of the Under-way, the City of Pillars tunnels of Hell Pit spiral in nine
by a nation that requires armies CO move at speed.
hold , yrinthine . . .
many riches. Such was the size and grandeur of ing IIke a
the 5 .
cxp:ansl\.c c·"clcs, each worming and twist
Dwarf-City that even many centuries after its fall
I overburdened with numbers

The Under-way branches off to a myriad different

to the intestinal tract, each
o prepostero

Skaven, the ratmen are still finding sealed treasur •
rtions, and each full of mutated
ies us propo
spYPOS[S, minor fortificacions, and the secretive nest­ .
bea-'1(!t that defy
untapped mines or never-discovered vaulted hallw description . To perpetuate thelr
to befoul and despoil. All of this has assured Clan
a s
dwellings of lesser clans. Although Skavenblight is the
Mors flesh-bonding crimes �gainst nature,
unrivalled centre of the Under-Empire, there are many
other important hubs along the Under-way. These are
continued wealth. The current leader of Clan Mars
· g WarIord GnawdweU, has used this weU- '
th e (Jan Mould e
r requires constantly tOlhng slaves and
in staggering multitudes. The great

lu red creatures
the major nest-lairs and strongholds of the Skaven,
and most are dominated by a specific clan.
established base to launch many wars up and down
the Worlds Edge Mountains and secure himself a
���JcS of Hell Pit are riddled with unholy laboratories,
ries, gladiatorial arenas,
breeding pits, flesh distille
membership on the Council of Thineen. Countless that allow Clan Moulder to continue But before a Skaven can scurry to the lair-nest beneath
THE CITY OF PILLARS Jnd skin forges
lesser clans have been absorbed by Clan Mors, and
the)' new, more stable breeds of fighting beasts to Mount Silverspear, the stronghold under Gnashrak's
The City of Pillars is the Skaven name for t.he ancient �eking
are augmented by an endless supply of conquered . Lair, the volcano warrens of Clan Volkn, or any of the
Dwarfhold of Karak Eight Peaks. High in the Worlds -.ell or hire out to the other clans
Night Goblin tribes that provide either able slaves or lesser holds built in the region, many warptokens must
Edge Mountains, the Dwarfs built a city and fastness in suitable, if chewy, foodstuffs. The ill-gotten gains fund Pit save be paid to Clan Rictus at the Under-way hub below
The Chaos Wastes are barren around Hell
the deep valley beneath eight majestic snow-capped whatever is needed at the time: war-beasts from Clan rs scouring the lands for dangero us Crookback Mountain. Clan Rictus seized possession of
for Packmasre
Moulder, Clan Skryre weaponry, the support of the the mountain at the eastern end of Mad Dog Pass long
cn"3tures to capture. Chaos monsters and mutated
fickle Grey Seers, or the assassin's knife to Silence any
hcaslS afTer me best chance for Master Moulders to ago. Above ground, known as Varag Kadrin to the
who would impede progress.
exUltct enhancements for existing creatures or even to Dwarfs, the pass offers the best route through the

create a new breed of fighting brutes. Expert hunters mountains, but below the surface it is even more
The success of Clan Mors has not gone unnoticed Rival will tf'JiJ a Manticore, Hydra or Chimera for days critical, serving as the underground gateway to the
Warlords, and even the four Greater clans, all keep wliting for an opening to strike. Captured creatures Dark Lands. In addition to their vast mining and
wary eyes on the growing might and influence of Clan arc led back to HeU Pit in iron cages for a horrible fate. slaVing operations, Clan Ricrus enforces a heavy toll
Mors. It is perhaps this barely concealed malice that for the use of such passageways, taking a steep tax on
has sustained the troubles that beset the City of Pillars. If the toxic fumes don't put off an enemy's approach any warpstone found on the plains of the Dark Lands.
The surface ruins and the majority of the topmost levels to Ilell Pit then perhaps the twisted death throes of Clan Rictus breeds an inordinate amount of giant black­
of the subterranean city are bitterly contested once failed e..xperiments will. These shambling, still-mutating, furred Stormvermin and few dare to cheat such
again. Eager for a share in the riches, the formidable bcaSlS are ejected from the warrens to spend their last collectors. Already many attempts by various clans to
Crooked Moon tribe of Night Goblins, led by the mi:,erable days howling in agony amidst the barren open up offshoot runnels to avoid the exorbitant fees
notorious Warlord Skarsnik, has forced entry into the rocks, attacking anything they happen to scent. Despite have been violently dissuaded by Clan Rictus.
ancient Dwarfhold. There, far from the light of day, \uch defences, HeU Pit is regularly attacked. Every few
the two races pit their might and guile against each generations a boastful over-reaching champion of the THE NEST·PORTS
other in a savage series of battles. Taking advantage of barbarian tribes attempts to conquer the sprawling Since the end of their second major civil war, the
the ongoing warfare between Clan Mors and the Night stronghold. Warriors of Chaos may be indiVidually Skaven have expanded along the Tilean and Estalian
Goblins, a small contingent of Dwarfs re-entered Karak mighty, but these assaults are foolish - daring to assail coasts. Several lairs have been tunnelled out along the
Eight Peaks. Seeking to reclaim their long-lost kingdom, the overwhelming numbers housed under the steaming rocky-cliff lines. Clan Skurvy, based below the Tilean
the Dwarfs battered their way into the sprawling venlS of Hell Pit. Merciless death awaits the lucky. city of Tobaro, controls the largest of these, but Clan
complex, recolonising a few heavily fortified levels. Rikket and Clan Skuuel maintain rival fleets. Through
The only assault on Hell Pit to gain headway occurred tunnels that travel out to the nearby isles of the Sirens,
Outwardly Warlord Gnawdwell expresses his pleasure during the Great War against Chaos. Warrior tribes and Clan Skurvy has gnawed out the cavern harbour known
with the constant warfare over the topmost levels of his war herds of Beastmen allied in an attempt to raze Clan as Spineporr. Protected by a maze of fog-enshrouded
capital dwelling. It is a proving ground for Chieftains, rocks, false lights and foul sorceries lead trading ships
�nside the warrens, laying waste to the first three circles
�Ioulder's capitaL The Chaos armies forced their way
a chance to grind the teeth of a growing cadre of elite to smash themselves against the Spineport's protecti
warriors. Yet inwardly, Warlord Gnawdwell seethes at In a blaze of . The inflow of salvaged weaJth funds tile ever­
blood and ruin. The minions of the Dark barriers
of rotting
the loss of face. He smells a double-cross, for it is the Gods were halted, as innumerable Gianr Rats were growing navies. The Clanfleet ships are made
dnven in iron and power ed by banks
Sk.wen way to manipulate others to do the dirty work. forward by Packmasters to bog down the foe. worm-ridden wood clad
. seek to
Someone is warning his enemies of surprise attacks and The Invaders
were eventually surrounded and wiped of rowing slaves. Negotiations with Clan Skryre
OUt when Throt the Unclean led an entire army of rabid eers to produ ce warps team
showing them secret tunnels to launch their own contract the Warlock Engin
forays. Gnawdwell's minions wiU not rest until the Rat Ogres, many of them especially augmented, to will surely increa se the range of Clan
engines that
plotters are discovered and ruthlessly destroye d! Completely Skurvy piracy along the coasts.
clear out the tunnels and warrens.

Lairs of Ihe Under-Empire

Perhaps when a citizen of the Empire says "the Skaven
.. tD06
(oul o r l'
(i«21 Plans
easts . the
of sup rem
ritual of Vermintide,
are discussed bY t he
Interwoven plots are
are myth, simply tales used to frighten small children"
he might speak out of sheer ignorance rather than
beguiling enchantment?
..,ernbbgc of Grey Seers.
planned anew. The. mag
-___.nrl re5lnJcru re •
A few radical scholars and academics argue endlessly violent and inexplicable wars, after which e-
they d and
over the origins of the children of Chaos known as rhe mysteriously disappear. Perhaps the best stng Never fuUy trusting the rituals, the Council of Thirteen
�.pe.fonll many
crcatton 0f the Skaven hes .In the ancien

covenous firu als
. . due tO tht
• on to the Gre
�upp I·Icati .
Skaven. Some maintain they are simply a variant form at Horned Rat, further cover their venninous tracks with covert actions
tale known as the Doom of Kav-.lar. The 'o oIfrr'ing
t TI·Iea n fo k
11 UoWing '
of Beastman, others insist that they are an entirely l assigned to Clan Eshin. These particularly target Imperial
records containing references to the Skaven. The few
. len ded to shroud the ratmen to
_11 in
a �pe
altOTaug hI Ihe pow
separate race mutated not from men, as it is surmised broadly translated text of its thirteen sta �,
erful sorcery by the dar

nzas, and
. Copies
readers may draw their own conclusions '
Beasrmen arose, but from true rats. Most, however, , the Grey Seers human-possessed artefacts of the catmen, such as the Rat
. summon ed Verm in Lord

_.1&. Oiler sac rl.filces

simply refuse to acknowledge the existence of Skaven the Doom of Kav zar have all but disappe s webs of Ogre skuU that had been displayed in a museum in Nuln,
ared rrom , and weave sorcerou .
. . pt consulll(d
at all. Determining anything about Skaven is . or the Clan Skryre rebreather apparatus studied at rhe
_lino � ha O
the Empire, with the last known manuscri ..... the stro nge st wIll ed nught
d W th • 'lt only
al year 2499
�-.,. W'ho .knOWS I'r thiS veil
notoriously difficult: they are primarily a subterranean dunng the Great Fire of Nulo in the Imperi __
wor ks, or to Imperial Engineer's School in Altdorf, have mysteriously
of obscurity
The tale, however, .IS still well known in Tilea
k\'C1 II
race, and usually only come to the surface during their of the Hor ne d Rat., vanished over the years.
. . enshrouds the Chil dren


"Once upon a time, long long ago, Men and Dwarfs lioed At dusk the stranger entered the unfinished templt the rains did not bolder than ever. Their slinking, furred shapes infested
,/dltd into weeks and still
together beneath the roofs of one great city. Some said it bade the manlings to return at midnight. Clouds and each the broken city, feasting on the fallen and pulling down
S"'tpt night the bell tolled thirteen times
was the oldest and greatest city in the world and had ooer the moons, cloaking the temple in darkness os s the city. The manJings the weak. Each midnight the bell tolled thirteen times on
darkness lay acros
---:t ----
existed before the time of the longbeards and manlings, man lings left. All over the city, men watched and to their gods. Still the rains high, seeming now brazen and triumphant. The manlings
and prayed
built by older and wiser hands in the dawn of the world. as the hours slipped past until, near midnight, by onts lived as hunted creatures in their own city as great rat
the black clouds hung like a shroud
1101"'",10' offlattened corn. The manlings went to
The city lay both aboDe and below the earth, in keeping and twos, they gathered again in the temple squart. packs roamed the streets in search ofprey.
with the nature of the populace that dwelt there. The The wind blew and the clouds parted as they gazed up and beseeched their help. The longbeards
Dwarfs ruled in their great halls of stone below ground at the temple. It rose like an unbroken lance . the At fast the desperate man lings took up such weapons as
the 1II1C<,",,,ntd- what matter a little rain on
and wrestled the fruits of the rock free with their day-long sky, pure and white. At its very peak a great "n,",. ".• · 1. tht bosom of the earth all was warm and dry.
they had and beat upon the Dwarfs ' doors, threatening
toil, while the manlings reaped the fields of swaying corn hung gleaming coldly in the moonlight. The stranger's that if they did not emerge they would drag them out by
that surrounded the city with a patchwork blanket ofgold. dedication to the gods was there but of the stranger ..anlings huddled in their dwellings, fear their beards. No reply came from within. The manlings
The sun smiled, men laughed, and eoeryone was happy. there was no sign. at thtir hearts. They sent some of their number took up beams and battered down the doors to reoeal
IO.pl,rcts to seek. help but none of them returned.
..... the tunnels below, dark and empty. Steeling themselves,
One day the men of the city decided that they should The man lings rejoiced that their fathers' fathers' work temple to pray and sacrifice their the pitiful remnants of the city's once-proud populace
give praise to their gods for their good fortune. They was done. They surged forward to enter the templt. _ ...,."ro. to the gods but found its great doors descended. In the ancient hall of kingship they found the
planned a temple such as the world had never seen before. Then, at the stroke of midnight, the great bell began to shut. The rains grew heavier. Dark hailstones Dwarfs, now naught but gnawed bones and scraps of
In the central square a colossal hall would be built and toll, once ... twice... thrice. Slow, heavy waves of sound sky and crushed the sodden crops. The great cloth. And there they saw by the dying light of their
topped with a single, cloud-piercing tower. A tower so rolled across the city. Four... fioe .... six times the btll dtath knell ooer the terrified city. Soon great torches the myriad eyes about them, glittering like liquid
tall it would touch the oery heart of heaven. After much rang, like the torpid pulse of a bronze giant. Seoen ... tht heaoens, rushing down like dark meteors midnight as the rats closed in for the kill.
planning, with the help of the longbeards they set about eight... nine, the tolling of the bell grew louder with homes of the manlings. Many sickened and
their monumental tash. each ring, and the man Jings staggered back from tht no apparent cause, and the newborn babes of The man lings stood back to back and fought for their
temple steps clutching their ears. Ten ... eleoen ... twtlot_ • •IIIi,.gs were hideously twisted. Skulking vermin lives, but against the implacable ferocity and coun tless
Weeks became months and months became years and still thirteen. At the thirteenth stroke lightning split tht _.." ..hnt little stored corn there was left and the numbers of the verminous horde their weapons were
the manlings built. Men grew old and grey working on and thunder echoed the sound. High above, the dark 6tgan to starve. useless. The tide of monstrous rats flo wed over them
that great temple, their sons continuing their work circle of Morrslieb was lit by a bright flash and all ttll one by one, dragging them down to be torn apart,
through summer sun and winter rain. At last, after many
generations, work began on the great spire. Years passed
and the tower reached such a height that the manlings
ominously silent.
:�: ;
. ... ,ing tl,/m went to see the Dwarfs again and this
� � their help. They wanted to bring their folk
: to safety, they wanted food. The longbeards
the yellow chisel-teeth sinking into their soft flesh,
the dark furred mass drowning their pitiful sdeams
with their hideous chittering."
The manlings fled to their beds, frightened and puzzltd
found it ever more difficult to take the stone up to the by the portents they had seen. Next morning they aroU told the manlings that the lower workings
top. Eoentually the work slowed to a crawl and finishing to find that darkness had come to their city. Brooding It fllcrcHltdand their food had also been devoured by Translated from the Tilean tale "The Doom ofKavzar"
the tower seemed impossible. Then one came among the storm clouds reared above the rooftops and such : rtmained barely enough food and shelter for also called "The Curse of Thirteen".
men of the city who offered his help in their great as had neoer been seen before. Black, like ash, the ro'� thtir kinsmen. They cast the manlings out of
�.IO',,. .·ndc/osed their
scheme. He asked a single boon of them in return and fell and puddled in the streets, slicking the cobbles w,th doors tight.
claimed that if they would grant it he would complete the darlr.ly iridescent colours. Andreas Cameras
of the city above each day became more

tower in a single night. The man fings said to themselves,
••• the lost. The man lings despaired and called
Emeritus Professor of Imperial History, The Royal Academy, Altdorf
" hat haoe we to lose?" and offered to make a bargain At first some of the manJings did not worry, they
fl.llth the grey-clad stranger. All he wished was to add his for the rains to stop so that they might resume tht,r the dark gods, whispered the names
own dedication to the gods onto the temple structure. ""1fO,ttn Dot !'on Princes
work. But the rains did not stop, the winds blew ' in the hope of saloation.
The man fings agreed and the bargain was struck. camt - Instead the
and lightning shook the high tower. vermin returned, bigger and
Skaven are creatures of urgency - unless powerfully led Tunnels collapsed, buildings feU, and the
pia·10 sank
and convulsed. The entire undermined
they naturally seek the easiest and most immediacc

, d ground
solutions CO problems. If Skaven pause it is only to geysers of flame erupted from the tOrture
1 he damage was even more devastating as
thc cn .
consider how they can explain their actions to reflect
emanated outwards. As great tidal waves <ray
' pt acro.
most highly upon themselves, or at least how they can "' �'e

. "'''
g energy
better spin the events to disparage against rivals. the seas to the west, m the ast the surgin
orlds Ed
Skaven have no sense of either history or posterity. crashed agamst the underspmes of the W

recto! gt
Amidst the scheming and constant warfare, Skaven seek Mountains, which had already undergone
great achievements during their short lives for their mystical upheaval. Long donnant volcanoes
own personal benefit. Being well remembered has no rekindled to wrath and snow-capped peaks
meaning to a Skaven and yesterday's hero is as easily Lava, earthquakes, and landslides devastated
forgonen as droppings and generally as well regarded. realm of the Dwarf kings. The bearded ones
were tU
prepared for such calamicy, drained as they
were frona
As such, certainties are scant when dealing with their long war with the Elves.
Skaven hiStory. Legend rather than recordings mark
major events. The ratmen do appear regularly in the THE LORDS OF DECAY
recordings of Dwarfs, occasionally in the Elfish tomes, Skavenblight lay under a paU of dust. No bUilding
and sporadically in humankind's histories. The few undamaged, save for the indomitable Temple of the
records maintained by Skaven are produced by Great Horned Rat, which still towered over the ruins
individual clans and are so biased that they serve as Slowly, small knotS of Skaven dug their way out and
propaganda at best. emerged to stare at the devastation they had wrought
A great mass gathered around the temple, none danna
THE FALL & RISE OF SKAVENBLIGHT to enter, although all knew they must seek the .

Litde is known about the earliest Children of the Horned of the Great Horned Rac. Even as they squabbled
Rat after they overran the cicy that was to become the towering edifice, the great doors creaked open
Skavenblight. Perhaps they warred amongst themselves twelve figures emerged, eerily backlit by the mystical
until only the strongest survived? Certainly they bred and lights within the temple.
began seeking more sources of warpstone. Regardless,
it wasn't until around 1600 years before the coming of The twelve grey-clad ratlords spoke with one voice to
Sigmar that the first true Skaven began to emerge out of the assembled multitude. The time had come for the
the black pit of madness beneath the ruined city. Children of the Horned Rat to spread across the
to multiply in the dark places, to gather strength. The
The numbers of Skaven grew rapidly, despite the Great Horned Rat had whispered his plan and it wa.\

starvation and disease already rife in Skavenblight. the Lords of Decay, as they named themselves, who
Pressure mounted to expand the runnels, as the surface were to lead.
world was too dangerous, being full of beasts, Ores and
Goblins, and barbarous human tribes. The nascent It took weeks to excavate back to the tunnels below.
Skaven sorcerers gathered in a grandiose scheme to but when they reached the chamber of the machine.
open great rifts beneath the surface where the ratmen they discovered the seers had (at least partially)
could rule supreme. All their considerable quantities of succeeded. Great cracks led away to blackness, into
warpstone were gathered to power a crude machine. co.untless miles of dank, lightless passages that had
It was hoped (and positively assured) that this arcane been forgotten since the world was young.
device would magnify the spell of the cabal of horned
seers. The power to split rock, boulder, or mountain
was to be at their command.

Deep beneath SkavenbHght the invocation began .

The diabolical device of spinning wheels, whirring
gears, and makeshift power accumulators throbbed
and smoked as it absorbed and magnified raw magic. THE GREAT MIGRATION
The ground shook and the groans of shifting rock The surviving Skaven were divided into twelve pans,
almost drowned out the shrill climax of the chanting each under one of the grey clad Lords of Decay.
seers. High above, the Great Bell of the indomitable remained in SkavenbHght, a few led their follow ers
O the
tower of the Great Horned Rat tolled as the Structure across the oozing plains, but most descended int
swayed and creaked like the mast of a ship at sea. Then, rootS of the world. So the Children of the Horn ed
like a cancer.
for the first time, but far from the last, the great device spread from the depths of the Under-cicy
Sk3 \"en
of the Skaven failed them. Some unknown part of the Never again could a single disaster wipe out the
ingenious, yet imperfect device failed. Catastrophically. race. Within months the ratmen were attacki n g the
With a blinding flash a tidal wave of raw magical power Dwarfs of the Worlds Edge Mountains. Soon enough
was unleashed upon the world. they would be everywhere.

� H;,,0'Y of 'he S!<ave"

cast Nagash's
made madness or oblivio n, the waiting Skaven
forged a blade
c nC) th
slaughter, but the humans feared Nagas e council
them utterly.
remains in(O the warpforges, destroying
h marc wove
Seer s
Ol Cri
u The
on--- e (ro
torture of the catmen. After a century pple Peak. led. Unknown
of cOnfl'l With his death the Undead legions crumb
was a res ...._. o the m
THE COUNCIL OF THIRTEEN Council realised that, at best, the war et tht ...- meta L Clan Skryre
dOO fIl int
olten was averted
� of the world the threat to all life
.IS time that th
. . ou them to the rest
ly that to read
e C ''''' '
Some decades after the Great Migration. the Lords of drammg staIemate. It was at th' -runes so dead the world has ever
go ;added
and the most powerful necromancer
DCCiY formally created the Council of Thirteen to
• C \¥as set
d'r to aIIow
received shambling envoys from Nagas . to the pom mel

..w ,..
h - an known was slain by treachery.
of I
dcVlc of its Wle' Ider and
rule over the SkaVCD. The majority of the Council pact. In return for Skaven aid, Nagash
rO u h the eyes
�:�� (.ounciI
Would th
to sce
)" �
I ;a nel pow er to its bearer.
seats were occupied by the: surviving Lords (now ratmen with w r pstone mined beneath
� .
t he Sk � in lead �

After much deliberation, the Council sheat hed
c:xcl:ptiooally old and wicked. even by SkIveD was val after the loss f
� dK'
agreed. A1lh --..-.
.vas coOl It The Council of Thirteen, in uphea
ou'"gh l he
relay teams . �
_� thr
standards). however the remaioing places were allocated they desired the warpsrone for themselv u Under-\vay using lfie

to control and
es alon . gb its Seerlord, appointed Clan Rikek
. xhaustible and c, ,""
. .
to any ebn lead!:T who was powerful enough to fight Skaven warnors were nOt me led by Warlo rd ?ras , a nsmg
somethin. Nagashizzar. The clan,
shiZZar, the
access to Naga
his way ioto the Council. disposing of a current ruler. was better than notl llng. At least for the time ,
established Itself.
... els t gal'n member of the Council, quickly
tC'C1"tt tunn the dunge ons. Silently
Thus the le.dus of the greatest lairs of the ratme::o ncil crept to enslaved and
re were
The humans of Nagash's empi
tht: cou
.... _- lead casket belore
THE DEATH OF NAGASH the n amounts

strove: ;against onc another. The Lords of Decay wefe: opened
. -befo re-see
th e king and and far away over the follow ing centu ries never
the sword
always twelve in Dumber. being completed symbolically After claw-marking the pact, the Council s ed nblight. aturally
of warpstone flowed back to Skave

ordered all Skaven to maintain a diplomatic
o f Thineen m an
hu ards the
by the Horned Rat. The first order of the Council of Itr*"f' The Decay willed him tow 300 years later a
�,,,," nanc e. Over
distance ,he Clan llikek rose to domi
Thirtecn prohibited the:: study of magic. so only ClaD while they attempted more stealthy methods eYing , die king slalked em

the ates of
� � �
n ly appro ached
s e brash
� rtlOOl-
Skryrc and the: Grey Seers could pursue its usc.
ro USu cowled stran
; ap roac hlOg
the coveted resource. Most efforts failed, but , th dust raised by the , demandtng entry.
Nagashizzar now Fortress Rikek
by no
atop Cripple Peak.
the Skaven had discovered other Significant
Sources ..,.ndt'"
ndc'ad leg on
i s cou Id be seen from
The Clanrat� eager ly swar med out to seize the fool, but
of warpstone. When Nagash sent rotting emissa in fear. Ghouls slunk
ries before they could close they froze
the throne room N
� �
offering the Council more warpstone for luring
tribes into the Cursed Pit, the Council redouble
d their
&he" et:hOi�� � : I kness of
� ering steps the king approa
ched, from the shadows. The figur
ble door s swun
e gestu
g open �
red to th gat s and
. Removtng IS
the impenetra
Dung \l be� fore the .tow
THE LONG WAR OF CRIPPLE PEAK spying efforts to find out what Nagash was planni ering figure. Aided by ing eyes of the Llche
hood, the skeletal face and glow
nt:,1 urglngs, he
ng moment .
.. .. r � me
ck. At the last
...,. �"
Over the next hundred years the Skaven became a stru returned from certatn
Lord were revealed. Nagash had

IJcM t.ord r.u'se
widespread race, but most clans regularly sem
� ._
to war d off the blow. The
At first the scuttling observers could learn little, d ' claw ed in a single OIght.
the Great death and Clan Rikek was crush
c clove Nagash
operatives back to Skavenblighc. So it was that word that che growing armies of the Liche Lord set sail 'S upraised wrist, but
of the discovery of a great suppLy of warpstone travelled
Onto fdI.bbd of his stup or to unle ash a
the Sour Sea in ships of bone. Upon their return the N1l1nCer snapped
out reached Skavenblight the
When the handful of survivors
ncil reeled as they
«adh hl�t :u h's
throughout the newly fonned Under-way. In ancienc ilan t The Cou
ships bore a single prisoner, a human king of so assa
dispatched an army and the fruitless long war

me Coun cil
ent Lords fell
times a huge warpsrone metcor had smashed into onc southern realm. Then something began which the
"",,'t" to prote
ct ,hei; pa� . Two anci of Deca y sought to gle n
of the southernmost of the Worlds Edge Mountains.
The shattered moumain, known as Cripple Peak, still
Council needed no spies to report - a great and terrible­ drad 1.\ the)' helped to defl ect the titanic energy. was reborn anew. The Lords
information, eventually divining that Nagash was still
y �rl
gathering of dark power could be felt over Cripple warpstone was ne
mighty, but not as before. The
1bt human went mad,
housed a motherlode of the darkly magical rock deep Peak.. Mounting storm clouds of energy heralded a hacking at Nagash and at withd rew. Naga sh rema med
exhausted, so the Skave n
within its sundered corc. ents took hold. Soon the
mighty spell intended to reshape the world. the bLtdc'� dcadly enchantm in his stronghold, unassailable,
but toO weak to venture

lay in a thousand .
hard bones of the Liche Lord centunes.
out. So it remained for many long
Over time erosion had carried warpstone dust far, Nightmares stalked the surface world and portents of At, the huma n staggered away , already driven to
rurning the region into a barren and twisted land. doom abounded. The Grey Seers were struck by visiolU
The water of the sea glowed green and was haunted and hurriedly the Council convened at SkavenbUght.
by mutated serpents of alarming size. It was here that Using all the assets available to them, the Council scried
Nagash, the father of necromancy, had chosen to settle. far and wide for clues to Nagash's intentions. To their
Over long years Nagashizzar, the Cursed Pit, largest and shock, far to the south they found it flowing likc a dust}
most evil of fortresses, was constructed. Legions of river of bone. Literally millions upon millions of restlcM
Undead mined the warpstone below Cripple Peak to dead were on the march, answering their summons
Nagashizzar. It was already the mightiest army the world
fuel the Great Necromancer's power, while surviving
human tribes on the surface worshipped Nagash as a had ever seen and more dead were rising to join. Before
god and willingly did his foul biddings. such a host the living world would be snuffed out like a
candle before a black whirlwind.
Initially each Skaven clan greedily attacked Nagashizzar
separately, barely denting the formidable fortress. Then D�ead gripped the Council - surely the Skaven would
the newly formed Council of Thirteen took over, jointly be amongst the first to feel the wrath of Nagash? The
planning the attack. So it was that not one clan but network of spies, observers, and lookouts relayed that
many hordes burst into Nagashizzar, seeking [0 overrun all was silent in Nagashizzar, the Great Necromancer
it from below as they had done already to many Dwarf was in a trance after his monumental undertaking.
mines. But against the minions of Nagash they faced The Council realised they must destroy Nagash before
limitless numbers that never tired. Savage fights in the his rotting legions arrived, but how to confront such
tunnels lasted for days, weeks, and months, but the power? No Skaven could be trusted to master his fear.
Skaven could not wear down their foes. Warlocks of
Clan Skryre arrived to break the deadlock, but from A scheme was suggested. In Nagash's dungeons still
his throne, high above the battle in the mines, Nagash languished the mysterious king. After his long torment,
exerted his will and the Skaven spells briefly flickered it was doubtless that he would relish an opporrunity to
then died. The war of attrition stretched from months destroy the Liche Lord. The man-thing would necd a

to years to decades. weapon mighty enough to harm the Liche Lord. The
weapon would be so lethal that to wield it assured
Desperate to achieve victory, the Skaven struck the certain death. It mattered not, as the unwitting user
lands above, besieging Nagash's human followers. would be unaware that his own life was sapping away.
The cities burned and the streets ran red with The Council unanimously agreed on the plan (a first)

� >1;"0", of 'he Sk.wen

THE RISE OF CLAN PESTILENS carried. Methodically, Clan Pestilens grew p armies of Clan rats, did not. Entire Villages were lost at once and soon the
l'he CouncH
, lundenog > responded with
At this time a new power arose from the jungles of arcane secrets from the ruins over the Centuri
bY some of
es . 'Y the newly developed weaponry dead outnumbered the living. Bands of Flagellants
Luscria. The clan was long forgotten and much changed �upparted
of the cold-blooded reptilian creatures that Iated after wandered the land proclaiming Sigmar's wrath.
sough Several Southland clans capltu
SkrYre > ,
since leaving Skavenblight. They had passed beyond the protect rhe Jung
> Ie were sacrificed in the name
of the ,,( Clan onstratiOn of the Plague Monks power
uthless dem , >
knowledge of the Council of Thirteen, but would one Great Horned Rat. And always Clan Pestilens r resist. In the spring, the Black Plague ' s grip abated somewhat
SOught . d Clan Pesulens the numbers to
thiS rovide
P, cd and the Council of Thirte
day rerum, eager for power. new ways to devote themselves to corruptio en prove d and the Council of Thirteen unleashed the Warlord
'-, \"cars �.lS; Monks to heel, other clans. The tottering remnants of the Empire could not
The name of the clan that was led to the dry deserts of I bringing the Plague
The clan had grown strong and now Lord
Nurglitch IIK"Jpab C O away. The rogue clans either joined stand before the chittering hordes. The depopulated
cIans split
what is now Araby during the Great Migration is no the traditional name for the mightiest of the ' \\word
or mad e war for their own gam. regions of the Empire were overrun. Defenders were
Plague uc Mon ks
longer remembered. How they found the tunnels Plag
lOn the C0
Lords, deemed it was time for his brood to th e all control of the slain and eaten, while crops and livestock were looted.
rerurn. uncil of Thirteen lost
beneath the Great Ocean to the jungle land of the cold·
Y ou,
The pestilent host spent a decade fighting Against the tolling bells of the infernal Skaven war

r-Emp ire >

was sI IpplO g away.
Ie to tIle coast. From
their Wa nd the Unde
blooded ones is unrecorded. Yet the Skaven arose of the Jung
> - ",uthlands a machines, even walled towns were breached with
there, a hastily bUilt
under a temple-city in deepest Lustria. Although the
for ncarIy four
fleet of ramshackle shiP was constructed to ease. The Imperial Army was helpless against the
carry tne hundred years the Skaven remained
faction, led by the Councl'I 0f

rarmen were accus[Qmed to insect-filled swamps, the greater part of Clan Pestllens to the Southlands
. onslaught Only the largest of cities in the south -
where the north
virulent tropical diseases began to take [heir tolL W'hen several fortress lairs were established. EmiSSarie Alcdorf, Nuln, and Averheim - were still standing,
s were south by the Plague Lords. Many
Ilurtccn and the
"pa rt
the clan was reduced to only a few hundred sunriving ' , .
dlns stood " '
sent to Skavenblight where the Lords of Decay , '
,oining Sides With whoever had the while the plague still ran rampant in the north.

I .tld · Plagues, sorcery

members, their fur soaked in cold sweat and their .
upper 1.
convened. Clan Pestilens demanded breeding , and double-crosslOgs
fevered brains wracked by insane visions, the clan was tithes of warpstone, and positions on the Council. in stalemate.
,, but the war remained locked
As expected, the emissaries were summarily butche
visited by an epiphany. If they dedicated their lives to were m > 'e
11u: deadlo
red ck was broke n by the reappearance of
the Great Horned Rat, they would be spared. If they
and the remains cast Out of the City. t clan, for the assassin-ade�ts of Clan
scoured the jungle for victims to sacrifice, the Great lflothcr long-los
f'hin had finally returned from the mystenous Far East.
Horned One's hunger would be appeased. If they grew
to revere the very diseases that were killing them, they
SO it was that Clan Pestilens opened its long-planne s of Clan Eshin pledged
might be born anew. And so Out of darkest desperation, d \\nen the black-clad assassin
offensive against those loyal to the Council of the Council of Thirteen , the heads of
Thirreen. Jllcgiance to
a new breed of Skaven emerged - the zealous Plague
Strongholds and lair-nests were destroyed. Clan ins, and Plague Lords
\\arlords, rebellious Chiefta
was flooded by great cauldrons filled with warpston
Monks of Clan Pestilens.
e themselvcs began to regularly disappear. Support swiftly
mixed with offal and putrescence. The Plague In 1 1 15, the incompetent Emperor Boris Goldgather
The Sk.1Ven that rose out of the crumbling temple.cit y
Monks crod(.'d for Clan Pestilens. Realising their position was
used great bellows to ensure all the caverns were
filled ht."COming unlenable, the Plague Lords requested a fell to the plague. Ironically, the little-loved leader was
were hideous, covered i n weeping buboes, their pox­
with the noxious fumes. Only Lord Merkit and his
parlcy. Aftcr surviving several assassination attempts on one of the last human victims, the disease having run
ridden bodies toughened by the very diseases they
bodyguard escaped hideous death or enslavement. its course. Yet over three·quarters of the population
the way to Skavenblight, their representative, Nurglitch,
Jba.-.cd himself at the Great 'Iemple of the Horned Rat was destroyed. Skaven armies marched openly across
Jnd unreservedly placed the resources of his clan at the ReikJand, Averiand, Wissenland and Talabecland.
dl'JXbal of the Council of Thirteen. Furthermore, he The few surviving cities were now faced with starvation.
Infomwd them all that he was carrying a vial of Yellow
"kull Fcvcr and further attempts on his life would leave Over the next seven years the Skaven began systematically
him no option but to release the contagion there in the enslaving tile human settlements. Swarms of Clanrats
H;ry hean of Skavenblight. would surround a farm or village, set fire to it, and
caprure any who fled. Long, shuffling columns were led
rhus were Clan Pestilens welcomed back and the Arch· to slave·pits constructed amidst tile ruins of Ubersreik
Plague Lord Nurglitch earned the right to a trial by and Pfeildorf in Wissenland, The fortunate worked above
combat. Although it was a near thing, the Plague Lord ground growing food for the ratmen, but most were sent
tocd a poisonous bite to defeat his opponent - Lord below to the mines of the Under·Empire, doomed never
V;tSk. the most vulnerable member of the Warlord clans to see the sun ag.1.in.
on the Council. So Clan Pestilens joined dle Council as
the sc cmh seat, plaCing its resources at the disposal of As slaves and booty were stripped from the Empire,
the l.ords of Decay. the status of Clan Pestilens rose. Even the other Lords
of Decay, try as they might, could not deny the potency
THE BlACK PlAGUE of the Black Plague. The Plague Lords pressed their
In the winter of the advantage and supplanted two of the Lords of Decay.
dt....·e1oped by Clan Pestilens
year 1 1 1 1 a new strain of disease
was delivered by Clan Thus Clan Pestilens secured an unprecedented (and
F_\hin adepts into the
wells and sewers of many cities of worrisome) three positions on the Council of Thirteen.
Ihe Empire. The
scourge spread like wildfire. The first
\Igns of infecti
Skaven armies marched intO the untouched province
�? �
on were ominous blotches on the skin,
wed by swelling of joints and agonising fever. of Sylvania, searching for the meteors that were seen
Ictlms could last
from minutes to a few weeks before to land in that benighted land. To their dismay,
Ihc disrurbing
final stages, when the afflicted writhed in the ratmen encountered plague.slain Zombies and
for torturous hours. The lucky died quickly, packs of Ghouls. After several major battles for little
.nd >m death the
corpse turned a dark ashen grey. gain, the Skaven withdrew from Sylvania to find

�e plague began
Simultaneously in the cities of Nuln,
easier prey.

tdorf, and fortress­

Talabheim . The trade routes, the roads and [n 1 1 18 Middenheim came under siege. The

' ' heIped the illness spread swiftly. Towns shut of Ulricsberg prove d difficu lt to crack.
city ato the rock
th lr g d off defenders
CIOScd Its
ates against the many
C refugees. Middenheim Although Jezzail teams relentlessly picke
the sewers

ucts and avoided the Plague, but others and raidin g parties infiltrated
from the walls

Hi"o')' of the Sbvcn liistory of the Skavcn

and broke into the city several times
, all the Skaven
Over the next 25 years the
advances were destroyed before
they could be
exploited. It was Elector Count Mand rapidly than the Lords of
man-thingS eco : vered
Illo� L WAR leading the incantation, the very air seemed to twist
Decay though . COND CIVI and a distant ominous cracking could be heard.
champloned the defence, leading from
red who Under Emperor Mandre .
d' s dynam lc rUle
filE SEdisastrOtl5 failure of the Red Pox, many of the
ed The Grey Seers picked up the chant and amplified the
atop the towns Vier thC the Plague Lords be oust
battlements or down in the labyr
rebUI-lt, Iand was resettled
and refugees re' were
.. of y demanded
inth sewers wherever
Even worse , Mandred ' turned. .....ot Deca of Thirteen. After months of intense
sound. The intensity rose as they began the sacrifices.
the fighting was fiercest. Befor
e the defende s co Id be
; ordered a cons
tant guard , Ihe Cou ncl il, bribery, threats and
"' blac kma
w rn dOwn, disaster struck. The ratmen, creati g organi agai "" I mal10CUvring,
? Skaven were str ck � sations such as the Osj ordered . One by one, 169 slaves died in increasing agony, the
wtt� th lC, � [0 halt further mcursio
ns. In the Und
S wer
� \'(rate, .
J",liuca . , a vote of the full Council was
: own pestilence, their numbers rapidly er-EmpIre .1""'-....if13Uon
. last dying to the torments of the Seerlord himself. Their
PredKte d sIave revolt did occu ' th e
dWIndlIng. The carmen established I ng . th squeals of fear and pain reached out to the bowels of
a hidden stronghold Wi further Pestilens attempted to
. Outbreaks of the Black the vote Clan . .
deep under Mlddenheim befor ��
Plagu e t a °destroyed e . h d l 0f creation where the Horned Rat gnawed on the roots of
e Withdrawing. "
cians (SUSPICiOusly, man ntlfe on ( e O )' decl aring the eXlstlOg Lords 0f Decay ro
y thought) . rLC controI, . reason. The Great Bell tolled as the brOOding skies
h ern.

