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Topic 1 - Introduction

Bangalore III Chapter- Delineation

1. Definition of Delineation
2. Definition of Dynamic Configuration [Yoga & Vargas]
What is Delineation?
• Dictionary meaning – Describe, or portray ideas, thoughts and
events through drawing, pictures or sketches

• In astrology, the word delineation of horoscope - refers to

explaining the planetary position in a chart based on astrological
principles for prediction.

• It is an understanding of position of planets in an chart that are

posited in different rashis/houses and nakshatra and effect of
such position on native/event are analysed in the process of
“Delineation of a horoscope”.
What is Dynamic Configuration?
• Dynamic configuration is the ability to change the behavior and
functionality of a planet by its position of dignity, strength and
weaknesses, aspects by other planets, Avastas, Conjunctions,
Yogas and its position in divisional charts.
Topic -2 Delineation of Horoscope

Bangalore III Chapter- Delineation

• Factors for Delineation –
• Position
• Position in a Rashi
• Position in a House
• Position in a Nakshatra
Analysis of Houses
Lagna Signs Bhadaka House Bhadaka Lord
Bhadaka Houses – Aries Aquarius Saturn
• For a Lagna of Movable/Chara Rashi- 11 th House Chara (Movable) Cancer Taurus Venus
Libra Leo Sun
• For a Lagna of Dual Sign – 7th House Capricorn Scorpio Mars

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• For a Lagna of Fixed Sign – 9th House Taurus Capricorn Saturn
Sthira (Fixed) Leo Aries Mars
• These are houses of impediments causing delays. Scorpio Cancer Moon
Aquarius Libra Venus
Gemini Sagittarius Jupiter
Dwiswabhava (Dual) Virgo Pisces Jupiter
Sagittarius Gemini Mercury
Pisces Virgo Mercury
Neutral Houses – 2nd and 12th
• The 2nd & 12th houses are considered impressively neutral.
• Their real nature should be seen by the second house their lord owns or the type of
aspect/ influence received by them.
• However if both are afflicted, one will have insatiable appetite to amass wealth and
any cruel means may justify the end.
Chapter 2 – Delineation of Horoscope

Bangalore III Chapter- Delineation

• Factors for Delineation –
• Positional Dignity
• Exaltation (Uchha)
• Moola Trikona
• Own House (Sva Kshetra)
• Friend House (Mitra Sthana)
• Neutral House (Sama Sthana)
• Enemy’s House (Shatru Sthana)
• Debilitation (Neecha Sthana)
• There are 9 Planets/Grahas. Out of these only five-Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter &
Saturn are planets in real term.
• Sun is a star and lord of our solar system.
• Moon is a satellite of Earth, but being the closest heavenly body of Earth & having a

Bangalore III Chapter- Delineation

great speed, has significant effects on Earth & its habitants
• Rahu & Ketu are point of intersection of ecliptic & Moon's orbit and have no mass of
their own. They act as filters for radiation coming from cosmos of extra-
saturian objects
• Predictions are based on the nine planets (celestial force centers), emanating
electromagnetic radiations, corresponding to seven chakras and nine physical
systems in the human body
• The activation process is linked with the seven planets; while Rahu & Ketu
represents the Karmic impediments, we all have to confront.
• The planetary influences pass through houses, signs & Nakshtras before reaching
the natives
• Nature of Planets

• Natural Benefics- Jup, Ven, un- afflicted Mer & waxing Mon

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• Natural Malefics- Sat, Mar, Rah, Ket, afflicted Mer & waning Mon.

• Krror/ cruel- Sun (but not malefic)

• Separatist-Sun, Sat, Rah & 12th lord.

• Male- Sun, Mars & Jupiter.

• Female- Moon & Venus

• Eunuch-Mercury (male) & Saturn (female)

• Functional benefic

• Most Malefic Planet (MMP)

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• The Lord of Mooltrikone sign which happens to be 8th house, in a horoscope, it is
the most malefic planet for that lagna
• If there is no Mool Trikona Sign is the 8th house in a chart, but 6th or 12 th house
has a Mooltrikone sign, then 6th or 12th lord, in that order, will act as MMP
• In case there is no Mooltrikone house in any of the Trika house, then Ketu acts as
• Another interpretation says that if a planet simultaneously owns 3rd house & one
of the Trika (6,8 or 12th) house, it is the most malefic planet for that lagna
Planetary Positional Dignities

Planet Own Signs Exaltation Debilation Moolatrikona

Sun Leo 10⁰ Aries 10⁰ Libra 0⁰-20⁰ Leo

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Moon Cancer 3⁰ Taurus 3⁰ Scorpio 4⁰-30⁰ Taurus
Mars Aries, Scorpio 28⁰ Capricorn 28⁰ Cancer 0⁰-12⁰ Aries
Mercury Gemini, Virgo 15⁰ Virgo 15⁰ Pisces 16⁰-20⁰ Virgo
Jupiter Sagittarius, Pisces 5⁰ Cancer 5⁰ Capricorn 0⁰-10⁰ Sagittarius
Venus Libra 27⁰ Pisces 27⁰ Virgo 0⁰-15⁰ Libra
Saturn Capricorn, 20⁰ Libra 20⁰ Aries 0⁰-20⁰ Aquarius
Planetary Positional Dignities
• Exaltation (Uchcha)
• Exaltation is the placement of a planet in a particular sign elevate the planetary
influences to their highest level.

