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Count how many ‘nouns’, ‘pronouns’ or ‘prepositions’ are in each sentence.

Hitunglah berapa banyak ‘kata benda’, ‘pengganti kata benda’, atau ‘penghubung kata benda ke kata lain’ ada pada
setiap kalimat.

1. In this race, all teams are getting ready to compete. They don’t have a lot of time.
2. We would like to have a big part for our friend.
3. Tom made a mistake in his exam. So now he must take a remedial.
4. Everyone needs to participate in this activity because it is important for your future.
5. The people of the town welcomes everyone. They are so friendly.

Submit your answer in the ‘discussion group’ with this format:

Kirim jawabanmu ke ‘discussion group’ pakai format berikut:

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