rose up With t
'" . y Warlord clans
This was the rur ng point, for
�i he hercl lcs Man
. lashed chains of lightning to illuminate the scene. Again
across dIe Empire the
The C unci1 of Thineen . I ' out between the albino guards of the
unbeatable vermmoUS multitude
. � convened at Sk . b ke and again rang the unholy bell, so impossibly loud that
bedraggIed mass. Mandred rallie
s transfonned -nto a
recrlmmations flew betw
venbhght and
t g
.1W1I1� of�le Horned Rat, the Plag
ue Monks and
d the survivin IEleC[Qr
� een the PIague ords
and the 1Cn1P ut Skav enb light. Anarchy ruled it drowned out the sound of chanting and thunder
rest of the Council. The chro ugho
Counts and led the anri-Skav I C clans
,uunt SS '
en crusade As rherr Own re were many comp . alike. After the thirteenth roll the bell stopped, bur its
ensatlon . n5 gained and subs
equently lost control.
plague raged through their
ranks, the ra-trnen were
demands from disease-
' ns of assassin
ridden cIans and
.I." facll hellish reverberations could still be felt.
de£cared 10
" battle after battle . A Ska ation attempts were
ven COunter-attack I eIIed. an uprising and
' ventual1y, a decision was . . had long foreseen such
knOwn as the Battle of the How made [0 delay all Uln S L�. ,.,re -
- aI WlZardry In the sudden quiet the Seerlord opened his jaws
dJ[ch effort. The ploy almo
ling Hills w th · I
ast­ impl.re operations, save
for a single act of

. - hed
unI e3.S
thei r own -
0ffienSiVe �
and screeched, emitting a cloud of dark vapour that
beheaded the Great Warlord
st worked unt l M nd e
i � �� vengeance.
um ron1cd
the rabid P 1agu e M on- ks 10 t1le sprawI-109
Vrnnik: of Clan Mors
. !kit Claw was promoted ro Chief poured endlessly up until it plumed ro the height of
A Clan Eshin Assassin bro ruins
(a ember of the Council
� of Thirteen) . All Skaven ke into the palace IUnnt:15 ,and .
the rower itself. A great claw reached out and ripped
hope and slew was he who led the charge, ostenSibly ro
of VIctOry was lost. By 1124 .
Emperor Mandred. Fals
e evidence f \\Jrlock and it
the ratffien were dnven the very curtain of reality. Now a shape, blacker than
below uta
� \� m atroCity Within weeks Clan Skryre rook command
ground and COUnt Mandred
Skaven SIayer, wh0
was left before the agent
escaped i to n:'�IOrc order. black, could be seen amidst the vapours. Two blood-red
wore To this day sch0Iars la . sewers. Ie m pl e of the Horned Rat. With Jezzail teams
Vrnuik's skull on his heI m , was proclaun . . ed to connect
the Black PIag uf Ihe ' .
eyes as wide as castle gates stared out As one the
ce covered
ed Emperor.
the Skaven IOcurSion and ue,
cn�onced in [he bell rower and every encran
the murder Of tle
1 EmperOr. Skaven fell prostrate, pressing their muzzles to the dirt.
Over time ' iC weapo nry , all c�unter-arracks were rep�lsed.
The Skaven were [00 dep Skaven were dism' b) diabol
leted b dl' ease and
Continue fighting. They had � � war [0 Empire and within Cen I
d : � at to the
Lord Morskirrar declare
d himself ruler of Skavenbhght Some dropped dead as their hearts burst.
caPt re turies ::� � �
at a
man slaves about re-esta blish a Council (beneath his
during the campaign that the ratmen became so
enshrouded in myth Jnd soughl to
revolt. So the Council
the Lords o t�
ec �
�ared a men now refuse to beli
eve in their existence a
t any
mighty rule) but it was too late. Fighting had
spread The silhouette of curving horns could be seen as the
decided to build up �h � :;; none could stop it. great claw reached out and leisurely scooped up a
strength before another
elr Ihrough the Under-Empire and
assault, but I-t was not
to be. score of squealing Skaven. Yellow-fanged jaws flashed
as the Great Horned Rat consumed them. The gaze
existed and
For years the Plague Lord so it went for 400 years. Dozens of factions
s on the Council of Thir allegiance. of the Horned One swept over his quailing children
were outmanoeuvred
teen Ihe war was marked by constant shifts of
and forced to adopt a and he reached out again and again. When the paw last
diffi headed a
a Proach. In �lace of dire Clan Pestilens, Skryre, and Moulder each
ct attack, the Lords of �:�: withdrew, a glowing pillar of purest warpstone was
c Ose to rebudd their stre powerful faction with Clan Eshin remaining neutral
ngth while using Clan revealed. It had 13 sides, each marked by 13 blocks of
Esh m'Y and hiring out its deadly expertise to the highest
o bri g narchY through
� assaSSination and
bidder. It was during these centuries that Clan Skryre glowing runes. These runes contained the unholy
i i
the Tilea ::�r��:��: �� ��:
e e
an crusades to Ara y and

Ples of such campatgns
transformed their nest-lair in Skavenblight. Infernal verminous commandments of ruination and the
dictates of rulership, along with prophecies of the
instigated beh' d the scen devices and engines of destruction were assembled
es by nefarious plotting Great Ascendancy.
. . Alas, on a level preViously undreamt. It was with this newly
no laSting viCt were achleved using such
inSidious developed apparatus that lkit Claw detected the rising
methods and so h
t a n ed in tide of Dark Magic that preceded the Great Chaos Then the Horned Rat whispered to the assembled
� � :� :�� :r�:�;�::�;;:::
!,ers�adi g the C U
mvaSlon mto the human
I ro i
Invasion. So it was that Lord Morskittar was prepared horde with the voice of a million scratching and
realms. gnawing rats. He told them their wars amused him, but
when the Grey Seers declared their intentions.
they must cease. The Skaven must spread corruption in
i�g tO repeat the early Succ
� ess wrought upon the THE order ro inherit the world and assure his full return. He
h d
d to the sewers of As vast Chaos armies built up in the north, portents demanded the reformation of the Council of Thirteen
��:�� � :� �:���!�:;:: ��
theP n i ci
l a abounded - Morrslieb hung low and showers of and promised that al1 must obey their commands or
t e POpulation, but Baro
n' Gis
�::�����: meteors rained from the skies. The Grey Seers visited feel his wrath. Only his favoured could toUl,:h the pillar
���: �! �
r t o a nt This act for its every Skaven stronghold up and down the Under-way. and thus only his chosen ones could join the Council.
deplorable� !� � 1� ;:� ��J, �: ��
/ i l
. �
the contagion. They gave a Single ultimatum - be at the annual feast of With that the awesome presence withdrew into the
Vermintide or suffer the wrath of the Great Horned Rat. netherworld, the crack narrowing and sealing behind
�� : a sau!t was launched a
quarter of a century The Grey Seers planned to invoke the Great Horned
r as they
a ern Tilea Iossomed
� One himself in an effort ro end the war between clans. The musk of fear hung heavy over the survivors
���: ������� ���;��:
with a viru
o . Once agam rhe blinked at the black pillar and reassure d themsel ves
CounciI let the d'lsease and was
ravage and d I e he Some clans feared a trap and so sent representatives, that the Horned One had really been there
region before signallin the pillar.
g the Skaven
:;::�� ;� � i bur none dared to stay away altogether. On the eve of really gone. Lord Rakin was the first to much
t e
surface At first nothin remained.
cOUId stop the ravening Vermintide each lord or agent arrived in Skavenblight. He burne d with black fire until only ashes

and ma'ny towns and v1l1age hordes
d their claims m
s were burned. The Citie
s of For only the second time in their history a member of Over the long night no few relinquishe
Brionne and Quenell
the combined forces
�; r esieged. However, each clan gathered a[ the foot of the Temple of the the Council rathe r than face the test, but many more
�� ����: � lived. Each of the Lords
a�ravon and the Great Horned Rat. An atmosphere of fearful expectation touched the pillar. Only twelve
Wood Elves of Athel Lore . of dark power, truly
n arriv d m tll to break the could be smelt upon the assembly as the temple doors of Decay was imbued with an aura
siege and soundly defeat t Horn ed Rat. From that day,
the Sk ven at
: : e Battle of SWUng open and the full order of 169 Grey Seers filed the blessing of the Grea
Remarche And ined unchanged. Many
nother arrempt to Subju
. gate the out. The Seerlord Kritislik was last of the thirteen the Council of Thirceen has rema
man-thing und
� =� �
t lr n Jaw of Skaven
� touched [he pillar, some have survived, but
� rule ended thirteens and carried with him a great skin-bound book, Skaven have
in ignominy and pa : ing Lord s of Decay.
O H -P°tntmg. which he set upon an iron lectern. As he squeaked, none have defeated the exist
ISIOr)' of the Skaven

Hi,w,>, or,hc ",,,n �

THE WAR BENEATH THE WORLD and reassembling the larger engine of war such as a
'fbc p""'-c .<
With above ground assaults by Ores and pfire Thrower could melt
w % 1IU I but po
Gobl' rtable War
Screaming Bell or a Plague Furnace is arduous, but has
The Skaven have fought with the Dwarf.things since Iunng the greenskins into attacking at the
righ t ' so it had no probIems
nforced gates,

� .. "" «!Omn . f sI1 'eldwalls that formed in fron

b �Iact 'I rei proven devastating in the high arched halls of the
.... "
I)\ 'r
their passageways first intersected each other deep time to aid the ratmen. Beset from above t of

� the
underground. What the first Skaven thought when their the Dwarfs lost mine after mine, hold after
1 d, b ut su'11 Dwartholds. To be a Dwarf in such times is to be
ded-things gave groun
hOld o�·. u.dlnll
.... . . The bear , besieged. Although many of that proud race still seek to
crude picks broke into the ornately hewn Dwarfholds is baJTlcrs. lock Engmeers
m'" held 0
the War
- Jt was the n
THE FALL OF n . reclaim their lost realm of old, many feel it is ambitious
nO[ recorded, but the races have been at war ever since. EIGHT PEAKs ck
. wind a deadly gas atta
.. the pOISOned ' .
just to maintain their current strongholds.
Although forced to relinqUish many settleme .e._I dc plo) Cd Neither armour nor stoiC
Owarf ever Imagme
' nts, no ..- Iethal
d highly
f'I"'\'C n eaUId combat the fumes. Althoug
The Dwarfs of old established an everlasting realm, " ,
h still
' '
d Iosmg the glorious and p
with a dc1Cr11lIf\J(o
And so more of the Dwarf kingdom continues to be
-r OlS 0f .
carved out of living rock and connected via the Ungdrin, Karak Eight Peaks - a City and stronghOld I hing could slow the
Level by level, ha.11 by
casualties not
h ,n le gnawed away. Karak lzril was plundered and its ruined
.� "'k Skaven advance ·
their remarkable underground highway. This golden age network of mines. By the time Skaven tunnels ' hall,
were uraz
halls left to the greenskins. The mines of Grim-D
mgs o( ant'1('&u .
of Dwarfs has long since ended, shattered in large parr
found deep underneath the lowest mine rfs, mlgh �
Work' l catmen. Many Dwa
tM)ld fell to he . s,
by the unrelenting actacks of the Skaven. Soon after Og in the Grey Mountains were taken by Clan Morbidu
Karak Eight Peaks, underground warfare had . artisans alike, died agoOlsl
and unnV:llied however the plagues unleashed there were so virulent
unprecedented earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, fhe Dwarfs w

ere now fuHy aware of rhe Skave . the world. After weII

n and pltCh black ben the

the Skaven assaults began. The first major hold to be moved to counter each new threat. Sturdy In lhe r and constant warfare, that the caverns proved uninhabitable even after
resistance and half of bitte

er J (entury swollen Dwarfs were removed. It is rumou red that
from belOl
lost was Karak Varn. With the lower levels already
the U"It fcw hu n(re
was no longer enough and invasions, even i Dwa rfs fled Karak Eight Peaks.
flooding, the hold came under attack by Night Goblins. were now met with cOuntermines, well-concei Clan Pestilens have now secretively claimed the
ved d
The bearded-things were tenaCiously holding their own traps, and matchless Runesmith-produced anns
until a new foe entered the fray. Using the element of armour. With typical Dwarfen preCision, Miners
complete surprise, me Skaven erupted from the lower way to gromril-encased Ironbreakers that steadf Like jackals surrounding a kill, many clans slink around
on the
mine workings. Dwarfs were used CO fighting the sneaky guarded the narrow points. The circuitous tunne the edges of the Under-way, keeping eager eyes
ls r,
Night Goblins, but the rapid-tunnelling numberless the ratmen broke open to face firing lines of stalw faltering Dwarf kingdom. For the ratmen, howeve
an teS the abandon ed mines
hordes of ratmen came as a nasty shock. Dwarfs with handguns. A vast amount of Skaven there is one clan that domina
and settlements of the Dwarfs - the dreaded Clan
was spent for every gain and yet around each new
beB:! of
In the cramped underground corridors, the superior could be found another weIJ-protected defence. Mors. Since delivering the fatal blow at the City
has ransacke d so many ancient

Skaven numbers could not be fuUy employed. Instead, Pillars the Warlord clan
mansi ns that full legions of Stormvermin now
In thl' uppermost
waves of frontal attacks swarmed hallways, IiteraHy It was then that the embauled Warlord clans sought the
Ilk levels of the Dwarfhold and in
crawling over each other CO strike at the foe. In the guidance of the Council of Thirteen. The Council's pUr. doned city on the surfa ce, the Skav en Dwarf armour. Queek Headtaker, Clan Mors' most
meantime, other troops excavated new tunnels, seeking nun" of the aban active Warlord, has become so audacious as to send
estimated ten generations before completion, but it and Goblins that they them selves
.- b:mlcd the Orcs ed
bearded-things warnings before launching his organis
h.ad fiN
to burst behind or beneath the already sore-pressed guaranteed success. The first step was convincing loa! '
ctic battIe III
coerced into attacking. In a clima
defenders. The Skaven timed their attacks to coincide Orc tribes to stop fighting one another long enough the west quarter, Clan Mors dismantling of yet another Dwarf mine-working.
lhe (cremonial halls of
to assault the Dwarfs on the surface. The next step sealing out the greenskins
taneously crush109
\lIll.&p�d the vaulted roof,
involved slowly poisoning Dwarf wells with warpstone
I",m the desirable levels and simul
... eralrival clans (who were not told of the plan).
This took time to build up toxins slowly, but over the
months the Dwarfs began to weaken, their bodies hnnl) after, the Council of Thirteen approved the
straining to tight the corruption. Giant Rats, purchased ( IJn \1ors claim to make the City of Pillars their
from Clan Moulder, could squirm through cracks 10 tnmghold. And so it remains to this day.
launch sudden attacks, but it was the weaponry of
Clan Skryre that made the largest difference. THE DWARF REALM BESIEGED
Thc rail of onc oftheir largest and most prized
",,'ulcmcnts served notice that the Skaven were unlike
the other threats to the Dwarfen realm. Although Orc
'nbc� uniting to rampage or Chaos invasions were
WAR WITH THE GREEN-THINGS l;lt;ld),smic events, after such attacks the tide of war
Skaveo ';!.Dd greeoskios often benefit from the spoils ,d\\;I)'5 receded and survivors had emerged. The lengthy
of the SAme Dwufhold. but oot in the wildest of "nd "I)'Slem4ltic campaigns of the Skaven threatened to
wupdre.1ms could the two nces be CAlled Allies. dl"'ltroy each and every hold. There was no respite,
B.1Ules between the Children of the Horned RAt and nor an ebb to the endless numbers. Since losing Karak
greenskins ue common. with both sides seeking to hght Peaks there have been attacks under every major
wipe the other out by Any means possible. However. l>warfhold. Once deemed unassailable, even Karaz-a­
as neither side has anything resembling scruples. IUrak, the everlasting stronghold of strongholds, has
alliances of convenieoce can happen when both sides hecn penetrated. Its lowest levels are now sealed with
see an adVAntage. When they CAn. Skaven mAnipulate POwerful runes and under constant guard, for the
.1oy slow-wilted Ore leaders (which is just about all Dwarfs know what waits in the depths below.
of them) into doing all of the dirty work. Such pacts

arc always broken and the only real question is which \1;ncrcver the two races meet me battle for domination
COntinues. With each new
side turns betnyer first. Night Goblins. Although less tu nel invasion or bitterly
contested counter-
brutish th.1o their Orcish cousins. ue shrewd. and attack, the underground warfare has
therefore much tougher opponents in a prolonged war. �OntlOucd to evolve. The Dwarfs, steadily pushed back
Night Goblins io particulu compete with Skaven for h�� the narrow haHways, began defending the grand
Is and caverns. Here vaSt armies formed up, daring
the Skavcn to
the best birs (often old Dwufholds) and so any
Wulord worth his sharp. pointy incisors will do his mass and assault. The Dwarfen shieldwall
tretched unbrok
upmost to sby or ensbve Any Night Goblin tribes en for miles. The Skaven took the bait
.and only after
that get within striking distance of his cbn! suffering repeated massacres did the
l'atmcn adapt
once again. The efforts of dismantling
After the summoning of the Great Horned Rat, the
Grey Seers continued to rush outw
ards from SO it was that the Council ordered many Skaven to
fractious clans, the Warlord and Greater clans alike, Skavenblight, scurrying in all
directions alon begin the long trek to the far side of the world. Gutter
were far more willing [0 assenc [0 the biddings of the g the
Under-way. The horned mage-rat COUNCIL
s bore spec T HE Runners led no less than seven Warlord clans through
Grey Seers. Indeed, now all seemed eager [0 be the first ial Ord
from the Council of Thirteen and e p r '
aDd IabyriDthiDo Th,
�re conVOlu"d
Went in per winding and seldom-used passageways far past the
[0 bow and prostrate themselves under the authority of son tof'\ Skr«1I dlc
coerce the plans and schemes rsbip were hid down by Ihe
into action. The CS of rule Dark Lands. The Lords of Decay commissioned a new
the Council of Thirteen. Many clans competed [0 I
? l1l

lair-nests along the Under-w

-- 111
,.... BI�c.k Pillar of Comma
ay became the lau :est Ral upon the Skaven fleet and the rotting dockyards of the Spineport
supplicate themselves more than the ochers. Open n Hot-'d . ago. It must have been intende d [or
sites of new offensives. The warl
. or� clans of heaved with toiling slaves.
� �S compIe x �nd
__ 1'1'0 tentUt
warfare between clans almost disappeared and once FOul
and Fester Spike all but ceased their cm
intricate as POSSI' ble. O
feuding in _L� �
UIOo r-
again the Children of the Horned Rat began to work
to c�mbine their forces and over
COm' naturally to Skaven �D 11
power the man and plottlng It took years to plan, scout out, and build up a large
towards their true destiny - mastery of the world. .
of Night Goblms that had taken
abode n
the caves
� Stbcaullg
It do
ubtIcss Ihe
. '
Great ODe draws endless �muscments
enough force, but at long last the High Elf fortress at
riddling the Vaults . Clan Pestilens, he
0f the Lords of Decay as Ihey
lrom I the Gates of Calith was attacked from both land and

supported by
The always teeming population of the Skaven had been Cl .
Septik, led the attacks out of Putr rnst and lurn
' his convoluted laws.
id Swamp that sea. Issuing out of tunnels a seething mass Of Skaven

held in check for nearly five centuries by the civil war. many prisoners from the villages
of Wissenland,

too .
advanced on a wide front towards the indomitable
To grow again, the Lords of Decay looked to s[Op the in tht
southern part of the Empire. Many The posillon
command a desc.ending
' s on lhe Council
successes were twelfth places (the Elven fortress. The Skaven were led by the Grey Seer
clans from endlessly enslaving each other and instead, boastfully reported [0 the capit otdcr of preted .
first and
al before the pesti Lurkwoal, mounted atop a Screaming Bell, whIch was
turn their beady eyes to other lands. Coordinated by lent h"' do [ I
host was driven back undergrou nghl aDd leh a
h e Horned Rat) arc the most
nd by a large army already causing the walls to splinter and crack. The ,
the Grey Seers, a number of towns and villages that marched out of Nuln The Coun suts and lhe S""th " and seventh places arc the
. cil's orders had ramshackle fleet induded perhaps half of the Skaven s
bordered the Blighted Marshes began [0 disappear. d
specific - scavenge along the edge 1__.. However. ,oy
Le of Decay can abstain and by
s, but that was total vessels, and many of the ships housed complex
Some of the human settlements were left in burnt
The time was not ripe for full-scale
man d from his oppOSit ' e number.

assault. machineries of destruction on their superstructures.

doIns vtlO � (Om °

ruins, others ravaged by foul and mysterious plagues Heoce. lord Kritislik.
the Sttrlord. can (and so
that struck suddenly and left no survivors. In some Dr1y docs) vetO the
10 .
From the Black Chasm and othe
orders of Lord Morsktttar.
r lesser strongho Ihe For their part, the High Elf garrison guarding the Gates
cases a [Own might be plucked clean of citizens, but lds
many attacks were levelled at smal .
This means Ih�t
Lord-WatIcck 0f Clan Skryre.
l [Owns on both of Calith were totally surprised - but they were highly
the l
left otherwise unmolested. These strange 'ghost towns' Lor of Deca often
Empire and the Bretonnian side ds
ntCd the he p of ot h ers to s�t
of the Grey MOunlaifb. trained warriors far from their home, and well-used to
were a wonder to travellers and caused much rumour
as the Council hoped to drive a spike lbear schemcs Irn motion Thus . .
Ihe circle of maze-lIke
between the the lightning raids of their own twisted kin. T�ey had

and speculation, but noc nearly as much as the great Plot$ contl°nUCS. 'Dcouragi .

alliance of those two great nations.

Dg ever-shtf tmg dynamlCs.
been caught unawares, but not unprepared �o an Elf,
holes. A few villages were simply consumed, swallowed kou,kmJl°1. bnObcry. ,nd all manner of (orruptto :
they defended the walls. Their fleet, not walt1l1g to be
whole by miles-wide sinkholes. Searchers could, from AJsas$lIulion ,ttempts amongst the Lords of Decay
blockaded and besieged, sailed out from under arched
arc (OftSlOdtred rath,r crude· but art DOt unheard
the edge of the vast craters, see broken timbers and After long years of building up
strength underneath gates to meet the foe upon the seas.
smashed remnants in the darkness far below. the
cities of the Empire, the Skaven once
h as ore IOk l eIy tbaI the lower clans or even outSt'de
again brought
urn wlil �
full-scale war to Imperial lands. A
klDgdoms will be manipulated. �hlc.h ID
campaign of The fortress walls were breached and through these
manipulation and bribery culm
aUcCl the �clions of the Councd of ThlrttCn.
inated in open war in gaps Lurkwoal ordered his Hell Pit AbominatiO�s.
Nuln. It had long ago been disco
vered that man-things The lurching horrors had caused untold casualues
could be bribed or blackmailed intO
aiding the Skaven and eaten many slaves on the long trip through the
Many key indiViduals, the most impor
tant of which "'M Under-way, but now they were unleashed in their fury.
the Chief Magistrate of Nuln, had been Mighty fists swept the Elf-things aside and the mutated
Skaven scheme that hoped to spark
another civil war in \lthough there were setbacks and chittering debate beasts crushed many more underneath their formidable
the Empire. Unfortunate interferenc .
e led to the plot's u\er policies and timings, everything was gOll1g bulk. Despite the hail of arrows that rained from the
untimely unravelling and, in an impet battlements, thousands of Clanrat warriors followed
uous rage, a .I«ording to the plan. Far from the light of the world, .
vengeance-attack was launched again through the gaping holes. There they were pitted
st the ciry. the clans were all growing in strength and power.
against the steel-eyed martial prowess of the Elves . �ew
Grey Seer Thanquol masterminded
the Skaven battle fhe Dwarfs were dying; the cold-blooded things were crearures can rival a Skaven for speed, but the Elf-thtOgs
plan, which included troops from .
rhe four Greater no threat, having been almost beaten once by just a were not found wanting. Locking shields, a th1l1 white
clans and several Warlord clans. The
attackers infiltrated 'lOgiC clan. The Skaven held the green-things in toO line of warriors advanced to hold the swarming Skaven
. through the sewers and succeeded
in destroying close much contempt to give them any concern. The lands from the final gates guarding the innermost fortress.
to half the City. Clanrats emerged in
a nigh-unstoppablt of Ihe man-things were riddled beneath with a growing It was then that disaster struck the verminous host.
surge, packs of savage Rat Ogres rampa horde of verminkin awaiting the orders to attack. The
ged through the
cobblestone streets and Stormvermi
n almost caprured man-beasts were unworthy of attention. The men of the The Elf fleet, having sunk the entirety of itS ramsh�ckle
the Countess EmmanueUe. Several
of the Council of nonh that worshipped the Dark Gods were fearsome, adversary, returned to pour broadsides of boLtfire 1I1t�
Thirteen were furiOUS with the attack .
, feeling it was hut thc Council knew how to deal the massing Skaven. The last Abomination fell twltch1l1g
with their kind. Who
launched prematurely to the Great then would dare to stand before
Plan. Many more the Great Ascension? spasmodically to the ground. The Skaven, so dose to a
were upset with the attack's ultim .
ate failure. Seerlord victorious feast, instead began to melt away, wavenng
Kritislik was quick to point out that But Lord Verminki
during the action a n the Packlord of Clan Moulder and and breaking from the storm of bolts and arrowS
piercing their ranks . The resolute Elven Spearmennk.s
rebellious Warlord clan was all but he-who-is-eleventh
eradicated. The �ccused Clan Eshin and the rest of
attack also showed that the veil of secrec the Council of
y was having cowardice and avoidance against the Elf­ charged and Grey Seer Lurkwoat only escap�d t�a
some effect over the lands of the Empir things. The N
e. Despite a ightlord of Clan Eshin, Lord Sneek, spoke, to the timely resurrection of a Hell Pit AbomtOatl�n,
proporcion of the city in smoking ruin his reedy whispe
and many r-squeak menacing and cold. He spoke which staggered back up, roared with a �o�s���
casualties, the majority of the popu of failures that v s
lation still refused to were not the fault of his clan. He told of voices and crashed into the rear of the Hlg
believe that Skaven existed. Even the inability was Iefr be'h'tod .
Imperial soldiers who to penetrate magical defences, of creatures Only ; trail of splintered gear and dead
fought the rarmen in close quarters that could fe
were persuaded el the presence of Clan Eshin's best. He
that it was a mutant uprising or anoth 'poke of run-in by static
er Beastmen s at trading ports and in the Far East. Although the message was broken up '
attack. By retrieving their dead and He spoke of by Farsqueaker h IS
other cover-up a lone sea-fortress on the southern tip of interference, Lurkwoat reported
actions by Clan Eshin, the Skave Calhay. With . cil before
n ensured they remain the right support, perhaps it would be 'near success' to the dlsappotnted Coun
a shadowy threat to all but the best to Start I
keenest of minds. there, far from the Elf.thing's power base? beginning the long trek home to Skave

History of the Sk.-tvcn

defeats all corners to boarded. The search by the Sea Guard turns into a

Krricht Dwarf·slicer
) 1 25 \xwlord arlord of Clan Mars. battle. Rumours persist that several ratmen escaped the
new W
become lhe ship, leaping overboard and disappearing into the city.
n by
Mandred Rat Slayer is slai
The E"l Pcror
1 1 52
2387 Prince Karsten of \Valdenhof employs Skaven to
'lruk 0f CIan
Unburdened by the weight of history, the Skaven enshrine no accounts of great deeds, tragedies, or of the Counci l
Eshin by order
inventions. Some clans keep records, but these are solely hyperbole, excuses, or apportioned blame. undermine the walls of the invincible Castle Siegfried
sorcerer, in Sylvania. When refused their warpstone payment,
Thus, this brief outline of the Under-Empire's momentous events has been compiJed from Dwarf records ffar, a powerful Arabian
and the few remaining Imperial markings Dot destroyed by espionage. The dates are all recorded in the 1 -135 SUItan Ja
, , .
I er a
the Skaven steal all the children of \Valdenhof.
"elm. logell
lition of des ert tnb es (and
, coa .
Imperial Year and many (c) are best guesses, as accurate dating for such an anarchic race is impossible. allie s it is said ) and carves out a
dacmonic '
'ummons 2473 to present The Dwarfs return to Karak Eight
for the Sultan and
Im. The Skaven spy
,tJ;lblc re a
for warpstone. Peaks under King Belegar, descendant of King Lunn.
ANCIENT HISTORY -701 Battle for Karak Eight Peaks. The Book of rivals in exc han ge
Grudges records that Miners in first break into a SkaVet
murder many They capture several levels and join the ongoing battles
c-2500-2000 The ancient cicy that later becomes

. 'r is
c·I ....8 Jalfu
lia and for the upper levels against both Clan Mors and the
Skavenblight is occupied by men and rapidly built to tunnel. The Dwarfs are shocked to discover the extent man ipulated into invading Esta
' Night Goblins of the Crooked Moon tribe.
become the most populaccd human city in the Old of the Skaven burrows beneath them. A terrible and This begins the Araby crusades by th e
CJptures Magritta .
bly Bretonl1la and
\Vorld. The city is known to have traded with many of bitterly fought underground war begins.
huma.n rea Irns of the Old World' nota .
e. c2480 Throt the Unclean returns from the Chaos
the wandering Dwarf clans from the Black Mountains. rust and anarchy are spread Wid
the Empire. Dist Wastes with a captured Blindwrym.
-513 The Dwarfs record that Karak Eight Peaks falls as
overrun by Skaven
c�1860 Construction of the great temple begins and )(jng Lunn orders the last survivors of the fierce battle
1 563 The Tile�lIl city of 1'bbaro is 2491 The deadly artefact known as the Skaven Black
goes on continuously for at least a century. to seal the tombs, armouries, and treasure holds, and gh the ancient Elf·carved tunnels that
brcaking in throu
break ou[ tOwards Karaz-a·K,'lrak Arc is stolen from Skavenblight but recovered at the
nddlc the cliff.
c-1780 The temple is completed and cOincides with Battle of the Monastery of La Maisontaal in Bretonnia.

great flares from Morrslieb. Many meteors are Sighted. c-500 to c-300 The Skaven battJe the greenskin hordf$ 1 565 lobaro is recaptured by a mercenary army
Within a year the city is overrun by a tide of vermin of for domination of Karak Eight Peaks, or the City of mUl,lcred by the Prince of Tobaro, reinforced by a 2498 The Battle of the Jaws. Tipped off by Skaven
unusual size and viciousness. Pillars as it is renamed. The top levels and ruined city t:ontingcnt of I'ligh Elves from Ulthuan. spies, Goblin Warlord Skarsnik ambushes a Dwarf army.

are cleared of Orcs and Goblins by around -300.

c�1600 The Skaven emerge as masters of Skavenblight. I �86 Terror of the Red Pox. The Red Pox breaks out 2499 The Battle of Nuln. Half of the great Empire city

c-250 Clan Rictus bribes the Council for exclusive 10 l30rdeleaux in Bretonnia. is destroyed by invading Skaven and ensuing flfes.

-1500 Disaster at Skavenblight. The Great Machine rights to establish a foothold at Crookback Mountain
of the Seer Order explodes. The Slann, ignorant of the the underground gateway to the Dark Lands. 1812 Brctonnia and northern Tilea are ravaged by Red
newly emerged race, registered the energy and attributed Pox Brionne burns to the ground.
it solely to their own powerful spells. To thiS day they c-100 Nagash returns and Clan Rikek is destroyed.
have failed to make any connection. The Great Migration 1813 Skaven armies emerge across Breronnia, but are
out of Skavenblight begins. FROM SIGMAR'S TIME ONWARDS �lUndly beaten by fierce counter·attacks and driven off
17 Three different Imperial records and a tapestry t:nlirt:ly at the Battle of Remarche by Bretonnian and
-1499 Dwarf records from many holds begin to record that, in this year, Sigmar, the man·god of the \\ood Elvcn forces. 2504 Sea Lord Aislinn's Dragonship squadron engages
documem (and curse) their first sightings of ratmen. a ramshackle fleet near the Shifting Isles. Despite the
Empire, destroys an army of ratmen. These accounts
have since been lost and the section of the tapestry e l850 Uprising. The Skaven Under-Empire is mired in foe's arcane machines, the Elves triumph. The Skaven

-1498 The flooded Dwarfhold of Karak Yarn comes JnOlhcr civil war. The Council of Thirteen is broken corpses that wash up on the north-east coast of Ulthuan
dealing with this era has been eaten away by pests.
under full.fledged Skaven attack. Jnd all clans strive for supremacy or simple survival. are gathered and burnt by the shore patrols.

c50 Lord Nurglitch leads the majority of Clan Pestilens

c-1450 The Lord of Decay known as MaLkrit leads Clan e2000 t:w Seerlord Kritislik leads Clan Sccuten away 2513 to present. Towns and forts along both sides of
to the South lands and establishes new strongholds.
Moulder into the Troll Country north of )(jslev where Imm the battles in Skavenblight and establishes the the Grey Mountains begin to disappear due to Skaven

they establish their stronghold that becomes Hell Pit. major wa.rrens beneath Marienburg. attacks. The Empire and Bretonnia suspect each other.
c100 Civil War. Clan Pestilens, long forgotten, makes a
Lord Visktrin is mortally wounded by a Dragon in the Although tensions are raised between the nations, only
dramatic return to Skavenblight and starts a civil war.
Back in Lustria, the remnants of the clan are destroyed e l l SO Ikit Claw completes the great Iron Exo·skeleton border skirmishes have thus far taken place.
after his major lab accident.
Moumains of Mourn but instructs his successor to
establish a colony far to the east - and so what is to or driven out of Lustria, although several key tunnels
c2515 In the Dark Lands Tretch Craventflil begins to
become Clan Eshin passes out of knowledge for a time. and strongholds escape notice.
carve himself a reputation for greatness.

Clan Eshin, the long-lost clan led east in the Gre1I

c-1420 At least one Skaven clan is Sighted in Araby. c500 2302 The Great Summoning. The Grey Seers order
.tll clans to Skavenblight and dare to summon the Great 2518 Lord Throt the Unclean and his army from lieU
Migration, returns from far Cathay haVing developed
I turned Rat. The feuding ends Pit fight Chaos Lord Aelfric Cyenwulf and his barbarian
�1399 Clan Pestilens overruns the ruined city of Quetza and perfected many nefarious skills. as Warlords are terrified
IntO a level of obedience previou force. Cyenwulf later leads his army the opposite way,
and claim it in the name of the Great Horned Rat. They sly unthinkable.
\\arlords GnawdweU, preferring to take on the might of Kislev rather than the
begin a campaign of terror across the jungle. c600 After consuming many Warlord clans, devastating Vrisk lronscratch, Griznekt Man­
carvcr. and Paskrit the mutated beasts of Clan Moulder.
the Southlands and killing a Lord of Decay in ritual vast join the Council of Thirteen.
c-1300 The War Against Nagash. The Long War of combat, Clan Pestilens finaUy place one of their
Plaguelords on the Council, thus ending the civil war.
Cripple Peak is begun against the Undead legions.
l302-2320 Terror in Tllea. Many small towns near the 2520 High Mage Torinubar, Mage Lord of the Gates of
Blighted Marshes are razed or disappear altogether. Calith, is mysteriously slain. None of the typical signs of

Dark Elf outrages can be found.
Skaven warships
c-1200 The treaty of Cripple Peak is marked in blood 1 1 1 1 The Black Plague. A plague strikes the Empire.
' t any
on Dragonhide and the Council of Thirteen enters into are spotted in the Tilean Sea.
Coastal raids begin at this time. The Dwarfs of 2521 Clan Mors Warlord Queek Headtaker is recalled
a pact with Nagash, the Great Necromancer. 1 1 12 to 1124 The Man-things War. The Skaven WIU> Ibeak Varr repo ' .
rt Sinking a Skaven fleet. to the City of Pillars in an attempt to bring an end � o
begin in the Empire. Few Imperial documents mention
aO the ongoing battles there. Elsewhere the copper mll1es
-1197 Nagash is slain by Skaven treachery and his this period, leading many historians to brand it as
2H 5 Follow·109 a warnmg.
ProtcC t l.othern, a
bones melted, save for his hand, which, unknown to from the Elven Mages that of Grim·Duraz in the Grey Mountains become the latest
elaborate hoax (the kind favoured by university
the Council of Thirteen, crawls away to safety. TBean vesse l is stopped and Dwarf holdings to fall under Skaven control.
students with too much with time on their hands) .
Sk:l\'cn 'Iimdinc
Skaven Timclinc
tbJs secbO n you will f'md information and rules for all the different warriors,
-a,eas·IS, h eroes, monsters and war macbines used m . a Skaven army.

J 'ECaIAL special rule that IS explam � m. rhe
�' lI
"" e The following weapons and upgrades are common
model has a , only the name of the rule IS given . amongst the leaders and commanders of a Skaven
-.a..mmcr ruIcbook .
----- 1), the(e
en army and so may be purchased by character and
arc some commonly recurrmg Skav

� c5 tha ! arc detailed below. champion models as described in the army list (page
97 to 106). The same item may be purchased by more
'he who than one model in the army. Unless otherw\se noted,
, . " hc Skaven embody (he adage
another day!' All models i the

......" way.·
fight these weapons are not magical.
lives to
ftIIU n aM)' add + 1 [0 the total
rolled to determme

* dJ)tance they
flee. WARPMUSKET ... . . . 15 points
A wmpmusket is a rifle built along tbe same lines as
Jllh in Numbers : Skaven are not brave by
nature, tbe warplock jezzail, althougb 110t as long of barrel.
::: , lake courage from being
in large packs f their
army add thelf A warpmusket is a move or fire weapon that has a
Iond. All units in the Skaven
:':'nl rank bonus to their Leadership value for any
lr.Kk�hi p-bascd test.
range of 24" and is Strength 5. A warpmusket is
Armour Piercing, uses Unstable Ammunition (see
page 65), and is a Warpstone Weapon.
1b ca.lcul:uc lhe Leadership of a unit with the Strength
in umbers rule, first determine the unit's Leadership POISONED ATTACKS . ... 15 pOints
normal and then add the rank bonus of the unit to Tbe fine powders and unctuous lotions purcbased
th� \-alue, up 10 a maximum Leadership of 10.

from Clan h'Sbin can turn a scratch into a deathblow.