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• This is where the inherent nature (natural signification) of a planet is in perfect
harmony with the nature of the Sign.
• By virtue of being placed in a sign which resonates its own natural virtues the
planet feels in high morale, energy, position, exhilaration and strength.
• However, this does not mean that the Planet is likely to act responsibily, in fact, it
is like a youngster on dope, in a party; the high energy doesn't guarantee a great
• Exaltation is a state of potency, of agreeableness, honour, vanity, confidence and
• It is then in good dignity and this gives the planet, ability to make sure effect on
the house it sits and owns.
Planetary Positional Dignities
• Debilitation (Neecha)
• Polarity to exaltation is observed in the directly opposite sign (and degrees) is the
sign of fall (debility), the planet suffers loss of strength and a reduction of

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• This is where the inherent nature (natural signification) of a planet is not in
harmony with the nature of the Sign.
• It is observable that in the Kaalpurush Chakra (natural zodiac with Aries Lagna),
the Signs correspond with the significations of the House numbers. Thus, the
reason of debility of planets also correlates to some extent with that of natural
• It can be observed, that typically, a planet fails to give great results in this house
of debility of the Kaalpurush Kundali, and, often correspond with the
Maranakaraka Sthana of the planet.
Planetary Positional Dignities
• Debilitation (Neecha) Continued…
• Debilitation is the state of uneasiness for a Planet. It is the loss of composure for a
planet, and brings awkwardness and agitation to the planets.

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• In such a situation the effects are not always bad for a native, but this loss will
have an impact for sure, even if the Planet is a Dusthana lord.
• If the Planet's nature is incompatible with the energy of the sign it is in, the
disharmony leads to weaking of the Planet's sense of honour, so, it gives
inadequacy of its natural gifts, its house ruler ships as well as house it sits in.
• It is as if the planet is inept to deal with the responsibilities thrust upon it, as its
skills do not match with the requirements. Its like having to wear a wrong size of
• A debilitated planet gives unfavorable results pertaining to its lordship, as well as
for the house where it is posited
Planetary Positional Dignities
• In classics, several combinations for cancellation of debility of a planet, called
Neech Bhang Rajyoga have been given as under: [8 golden Rules]
• When lord of debilitation sign is in Kendra from lagna/ Moon

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• When debilitated planet's exaltation sign lord is in Kendra from lagna/ Moon
• When debilitated planet is itself posited in a Kendra from lagna/ Moon
• When debilitated planet's sign despositor, which is its exaltation sign lord,
influences that planet by conjunction or aspect
• When debilitated planet's debilitation sign lord and exaltation sign lord are
in mutual-aspect or in Kendra
• When the planet, which gets exalted in the debilitated planet's sign is
posited in a Kendra from lagna/ Moon
• The debilitated planet gets exalted in Navamsha
• The debilitated planet is aspected by another debilitated planet
• Note : In all such combinations, please note the relevance of position of planet in Kendra from lagna/ Moon or
interrelation between lords of debilitated & exalted signs. However it must always be remembered that in all
such cases, a debilitated planet would initially give bad results in its period/ sub-period before giving some good
results in later part of its period.
Planetary Positional Dignities
Neech Bhang Rajyoga Example
• Neech Bhang Rajyoga

Bangalore III Chapter- Delineation

• Shukra has attained
Neechabhanga due to Guru
occupying Kendra from
Chandra, and also Budha
conjoining Shukra being in
Uccha. Shukra being in
Paravatamsa is very unique
in the horoscope, one that
shows that the native will
transcend all boundaries.
Planetary Positional Dignities
• Moola Trikona
• MT sign is the one, which is considered to be the dominant sign of the planet,
giving its positive results

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• The sing opposite to MT sign is the sign of detrimental giving opposite result.
• Normally a planet gives the results of the house where its Mooltrikone sign falls
except when the planet is posited in the other sign itself
• Directional Strength
• Planets are supposed to be strong in four cardinal directions
• Mercury & Jupiter are strong in east occupying 1st house
• Moon and Venus are strong in North or in 4th House
• Saturn is strong in west or in 7th House
• Sun and Mars are strong in south or 10th House.
• The planets are the weakest in opposite house of their strength
Planetary Friendship
• Chapter 3, Verse 55, of BPHS gives the rule for planetary friendship.
• Natural Friendship - From the Moola Trikona of any planet
• Lords of 4th, 2nd, 12th, 5th, 9th and 8th and the lord of exaltation sign are
friendly to that planet.

