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2022 2nd International Conference on Computing and Information Technology (ICCIT)

Jan. 25 - 27, 2022/ FCIT/UT/KSA

Stakeholder Identification Overview and Challenges

in Requirements Engineering Prospective
Duha Awad Elneel Abdul Sahli Fakharudin Elsadig Musa Ahmed
Faculty of Computing, Universiti Faculty of Computing, Universiti Faculty of Business, Multimedia
Malaysia Pahang, Kuantan, 26300, Malaysia Pahang, Kuantan, 26300, University, Melaka, Malaysia
Malaysia Malaysia

Hasan Kahtan Mansoor Abdullateef

Department of Software Engineering, Faculty of Computer KNOWBIS SOLUTIONS & CONSULTANCY,
2022 2nd International Conference on Computing and Information Technology (ICCIT) | 978-1-6654-3605-2/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ICCIT52419.2022.9711653

Science and Information Technology, Universiti Malaya, 50603 Selangor, Malaysia

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Abstract—Stakeholder identification (SI) illustrates a is the capability to labor concurrently with stakeholders to
critical part of the requirements elicitation activity. It helps collect the system requirements and achieve the objectives of
software analysts gather accurate system requirements to the project to be developed [10].
ensure high quality and avoid system failure. Stakeholder
identification considered one of the earliest stages of project Stakeholder Identifying is one of the substance processes
development. The main problem related to project success and of the elicitation phase. Stakeholders are determined based on
failure is identifying the real stakeholders and selecting the right their activities in the system [4]. Identifying stakeholders is
one. The lack of stakeholder identification methodologies and challenging and requires considerable focusing [11]. This
the shortage of previous research in identifying the stakeholders significant process requires a delicate study to categorize and
for different systems, encourage the research to propose a classify the right project stakeholders. The system's effective
guideline framework, assist analysts in building the convenient development depends on successfully determining the
methodology for identifying real stakeholders. Stakeholders are requirements needed for this system [9]. The right
defined based on different projects and the various services they requirements rely on accurate stakeholders' identification in
provide. This difference leads to the fact that a particular and
the requirements engineering process [12]. Defining incorrect
systematic technique must be used to identify stakeholders
stakeholders is one of the main factors that lead to system
based on the project’s types. The exploration of stakeholder
identification matters and the guideline framework is a baseline failures [13]. Stakeholder identification is a process on which
for future research in requirements engineering. some important and influential activities depend on
Keywords—Stakeholder Identification, Stakeholder requirement prioritization [14] and [15]. Requirements
Identification Methodology, Requirements Engineering. engineering and elicitation approach still require further
attention and research to identify the importance of identifying
I. INTRODUCTION the right stakeholders in the early stage of the project.

Requirement Engineering (RE) is a group of activities The paper is structured as follows. The following section
which consists of gathering, analysis, specification, explores the related work of stakeholder identification.
validation, and management to extract the right requirements Section 3 clarifies the methodology applied in this study. In
[1] It is a fundamental process in software development life Section 4, the results of an analysis of the literature are
discussed. The last part of the paper presents the study's
cycle [2]. Requirements are the basis of the system
limitations and prospective future research areas. Figure 1
development; thus, RE illustrates the most significant aspect
illustrates the stakeholder identification as an essential part of
in the system development life cycle [3]. requirements engineering and requirements elicitation
The fineness of requirements is considered one of the most processes.
critical and fundamental parts of software development
success [4]. Requirements engineering is considered a highly Identification
complicated aspect due to its association with software
development decisions and identification [5]. Requirements
Requirements elicitation is the essential and challenging
activity of RE; this considerable challenge is associated with Requirements
requirements engineering process because the system depends Engineering
entirely on the collected, analyzed and realized requirements
at this stage [6] and [7]. Requirement Elicitation is known as
the initial process of requirements engineering and crucially
influential in software development. Gathering real and
accurate requirements from the right stakeholders is the
fundament of this process [8] and [9]. Requirements elicitation Fig 1. Stakeholder Identification Overview

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2022 2nd International Conference on Computing and Information Technology (ICCIT)
Jan. 25 - 27, 2022/ FCIT/UT/KSA