For eXlImple, a 15 model.strong unit of Clanrats (Ld 5) All close combat auacks made by the model count as
d",lo)'l!(J ill tbree ranks offlve would receive a +2 Poisoned Attacks. This will affect a tail weapon, but
rrlnIl bo"us for a total Leadership of 7. If a Cbieftain not any magic weapons or a Rat Hound Bodyguard.
(Ld 6) led tbe unit, the value would go up to a
uadLorsb;p of8. Ifthe unit. was within a 12" range TAIL WEAPON . . . 8 points
of a rc'arlord tbat was the Skaven General (Ld 7), This could be a mechanical Clan. Skryre attachment
lbe WIlt would go up to Leadership 9. or a'n evolved mutation, tbe results are the same -
another appendage Wielding a weapon.
ore Iha! a Skaven General confers his basic Leadership
and Ihen units modify it with their own rank bonus. A model with this additional blade, spike or mace can
An}' bonus from the ranks of the General's unit is not make an additional 53 Attack at the user's WS and
paMCd on to units within 12". Initiative. It can be used in addition to other auacks
including an additional hand weapon or even a magic
If for any reason a Skaven unit loses its rank bonus, weapon, although it gains no magical properties.
il al� loses its Leadership bonus. For instance, fleeing
unirs do not have a rank bonus, so fleeing Skaven must WARPLOCK PISTOL. . 8 points
U!iC (heir basic Leadership. 17Je puny pistols of otber races pale in cor!lparison. to
tbe Wadock Engineer's constructions.
Vcnninous Valour: Skaven characters with this rule
can refuse a challenge with no loss of honour. Other A warplock pistol follows the rules for pistols except
races sec such acts as cowardly, but Skaven view a that it has a range of 10". A warplock pistol is Armour
commander scampering to safety and dooming those Piercing, uses Unstable Ammunition (see page 65),
underneath him as a leader's natural right. and is a Warpstone Weapon.

If a Skaven character refuses a challenge, the model is RAT HOUND BODYGUARD. . . 5 points
placed in the back rank as normal however the unit There is a certain bound·like loyalty to tbese
may still use the Skaven character:s Ld or B�ttle modified rats, althongb their verminOlls instincts
Slandard ability even after the character has been means they might still attack their master if he
moved to the back. appears vulnerable.

Warpstone Weapon: Skaven often use the highly A model with a Rat Hound upgrade can make an
unsl able magical energies of warpstQne to create additional WS3, S3 attack. This attack is made at the
deVITIShIy deadly weapons. Attacks from weapons
owner's Initiative, however, on a To Hit roll of 1 dle rat
wnh this special rule count as magical. hound will instead inflict an amomatic hit on its owner.

Sk.1vcn I3cstiary
demonstrate their favoured status. As further reward,
The bulk of most Skaven armies are formed of Clanrats Like all Skaven, Clanrats are hierarchical b
Ullies th . e Skaven
e the fighting elite ofth
� flu: S- to(1lwerm O ar from t .
- a vast and verminous horde of rarmen that make will go out of their way to kick, maim, and l
othenv e many Stormvennin regiments are assigned their own
y are distinguishable
their Case \\.lriord claos. The
up the warrior class. These Skaven belong to any keep down any beneath their own rank, in
a full head legions of Skavenslaves. These lackeys see to the
. tes _ often standing
onc of thousands of clans scattered throughout the the lowly Skavenslaves Similarly, Clanrats
. fawn ' r:l\,\,nicr hrt� necks and a powerful build. comfort and needs of their masters.
underground burrows, strongholds, and bursting over and prostrate themselves before anyone ·lh UllCk muscular . .
!JIIt:r, \\'1 ed at birth' as their SLZe and
" O�I
else _ ill are mark
gnisable. As the largest and
cavern-cities that make up the Under-Empire. Of all the their case, everyone but Skavenslaves. In larger rmv ernll .n
to For political purposes and as a display of might
coIour I·s reco
teeming masses, only the worker dregs, the shiftless strongholds many clans co-exist in a constant dJrkc'r fur . .
will sometimes leave their
.ggreSSIVe, young

power . Stormve rmlO-to-be typlca11y Stormvermin regiments
Skavenslaves, are more numerous than the Clanrats. struggle - and most Clanrats will know (and
I I the. rest f
. If the clan. This is often when a Grey Seer purchases or
spend a us 100 d
0 their litter for precIo

which ciaIl
inordinate amount of time dwelling upon) 'requisitions ' help from a Warlord clan, but could be
e particularly strong' the weakest of

Clanrats are slighcly smaller than man-sized, standing Clawleaders or Chieftains are on the decline, \(lu ng
waIflOrS ar
sojourns at far away rival strongpoints or dangerous
and . ler actUally become the food. Should they
four to five feet high. They range between lithe and therefore vulnerable. thCI � ht
tabbing as their spots along the Under-way. It is not unheard of for a
h trallmatic politiCS and back-s
Skavcn WI·il
scrawny and are possessed of a constant energy, most
'u,",'I"C t e stron gest Warlord clans to sell the service of their elit'e warriors.
commonly seen in a nervous twitching of their hairless, . key for position, the
When a Warlord gathers his might for war the Iillcr-pack )oc .
be :tSslgned
C1anrats . of Storm vermtn. Clan Rictus, for instance, is especially famous for
worm-like tails. A single Clanrat is nO[ a fearsome [0 regim ents
are front and centre, occupying a key place in breeding great numbers of jet-black Stormvermin.
opponent. A lone warrior wiU lack any degree of battleline. They form into great blocks to overwhe . d with the best gear
discipline or determination and is likely to skulk in lm a
llO regiments are outfitte .
foe with their weight of numbers and the fury of .� lOnn"cm .
the shadows, afraid to go forward, too cautious to go their
. [he clan's armo ury and thetr duties may
attack. If the Warlord can afford the price and is ufwar In
Inc I Ude forming a retinu
in e or bodyguard lorc anyone M WS BS S T W A LD
backwards. Unless driven by black hunger, a single .
To a mino
reasonable standing with Clan Skryre, then a
Weapon to the mIgh ty ruI·mg Clan Stormvermin 5 4 3 3 3 1 ; 1 5
Clanrat will only attack something that is visibly r Chieftain
Team might accompany the regiment. These arca 3 3 2 5
ne the srormvermm · at [he Fangleader 5 4 3 1 ;
weakened or crippled, preferring even then to attack
devices of destruction are viewed suspiciously by �arlord himself. This puts .
the army where they can ensure contmued
unseen from behind. \Vhen banded together in a large
Clanrats, who frequently suffer due to their all-too
\"anguard Of the .
treatment by fighting with feroCity and zeaI
pack, however, Skaven bolster each other's confidence preferential
frequent technical failures.
clans maintain the
and fuel their feral ferocity to a highly aggreSSive level. for the ir leaders. Most Warlord
a battle belongs to SPECIAL RULES
unwrirten law that the first feed after
Scurry Away!, Strength in Numbers.
This allows the indiVidually cowardly ratmen to form .
After the adrenaline-burst of melee Clanrats need
massive units that willrecklessly hurl themselves into a feed or suffer the unbearable pangs of the Black
the Stomwennin. Those who dare
to feast before thelr
fray against even obviously superior troops. proper station are often openly attacked .by the .ehte
Hunger. Immediately following any combat the
ratmen a\'cn warriors, who take any OppOftuOlty to Violently
scour the battlefield, devouring the dead and injured
friend and foe alike. TREACHEROUS PROGRESSION
The progression from Stormvermin to Fangleader to
Chieftain to Warlord is common. although not as
M WS BS S T W I A LD traditional as betrayal. Stormvermin arc linked to a clan
Clanrat ? 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 5 leader. serving as his bodyguard and the enforcers of
Clawleader 5 3 3 3 3 1 4 2 5 his will. Opposition to a. leader is regularly met with
butchery and an armoured cadre of Stormvermin is
ideal to do such work To ensure their strong-arm
regiments remain loyal. cunning leaders lavish attention,
SPECIAL RULES praise and, most importantly, gifts upon 'their·
Scurry Away!, Strength in Numbers. Stormvermin. Food. Skavenslaves (often the same thmg)

and breeding rights arc popular motivators. Par�ic�lar

ferocity, anticipating treachery. or ea.ting the eXlstmg
Fanglcader are the standard ways of rising from the
Stormvermin ranks. Once established. a Fangleader that
FUR COLOUR AND RANK can keep his leader safe while savagely carrying out
Skaven fur ranges in colour, most often shades of commands can virtually name his price.
brown or piebald. The rank of a ratman can often be
distinguished by its fur, as larger specimens tend to As treachery abounds. bribing a Fangleader is a common
be darker. Assassins and Stormvermin are marked by tactic. Amidst the double and triple crossings. baseless
darker shades from brooding browns to jet black. pacts. and false promises, a Fangleader is quickly
White or grey fur often denotes great leaders. immersed in the only training that can forge a black­
especially wielders of magical energy. This is possibly hearted Chieftain. wicked and wily in the ways of
evolutionary. allowing the Skaven to pick out their battle and intrigue. Few Chieftains survive without
commanders even in the underground darkness of their support of a core of fighters. so when (almost
replace a
lairs. Some particular units or clans arc known for invariably) a Fangleader makes his move to
unusual hues. such as the Albino Council Guard that suppor t of at least some
Chieftain. he will assure the
protects the Lords of Decay or the red-dyed fur of vermin. A top lieutenant takes the vacated role of
Storm .
of power shdt.
Clan Vulkn. It is not uncommon to sce dye or paint Fangleader and so the cyclical dynamics .
rd �l:ns IS
used to denote clan affiliations and crude branding of A common and astute phrase amidst Warlo
markings or runes is frequent with certain clans. "A Chieftain is only as big as his Stormvermtn

Sk:wcn Bcstiary
Skavcn Bcstiary
The Under-Empire is run by slave labour. Skavenslaves bonus. Some Skavenslaves use slings to inflict damage streets of the human cities of the Old
The . cess_filled
\Xi rid tecl
perform all menial [aSks, including mining, tunnelling, from afar, while others are lucky enough to have �'I'th life, much of which isn't human. Rats
n ....

. 0f • ll zes - have grown bold in their numbe rs.

and food production. In lean times, they themselves
lled timbers 0f the saggmg
scrounged spears or shields to aid them in battle. a si
\i!fIl1ln .
The)' 11 1J'est the rot-fi
become the food. The majority of slaves are Skaven . ' . MORRSLIEB
ling nests into thatch , tirelessly Morrslieh is the name of the mysterious second moon
born into bondage, the lowest class of a hierarchical It is not unheard of for Skavenslaves to survive a battle , tunnel
' [OwnhouSes that plays such � large role in Skaven ritual and their
society. Their ranks swell as rival clans are captured although this is inconvenient for overpopulated lairs. . throu gh wattle and daub. They have grown
gnlwtng mythology. The Skaven believe that the hinted
during internecine wars. At rimes even non-Skaven In desperate times the boldest of Skavenslaves may be to be seen scurrying in the gurrers and
brazen enough
become slaves, although few other races lasr long main streets even under the bright light of greenish moon is made entirely of warpstone. When
granted a chance to become Clanrats. Slaves who break S Of
alleyway meteors of the coveted suhst�nce hll from the sky.
under the whips of the rarmen overseers. in battle, however, are shown no mercy. Those not slain , the rats are legion, their eyes glowing red
0f t1
d3).. By
night .
le I11ght watch' s 1anterns. '1'1le it is taken as an omen th�t the Great Horned Onc is
. .
by the enemy are trampled underfoot by the oncOming g flicker
;n lIie. Passin ' pleased with his children �nd see:ks to reward them.
' t1le CIties I th are breedmg
, fil
The life of a Skavenslave is cruel, bur mercifully short. attack waves of their own side. It is commonly said lhal ers that dram
ancl,cn, sew
Food is so fare that cannibalism is the way of life the most dangerous Skavenslave is one that is run ning, pl�, ,ha' . swarm with rats beyond .
. Some of the
s that are piled amids t the refuse are Although the orbit of Morrslie:h is notori�usly
and each day is a battle for survival. A slave with the for he may turn to fight at any time. skeleto n
gnawed unpredictable. its fullness in the fallow month signals
slightest injury - a limp or disease-swollen eye - is the sad remains of the dispossessed, but the
to repair [he drains think it is more than the annual ritual of Vermintide. At least once eve:ry
hungrily marked by hiS pack. These wretched creatures ')Cwcrjacks sent
wbispe red that citizens of the poorest districts few decades Morrslieb will rise full and sickly in the
attempt to hide such maladies, but the keen Skaven J\.f ws ss S T W I A LD thal. It is
sense of smell cannot be fooled. The crippled are soon the night, perhaps falling victim to the sky for thirteen days in � row. When such ominous
Skavenslave 5 2 2 3 3 1 4 1 2 missing in
devoured as the ravenous horde turns upon itself. Pawleader 5 2 2 3 3 4 2 2 �'0
nsati:lble hunge that r lives beneath the city? portents appear. the Grey Seers gather at the Temple
of Temples. Those few agents of entropy too far
army has an alarming effect flung to return to the capital communicate vi� the
In warfare Skavenslaves are used en masse to absorb The presence of a Skaven
ate in a numberless tide Warlock Engineer-invented Farsqueaker. It is �t such
missile fire and to overwhelm the foe with numbers. on ordinary rats - they congreg
Whether this living times th�t the Seerlord and the: other top nt-mages
A common Warlord tactic is to whip Sk.'lVensiaves to SPECIAL RULES at lhc feet of their larger cousins.
the fore of an assault. Many are butchered, but the loss Scurry Away!, Strength in Numbers. carpt:t of vennin comes in answer to some sorcerous will suffer visions. collapse in fits and receive the
wisdom from the Creat Horned R�t himself.
is acceptable if the slaves bear the brunt of incoming calling or ro pay homage to the Great Horned One,
arrows or tire the foe for the next attack wave. The best Expendable: All Skaven, except other Skavenslaves, nonc can be sure. But knowingly or not, the rats
perform service to the Skaven. A few rats will become
Skavenslaves will even pull down and tear to pieces a automatically pass Panic tests caused by Skavenslaves.
few of the adversaries, although this is considered a Also, Skaven can VOluntarily target ranged attacks at cnsorcelled and be assigned spying missions by the
enemy units engaged in dose combat with Skavenslavcs \uspicious and watchful Grey Seers. Clan Pestilens will
(but no other friendly troops) . As combatants are infect m:lny rats as they seek to spread new plagues
constantly in motion, aU successful hits must be amongst the world. Vast quantities of vermin will be
randomised between the fighting units (1·3 friend, 4·6 ealcn by the lowly and desperate. But the majority of
foe). [f there are multiple units, further randomise to the rats wiU accompany the marching Skaven army and
determine exactly which one is struck. join lhe attack: in swarms. \'(fhether it is bursting out of
the sewers of a human city or overrunning an Orc
Cornered Rats: Desperate Skavenslaves can be vicious. camp, the chirrcring mass of rats can pull down and
Should a Skavenslave unit break from combat, all uOilS de\'our a man-sized creature, leaving naught but bones.
within 06" (friend or foe) immediately take 03 S3 hits.
AnOther hit is added to the tOtal rolled for each
additional rank of slaves after the first one. The broken M WS US S T W I A LD

unit, including any characters that joined them, are Ra! Swarm 6 3 0 2 2 5 4 5 10

·then removed, just as if they had been wiped out in

dose combat.

Unbreakable (Swarm),
The most famous slave revolt occurred in Skotvenblighf.
SmaU: Rat Swarms do not block line of Sight.
Sbves from many dans rose up. following Skabbicus.
� slave turned warrior. who promised � better existence. �
Legions of armoured Stormvermin �ssaulted down narrow
tunnels to suppress the rebellion. but the slaves held firm.
They might have gained freedom had not the devious Rat-catcher Ludwig Nusbaum had consumed too much
Council of Thirtee:n announced a pardon for any who de. which loosened his tongue so that he �ddressed the
rest of the hvcrn's customers. MSometimes - you might
think I'm as crazy as a doom prophet - but sometimes 1
desisted and pointed out the:ir leader. It is said that over
10.000 Skavenslaves pointed out Skabbicus and watched
their former commander cut down �nd eaten. The

t ink those rats arc watching me. You know. spying like.

promised pardon was quickly forgotten and the following Slgmu preserve me. but I don't like it much. rd hate to
sce it if the rodents ever got their way. Still. I get paid
retribution w�s predictably brutal. Production dropped for
for c�tching � pole-full. Cive us another onc. Bessie.ri
weeks throughout Skavenblight. but everyone ate well.

Skavcn OCSliary
S kaven w,ar
To hold the title of Warlord is co rule. A Skaven does their personage with Stormvermin bodyguards, w' lords often seek to augment their fighting prowess and intimidation
not gradually earn respect or position, and there latest Clan Skryre death·dealing invention,
or hUlking
atop a mutant steed constructed by Clan Moulder or borne upon a
certainly is no giving in the brutal society of the ratmen. war-beasts such as specially bred Rat Ogre steeds factor. Riding
Leadership must be savagely taken. To gain power, d with clan symbols serves notice 0f therr
. greatness!
war-litter bedecke
purchased from Clan Moulder Especially coveted .
a \X1arlord must seize concrol, proving himself a top amongst many Warlords are ostentatiously
fighter and a devious adversary. Such a coup either


War-litters carried by the burliest of warriors.

ends in failure and certain death a[ the hands of the
existing ruler, or the new leader supplants the current Any threats to a leader's position must be ruthless
ly Bonebreaker is one of Clan Moulder'S Rat Ogre Bonebreaker 6 4 3 5 5 4 3 5 5
I he Bonebreaker
. Rat Ogre ""
. IIY engineered vanant breeds.
Warlord, often eating him in the process. Challenges countered and no effort is spared when elimina lhc .

follow no format but often take the form of personal
su,un IS created by taking
rivals. As Skaven assume (quite correctly) that specta
everyone . . an augmented Rat Ogre anc
combat, treacherous back-scabbing, or elaborate is a pmentiai rival, it is no small task prioritising
who g the stitched monstro sity in a vat of groW[h
political schemes. The more underhanded the deed, sub ergin
should be dealt with first. Destroying upstarts
. It takes thousands of slaves dying
Scurry Away!, Strength in Numbers, Fearl
' .
I growlOg JUICes
the better, for that is what puts the fear (and what agentS for months
absorb the majority of a Warlord's effort - but to
there is produce eooug1
offset by the �sking pnce
almost passes for respect) into the Skaven masses. an upside, as the brutal removal of a traitor horn'blc deaths
can make vat, but that is easily
fill lhe
others think twice before attempting their Trained Mount: A Rat Ogre Bonebreaker uses all the
own ruses. behemoths. When It emerges
Skaven leaders are larger and more powerfully built for the muscle-bound
Particularly gruesome or elaborate deaths can l immersion the Bonebreaker rules for a MonstrouS Mount from the Warhammer
buy a chemica
Warlord ho�rs of relative peace. Ib comma
than the warriors they ruthlessly command, but mere from its enforced
nd for long, . sly proporti Oned Rat Ogre, so bulked out rulebook with the follOWing exception: the Rat Ogre
physical prowess is nOt enough to suscain control. prodigiou
such schemlOg must come as naturally as breathi
� . a
' . Bonebreaker can only join a regiment of Skaven
d over, stralOlOg to
Once a Warlord has fought, betrayed, and clawed to the
ng. that its upper body is hunche
A braced platform, Clanrars, Storrnvermin, or Rat Ogres,
top, the battle really begins. Manipulation, the ability to contain such massed brawn.
A Warlord cannot be everywhere at once and back, allows a
set rivals upon each other or the mustering of support
so mUSt strapped or bolted onto the creature's
build up a cadre of enforcers - loyal (for the Ogre Bonebre aker, When
moment) to ride atop a Rat
Chieftains that can ensure that his word is law
and that
from an insincere following are skills needed to hold
mounted atop such a beast a \Varlord becomes
es. 10 a
power, as even the fiercest fighters become worn down
the Warlord has a paw in all profitable veorur
by the constant challenges. Great wealth can augment swoUen and behaves more arrogantly than ever,
small clan this can mean dozens of subordinates
battle skills, bribe underlings, or simply buy formidab while
le for larger clans this includes a hierarchy of
aid. Warlords of even minor clans attempt to \Varlords
buffer and thousands of Chieftains. All commanders must
aggressively take credit for positive outcomes
SWiftly allocate blame for aU that goes poorly. This
ranges from tweaking the truth to outrageous
For instance, if an avalanche destroys large
Great Pox Rat 6 3 3 4 4 5 2 2
portions To engorge a Giant Rat to even further mass and
of the foe, the more convincingly a Chieftain
can take obesity requires a Master Moulder of extraordinary
credit for the event, the more his esteem rises
with talents, and the right blend of growth agents and hide­
subordinates ("yes·yes, it is deadly to attack
Chieftain grafts, Great Pox Rats are abhorrent, bloated vermin the
Snarlock") and with overlords ("The Great Horned
size of a large pony, only much wider. They are covered SPECIAL RULES
Scurry Away!, Strength in Numbers,
watches over Snarlock"). The fact that few believe
such with mangy fur overtaken by patches of poxes and
lies or blatant self-aggrandisement is neither here Poisoned Attacks.
nor dripping lesions. A Great Pox Rat's filth-encrusted
there - what is important is the small strand
of mouth is filled with needle-sharp teeth, sabre-like
possibility and the sheer audaCity required to
make incisors, and yet-to-be-discovered diseases. Once Verminous Cavalry: The Great Pox Rat follows the
such claims. It takes a great leader to speak
great lies. astride the heavily bloated Great Pox Rat a Warlord can normal rules for a cavalry mount as presented in the
righlfuUy twitch his tail in pride, for surely none would Warhammer rulebook, although it is mounted on a
be so foolish as to challenge such a mighty personage? 40mm by 40mm base.


Warlord 5 6 4 4 4 3 7 4 7
Chieftain 5 5 4 4 4 2 6 6

SPECIAL RULES Some Warlords go to battle atop litters borne by War-litter 5 4 4 5

Scurry Away!, Strength in Numbers, slaves and guarded by the strongest Stonnvermin
Verminous Valour. available. Such platfonns offer protection, extra
fighters, and a more elaborate and visible display
of the Warlord's power. There is a satisfying pomp SPECIAL RULES
about being carried around that appeals to a certain Borne Litter: A Warlord and his War-litter m�ve
challenges) . lhe ��ar:
The Warlord Skurius addressed his bst Chieftain. -Ycs­ kind of Warlord. Even better if the platform is fight as a single model (even in
WS 4, Stren gth 4, and Inluatlve
yes. you will amck the mao-things. and I treaty-pledge bedecked with clan trophies, the skulls of enemies litter has four Attacks at
. of the Attacks from the �'(far-Iitt�r benefit from
first suvcogc to your cbwpack.- 1t was the same thing he and relics of defeated rivals. Some clans use 5. None .
) or equ �pment
had promised them all. In thc unlikely evellt any survivc::d palanquins in emulation of the awe inspired by any weapon (magical or otherwise
els carrytng or
the mault. Skurius would have 10 think of somcthing._ the Grey Seers on their Screaming Bells, while others carried by the Warlord or the mod
ding it The Warl ord gainS a + 1 armour sa�e from
are simply copying the Dwarf tendency to fight atop guar .
the "Look Out ' Sir!" Rule.
shields borne by bodyguards. his \Var-liner and can still use
Skavcn Bestiary
Sk3\'cn Bestiary
There are few sights morc revolting and morc unnatural Vennin Lord and even the Lords of Decay fear being as the Chosen of the it lasts, for it will only be a matter of time before the
in Grey Seers are also known
than a Vermin Lord, a Daemon of the Horned Rat, These the all-knowing presence of a living avatar of the Grea Ihe of the Lord of the Great Seers call with their own demands. Ln Skaven society it
t ed One, prophets
Great Horn
BeiO\"\,fu '
horrific creatures e..xude an aura of might, creeping Horned One. It is said that the Vermin Lord always Horned Rat. They are is well known that absolutely nothing comes without a
f and the voice of the

decay, and inscrutable knowledge, for they are nothing knows the truth and it is no use embellishing the t ers capable of channelling eldritch steep reciprocal price.
mth p<J\ver sorcer ' . .
less than the power of the Great Horned One made or attempting to deceive such a fiend. The unearthly >es in destructive ways, levellmg enemy armies
ing ravening swarms 0f rats.
\vIlh , > htning' or summon
manifest. A Vermin Lord is at once majestic and power of a Vermin Lord allows it to smel1 1ies even as
disgusting, a living icon of ruin, the ultimate scavenger.
. . M WS BS T W I A LD
they are spoken. ,
the mgltmaf lo Sh Scream1l > 1g S
Seers fide atop
Although such a being rowers in height, it is lithe and ome Grey 5 3 3 3 4 3 5
, unle ash untold ruination . More important than Grey Seer
quick, its movements evoking the flUid, yet t\virchy, Bei [O . . roIe
A Vermin Lord is eternally calculating a myriad . to dominate a battle, however, IS their
their ability
as cnll>ssar• ies for
scuttling of rats. Great spiralling horns bedeck the interweaving pims, ever seeking the best path toward
s the CounCl" 0f >rh Irteen,
> a pOS1l1on

Vermin Lord's head and any onlooker finds tlmr he some desired end. The creature is never still, constant ank.
ly often grants them the top-r
cannm look away from rhe nightmarish creature, yet at pacing, stopping to tilt its head as if sniffi ng for the MAGIC
A Grey Seer is a Level 4 Wizard and can use Skaven
• birth by their extremely rare.
I'1arked at
rhe same time fcrvemly hopes nO[ to make eye contact. future. \Vhen the time for action comes, however, fur colour,
And thiS is wise, for even the passing attemion of such the Vermin Lord manifests all the feral savagery of the white, Grey Seers SpeUs of Ruin and Spells of Plague. A Grey Seer can
�here from pure grey to nearly
an ancient and wicked being is enough to stop a man's
heart. Few dare to meet a Vermin Lord's all-seeing gaze
Skaven race. l(s rage is terrifying to behold and few
mortals can stand against it. The sinuous body contains
:�;''lISO different from other litter-spawnin� as they
all nub-like bony growths atop their he�ds.
freely mix spells from both Skaven speU diSCiplines, just
be sure to announce which spell table is being used
have sm
for even an instant and none can hold it. a might and strength to challenge a Gremer Daemon, enough, these Will grow before rolling. The Grey Seer can substitute one spell
Should the Grey Seer live long
and lesser creatures are swept aside in droves. At need the fully formed horns that command for either Skitterleap or the Dreaded Thirteenth Spell.
to becom e
To summon a Vermin Lord from across the great veil a Vermin Lord can summon a powerful and wicked ion from all other Skaven.
instant fear and subjugat
requires sacrifice and ritua1. Such creatures are nm glaive, which it swings in deadly and unstoppable arcs. SPECIAL RULES
meant to walk the earth and the natural world protests
for the Lords of Decay, Scurry Away!, Strength in Numbers,
In their role as chief agents
Grey Seers wield tremendous influence.
the Vermin Lord's warped presence - the air moves and The Grey Seers Verminous Valour_
The Grey Seers hold the keys to summon the Vermin
seems to bend light, cradling the dreadful being in an ing reasons,
Lords and they keep the rituals secrer. Only at times visit the Warlord clans for many self-serv
aura of unholy contamination. Grass will blacken a[ the or gathering a MAGIC ITEMS
of great need will the Grey Seers anempt to tear the such as seeking aid, building alliances,
touch of a Vermin Lord's hooves and all hope fades in Warpstone Tokens: Grey Seers always start the game
veil of reality and they are loath to do so, fearing to coalition against a common foe. The ability to call
its ruinous presence. Ominous foreboding precedes a with 03 Warpstone Tokens (see page 108).
summon up what they cannot dismiss. A Vermin Lord council with top Warlords allows the horned sorcerers
is wiser and more wicked than any living Skaven and access to valuable insight and inside information, which
yet it retains its lust for power and its treacherous love mey use to their own advantage. The fact that Grey
of betrayal. A bargain struck with one of the Vermin Seers ever use such tidings to further their own ends is,
Lords will bring great power to the supplicant, but, of course, denied by Seerlord Kritislik. He is the leader
as with all Skaven deals, the COSt will be high. of the Grey Seers, who also happens to occupy the first,
and most important, seat on the Council of Thirteen.
Kritislik spends so much time vehemently denying any
M WS SS S T W I A LD abuse of position or the sacrosanct nature of all clan
Vermin Lord 8 8 4 6 5 5 10 5 8 dealings, that he occasionally misses opportunities to
explOit such precious information. It is their role of
intermediaries for the Council of Thirteen that grants
the Grey Seers such power and it is a position they
MAGIC jealously guard. Even implied displeasure from a Grey
A Vermin Lord is a Level 4 Wizard and can use the Seer causes much self-castigation (however insincere) .
Skaven Spells of Ruin and Spells of Plague. A Vermin Ot even the Greater clans can easily afford so much as
Lord can freely mix his spells from bmh Skavcn spell the merest slight to a Grey Seer.
diSCiplines, just be sure to announce which spell table
is being used before rolling. The Vermin Lord can When manipulations fail to influence a Warlord clan,
substitute one spell for the Dreaded Tbirteenth Spell. a Grey Seer can bring many pressures to bear. A key
weapon in the Grey Seer political arsenal is their role
SPECIAL RULES as envoy of [he Great Horned Ra£. Grey Seers alone
Scurry Away!, Immune to Psychology, Large Target, have (he ability to summon a Vermin Lord, a threat
Terror, Ward Save (5+). often insinuated, but an act Grey Seers secretly wish
to aVOid. Luckily, no Warlord wants to be accused of
Rat Daemon: A Vennin Lord i s a monster and can standing opposed to the will of the Great Horned One,
never join units, nor be the Army General. Vermin Or being anywhere near a Vermin Lord. Thus, the threat
Lords are a type of Daemon and are affected by any of summoning alone suffices to persuade even the most
rules, abilities, weapons, spells and so on that work suspicious Warlord to see the Grey Seer's point of view.
against Daemonkind.
Having the backing of a Grey Seer means a clan is in
MAGIC ITEM ascendancy, and will gain supremacy in dealings with
Doom Glaive: The Doom Glaive is a powerful weapon others. They may barter with the upper hand and a

from beyond. Each unsaved wound caused by the Skaven With an advantage will press it mercilessly.
Doom GLaive is multiplied to D3 wounds. It is always best to exploit such an advantage while
Skavcn BcStiary S",vcn 0"" ,,,'1'
ED INTO BATTLE Shooting at the Screaming Bell
PVSII An enemy can choose to target either the unit pushing
111e se .am ing Bell
must be deployed in a unit of
re .
Stormvermin. Place the Screammg BeII at the Screaming Bell or the Screaming Bell itself. Hits
ClanratS or
against the unit are as resolved as normal, but hits
• frOnt of its unit as centrally as POSSI'ble.
Of all the diabolical wonder weapons of the Skaven, the
dInglV the fol
In battle the ominous t Uing of the beU resounds
� abo,� owing rules apply. against the Screaming Bell are randomised - hitting
to foes
nonc is as notorious as the Screaming Bell The bell is the clamour of the fighting, a message of death Accor
the Screaming Bell on 1-5, and the Grey Seer on a 6.
an evcr·presem symbol in the creation legends of the bue a declaration of supremacy that reverberates
insid ; MO"ing
the Screaming Bell
,'he UOl·t the Screaming Bell has
Skaven and its mighty roll strikes deep inside the black the children of the Horned Rat. The deadly peal
drives ' joined marches, The Screaming Bell in Combat
hearts of the eviJ farmen, inspiring awe and the closest Skaven recklessly forward in a fury that will be assu ed .
ag and pursues normally so long as It has at Ieast The Screaming Bell does 06 Impact Hits when it
to 010deis .
thing to devotion a Skaven can achieve. It is from these by nmhing short of the tOtal and complete annihila
tion For every model the unit ' drops beIow 10, charges. The Rat Ogre crew and Grey Seer may fight
if there were
unholy altars that the Grey Seers preach their plans of of the enemy. The thunderous BONNNN NNNNNN .
G! is deduct s 1" from its move. So, anyone in base contact with the Bell. The Rat Ogre can
total domination in the name of the Great Horned Rat. magically amplified and those that hear it and survi lhe urn't .
ve , in the untt ' they would have a Movement fight close combat and still ring the Screaming Bell.
OIne Ska 'ven
o[ 4, el
cannot find the words to describe the cacophony of 'gilt would have a Movement of 3, (etc.). If the Enemy models in base contact can choose to attack the
The wheeled carriage that supports the vast weight of horrible sounds that emit from the unholy Bell. With .
models, It cannot move. Screaming Bell or any character mounted on it. Attacks
the ruinous engine is pushed by a teeming horde of unit, 'IS reduced to five or less
each toll the din grows louder and more terrible, against the Screaming BeU must roll To Hie against the

Skaven, but it is the colossal bell amp it that radiates to a crescendo of sound until the very mind seems
to Terrain and Obstacles . Rat Ogre crew's Weapon Skill.
power. These unholy relics are cast in the hellish split asunder. The relentless aural assault causes the . .
ng Bell (not the umt pushmg It) passes
1f lhe Screami
over d',fficult
warpforges beneath Skavenblight, using bronze laced very stone to split and buildings to crumble. Doom,
or very difficult terrain or an obstacle then The different sized base of the Screaming BeU means

with pure warpstone. The Warlock Engineers of Clan Doom, Doom it seems to endlessly say . . . all will fall, .
06 56 hits. This includes charging a foe that IS some extrapolation must be done to work out the rank
Skryre aid in the casting, joining the Grey Seers in the
13-day ritual. The monmonous chittering incantacions
all will be ruinous, Doom, Doom, Doom.
� hind a defended obstacle or in a building. Apply
to the
bonus. Count the model as the same number of Skaven
that would normally occupy thac space (usually 15).
hese hits immediately, with all hits allocated
cause glowing runes of balefire to writhe mystically

1\1 WS BS S
� eaming Bell (not any character mounted amp it).
if the Screaming Bell is not destroyed it may
across the bell and as the casting is cooled, the metal
T W A LO continue Destroying the Bell
If the Screaming Bell itself is destroyed, remove the
ilS move and will not suffer any additional hits
is coated many times with sacrificial blood. Rumour Screaming Bell 5 6 6 for
4 He will
has it thac some piece of the great tower of Kavzar is Rat Ogee Crew 3 5 model and place the Grey Seer where ie was.
incorporated into each Screaming Bell - be it a chunk
3 crossing other obstacles during the same phase. The
Screaming Bell (and its unit) can assault a building, but join the unit. This is the only way the Grey Seer can
of masonry or some small part of the Great-Bell-That­
Began-lt-All melted and forged anew. 'Ib work the
cannot enter it unless a scenariO states otherwise. leave the Screaming Bell.
The Screaming Bell is a special kind of mount for a
immense weight, Clan Moulder supplies the pick of its Grey Seer. It is treated as a single model with combined


hell-birthed litters - the mOSt hulking of Rat Ogres. characteristics for the Screaming Bell and the Rat Ogre. hits (as from shooting). Additionally, if the unit pushing
In his Magic phase, immediately after generating power dice, the Screaming Bell is in combat, il can attack with all its
SPECIAL RULES Ihe Skwen player can choose to ring the Screaming Bell.
.. models in the next Close Combat phase, regardless of
Fear, Impact Hits (06), Large Target, First the owning player declares how many dice will be rolled, which ones are in base contact (they crawl atop each other
Magic Resistance (2). representing the vigour (he Rat Ogre bell·ringer is commanded to to reach the foet). Treat them all as f
i they arc in base
supply. For the fi:rst toll, only a single dice can be rolled, but in contact with any foe in base contact with the unit.
Pushed into Battle (see opposite page) . subsequent rounds up to three dice may be rolled. 14-16 Wall of Unholy Sound. 71Je deafening peals roll across
the land, driving tbe Skaven to new heights offerocity
Ringing the Bell (see opposite page). The Screaming Bell will ring Out of sequence if it is struck with All friendly models within 12" of the Screaming Bell gain
enough force. If a missile of Strength 5 or higher hits and wounds + '1 Attack until the cnd of the player rurn. Roll a 06 for
Altar of the Horned Rat: The Screaming Bell confers Ihe Screaming Bell, it will ring. Immediately roll a 06 and apply each building within 24" - each collapses on a roll of 4+
great confidence and unusual boldness upon the Grey the results. Roll once per phase, regardless of the number of hits. (sec Deafening Peals).
Seer and the unit pushing it. While the Screaming Bell 17 Avalanche of Energy. A surge of energy ripples from the
has at least one wound remaining, the Grey Seer and Not yet in stride. The Rat Ogre strains under the task. Screaming Bell. All friendly models within 24� of the Bell
the unit pushing it are Unbreakable, however, neither The air stirs with magical enerb'Y, but no game effect yet. gain + 1 Attack and may re-roll failed To Hit and To Wound
can voluntarily leave the Screaming BeU. 2-4 Unholy CI3JI1our. The toll of tbe Bellfills the UIIU pushing rolls untH the end of the player turn. Any friendly Skaven
{be Screaming Bell with zeal. The unit pushing the Bell units within 12" of the Screaming Bell and not in close
Protection of the Horned Rat: The Blessing of the immediately moves an extra 06�, if this brings them into combat can immediately move an extra D6P, if this move
Horned Rat is upon the Screaming BeU, giving it and contact with the enemy it countS as a charge. putS them in contact with the enemy resolve i� as a charge.
the Grey Seer a ward save of 4 + .

5-8 Emboldened. Tbe bigh-pUcbed squeaking of the Skaven 18 Apocalyptic Doom. \Vith a cataclysmiC emption of sound
rises to meet Ibe Bell's clanging. An frendly Skaven within tbe Screaming Bell splits aswuler, crasbing to the grOluul
Above the Masses: The Grey Seer draws a measure of 24� of the Bell can re-roll failed leadership tests (including like ten thousand thunderclaps. Sometimes even years
protection from his lofty perch and adds + 1 to his Break tests) until the end of the current player turn. later, survivors still report bearing aj(lint ecbo, tbefitUlI
armour save, normally giving him a 6+ save. The Grey 9-10 resollatiOIlS of the bell or distant tmearthly laugbter.
The Screaming Bell is destroyed. All models within 406"
Scorch. nJe toiling sound opens vents in the ground.
Seer can cast speUs in a 360-degree arc, measuring a The Bell itseU (not the Grey Seer) m
i mediately casts the
spell's range from any point ofthe Screaming Bell's Scorch speU (Bound SpeU level 5), see page 78. mke a Strength " hit with no annour save allowed.
base. From his vantage pOint the Grey Seer can draw 11-12 Deafening Peals. The Imnall/ml vibrations of the bell Doubles - Lf any doubles are rolled, a backlash of
line of Sight for spells over the heads of the unit AJI models with a lbughness 7 or more ates through the Screamin g Bell. Apply the follOWing
spread outwards. reverber
pushing the Screaming Bell. pushing
on the battlefield instantly suffer 03 wounds. Roll a 06 for effect in addition [0 the result on the chart. The unit
each building within 18" of the Bell - each co. 11apses on a tely takes 06 Strength 4 Hits.
the Screaming Bell immedia
fall of 5 + . Models inside collapsed buildings are treated
The Grey Seer may use Verminous Valour to refuse a ap:ly the
Triples - If a triple is roUed (apart f:rom a triple 6).
the same as per the Cracks Call spell, see page 78.
challenge, but is not removed to the back of the unit - the result on the chart. rhe UIllI
following effect in addition to
instead he clambers higher atop the Bell. The Grey Seer 13 A Stirring Beyond the Veil. Something tbat should nol be push,'ng the Bell immediately suffers 206
Strength 5 hitS, and the
is not moved but cannot fight or be attacked for the .... See' "nd the Screaming Bell itself each suffer :l smgle

All enemy units within 24" of the Bell tak

awoken answers the Bell's sllmmons... G-y ..