Bangalore III Chapter- Delineation

• Lords of other houses are enemies
• Lords who owns both are Neutral
Planet Friendly Inimical Neutral
Sun Moon, Jupiter, Mars Venus, Saturn Mercury
Moon Sun, Mercury - Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn
Mars Sun, Moon, Jupiter Mercury Venus, Saturn
Mercury Sun, Venus Moon Mars, Jupiter, Saturn
Jupiter Sun, Moon, Mars Mercury, Venus Saturn
Venus Mercury, Saturn Sun, Moon Mars, Jupiter
Saturn Mercury, Venus Sun, Moon, Mars Jupiter
Planetary Friendship
• Temporal Friendship
• A planet which is posited in 2nd , 3rd , 4th , 10tn , 11tn & 12th houses from a planet is its
temporary friend and planets in other houses its enemy.
• Panchada Maitri

Bangalore III Chapter- Delineation

• A combination of the two types of friendship is called Panchada Maitri.
• If two planets are friends in both the types, they are called fast friends.
• If they are enemies in both types, they are called bitter enemies.
• If they are friend in one & enemy in the other they are neutrals.
• Planets posited in Friendly houses gives good results.
• Planets posited in Enemy houses gives results less than its potentiality
• Temp. Natural Effect Effect of Friendship
• Friend + Friend = Great Friend Fully Benefic
• Friend + Neutral = Friend Beneficial
• Friend + Enemy = Neutral Good Results in Friendly Dasha
• Enemy + Neutral = Enemy Obstrutive Harmful
• Enemy + Enemy = Bitter Enemy Malafic and Harmful results
• Enemy + Friend = Neutral Good Results in Friendly Dasha
Results of Positional Dignity Planets
Jatatak Parijaat (Chapter 7: Sloka 58) and Saravali (Chapter 34: Sloka 14)
gives a simple but approximate method of calculating strength of a
planet as under:

Bangalore III Chapter- Delineation

Planet in Rashis Benefic Planets Malefic Planet
Exaltation Full or 100% benefic result 1/32 or 3% Benefic
Mooltrikona ¾ or 75% benefic result
Own Sign ½ or 50% benefic result
Friend’s Sign 1/4 or 25% benefic result
enemy's sign 1/8 or 12.5% benefic result
debilitation sign 1/16 or 6.25% benefic result ¾ or 75% benefic result
combustion 1/32 or 3% Benefic
Chapter 2-

Bangalore III Chapter- Delineation

• Factors for Delineation –
• Avasthas
• Five Baladi Avastas
• Three Jagratadi Avastas
• Six Lajjitadi Avastas
• Nine Deeptadi Avastas
• Twelve Shayanadi Avastas
Planetary Avastas Planets
There are 5 types of Planetary Avasthas
• 1. Baalaadhi – Based on Maturity
• 2. Jagradadi – Based on Alertness

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• 3. Deeptaadi – Based on Status
• 4. Lajjitaadi – Based on Mood (such as proud, shy etc.)
• 5. Shayanaadi – Based on Condition of activity

Baalaadhi – maturity
• This state reflects the maturity of the planet and there are five kinds listed in the
table below.
• The planet that falls in the first six degrees of an odd sign is called a Bala (childlike).
It will only give 25% of its results.
• The table below shows the states of the planets in different degrees and signs.
Planetary Avastas Planets
Baladi Avastas Continued…
Odd Sign Avasthas Even Sign Grade of

Bangalore III Chapter- Delineation

0° to 6° Infant/Bala 24° to 30° ¼
6° to 12° Adolescent/Kishora 18° to 24° ½
12° to 18° Youthful/Yuva 12° to 18° Full
18° to 24° Old/Vridha 6° to 12° ½
24° to 30° Dead/Mrita 0° to 6° ¼

• It is said that planets such as Sun and Mars give the best results in Balaavastha( infant)
• Jupiter and Venus in the Yuva (Youth) and Moon and Saturn in Vriddha( old age).
• Mercury yields good results always.
• Please note planets posited below 1 degree and more than 29 degree in any house
considered to be Bhava sandhi and almost no results.
Planetary Avastas- Jagratadi Avasta Planets
• This condition shows the general alertness of the planet and there are three types.
• When a planet in own sign or exaltation is known as a Waker or Jagrit.
• In the waking state, the planet is fully aware of the physical, mental and emotional world and

Bangalore III Chapter- Delineation

its working.
• A planet in dream state or Swapna avastha is highly emotional and lives in the reality that is
projected by circumstances and its mind.
• A planet in deep sleep or “shushupti” and is ignorant of what is happening in the outside
world. It is natural that planet is not useful for acquiring material possessions.

Condition of the Graha Avastha Meaning Results

Own sign or Exaltation Rasi Jagrit Waker Full
Friend or Neutral Rasi Swapna Dreamer Medium
Deep Sleep Nil
Enemy Rasi or debilitation Sushupti
Planetary Avastas- Deeptadi Avastas Planets

Graha Condition Meaning Result Results

Exalted Deepta Bright 100% Benefic Uttam Guna and auspicious

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Mulatrikona Sukhitha Content 80% Benefic
Own Rasi/Vargottama Swastha Content 70% Benefic

Good Friend’s Rasi Mudita Happy 60% Benefic

Friend’s Rasi/ neutral with benefic Shanta Peaceful 50% Benefic Madhyam Guna middling results
Retrograde Sankata Sad 40% Benefic
Combust Pradepta Distressed 100% Malefic
Debilitated or Static Deena Weak 75% adverse Adhama
Conjunction with malefic Vikala Crippled 100% malefic
Inauspicious Rasi Khala Scheming 80% Malefic
Planetary Avastas- Deeptadi Avastas Planets
• This avastha reflects 9 types the status or the dignity of the planets
• This states takes into consideration its position within house.
• The most important aspect to look at in Deeptaadi state is that planets in the first four

