Lista de Tareas Pendientes Reunión de Objetivos y Retroalimentación Estilo Profesional Clásico en Malva Morado

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Claudia Perez Collado

What can we do to make a difference?

Think and spread ideas to fight against hunger. The more people get involved, the more
solutions will be found.

Provide food to schools in developing countries. In addition to helping feed them, you'll
encourage more students to attend school and help get them into school. Many
developing countries benefit from Sustainable Development Goal 2 initiatives.

Look around you. In your town or neighborhood you can certainly donate non-perishable
food items to nearby charities. It doesn't have to be for a one-time campaign. Many places
fight hunger every day of the year by collecting food to distribute to the neediest people.

Your professional experience and expertise can be of great help in the fight against
hunger. Many food banks need professionals in different sectors to raise awareness of the
needs and to bring the global situation to more people. Your expertise can help them
make decisions and implement effective initiatives.

Buy local products, thereby supporting local farmers and small producers. In this way, you
will support a more sustainable global food production. Also, remember to always
consume sustainably: buy only the food you need.

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