-===���==��� � --��
duration of that engagement. e D3 Streng
th4 St h 5 hit.
Skaven Bcstiary L__
__ ________ ----
avcn Besllary
The Plague Monks of Clan Pestilens are zealots utterly endlessly repeating the Liturgus Infectus, or the Rites of s are the most degenerate ratmen of the Thousand Poxes, bubbling iron vats of untold filth,
Plague Priest
dedicaced to the spread of corruption and decay in the Infection. Lf they are going to war, the Plague Monks .
Ies of Decay ' otherwise known as CIan Pestl·1ens. are never empty, but instead brim over with new and
brethren in the c�eation of new
name of {he Great Horned Onc. These devout disciples march under onc of their Clan Pestilens banners - foul terrible diseases to contaminate the world.
" hey lead their
of disease are unique amongst Skaven society in that often a half-rotted carcass hanging from a banner pole ent diseases - forever searchmg for the
and virul
they are fanatically committed to their clan and its bearing unimaginably twisted visions rendered in plague that can weaken all nations so the The Plague Priests claim the great Harbinger of Disease
�Itim ate
purpose of creating the ultimate disease. Once this pigments distiUed from blood and warpsmne. up and rule supreme. himself, the Horned Rat, grants them sorcerous powers
Skaven can rise
plague devastates all surface-dwellers, the Skaven can to aid their unholy mission. Whether their arcane might
rise up in the ruins and claim their proper inhericance As the foul brethren march forward towards an enemy Priests who stoke the righteous fury is granted by a divine presence or from long study of
1£ is the Plague
- nothing short of the entirety of the world. The Great battieline, their chanting picks up its pace and the , teaching litanies of hate and the Book of Woe, there is no denying the noxious
f the Plague Monks
customs outside their ?wn
Horned Rat will know who brought his children to
their rightful and preordained ascendancy and Clan
Plague Monks seem to incite themselves into a terrible
rage. In combat Plague Monks hurl themselves into the
�reeding intolerance for all
Pestilen s member s do not seek matenal
powers of the Plague Priests. Vomiting geysers of black
death or cursing the enemy from afar so that he erupts
rirualS. Clan
Pestilens will sit over aU and rule supreme. fray with fanatical ferOCity, eager to bring death and instead are utterly and insanely focused with blistering boils, Plague Priests wield toathsome,
destruction to their foes. With bulging eyes and is the diseased, but devoted, but potent magics. When the outcome of a battle has
on their master works. It
To all reasonable creatures (and even ocher Skaven) the foaming mouths, the Plague Monks seem possessed harsh discipline. Under particular importance to Clan Pestilens, the Plague
Plague Priests who enforce this
Plague Monks are a horror to the senses. Plague Monks of an unnatural and unholy fervour. They relentlessly ds, the Plague Priests Priest may even sanction the building of a great Plague
Ihe direct control of the Plaguelor
are instantly recognisable by their dishevelled robes; attack with filth-encrusted blades, iron-tipped staves, rituals - recordin g the results of their Furnace to accompany the brotherhood on their divine
lead the daily
soiled shrouds which partiaUy cover the weeping sores, or even their needle-sharp teeth. A Plague Monk's monitorin g the many infections that are mission to destroy all who oppose them.
poxes , and
bony growths and fluid-filled blisters that mark their exposure to pestilence has rendered its toughened, es, and
spread on not just captives, but also Skavenslav
scarred flesh. The thick cowls and rotting bandages boil-ridden skin immune to pain. The ability to shrug Plague Monks themselv es. Indeed, their own
even the
cannot hide the Sickeningly sweet smell of purification, off crippling injury combined with their near-hysterical M WS BS S T W I A LO
specially made diseases arc not feared, but accepted as
a Blessing from the Bringer of Pestilence himself. To
which seems to hover visibly in the air, and it is this zealotism means that the only reliable way of stopping be Plague Priest 5 5 3 4 5 2 5 3 6

stench thac attracts the swarms of buzzing flies that a Plague Monk attack is to wholly dismember the altar, a walking vessel of contamina tion, is the
accompany the loathsome acolytes. disease-ridden Skaven. strident goal of every Plague Priest, who themselves
lead by example. Bandages and robes barely cover their
When Plague Monks gather, their squeaky chanting can leathery hides or comain a Priest's weeping boils. It is MAGIC
be heard as they recite from the foul Book of Woe - M WS BS S T W I A LD the Plague Priests' duty to ensure the Cauldrons of a A PLague Priest is a Level 1 or 2 Wizard and can use
Plague Monk 5 3 3 3 4 3 1 5 spells from the Skaven Spells of Plague. A Plague Priest
Bringer-of-the-Word 5 3 3 3 4 3 2 5 can substitute one spell for Pestilent Breath.

Scurry Away!, Strength in Numbers, Frenzy.
Scurry Away!, Strength in Numbers, Frenzy.


Their monomanianl zeal and devotion makes Clan
THE BOOK OF WOE Pestilens the most single-minded oC all the Skaven dans.
Every disease created and every foul experiment must They arc diHerent. counted strange by ill other ratmen.
be muked down in the Liber Bubonicus. the Book of This absolute belieC in their own righteousness has
Woe. This is the collected wisdom of Clan Pestilens. caused untold friction imongsl Wulord and Greater clans
a manifesto of corruption and plague since the c1an's alike. Recognised as a major power. Clan Pestilens has
high scat amongst the Lords oC Decay. having risen
emergence in the Lustrian jungles. Each Bringer-of­
the-Word must track and record the many developed from the seventh to the tenth position. It is' no secret.
stuins of death - both their composition and their however. that many scheme to have the diseased. on�
has been this way since Clan Pestden s rise
effect on the living. Each of the different sects or destroyed. It
orders of Plague Monks keep their own Book of to power. when they nearly overthrew the Counci
Woe. updated daily by a Plague Priest. a devotee

nol only
who has long studied the poisonous volume. Each vile Ceaseless faith and an arsenal of diseases has
l eir
tome is key to all Clan Pestilens rituals and its loss helped Clan Pestilens survive. but has seen
Pestllens has
would be unbearable to an order of Plague Monks. influence grow. 10 recent centuries Clan
strongholds t�
spread from their mysterious Southlands
Once every 13 full turns of Morrslieb. all Plague and even the Grey M�unt;uos.
is far as under the Vaults
g the civil wars many sided with Clan Pestlieos.
Priests must travel to the Southlands to the hidden Durin
true thralls and
temple-capital of Clan Pestilens and present their but it was always unsure which were
y fair-w eather iUies. Maoy ":'arlord
book to Arch Plaguelord Nurglitch. Thus arc new which were merel
to Ciao Pestliens.
diseases recorded in the master Book oC Woe. a tome clans continue to claim allegiance
t. S epti k. Mor bidu s. and Gralzz.
so dangerous that few can ..bide its presence and live. most noubly Clan Skra

Skavcn BCSliary; Clan Pcslllc
Ponderous War Machine : If the crew is forced to flee
thei"r fI"se to '
Only the most insanely devoted of the Plague Monks
power Clan Pestilens has been hard
new strains of disease. The bubb\"109
. e
are given the honour of wielding a plague censer - PLAGUE CENSER for any reason the Plagueclaw Catapult is destroyed.
fa\ are
l"d 0 f
the deadliest weapon in the Clan Pestilens armoury. work crearing
The dreaded plague censer is a weapon that ,I '
warpstone and loet
is ani d l"rh carcasses' . . '
\01tS rule W .
s. Y
A plague censer is a hollow spiked metal ball attached borne by the degenerate ratmen of Clan Pestilen tions. While falhng (as 0f FIRING THE PLAGUECIAW CATAPULT
rewing vile concoc
fore\'er b
(0 creare the
to a length of chain. In an unholy ritual, a Plague Priest of The Plagueclaw Catapult follows the rules for Stone
to rid the world
ultima te contag ion
:tI1 surf
reads aloud disturbing and disease-ridden passages A plague censer is a Warpstone Weapon and Monks have dlscoverec throwers as presented in the Warhammer rulebook
counts dwelle rs ' the Plague
from the Book of \Voe while a shard of warpstone is ace with these exceptions. The Plagueclaw Catapult is a
as a flail with the folJowing additional rules to worthy weapon s on
by_productS make
placed inside the cruelly spiked globe. A ladle's worth
COver . pestilent
dlelr own.
the deadly fog that surrounds such vile weapon s, chanted Warpsrone Weapon and uses the large round template.
The unbalanced blend of pOison
ed corpses makes a \.lqul·d that
of vile contagions is added, poured over the warpstone Anyone touched by the template suffers a Strength 2 hit
. and diseas e-soak
At the beginning of any Close Combat phase all
itself. Hellish runes glow as the devil's concoction maglcS,
Cln kill on
(the central hole has no special effect) . Armour saves
immediately begins a slow bubble, sending tendrils of are not allowed against the noxious splash. Unsaved
models (friend or foe) in base contact with one
greenish vapours wafting out from the many holes in the wounds cause a single wound and any unif that takes
more models bearing a plague censer must take ies many have suffered the wrath of
the ornate iron orb. Contact with the haze of noxious
a over the centur one or more wounds must immediately take a Panic
Toughness test or suffer a single wound with no of Clan Pestil ens. Rival clans have been
fumes emitted from a gently swaying censer will cause foul crcatio test. On a roll of a misfire, roll on the chart below:
armour save alJowed . This means that a model ght as befilthed waste-water has been .
flesh to erupt inco sores and fluid-filled blisters. When need destroyed outri

only take a single such Toughness test in each caves and warre ns. It was In
round umped in to flood enemy
swung in the heat of battle, however, the censer emits
e southlands
of combat, regardless of the number of plague that crude torsion devices first egan
vast billowing green clouds. Exposure to this plague
all ances ontO the �oe duft g � PLAGUECIAW MISFIRE CHARf
censers that it might be adjacent to. Remember loaths ome subst
batdc. The Plague
fog causes horrific damage as lungs instantly fill with 1\vang! Tbe Plagueclaw Catapult colklpses. The war
such wounds count for combat resolution. \'(founds Monks learned to deliver their
virulent fluid and vital organs putrefy. It would i removed from the battle.
machine is destroyed and s
take a caused by the fog are resolved before Impact Hits, nt payloa ds via catapult, the erupting splatter 0f
creature absolutely devoid of common sense Pestile "
Suspiciously Off Target. EUber a malftmctton a
targets in a tOXlC storm. Th0se
to be issuing challenges, and revealing Assassins. 3-5
de dly contents slaying
anywhere near such a weapon, much less wield
it in
All Clan Pestilens models, that is, Plague Monks,
s ashed by the semi-c
ongealed liquid find their skin
crew member hasjllst settled an old debt?
battle. Enter the Plague Censer Bearers.

Plague Priests, Plague Censer Bearers, Plague

simultan eously slough ing off in ruin and elsewhere
r offers no
The opposing player may reposition the templatc
anywhere within 3D6" of the intended target position.
The image of the Censer Bearers rhythmically erupting in glistening sores. Armou
swinging Furnace, Lord SkroLk, and the Plagueclaw Catapult ome weaponry. 6 Accident. An acolyte Jails il1to tbepot or some otber
protcctiOn agains t such a loaths
their plague-fiUed weapons at the forefron minor mishap. The Plaguedaw cannot fire this turn.
t of an suffer a wound only on a roll of 6.
oncoming Skaven army is the very stuff of
nightmares. second civil war,
A Plague Chanter, the unholy acolyte of After the reconciliation following the
a Plague Priest, received technical help from the Warlock
Clan Pestilens
zealously leads the unit of Plague Censer
Bearers. The engines
baleful fumes of the censers seem to fill EngineerS of Clan Skryre. Soon the crude war
the demented Monks were replace d with what are
brethren with unnatural rage. As they built by the Plague
near the enemy d
battieline, the foaming and fanatical now known as PlaguecLaw Catapults, great wheele
Plague Censer ts. Pushed into position
Bearers increase the arc of their swing scaffold-towers bearing catapul
s, leaving of a
contrails in encircling rings as they dash by ragged Clan Pestilens acolytes, the claw-like arm
towards the ed to
foe. ReckJess and fully deranged, the Plagueclaw Catapult is winched back and unleash
Plague Censer
Bearers often fall victim to their own lob hideous death. The toxic semi-liqUid leaves a
weapons, inhaling
a final lung-full of pollucion or even glowing streak across the sky as it arcs earthw:lfds.

� �Y
themselves with their Own ball and
chain. It matters
not, eUed their own mind-warping fog, their
ecstatIC ratmll1ds are only focused
on the duty at hand 6 4
Plaguedaw Catapult
- to unleash their fury and maul
their hated foes. 3 3 3 4 3 D6 7
Plague Monk Crew 5

M WS BS S T W I A LD The Plagueclaw Catapult is a war machine and both it

4 I
Censer Bearer
5 3 3 3 3 2 5
Plague Chanter
and the crew are considered to be a single combined
5 3 3 3 4 1 3 3 5 model. The characteristics have been detailed for
both crew and machine as they are used at different
times. When being shot at or targeted with spells use
SPECIAL RULES the machine's Toughness, while in close combat use
Scurry Away!, Strength in Numbers the crew's Toughness. There is only a single combined
Hatred, Skirmish. " Frenzy Wounds profile that both Plaguec1aw Catapult and
Crew draw from. If this combined Wound profile
Pla�� Disciples: These rabid disciples draw rcaches zero the entire model is removed as a casualty.
fanatlCLsm from the pres
ence of their Clan Pest
brethren, th Plague Mon
� ks. A unit of Plague Cen
Bearers that IS within ser Fume-addled Crew: The Plaguec1aw Catapult crew
6" of a unit of Plague Monks
use the rank bonus of may are emboldened by their war engine, yet dulled by the
the Plague Monks to mOd
own Leadership. If ify their toxic fumes. The crew does not have Frenzy like other
the Censer Bearers are
within 12" of
a Plague Furnace the
y are Stubborn. Plague Monks and rolls 06 to determine their number
of Anacks for each round of close combat.
Sk:wcn Bcstlary: Clan Pcstilens Sk:wcn Bcsti:lry: Clan


The Plague
Plague MOnk
Furnace must be deployed in a unit of
s. Th� Plague Furnace mu�t be placed. at
umt as centrallY as possible. Accordtngly,
The Plague Furnace does D6 Impact Hits when it
charges. The Plague Monk. crew and the Plague Priest

we front of its can fight anyone in base contact with the Plague
The Plague Furnace is a disease-ridden alcar to the SPECIAL RULES owing rules apply, Furnace. The Plague Monks can fight dose combat
Great Horned Rat and an unholy pulpit for a Plague Frenzy, Impact Hits (D6), Large Target, the foll and still swing the great censer. Enemy models in base
Priest, It is the noisome shrine of Clan Pestilens and Magic Resistance (2). Furnace: The Plague Furnace contact can choose to attack the Plague Furnace or the
ruination and corruption travel in its wake. Moving the Plague ing Bell on page 43. Plague Priest mounted upon it. Attacks against the
oves exactly like the
The Plague Furnace is pushed into battle by chancing
Pushed into Battle (see opposite page).
� hiS includes how
and obsta
the Plague Furnace treats difficult
Plague Furnace must roll To Hit against the Plague
Monk crew's Weapon Skill.
terrai n
Plague Monks, rhe creaking of its iron-shod wheels Billowing Death (see opposite page).
audible above rhe drone of devotional maledictions. : The rules for shooting The base of the Plague Furnace means that some
The decaying chassis of the Plague Furnace is riddled Shooting the Plague Furnace Bell on extrapolation must be done to work out the rank bonus
Fuming Close Combat (see opposite page). ce are as per the Screaming
with woodworm, but it is the vast and ornate swinging at the Plague Furna

Note, however, that high Strength hits will not of the Plague Monk unit. Count the Plague Furnace as
, that commands attention. A glowing hot censer
brazier Icon o the Horned Rat : The loathsome power of the page 43. the same number of Plague Monks that would normally
occupy that space (typically 15)"
cense r.
fum�s tncreases the devotion of the Plague Monks to
'ring' the
of wrecking ball proportions swings back and forth,

issuing overwhelming heat and a rOiling cloud that maniacal levels. This means that so long as the Plague : The Plague Furnace
even simple beasts instinctively recognise as poisonous Attacking the Plague Furnace
Fu rnace has at least one wound remaining, the Plague attacked in the same way as the Screaming Bell The Plague Furnace can make the follOWing Warpstone
. can be
and unnatural. The rhythmic swings of the infernal Pnest and the unit of Plague Monks pushing the foul exception. Unlike a Grey Weapon close combat attacks:
furnace produce an ominous sound as the pendulous . on page 43 with the following
deVice are Unbreakable, although neither can on the Scream ing Bell, a Plague Priest cannot
censer drags through the air, leaving a trail of deadly Seer
voluntarily leave the Plague Furnace. Furnace, Enshrouded by Fog - In combat the Plague Furnace
fumes. It stings the eyes and assails the senses to gaze avoid challenges when mounted on a Plague
he is toO fume-
becomes wreathed in a deadly fog. At the Start of any
llmmenng heat of the swaying globe. As the
. . addle d to climb away.
at the sl Pestilent Blessing: The Plague Monks pushing the dose combat, any unit (friend or foe) touching the
gre�nish vapours drift over the Plague Monks, it wets Plague Furnace only suffer a wound from the Great Plague Furnace suffers 06 automatic hits distributed as
their tattered robes. This befouled fog begins to make Censer's fumes (see 'Enshrouded by Fog', opposite) on per shooting. This includes the unit pushing the Plague
the pox-ridden brethren twitch, their eyes bulging out a roll of 6. If the Plague Priest has a Plague Censer, to Furnace, but not the Plague Priest riding it. Each model
in an unholy fervour for battle and blood-letting. work out models affected treat the base of the entire hit must pass a Toughness test or suffer a single wound,
Plague Furnace as being the Plague Priest's base. Note with no armour save allowed.
As the Plague Furnace nears the foe, the Plague Monks that the Great Censer and a Plague Censer are different
strain more feverishly at the ropes, increasing the enough that a model affected by both needs to take two Wrecker Attack - In your own player turn the chain
momentum of the blazing orb. As the frothing Toughness tests. holding the mighty swinging great censer can be let

broth�rhood crash the Plague Furnace into the enemy loose. This attack happens last in any dose combat the
at�lehne, the rusty chains holding the great warpstone Plague Furnace is involved in, even after great weapons
IOclOerator are let slip so the vast censer plummets into have struck. The Wrecker Attack causes an artillery
dice's worth of Strength 5 hits against a single enemy
the �Iddle of the enemy unit. The unholy payload
By violently swinging the Giant Censer the Plague Monks
contmues to spew the deadly green-tinged warpstone unit in base contact with the front arc of the Plague
can cause a fuming fog of corruptive clouds to sweep
fumes w�ile it is hoisted back into place. Furnace. All hits are distributed as per shooting and
over a nearby foe. This attack bappens in any friendly
Shooting phase and cannot be made if the unit pushing count towards combat resolution. A roll of misftre
the Plague Furnace is in combat. In the Shooting phase, means something has gone wrong; roll on the Plague
place the flame template with the wide end touching the Furnace Mishap chart below. This attack is done in
Plague Furnace 5 6 6
front of the Plague Furnace's base. The entire template addition to the Enshrouded by Fog attack.
Plague Monk Crew 3 3 3 6
must remain in the arc of sight of the Plague Furnace.
Any models touched by the template must pass a
Toughness test or suffer a single wound with no armour
save allowed, just as if they were in base contact with a PLAGUE FURNACE MISHAP CHARf
The Plague Furnace is a special kind of mount for a
Plague P�iest. The Plague Furnace is treated as a single 1-2 Crunch! Tbe orb comes loose prematurely and
. Plague Censer (see page 46). It is a Warpstone Weapon.
model With comblOed characteristics for the Plague smasbes into tbe Plague Furnace below. The Plague
Furnace and the Plague Monk crew. Furnace immediately suffers 03 wounds and the unit"
pushing it takes 06 automatic hits at Strength 5.
Bilious Cloud. Ajarring bait releases a particu
THE GREAT CENSER potent cloud of warp-poisonedfumes. Immedi
that causes
The death-dealing orb of the Plague Furnace uses work out a special Enshrouded by Fog attack
the same smoking warpstone charcoal that powers 206 hits on the unit pushing the Plague
Seekmg to reclaim their realm of old fails to drop, but
. Clan Pes,"I
t ens Maddening Fumes! The great censer
attempted to re-conquer the temple-city the deadly fumes of a Censer Bearer. but in vast 6
billow clouds down
the Impcnal year 2489. The Plague Monk
. of Quetza in instead glows white hot, sending
quantities and with a key ingredient added. The skins
s emerged becom e possessed with
. of dead Plague Priests are saved as vile relics and used upon tbe Plague Monks wbo
with such numbers and deployed so The unit pushing the
many Plague even more ul/natural vigour.
F'ur�aces that swathes of the jungle in the fuel. The horrible husks reek with infection.
iOnal tuU round of close
were covered in
having absorbed a tainted lifetime of disease. Foul Plague Furnace makes an addit
pestllent ist. The unnatural cloud could be seen in base contact.
. . � . for combat attacks again st any foe
mlies. tlsmg like a thunderhead above ritual and unholy magic sets alight the lumpen pox­
the canopy. wing these attacks, the unit pushing the
ridden skins. which. in turn. ignites the warpstone. Follo extra
onIy an unt' me1y meteor strike preven lties. Any casualties
� ted what was
The resulting warpheat turns into a fuming furnace. Plague Engine suffer 06 casua
sure to be victory for the pestilent ks count towards
rat-host. by this extra roun d of attac
producing a billowing cloud of baleful death. caused
combat resolution.

SJawcn Ikstiary: Clan Pcstilens Skaven Bestlary: Clan Peslilens

Night Runners are the most common Clan Eshin A Night Runner who has advanced to Nightleader - deaths and acts of espionage in Skaven Sneaky Infiltrators: \'(!hen deployed as Sneaky
Most suspicious
SOCl.ety are
warriors, although they are still secretive like all their the champion of the stealth pack - is given many secre blamed on the nefariOUS Clan EshlO. Such Infiltrators, the Gutter Runners are not set up at the
mysterious clan. Trained to move at speed, Night tasks for his unit to perform. These missions provide true, bur, of course there is
, beginning of the game or Scouts. Instead, starting
cusations are probably

Runners strike quickJy to prepare the way for Skaven

armies. Small furtive units sneak from the shadows to
the final tests to ensure that only the most skilled
�� evidence. Much of thiS devasta
tion is wrought by the
clad death squads.
from Turn 2, at the beginning of every friendly turn roU
a dice: on a 4+ the Gutter Runners arrive. For every
advance to the next circle of training. The slightest Runne rs, Clan Eshin's black-
seize key terrain features, while larger blocks of Night misstep, such as a blade reflecting moonlight or the successive turn after the second, add a further to
undergone training in the the roll, so they arrive on a 3+ in Turn 3, and so on (an
Runners scurry ahead of the Skaven lines to harass and creak of a hidden trapdoor, is enough to jeopardise the
Gutter Runners have
slow down the foe. Night Runners fight with blades in mission and the entire unit. developed in the Far East. unmodified roll of is always a failure) . If the Gutter
g style
each hand, although many employ slings CO rain deach
sterio us fightin

on enemy war machines or poorly armoured elires.

:: cause of their ability to bend and
bodies with a speed and
contort their
dexterity unachieva le �
Runners fail to turn up during the course of the game,
treat them as casualties for any victory conditions.
A rypical fuse is to slink off to the army's flanks, hoping M WS BS S T W I A LD Gutter Runners have no need for encumbenng

to lure pursuit ineo a hastily prepared ambush. Night Runner 6 dodge the blows and missiles of In the Movement phase in which they arrive, the Gutter
3 3 3 3 5 1 6 a our - they simply
Nightleader lead by a Deathrunner - the Runners can enter the battlefield from any table edge
6 3 4 3 3 5 1 6 their foes. A unit is often
Casualties are often high amongst Night Runner packs, ing assaSSin-adept. and are treated exacdy as a unit that is returning after
term used for the most promis
for they work deep in enemy territory. This is not pursuing an enemy off the table.
unexpected by their Clan Eshin masters. Only those enemy armies
Gutter Runners are used to soften up
that survive many actions can hope to advance to the SPECIAL RULES before a battle begins. Night raids, arson
attacks, and
more highly trained squads of the Gutter Runners. Scurry Away!, Strength in Numbers. contaminated water supplie s are all favourit e covert Snare.Nets: Snare-nets are lightweight but strong
Night Runners often work in conjunction with Gutter ld Gutter nets covered in hooks. They are used by Gutter
(actics of these stealth troops. On the batdefie
Runners, drawing out enemy reserves to allow the Slinking Advance: Immediately after both sides have with the elimina tion of enemy Runners to capture live prisoners or to slow down
Runners are often tasked
infiltrators-supreme to strike an exposed vital target. deployed all their forces, units of Night Runners can s, ambush ing exposed flanks or picking off batde-hardened opponents.
war machine
variety of
On great occasion the Night Runners are given a Warp­ make a normal move (not a march or charge) . They vulnerable units. The Gutter Runners use a
s, but A snare-net counts as a shield. Any enemy model in
base contact widl one or more Gutter Runners
grinder tunnelling team to burrow beneath the foe and must remain more than 12" away from any enemy weapons and poisons to accomp lish their mission
emerge upon the enemy's flanks or rear. This tactic is models at the end of their move. it is their ability to appear out of nowhere that makes
almost always a suicide mission, but the deaths of the armed with a snare�net suffers -1 WS and -1 Initiative.
them so formidable. They are masters of stealth and
Night Runners can provide a worthwhile distraction. ts.
Dodge : To represent his extreme quickness and can nimbly creep up on even the wariest of opponen
dextrous agility, the Nightleader of a Night Runner unit On occasion Gutter Runners will use a Warp-grinder
has a 6+ ward save. Weapon Team so that they can surface in the centre of
an enemy's battle line to cause maximum disruption.

In addition to hiring themselves out to perfoffil sinister

deeds for the Warlord clans, Gutter Runners work on
SILENT DEATH FOR HIRE behalf of the Council of Thirteen. Across the globe,
Whether 01 Wulord is seeking Night Runner niders. furtive bands of Gutter Runners spy, instigate warfare
deOlth squOlds of Gu"er Runners. lethOlI AssOlssins. between surface dwellers (or rival clans) and commit
or simply informOltion. Cbn Eshin will help for the acts of sabotage. Under the orders of the Lords of Decay,
right price. It is well known (if never spoken) thOl1 Gutter Runners have stolen or destroyed the recorded
Cbn Eshin is the knife in the pOlWS of the Council history of Skaven attacks from the great libraries of the
of Thirteen. Whether the Lords of DecOlY hOlve Empire, searched for ways to penetrate the Emerald
something over the shOldowy cbn or hOlve merely Gates of Ulthuan, and sought out the locations of all
provided the best bribe. Cbn Eshin provides the the remaining descendants of the dreaded Von Carstein
unseen force with which the Council mOlintOlios their Vampires. An unprecedented amount of secret knowledge
reign. The Warlord clans know it is no use pointing flows into Skavenblight, as the Council of Thirteen mulls
pOlWS as spies arc everywhere and it is perilous to plot over each report, forever seeking to stay one step ahead
against the plotters. of their many foes.

The constant removal of politiul opponents within

the Under-Empire has its duwbacks and oCten debys
greater pbns. It is SOlid that the Council of Thirteen
mainbin rolling bbcklist of 10.000 nOlmes muked
I GUlte< Runne<
6 4 4
Deathrunner 6 4 4
for swiCt duth. 00 the list ue the world's bders.

be they Mao. Elf or Dwu£. Prioritisiog. however.

OllwOlYS seems to require thOlt Warlords of rebellious
clans or thruts to members of the Council top the SPECIAL RULES
list. Despite complex schemes to undermine the Scurry Away!, Scouts, Skirmish.
powers of the worJd. most resources ue insteOld used
to silence internal opposition. quell the over-ambitious Dodge: To represent their supreme ability to twist their
Olnd maintain the positions of the Council. dextrous bodies at incredible speed, Gutter Runners
have a 6+ ward save. Deathrunner Champions are even
faster and so benefit from a 5+ ward save.

Sk:wcn I3cSli:lry: Clan Eshln Skavcn BCSli:lr}': Clan Eshin

Skaven Assassins are the pinnacle of Clan Eshin tests are death missions assigned by Clan Running with the Pack: While leading Rat Ogre packs
The rnotated
warriors, elite killers in a class of their own. The few
Eshin's ruling fighting beasts made by Clan Moul
leader of th
council, preSided over by Lord Sneek, the . asters. with at least a single Rat Ogre alive, Packmasters and
ed forward into battle by Packm
who know of the existence of the black-clad Assassins
fear them above all others. Rumours of their cUHhroac
clan and one of the Lords of Decay. After
surviving sUch are
jhe �p
wh�rallYtrained Packmasters are experts at
Master Moulders are immune to Fear. However they are

g their charges _ ferociO

actions, an Assassin is considered an US, half-mad crea�res toO busy keeping up to ever count their numbers for
abilities are whispered in fear: the Clan Eshin devils are master in the methodology of murder. rank bonus.
'"ho can
and attack with no warning. For thiS

ackmasters are themselves

invisible and their very shadows arc poisonous.

reas 00 P
cagey and fierce

rOors or, if
Not all of an Assassin's work happens in isolate
d they are not , they quickly end up as Verminous Valour: Although they are champions not
Stealth and killing are the study of the Skaven Assassin. "",
All Clan Eshin warriors are trained [Q perform amazing aoother
darkness. When the Skaven march to war characters, Master Moulders have Verminous Valour.
they are meal for their merciless packs.
sometimes accompanied by Clan Eshin's
feats of speed and dexterity. Only those that excel are finest hiding

I1 is comm
amongst their number. These death-dealing
on practice for Clan Moulder to seU both
I est
considered for the more intensive training. It is then agents pOse

acks and Packmaster handle

as a regular rank and file trooper until the rs to the h·Ig1
moment is
� ��� ln this way Packmasters
that the secret arts arc taught, some of which arc
right. At this time, they cast off their disguis leave Hell Pit to serve
ancient techniques studied in the Far East, but many e and leap
into the position where they can do Whip: A whip counts as an additional hand wea�n
Clan Moulder, will buy beast packs �
the globe . Some clans, not
if the bearer is in base contact with a foe. In addition,
the most damage. Warlord clans across

ru�y �sting
more are unique fighting styles of the rarmen's own oo e
Fighting with poisoned blades in each ut
paw, an Assassin
that is more
devising. By the end of his long initiation an Assassin
can unleash a murderous flurry of attacks g it can be used from rear ranks, allowing the bearer
ng their own Packmasters. Goadtn
to make a single attack (regardless of the model's
can jump many times his own height - hurtling over inSist on supplyi
leader. At other
than capable of striking down an enemy .
SCience, and
creacures into battle is not an exact
handl·109 are soon
obstacles or back-flipping to safety. He can run faster
times an Assassin will operate on the battlefi number of Attacks) through a rank of Rat Ogres or
over up [0 three ranks of Giant Rats. This potentially
eld alone - : lans who attempt their own
:; �
than a galloping horse and climb smooth surface
s with turning up to wreak. havoc behind enemy
allows Packmasters with whips to attack the foe
lines, setting vaged by their own rat-beasts. Some few clans
ease. In motion an Assassin is a blur, able to rain s :
upon a foe or pluck arrows out of mid-flight. Skaven
blows timed bombs or using poisoned shurik
ens to slay targets
nota bl Clan Krizzor of the Dark Lands, have an

for developing their own Pac

of opportunity. •
kmasters, but none save without fear of being struck back.
Assassins are so adept at hiding in the shadow
s that
many suspect supernatural magic is at work. Mould er produ ce enoug h to sell to other clans.
Clan polearms are a staple
Things-catcher: These .
M WS BS S beast-driving tool, amongst the beast-handling and crearure-catchlO�
The art of sabotage, arson, and poison all form T W I A LD The wh·Ip I's a favoured weapon and
part of crowd. A things-catcher requires [Wo hands to WIeld
Assassin 6 6 5 4 become experts w�·th
an Assassin's deadly bag of tricks. Many Assassi 4 2 8 3 and Packmasters quickly learn to .
the long lash. A Packmaster is adept at
ns-in­ . and confers the Killing Blow ability.
uStn� hiS whip
training are lost as the regimen is gruelling.
to direct the feral packs, or, when engag
The final
ed to combat,

to snap the weapon at the enemy - atta�k.ing over

th :

or betwe en the hulkin g Rat Ogre .
heads of Giant Rats .
Scurry Away! , Verminous Valour, upgra e their
Those that can afford such luxuries may
Always Strike First, Poisoned Attacks, Scouts, pato.
whips to something that delivers even more
Sneaky Infiltrators.
er are known
The breeders and mutators of Clan Mould
Dodge: To represent their extreme dexterity, Assassins Packm asters .
4 + ward save.
Master Moulders, a rank above the
have a .
burly comma nders often person ally lead thelt
perform nc of
beasts to battle to better inspect the � �
A Killer, not a Leader: Although AssaSSins are tOsttl
both pack and Packmaster. Master Moulders
character models, units in the Skaven
army can not use greater control and discipline in a pack, largely on .
an Assassin's Leadership. An Assassin may patn.
never be account of their ability to cause even more severe .
chosen as your Army General. (if not downr lght
Many Master Mould ers bear unique
. catcher
horrific) tools of their trade, such as th� thtngs-
Hidden.: Any Assassin may start the game hidden _ a wicked-looking prod with a mechanical grabber.
in one of the following units: Clanrats, Stonnv
Night Runners, Skavenslaves and Gutter Runne
Hidden Assassins are not placed on the 3 1 4 1 5
table but are Packmaster 6 3 3 3
assumed to move with the unit they accom 4 2 5 2 6

pany. At the Master Moulder 6 5 3 4
start of the game, secretly note down which
unit they
are hidden in. If the unit is wiped out
or flees off the
table before the Assassin is revealed then
the Assassin is
lost. Before he is revealed there is no
other way an SPECIAL RULES
Assassin can be harmed.
Scurry Away!, Strength in Numbers.
Hidden Assassins can be revealed at
the start of any Mixed Unit: Packmasters and Master Moulders lead
friendly turn or at the start of any Close
Combat phase. units of Giant Rats or Rat Ogres. They cannot leave .
The owning player declares that his unit
contains 1 and Impact Hits
their unit or join another. M·ISSI·1e h'ts
an Assassin and places the model where
it can fight, against Mixed Units are randomised as follows: roU a
displacing a normal rank-and-fLIe model (not
a 06: on a 1-4 a Giant Rat is hit, on a 5-6 a Packmaster
is hit. If there is a Master Moulder or any differentl�
character, champion, musician or standa
rd bearer
unless there are no other options) mlsed
. Displaced models equipped beasts, then h·ItS must be further rando
go to the back of the unit.
to determine exactly where hits should be allocated.
Skavcn Bcstiary: Clan Moulder
Eshin Ska,'cn Bestial)': Clan
monstrosities known as Rat Ogres are one
Clan Moulder long ago unlocked the secrets of prey. Given free rein, the horrid creatures will strip all The hulking

sful of Clan Moulder's numberless M WS BS S T W A LD
1 5
growing, mutating, and surgically augmenting rats. flesh from their victims. In a matter of moments there of the most succes
6 3 5 4 3 4
Master Moulders have found e perfect 3
Rat Ogre
creations. The 1 5 4
At a distance these creatures might be mistaken for will be naught left behind but cracked and gnawed
Master·bred Rat Ogre 6 4 4 3 5 5
large dogs, but on closer inspection their foul and death -dealin g creature through a mlXtUre of .
bones. Giant Rats are easy co breed and by far the blend of
unnatural disposition is all too clear. Like their smaller cheapest beasts on offer from Clan Moulder. A few crossb reeding and dark sorcerous surgery. In their
many beasts are literally stitched
cousins, Giant Rats have hairless tails and feet, packs of Giant Rats are a common Sight amongst the artificial making,
but unlike their natural brethren, Giant Racs exhibit Warlord clans. A few clans, nOtably Clan Mortkin and the impos sible feat accom plished through the
rived balm, the
Scurry Away!, Strength in Numbers, Fear, Frenzy,
warps tone-de
rampant signs of severe mutation and rhe diabolic Clan Carrion, have been known to dye the hides of fusing powers of a powerful
grafting so frequent in Clan Moulder-made beasts. sk..llm. The Rat Ogre combin es the speed and
their Giant Rats, branding clan symbols into the mangy infamous Mixed Unit (see page 53).
Many Giant Rats have additional heads, sets of extra fur in the same way that Skavenslaves are marked. city of a Skave n with the sheer brawn of an Ogre.
r of both races has been
limbs, multiple tails, or even morc monStrous somehOW the desperate hunge
additions. Spines, spikes, tusk-like incisors, or vast ed as well - for the Rat Ogre is truly a ravenous Beast Pack: As long as at least a single Packmaster or
its fill on fresh meat. Master Moulder is alive a unit of Rat Ogres can use his
hunches of bony plates can be almost commonplace, M WS BS S T W A LD crearure, forever seeking to gorge
1 1
Leadership and Strength in Numbers rule. Additionally,
while some of the morc grotesque creations have Giant Ral 6 3 3 3 1 4 3
ing to behold. The if a unit of Rat Ogres begins a friendly turn without at
exposed ribs, enormous mounds of throbbing buboes, In battle a Rat Ogre pack is horrify
ed by an insatiable least one Packmaster or Master Moulder they must [est
or worse. Giant Rats have even been seen walking Rat Ogres become wholly consum
instinct to rip, and tear, and it takes a Packmaster for Stupidity.
upright in parody of man, or gifted with odd technical kill,
parts such as wheels or mace-enhanced tails. Regardless SPECIAL RULES steer their ferociO US charge s. A Rat Ogre pack
of their bewildering variations, all Giant Rats are Scurry Away!, Strength in Numbers, moves with great speed, their misshapen bodies
vicious, wicked, and eternally hungry. of strainin g, bulging muscle s, teeth, and claws.
Mixed Unit (see page 53). entirely
ng with MYes_yes Warlord Krizk - for � tmty-pledge of just 200
The snarling rage of a Rat Ogre pack collidi
as the Sbves, 12 claws of warptokens. a Breeder �nd cemin
Driven to battle by Packmasters or a Master Moulder, Rat Pack: So long as at least a single Packmaster or an enemy unit resounds across a battlefield,
r shields , snap bones, �lIi�nces md pledges, onc of our very-very finest Cbn
Giant Rats form a seething and snarling mass that seeks Master Moulder is alive, a unit of Giant Rats may use towerin g creatur es splinte
Mnulder Rat Ogres un be yours.�-
co rip, tear, and gnaw at any enemy they can reach. his Leadership and the Strength in Numbers rule. and relentlessly pound any and all opposition. - Clan Moulder Haggle-m�stcr
W'hen deployed in number their powerful jaws and If a unit of Giant Rats begins a turn without at least
wicked sabre-like incisors can bring down far larger one Packmaster or Master Moulder they will move as A Rat Ogre is incapable of almost anything except killing
quickly as possible towards the nearest enemy unit in and warfare. After battle their Packmasters must move
their line of Sight, charging if they can. If they have no quickly to carefully separate and chain each near­
visible targets they will reform to face the closest foe. mindless brute to keep it from tearing others or even
itself asunder. All Rat Ogres bear upon their torture

Wave of Rats: In combat Giant Rats literally crawl over bodies countless scars not only from their own artificia
making, but also numerous battles, the Packma ster's
each other in their savage eagerness to attack the foe.
Any Giant Rat in a second rank can fight if it is cruel lash, the savage attentions of the rest of the pack
immediately behind a model that is engaged in close and, most disturbingly of all, signs of their own self­
combat. The extra rank cannot fight to the side or rear, destruction. At the height of their rabid fury, Rat Ogres
but only to the front. are known to rip and even devour hunks of their own
..I flesh - as if they seek to tear apart what Clan Moulder
has so unnaturally stitched cogether.