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avasthas (when planets are in exaltation, own house/mulatrikona and in a friend’s house)
yield fairly good results during the dashas.
• Further the “guna” exhibited by them is Uttama, which is higher. The planets have high ideals
and are mostly working in a satvic state.
• In the Middle three categories, planets are set to exhibit Madhyama Guna which is more
Rajasic and self-centred.
• In the last three, they exhibit Adhama Guna which is very tamasic and not good for society.
• Naturally before concluding and making predictions, one would look at the natural and
temporal friendships, conjunctions and aspects.
Planetary Avastas- Lajjatadi Avasta Planets
• This avastha reflects the mood of the planet. The various conditions and the results are
summarised below.
Graha Condition Meaning Results

Bangalore III Chapter- Delineation

Situated in 5th house with Rahu, Ketu or conjunct with Sun,
Saturn or Mars Lajita Shy, Ashamed God Aversion
Exalted or Mooltrikona Garvita Proud Happiness and gains
Enemy Rasi, conjunct with or aspected by Enemy, or Saturn Kshudhita Hungry Grief
In Water sign, aspected by enemy without benefic aspect Trashita Thirsty Losses, Wicked deeds
Friend’s Rasi, or conjunct with or aspected by Friend or Jupiter Mudita Delighted Gains
Conjunction with Sun and aspected by malefics and enemy Kshobhita Agitated Penury
• Parasara further elaborates the results of these types of avasthas in various houses in BHPS
Chapter 47 (Shloka 24-29) of the BHPS.
• Particular attention needs to be paid to any of the planets placed in inauspicious states in the
10th, 7th and 5th houses
Planetary Avastas- Shayanaadi Avasta Planets
• This avastha relates to the condition of various activities.
• These are arrived at by carrying out calculations that involve taking into account the serial
number of planet, of the nakshatra it is in, the navamsha it is in, the ishta gathi of the person
who we are doing the calculations for. The various states are described below.

Bangalore III Chapter- Delineation

SlNo Avasta Result SlNo Avasta Result
1Shayana Resting, Lying down 7Sabha In the audience
2Upaveshana Sitting down 8Aagama Flowing
3Netrapani Leading 9Bhojana Eating
4Prakashana Illuminating 10Nrityalipsa Dancing
5Gamana Coming 11Kautuka Desiring
6Agamana Coming and going 12Nidra Sleeping

• Parasara further elaborates the results of these types of avasthas in various houses in BHPS
Chapter 47 (Shloka 24-29) of the BHPS.
• Particular attention needs to be paid to any of the planets placed in inauspicious states in the
10th, 7th, 8th and 5th houses
Chapter 2 –

Bangalore III Chapter- Delineation

• Factors for Delineation –
Planetary Strength & Weaknesses
• Retrogression [Vakri]
• Stationary [Sthamba]
• Combustion [Astangata]
• Planetary War [Graha Yudha]
• Rashi Parivartana
• Bhavat Bhavam
• Strong and Weak Planets
Retrograde Planets Planets
• Planets move around the Sun and in reality they are always in direct motion except Rahu & Ketu.
• When viewed from Earth, it appears that sometimes, planets have slowed down in their direct
motion and become stationary; and then appear to reverse their direction of motion.
• Thus it is an apparent retrogression and not an actual change in direction.

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• It occurs due to relative position of Earth the planet, though both actually move in the same
• The difference in speed of Earth & the give the illusion.
• All planets except the Sun & Moon through retrogression. The Rahu & Ketu are perpetual
• A retrograde planet creates deficiency in some of the aspects of the house where it is placed and
diminishes the significance of the houses of which it is lord.
• A stationary planet before/ after retrogression, is supermalefic.
• The strength of a planet conjunct with a retrograde planet is usually increased.
• The benefic results of a retrograde planet are usually held in abeyance and malefic results are
• Benefics in retrogression gives power and malefic sorrow & sufferings.
• Retrogression deprives or reduces Jeeva Sukha indicated by the planet e.g Mars indicates younger
sibling, Mercury maternal relations, Jupiter elder siblings, Venus wife, and Saturn servants.
Retrograde Planets Planets
A retrograde planet gives effects of the previous house or the house from which it has fallen
• Retrogression gives a planet additional strength and Chesta bala enabling it to give good

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or evil according to its functional nature.
• A retrograde planet gives effects similar to those an exalted planet even though placed in
an inimical sign. But an exalted but retrograde planet does not act as debilitated one.
• Retrograde planets in 2nd 4th 5th 7th 9th, or 11th house are good for general health, but
they aggravate existing diseases if in 1st, 3rd 6th 8th or 12th house. In 8th house, it
adversely affects longevity.
• Retrograde Mars in a Trika house causes losses due to fire.
• Retrograde Venus in a Kendra is extra-ordinarily good; but retrograde & afflicted Venus
anywhere else affects moral values & marital harmony.
• Retrograde Saturn in 10th confers very high honours and then knocks the bottom out of
the native
Stationary or Sthambana
• Jupiter and Saturn are slow moving planets and important planets. Planets
• When a planet is stationary in transit, i.e.moving with a much smaller speed than usual, the planet is akin
to a person who is calm and still.
• Just as a person who is calm and still can focus better and be more productive, a stationary planet can
focus its energies better and give some important results.

