Lab Report4

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Al-Akhawayn University

Mechanics of Materials
Section 2

Mechanical Analysis of a Signpost

Lab report 04

Student Names:
Zineb salma Bahri
Yassine JAMALI

Group Number 10
Group submission

28 February 2023

1 Introduction 2

2 Experimental Methods 2

3 Results and Discussion 3

4 Conclusion 4

1 Introduction

In this lab we preformed a mechanical study of a signpost. We will again use AN-
SYS to preform the analysis and simulate the forces that will act on a modalization
of the subject and see the subsequent stresses, strains, and deformation generated
from said forces. We will then determine if the structure is safe based on the values
we get from our simulation.

2 Experimental Methods

The first step is to create a model of our signpost. Our system is made of two
components the sign and the post both made of structural steel and have a cuboid
shape. As such we will a create a model that contains both shapes and apply a fixed
support to the part of the post that will be connected to the ground. Next the loads
that the signpost will be subjected were applied starting with the weight of the sign,
which was represented as distributed load of rectangular shape, the force of the wind,
which was represented as a triangular distributed load with the maximum value of
the force occurring at the top of the steel post and the minimum value occurring
at the bottom of the post, Finally the last two forces applied were the force of the
wind on the sign, applied at the center of the sign, and the weight of the post. For
the analysis the default settings of the mesh were used and solved for the Von-Mises
stress and strain as well as the total deformation of the structure.

3 Results and Discussion

Figure 1: Stress applied to the structure

Figure 2: Strain applied to the structure

Figure 3: Total deformation of the structure

From figures 1 and 2 we can see that the maximum values of the stress and strain
are 2.6824 × 106 P a and 1.3412 × 10−5 respectively with both of them occurring along
the steel post, while for the case of the total deformation we can see from figure 3
that the maximum is 0.000741m, and it occurs at the top of the sign. To determine
if our structure is safe we must compare the value of the maximum stress with the
yield strength, we will take the value of the yield strength to be 250MPa as it is a
common value for the yield strength of steel, we see that the value of our maximum
is less than the yield strength. As such, our structure is still in the elastic region
and thus is safe. Although the structure is already safe we can improve it’s safety
by using a stronger material, reducing the weight of the sign, or increasing the size
of the post.

4 Conclusion

To conclude in this lab we used ANSYS in practical application. We modelized

our system, which was signpost in our case, and applied the loads and supports that

it will be subjected to., then we solved for the stresses, strains, and deformation that
it will experience to determine if the structure is safe. We also recommended some
changes that can increase the safety of the structure.

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