The Empire town of Glumund once by in the
sh�dows of the Grey Mount�ins. It w�s � prosperous
place. like m�ny of the small market towns that dot THE LATEST UPGRADES
the Rei�land. Known for its cheese �nd the plu�pness Typic�lly a M�ster Moulder c�n't stop tinkering Olnd
of Its livestock. there arc none now living th�t know �djusting the fleshy credions he has grown in vdS,
of Glumund's darker, more ominous past. During the bred. �nd stitched together. Can it function with an
years of the BI�ck Plague. the fertile farmlands were additional arm? Will the pincer from a Chaos beast
turned into � sh�nty-c�mp where the uptured citizens graft on or ' will it i1"�ck itself? How un more
of the Empire were driven �nd collected behind crude growing agents be squeezed out of prisoners to better
stockades. before being herded into tunnels from enrich new cre�tions? Particularly large or successfully
whence none returned. The m�ny caves thOlt surround mutated crutures arc known as Master-bred Rd Ogres
the town hOlve long been filled in �nd the few written �nd they are the most powerful of their bloodthirsty
r�cords of those bJack days were lost in the great kind. As might be expected. these muscled behemoths
fires of AltdorL And so it WOlS a matter of wonder vuy greOltly in form. Some Master Moulders might
Olnd speculation. not foreboding. when in the Imperi�l cre�te muhiple-he�ded monstrosities. while others will
yeu of 2517 the town of Glumund simply ceased to breed for sheer muscle bulk, submerging their cre�tions
be. Not a single merchant plied the streets, nor fArmer in vats of growth �gents for months. Onc stable R�t
tilled the fields. The citizens disOlppeued in the night. Ogre vari�nt is the Bonebre�ker. � hulking cre�tion
never to be seen �gOlin. much nlued as � mount by discerning Warlords.

Skavcn Bcstiary: Clan Mould

Skavcn BeStiary: Clan Moulder

Flailing Fists - The multi·headed monstrOSity
HeII Pit Abominat
. the OWOlng player's
ion is moved III unleashes a flurry of titanic blows with enough force
A Movement , moving 306" each turn. First, to level a mountainside. The Hell Pit Abomination
, th e d·trecuon 10
COOl pulSOry . .
. Pit Abomination to lace makes 3D6 attacks. Any enemy unit that suffers one
: t the Hell
thi� is
At Hell Pit, the quest to create a beast of monstrous Ominous signs preceded the final creation of what
��� ch you wish it [0 travel and then roll 3D6;
forward the creature will
or more unsaved wounds from the flailing fists attack
suffers -I To Hit for the remainder of the Close Combat
proportions was going poorly - cavern-laboratories has come to be known as the Hell Pit Abomination inches directly
' man y
mOve. If a triple is roiled, .
were wrecked, vats of mutating agents smashed, legions
of Skavenslaves were lost in hideous fashion. As Lord
MorrsJeib was low, the Winds of Magic blew strongly, do not move the Hell Pit phase. This represents the horrors of the creature's
and storms of impossible proportions raged at the
AbO minatio n; instead roll lmmedtately on the Berserk underbelly and the grim, pulped remains of comrades
Verminkin, the leader of Clan Moulder, directed the torrure-wracked polar caps. The warp lightning trapped in the pallid folds of necrmic flesh.
works himself, the repercussions for such failures were Abomination chart.
accumulators that rose above the surface of Hell Pit
bloody and ongoing. It was then that Thrm the Unclean whirred with supernatural power as they delivered Avalanche of Flesh - The Hell Pit Abomination twists
returned from his creature-capturing foray into the the final jolt that shocked the now-completed creation its serpentine mass, rearing to its greatest height before
wastes. The procession was not of manacled slaves,
but instead many creaking wagons, which between
alive. The beast rampaged through Hell Pit, slaying BERSERK ABOMINATION CHARf hurling itself upon its prey. What isn't crushed by the
Skaven by the hundreds - it was a great success. Grinding Halt. tbe Hell Pit Abomination's transplanted sickening bulk is smashed by massive fists. Every
them bore a sing1e chained beast. At long last one of Throt, rewarded with new breeders, was promised brabls baulk The beast does not move this turn. model in base contact with the Abomination (friend
2.5 Blind Fury. The Hell Pit Abomination suffers aftt as its
the pallid and deep-tunnelling Blindwyrms that exist in caverns in the innermost circle of the labyrinth that is and foe) must pass an Initiative test or suffer an
the depths of the world had been caught. Hell Pit if he would hum down more of the invaluable gbtfor control. automatic Strength 6 hit. Additionally, the Hell Pit
multiple brains convulse andJi

It was not easy force-feeding such a creature warpsrone

Blindwyrms. Lord Verminkin decreed that more of the The model moves the full distance rolled, however, it
Abomination inflictS 206 automatic hits, distributed as
creatures must be made immediately.. must do so in a random direction determined by a
per shooting against a single unit in base contact.
until the swollen, mucating beast could be cut and
scatter dice. If the random move takes the beast off the
grafted. Keeping the Blindwyrm alive during the The HeU Pit Abomination is a living mountain of gaming table it is placed back ontO the table in the TOO HORRIBLE TO DIE
complicated operations proved difficult and several times misshapen flesh. The creature moves in a rippling tide following friendly turn as if it had pursued an enemy As the Hell Pit Abomination twitches out its last
the great writhing creature had to be resuscitated with of unnatural spasms, writhing worm-like and using its shuddering death throes there is a chance its unholy
off the table, but it may not move again that turn.

jolts of warp lightning. There were many experiments, many limbs to pull and drag its hideous bulk forward. and unnatural metabolism restarts one or more of the
foul beast's many hearts. As soon as the Hell Pit
Fluid Injected! The mutated stitched 'ligbtmare roars
but only Rat Ogre components had the strength to bond Various mechanical bits, such as wheels, cogs, and flUid. in fJt,in as surges of warped growthjuices course
- other attachments withered or died. So much pumps have been grafted intO the beast to ensure it
warpstone was used in the stitching together process
tbrollgb itsfoul body. The Hell Pit Abomination moves Abomination loses its last Wound, remove the model
moves at optimal speed and that the warpstone in the direction nominated, using the triple already and place a marker (a coin will do) to mark the death
that production of other beasts of war fell to nothing. spot. At the end of the turn roll a D6 and check the
Too Horrible to Die chart. If any of the Hell Pit
mutated growth agents are regularly injected into the rolled, and will increase its Strength by for the
Suspecting plots against their clans, many Warlords beast's hyper-fast metabolism. A multitude of heads remainder of the game. Further Berserk Abomination
began to clamour, sure that treachery was afOOt. dart out of the lumpen mound of muscle and bone at Abomination's Wounds were lost to Flaming Attacks,
rolls of 6 will not increase the beast's profile, but will
the behemoth's fore. The heads that snake out arc all instead immediately inflict D6 wounds on the unit. the beast is dead and no roll on the chart is allowed.
vermin-like, but some glisten hairlessly, like unborn rat
monstrosities. Many have eyes, but no few are blind,
twisting and craning to catch the scent of prey, hissing
and snapping at the air with razor-sharp inCisors. If the Abomination's movement is sufficient to take
it into an enemy unit then it counts as charging. The Dead. tbe beast gives afillal death raUle before going
still. The Hell Pit Abomination is dead, dead, dead,
Many foes will flee from the unnatural sight of a Hell Pit (arget may make a charge reaction as normal, counting
Abomination. With a horrifying slither and shamble, the never to return.
(he Movement value rolled as the Abomination's
creature propels itself across the battlefield, rearing up maximum charge distance (for purposes of fleeing, 4-5 The Rats Emerge. 11JC Hell Pit AbomblaNofl's mighty
to a towering height before it hits the enemy line like a standing and shooting, and so on). If the move is corpse sblldders as a mass of rats burstfortb. 77.Jey had
lived within tbe beast, forever gnawing away at (be
ever.rege'leralillg Imlards of the Abomillatio,'. D3 Rat
thunderbolt. Vast boulder-sized fists smash aside shield blocked by impassible terrain the Hell Pit Abomination
walls and send foes flying, while hungry jaws snap and will stop 1" away from it. If the Hell Pit Abomination's
greedily devour the broken victims. Once in combat the move takes it into a friendly unit the creature will Swarms forming a single unit are placed anywhere

Hell Pit Abomination is relentless, dragging its bulk immediately cause D6 Impact Hits to the unit in its way, within 3" of the slain Hell Pit Abomination marker,
representing the rats emerging after the beast's writhing
death throes. SW:LCm must be placed at least 1" away
onwards to crush any in its wake. Hell Pit Abominations before withdrawing back 1" and ending its movement.

i this is
are notOriously hard to slay and there are accounts of
not possible, then any
'!11C Rat
the beasts visibly healing wounds, regrOwing severed 'SPECIAL CLOSE COMBAT ATTACKS from any enemy units -

limbs and rising from the dead to attack again. A Hell Pit Abomination inflicts 06 Impact Hits when it swarms not placed arc conSidered destroyed.
:let as nomla1
charges. Once in combat, however, Abominations do Swarms can be placed in any facing and can

not attack in the same way as other creatures. Roll a D6 in the next friendly rum.

when it is the Hell Pit Abomination'S turn to attack in 6 It's Alive! \Vitb ajolt of uWlatural vitality, the Hell Pit
306 3
6 5 6 4 Abomination rses
i anew. Place the model anywhere
3" of the slain
Hell Pit Abomination close combat to see what the mutated beast does:
with in Hell Pit Abomination marker, at

1-2 least lOO directly away from enemy units. Roll a D6 to sce
how many Wounds the creature has recovered.
3-4 Flailing Fists
SPECIAL RULES 5-6 Avalanche of Flesh
Impact Hits (D6), Large Target, Regenerate,
t fu �her
Stubborn, Terror. Feed - The Hell Pit Abomination's many heads distend
out of theirfleshy tubes, snapping and biting. Razor­ warpstone Spikes: Ever curiouS to see Wh3.
lders Will dnve
mutations will do, some Master Mou
� inatiO� . Whe�
Shambling Horror (see opposite page). sharp incisors the size of a horse's leg slash through
the air as the beast seeks prey to eat. All models in e spikes into a Hell Pit o
Abo mtn atlOn gal�s MagiC
·Special Close Combat Attacks (see opposite page) . base contact (friend or foe) suffer a single Strength 6 given this option, a Hell Pit
and all of its attacks coun t as if Lhey are
hit with no armour save allowed. Each unsaved wound Resistance (1)
Too Horrible to Die (see opposite page). is multiplied into 03 wounds. made by a Warpstone Weapon.

Ska\'cn DCSliary: Clan Moulder
Sbven ""'i"'1" CI,n Mould"
Volley From the Bac k: lf the Globadiers are
The notorious Warlock Engineers of Clan Skryre are the typically covered in whirling, hissing, clank
ing the most infamous weapons. of
. ned gas is one of

artificers of Skaven society, blending arcane sorceries contraptions of their own devising. The norm P01S
who first deployed the noXIOUS themselves in combat, models in base contact with the
!he arlock
with technology in an insane and mind-boggling mix. ally Engine ers,
rwitchy Skaven energy is partially confined . foe fight with their hand weapons, but unengaged
fighting against the Dwarfs
gas d
For the other races of the world it is hard to due to the un ng the bitter tunnel
number of wires and attachments that trail
behind the tains. Clan Skryre was models can lob missiles into their own unit's melee,
differentiate or define where the science stops and Clan Skryre ratmen. There is a frightening of Worlds Edge Moun
as described below.
del�g &.
[ed at this new diabolical way to slaughter
the power of magic begins, although such delineation tendency
towards body-part replacement amongst
many Warlock T ers have tried many methods
never occurs CO Sk.1.ven. Warlock Engineers see the two their loes. he Engine
of r ery
Engineers. This is partly due to limb loss
�� : �
from explOsive es of incredulous comp1exl'ty and When the skirmishing unit forms up to fight close
elemems as one and the same - machines and sorcery Machin
mechanical mishaps but, disturbingly, much combat, unengaged models - even those in the rear
blended together to create impressive killing power.
choice. The endlessly tinkering Engineers
of it is by
du o s �orth have been attempted, but in the end he
s ranks - are allowed to fire into their own combat
are always thod of launching gas attacks into the enemy
On the battlefield it is readily apparent that some of the
assured they can 'build a better one' and so
limbs, and more are gleefully replaced with
eyes, ��: ave been via the special ly trained Globadiers. during the Shooting phase. Shots mus� still be in f'J.nge
of the enemy. All shots taken without line of Sight to
the target suffer a -1 penalty To Hit. All hits it;tO a close
Warlock Engineers are able to channel and cast magiC cog-driven
mechanical parts. At the heart of most Warlo . orbs filled
in the traditional ways understood by the races of the ck Engineer oned wind globes are glass or crystal
�� deadly warpstone gas. When thrown, the sphere
upgrades is the driving force behind all Skave p
world. They harness the energies of the Winds of Magic ndom combat are randomised as per Life is Cheap above.

�s aners nreleasi
the dreaded warpstone. The green-black lumin
escent ng billowing clouds so lethal that
e std contact can cause severe pain or even
and channel it to foul Skaven effects. Whether or
nO[ stuff is used as a power source, providing

this is done with the aid of warped machinery is potent death.
unknown. Although they can cast and councer magic,
chaotic energies to many strange and diabo
lic devices. �:: bubbling pus - a hornble and nearly
athing the vapour s causes ungs to spontaneously Poisoned Wind Globes: Globes are thrown
flll with
the Warlock Engineers' are not nearly as adept at weapons as per the \Varhammer rules with a
The sorcerer-inventors often go to war carryi . maximum range of 8". They are \Varpstone
sorcery as the horned Grey Seers. Some Warlock ng many of I'nstantaneous
death. For thiS reason, Globadlers
wear all manner of elaborate masks, .
their latest devices. This seems to be true Weapons. Each globe that hits wounds any target on
a D6 roll of 4 + , with no armour saves allowed. On
Engineers are unable to cast spells at all, but instea for both the goggle ands,
d sorcerer-rats that can cast magic and those
seem wholly absorbed with the building and firing that function cumbersome rebreathing appara tus 111 an effort to
of a along the more traditional engineer role. . an unmodified To Hit roll of 1, a Globadi�r has
variety of mechanical weapons capable of dange From hand­ themse lves against accl'denta I gassll1g. Armour
Pffers no protection against poisoned
rous held weapons such as warplock muskets or . shattered the fragile sphere before throwm� and
and unpredictable effects. poisoned gas, but thiS does
wind globes of devastating potency, to blade
by crackling warpstone energies, the anarc
s powered � ot stOP the Globadiers from wearing arcane
body must roll to wound himself. Because of thelf
protective gear, Globadiers suffer v:ounds from
poisoned wind globes on a roU of , + .
Warlock Engineers appear as other Skaven, hic arsenal of armou r underneath their robes.
but it is the Warlock Engineers is both varied and
invariably harder to discern their shapes as destructive.
they are
the battlefield, small regiments of poisoned Wind
Globadiers lurk between formations of Clanrats ?r

M WS BS S T W I A LO Stonnvermin. At times Globadiers are accompamed by

Warlock Engineer 5 3 3 3 3 2 4 5 a poisoned Wind Mortar to boost
the unit's firepower.
From the relative safety of the shadow of lar��r
regiments, the Globadiers wait for opportumues. to dart
forwards and lob their deadly missiles. The hornble .
way in which their weapons work make Poisoned WlI1d
Not all Warlock Engineers can use magic
Globadiers priority targets to enemies that have faced

, however,
such dangers before. Globadiers have no qual�s a ut
they may be upgraded to become a Level
1 or 2 Wizard.
Upgraded Warlock Engineers use spells from
the lobbing their missiles into a swirling melee, dls�laYll1g a
Skaven Spells of Ruin list. A \Varlock Engin
eer can general disregard as to whether their globes strike
substitute one spell for Warp Light ning.
friendly troops or the enemy. It is not unusual for
Globadiers to survive a battle only to be attacked by
friendly formations that suffered from errant globes.
Scurry Away!, Strength in Numbers,
Verminous Valour.

5 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 5
1 4 5
Bombardier 5 3 4 3 3


Power struggles drive competing Warlor
ds to seek any
advantage they can buy (although stealin
g or coercing SPECIAL RULES
arc Cine options too)' At times a mere
show of might Scurry Away!, Skirmish.
is enough to win the day. In this regard,

a Warlord
clan cannot have too much of Clan Skryre
's wicked Life is Cheap: poisoned Wind Globadiers are allowe
weaponry. The fact that the Warlock Engine
ers sell to to fire into combat. Providing the Globadiers are not I.n
base contact with a foe, [hey can target any e�e�y Ul1lt
all sides in the constant Shven struggle
for dominance
is well known; the fact that for a very
high price they within range and line of Sight, even if that Unit IS
engaged in close combat. As combatants are c�nstantIy
oHer to withhold their services is widely
None but the Grey Seers know the exorbit
ant extent in motion, all successful hits must be randomlsed
of Clan Skryre's double-dealing and treache . .
ry. ' d , 4-6 foe) . Lf there
between the fightlOg unlCS (1· 3 fnen .
are multiple friendly or enemy units, further randomlse
to determine exactly which one is struck.
Ska\'cn Bcsliary:
Clan Skryrc

WEA PON TEA MS RA!�!�� ���d d eath-dealing machine RATLING GUN MISFIRE CHART
as the Ratling Gun is a relatively modern Blam! A high-pitched hissing culminates with a

Nonethe less it has proven so successful that resounding explosion that tears the Weapo" Team to
Clan Skryre has invented a variety of powerful, Attached Unit: A Weapon Team must be deployed at Skryr e simply cannot make enough to sansfy the shreds in a steaming wet radius. No shots are fired
portable, yet dangerously precarious weapons that nds of the Warlord clans. P?:vered by ,:"arp and the Weapon Team is removed from play.
the same time and within 3" of the unit it was bought edy dema
gre into gear by the prodigiOUS working
accompany the hordes to battle. Each Weapon Team with (also known as its parent unit). After this the Spins Wddly. A major maljullctiotl sends Ollt a
steam and . '
has unique abilities, but all share the follOwing proftie: Weapon Team is free to move and counts as a normal the six barrels of the Rathng Gun Sptn blinding cloud of 'IOXiOllS steam, causing the crew to

han d crank '
of a
a fusillade of warp-laced bullets that spin around wildly as the gun barrels blaze away.
all the shots (including the ones
unit for all purposes (victory points, ere.) . When within
nd whir, emitting

3" of its parent unit, a Weapon Team can use that unit's
rank bonus to modify its own Leadership. A Weapon
:treak throug h the air, leaving faint greenish traces. Roll a scatter dice
rolled with the last dice - the one that caused the

Gun is more than capable of producin� a

Weapon Team 5 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 5 Team within 3" of its parent unit is treated in all regards misfire) are fired in the direction shown by the arrow.
The Rading
of firepower, if such a thing were pOSSible.
as having a 4+ ward save against ranged attacks such as The barrage of bullets must roll To Hit the first unit in
tnl e surplu s

its path, friend or foe.
missile fire and spells. This represents the team lurking a Ratling Gun is more than enou�h
A solid burst from
Each Weapon Team is crewed by two Skaven mounted in obscurity, and ducking for the protective cover of the unit of Orc Boar Boyz mld­ 6 Bbbbrrrrrttt! The power pumping thefiring>
e down a charging
ro scyth
on a single base and treated as a single model. mechanism begins to lose pressure. The weapon fires
all shots at the intended target but does so at Strength
the 1argest umt
larger unit. gallop and can even put a dent i.nt?

2 with a ·1 armour save modifier.

s (althou gh thiS IS often called
f Clanrat warrior
Scurry Away!, Strength in Numbers.
A destroyed, fleeing or broken Weapon Team never
causes Panic tests in friendly units.
� ccide ntal shootin g') . Clanrats refer to units slain by
reakers' as the fl�sh tends to
the Ratting Gun as 'teeth-b
the lumpen glowmg bullets.
be riddled with dozens of

As is typical of Clan Skryre work, there

are a number of
variety, Skrrrqk furiously worke:d the: cUbk that SpUb the: rotatibg
Range Strength Damage Save different design patterns, including a wheeled
The Warpfire Thrower hurls a blast of unnatural flame. ounted version, barrds of the: Radibg GUb. His te:ammate. Trik. had the:
Artillery dice 5 D3 -2 one with a small gun shield, a tripod-m
One crew member carries a fuel vat and the other aims come in many e:�sie:r task of aimibg �bd. from the: flurrie:d move:me:bts of
and more besides . The foul device may
the nozzle. A flip of a switch and powdered warpstone but all are equally deadly and just as his tail. Skrrrqk could tdl the: firibg was goibg wdl.
shapes and sizes,
mixes with onrushing chemicals, bursting into unholy SPECIAL RULES Rumours Curse: Trik. he:'d hke: 0111 the: cre:dit! De:spite the obgoibg
likely to malfunction or overheat as the next.
flame. The hellish gout can turn an entire formation The Warpfire Thrower is a move or fire weapon, but can wealthy W arlord clans deploying entire shughte:r of the: Night Goblibs. Skrrrqk re:ve:rte:d back to
of certain very
into a twitching, throbbing pile of smouldering goo. sche:mibg as to how he: could usurp the: cushie:r job.
pivot on the spot to face the target it intends to shoot. units made of Ratling Gun Weapon Teams have never
It is a Warpstone Weapon. The device is fired by plaCing been substantiated, although perhaps that is because
the flame template with its narrow end touching the no one has survived to tell the tale.
Warpfire Thrower barrel and the large end aimed at any
target in line of Sight. Roll the artillery dice and move
the template the number of inches indicated - this is Range Strength Damage Save

where the warpflame lands. The template can overshoot 4 1 -2

a target, representing the team firing in too high an arc.

All models touched by the template are hit automatically SPECIAL RULES
(this is, of course, a Flaming Attack!) . A unit suffering any The Ratling Gun is a move or fire weapon, but can pivot
casualties must take a Panic test. A roll of misfire means on the spot to face the target it intends to shoot. It is a
the weapon does not fire but rolls on the chart below. Warpstone Weapon To fire the gun, nominate a visible
target and determine how many shots are fired. To do
Rapid Reaction: The Warpfire Thrower can stand & this, roll a 06: the result is the number of shots flfed.
shoot if it is charged. You can now decide whether to stop or to roll a second
dice. The result of the second dice is added to the first
and their total is the amount of shots fired. You can now
WARPFIRE THROWER MISFIRE CHARf stop or choose to continue firing, repeating the same
1-2 Whompffil 17Je diabolical device explodes. Place the process. If you roll a double (any duplicate of one of the
large round template over the Weapon Team and numbers previously rolled) the Ratling Gun has suffered
resolve hits as normal. After thiS, the team is destroyed a misfire. Roll immediately on the Ratling Gun Misfire
in the lurid mushroom cloud it has created. chart (above right) , no further dice may be rolled. If
3-5 Fuel Leak. Hi
ghly explOSivefuel leaks out and ignites. firing is completed without a misfire, and the target is
Immediately roll 2D6" and the scatter dice to determine within range, roll To Hit with all shots.
the direction the team runs before exploding. They will
stop if they touch a unit (friend or foe) or impassable Hot Warplead: Because of its high rate of fire the
terrain. After movement, the device explodes exactly as Railing Gun crew does not suffer any penalty due to
the Whompfffi result above. Multiple Shots. Additionally, the infernal Weapon Team
6 Pppphhttl Something has been sprayed, but it's not does not suffer any penalties for firing at targets at over
warpftre. With a disappointing fizzle, the Warpfire half range to represent the sheer weight of bullets the
Thrower fails to fire, but does nOt explode. The crew Ratling Gun sends whizzing through the air.

Rapid Reaction: The Railing Gun can stand & shoot if it

may not fU"e this turn. For the rest of the battle the
Weapon Team smells strongly of the musk of fear.
is charged.

-Burn qulck-quick, curse Skavcn Bcstiar)': Clan Skryre

d Dwarf-things!"
� N!?u :12�!��
DOOM-FLAYER the real power behind the swirling abattoir. Now tht OISONED I POISONED WIND
d maturely In tbe flIbe
lodes pre
51• ...n" e ha .
long soug
t to Foomphl Tbe bomb e_'\p
s nce while

CIaO IV}- ed wtO

en/og. Plac�
The Doom.flayer is a motorised iron ball of whirling death-dealing apparatus could crash into the foe Wit r a longer dista a itl all instant gre

h d globes ove massed
ensbrouding aJe are n lCa \ .
tob p
the Weapo
blades that was first employed during the mercil
ess hellish vigour, lopping off limbs, and scything dawn oi y with the plate centred on
advance quickl the large round tem
being ModeIs 10UCh
able t

a5 t�e wounded on a 4+
�u !1 \'\find Mortar w.
of the Worlds any who dared to stand before it. The great splashes are
underground battles against the Dwarfs
by the bla st
oned ed .
of gore and entrails the device leaves behind it insPi
he pois d Mortar IS

the shield inf antrY· ws a welghner one d Win
Edge Mountains. Desperate to break through
cn allo wed. The
,·\cil\' e-l0ading tube no arm our save"
'" aUo
'he muzzl greater than
waUs of the bearded·things, and unable to get within the Clanrats and Stormvermin who advance in its \\'er. 1 d to a range
range to deploy a \Varpfire Thrower or Poisone Wind carnage-filled wake.
l Sj ned win�
bo �
mb to e fire
achi eve . Additionally,
then removed.
AaJ"get . Eltber tbe
temperamental afm

�� !
e to
� could h WUdly 0ff �
from its pare nt the!tt me-addled cre
Globadiers, an unknown Clan Skryre Warlock Engineer ooc G
e or
ale directions
. mecbanism bas gone
:\ith som
e asttlY indirect�y . opponent can place
jury-rigged a heavily armoured anack device. Built from Although the infernal device has never achieved the � fire major mistake. The
d Mortar can have made a
. the p

Olso ne d . . hide IS 306 of the
scavenged scrap, broken blades and the steam-powered sheer blood-soaked devastation it wrought in the s own likes within
out nsking one'
ywhere he
the tempIate an
Hortiog "' on · Resolve
enemy With
mtcn de d po"iti

confined tunnels of the underworld, the Doom-flayer the hits as norma
roro-engine of a recently recovered crashed Dwarf any Skaven.
ealing idea to I grime,

always CIogged. The/fri

clogged wit"
Gyrocopter, the first destructive engine thac was has proven its worth in several surface battles, notably an app ng mechanism is
, , or even a
. er's errant telit.
destined to evolve into the Doom-flayer was born.
��:�� ���:�. aratuS can be
shredding many Imperial soldiers in the tightly . crew memb
}.S he may take place
fmh cleared.
o l � can device is
confined streets of Nuln during that short-lived, t bulk
the Weap on �eam this turn while the
Although the first rudimentary machines did not but devastating, invasion of the man-city. open a crew . men tS, paus lOg
de Skaven regi
d ,:\ ce alongsl . t foesl
survive, the idea did. Various incarnacions of the killing a \ n . h-arcl-ng shotS onto
OlOOlentarU .
to lob hlg
machine with the spinning, stabbing and slashing
y pare nt umt.
. d g
stay alongside
currying to . lobes dltcs back to
blades began to assail the subterranean strongpoints of Range Attacks Damage Save before s The first use o[
pOlsoned Win .
m�ntlo O 0{ W arp{"
the Dwarfs. The first crude Doom-flayers were largely Varn and the first
Base contact 4 Artillery dice
attaCkS at Kauk in . Kmk
Cite of Jewels
bOlck apprOltlmateI
Skaven-powered, as the pushing crew generated much
Save the {aII of the
Thr w rs oCcurs at
Damage .

Strength 150
none Doomwhecl dates
{ Alc.asta in 2367.
of the impetus to spin the belts and cogs that drove the 1 .
EIg t ks The
t e

see below
. wher e ooe of
whirling weaponry. The Skaven crew, protected by a SPECIAL RULES
scrap-barrier of old shields, metal-reinforced planks, Impact Hits (D3)_
yWS 10 e
deVICes �� :�1\: break the eity gates.
the Warlock Engin�
The Rltl ng Cun
ers g01 thtU rltty
and even the patched-together armour plates of fallen first appeared after
ES ed rifles of Ih�
enemies, could just about avoid incoming missile fire Whirling Dead): Whirling Death attacks occur at the SPECIAL RUL may move and
Hre_ The
hOlnds upon the
prototype multiple
d WlOd M0rtar thrower with hundred years ago.
and still steer the device to plough into enemy lines. Initiative of the Skaven crew. Do not use the Attack The poisone rl a ston e Empire roughly a
res I·ke I
Wind Mortar .
To this rough concept, the Warlock Engineers added profile of the Weapon Team in close combat, but Polsoned

g exce ptio ns:

the full verminous ingenuity of their wicked race. This instead roll an artillery dice to determine the number the followin
of course meant that a warpstone generator provided of Attacks the Doom-flayer gets. Any number any visible t�
(2, 4, 6, 8, . .
d Wtnd Mort ar can fire at
Thc POlsone . its pare nt untt,
10) is the number of automatic hits the target suffers, . th-tn 3" of
or, if che Weap
on Team IS WI target is not
allocated as per shooting. On a roll of misfire consult .
to fire If the
it �
line of slg ht
can use their the shot will
the Doom-flayer Mishap chart below. In the turn a Mort r then
visible to the
poisoned Wind
� the artille ry dice
Doom-flayer charges it does both Impact Hits and its
Whirling Death Attack. scattcr do b
� � e the � ��� ��
is e lled o
ans that shot
s may drift
unless a hit IS
roUe .
� . .
but thIS s rareI
a worr y to the crew.

The Best Defence: The mass of whirling blades wildly off target,
Should a misfire
be roUe , c�
� ns lt the poiso ned Wind

provides an excellent protective shield, giving the ve nght) .

e chart (abo
Doom-flayer an armour save of 3 + against all models Mortar Misfir
Weapon and
attacking from the front. The Doom-flayer has only a . a Warpstone
Wtnd Mortar is
The poisoned Any Singl mo
e del that
uses the Solall ro
5 + armour save against attacks from the flank or rear.
und tempIate.
late takes a
lies under the .direct c
dice roll
��� ! ':
r f the temp
ith nO armour
wound on a the temp late
allowed. All oth er
mode Is toUChed
DOOM-FIAYER MISHAP CHART no armo u r saves.
a roll of 5 +
1-2 take a wound on have
. d Globadiers
BaBlam! Tbe warp generator implodes ill a rippling
cre w and POISOned Win
The mortar nd on a roU of 5 +
radius of multi-coloured death. Place the large round . only su [ler a wou
protective gear and

template centred over the Weapon leam. Any models

any p art of the template .
touched by the template musl take a Strength 4 hit with when touched by

a -2 armour save. Remove the Doom-flayer from play.

3-5 ZZZZzap! tbe small and unstable warp generator tbat

powers tbe Doom-JIayer temporarily overloads, sending
out a sbocking dlscbarge. The Doom-f1ayer and all by Warlock
· l devices built
Some of these Ioferna that unnot be
models touched by the Doom-flayer take a single . one�o [[ builds
Engineers are unique The secrets of the
repeated attemp
Strength 4 hit with a -2 armOllr save as the device sends
replicated (desplte
1 ated Tusk- heed Ogre
out potent shock waves of warp-energy. .
anOIh-I the
Failure. \Vilb (I descendillg thrum, tbe blades
Buzzsaw Bomb that Cann on that
6 Power
and scytbes stop spinning as all power is Cllt off. nJe
tribe in the Dark � �� �;
La d
r h AVilbnche
uc. ort in Reikb od have
destroyed the town e wealthy is
crew look up innocently, acting as iftbey are not
ut w hat has mOlde ClOlD Sktyr
been lost . B Weapo D Teams to
doing anytbing har
m fill, certainly not directing the
produce and scll
the ability to mOlSS I
demand·109 Warlor
efforts of a chopping deatb (Ibattoir. The Doom-flayer d c anS.
the greedy and
may nOt attack in any way this turn as the panicked
ry: Clan Skryrc
crew scramble [0 restart their engine of destruction. a\'cn BcStia

Sk:Wcn Bcstiary: Clan Skryre

To runnel more quickly than typical slave labour, the
Skaven deploy specially devised Clan
D�pl0 g via Thnnel: A unit with an attached Warp_
grmder IS not deployed at the beginning of the game

Skryre machines.

. �'------------------------.
but instead uses the following rules:
Some of the massive constructs are larger than the barrelled r fles that requtre
Warplock Jezzails are long- .
grandest ships of the Empire's navy. These huge devices During deployment, but before Scouts, place a tun AIded by Its
nel ven team to load and fire.
combine great drills with warp energies to vapourise the , (Wo_Ska
marker anywhere on the battlefield (a coin will do) Jezzail is capable of
. dous length ' the Warplock
tremcn .
. . g targets at a distanCe greater than convenuonaI
broken debris as the machine bores. These rare Starting from Turn 2, at the beginning of every The formidable Warplock JezzOI.il ttams han been a
machines are seldom, if ever, seen, but a portable
tu�n r�ll a dice: on a 4+ the Warp-grinder arrives.
If �e hl(Un
boW or
handgu n fire. The Jezza .
il .
fi res a Ig
h' h ve IO
With a <
' staple: of the Clan Skryre arsenal for ages. They were

the �IIct made

version can often be found deployed on the battlefield. unit fails CO turn up during a game, treat them and warpst one. "
It stnkes lorce first reported on battlefields not long lfter the earliest
of .
, chshes with the Dwltfs of the Worlds Edge Mounbins.
Warp-grinder as a casualty. h a slueld, breastplate, and
red knight. ShouId the g ' green
of punch ing throug
The \Varp-grinder opens up runnels. Projectors gleam caP'ble Ambitious Warlock Engineers studied captured Dwltf
d of an armou
with warp-energy, pulverising stone and leaving a narrow When the team emerges, roll a scatter dice and an
�� Oj ctile pass throu gh or embe d i�seLf in flesh, th�
considerable, due, 10 part, to the highly
handguns and. in their own rat-fiend way. further
and smoking passageway in its wake. Small fast-moving
units can follow the device, emerging behind enemy
artillery dice. If you roll a hit on the scatter dice, the
marker stays in place; if you roll an arrow, move the
dpamage can be
warps tone. Although movm ' g toO qUlc ' Idy
perfec.ted the design. Early models used scavenged parts.
but soon the distinc.tive long-barrelled welpoD emerged.
" nature of
(0 be
lines to cause untold disruption. But it is a perilous trip, '1 1cave NlIurally. warpstone phyed a key role in the new
marker the number of inches indicated by the artillery
seen, the bullet s fired by a WarpIock Jezzal
as the newly bored runnels are prone to cave-ins and the Skaven versions. appearing in the bullet. the firing
dice in the direction shown by the arrow. If the marke streak. It is easy to trac� �e shots
machines can suffer catastrophic melt-downs. When the
r bchind a faint green mec.hlnism (the wltplock). and even the gunpowder
is moved off the tabletop, the team and its parent unit source , ensuring any return mlsstie fire
back to their
roll a
\Varp-grinder breaks through the surface, it will stick with itself. which is laced with the unnOl.tural subshnce.

are considered lost; treat them as casualties. If you
the enemy can muste r will follow. For this reason,
the unit that it is attached to, even assisting in close wat
misfire, roll on the Warp-grinder Mishap chart. ai� ing pl�tform or the long
The shape lnd barrel le:ngth have improved through
what started out as a mere
combat. Without the comforting presence of the parent
ive pavlse deSigned to the ages. but the welpon remains its same deadly self.
unit, the Weapon Team will flee the battlefield.
into a protect

riDe has turned
Once the final position is established, place the Warp­ il team from incoming Many dans cbim the repubtion of being the best shot.
shie d the vuLnerable jezza
grinder and its parent unit so both can touch the but le:gends tell of shltpshooter Natty Buboe of Clan
arrows, boits, and bullets.
SPECIAL RULES Mors who could reportedly put a shot through the
Permanently Attached: Once attached to a fonnation
marker. If the marker is under a friendly unit or
impassable terrain, place it next to the closest edge a Weapon Team, telescope of an onlooking Dwarf Engineer at a distance
The Warplock jezzail is unmistakably
a Warp-grinder must remain within 3" of i[$ parent unit. of well over 7.000 paces. As the story goes. the Dwltfs
I( at the end of any rum, the Warp-grinder is more than
of the unit/terrain. They may face in any direction. the other Clan Skryre portab le weapons, the
but unlike
The emerging units can act nonnally this turn, even t inf�n[ry, were too stubborn to admit the Shven had outranged
warplock Jezzails do not individually suppor
3" from its parent unit the Weapon Team is removed as a them. so Dwltf OI.her Dwarf lined up to look through
the ghss-Iess scope while: NOI.tty racked up a luge tally.
declaring a charge. own units. Warplo ckjezz alls are
but instead form their
casualty. Within these narrow boundaries, the Warp­ will try to position
a valuable asset to any Warlord , who
grinder can move as a nonnal unit. g to
If the marker is under an enemy unit when the Warp­ such a formation atop a hill, cliff, defile or buildin
grinder and its parent unit emerges, the Warp-grinder afford them the greatest possible line of Sight.
and its parent unit are both considered to have
charged. Place the attacking Skaven to the frOnt of the
enemy unit that is atop the marker. M WS BS S T W I A LD

5 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 5
The Warp-grinder in Close Combat: Although not
Jezzail Team
Sharpshooter 5 3 4 3 3 1 3 2 5
designed for combat, the Warp-grinder can still mete
out damage with its dose-ranged warp-powered blasts.
The Warp-grinder fights in close combat using its crew's
Initiative, but not their Attack profile. The Warp-grinder SPECIAL RULES
is a Warpstone Weapon and inflicts D3 Strength 4 Scurry Away!
automatic hits in each Close Combat phase.