This section aims to give an in-depth review of the Research Questions

stakeholder identification processes. The paper presents some RQ1 RQ2 RQ3 RQ4 RQ5
questions about stakeholder identification and how they have [19] Y Y Y Y Y
been clarified and answered in several previous research
[3] Y Y Y Y Y
types. Table I summarized the related work and clarified the
research questions. The answer to each question can be yes or [4] Y Y Y Y N
no, which were appointed ‘Y’ for inclusion in the study and
[11] Y Y N Y Y
‘N’ for not implicitly included.
[25] Y Y Y N Y
A. What is stakeholder and stakeholder identification? [20] Y Y Y N N
A stakeholder is a person that affect the system directly or
[24] Y Y Y N N
indirectly through the involvement in the core activities of the
system [11], [16], [17] and [18].[15]. A stakeholder is the [6] Y Y Y Y Y
main source of development process feedback [19], it is
[13] Y Y Y Y N
significant factors that affect system sustainability [3].
Stakeholder appears as an individual or group interest in the [22] Y Y Y Y N
system; they can also be internal or external [4] and [13]
[15] Y Y Y Y Y
classifies it as primary and secondary. Stakeholders work as
partners in requirements elicitation to detect project [26] Y Y Y Y Y
requirements and realize the objectives [20]. There is [21] Y Y Y Y Y
considerable variation of stakeholders from project to another.
Wherefore, an ongoing evaluation of their compatibility with [16] Y Y Y Y Y
the particular project should be undertaken [21]. [23] Y Y Y Y Y
It is fundamental to identify stakeholder in requirements [12] Y Y Y Y Y
elicitation to increase the efficiency and compatibility of
system requirements [11], [16]. Identifying stakeholder is one [27] Y N Y N Y
of the substance processes of the elicitation phase. [18] Y Y Y N N
Stakeholders are determined based on their activities in the
system [4]. Stakeholder identification is a continuous process [34] Y Y Y Y N
because stakeholders change from time to time during system [17] Y Y N Y N
development and require specific skills and management [22].
The stakeholder identification activity turns into complexity if
the stakeholders are located in a different place and have
C. What is the problem of stakeholder identification in RE??
various activities [15]. A project manager is responsible for
determining the real stakeholders by identifying influential The limitation of involving stakeholders in early
and influenced by the system [6]. The stakeholder development stages is system failure; the stakeholder must
identification process for the requirements elicitation is participate during the whole software process [3]. Delaying
unorganized and ambiguous [23]. the identification of stakeholders and missing main
stakeholders is a key factor leading to system failure [6], [13]
B. What is the impact of stakeholders in the RE? and [23]. The major issue that may influence the elicitation
process is incompatibility amongst stakeholders [4]. Variation
Stakeholder aspect is an essential factor that influences the thoughts and practices of stakeholders and requirements
requirements elicitation process [20]. Stakeholders have not a engineers are making a disagreement in the system. Little
similar weight and effect; thus, it is important to identify their experience is the basis of many mistakes [1]. Defining
appropriateness in the project [24]. Actually, appropriate unsuitable stakeholders leads to gathering conflict
stakeholder identification is a challenging activity that impact requirements that obstruct achieving the system’s goals [18].
system requirements quality [6], [13], [21] and [12]. Divergence of stakeholders in the work area and cultures leads
Stakeholder identification and participation are critical aspects to extract and understand different requirements and interpret
to discover specific system perspectives [25]. The need for needs differently, creating incorrect decisions [12]. Different
stakeholder identification is the most significant for defining stakeholders' characteristics lead to specific conflict
accurate requirements [19] and [3]. More participation of requirements [15] and [18]. Many stakeholders increase the
stakeholders in the elicitation process is remarkable for incompatibility and inconsistency of system requirements
increasing the requirements quality [4]. Proper stakeholder [22]. The delay in selecting stakeholder’s identification
identification in the early stage impacts the requirements methods will postpone stakeholder participation in the
elicitation process enhancement[11]. Omitted critical requirement elicitation process [16]. Using an incorrect
information or identifying improper stakeholders may lead to method to identify stakeholders can lead to inconsistency in
the unsustainable system [1]. Stakeholder identification different aspects[19]. Although its significance, stakeholder
becomes imperative for the customer and the perfect and identification took a little attention in the software system [6]
comprehensive project [15]. Identifying stakeholders with and [26]. The inconsistency in researchers' theoretical
proper factors like stakeholders' functions, awareness, and methods has made the stakeholder identification process
interaction skills strongly impact the requirements elicitation complex and unclear [27].
phase [23] [17].