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• The natal positions touched by such a planet by conjunction or aspect are activated by the stationary
• Conjunction and aspects of a transiting planet on planets in natal rasi chart as well as natal divisional
charts seem to be important.
• A stationary planet in quadrants or trines from lagna of a natal rasi/divisional chart seems to trigger
good results related to the natal positions in that chart that are conjoined or aspected by it.
• A stationary planet in dusthanas from lagna of a natal rasi/divisional chart seems to trigger bad results
related to the natal positions in that chart that are conjoined or aspected by it.
• As stationary transit of Jupiter and Saturn takes place a couple of times every year and covers a very
small fraction of the zodiac, one cannot expect results to be triggered only by extremely close
• One can instead take an orb of about 7 degrees.
• Not every event can be seen with this approach, as events do happen even when planets are not
• However, if a planet is moving very slowly and has a close conjunction or aspect on an important point of
the natal chart, significant events can be expected around such times.
Combustion of Planets Planets
• Whenever a planet comes very near to the Sun, it is Moon 12⁰ Moon 12⁰
divested of its brightness (luster). The said state is called
• While in the state of combustion, the planets lack power Mars 17⁰ Mars 17⁰

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to protect and promote the significations/houses ruled by
them. If such a planet is weak on other accounts too, the
significations ruled by them do not even take birth. Mer 14⁰[12⁰R] Mer 14⁰[12⁰R]
• The planets are said to be combust when they are within
the below mentioned degrees on either side of the Sun.
• The planets are considered combust when they have Ven 10⁰[8⁰R] Ven 10⁰[8⁰R]
following longitudinal difference with the Sun on either
• Planet Combustion Degree Jup 11⁰ Jup 11 ⁰
• Moon – 12 degrees
• Mars – 17 degrees
• Mercury – 14 degrees (12 degrees when retrograde)
Sat15⁰ Sat 15 ⁰
• Venus – 10 degrees (8 degrees when retrograde)
• Jupiter – 11 degrees
• Saturn – 15 degrees
Effects of Combustion of Planets Planets
• When both the Sun and the combust planet are functional benefic planets and are closely
conjunct, we have to see their two roles distinctively.
• Firstly, as the lords of the two auspicious houses they rule. The significations of both of these
houses will flourish and will be connected to each other except the short run transit malefic

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influences which will stress the combust planet comparatively more than the Sun.
• Secondly, the role of a combust planet. The combust planet is considered as a weak planet but
in case the Sun and planet(s) involved are functional benefic planets, the weakness of the
combust planet(s) is operative only at the time of natal or transit afflictions.
• If a functional malefic planet closely influences any other planet or the Sun, a functional
malefic planet will certainly color the significations of the planet under its influence,
• The weakness due to combustion gives high and low tides in life and need astral strength for
the planets to enable them to fight natal and / or transit afflictions.
• Cancellation of Combustion if:
 The combust planet comes out victorious in planetary war.
 It is a Yogkaraka planet.
 Sun itself is debilitated or eclipsed by Rahu.
Graha Yuddha or Planetary War Planets
• It deal with the method of assessing the strength of planets at war
• In the celestial mechanics, all planets are in constant motion both along their own axis and
around the Sun.

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• During their movement some times they come very close to each other within 5 degrees
of longitude, at different declinations.
• Under such conditions, the rubbing of Rashmi (rays) of one planet with another takes
place which is technically called as war between the planets or Graha Yuddha.
• As a result of this clashing of forces of their respective rays, planets (either one or both )
become weak.
• Their lustre or activities like speed of rotation/revolution, etc may marginally vary.
• The physical state of planets in war is thus different from their normal states. This
variation affects the natives having such a combination in the natal charts.
• It also creates devastating effects in national and international matters the study of which
is resorted to in Mundane Astrology.
Types of Graha Yuddha or Planetary War Planets
• Types of Graha Yuddha : According to Brihat Samhita , there are 4 types of
planetary war
• Ullekha : When Planets are posited within 5° but not within 3° and posited in the

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same Nakshatra Pada , the rims of two orbs of the planets are grazing each other
and the disc of one appears to be rubbing against the disc of the other. This is
called as Ullekha.
• Bedha : When Planets are posited within 5° in same or different Nakshatra padas
but in two different rasis, the disc of one planet appears to be eclipsed by the disc
of the other. This is called as Bheda.
• Amshumardhanam : When Planets are posited within 1° in the same nakshatra
pada, the light of one planet mixes with that of the other. This is called as
• Apasavya : Planets being posited within 5º either in same/different sign/ rasi and if
One planet is retrograde but the other is in direct motion , the planets are
distinctly separated from each other. This is called as Apasavya.
• Besides the above, Bowddha , a fifth type of planetary war is also said to occur
when Planets are posited within 1° in different nakshatra padas. (Bhattotpala, the
celebrated commentator on Brihat Samhita, alludes to as many as 15 types of
planetary war the details of which are not available in extant literature).
Assessment of Graha Yuddha or Planetary War Planets
• Only these 5 planets enter into Graha Yuddha. Sun, Moon, Rahu and Ketu are never at war with any
planet. Close conjunction with Sun causes Combustion while that of Moon is identified as ‘Samaagama’.
• The winner and loser in the war are decided based on the longitudes or declinations of planets . The
planet with the lesser longitude is always the winner and the one with higher longitude is said to be