WARP-GRINDER MISHAP CHART The Jezzail is a move or fire weapon and is a
1-2 Cave-in! Total collapse! The Weapon Team and its Warpstone Weapon.
parent unit are instantly killed.
3-5 Partial Collapse. nJe warp generatorfiz:zles out as the Damage Save
Range Strength
Warp-grinder nears the surface. Some of the models 36" 6 -4
may claw their way topside, although the Warp-grind
is removed as a casualty. Make a Strength test Unstable Ammunition: Warpstone-enhanced
model in the parent unit, if passed the model
for each
is placed rifles of any kind are the most reliable weapons
as normal. Models that fail are removed as
casualties. developed by Clan Skryre (they're almost safe).
Any models that survive may not move or charge
on the Anytime a weapon that uses Unstable Ammunition
turn they emerge after a Partial Collapse. If the
models scores a result of 1 on its roll To Hit, roll another
emerge into close combat they count as \VS dice. On a following roll of 1 the gun misfires and
1 and
always strike last, regardless of charging or Initiative the firer will suffer a hit using the gun's Strength
Should Have Taken That Left Turn. The tunnelle
rs get and save modifier. A roll of 2+ means there was no
lost! YOur opponent places the marker anywher malfunction, it was just a lousy shot.
table and this is where me Weapon leam and
e on the
its parent
unit emerge. They cannot move or charge on
the turn Pavise: The large and cumbersome shield carried
they emerge, as they are tOO busy blaming each
other by the front Skaven gives the \VarplockJezzail team
for the error. a protective 4 + armour save.

Skavcn BC:iliary: Clan Skryn:

IAL RULES the treadmill. The number of Attacks is random (2D6).
Save (4+), Immune to Psychology,
rolled separately for each round of combat, as the rats

(Dlpact}{its (06+1), Large Target, Terror. range between violendy aggressive and utterly worn out
by their treadmill duties.
Few devices sum up the blend of science and sorcery, the foe, then it will be up [0 the great
iron-reinforced (see below) .
rhe sheer inhuman ingenuity of the Skaven, than the wheel to crush all who dare [0 stand RoUillg Doom
before its creakin The Doomwheel itself does a Grind Attack at the
jnfernal war engine known as rhe Doomwheel. At first g
but mighty track. At the centre of the
contraption sits �'_ Down the Foe (see below) . beginning of each round of combat in which it did not
sight the Doomwheel might seem an oddity, perhaps Warlock Engineer who pilots the mad
creation. Sitting charge. The Grind Attack represents the giant wheel
even comical to opponents that have not faced onc inside the mighty death-dealing artific
e of destruction (see below). spinning in place to crush foes. A Grind Attack does D3
before. The Dwarfs, who have suffered many wars puffs the Warlock Engineer so full of
bold reassurance
Zzzzap! automatic S6 hits against one enemy unit in base
against the Skaven, know full weU the Doomwheel's that the otherwise dubious courage
of his race is, at contact, distributed as per shooting.
measure and will direct every war machine at their least partially, offset. Doubtlessly the
wafting fumes
disposal co blast rhe deadly wheel apart before it can from the warpstone generator bolste
r the Engineer's Zzzzap!
churn close enough (0 pulverise the Dwarf battlelines. confidence as well.
In each friendly Shooting phase, even when engaged
Indeed, Dwarf cannons will allow themselves to be
close combat, the Doomwheel unleashes three bolts of
overrun by the foe, willingly sacrificing themselves for Of course there are still teething probl
ems that make warp lightning. Sometimes this is not desirable and so
their hold, in order to get off a single shO[ at the the Doomwheel dangerously haphazard. .
These SOrts the warlock Engineer may choose to take a Leadership
infernal Skaven device. of petty concerns, however, do not overly
worry the test in an attempt to stOP the Doomwheel from firing.
Warlock Engineers. On the whole If the test is failed, the machine fLfes as normal.
they would rather be
The Doomwheel was invented by perhaps the most cobbling together a brand new type
of killing machine,
insanely talented of all Warlock Engineers, lkit Claw. than fine-tuning one that more or less
works most of Each warp lightning bolt has an 18" range and will
The design is so simple and yet so complex, so utterly the time. For instance, the rat propu strike the nearest unit (friend or foe), regardless of
Skaven in its inception that it is well beyond the ken of Doomwheel might, on occasion, produ
lsion system of the
ce results that .
a chanot terrain or line of Sight. Roll for each bolt separately,
even the cop minds of the Imperial School of Engineers The Doomwheel moves and manoeuvres like
have �
are between disappointing and deeply measuring from the Doomwheel's base. Ifthe closest
lethargic. To a a few exception s. The Doomwhe el does not
in Nuln [Q comprehend. Rats scampering in t:win Warlock Engineer, whose mind think with
s in gears and cogs 3D6, unit dies from the first bolt, the second bolt hits the
fi d movement rate but instead moves a random
�� next closest unit in range, and so on. If twO ta�gets �e
treadmills inside an enormous wheel provide the combined with eldritch incarnations

, such flaws are ry Movement part of each friendly turn.
primary motive power. This, in turn, sparks the i le Compulso
Should the Doomwheel run into an .o stacle <.>r enter
exasperating. Despite being fed stimu equidistant, the owning player may choose which Ulllt
lants and bathed
warpscone genera[Or, which, if all goes well, powers in the unnatural glow of raw warpstone,
the rats seem is struck. The Zzzzap bolts are Warpstone \Veapons.
difficult or very difficult ground it will lmmedtately t�e
bolts of lethal warp lightning. If the green or purplish incapable of reliable service. An Engin
bolts that arc out from the warp-conduits do not slay
eer will quickly 03 S4 hits. If it survives it can move over the obsta�le or
conclude the problem is just the beasts
being wilful. through the difficult ground. 1f a Doomwheel run mto To work Ollt how powerful the warp lightning is, roll an
impassable terrain or a building, it takes D6 Strength 10 artillery dice. If you roll a number (2, 4, 6, 8,10) then
this is the Strength of all the bolts for this turn. Each

When it works correctly, the Doomwheel whirs quickly
hits and comes to a stOp. Should a Doomwheel come
into contact with a unit (friend or foe) the Doo"?w eel unsaved wound is multiplied to D6 wounds. If you roll
across the battlefield, moving more SWiftly than
galloping horses. [f it is going exceptionally well,
will come to a stop, causing Impact Hits (See Gnndmg a misfire result something has gone awry. No more
the Warlock Engineer will even steer the great wheel
Down the Foe) . shots are fued this turn and you must roll immediately
towards the enemy. This is ideal, as the powerful warp on the Doomwheel M.isfire chart.
lightning bolts fire out, blasting the nearest thing to The Doomwheel will flee and pursue 3D6".
shrivelled blackness, so it is best to be nearer the foe!

Loss of Control: At the end of any phase in which an

The \Varlock Engineer who pilots the
Doomwheel unengaged Doomwheel takes a wound, the Skaven player
has much [0 attend [0, chiefly ensuring
that the must take a Loss of Control test. Roll a D6 for each DOOMWHEEL MISFIRE CHART

warpstone generator isn't overloadin
Disaster. 11Je Doomwheel suffers a ptlrtial meltdown

g or goading the wound suffered in that phase. On the roll of a 1, the
Doomwheel goes immediately Out of Control (as de�at ed
rat propulsion via shock-prod . Some .
times steering is and begins to glow a luminous greenish tillt. T le
one of the duties that does not take Ooomwheel immediately takes 06 Strength 6 hits
priority. It is not in the Doomwheel Misfire chart) . lfthe Doomwheel tS m
unusual to see one of the enormous l rats succumb to the toxic leak of
wheels ploughing combat or fleeing it does not need to make an Out of many of the treadmil
back intO its own lines, but random.
cruel, and Control test as the pilot is fixated on the task at hand. power. From now on roU onc less 06 for the
undeserved death is not something dice the
new for Skaven. ooomwheel's movement. If reduced 10 zero
The power to break enemy battle Ooomwheel is removed as a casualty. .
lines or destroy large Should an out of control Doomwheel leave the gaming
monsters more than compensates of the
Out of Control. 71)e screechi" gfeedback

for the odd squashed

table it will return in the following friendly turn.
Clanrat or Skavenslave. Still, wise comm d the stem wheel. If the

ooomwheel is unengaged, d
anders deploy one hasjtwlme
Duri g the Movement phase place the oomwheel on warpst

the edge where it previously left - thiS tS the o�ly move

Doomwheels as far away from thems . lC OWOl'og playcr must
elves as is possible.
immediately roll a scatter dice and move
allowed for the Doomwheel, although the ownmg .
full random move in a straight hne in
Doomw heel its
player must still fLre the Doomwheel (see Zzzzap! at . allowed. If

, ) the Doomwhcel Infl'

uvnng is
the direction indicated. No manoe
it hits any unit (friend or IOC
M WS BS S T W A LD right) . letS
Ooomwheel 306
Crew (\'<'arlock &
6 6 5 ·
Rats) - 3 3 2 4 2D6 7 GRINDING DOWN THE FOE Impact Hits as normal and coun
ts as charging if thc

The Doomwheel does D6+ 1 Impact Hits. In the cas� of a

ooomwheels already eng:lgcd do not
unit is an enemy.
Out of Control and ignore this result.
Doomwheel hitting a friendly unit, resolve Impact Hits
rst of Speed. The overheated
The Doomwheel, including its Warlock Engineer crew BU
immediately after contact and then move the Doomwheel rats I0 perform trul)'
and all the rats in the treadmill, is considered to be a reifllJigorates the treadmil
back an inch. _
For u ,e
. ...
inspired wheel·splmlfng as neve 'r before.
remainder of the batdc tI
single combined model. Hits and wounds are all .
le random movement IS
directed against the Doomwheel as a whole, although
In a close combat the Doomwheel uses the Attack
. dice.
the characteristics for the crew have been included as increased by an additiOnal
proft.le for the crew, representing the \Varlock Eng,
they have separate attacks in close combat. striking blows as well as the swarming rats who po
Skaven Bcstiary: Cla
n Skryrc
Sk:a\',:n OcSliary: Clan SkryTC
housed in the device. This works exactl
's mix of science. and
The Warp Lighming Cannon is a contraption built by SPECIAL RULES taken Clan Skryre \Varpfire Thrower (found on page 60) excep
t that lkit
. ClaW has raVity.
t complexity and dep
the fiendishly clever Warlock Engineers and powered Ponderous War Machine: If the crew is forced to flee cy to new levels of may re-roll the artillery dice.
. legtons 0f Ska
' d to
n blaste
hav e bee
. slaves
En .
by an enormous hunk of raw warpstonc. This wonder for any reason the Warp Lightning Cannon is destrOyed.
l new we apons,
0f Ildt's experi me nta
the name . Storm Daemon (Magic Weapon)

weapon generates unearthly energy, which is directed bits In might that

The Warp Lightning Cannon is a war machine and both
alI P
il srn
er and
along a rune-etched barrel forged and enchanted to rice for the sheer pow
Storm Daem on is a magic halberd that ignores armour
n Skryre's deadly
Ikit ha
can project bolts of
channel such destructive fury. it and the crew are considered to be a single combined s added to Cla saves. Additionally Storm Daemon
model. The characteristics have been detailed for both ing from its tip. This is a Bound Spell (power
the world, dark lightn
ytng tIle
dge, lkit has travelled on blasts a
In h'S
quest for knowle Level 5). If successfully cast, Storm
, that �auses
When fired, the Warp Lightning Cannon emits a Sizzling crew and machine as they are used at different times. .
I hay , srud
of Cat
ball of warp energy and any ncar the shot are rocked in When being shot at or targeted with spells use the .
ling sec rets from the mystiCS MagiC Missile with a 24" range , Stren gth 5
tria, and toiling for
d· enslon-span 0ff ZIlarr·
. Ol'ng machines of Lus wort h of hits. In the case of a �Isftre,
its wake, fur standing on end, with a sickly green light higher Toughness, while in close combat use the lower an artillery dice

years a1
Forgemasters of far roU on the chart below:
burnt into their mind's eye. The bolt arcs earthwards, Toughness value. There is only a single combined ongside the cruel nO shots are fired, but instead,
NaggrunSdkry ' Upon his return, lkit fou
nd the war pforges
punching through anything in its path and then erupts Wounds profile that both \Varp lightning Cannon
wo uld take
er-d eve lop ed. It
in a crackling cloud of pure warp lightning. The shot and crew draw from. If this combined Wound profile re woefully und
of Clan
. . I
" grandlOSe changes.
fully implement hiS
flashes too qUickly to follow, but its trail, once it lands reaches zero the entire model is removed as a casualty. cenrun, es to t [kit selze( h'IS
lead emissary 0f
on the ground, is easily marked - scorch signs follow 'ng the great Civil War tha
({ was dun ' RE CHART
its path and anything in the way will have a gaping FIRING THE CANNON opportuOl'ty
., the newly assigned
n Skryre, lkit Claw .
LDrd Morsk
ittar, the ruler of Cla oads. lkit CI:lw :lod
hole in the exact shape of the beam. At first glance this The Warp Lightning Cannon is a move or fire weapon ZZZzark! Storm Daemon overl
ivalled armounes
've warpforges' and unr . every model in b:lse contact with
him suffers :I 55 hit.
puncture is impossibly clean cut, but closer inspection that fires in the same way as a cannon, as presented in ordered mass h Skavenbhght. tangles.
reveals warp energies eating outward from the circle - the Warhammer rulebook, with the following exceptions: be gna wed into the stone beneat 3-5 Disruption. Minor malfullcti
ons alld cursed
to ns were soon
and diabolical weapo rest of this 5kaven Magic
destroying all matter in the way fire blackens and Infernal devices lkit may not cast spells for the
el hith erto und reamt. cables out.
d on a lev phase while he sorts his pow er
crumbles paper. If a misfire is the result of the initial roll of the artillery being assemble IIlltold power
r absorbs
lely add D3 power dice
dice, roll on the Warp Lightning Misfire chart below. 6 Full Power. nJe warp generato
fore a failed
and white-furred be.
body. An
lkit Claw was tall
The second dice roll determines how far the warp for lkit"s use. Ikit may
ma ngl ed hiS M:lgic phase.
M WS SS T A LD lightning 'bounces' and the Strength of the warp eriment exploded and to the pool for the current

invention now covers
Warp Lightning Cannon - 6 4 lightning shot. A roll of misfire on this second roll � icate iron mask of his ow n
�o-s eleton
Engineer & Crew 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 7 means that the energy dissipates and no hits at all are � iS hairless skull and a
cunningly wrought e
side. The iron cont�
p[lo � IS run
suffered. If a number is rolled (2, 4, 6, 8, 10) this is the aids his withered left
a masterpiece of e� � me er��g that
distance travelJed - centre the small round template at by a warp generator, s devihsh
Mag ic to pow er lkit
the furthest range, to represent the crackling and siphons the Winds of m as the
cogs hiss and vent stea
exploding ball of energy. inventions. Whirring arm our:d
, clankin g like a fully
Chief Warlock moves
Skr yre Wa rloc k Eng ineerS, lkit has
All models touched by the template or in the path of knight. Like aU Clan .
adding a small warpfire
the Warp Lightning from where it hits the ground to continued to tinker - ne locator.
es, including a warpsto
where it explodes suffer a hit at the Strength rolled. It and countless upgrad
� , a halb�rd
lds Storm Daemo
is a \Varpstone Weapon. No armour saves are allowed In combat lkit Claw wie glo wang
and set Wit h
wire coils
against any shots from the Warp Lightning Cannon and wrapped with copper pressed
crac kles wit h bar ely sup
each unsaved wound is multiplied intO 06 wounds. warpstone. The blade erator to
, er from the warp gen
energies as It draws pow
lightnin g.
The Warp Lightning Cannon cannot fire grapeshot. hurl dark bolts of warp

5 4 3 3 2 7
5 5 3
1-2 Meltdown_ nJe macbine and its crew explode hl a
green fireball. Remove the entire cannon and wonder
suspiciously if it was really a malfunction Or if you're

ven Sp�lls
being double-crossed. MAGIC
ard and uses the Ska .
3-5 Energy Overload. nJe IInfathomable energies sentl tbe lkit Claw is a Level 3 Wiz
one spell for Warp Ltghtntng.
war machine spinning around before an IInusually of Ruin. He can substitute
potent warp lightning shot blasts outwtlrds. Roll the
Scurry Away! . Strength in Num
scatter dice and turn the cannon to face the direction
rolled. Resolve a shot at maximum Strength (10) that
emanates from the barrel and travels along the ground Verminous Valour_
in a straight line 406" before terminating in a large
round template. MAGIC ITEMS
6 Spluttering Fizrle. A high-pitched descending
whirring call be heard as tbe energy dissipates. The
Iron Frame (Magic Armour)
A mighty iron frame gives
[kit his exceptional Str�
gth ;
wo uld be a me re 2). he
cannon cannot fire this turn, but can shoot as normal (which , without the dev ave of 5 + .
0f 3+ and a ward s.
next turn. Surely the Horned Rat is watching over you.. suit gives a n armour save jector
fire the wa rpfire pro cters
Once per game [kit can Skavcn Bc:.tia
ry: Special Char:l

Sk:wcn Ucstiary: Clan Skryre

Them the Unclean is onc of the most twisted and After deploying Skweel into his unit, roll once on
on which to experiment. Whether it is obtaining must learn when to ply the lash, how to
A ' 1 infighting' and how far beasts can be
ingenious Master Mutators of Clan Moulder and has Blindwyrms, discovering applications for TroUsple pushed the Mutations chart to determine the pack's special
exploited that success to position himself as one of the or cultivating the best "growing juices" to increas
e e � before they'll
turn . None are better attune d to thel.r
' attributes. The effects are for the entire pack but do not

foul creat
nine Lords of Hell Pit. The effects of a lifetime's work size of Rat Ogres, few can match the deeds of Skweel Gnaw tooth, the most affect Skweel, Packmasters or Master Moulders. Skweel
Throt. ions than
with warpstone can be seen, as bone spines protrude will never leave his special pack and may never join
Packmaster in Hell Pit.
out of Thror's back and a third arm sprouts out of his successful another unit.
Thrat is active in advancing Clan Moulder's status
, , and
bloated, but powerful framc. His left eye, tOrn from its It IS not unusual to find Throt, accompanied by warrant amongst Skaven
packs J.,..weel was a runt - a death
5 ers ' In the daily
socket in a struggle with a rival, has been replaced with of war-beasts joining many Skaven battles. When to live, however, Skweel
ThrOI compe tition
a shard of warpsrone crudely hammered inco place, . � htt
personally JOIl1S the fight he wie.lds Creature-killer unlik ely "
allies to ald h'IS underSlZe

coun t on
feeding its baleful influence direcdy into Theot's brain. could Regenerate. These loathsome crealUres seem to grow
a modified things-catcher of his own design that des were not Skaven , but comm on
cause. His comra

c n
grab and throttle even beasts the size of a Rat with be asts a d was new limbs as quickly as they can be lopped off The
had a natura l affiniry
Ogre. ralS. Skweel
often accompanie
Over many self.deve)opmental experiments, Theot pack creatures have the Regeneration special rute.
Additionally Thrm carries a special whip made from d by a rippling horde 0f vermm.
has radically sped up his metabolism and now grows 3-4 Poisoned Attacks. Adding venom glallds is a Clan
Moulderfavourite. All the pack's attacks are Poisoned.
Minotaur-hide and cured in Troll digestive juices. ers took note of
wasn't long before the Master Mould
ravenously hungry after exertion. He requires constant
nourishment and gluttonously crams tremendous
Even the hunchbacked and mutated things that
throughout the warrens of Hell Pit fear its stinging
SCutrle :�e dread Skwee l comm anded among st his fellows, as
disappeared into the tunnels, 5.6 Additional Attacks. £\'lra arms, mecbanical
amounts of food into his eternally unsacisfied gut. pain. any who stood in his way
attachments, orjust extra viciousness make for a
ferociol/s pack. Each pack creature has + "1 Attack.
ulled into the darkn ess by rat hordes. When Skweel
It is the Black Hunger, only worse. Eating more than
four times his own body weight daily, Throt maintains
� given a chance in the great pens with the larger
beasts, he was not mauled, as are most
ThrOl [he Unclean
such a pace to aVOid being ravaged by his own warp­ traine d to
6 6 3 4 4 3 6 4 Instead, from that day on, Skwee l was
enhanced constitution. Surly at the best of times, to with zeal.
become a Packmaster - a task he took
when deprived of food (meaning the instant he stops MAGIC WEAPO NS
chewing) Throt becomes mindlessly ferocious. charges but Warp-lash (Magic Weapon)
The majority of Packmasters drive their
SPECIAL RULES than simply Skweel bears a wicked warpstone-studded lash that
Skweel seems to guide creatures, rather
Thrat's rise to power has been marked by an abiliry to and Rat counts as a whip (see page 53) in all regards save that it
Scurry Away!, Strength in Numbers, Fear, lashing them forwar d. To Skwee l, Giant Rats
create and lead to battle any number of bloodthirsry
Regeneration. but trained allows no armour saves and each unSOlved wound is
Ogres are not barely controlled feral beasts,
creatures, along with a knack for capturing new beasts multiplied into twO wounds.
g. After a
animals eager to do [heir master's biddin
Master Controller: Tluot counts as a Packmaster for successful hunt, it is not unkno wn for the brutes to
the purposes of leading Giant Rats and Rat Ogres. present Skweel with choice pieces to feed upon.

In addition, any unit of Giant Rats or Rat Ogres within Skwee l's comma nds. WoLf
new breeds buckle under
siege-bea �s,
12" may use Thrat's Leadership, even when he is not Rats, Hyper-gland Rat Ogres, specially b�ed
the Army General. mmdle ss Hell lit
all are bent to Skweel's will. Only the
immun e to Skweel 's mastery .
Abominations seem
Ravening Hunger: After marching or a round of combat
(after Break tests) Throt must pass a Leadership test
or Skweel's abiliry to control dangerous packs makes
consume a single model from his own unit (owning ble. Lord V ermink in will only release Skweel 's
player's chOice) . Yes, this means he might eat a Rat Ogre! services to the highest bidder, and only for a limited
Throt must still test even if he is pursuing a fleeing time. Skweel has led sniffer-beasts hunting rogue
enemy. If Thrat breaks and flees, he automatically fails Assassins, packs of Black-rage enhanced Rat Ogres .
his Ld test and eats a single model on the run! If he fails aiding Clan Mors in the Dark L1.nds, and a Tunnel
his test while fighting alone, Throt takes a single wound a Dwarf strongh old, but Skweel always
Gnawbeast into
with no regeneration allowed. returns to Hell Pit, ready for his next aSSignment.

Creature-killer (Magic Weapon) M WS BS S T W I A LD
Thrat fights with both a blade and Creature-killer. 6 5 3 4 4 2 6 2 6
Skweel Gnawtooth
These Anacks are already included in Thrat's profile.
All attacks, save for the one made by his whip
(see below), have the Killing Blow special ability.
Additionally, against larger than man-sized creature SPECIAL RULES
Scurry Away!, Strength in Numbers,
(Ogres, Hydras, etc.) each unsaved wound caused
these attacks is multiplied into D3 wounds. Verminous Valour, Mixed Unit.

Whip of Domination (Magic Weapon) Verminous Bodyguard: Packmaster Skweel is always
I� his third hand, Throt brandishes a whip. AlongSi accomp anied by a small host of rats and his loyal olf
hiS four Anacks, Thrat makes a single additional attack Rat, Gutsnagger. Any enemy unit in base contact
with (he Whip of Domination. The weapon counts as start of any comba t must immed iately
a Skweel at the
normal whip (see page 53), bue any enemy that takes take 06+ 2 Strength 2 hits, distributed as per
an unsaved wound from the Whip of Domination
suffers a -2 penalry to its Leadership for the remaind Exceptional Pack: Skweel is a Packmaster and
Rat Ogres.
of the player turn. cannot join units except for Giant Rats or
Skavcn BcSIi:uy: S peci Sk.c..w n IkSllary: Special Char
al CharaClCrs
Warlord Queek Headraker is the right claw co Warlord
slew any who denied him, and
Gnawdwell, grand ruler of Clan Mors and member of was therefore grante
n battles and countless acts of treachery, SPECIAL RULES
;:n :;' Scurry Away!, Strength in Numbers.
first scavenge rights. So it was that d Ov r
the Council of Thirteen. That Queek has risen so high the wicked maul retch Cravenmil of Clan Ricrus has proven
ideal for punching through stee '
in arguably the most powerful Warlord clan is a credit l plate, once more m aster of guile. Even for a Skaven, who Verminous Valour.
became the bane of the Dwarfs. . e
. .

to rhe terrible violence he unJeashes on any in his way. Queek has perfecte duplic · d that
itoUS tactiCS, It IS WI·deIy admltte
furious windmill style of attack, fight ct ,
Queek's vicious streak and vitriolic temper, along with . ing simultaneou a knack for fighting dirty. In eed, Tretch s Tretcb's Raiders: Tretch is an expert at attacking
With Dwarf Gouger and a barbed sly rretch has
sword - slashing, . famously good disadvantaged foes, a master at hacking down enemies
his immense ego, are legendary amongst Skaven, who
puncturing, and snapping with his re 0f underhanded skills and hiS
regard such (raits as greatly admirable. razor-sharp teeth. has Ied to a number of legendary deeds. that aren't looking. When Tretch is in combat, he and
lU ck
any unit of Clanrats or Stormvermin he joins re-roll all
Although his scarlet-armoured Storm

The majority of Queek's explOits have been in the vermin often when his failed To Hit rolls when attacking in the flank or rear.
accompany him, Warlord Queek takes Trelch began his rise from anonymity
runnels, lairs, and abandoned Dwarfholds benea pleasure in was leading a long line of chained ight
th rhe personally dispatching enemy lead
surface of the world. The Warlord's fame grows ers. In his arrogance
Gobbns back to Crookback Mountain. Ostensibly the
Stay Here, I'll Get Help!: Tretch has an uncanny
as word
Cla I ader had chosen Tretch to carry
Queek carries the severed head ·
of his bloody deeds spreads through the Under-Emp s of his latest oppone key Items 0f the ability to leave a unit at the most opportune (tme.
ire. on a trophy rack to remind followers nts
Queek is feared by rhe Goblins and respected - and Warlord ed loot as a reward for his idea to spike the Once per friendly rurn, at the start of any phase: Tretch
by the
Ore tribes. Dwarfs have great hatred for Quee
name appears regularly in the Book of Grudg
k, whose
Gnawdwell - of the fighting prow
Warlord Queek, the Headtaker, the
ess of the almighty
: blin�s fungus beer, but it is more likely Tretch was
can leave a unit and reposition himself in the front rank
of a friendly unit of Clanrats or Stonnvermin within
es. Adorned upon spikes in Queek's chosen because he was deemed tOO scrawny to usurp
collection are Krug 3D6". If the roll is not great enough to reach such a
Ironhand, lkit Slash of Fester Spik the clawpack· This proved untrue as Tretch used a
e, and the hands of unit, then Tretch Craventail has scurried off the
By sheer audaCity, Queek claimed a mighty prize from U keg of distilled Mad Cap mushrooms, the stuff
the scavenge-hoard - Dwarf Gouger, a weapon forged
Baron Albrecht Kraus of Averland
��a turns Goblins into deranged, spinning lunatics,
. battlefield and is treated as a casualty.

during the beginning of the war with the bearded­
Warlord Gnawdwell relies on Que to great effect. With impeccable timing, Tretc.h turned
ek, dispatching him MAGIC ITEMS
his nne of slaves into whirling death-dea ers Just as the
Lucky SkuUhelm (Enchanted Item)
things. Lost for centuries, Dwarf Gouger was recovered
Clawleaders and Chieftains were convenmg t� argue
to break enemy lines, storm defenses

deep in the Night Goblin lairs near the ruins of Karak , and bring victory
to Clan Mars. At the same time Warl Tretch wears the skull of a defeated rival as a good luck
ord GnawdweU over which tunnel to take. The effect of mu tlple
cI1arm. '(' 1
I e Skullhelm gives Tretch a 4 + ward save and
Drazh. Ac the time Queek was a mere Chieftain, but it continues ro hire Assassins to slay .
was widely believed that he led the attacks that claimed the Headtaker. Fanatics chained to each other and attemptmg to twirl
All of this non-stop violence keep the ability, once per game, to reproll a dice roIt . -rhe
s Queek on his toes; madly in a packed tunnel was spectacularly bloody.
re-roll can be one of his To Hit, lb Wound, armour or
the darksome hole for Clan Mors. In fact, it hadn't been roo busy ro scheme for GnawdweU
Queek, but he claimed it had been with conviction and 's ruling position. After that incident the clawpack needed a new leader
and Tretch was the first to scurry into the gap. ward save, Ld test, or a Stay Here, I'll Get Help! roll.

M WS BS 5 T W ( A LD Since those days, Tretch has led countless ambushes

Queek Headtaker 5 7 4 4 4 3 7 6 8 and proven himself a master survivor. It was Tretch that
found the hidden path to attack the flank of the Dwarf
gunline at the Battle of Black Crag. It was Tretch ,,:ho
led the raid that tunnelled beneath the cam� of mighty
Scurry Away!, Strength in Numbers.
Black Orc Warlord Dagbad and stole every smgle

Hates Dwarfs and Ores & Goblins.

Goblin out from underneath the Scourge of the D.ark.
Lands. Tretch was (he only Skaven to esca�e the sinking
of the Imperial Galleon c.'lptured on th: Rive� Aver.
Trophy Heads: Queek must issue or accept a challenge .
The detractors that jealously eye Tretch s rapid flse
if one is possible. In a challenge Queek fights with the begin to get tail-tWitchingly excited when th�y see
fury of the deeply conceited, and adds + 1 to both his Tretch 's Clawpack flee the battle, wreathed m the
To Hit and To Wound dice rolls. fireball of a Weapon Team malfunction, or mauled by
enemy formations. However, time after time, Tretch
Extreme Distrust: Queek doesn't fully trust Grey Seers

reappears having left his doomed brethren and
and seeks to keep separation between himself and the popped u elsewhere [Q accomplish some notable feat.
machinations of the politically-minded rat-mages.
Queek will not join a unit that has a Grey Seer or Recently Tretch assumed the Clan RictuS title �f Grand
pushes a Screaming Bell. Chieftain of the Deep Warrens by disguising .h.lmself as
a stalactite and dropping from the cavern �elhng to
slice the previous Chieftain in two. Now wlth a �maU
Dwarf Gauger (Magic Weapon)

Queek wields the magical maul Dwa army at his command, he has mustered night raids on
rf Gouger and an Empire towns and warpstone scavenges in the Dar
Lands. Tretch's deeply resentful superiors oft�n �Slgn
additional blade. These attacks are
already represented
in Queek's profLIe. No armour save
s are allowed from
any of Queek's attacks. Queek alwa
on a roll of 2 + (this is not modified
ys wounds Dwarfs
the Chieftain to impossible tasks or suicide nuSSlons.
Yet each time Tretch escapes and returns to covete �
in a challenge). reward. It can truly be said that Tretch has a sense or
victory and a muzzle for knowing when to leave a fight
Warp-shard Armour (Magic Armour)
These spiked plates give Queek a 3 + armour save.
For each successful armour save made in close combat, M WS BS S T W I A LD
the armour inflicts a Strength 5 hit against the enemy Tretch Craventail 5 5 4 4 4 2 6 3 6
that struck the blow.
Ska\"cn 13c.sliar
y: Spcdal Charac
Ska"cn Bcsliary; Sped:ll
That Lord Shoik walks the world is an affront to nature Despite his seeming blindness Skrolk's reflexes
are in legend' Deathmaster Snikch is a figure
Dodge: Snikch's agility to dodge even bullets or magic
of dread
and a sign of the power of the Great Horned Rat. Plants spells is represented by a 4 + ward save.
amazing. He can snatch a fly out of the air - or
rather speculatiOn, a rumour of sudden death .
wither and die where Shoik treads and the very air he could if any flies were able to enter the aura ' thought of Clan Eshin's most deadly killer
about him seems to congeal and darken, as if stained
that The mere
emanates from his loathsome hide. Insects literal
ly s Warlord s to squint at shadows. Speculation of Hidden: Snikch may be Hidden in the same way as an
� �h's
by his baleful presence. ShoIk is ancient, having the 52).
Assassin (see Hidden, on page
drop dead from the noxious fumes surrounding Sk
rolk deeds or whereabouts runs up and down
existed many spans of even the most long-lived of his ' °
and only extreme devotees can abide his presence
. way. This suits Lord Sneek, the Grand Ntghtlord
f Clan Eshin and
foul kind. Rather than weakening with age, lord Skrolk
member of the Lords of Decay. As MAGIC ITEMS
1°�g as
is possessed with a diabolic vitality that belies the years In battle Lord Skrolk leads from the front so he can Snikch's real location, then no Whirl of Weeping Blades (Magic Weapon)
no one knows
and the heaped diseases he carries. Indeed, Skrolk is °
All of Snikch's attacks are made by Weeping Blades
unleash his rabid fury. He bears the Rod of Corrup feel safe. The ramifications 0f sucl1 mystlqu�

tion clan can
bent and gnarled under the weight of countless (page 107). These extra hand (and tail) weapons are
a dreadful staff of spiderwood, iron-capped with red by Clan Eshin and the Council of
corruptions. The flesh that is not hidden by his tattered
spike are always conside
and covered in writhing runes of power. Many cense d, Deathmaster Snikch does not already factored into Snikch's Attack profLle.
rs Thirt een. Once deploye
fail, but the list of targets grows
shroud is leathery and covered in a layer of dripping hang from its chains, wafting foul vapours. Lord Skrolk more quickly than even
buboes. Even worse, the mysterious hunching growths often carries plague scriptures with him, and on them . The Cloak of Shadows (Enchanted Item)
killer can eliminate
this perfect
framed by the robes promise something still morc occasion will bear one of the sacred volumes of the Woven from stolen human hair and spider silk, the
virulent. Each new pox only toughens the aged Plague Liber Bubonicus, the tOxic tome of ultimate disease. Snikch leaves his Cloak of Shadows conceals and silences the wearer.
When acting on Council orders,
Monk, who has himself become a disease that walks. of Murkpit had his \'(Then wearing the cloak., Snikch, cannot be seen (and
distinctive symbo ls. Warlor d Sskut
100 heads from his therefore charged, shot at, or targeted specifically by
neatly removed head stacked atop
Lord Skrolk is one of the Plaguelords, the rulers of Clan lands Clan spells) unless the attacking unit first rolls a D6 result
M WS BS S T W I A LO Stormvermin bodygu ard. When South
Pestilens under the direct command of the Arch­ Lord Skrolk mutated mix of of 4 + . If the test is failed, the unit may still announce
5 G 4 4 5 3 G 4 7 Festerlin gus began selling their own
Plaguelord NurgHtch, he-who-is-tenth on the Council. mark that was a charge, shooting attack, or spellcasting elsewhere.
Giant Rat and alligatOr, it was Snikch's
It was the sight of the radiant corruption of the Arch­ rituals are The presence of an undetected Snikch won't prevent
scrawled over the mutators' bodies. Such
Plaguelord that caused Skrolk to claw out his own eyes, terror, an enemy units marching, charging or shooting other
enacted when the Nightlord wants to seed
as he wished to see no other vision to obscure that last MAGIC Clan Eshin or the Council. targets - just move Snikch out of the way with the
example to those that cross
glimpse of perfection. But the Horned Rat provides . . Lord Skrolk is a Level 3 Wizard and uses the Skaven minimum amount of movement should he be in the
despite empty sockets, Skrolk moves assuredly and Spells of Plague. He can substitute any one spell for world path of an enemy charge. If Snikch is in a unit or
The Deathmaster has been unleashed upon the
claims a magical sight that sees in vivid hues of decay. Pestilent Breath. Almost engaged in close combat, the cloak. has no effect.
above but it is harder to divine his presence.

assuredly the fate of the Celestial Wizard Heinrich

SPECIAL RULES Frisen, found flayed in his still-locked observatory
Scurry Away!, Strength in Numbers, Frenzy, Terror. rower, was the work of Snikch. Some speculated about
Daemons, but the truly erudite know Daemons seldom
Aura of Pestilence: Any models in base contact with to
leave so few clues. The Dwarf Lord Dromgar, brother
Lord Skrolk suffer -I on all of their To Hit rolls. All King Belegar of Karak Eight Peaks, was slain in a heavily
Clan Pestilens models - Plague Monks, Plague I)riests, fortified stronghold. That Dromgar is still missing his
Censer Bearers, the Plague Furnace and the Plagueclaw head points strongly to the ultimate killer. While a
Catapult - are immune to such effects. master of murder, it is likely that Snikch is also behind
many of the ratmen's most devious acts of sabotage.
MAGIC ITEMS The Great Fire of Lothern, the bombing of the Imperial
Rod of Corruption (Magic \Veapon) Navy in the Reiksport, and the destruction of Dwarf
The Rod of Corruption is a flail. Models hit by the rod Engineer Thornik Thorson's Iron Cog-dragon on the
must pass a single Toughness test (regardless of the eve of the Bactle of the Bitter Peaks - who knows how
number of hits) or instantly decay and die. No saves of many of the world's disasters are the work of Snikch?
any kind are allowed. A roll of 6 is always considered a
failure. If the victim lives, roll To Wound as normal. In battle Deathmaster Snikch is a shadow, able to
appear at will. His multiple Weeping Blades, including
one held in his whip-like tail, weave a deadly steel blur.
The Liber Bubonicus (Arcane Item) It is the last thing many leaders see before joining the
Once per friendly Magic phase, Lord Skrolk can countless warlords, princes, and notables who have
bestow an unholy blesSing. This is a Bound Spell already fallen before the matchless assassin.
(power Level 6). Pick any single enemy unit within
24" of Lord Skrolk and, if successfully cast roll a 06
to see the effect: M WS BS S T W I A lD

Deathmasler Snikch 6 8 6 4 4 2 10 6 8
1 Squeaking, squealing nonsense. No effect.