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2022 2nd International Conference on Computing and Information Technology (ICCIT)
Jan. 25 - 27, 2022/ FCIT/UT/KSA

D. How to involve the stakeholders in the RE? III. METHODOLOGY

Constant communication with stakeholders is the This study aims to determine the significance of the
dominant method to remove the interaction gap. Stakeholders stakeholder identification process and propose a guideline
and developers must be existing in the same place to improve framework helping analysts create a proper methodology. A
system activities[19]. The elicitation technique helps identify focused literature review was conducted using Google Scholar
stakeholder [3] and [4]. The project manager and developing academic search engine as a searchable database of scholarly,
team are responsible for using certain criteria or techniques to IEEE explore, ACM, Springer, Elsevier and some open access
identify real stakeholders [22] and [15]. Using an effective journals and books. The investigation starts with selecting the
technique for identifying the right stakeholders is proper [6]. topic, analyzing, interpreting and coming out with the research
Table II discusses some existing methodologies for gap. After the deep analysis, the researchers used the SPIDER
stakeholder identification and compares them for further focus tool (sample-phenomenon of interest design-evaluation-
and additional work support where 'Y' explains the research type) to formulate the open-end qualitative research
methodology's limitations. questions [35]. The research questions construction also
followed the FINER criteria (Feasible, Interesting, Novel,
TABLE II. STUDY OF SOME STAKEHOLDER IDENTIFICATION Ethical, Relevant), which give an important aid to write real
METHODOLOGIES questions with effective guidance [36]. After arguing the
questions and consecutively answering them, the research's
Ref Type of Validation Application Limitation
methodology method integrated picture was formed..
[28] Framework Case study Early phases Y
of projects 1) What is stakeholder and stakeholder identification?
[29] SIQ Case study Value-Based Y 2) What is the impact of stakeholder identification in the RE?
framework Software and 3) What is the problem of stakeholder identification in the
generically in
the industry
[30] Matrix tool Case study Smart cities Y 4) How to involve the stakeholders in the RE?
5) What are the future sets of stakeholder identification?
[31] Stakeholder Surveys Higher Y
map education
institutions, The criteria used to select the articles for the literature
business review depending on the previous research questions. The
companies common types of review criteria which have been used are
and the public inclusion and exclusion. The research selected (20) studies of
[32] Method Case study All types of Y
stakeholder identification published between 2012-2020 and
organization (8) SI past methodologies published between 2014-2018. The
[23] Model Survey Useful for Y research was based only on studies written in English. Studies
project included one of the following terms: Stakeholder
managers identification, Stakeholder identification methodologies
[33] Supply Case study Governments, Y (framework, model, process, method, map, matrix).
process researchers,
and non-

E. What are the future sets of stakeholder identification?

Still, there are challenges in the area of stakeholder
identification that researchers need to concern [15] and [27].
Future research is needed to propose a stakeholder
involvement model in agile software development [3].
Traditional RE practices can be combined with agile methods
for preferable achievement[19]. There is a need for exploring
how to propose stakeholder identification standards and
approach measuring techniques to evaluate stakeholders' skills
and knowledge [6]. A systematic review is required to back in
conducting a proper stakeholder’s identification activity [26].
Additional effort is needed to propose a technique or
framework supporting stakeholder identification in the RE
area [21]. More relevant studies should be undertaken to Fig 2. Research Methodology
determine other related factors that facilitate selecting
requirements elicitation techniques [11]. Practitioners can The type of research that suits the research problem is
research how AI techniques can be used in several qualitative research as it usually allows answers to research
requirements elicitation processes [25]. questions like what, how, when and where [37]. To answer the
research questions, the study follows the integrative review


