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Hezron Tan

18 years old
Achievement: I was honored as one of the top students in a math camp in my junior high
Fun fact: when I was a kid I’m obsessed with dinosaurs, and now I’m obsessed with the internet 24/7.

I like reading books and watching movies. And lastly the future pianist of this section.


1st Slide – Manipulation of information

Information manipulation is used to influence public opinion or undermine trust in the accuracy of
information. It includes the use of new and traditional media to amplify divisions and foment unrest at
home, which is sometimes coordinated with illegal cyber activities.

* New Media

There are manipulating content service providers in new media (CSPs) to create and amplify false and
distorted content for targeted individuals or groups. Abuse of new media allows influencers to reach a
large audience quickly and cheaply, allowing bad actors to hijack and control narratives.

* Traditional Media

They use traditional media outlets to report false or misleading information. In order to manipulate the
general public, distorted information, strategically leaked stolen information, or repeated preferred
narratives are used. Intentionally causing traditional media sources to report false or misleading
information spreads foreign-pushed narratives and undermines press credibility.

2nd Slide – Gaslighting

Gaslighting is a form of manipulation that often occurs in abusive relationships. It is a covert type of
emotional abuse in which the bully or abuser misleads the target, creating a false narrative and making
them question their judgments and reality.1 Ultimately, the victim of gaslighting starts to feel unsure
about their perceptions of the world and even wonder if they are losing their sanity.

Gaslighting is "psychological manipulation of a person usually over an extended period of time that
causes the victim to question the validity of their own thoughts, perception of reality, or memories and
typically leads to confusion, loss of confidence and self-esteem, the uncertainty of one's emotional or
mental stability, and a dependency on the perpetrator."
Gaslighting is a deception technique that distorts a person's perception of reality. When you are
Gaslighted, you may question yourself, your memories, recent events, and perceptions. After
communicating with the person who is gaslighting you, you may feel dazed and wonder if something is
wrong with you. You may be led to believe that you are to blame for something or that you are being
overly sensitive.

People who engage in gaslighting are often habitual and pathological liars and frequently exhibit
narcissistic tendencies. It is typical for them to blatantly lie and never back down or change their stories,
even when you call them out or provide proof of their deception. They may say something like: "You're
making things up," "That never happened," or "You're crazy."

Trivializing your emotions allows the person who is gaslighting you to gain power over you. They might
make statements like: "Calm down," "You're overreacting," or "Why are you so sensitive?" All of these
statements minimize how you're feeling or what you're thinking and communicate that you're wrong.

When you deal with someone who never acknowledges your thoughts, feelings, or beliefs, you may
begin to question them yourself. What's more, you may never feel validated or understood, which can
be extremely isolating, shaming, and difficult to cope with.

A person who gaslights tends to retell stories in ways that are in their favor. For instance, if your partner
shoved you against the wall and you are discussing it later, they may twist the story and say you
stumbled and they tried to steady you, which is what caused you to fall into the wall.

You may begin to doubt your memory of what happened. Encouraging confusion or second-guessing on
your part is exactly the intention
3rd Slide - Advantage of Multimedia Information and Disadvantage of Multimedia Information

5 Advantages of Multimedia

1. Increases Learning Effectiveness

Multimedia uses audio animations, images, and other media which stimulates the brain and increases
learning. Both attention and retention of students increase. If you are using multimedia then can
identify and solve various problems.

2. Improve Personal Communication

Multimedia improves interpersonal communication. Multimedia increases communication efficiency,

effectiveness, and the potential to communicate information or messages.

3. Provide High Quality of Presentations

Multimedia contains interactive videos, audio, and other video content which increases the quality of
presentation. Students expect multimedia presentations while learning.

4. Entertaining and Educational

Multimedia is not only used just for advertisement but also useful for education in schools as well as for

5. Wide Variety Of Support

Through multimedia channels a wide variety of support is available.

5 Disadvatages of Multimedia

1. Misuse of Multimedia

It becomes difficult for teachers to monitor the students, some students may play games or surfing web
pages and may not focus on their student.

2. Lost in Cyber Space

People may waste their time on surfing unnecessary information on internet and may not focus on
importance issue.

3. Text Intensive Content

Lot of information is available on Internet so it takes time find out the information which is needed.

4. Non Interactive

Multimedia may be less interactive. Teachers teaching students may be more interactive compared to
videos or internet teaching students.

5. Time Consuming

Effective multimedia content takes time while creation

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