2-4 A withering pox. Each model in the unit suffers

a Strength 1 hit with no armour saves allowed. SPECIAL RULES
Scurry Away!, Verminous Valour, Always Strikes
5-6 Death plague. Each model in the unit suffers a First, Scouts, Sneaky InFutrator (page 51).
Strength 2 hit with no armour saves allowed.
A Killer, not a Leader: Just a s Assassins (page 52).
Skavcn Bcsrl:ary: Spec
ial Characrcrs Skavcn Bcsrlary: Special
stolcn sccret plans,
d CIVI\ wars, and
ol has almost . . Warp-amulet (Talisman)


As long he has at least a single Wound remaining,
lds, almo st star tc
cO010st succeeded any
ind the
number of times. Beh
al es hav e been (Wo at the beginning of each of his turns, Thanquol can
anq uol s sch em
of many of Th use the amulet to heal himself. On a roll of 5 +

. yen
fuilure. Dwarf Slayer Gotrek
Ihanquot IS a Grey Seer of great distinction, a someone nearby. Perhaps this is why the other Ska nOus figures; the mighty Thanquol regains a single Wound .
ootO an companion, Felix Jae
G rniss
fear Thanquol so much . . on and his hum
particularly favoured agent of the Council of Thirtecn. ol's superior
II�S tim c bef ore Tha nqu
ter of
only a mat Staff of the Horned One (Arcane Item)
::u Grey Seers have a particular field of expertise and
Over missions beyond counting Thanquol has el enough to avengc the
commanded armies, sought information or artefacts, geoi US dev ises a method cru Thanquol's staff allows him to know an additional spell
at thc han ds of those fools.
supported furtive Clan Eshin activities, and attempted I hanquol has chosen to study humans . From Tilea to ties suffered _ therefore Thanquol
has five spells, not four.
to fan insurrection amongst the enemies of the Skaven. the north�rn boundanes' of the Empire, Thanquol has ses,
ewhat modified) succes
gnition of his (som Warpstone Tokens: Thanquot always start the game
AmbitiOUS and self-serving, even by Skaven standards' an extenslve knowledge of the man-things' languages In reco by the Cou nci l of
Th �nqu �l misses no opportunity to use his scheming
. has been give n a gift s (see page 108).
rhanquol with 06+2 Warpstone Token
and history and has spent much time seeking the b
ard. Ovec the
teen _ a
mutant Rat Ogre bodygu
gUile to tmprove his own standing. He is a master at ways to manipulate such creatures. Thanquot has h rhir
luck y with bodyguards,
Tbanquol has not
� in
manipulating or 'misunderstanding' orders to his own much success corrupting and bribing many ind·IV!·duals 'ears Each time a
build·109 a nefarious network of informers and agents ' i ety of hor rible way s. ' A LO
y in a vari M WS BS S T W
personal ad tage. Thanquol is shrewd and constantly osing man rebuilding
re-evaluates I
llS plans, always probing foc different
ks to the
. lost, it is replaced than 1 5 5 3 1 4 10
many 0f the major human cities. Rat Ogre is ce and Clan Boneripper 5 3
ing efforts of Clan Skry
and re-grow

a�gles or new benefits to be gained. That so many of ' of his
. times the new 'version
hiS asSignments go so disastrously wrong, is not, as he Of ate, Thanquol's devious plans have encountered a Moulder. Several material of
even used the rem aini ng
has so often assured the Council, anything like his fault. senes of sctbacks, although by the blessing of the bOdyguard has less , the new,
Reg ard ES
st to wor k wit h.
!-Iorned Rat, even these calamities seem to fall in favour (he deceased bea ed Bon eripper.
Ogre is traditionally nam
illlproved Rat Fear, Unbreakable.
�l �agics through the copious use of warpstone. With thiS sturdy, if
Over time Thanquol has sustained his frantic pace and of the Grey Seer. In the year 2499 Thanquol gave the ow n rwitchy,
mindless, hel p, and hiS
powe order to attack the human city of Nuln. Half thc City
e again seeks to
The VIVid, if twisrcd, visio�s that race through Thanquol's
nqu ol onc
wa� destroyed, along with the entire Warlord clan yet invaluable, para
nOia , Tha
Bodyguard of Thanquol: Boneripper is a speciaUy
of course) to the
, of Decay (and himself, ed to guard the Grey Seer.
warp-addled mmd have given the Grey Seer morc than assigned to execute his military plan. That Clan Skab serve the Lords modified Rat Ogre cons truct
best of his abilities . r must be with in 12" of ThanquoL If, at the
usual inSight. This sixth sense has caused Thanquol to had been a threat to the Council of Thirteen was Bonerippe
a1t�r p lans at the last minute, or urged him to jump unbcknowns� to Tha�quol at the time, but the Cunning
ripper is not within 12"
start of any friendly turn, Bone
twltchd� for no tangible reason. Although erratic, this �rey �ecr qUIckly claimed credit and explOited the of his master, then he is prog ramm ed to shut down.

has saved Thanquol's life on more rhan

W ] A LD
�ltuatJon to hiS. advantage. What most Skaven remember M WS BS S T ot move and in
, dow n, Bon erip per cann
sudden mstmct 6 1 7 While shut
. 5 3 3 3 4 3
mati cally and will not strike
onc occasIOn. However, the misfortunes (or well-aimed IS that Th�nquol smashed a treacherous clan and not Thanquol combat he will be hit auto
e ends while Bon erip per is shut down,
shots) that Thanquol avoids invariably strike down that he faded in his main mission with scvere losses. back. If the gam
Thanqu ol is slain or flees off
he counts as a casualty. If
is rem oved as a casu alty as well.
the table, Boneripper
MAGIC Wizard.
and therefore a Level 4 During Boneripper's rebu
rhanquol is a Grey Seer Plague Warpfire Thrower:
Skaven Spe lls of Ruin or ed a warpftre
He uses spells from the process the Warlock Eng inee rS add
ose to substitutc
in any combination. Tha
nqu ol may cho a arm. Once per game this
. thrower in lieu of an extr
any one of his spells for
the Dreaded Thirteenth Spell pftre Thrower (on page 60)
can be fired as per a War

Scurry Awayl,Strength in Numbers,
Verminous Valour. ly.
was not going well. Sure
Thanquol paced. The plan
is addicte d to t potent of mage-rats,
Warpstone Addiction: Thanquol use the thought Tha nquo l. he was the mos
. did
warpstone and has been
known to liberally Council's agents. Why then
the most euhed of the
er. Whi le thiS has unh inged his sanity, keep send ing him inferiors to work
raw Chaos man the Lords of Decay
es. Thanquol can absorb of Clan Krik had jeop
ardised the
it does also have its advantag with? Warlord Skrich
ious stuff with few side effects le La Boe u£. Tru e. ThaDquol
quantities of the prec task of destroying Citadel
ing facial twitches or a n, but that
save for occasional eye-bulg bridges would be dow
had promised the draw RunDers.
sker s are following him. those wor thle ss Gut ter
suspicion that his own whi had been the fault of
for them turned out
nquol rolls a 1 with any
nqu ol bou ght
Yes, the poison Tha kable. but he
When casting a spell, if Tha n as to be safely drin
to be so watered dow gnawed his pale.
a War pstone Token, he can ens. Thanqu ol
power dice generated by had saved many wHptok r-
nd resu lt will cause a wound the Duke had counte
re-roll the dice. The seco rubbery tail. rec.alling how fool AssaSSin
ot be re-rolled. Clanrat s fleeing. The
on a roll of 1 or a 2 and cann attacked. sending the
that manling! Of
should have already slain kill .sevenl
ther precognitive Assassi n to
Blessing of the Horned Rat: Whe has been
Thanquol had reassigned
. .
miSSion f�om whICh
tion, Tha nqu ol own (inks,
powers or divine interven upstart Skaven in his failures could
y goo d fortunc . never returned. Such

blessed with extraordinar the Clan Eshin agent thoug ht Thanquol.
e! But who
only be devious sabotag :
personlge as
of 4 +. For every wound with so mighty a
Thanquol has a ward save would dare match wits dangerous indeed.
s, one friendly model within 6" (owning himseU? The hidden
foe must be
Thanquol save
wou nd instead. Normal saves
player's choicc) takes a
hin 6" the wound fails
mo del is wit
apply. If no friendly
to deflect anywhere and is Sk:wcn Bcsliarr: spc.:ciai Chat"3CICI1i
SKAVEN SPELLS OF PlAGUE Cloud of Corruption - Cast on an 1 1 +


The caster releases a slinking blast of diseased fury.
Roll a dice for every unit within 12" of the caster (friend
or foe), even if they are in close combat. Enemy units are
To randomly generate a spell roll a dice and consult the chart. If you roll a spell twice 1 Pestilent Breath 5+ affected on a D6 roll of 2 + , friendly units are affected on
Bless with Filth 7+
for the same Wizard, roll again. The differing types of Skaven Wizard can each substitute 2 a roll of 4 +, and models from Clan Pestilens (friend or

one of the spells they have rolled for a specific spell, as listed in each bestiary entry. 3 Wither 8+ foe) are affected on a roll of 5 + . Each unit that is affected
4 Vermintide 8+ suffers D6 Strength 5 hits with no annour saves allowed.
5 Cloud of Corruption 11+ RoU separately for each unit.
SKAVEN SPELLS OF RUIN Death Frenzy - Cast on a 9 + 6 Plague 13+
Gesticulating wildly the caster gifts a unit with a Plague - Cast on a 13 +
rabid and frothing urge to close and strike the foe. The caster unleashes a disease from the Book of Woe.
D6 SPELL DIFFICULTY This spell can be cast on any friendly unit within 18", Pestilent Breath - Cast on a 5 + Choose one enemy unit, within 18" of the caster, even
1 Skitterleap 5+ even if engaged in close combat. If successfully cast, Uttering horrible phrases the Skaven Sorcerer belches if it is engaged in close combat. Each model in the
2 Warp Lightning 6+ the unit will go into a state of Death Frenzy, which is forth an impOSSibly foul cloud. affected unit must take a Toughness test. If th� test
3 Howling Warpgale 7+ the same as Frenzy, except that it adds + 2 Attacks not Place the flame template with the narrow end in base if failed, the model suffers a single wound with no
4 Death Frenzy 9+ + 1 . The spell may be cast on units that are already contact with the caster and the wide end anywhere in armour save aUowed. If cast on a unit engaged in close
5 Scorch 10+ affected by Frenzy, but the effects do not stack - the his arc of sight. Any models touched by the template combat, all units involved in the fight (friend and foe)
6 Cracks CaU 11+ unit will have a total of + 2 Attacks. Once cast, a unit suffer a Strength 2 hit with no armour save allowed. will be affected.
will remain Death Frenzied umB the unit loses in close The spell may be cast while the Wizard is in close
combat. Units that are Death Frenzied suffer D6 combat, but instead of using the template one enemy After working out the effects of the spell and removing
Skitterleap - Cast on a 5 + automatic wounds, with no armour saves, at the end unit in base contact takes D6 Strength 2 hits with no casualties, roll a dice on the chart below and continue
With a "Bamf!" the Skaven Sorcerer disappears in a of each friendly turn (distributed as per shooting) . armour saves allowed. to apply the results until the spell ends or there are no
puff of smoke to reappear elsewhere on the battlefield. targets within range.
This spell can be used on any friendly infantry character Scorch - Cast on a 10+ Bless with Filth - Cast on a 7 +
within 12", even if engaged in close combat. This includes The Skaven Sorcerer thrusts his paws into the ground A/oul mist wraps around the weapons of a nearby 1 The spell backfires, the opponent can decide to
the caster (unless it is a Vennin Lord, as it is a monster) . while chitteringfiery incantations. unit and the weapons begin to drip with toxic filth. end the spell or choose any one unit within 12"
The model may immediately be placed anywhere on the The caster may summon a gout of flame to blast out The caster causes a friendly unit within 12" to have of a unit affected by the speU during this Magic
battlefield, but it must be placed at least 1" away from of the ean:h. Place the small round template anywhere Poisoned Attacks in close combat. The spell may be phase and "pass it on" as per the 5-6 result
enemy models. within 24". Any model touched suffers a Strength 4 hit. cast on a friendly unit that is already engaged in close below. The unit selected suffers as above.
All wounds caused by this speU count as Flaming combat. The spell lasts until the end of the next player
Warp Lightning - Cast on a 6 + Attacks. Any unit that suffers an unsaved wound must If the unit already has Poisoned Attacks, the 2·4 The spell ends.
warriors will cause an automatic wound on a lb Hit

The Skaven points a fleshy paw and bolts ofgreenish. take a Panic test.
black lightning arc outwards. roll of 5+ instead of the normal 6 + . 5-6 The casting player can decide [0 end the spell or
\\Iatp Lightning is a magic missile with a range of 24". pass it to another target within 12" of a unit
It causes D6 Strength 5 hits. If the number of hits roUed Wither - Cast on an 8 + affected by the speU during this Magic phase.
is 1, then the caster suffers a Strength 5 hit instead of Chanting passages from the Libel' Bubonicus, the The unit selected suffers as above.
the target. Wizard casts a spell of wasting, shrinking sickness.
The caster may choose any single unit within 12" , Units cannot be affected twice by this spell in the same
Howling Warpgale - Cast on a 7 + including a unit in close combat. The Toughness value Magic phase.
The caster gestu1'es twitchingly to the skies and fierce of all the models in the unit is reduced by -1. The
hurricane gales begin to build until it swirls around effects last for the rest of the game and any creatures
the entire battlefield. reduced [0 a Toughness of 0 are removed as casualties.
The spell summons driving winds that last until the THE DREADED THIRTEENTH SPELL
stan: ohhe the caster's next Magic phase. Flying Curse of the Horned Rat - Cast on a 25+
creatures may nO[ fly and must use their basic move. Cracks Call - Cast on an 11 + With a sickening lurch the fabriC of ,oeality is torn
All missile weapons that roll To Hit suffer a -1 penalty With the arcane incantation invoked, the Skaven ends by the twisting power of the Great Horned Qne.
in addition to any other penalties (long range, etc.). by stamping his horrible pinkish rat-like foot, causing This speU can affect a single infantry unit within 24"
This spell does not affect Skaven missile weapons, as the very ground to split asunder. and line of sight of the caster. If successfully cast,
the unnatural winds are diverted by the caster himself A crack appears in the ground at the caster's feet and the spell turns 4D6 of the targeted unit's models
runs for 4D6" in a straight line in any direction in the Vermintide - Cast on an 8 + into Clanrats. If the number rolled is larger than the
caster's arc of sight. Any models in its path must make Tbe caster invokes and many rats answer the call number of models in the targeted unit, remove the
an Initiative test to leap out of the way. Models that fail Place the large round template in base contact with enemy models and replace them with Clanrats with
The messenger bowed low. pressing its muzzle are removed as casualties. Instead of taking an Initiative the caster to represent the summoned rats. Move the any normally allowed equipment or command. The
to the floor. MSpeak-speak" snarled the Grey Seer. test, war machines and chariots must instead roll a 5+ template in a straight line 4D6" away from the caster. casting player now controls thiS unit. If the casting
too agitated to appreciate the fawning. "Unexpected or be destroyed. The template cannot cross impassable terrain or water player does not have enough models to replace the
complications. most powerful of potentates" said the features. All units touched by the template as it moves entire unit, transfigure what you can, the rest are
Scurrier. Before the creature could finish. the Grey Buildings (or a single section for larger structures) suffer 3D6 Strength 2 hits. The caster is never hit and a considered destroyed. If the number rolled is not
Seer sent bolts of lightning to roast him alive. collapse on a roll of 5 + . Any models inside must pass unit he is with is only hit if another of its models is great enough to replace the whole targeted unit,
an Initiative test or be removed as a casualty. Replace touched by the template. The spell then disappears then remove as casualties the number rolled - they
"Bad news can wait" thought the rat-mage. and it was the building (or section for large buildings) with (including the rats) . This spell may be cast while the simply mutate and die, or were slain by horrified
comrades. No saves of any kind are allowed against
always best to kill the messenger. difficult terrain and place survivors in a unit so that at Sorcerer is in combat, however, no template is used.

Instead choose a single enemy unit in base contact the twisting power of the Horned Rat.
least one model is touching the newly formed rubble.

'� �
If any models cannot fit, they are removed as casualties.

with the caster. Hits are distributed as per shooting.

Skavcn Magic Sbvcn ",.ic

Gather round ye Children of the Horned Rat and listen-hear this well. Ever
mistrustful, no true Warlord will reveal all the secrets up his tattered sleeve, but
here are a few tips to get started with your own collection of Skaven quick-quickl

There are many reasons to begin a Skaven army. Maybe take a few of the foe with them using their Cornered Rats
you like the look of the miniatures; they certainly have an rule. With so many infantry options it is easy to overlOOk
undeniably ratty style. Perhaps it is the deSire ro build an Night Runners. Their Movement rate and Slinking Ad
unsroppable tablerop force. The mix of a horde army with rule can be used to seize the battle's initiative. A few small
diabolical destructive war machines and slavering monsters but hard-hircing units in between your larger blocks can
can prove a foe-crushing combination. Then again, it may work really well too. A few Rat Ogres or a unit of Plague
have been the sheer character of the Skaven that has Censer Bearers can really deliver some damage to your foe.
caught your eye - that unique blend of super-viUainesque
evil with devious cowardice. The Skaven are the only race Nefarious Magic & Arcane Technology: A Skaven army
with 5ubrerranean volcano lairs, a plan for taking over the offers more than horde tactics. A Grey Seer is one of the
world, and a penchant to scurry away from combats. Only most dangerous Wizards anywhere. A Vermin Lord is
a Skaven would duck a challenge and still act with swagger points-heavy, but nigh unstoppable. And with the infernal
and bravado. But once you've made the sensible decision war machines built by Clan Skryre, the Skaven have access
to collect an army of man-sized rats, where do you begin? to some of the mOSt demented war engines in the game.
They can melt, zap, churn, or chop any foe. Crush enemy
WHERE TO START units with a Doomwheel or blast them from afar with a
The Skaven army can be built in a number of ways, but at Warp Lightning Cannon. The deadly peals of the Screaming
the centre of them all is a solid base of infantry. A single Bell unleash random but potential1y devastating effects
20-strong regiment of Clanrats or Stormvermin is an across the battlefield. It might boost your own units'
rd of this Skaven force.
essential foundation. Skaven need the three ranks of abilities, it might damage your foe, but it will definitely ilens troopS form the vangua
A contingent of Clan Pest
combat resolution bonus to stand up to most opponents turn the Clanrats or Slormvermin pushing it into an
and because of the Strength in Numbers rule, these ranks Unbreakable unit, fuelled by the power of the Great
also mean the ratmen can add a much needed bonus of up Horned Rat. It is also a splendid showcase model that
to + 3 to their admittedly dubious Leadership. Maintaining warrants display in the centre in your army.
the + 3 rank bonus is so useful it is worth ensuring your
main units start off with a few extra ranks. That way, you Rabid & Ferocious: You might prefer m overpower the
can lose a few models to missile fire with our penalty. Try to foe rather than swamp him with numbers. Send in a cheap
fit command models - standard bearers, musicians, and screen of Skavenslaves or C1anrats before unleashing the
champions ':' into your units. They cost few points and all bigger hitters. A Skaven Warlord, augmented by a War-litter
supply useful game benefits (and frankly look great too!). or Rat Ogre Bonebreaker, can put more oomph into a unit
of Stormvermin. The loathsome Plague Monks with a
Stormvermin are slightly better equipped tban Clanrats Plague Furnace can be utterly devastating, combining high
and have improved wS and Initiative as well as access to a rates of frenzied attacks with the deadly poisonous fumes
magic standard. They will cost a few more points than of the Plague Censer. It is the Hell Pit Abomination,
Clanrats, but are stiU on the budget side of elite troops. however, that delivers the most ferocious line-breaking
Weapon Teams are excellent add-ons to your units as they charge of the Skaven army.
can supply serious killing power, but beware: they are
fragile and prone to catastrophic mishaps! It only takes IT CAN ALL GO WRONG IN A HURRY
one good shot, say melting your foe's best troops, for a During the course of your battles you may find that anything
Sk.-tven Warlord to begin placing too much emphasis on from a unit to an entire flank can lose its courage and scuflj'
his Weapon learns. Consider any casualties they cause as a back where it came from. Skaven Leadership tends to be
bonus to your plans and you can't go far wrong. fine, so long as you're winning. Your Weapon Teams will
explode at the mOSt inoppornllle times or, even worse, blast
A Multitudinous Mass!: With even numbers of your own side to bits and then blow up. The Clan Skryre
combatants you probably can't stand me-to-toe against death-dealing artifices of devastation can, with some bad
more formidable melee armies (which, frankly, is most of luck, do nothing to your foe, but slay your own troops with
them) . Bm fighting with even numbers isn't what Skaven wild abandon. All of this isn't a flaw in the army design; it is
are about! You should be able (Q field at least three to four a flaw in the Skaven character. They are random, prone to
more units than most other armies. So tie your foe up and cowardice, and their engineering is powerful, but slipshod.
then charge your foe in the flanks! If you aim to build a There are times when despite your best plans, your battle
horde, then more Clanrats and Stormvermin present your will stiIJ go disastrously wrong. When a disastrously unlucky
best fighting options. Mixing in Skavenslaves adds more game happens, learn from your mistakes, blame someone
mass for ridiculously few pOints. Use Skavenslaves to guard else for them, and tben forget (or at least deny) it ever re.
a city of the Empi
flanks, absorb the enemy's missile fire and hopefully, when happened. I personally blame the Council of Thirteen for sts forth to attack
they break from combat, the Skavenslaves will spitefully
A Skaven army bur e
The \'enninou� Hord

jealously sabotaging my flawless command.

WOie_Oic man-Ihings!"
The ominous tolling of the
diabolical Screaming Bell
can devastate enemy a1"11lies
and raze entire cities.

Lord Skrolk

Warlord Grey Seer Verminlord

The Verminous Horde

The Verminous Horde

eltlflrtll champio
n Clam·at musician Suitably painted models [rom the
Clanrat set make ideal Skavenslaves.

Clanrats wear ragged clothing and bear a range

of weapons and equipment scavengedfrom the battlefield.

Clam'at banners depict symbo

ls and markings of the Warlord clan or Greater the mainstay o[ tbis army.
clan they serve. Clanrats pushing the Screaming Bell[orm

The Verminous l'lordc

The Verminous l'lonlc
More Clanrat standard bearers A stormvermin This stormvermin banner
standard bearer suggests a link to Clan Moulder.

A Fangieader converted to
An example of the markings used on banners and shields of Clanratsfrom a typical Warlord clan.
wield a warplock pistol,

The banner and shieldsfrom a typical regiment of Stormvermin. stOt'mvermin The Verolinous Horde

1 I
The Verminous Horde
The poisono
uS fumes
tbtlt b
out of the

e Fu rnac es
re at cen ser are
delldlY to
the foe but
ddv e the Plague
to further
cts of zea lous

The scrolls, staves and tomes of the Plague Monk

s are covered in pestilent runes.
Plague Monk
standard bearer

The Plague Furnace

This unit ofPlague Monks is

led by a Bringer-of the-Wont, carrying scrawledpassages from
__ ,- __

orm s
-:II, -;::
ma-;; bU-:;
t incr L
: edi- -
bly - -
har ,-
d·b �=-
unt 7, a Skaven army.
s i:;-
the Book of Woe. Plague Censer Bearers f
The Verminous
Horde The Vcmlinous Horde
Packmaster Skweel Gnawtooth A Packmaster A Master Moulder With
with whip a things-catcber

Clan Moulder banner

'J'ten accompany a Skaven horde to battle.

Rat Swarms or

Gutler Runner
s coated with vile poison
Assassins all bear weapon

____ G iant Rats are tbe most common. war-beasts bred by Clan MOlllder.
__.�m___�_� battlefield.
sneak around the
colours to belp them
rs of Clan Esbin wear black or very dark
Gutler Runne

L-.- �
Night Runners

Rat Ogres are the hI'deOlls patchwork creations of Clan Moulder. 'rhe Verminous I lorde

'nlC Verminous Horde

A Warlock Engineer This crew member
pilots the Doomwheel. works the stenzwheel.

Poisoned Wind Globadiers

Warlock Engineers

Poisoned Wind Globadiers

The Doomwheel is one of Clan Skryre's deadliest inventions.

Warlord clans waste no opportunity to deck out a newly purchased Doomwheel

with a pennant displaying their Own clan symbols and markings.


Warpstone power
Ratling Gun
Warp L ghtning
i Cannon Warpfire Thrower
The Verminous Horde
The Venninous
army list enables you to turn your collection of Citadel miniatures into
army ready for a tabletop battle , As described in the Warhammer rulebook,
the army
is divided into four sections: Characters (including Lords and Heroes),
Core units, Special units and Rare units.
. . ;.
,:!. , , , , I , " AN ARMY
. .
'' . ." . .. " E,'ery miniature in the \Varhammer range has a

, . ,
points Characters are divided into two categories: Lords
COS! assigned to it. This reflects how effective the model Heroes. The maximum number of characters
an army
battlefield. For example, a Skaven Clanrat can include is shown on the chart below. Of course,
is on the
COS!s just 4 points, while the sorcerous Grey Seer cOStS
A banner declaring allegiance
A Grey Seer banner only a certain number can be Lords.
to the Council of Thirteen. A foul banner of Clan
240 points!

Most of the time, both players choose armies to the Army Points Value Max. Total Max. Lords Max. Heroes
Less than 2,000 3 0 3
:;ame agreed points total. You can, of course, spend
fewer points, and you may find it impossible CO use
2,000 or more 4 1 4
3,000 or more 6 2 6
up every last point. Most "2,000 point" armies, for 4,000 or more 8 3 8
e.xample, will be something like 1,998 or 1,999 points. Each +1,000 +2 +1 +2

To form your collection of miniatures intO an army, look

up the relevant army list entry for the first troop eype. An army must always include at least one character to
This tells you the points cost to add each unit of models act as the Army General. If you include more than one
10 your army and any options or upgrades the unit may character, then the one with the highest Leadership
have. Then select your next unit, calculate its points cost value is the general. When one or more characters have
and so on until you reach the agreed points total for the the same (and highest) Leadership, choose one to be
game you are playing. In addition to the models' points the General at the start of the battle. Make sure that
values, there are a few other rules that govern which your opponent knows which character is your General
units you can include in your army, as detailed under is your General when you deploy your army.
Clan Skryre banner Choosing Characters and Choosing Troops.
Examples of Some of the ma Many Skaven characters can be equipped with additional
ny banners borne by tbe
Warlord clans.
LIST ENTRIES equipment - from either the Skaven Scavenge·pile or the
Profiles. The characteristic profile for the model(s) in magic items from the Skaven Tools of Supremacy, or both.
each unit is provided as a reminder. Where several are These items range from powerful magical weapons, to
required, these are also given, even if they are optional. banners and other eldritch items. \'<'here characters have
this option, it is included in their profile.
Unit Size. Each troop entry specifies the minimum size
for each unit, which is the smallest number of models CHOOSING TROOPS
needed to form that unit. In some cases units also have The number of each eype of unit allowed depends on
a maximum size. the army's points value.

Equipment. Each entry lists the standard weapons For Core units, there is a minimum number of units
and armour for that unit eype. The cost of these items from this category that you must take. Giant Rats and
is included in the basic points value. Additional or Rat Swarms do not count towards this minimum
Optional weapons and armour cost extra points and are number of Core units. For Special and Rare units,
presented in the Options section of the unit entry. there is a maximum number of units that you can field.

':a;::n �:ndiVidual warlord clans display similar CO/ Special Rules . Many troops have special rules, and
Army Points Value Core Special Rare
peated runes on their our s The band and dagger sym these arc fully described in the Skaven Bestiary section
banners and shields. bol SlIggests this Warlord Less than 2,000 2+ 0·3 0-1
clan has some connection of this army book. The names of these rules are listed 04 0-2
to Clan Eshin. 2,000 or more 3+
in the army list as a reminder. 3,000 or more 4+ 0·' 0-3
0·6 04

4,000 or more 5+
+0·) +0-1
Options. Many entries list different weapon, armour + 1,000 +1 minimum

and equipment options, along with any additional

points cost for giving them to the unit. This includes
magic items and other upgrades for characters. It may Like many characters, some Skaven units or
ent from the Scavenge·
also include the option to upgrade a unit member to a can be given additiona1 equipm
magiC items (noml ally banne rs) from t.he Skaven
champion, standard bearer or musician. pile or
Where such
This clan bears lhe Tools of Supremacy, or perhaps both.
same shlelds
' but subtly different runes. ed in their profile.
A common rune shows options are available, they are indud
loyalty to the same Warlo
The Verminous

Sk.1\·cn Arnly list

LORD SKROLK470 points page 74 VERMIN LORD 500 points

I Loed Skrolk
5 6 4

Rod of Corruption
The Liber Bubonicus
Special Rules:

Scurry Away!
Strength in Numbers
Vermin Lord
8 8 4
5 10
5 8
• Doom Glaive
Special Rules:
• Scurry Away!
• Immune to Psychology

}uur army ctln only include Olle Lord Skrolk model. • Aura of Pestilence • Large Target
A Vermin Lord
If Lord Skrolk is [he • Frenzy is a Level 4 Wizard and knows spells • Rat Daemon
Magic: army's general lhe owning Terror Skaven Spells of Ruin and/or the Skaven
• Terror
from the

spells of Plagu e.
Skrolk is a Level 3 Wizard. He uses Skaven Spells of Plague. player can treal Plague
• Ward save (5+)

Monks as Core choices.
J6 t

THANQUOL & BONERIPPER 450 points page 76

page 38
wARLORD 90 points
M WS BS S T W I A LD Equipment (Thanquol): Special Rules (Thanquol),
Thanquol 5 3 3 3 4 3 6 1 7 Sword Scurry Away! M WS SS S T W I A LD Options:
Boneripper 10
• •

Warp·amulet 5 6 4 4 4 3 7 4 7 • \Veapons (one choice only) :

5 3 1 5 5 3 1 4 • • Strength in Numbers \Varlord
. Great weapon 6pts
Staff of the Horned One Verminous Valour
Blessing of the Horned Ral
• •

Special Rules: - Additional hand weapon 3pts

lour anny can only include one 71xmqllol and one Boneripper model. • 06+2 Warpstone •
Scurry Away! - Halberd 3pts
lbkens • Warpstone Addiction • Hand weapon •

Magic: Strength in Numbers • Armour

Heavy armour

- Shield . . 3pts
Thanquol is a Level 4 \Vizard. He uses Skaven Spells of Equipment (Boneripper) : Special Rules (Bonerippcr): • Verminous Valour
Ruin and/or the Skaven Spells of Plague list. • Talons and teeth • Bodyguard of Thanquol Mount (one choice only - see page 39):
- Rat Ogre Bonebreaker . 65pts
• Warpfire Thrower Fear
- War-Litter . . 35pts
. Great Pox Rat . 30pts
May choose items from the Magic Items and
IKIT CLAW395 points page 69

Scavenge-pile items up to a total value of 100 points.

I lkit Claw
5 5 3
3 3
2 7

Storm Daemon
Warplock Pistol
Special Rules:

Scurry Away!
Strength in Numbers
• t� ;t t

luur army can only include one Ikit Claw model. • Iron Frame • Verminous Valour page 41
GREY SEER 240 points
Udr is a Level 3 Wizard. He uses Skaven Spells of Ruin. M WS BS S T W I A LD Options:
4 3 5 1 7 Mount:
. J�/�

Grey Seer 5 3 3 3
. . 200pt5
Screaming BeU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

e items from the Magic Items and

THROT THE UNCLEAN 225 points page 70 Equipment: Special Rules: May choos .
of 100 POll1ts.
Scurry Away! Scavenge-pile items up to a total value

• Hand weapon •

M WS BS S T W I A LD Equipment: Special Rules: • D3 Warps{One Tokens • Strength in Numbers

Thmt 6 6 3 4 4 3 6 4 7 • Light armour Scurry Away! • Verminous Valour
• Creature-killer • Strength in Numbers
luur army can only include one n)rot the Unclean model. • Whip of Domination Fear Magic:
• Master Controller A Grey Seer is a Level 4 Wizard. He uses the Skaven
Ravening Hunger Spells of Ruin and/or the Skaven SpeLLs of Plague.
If Throt the Unclean is in your army then you can count Giant Rats towards the • Regeneration
Core Troops minimum and take up to two units of Rat Ogres as Core choices. page 42

QUEEK HEADTAKER 215 points page 72 M ws SS S T W I A LD Special Rules:

Magic Resistance (2)
5 6 6 • Above the Masses •

Screaming Bell Protection of the

5 4 3 Al{ar of the Horned Rat •

M WS SS S T W I A LD Equipment: Special Rules: Ra[ Ogre Crew 3

Horned Rat
Queek Headtaker 5 7 4 4
pushed into Battle

4 3 7 6 8 • Dwarf Gauger and Scurry Away!
· Impact Hits (D6) •

additional hand weapon Strength in Numbers Ringing the Bell

Large Target •

Your army am only include one Queek Hetldtaker model. Warp-shard armour Extreme Distrust

Hates Dwarfs/Ores &

If Queek is in your army then you may choose to upgrade a single unit of Goblins
Stormvermin to + 1 WS and + 1 Strength for +4 points per model. This • Trophy Heads

bodyguard unit may never be joined by a Grey Seer or push the Screaming Bell.

Sk:lvcn Arm)' USI

Sbven Anny U"

N 45
270 points points
page 75
T M WS BS S T W A LD Options:
M WS BS S W I A LD Equipment:
Special Rules: 4 2 6 3 6 • Weapons (one choit;:e only) :
Deathmaster Snikch 6 8 6 4 4 2 6 8 Throwing stars 5 5 4 4
SC U fry Away! Chieftain - Great weapon 4pts

The Cloak of Shadows Sneaky Infucraror . . . 2pts

Additional hand weapon
• •

Special Rules: _

luur army can only include one Deatbmaster Snikch mode/. • Whirl of Weeping Blades • Verminous Valour Equipment: Scurry Away!
- Halberd . . 2pts
Hand weapon

• A Killer, Not A Lead Armour
er •
Strengch in Numbers •

Heavy armour

• Always Strikes First . Shield . . . . . 2pts

• Verminous Valour
• Dodge (4+) May choose items from che Magic items and
• Hidden Scavenge-pile items up to a total value of 50 points.
• ScoutS
g Battle
Standard for + 25 points . If a Hero is carryin the
ain in the army may carry the Battle
One Skaven Chieft apply) , but if he carries a magic banner he cannot carry
a magic banner (no points limits
Standard, he can have ot be the Army Gene ral .
The Battle Standard Bearer cann
page 73 any other magiC items.

T 1
M WS BS S W A LD Equipment:
Special Rules:
Tretch Craventail 5 5 4 4 4 2 6 3 6 • Heavy armour • Scurry Away!
• Two hand weapons • Strength in Numbers
Your army can only include one Tretcb Cravenlfli! model. • Tail blade • Verminous Valour page 45
• Lucky Skullhelm • Stay Here, I'll Get Help! plAGUE PRIEST 100 points

• Tretch's Raiders Options:

5 2 5 3 6 • Magic
Plague Priest 5 5 3 4 . 35pts
Upgrade to Level 2 Wizard
. . .

Weapons (one choice only) :

ASSASSIN Special Rules: •
120 points Equipment: . . . 16plS
page 52 Plague Censer .
Scurry Away! _

Hand weapon 4pts
T 1

Strength in Numbers · Flail .
M WS BS S W A LD Options: . 2pts
Additional hand weapon

Assassin 6 6 5 4 4 2 8 3 7 May cho�se items from the Magic Items (including

• Mount:
�Ian Eshm Tools of War items) and Scavenge-pile 30plS
Great Pox Rat (see page 39)
Equipment: Special Rules: ([ems up to a total value of 50 poims. MagiC' ace . . 150pts
_ Plague Furn ..
rd. He uses the Skaven
Two hand weapons Scurry Away! A Plague Priest is a Level 1 Wiza c Items (including
May choose items from the Magi
• •

Throwing stars Sneaky Infiltrators Spells of Plague. ) and Scavenge-pile

uled items

CLan Pestilens Befo

Verminous Valour value of 50 poin tS.

to a tOtal

items up
• A Killer, Not A Leader
• Always Strikes First
• Dodge (4+) page 48
• Hidden PlAGUE FURNACE 150 points
• Poisoned Attacks lmpact Hits (06)
M WS BS S T W A LD Special Rules:
Scours Large Target
Billowing Death

6 6
Plague Furnace 5 Magic Resistance (2)
6 Frenzy •

Plague Monk Crew 3 3 pushed Into Bartle
Fuming Close Combat
Pestilent Blessing
Icon of the Horned Rat

WARLOCK ENGINEER 15 points page 58

M WS SS S T W I A LD Options:
Warlock Engineer 5 3 3 3 3 2 4 1 5 • Magic (one chOice only) :
- Upgrade to Level 1 Wizard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50pts
- Upgrade to Level 2 Wizard .
Equipment: Special Rules: . . . . . . 85pts
• Hand weapon • Scurry Away! • Weapons (one choice only) :
Strength in Numbers . Warlock-Augmented Weapon. . 45pts
.w, Iock Pistol . . . .

. . .

Verminous Valour warp


. . . . . . . . . . . .

- warpmusket. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Magic: .
May choose Items from the Magic Items (including
Upgraded Warlock Engineers cast spells from the �Ian Skryre Gear of War items) and Scavenge-pile
Skaven Spells of Ruin. Items up to rotal value of 50 points.

Skavcn AmlY List

Skavcn Anny List

4 points per model 7 points per model
page page 50
M WS SS S T W I A LD Options: M WS SS S T W I A LD Options:
Clanrar 5 3 3 3 3 4 1 5 Additional Equipment: 6 3 3 3 3 1 5 1 6 • Additional Equipment:
Night Runner

Clawleader 5 3 3 3 3 4 2 5 - Spears . ... ...... .. . ....� 6 3 4 3 3 5 6 - Slings .

. . . . N ightleader . . 1pt/model
- Shields Upgrade Night Runner to a Nightleader
. . . . . . . . . . �pt/mOdcl 8pts
Unit Size: Special Rules: Upgrade one Clanrar to a Musician Special Rules: One unit in the anny can have an Attached
.. . . .. .4 Unit Size:
• 20+ Claocats • Scurry Away! Upgrade one Clanrat to a Standard Bearer · PIS
Scurry Away! Weapon Team:
' " 8pts • 10+
• Strength in Numbers Upgrade onc Clanrat to a Clawleader Strength in Numbers - Warp-grinder . . . 60pts
Attached Weapon learn (one choice only) :
. . . . . . . . . . . BpiS •

Equipment: Slinking Advance

• •

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · . . . . . . . 65plS
Hand weapon . Poisoned Wind Mortar Dodge (6+)
Two hand weapons

Light armour

- Warpfire Thrower Nightleader only

. . . . . . . . . . , . . . . , . . . . . . . . . 70pts Throwing stars

- Ratling Gun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
... ..' . p15

. .,
. . . . . . 5, · PIS
- Doom-flayer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

GIANT RATS" 3 points per Giant Rat!8 points per Packmaster page 54
page 60
5 I
M WS SS T W A LD Equipment: Special Rules: Giant Rat 6 3 I 3 3 1 4 1 3 • Additional Giant Rat . . . . 3pts/model
Weapon Team 5 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 5 Hand weapon 1 5 Additional Packmaster . . . . 8pts/model
• Scurry Away! Packmaster 6 3 3 3 3 1 4 •

• Heavy armour • Strength in Numbers • Upgrade one Packmaster to a Master Moulder for 25
Unit Size: points (see Army Ust entry on page 104).
Giant Rtlls do not count towtlrds tbe minimum number of
One unit of Giant Rats or Rat Ogres in the army can
• Attached Unit •
• 1 Weapon Team
Core units you must include ill your army.
upgrade a Packmaster to Skweel Gnawtooth for 100

Unit Size: points (see Army Ust entry below) .