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defeated . Planet with more northern declination is the winner.
• The winner is usually large (Vipula), glossy (Snigdha) and brilliant(Dyutiman).
• The loser, posited in Southern declination, is rough, trembling, withdrawing from the other without
contacting it, small, mounted, of ugly appearance, bereft of radiance and colour.
• A planet in conjunction with another which might appear of small disc or dim is deemed to suffer
defeat even though he might be a northern planet.
• There is a special rule for Kuja being the commander of the planetary cabinet . whenever Kuja is in war
with other planets he is always considered as the winner irrespective of his longitude or declination.
• As Venus is always bright, he is generally successful whether he appears southern or northern,
according to Surya & Paulisa Siddhantas.
• Rahu and Ketu which are permanently retrograde, have a stronger effect if posited within 5º of a
particular planet. But, they are not considered according to the rules of planetary war.
• Example: if Venus and mars have conjunction and if Venus have more degree than Mars and Venus will be defeated
in planetary war by Mars. The person will suffer in all Venus stuff like relationship, women, love, and creativity. The
person will be have more martian energy and can be aggressive and good fighter. The person also suffer in where
planets sitting in the birth chart as well as what house they rule in the birth chart.
Effects of Graha Yuddha or Planetary War Planets
• The Winner in planetary war is always strong enough to deliver what it has to deliver by virtue
of its role/ lordship/ position/ status in the horoscope.
• The portfolios of the planet will prosper. According to Saravali ( Ch.5/Sl.40), a planet that has
won in a planetary war is capable of bestowing complete happiness and kingdom that cannot

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be besieged.
• A victorious planet when conjoined with Chandra and not combust, gives very auspicious
results, victory over enemies , a high post in Government, etc.
• The loser is said to be in “Kopa” avastha or “Nipiditha” avastha. The results of this avastha are
always bad for the native irrespective of lordship or placement of the planet in the horoscope.
The portfolios of the planet will suffer. The more a planet is stricken, the more it will harm
everything belonging to it.
• Benefics who are defeated by a malefic are rendered very weak where as the benefic winning
over a malefic becomes much stronger
• a benefic planet victorious in planetary war at birth and is essentially aspected by another
benefic, destroys all evils just as a gale can uproot trees.
• If Kuja is within the orb of influence of planets in Graha yuddha, there is no exemption from
Kuja Dosha.
• If more than two planets are at war , then their relative results have to be judged by taking one
as the loser with reference to the other.
Why Luminaries not part of Graha Yuddha or Planetary War Planets
• Tara Grahas (Panchabootatmaka planets) are said to engage in war and the luminaries are
excluded from the purview of Graha Yuddha.
• Sun , being the universal spirit ( Jagat Atma ), is not affected by Tara Grahas. Whenever Tara
Grahas come in contact with Sun they lose their originality and get dissolved in the universal

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spirit. That is why planets coming very close to Sun are said to be getting combust or burnt.
That means to say that Sun is capable of absorbing the energies of all other planets as a result
of which they lose their identity and individual influence.
• Moon is the Dasa significator. He is the planet responsible for unfolding the karmic influence of
an individual in any birth by suitably activating one’s mind according to the designs of fate. That
is possible only if there is a smooth interaction among the planets. Actually when planets
conjoin Moon, a special effect is produced in each case by the interactive energies which
creates a corresponding change in the mental make up of the individual as a result of which he
reacts in a particular pattern for each of the stimulus from the external world. Thus, the
conjunction of moon with other planets does not cause any destruction but only creates a
modified synergic effect. This phenomenon has been called with a unique name. The word
‘Samagama’ is used for describing the effects of various planetary conjunctions with moon.
• The strongest planet of the horoscope along with Lagna and Rasi lords usually influences the
native to a large extent. When the influence of Luminaries or Chaya Grahas ( Rahu and Ketu)
become predominant in the horoscope the karmic effects of the soul are also at play in that
Rashi Parivartana Planets
• Whenever two planets exchanges their signs signifies Parivartan relation between two planets
• Parivartan can be termed as the strongest form of relationship that can exist between two
planets (More than conjunction & Mutual Aspects,).
• To give example, If the Jupiter is placed in the house of moon and moon is placed in the house of

