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Evangelisation is not about legends, petards and band marches.

It is about having such an

astounding experience in faith that one would want to tell everyone about it.

Evangelisation does not mean that the Church will move away from its long held doctrine which has
been passed down through the ages and guided by intervention.

Evangelisation is about delivering the Christian message with a renewed vitality and freshness that
manages to attract droves back to the fold.

Evangelisation is about repeatedly explaining the life of Jesus Christ, its being the most significant
eposide that change humanity’s perspective on life and death.

Evangelisation is about preaching mercy and forgiveness to all and by all the church members.

Evangelisation is about re-inventing the attractiveness of one’s calling in life being clerical or married
or single for that matter.

Evangelisation is about increase the participation of the family in pastoral activities.

Evangelisation is about showing the importance of God in the presence of the family.

Evangelisation is about showing right from wrong without in any way alienating persons who might
be finding spiritual difficulties in their life.

Evangelisation is about dispelling the belief that religion does not have a part in politics. I would not
want to return to a situation whereby one would be excommunicated for expressing his beliefs
especially if these are incongruent to those of the church administrators. But I firmly believe that just
as there is a good politician there could more so a politician who is guided by Christian values.

Evangelisation is about getting people to come out of the state of isolation one sometimes find
himself in. Because the message is that we are not alone. Jesus preached throughout his life the
good news that he is the shepherd who loves his sheep and would give his life for one of them.

Evangelisation is about impressing upon all the importance of the salvation of the soul. It is about
helping people to seek God through a lucid and enticing explanation of the Gospel. It is not about
heaven or hell but it’s a matter of helping people to belief and enrich their life.

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