• A pack consists of 1 Packmaster and at least 5 Giant
Rats. Any number of Giant Rats can be added to the
STORMVERMIN 7 points per model unit. Additional Packmasters may be added, but no
page 35
Options: more than 1 Packmaster per every 5 Giant Rats.
M WS BS S T W A LD • Additional Equipment:
Stonnvermin 5 4 3 3 3 1 5 1 5 - Shields Special Rules
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . 1pt/model Equipment (Giant Rats): Special Rules
Fangleader 5 4 3 3 3 1 5 2 5 (Packmaster),
• Upgrade one Stormvermin to a Musician . .5pts • Sharp teeth/claws. (Giant Rats),
• Upgrade one Stormvermin to a • Scurry Away! • Scurry Away!
Unit Size: Special Rules: Standard Bearer Strength in Numbers Strength in Numbers
. . . 10plS Equipment (Packmasters): • •

10+ Stormvermin Scurry Away! • One Stormvermin Scandard Bearer in the army Mixed Unit
Mixed Unit

• Hand weapon • •

Strength in Numbers may carry a Magic Standard worth up to 50 points Rat Pack Running with the Pack
Light armour
• •
• •

Equipment: Upgrade one Stormvermin to a Fangleader . . Wave of Rats

. .!Opts • Whip •

Hand weapon
The Fangleader may choose a single piece of

equipment worth up to 1 5 prs from the Scavenge-pile .

Heavy armour page 7 1

• Attached \Veapon Team (one choice only) : PACKMASTER SKWEEL GNAWTOOTH

· .65plS
- Poisoned Wind Mortar

- Warpfire Thrower .70plS M WS SS S T W I A LD Equipment: Special Rules:
· . 55pts
- Rading Gun 2 6 Light armour Scurry Away!
4 2 6

Skweel 6 5 3 4 •

Hand weapon Strength in Numbers
- Doom-flayer

.55pts •

Warp-lash • Verminous Valour

Your army call only include one Skweel Gnawlootb •

• Exceptional Pack
model. He is treated as a Cbtlmpion in all respects.
• MLxed Unit
SKAVENSIAVES 2 points per model 6 Verminous Bodyguard
page 3


S T W I A LD Options:
Skavenslave 5 2 2 3 3 1 4 1 2 • Additional Equipment:
Pawleader 5 2 2 3 3 4 2 2
. �pt/model
- Spears . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- Slings � /model
Unit Size: . . pt page 37
Special Rules: - Shields . . . . }�pt/modcl RAT SWARM" 25 points per base
• 20+ Slaves Scurry Away!

Upgrade one Skavenslave to a Musician . .2pts
Strength in Numbers Unit Size: Special Rules:

Upgrade one Skavenslave to a Pawleader . Apts M WS BS S T W I A LD
Equipment: Unbreakable (Swarm)
• Expendable 6 3 0 2 2 5 4 5 10 2-10 bases
Rat Swarm

Hand weapon Small

Cornered Rats
• •

• Rat Swarms do not count /owards tbe minimum number of

Core units yOll must illclude in your army.

Skaven Army List Ska\'cn Army US1

GUTTER RUNNERS 12 points per model page 5 1 pLAGUE MONKS 7 points per model page 44

M WS BS S T W A LD Options: M WS SS S T W I A LD Options:
Guner Runner 6 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 7 • Can replace one hand weapon with a: Plague Monk 5 3 3 3 4 I 3 1 5 Upgrade one Monk to a Musician . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .sptS
Dea(hrunner 6 4 4 3 3 1 5 2 7 . Snare-nct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . free Bringer-of-the-Word 5 3 3 3 4 1 3 2 5 Upgrade one Monk to a Standard Bearer . . . . . . . . . 10pts
• Additional Equipment: One Plague Monk Standard Bearer in the army
Unit Size: Special Rules: - Slings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ipf/mod Unit Size: Special Rules: may carry a Magic Standard worth up to 50 points
• 5-15 Scurry Away! • Upgrade to Poisoned Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5pts/mo 10+ Scurry Away! Upgrade one Plague Monk to a
del •

Scouts Upgrade one Gutter Runner [Q a Deathrunner " 12p Strength in Numbers Bringer-of-the-Word . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10pts

Equipment: • Skirmish • A Dcathrunner can have any of the following: EqwpDlcnt: Frenzy
• 'I\vo hand weapons • Sneaky Infiltrators - Smoke Bombs IOpts
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . • Two hand weapons
• Throwing stars Dodge (6+) - Weeping Blade. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30pts
(5+) Deathrunner only Up to to half the number of Guner Runners units in
the army (rounded up) can have an attached
Weapon Team: PLAGUE CENSER BEARERS 16 points per model page 46
- Warp-grinder . . 60pts
· · · · · · · · · · ·
. . . . . . . . .

M WS SS S T W I A LD Options:

I� o' ..
Censer Bearer 5 3 3 3 4 1 3 2 5 Upgrade one Censer Bearer to a
Plague Chanter 5 3 3 3 4 3 3 5 Plague Chanter ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13pts

RAT OGRES 40 points per Rat Ogre/8 points per Paclonaster page 55 Unit Size: Special Rules:
• 5+ • Scurry Away!
M WS SS S T W I A LD Options: • Strength in Numbers
Rat Ogre 6 3 1 5 4 3 4 3 5 • Additional Rat Ogre . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40pts/model Equipment: Frenzy
Master-bred 6 4 1 5 4 3 5 4 5 • Additional Packmaster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8pts/model • Plague censer Hatred
Rat Ogre Upgrade one Rat Ogre [Q a Master-bred Plague DisCiples
Packmaster 6 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 5 Rat Ogre . . . . . . . . . . 15 pIS Skirmish
Upgrade one Packmaster CO a Master Moulder for 25
Unit Size: Special Rules points (see Army List entry on page 103).
A pack consists of 1 (Rat Ogres), One unit of Giant Rats or Rat Ogres in che army can
Packmaster and 2 Rat Scurry Away! upgrade a Packmaster [0 Skweel Gnawtooth for 100 WARPLOCK JEZZAILS 20 points per Jezzail [earn page 65
Ogres. Any number of Rat Strength in Numbers points (see Army List entry on page 103).
Ogres can be added to the Beast Pack M WS BS S T W 1 A LD Options:
unit. Packmasters can be Fear Jezzail leam 5 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 5 One Jezzail Team can be upgraded to a
added, but no morc than Frenzy Sharpshooter 5 3 4 3 3 1 3 2 5 Sharpshooter Team . . . . . . 10pts
1 per every 2 Rat Ogres. Mixed Unit
Unit Size: Special Rules:
Equipment (Rat Ogre), Special Rules • 3+ teams • Scurry Away!
• Claws and savagery (Packmaster),
• Scurry Away! Equipment:
Equipment (Packmaster): • Strength in Numbers • Hand weapon
• Light armour • Mixed Unit • JezzaH
• Hand weapon • Running with the Pack • Pavise
• Whip

POIS ONED WIND GLOBADIERS 10 points per model page 59


M WS BS S T W I A LD Options: M WS SS S T W I A LO Options:
MaSlcr Moulder 6 5 3 4 4 2 5 2 6 • Weapons (one choice only): Globadier 5 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 5 • One Globadier may be upgraded to a
. . . 5pts
- Great weapon . . 4pts Bombardier 5 3 4 3 3 1 4 1 5 Bombardier .
. . . 25plS
A Master Moulder is (I Cbampion in all respects. - Things-catcher . 20ptS • A Bombardier may purchase a Death Globe . . .
•A Master Moulder may choose items from the Unit Size: Special Rules: • Up to to half the number of Poisoned Wind
can have
Equipment: Special Rules: Scavenge-pile andlor the Clan Moulder Beast­ • 5-15 Scurry Away! Globadiers units in the army (rounded up)
Light armour Life is Cheap an attached Weap on Team:
• • Scurry Away! prods with a total value of 30 points. •
. . 65pts
• Hand weapon • Strength in Numbers Equipment: • Skirmish Poisoned Wind Mortar .

• \Vhip • Mixed Unit •

Hand weapon • Volley from the Back
• Running with the Pack •
Heavy armour

• Verminous Valour • Poisoned wind globes

Skrtv�n Amly USI

Ska""n Mmy Li"
HELL PIT ABOMINATION 235 points per model page 56
Skaven Magic Items
J\.1 WS BS S T W I A LD Options: Skaven magic items are destructive artefacts that pose a great threat to any who
Hell Pit 306 3 1 6 5 6 4 • 8 A Hell Pit Abomination can be given

oppose the Children of the Horned Rat. In fact, the items are often dangerous to
warpstone spikes: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Spts
any who dare to wield the weapon as well.
Unit 'JYpe, Special Rules:
• MOnster • Impact Hits (D6)
• Large Target COMMON MAGIC ITEMS WARPFORGED BLADE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 points
Regenerate SWORD OF STRJKING . . . . . . 30 Points lVa,pstone powder mixed with steel during the forging
• Shambling Horror Weapon; + 1 to hit process creates a weapon of wicked cutting prowess.
• *Special Close Combat
Attacks SWORD OF BAITLE . . . 25 Points Armour saves cannot be taken against hits from a
• Stubborn Weapon; + 1 Attack Warpforged Blade .
• Terror
Too Horrible to Die SWORD OF MIGHT. . . . . . 20 Points WARLOCK·AUGMENTED WEAPON. . . . . 45 points
Weapon; + 1 Strength

Tbis blade is attached to a warp generator that

. It I ;
channels crackling energy along the weapon.
BITING BLADE . ...5 Points
DOOMWHEEL 150 points per model page 66 Weapon; -1 armour save A Warlock Weapon adds + 1 Strength and + 1 Attack to
any model so equipped.
Doomwheel 306 6 6 5 * Armour; 5 + armour save BLADE OF CORRUPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 points
Crew (Warlock & Rats)- 3 3 2 4 206 7 Tbis sword has been left for 13 days in the dreaded
TALISMAN OF PROTECTION . . . . . . . . . . 15 Points Cauldron of One Thousand Poxes.
Unit Size: Special Rules: Talisman; 6+ ward save
• 1 Dooffiwheel and crew • Armour save (4 +) The wielder of this sword is granted + 1 Strength to all
Grinding Down rhe Foe DISPEL SCROLL . . . 25 Points Attacks made in close combat. Any unsaved wound
inflicted by the Blade of Corruption is multiplied to
2 wounds. In addition, if the wielder makes a lb Hit
• Immune to Psychology One use only
• Impact Hits (D6+ 1) Arcane; Automatically dispel an enemy spell
• Large Target roll that has twO or more rolls of 1, the wielder
• Rolling Doom POWER STONE . . . . . . 20 Points immediately suffers a wound that is multiplied to 2
• Terror One use only wounds. Other Attacks are carried out as normal .
• Zzzzap! Arcane; + 2 dice to cast a spell
WEEPING BLADE . . . . . . . 3 0 points
STAFF OF SORCERY. . . . . . . 35 Points This weapon weeps a corrosive venom, that can melt
Arcane; + 1 to dispel through armour to help deliver the poisoned point.

WARP LIGHTNING CANNON 90 pOints A Weeping Blade has the Armour Piercing special rule.
Each unsaved wound is multiplied to 03 wounds.
per model page 68 WAR BANNER . 25 Points
Banner; + 1 combat resolution
. . 25 points
Many weapons have beenforged during the wars lO
Cannon 6 4 DWARFBANE
Engineer & Crew 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 7 MAGIC WEAPONS
THE FELLBLADE . . . . . . 100 points wrest the Worlds Edge Mountains from the Dwmfs.
Unit Size: Special Rules: This is the sword of swords that was created by the Each is cruelly barbed and deadly.
1 Warp Lightning Ponderous War Machine Skaven to destroy the greatest Necromancer to ever
th to
cannon and crew walk the world. Raw warpstone was smelted into The wielder of this blade is granted + 1 Streng
comba t. Additionally against
stolen gromril. Incantations of doom were heaped all attacks made in close
hits are Armo ur Piercin g, and the user re­
Dwarfs, all
rolls all failed lb Wound rolls.
upon the cursed blade. Death itself was bound to its
cutting edge and any witb eldritch sight can see the
PLAGUECLAW CATAPULT 100 points per model page 47 aura ofpower and ruin that surrounds the wicked s
creation. Nofoe can. stand before it and even the BLADE OF NURGLlTCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 point
M WS BS S T W A LD Wielder must succumb to its baleful effects. Blessed by the special ointments of the Plagu
s are ftlth-encrusted. Even a scratc h from
Plllgueclaw Catapult 6 4 these blade
instant infection.
Plague Monk Crew 5 3 3 3 3 D6 7 This foul sword gives the bearer Strength 10 and such a rusty weapon can turn into
successful ward saves must be re-rolled. Any unsaved
Toughness from their
Unit Size: Special Rules: wounds caused by the Fellblade are multiplied into D6 Enemy models lose 1 point of
woun d they suffer from this
ness 0 IS removed
1 Plagueclaw Catapult • Fume-addled Crew wounds. Roll a 06 at the cnd of each of the wielder'S profile for each unsaved .
blade. Any mode l reduced to "lough

and crew • Ponderous War Machine turns; on a 3+ there is no effect. On a roll of 1-2 the
Wielder suffers 1 wound with no armour save allowed. as a casualty.

Sbven A�y U>l

WARPSTONE ARMOUR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 points WARPSTORM SCROLL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 points . ENBREW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 points
. . .
S[(AV .
The mysterious and clandestine Clan Eshin bave some
Wrought within the great wmpforges underneath As the words of this scroll are read aloud, the sky of wmpstone and the blood of
Tbis concoction is made tools of war tbat their agents alone bear into battle.
Skavenblight, Ibis armour radiates an evil aura. darkens and lightning splits the skies. man y creatu res. Only Clan Eshin models may select the below items.

Warpsrone Armour gives its wearer a 4 + armour save. Skavenbrew can

Bound Spell (Power Level 5). One use only. When
this One use only. A character carrying WARPSTONE STARS (Magic Weapon) . . . . . . . . 50 points
For each successful armour save made by the bearer scroll is read all flying units within 24" of the caster ce any unit of Clanrats or SlOrmvermin in base 71Jese Wickedly sharp throwing stars are coated with a
in close combat, the armour immediately inflicts a suffer 06 Strength 6 hits, distributed as per shoOting. contact to guzzle the vile liquid. Champions deadly warp pOison.
Strength 4 hit against the model that struck the blow. cted but no character models would be so umvise
Any casualties caused will count towards combat WARP-ENERGY CONDENSER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 point
. .
as to drin
k the potion. Warpstone Stars are a thrown weapon with the 3x
resolution. WarpstOne Armour can be worn by Clan This rune-inscribed power pack is covered with copper Multiple Shots rule. Warpstone Stars arc Slrengdl 5
Skryre Warlock Engineers. coil wiring, flywheels, and enchanted mechanisms to Roll a D6 after the brew is consumed. and each unsaved wound multiplies into 03 wounds.
draw e:rtra energy from the fickle Winds ofMagic.
WORLD'S EDGE ARMOUR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 5 points Gone Bad. The unit takes 06 Strength 3 INFERNAL BOMB (Enchanted Item). . . . . . . . 30 points

Many suits 0/Dwmf10rged gromril have fallen into During each friendly Magic phase a Grey Seer or automatic hits with no armour save. The An Infernal Bomb is an explosive devicefavOJlred by
tbe clutches of the Skavel1. These maslercra!ted pieces Warlock Engineer with a Warp-Energy Condenser can' Skavenbrew has no additional effect. Clan Eshin for espionage jobs. These iron-clad devices
0/plate are often recrafted to make a palcbwork on a 06 roll of 5 + , generate an extra power dice. use cogs and gears to delay a blast of hellish energy.
protection with oiber pieces of scavenged armour. Additionally, the device is particularly adept at aiding 2-3 Inspired Hatred. The unit now has Hatred of
a sorcerer in casting lVmp Lightning. While wearing a all enemies. One use only. Except in a rum in which he charges.
The armour gives its wearer a 4 + armour save. The first \Varp-Energy Condenser a caster does not D6 but 06+2 an Assassin can place an Infernal Bomb anywhere
time rhe wearer is wounded by a Strength high enough hits when casting Wmp Lightning. Rolls of 1, however' 4-5 Frenzied. The unit is now subject to Frenzy. along his path during the Movement phase or, if in a
to completely cancel his armour save, or is not do not gain the + 2 bonus. unit, anywhere along the path the unit has travelled.
permitted an armour save for any reason, the wound is 6 Rabid. The unit's metabolism is driven hyper­ A model can place an Infernal Bomb and march.
discounted, but the armour is completely destroyed. SCRYlNG STONE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 points active, ramping up to a feverish pitch. The unit Announce your intentions to drop off an Infernal Bomb
is subject to Frenzy, but instead of adding + 1

An orb made of the polisbed gallstones from the and mark the Spot (a coin will do). The model and/or
SHIELD OF DISTRACTION. . . . . 15 points dreaded Blindwyrm of the underworld is said to Attacks, add +2 Attacks. In each following unit that places the bomb must set the bomb and move
Grimy and ill-kept, this shield bears tainted bides, be able to glimpse the future. At least on occasion, friendly Compulsory Move the unit will take away. Once placed, an Infernal Bomb cannot be moved.
grisly trophies, or runes tbat are painful to look upon. it seems to be true! 06 automatic wounds as some of the ratmen
collapse, hearts or brains bursting with fury. The owning player can choose to explode an Infernal
Any models in base contact wishing to strike the bearer One use only. The bearer of this mystical ball gains a Bomb at any time except during the player turn in
of this shield suffer -1 Anack, to a minimum of 1 . 3 + ward save against the first wound suffered. 1£ the SKALM . .......... . . . . . 30 points which it was placed. However, an Infernal Bomb that
wound is saved because of the ward save of the Scrying Thisfoul-smelling substance is smeared on wounds to would explode with its template touching the model
BaU, the bearer will be subject to Stupidity in the unnaturally accelerate tbe healing process. Enougb of that placed the bomb or any member of his unit cannot
following friendly rurn as he awaits further helpful the substance is even rumoured to prolong a Skaven's be detonated. When triggered, an Infernal Bomb
instructions from the mysterious globe. life - perhaps e:tplaining tbe IInna/lIral longevity of explodes on a 06 roll of 2 + . On a roll of 1 , the Infernal
tbe current members of the Council of Thirteen. Bomb is a dud and does not explode. I)erhaps the
WARPSTONE TOKENS . . 15 points Warlock Engineers have betrayed you? If it does
Tbese pieces of f·efined warpstone are consumed by One use only. At the beginning of any phase (friend or explode, place the large round template cemred on
TALISMANS power-hungry Grey Seers or Warlock Engineers to aid foe's) announce you are using Skalm. The bearer is the counter. Any model at the template's centre takes a
FOUL PENDANT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 points their spellcasting. This is dangerous, but tbe quick instantly cured of any wounds suffered so far. SkaLm is single Strength 10 hit, causing D3 wounds. Any models
These take many forms - ratskull tokens, raw chunks road to power is an irresistible pullfor any Skaven of no use to models that are already dead. Skatm can touched by the template suffer a Strength 3 hit.
of warpstone, or items bearing Skaven runes ofpower. only be used by the bearer, sharing such a precious
Multiple Grey Seers and Warlock Engineers may thing is no·t something a Skaven would contemplate.
This wicked token of the Horned Rat's power confers a purchase as many \Varpstone Tokens as are allowed
5 + ward save upon the bearer. within the limit of points they are able to spend on PIPES OF PIEBALD. . . 25 points
magiC items. WarpstOne Tokens do not count against When Warlock Engineer Skrrik Piebald attempted to
SHADOW MAGNET TRINKET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 points the total Arcane items a model is allowed to bear. build a death-ray he failed miserably, but instead
Some warpstone-contmninated veins of ore develop the succeeded in creating a helmet tbat allowed a minor
stTange property of absorbing light, thus Cl radius of A Grey Seer or Clan Skryre Warlock may choose to eat form of I1lind control. Sometimes. Thrumming and
shadowy darkness forms around the metal. some warpstone to boost his powers. Before casting a bypnolising vibrations rise out of the pipes atop tbe
spell announce which model is eating Warpstone Tokens. odd device, mesmerising all within range.
Shoming anacks at the bearer of a Shadow Magnet For each token consumed, a \VlZard can add a single dice
SMOKE BOMBS (Enchanted Item) . . . . . . . . . 10 points
Trinket and any unit he has joined suffer a -1 To Hit to his casting effort. These dice are added to the normal In order to charge the bearer or any unit he has joined, ,
A high�ranki ng mem ber of Clan Eshin is likely to carr)
penalty in addition to any normal modifiers due to the power dice, although this does allow users to roll more an enemy unit must Hrst pass a Ld test. lf the Ld test is
smas hed, a dark
cloying presence of unnatural darkness. dice than is normally allowed by their level. A spell may failed, treat the unit as if they had failed a charge. smoke bombsfor diversions. \Vhen
attempts 10
be caSt entirely with warpstone. and almost sentient smoke curls out and
way into the lungs of any near by.
RIVAL HIDE TALISMAN . . . . . . . . . . . 15 points PORTENTS OF VERMINOUS DOOM . . 20 points force its
Wearing the stitched together hides of enemies slain For any of the warpstone generated dice that rolls a Portents ofDoom take manyforms, although most
pped with Smoke
through treache,y is believed to attract the favour of one the Wizard suffers a wound with no armour saves often they are backbanners festooned witb the skulls of One use only. 1£ a character equi
the Great Horned Rat. It also smells like victory.
choo se to smash the
allowed. The results of miscasts or irresistible force the enemy, clan symbols, and runes of the Horned Rat. Bombs is forced to Oee he can
t to slow the victo rs as they pursue.
bombs underfoo
unce �h� Smoke Bombs
apply as normal. When using both normal power dice
Before any dice are rolled anno
One use only. A Skaven model wearing a Rival Hide and Warpstone Token generated dice it is a good idea Any enemy unit in base contact with the model bearing
pursuing unIts 111 lhe combm
Talisman can make a single enemy model in base to roll separately or use dice of a different colour Portents of Verminous Doom suffers a - 1 penalty to its are being detonated.
must roll 1D6 less than norm al.
contact re-roll all its successful To Hit dice rolls. (green-tinged ones work best!). Leadership for as long as they remain in contact.

V Item,
Skavcn Magic Hcms
Sk"en Mas;'
ClAN SKRYRE GEAR OF WAR WARLOCK OPTICS (Enchanted Item) . . . . . . . 20 pOints MAGIC STANDARDS SHROUD OF DRIPPING DEATH . . . . 30 points

The devious Warlock Engineers craft some gear of war This wmp-enhanced seeing device allows a Warlock SACRED BANNER OF THE HORNED RAT. . . 70 points This horrid banner seems little more than a rag on a
that they do not sell, but instead use themselves. The Engineer to focus on a foe clearly, even those partially Rendered in pigments distilledfrom blood and totem pole, yet closer inspection reveals foul stains
items below can only be selected by Warlock Engineers. hidden in cover. warpstone, this bide banner has become a tapestry of that drip and splash as the bearer moves. The whole of
dread and evil. The runes seem. to twist and move so the vile hide throbs, oozing a greenish tintedfluid. ..
tbat it can be read, in any language - "Gaze into the
All enemy models in base contact with the bearer of
BRASS ORB (Enchanted Item) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 points A Warlock Engineer equipped with Warlock Optics
A/ist.sized metal orb made of interlinking whirling adds + 1 to his Ballistic Skill. Additionally, a model so eyes of the Great Horned Rat and despair".
cogs, the Brass Orb is a dangerous device capable of
this banner take a single Strength 3 hits with no armour
equipped can see partially see through objects and so
a �1 save at the start of each and every Close Combat phase.
opening a crack in tbe plane of reality, sucking those suffers no penalty for shooting at targets in cover. NI enemy units within 12" of this banner suffer
ip and the owning player can Additionally, should the unit bearing the Shroud of
in its blast vicinity into the twisting Realm of Chaos. penalty to their Leadersh .
make enemy units in base contact with the bearer of thiS Dripping Death break from combat, any unit that dares
banner re-roU any successful Leadership tests. to pursue it will immediately suffer 06+2 Slfength 3
One use only. In the Shooting phase the user can throw
hits with no armour saves.
the orb. Place the small round template with its centre
STORM BANNER. . 50 points
anywhere within 8" of the character. Scatter the
template as you would for a stone thrower shot. This ancient banner has the power to wrack the sky BANNER OF THE UNDER-EMPIRE . . . . . . . •. . . 25 points
Models touched by the template must take an Initiative with storms, tearing the beavens apart with its fury. A brown tide of rats scurries along with the unit
bearing this unholy icon of tbe Great Horned Rat.
test or be destroyed, with no saves (of any kind)
The banner can be activated at the beginning of any
All units in base contact with
allowed. Remember that a 6 is always a failure. "Look
ClAN PESTILENS BEFOULED ITEMS player's rurn. No flying movement is allowed across the the unit bearing lhis
entire battlefield and missile fire is at -2 to hit. All non­
Out Sir!" works as normal. If a misfire is rolled, centre
banner suffer 206 Strength 2 automatic hits at the start
the template on the model thrOWing the globe. There are some diseased items that only Clan Pestilens
magical missile attacks that don't use BS to hit their of each and every Close Combat phase. All hiLS are
would dare to touch. The below items may only be
target need to roll a 4+ on a 06 before they can fire. distributed as per Shooting.
DOOMROCKET (Magic Weapon) . . . . . . . 30 points selected by Clan Peslilens units or characters.
Built with secrets stolen from the mysterious east, the Roll a 06 at the beginning of each following player turn
the effects of the banner will end on a D6 roll of 4+. DWARF-HIDE BANNER . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 15 points
Warlock Engineers still seek to improve the propulsion, WARP SCROLL (Arcane Item) . . . . . . . . . 35 points _
. . . . . . .

These banners are an affront to the eyes (and noses) of

steering and payload of these devastating weapons. Plague Priests going to war often bring along copied
magical script from the great Liber Bubonicus. fl has
any Dwarf They are made from the Dwm/-skln sotlked
in warp-infused urine decorated witb scalped beards.
One use only. To fire the Doomrocket the owning been written in warpstone ink on living hides.
player must nominate a direction and the number of
The. unit carrying this banner gains l-latred of Dwarfs
dice he intends to roll for range. He can choose One use only. Bound Spell (power level 5). The spell
between 4 and 10 dice. The rocket will travel a number
and likewise will be subject to all Dwarfs gaining
has a range of 24" and can be cast on any unit visible to
Hatred against them.
of inches equal to the total of the dice rolled and this the bearer. The spell inflicts one Strength 2 hit on every
determines where the large round template is placed. model in the unit, with no armour saves allowed. GRAND BANNER OF ClAN SUPERIORIlY . . 30 points
Rituals of skittering urgency allow this banner 10
Any model touched by the template suffers a Strength 5 These banners take as many forms as there are
hit from the resulting explosion. PlAGUE BANNER (Magic Standard) . . . . . . . . . 30 points \'(/arlord clans. Some are colossal totem-like trophy
racks of enemy skulls, others rune-etched hide, or deliver a surge of energy to the unit carrying It.
This foul, dripping and disease-ridden banner
If three or more rolls of 1 occur during the firing, the inVigorates the Plague Monks to a new rabidferOCity. ragged sbrouds magically emblazoned with clan Signs.
Once per battle, at the Start of any friendly turn except
rocket has gone off course. Roll on the chart below:
In any combat in which a unit bearing a Grand Banner the first, the banner can be activated. If the unit
One use only. Once per game in any Close Combat
of Clan Superiority has more ranks than its opponents, carrying [he banner can march, tlley can do so at lriple
phase the Plague Banner may be activated. For the
DOOMROCKET MISFIKE CHART the banner will add not 1 as per a nonnal banner, but speed. Such a rapid expendirure of energy has a cost,
remainder of the phase all Plague Monk models in
instead a total of 03 to its bearer's combat resolution. as aher marching the unit suffers 206 Strength 3 hits
1 Thoooooom! The rocket blows up prematurely. Place the unit may re-roll failed To Hit rolls and failed To g.
Roll at the end of each combat. (no armour saves aUowed), distributed as per shootin
the template over the model that ftred the rocket and Wound rolls.
resolve the blast as normal.
2-5 Stabilising Fin Lost. nJe rocket wobbles and CLAN MOULDER BEAST-PRODS
corkscrews after blast off. Roll the scatler dice to In addilion to the tried tools of the beast handling ong have wc fought
Warlord Viskis puffed himself up to his verminous fullness and UNow. heu-listen what 1 have to say. Long-l
trade, the whip and the things-catcher (see page 53), a

determine the new direction the missile will fire.
It 's a Dud. 71JC rocket wboosbes offand lands, but
Dwarf-things' throne
for this under-bit and now wc stand in the
Master Moulder can wield even more speCialised gear. gazed down upon his Chieftains as they entered the hall through
king-th ing sat here. I. Wulo rd VlSk s. have �ten
the blasted archway. They were wary. but could not hide their room. Their
does not explode. Resolve the shot as normal, but do
turn. showlD� of{ hS i
awe at the size of the many-piIlared hall and the bodies and him:· A pause here allowed Viskis 10 .
not place the template. Any model directly below the SHOCK-PROD (Magic Weapon) . . . . . . . . 25 points ers let VlSkls know hiS
newly bulging profile. Squeaking whisp

impact spot suffers a single Strength 5 hit. Place a This wicked barbed prod carries a charge that packs a broken umaments piled in the corneTS. a
Dwirf -leade t was
deed was muked with proper ilWe. The
marker and roll at the beginning of each subsequent punch powerful enough to get the attention of even a avell. uWe mu.st take-take _
mighty warrior and had slain many Sk.
the other levels. kill-kill all dut remalD
roll of 4 + the rocket Viskis wasn't going to miss this opportunity. Everything was as .
Skaven shooting phase - on a rampaging Rat Ogre. . FollOWing l5 MY plan-
finally explodes, resolve the hit as normal. he had arranged. Black-furred Stormvermin were arrayed in ranks.
formidable in their size and thick. plated armour. He himself.

This weapon requires two hands to wield and ignores k of Clan Gritus exactly
most potent of commanders. several tiers higher. p1cing on -But great leader� said Chieftain Sszar
le bereT He rcferre to the
armour saves.
the carven stone dais of the ancient and ornate throne room. The on cue. Uwhy isn't Priest Grost ,
DEATH GLOBE (Magic Weapon) . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 points large Cbn Pcstilens faC1JoD. which,
Plague Priest leader of tbe

This is a poisoned wind globe of an even more potent ELECTRO·WHIP (Magic Weapon) . . 15 points runes of the hated bwded-things had been hastily scratched out. assault.
the underground
covucd by the markings of the Great Horned Rat and the great up until now had been lading
variety, able to release great volumes of deadly gas. When cracked, this whip discharges a wicked spark of
claws of Clan Gritus. Warlord Viskis himself was backlit by the
bright green electriCity. �nd.- announced V15kis. .
sole light source - a vast brazier glowing with warpstone-laced uGrostle fell and I �m in comm
enned their necks and sniffed.
shuds. Viskis cast his shadow across all as they had to look up
One use only. A character equipped with such a and Claw leaders
The Chieftains
weapon can throw it in any Shooting phase. The Death This weapon follows the rules for whips (see page 53) gst the remaining Plague Monks.
anxious to sce the reaction amon
Globe is thrown just as the Brass Orb (see above). but confers 03 Attacks instead of the normal 1 when in at him. his fur outlined by the green tint of the balcfire.
All models touched by the template suffer a wound base contact and from the rear ranks. Hall to determine

Slmvcn Magic
on the result of 4+, with no armour save allowed. the number of Attacks each combat.

Skaven Magic [terns

Assassin 6 6 5 • 2 8 3 7 52 Cr:nser Bearer 5 3 3 2 ,
Chieftain 5 5 • 4 2 6 3 6 38 - Plague Chanter , 3 3 3 5 '6
Dealhma.slcr Snikch 6 8 6 4 2 10 6 8 75 Gutter Runner 6 4 4 7 51
Grey Seer 5 3 3 4 3 5 7 41 - Dcathrunner 6 4 4 2 7 51
- Screaming BeU 6 6 42 jC12ail Team 5 3 3 2 5 65
- Ra! Ogre Crew 3 4 3 42 - Sharpshooter 5 3 4 2 5 6,
lkit Claw 5 5 3 4 3 3 2 7 69 Plague Monk 5 3 3 , 44
Lord Skrolk 5 6 4 5 3 6 4 7 74 - Dringer-of-thc-Word 5 3 3 2 , 44
Plague Priest 5 5 3 5 2 5 3 6 45 Poison W. Globadicr 5 3 3 , '9
- Plague Furnace 6 6 48 - Bombardier 5 3 " 1 5 '9

- Plague Monk Crew 3 3 6 '8 RalOgre 6 3 3 3 5 "

Qucck I-Icadtaker 5 7 4 4 3 7 6 8 72 - Master-bred Rat 6 4 3 4 5 "
5kwccJ Gnawtooth 6 5 3 • 2 6 2 6 71

4 6 4 7 70 - Packmaster 6 3. 3 3 3 • 1 , 53
Throt the Unclean 6 6 3 3
4 2 6 6 73 - Master Moulder 6 , 3 4 4 2 , 2 6 53
Tretch Cra\'entail 5 5 4 3
111anquoJ 5 3 3 4 3 6 1 7 76

- Boncrippcr 5 3 1 5 3 4 10 76 RARE M WS BS S T W A LD Page

Vennin Lord 8 8 4 5 , 10 5 8 40 Doomwheel 306 6 6 5 66

'.':'arlock Engineer 3 4 '8 . Crew 3 3 2 " 206 7

(w.lrlock & Rats)
5 3 3 2 ,
\'(.';trlord 5 6 4 4 3 7 4 7 38
Hcll l)jt Abomination 3D6 3 6 5 6 4 8 56

CORE M WS BS S T W A LD Pagr: Plaguedaw Catapult 6 4 47

Claornl 5 3 3 3 3 4 1 5 34 ...
- Plague Monk Cn.
v 5 3 3 3 4 3 06 7 '7

. Clawlcader 5 3 3 3 3 4 2 5 34 \"(Iarp Lightning 6 4 68

- Engineer & Crew
Giant Rat 6 3 1 3 3 4 3 54
5 3 3 3 3 3 3 7 68
- j'ackm:t.Stcr 6 3 3 3 3 4 , 53
- Master Moulder 6 5 3 4 4 2 5 2 6 53
Night Runner 6 3 3 3 3 5 6 50 MOUNTS M WS BS S T W A LD P;agc
- Night/cader 6 3 4 3 3 1 5 6 50 Great Pox Rat 6 3 3 4 4 , 2 2 39
Rat Swarm 6 3 0 2 2 , 4 , 10 37 Rat Ogre 6 4 3 5 , 4 3 , 5 39
Ska\'Cnsla\'c 5 2 2 3 3 4 1 2 36 Bonebreakcr

. Pawleader 5 2 2 3 3 4 2 2 36 War-liner 5 4 4 , 4 39
Stonnvcmlin 5 4 3 3 3 5 1 , 35
- Fanglcadcr 5 4 3 3 3 5 2 , 35
Weapon learn 5 3 3 3 3 3 2 , 60

Art:John EJlanchc, Alcx Iloyd, Rob Can"),. Paul Dainton, Da\'e Gallaghcr. NdJ Hodgson, NuaJa Kirlr:adc, Adrian Smith. Book �sign: Carl Dafforn, Emma l'arringl0n, Mark Raynor.
'Ea"}' Metal: Nei] Green, Komcl Kozak, Oarren I..:;uham, Kcilh RobcrtSOn. Joc 'lbmaszcwsJ.;i, Anj;L \'C'cllcrgren, Kil'5lCn Williams, Tom WinSlOne.
Gamcs OC\'Clopmcnl: Alessio Ca... uore, Robin Cruddace, Graham O;l\'(:Y, And}' l'Ioan:, Jenis Johnson, Phil Kclly, Andn:"" Kcnrick, Jcrcmy "clock, Matthew "';.,.rd,
Hobby Team: O;l.l'e Andrews, Nick 8a}10n, Mark]ones, Chad Mier£""a, Chris l'each, Miniature Ocsign: Mike Anderson, Giorgio Bassani, Trish Carden, Juan Oiaz, Manin F()()(itt,

['cte Riordan, Oale Slringer, Oave Thomas, Tom Wahon. JIToduction & Rcprographics: Simon Bunon, Chris Eggar, Marc limo[t, Zaff Haydn.1)avies, Kris Jaggers,
Jcs Goodwin, Colin Gr:I}'son, Mark Hanison, Alex Hedstrum, Man Holbnd, Neil l.angdown, AI}' Monison, Bnan Nelson, Oliver Nom}an, Seb l'crbct, Abn Pcll)', Mlchael Perry,

Special Thanks to: Alan Merrett, Rick J>riesdey, Rich Curren. Bob Berry. Mark Gregory. Andy l-tall, Manhew Hutson, Mark I�"\tham. Glenn More, and Adam Troke.
John MichcJbaeh, Melissa I!obens, Rachcl Rran, James Shardlow, Kris Shields, lan Strickland. Madclcine Tighe. Prcvious Ska"en Editions: Andy Chambers and Alessio Ca\�I(Ore.

e Copyright Games Workshop Umited 2009, Skal'en, Games Workshop, the Games Workshop logo, Gw, Warh:lmmer, the Warhammer logo, Citadel, [he Citadel DeI'ice,
Bombardier, Boneripper, Bringcr-of·the-\1:·ord, Censer Bearer, Clanr.u. Clawleader, Oealhmaster Snikch, Dcathrunner, Doom·nayer, DoomwhL'CI, Fangteader. Globadier,
Great Pox Rat, Grey Seer, GUller Runner, Hell!'i[ Abomination, [kit Claw, Lord Skrolk, Master·bred Rat Ogre, Master Moulder. Nightlcader. Night Runner, Packmaster, I'awleader,
Plague Chanter, Plague-claw Catapult, l'lague Furnace, !'lague Monk, !,Iague I'riest, Poisoned Wind Monar. Hatling Gun, Rat Ogre, Rat Ogre Bonebreaker, Queek Hcadtaker.
Screaming Bell, Skal'enslan!, Skwecl Gnawtooth, Storml'ermin, Thanquol, Throt the Unclean, TrelCh Craven tail, Vennin lord, \"('ar·!iner, 'X'arlock Engineer. Warp·grlnder.

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