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2022 2nd International Conference on Computing and Information Technology (ICCIT)
Jan. 25 - 27, 2022/ FCIT/UT/KSA

methodology that expands stakeholder identification be ensured that all real stakeholders are included. Table III
knowledge. The data analysis of integrative review is not strict represents the major quality attributes affected by the real
with the specific standard [38]. The research utilized the stakeholder identification.
Qualitative Comparison Analysis (QCA) method in Table II,
which is considered an integrative review approach. QCA As shown in RQ3 related work, most of the researchers
works out the previous research and compares the results and touched upon the main problems facing identifying
evaluates their knowledge [39]. QCA supports the in-depth stakeholder that will greatly affect the development and
review by analyzing and comparing the previous stakeholder continuity of the system. This can be summarized in Figure 3.
identification methodologies using some variables such as Many methods can be followed to include stakeholders
type of methodology, steps, application and limitation, which from the first stages in gathering the requirements, as
prom ote to come out with the proposed guideline framework. explained in the RQ4 through some research papers.
Based on [38] study of literature review methodologies Figure Nevertheless, choosing the appropriate method depends on
2 explains the integrative review approach. several factors such as project definition, stakeholder type,
stakeholder role, stakeholder knowledge and interest.
Returning to Table I, the stakeholder identification
This paper discusses the imperative of identifying methodologies are selected according to the type of project
stakeholders, which plays a key role in system success and and its characteristics. It does not matter if the analyst selects
sustainability. Researchers and practitioners certainly need any identification methodology (model, framework, method,
considerable attention because they did not find enough process) as long as it performs the required objective.
interest in previous studies. By referring to the RQ1, the Regarding the steps that are followed to define the
researchers concluded that most of researches define the stakeholder, each method differs according to the project
stakeholder as the person who influences and is affected by scope and requirements. There are many methods for
the specific system. It is the main source of gathering the real evaluating methodologies to ensure that the accurate results
requirements that make it the fundamental factor in building a are achieved, and the selection of the method depends on the
reliable project, achieving the objectives, and ensuring the type of project. There are many limitations related to each
system's continuity and stability. The different projects tasks method, which helps the upcoming researchers avoid this
fully confirm the different stakeholders, and this means that shortage and improve it.
each project has a specific way of identifying its own TABLE III. QUAIITY ELEMENTS AFFECTED BY STAKEHOLDER
stakeholders. Stakeholders are not fixed in a particular project. IDENTIFICATION
Others are joining the system at different stages; therefore,
Elements The influence of stakeholder
identifying the stakeholder process should be reviewed identification
periodically and integrated into the system. Requirements quality Reliable, available, consistent
and reusable requirements will
be gathered.
System functionality There will be a suitable product,
compliance and accurate
System reliability The system function will
perform properly with high
integrity and recoverability.
System Performance There will be interconnection
and sequence between the
system's functions, and the
system will perform its
functions perfectly in the
required time.
System Usability The system will be easy to use,
confident and flexible.
System sustainability The three dimensions of
sustainable development will be
achieved: economic
Sustainability, environmental
sustainability, social
Fig 3. Stakeholder Identification Problem sustainability.
The different projects tasks fully confirm the different
stakeholders, and this means that each project has a specific After answering all the research questions and discussing the
way of identifying its own stakeholders. Stakeholders are not previous methodologies, the guidance steps were formed to
fixed in a particular project. Others are joining the system at solve some problems of specifying and developing adequate
different stages; therefore, identifying the stakeholder process techniques to identify the stakeholders. Fig 4 states the eight
should be reviewed periodically and integrated into the guidance steps.
system. The findings of RQ2 display that all researchers agree Finally, the stakeholder identification process is not
that defining the real stakeholder leads to developing a system conducted easily or randomly. There is an urgent need to
with high efficiency and stability, which is the main goal of identify stakeholders in an orderly manner that ensures the
developing all systems. Delay in identifying some of the system's continuity, quality, and sustainability. The Q5
stakeholders or missing some of them would delay the system clarifies the researchers' future recommendations regarding
development plan and change cost and time. Therefore, it must identifying stakeholders and the techniques that may be


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2022 2nd International Conference on Computing and Information Technology (ICCIT)
Jan. 25 - 27, 2022/ FCIT/UT/KSA

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