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Jupiter, they exchange the houses in that chart.
• Parivartan yoga increases the power of both involved houses as well as both planets involved,
• In other words if two planets are exchanging their signs so you can say like both planets are
sitting in each other houses, in short for prediction you can replace their position in horoscope.
• Any planetary position gets denoted by one yoga hence such situation is known as Rashi
Parivartan Raja Yoga in Vedic astrology.
• In other words, the interchange of two Rashi lords forms a special planetary combination called
Parivartan yoga in Vedic Astrology
• It means exchange of power, exchange of energy, exchange of natural nature of each other.
• So whenever two planets exchanges their signs in any horoscope it simple means that they are
mutually connected to each other and will work together in future under each other
Effects of Rashi Parivartana Planets
• This is a very important consideration during analysis of any horoscope because the Parivartan
Yoga will greatly increase the strength of the planets involved as well as the houses they
• Through Parivartan they are able to exchange places and gain the influence, power and

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strength of their rulership
• It also helps a planet to get out from debilitated or weak stage.
• Whenever planets exchanges their signs so Both Planets also become owner of all ruled houses
(those houses which are involved in Parivartan) means Even single planets is ruling four houses
those are exchanging their signs. (Except Sun and Moon and Rahu and Ketu because sun and
moon ruled one sign and Nodes rules no sign).
• That’s the main reason they act very powerfully because their power and area of influence
becomes double.
• But remember if the exchanged planets are natural or temporal Malefics, results may be
emphatically more difficult than the planet might separately produce.
Bhavat Bhavam Planets
• The concept of bhavat-bhavam means that from the bhava in question, it is the future bhava. Bhavat means
future. So it is as if the bhava is born again in the future.
• Bhavat Bhavam means ‘house to house’; it is one of the key principles of the vedic astrology.
• Bhavat Bhawam is a concept which says that whichever house you are looking to grasp results, look at that house

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and additionally look at the house which is exactly at same number of house away.
• As per this principle matters/effects of one house is also readable/governed from the house which is of the same
number counted from the original house.
• For example, if you are studying the 4th house then also study simultaneously the 7th house which is 4th house
from the 4th house.
In same way:
• Bhavat Bhawam of 2nd house (Family, Wealth etc.) - look for 2nd from the 2nd house, i.e. 3rd house.
• Bhavat Bhawam of 3rd house (Efforts, Communication Skills etc.) - look for 3rd from the 3rd house, i.e. 5th house.
• Bhavat Bhawam of 4th house (Home, Mother etc.) - look for 4th from the 4th house, i.e. 7th house.
• Bhavat Bhawam of 5th house (Education, Children etc. ) - look for 5th from the 5th house, i.e. 9th house.
• Bhavat Bhawam of 6th house (Debts, Diseases, Enemies etc.) - look for 6th from the 6th house, i.e. 11th house.
• Bhavat Bhawam of 7th house (Marriage, Spouse etc.) - look for 7th from the 7th house, i.e. 1st house.
• Bhavat Bhawam of 8th house (Occult, Secrets etc.) - look for 8th from the 8th house, i.e. 3rd house.
• Bhavat Bhawam of 9th house (Higher Knowledge, Religion etc.) - look for 9th from the 9th house, i.e. 5th house.
• Bhavat Bhawam of 10th house (Father, Work Environment) - look for 10th from the 10th house, i.e. 7th house.
• Bhavat Bhawam of 11th house (Gain, Income etc.) - look for 11th from the 11th house, i.e. 9th house.
• Bhavat Bhawam of 12th house (Foreign Lands, Spirituality etc. ) - look for 12th from the 12th house, i.e. 11th house.
Principle of Negation – 12 th House Planets
• This is based on principle of Negation. Lagna being first house beginning and origin of the
horoscope, 12th House is considered as last house or end of Bhava.
• 12th house always opposite or negates the purpose of 1st House. This principle is known as
principle of negation.

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Chapter 2 – Aspects

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• Aspects by own Lord
• Aspects by Natural/Functional Benefics
• Aspects by Natural/Functional Malefics
Basics Planetary Aspects/Griha Dristi

• Normal Aspect –
• All Planets have aspect on House/Planet posited in 7th House from its position in

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• Normally planets from their position aspect the house 180⁰ apart.
• Special Aspect-
• Superior planets – Planets beyond earth in the solar system [Mars, Jupiter, Saturn]
apart from aspect on 7th House, have special aspects as below:
• Mars – 4th house, 8th House
• Jupiter – 5th House, 9th House
• Saturn – 3rd House, 10th house
• Some astrologers are of the opinion that Rahu and Ketu have same aspect like Jupiter.
• When planets aspect each other they transmit their own energy & influence to the
aspected planet, thus modifying the characteristics of the later.
Intensity of Aspect Planetary Aspects/Griha Dristi

The intensity of the influence depends as under:

• When the two planets aspects mutually each other, the related Influence is full.

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• When one planet aspects the other, but does not get aspected in return, the influence is not
intense or the relationship is only half.
• When the aspecting & the aspected planet have more or less the same longitude, their
influence is the max1mum.
General observations about planets-

• The Nakshtra lord of a planet is stronger than the sign lord (Depositor), who is stronger than the

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planet itself.

• Planets posited under same Nakshtra lord behave in similar way even if they may be posited in
different signs.

• Malefics are good in 3rd, 6th & 11th house and still better if they own it.

• Nodes are not bad in Upchaya (3rd, 6th 10th & 11th) houses.

• Benefics are good in Kendra (if they don't own it) and Trikone houses.

