Sidhant Assignment

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1 summarise the case for the importance of relationship

Ans Prioritizing customer relationships within B2B marketing strategies was a powerful tool
before the pandemic. Now, it’s an essential one. COVID-19 placed a new importance on
relationships between B2B brands and customers. As organizations across the spectrum faced
uncertainty, they looked to their business partners to provide stability and support.

According to Forrester Research, these relationships have become deeper and more
consistent: The average number of buyer interactions has risen from 17 in 2019 to 27 in 2021.
Meanwhile, 75 percent of Americans report having changed brands during the pandemic –
evidently, these interactions are becoming increasingly impactful on customer behavior. B2B
brands needed to feel like they could trust any potential partner to stick by them before
committing to the relationship – and this will continue in the post-pandemic world.

As many businesses now enter into a growth phase after the instability of 2020, there are new
opportunities for B2B brands to develop meaningful relationships with their customers based
on trust and human connection.

2. What is the association of the case with buttle ‘s relationship value chain

Ans No relationship can develop without feeling heard. Uncertainty still abounds as the world emerges
into a new era and the unknown is always lurking around the corner. Brands simply can’t afford to
steam ahead without consulting their customers on their current and upcoming needs.

There are several ways that you can ensure your customers feel heard while meeting them where they
are. For example, it’s a good idea to frequently conduct social listening, collect feedback on your product
or service through surveys, and analyze user data for insights. You can also take the time to have
individual conversations with your most valued customers about what they see on the horizon. It is
those brands that tailor their product to meet customer needs that will succeed in building long-term
relationships with their customers.

With social media usage soaring through 2020 and into 2021, more B2B customers than ever are willing
to use these platforms to communicate with brands. It’s been shown that customers are willing to spend
more (up to 20 percent) on products when the brand responds to them on social media and 64 percent
of people want brands to connect with them – so listening to and interacting with your community on
social media is vital in nurturing these relationships.
This also requires defining customer segments and engaging with these customer groups based on their
purchasing behavior. Listening well means responding meaningfully – so ensure that the conversations
you have with customers are based on their known needs and behaviors.

In essence, post-pandemic marketing for many B2B businesses will mean bringing the core ethos of your
strategy back to basics – maintaining quality, long-term relationships. The path there may require some
innovative thinking and novel methods, but staying focused on building connection, loyalty, and trust
with your customers, will help keep you on the right trajectory.

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