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The artworks that I have chosen are the following: Devuélvemelo, Dead flowers, memories

kill, Cicatrices, Just a nightmare, dark anxiety, knot, the space song,just let it go for continue
alive and music helps me to continue living.

The order I have chosen for my works is as follows. The first work exhibited on a table will be
the work Devuélvemelo, followed by Just Let It Go for Continue Alive, followed by Bibularity.
Next to the table there has to be a mannequin with the work of scars. Behind all these works
on a wall would be these works; dark anxiety followed by falling, then memories kill, followed
by Dead flowers and finally Music helps me to continue living.

To present the artworks that I have done throughout the course of diploma , it would be best
to organize them so that you are positioned depending on their meaning, even if they all
follow the same line, there are some that speak more of the field of improvement, others of
mental illness in relation to depression and others directly from depression and anxiety.
The techniques that I have used to create these artworks have been the following; painting
with acrylics, painting with Chinese ink and sculptures with clay already made and with clay
created from sand, that is, created in class.

The theme of my artworks, is quite sinister and has a lot of impact a lot of impact in my
works,it is very easy to capture or at least from my perspective, it is shown visually, since it
has a great impact on the eye because they are sinister work, with colors very dark and
others that have a lot of contrast between colors such as light green and black. To tell the
truth, all the artworks follow the same line when it comes to talking about the subject, they all
have that characteristic of being dark and with a lot of meaning.
The way I have achieved that my artworks follow that order and all have some kind of
connection, is to base my artworks on the previous ones but approach them in a different
way from each one and also basing myself on my own experiences.

What I try with my artworks is for people to feel identified with me, that they do not
understand and channel it, it may be that some of them are very strong but even so I would
like them to understand it and that life often does not It's what we want and we have to draw
strength from where there isn't any to move forward and I would like everyone to be able to
feel it. Although there are times when situations are complicated or if they suffer from a
mental problem or are not feeling well, it is necessary to face it and if necessary ask for help.
That is what I want to transmit with my works.

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