• A functional malefic for a lagna, if strong becomes more harmful (the stronger the worse), but if
weak & afflicted, gives good results (worse the affliction, better the results)
General observations about planets-

• Owners of bad houses (3rd, 6th, 8th & 12th) when placed in a bad house, do well because of

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Vipreet Rajyoga

• Sun, Saturn, Rahu & 12th lord are all separative planets and their influence cause separation
from significations of relevant house; but their influence on 2nd house gives medical

• A planet having lordship over any two of the evil houses-3rd 6th 8th 11th or 12th- becomes
doubly malefic e.g. Mercury for Aries, Cancer & Scorpio, Jupiter for Taurus & Libra, Mars for
Gemini and Venus for Sagittarius lagna.

• Malefic's aspect on its own house is not bad.

• Lagna lord or a Yogkaraka planet enriches the significations of the house & planets it is related;
if posited in a bad house, it removes the malevolence of the house, but himself get weakened.
Relationship between the planets Planets
Association • Among these planets, the planets which are within
• Association- When two or more planets are posited in a a particular Nakshtra, makes better & stronger
sign/ house in birth/ Navamsha chart, irrespective of their association

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distances within the sign, they are called to be in For example in case of Rajiv Gandhi, there were
association. five planets & Ascendant posited in Leo lagna.
• Their characteristics are modified by the sign, house & • Out of these the Sun & Jupiter were in Ketu's
Nakshtra, they are posited in and closeness of their degrees. Nakshtra (Magha), the Ascendant' Moon & Venus
• However too many planets in a house make the horoscope were in Venus's Nakshtra (Poorva phalguni)/ and
imbalanced, as too much energy is concentrated in the Mercury was in Sun's Nakshtra (Uttra-phalguni)
house, making other house to face shortage of of this with no planet in seven of the other signs/ houses,
Relationship between the planets Planets
• The two planets are said to be in conjunction, when they are posited in a sign/ house in less than six
degrees and preferably in the same Nakshtra.
• Smaller the distance between the two planets, the greater will be inter-mingling of their

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• However if the two planets are within this distance but happens to be in different Nakshtra, their
relation would fall under the category of association only.

Depositor/ Controller-

• A planet is related to its depositor.

• The two planets would be related if the dispositor of one is in relation with the depositor of the
other. The strength/ weakness of a depositor are equally important as the strength of the planet
• A strong depositor will be able to offset the weakness of the planet concerned or vice-versa.
• Therefore it is also called the controller of the planet.
• In case of Rahu & Ketu, since they do not own any sign/ house, the role of depositor becomes more
significant. Their depositors are also called Karmic control planets.
Relationship between the planets
• One of the most intricate relationship develops between two planets when they are posited in each
other's sign.
• Either planet is tenant of the other and so under full scrutiny of the other, Hence the characteristics
of the concerned planets, signs & houses get suitably enriched.

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• Mrs Indira Gandhi had three sets of exchanges of planets in her horoscope. She had exchange of
Moon & Saturn (in 1 st & 7th house), of Sun & Mars (in 2nd & 5th house) and of Jupiter & Venus (in
6th & 11th house).
• A planet occupying the Nakshtra of a planet is strongly related to it e.g. if Moon is in Nakshtra of
Venus, it is related to Venus.
• Again if two or more planets posited under the same Nakshtra lord irrespective of their position of
sign/ house are said to be in relation and act in a similar way.
• This will be strengthened further, if the two planets are in the same pada of the Nakshtra lord or are
placed in trine to each other,
• If the planet/ (s) were compatible with the Nakshtra lord it would give strong positive otherwise the
result would be indifferent.
• In the horoscope of Netaji Subhash Bose, Mars, Moon & Sun though positet in 2nd, 6th & 10th
houses were under the influence Of Nakshtra lord Moon (all the planets were compatible With each
other) bestowing noble qualities of highest degree
Relationship between the planets Planets
Through Navamsha-
• A planet placed in a sign in the birth chart shall be related to any planet that occupies the same sign
in the Navamsha chart or vice versa.
• Please see the results of Rasi Tulya Navamsha or Navamsha Tulya Rashi.

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• Each planet aspect the 7th house and planet/ (s) from its position in horoscope.
• Mars has additional aspects on 4th & 8th houses,
• Saturn on 3rd & 10th houses and
• Jupiter, Rahu & Ketu on 5th & 9th houses and planet posited therein.

• Although the above aspects are effective over the entire range of house, but the aspect gets more
pronounced if the aspecting planet and the aspected planet/ sensitive point of the house are within
six degrees (san the sign).

• If the two planets are in mutually aspecting position, their influence is full and their effects get
enhanced or reduced according to their nature.

• If the aspecting planet is associated/ conjunct with another planet, its aspect would carry the
benevolence/ malevolence accordingly
Relationship between a planet and the House Planets
• A planet gives the results relating to a house in its period, sub-period and/ or inter-period only if it
is related to that house.
• If an event is to take place in a major, sub and inter-period, each of the three planets should
independently indicate the event.

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• Events to materialize, among other things, according to the houses operated by relevant planets
at the given moment of time.
• The strongest relationship is by occupancy, followed by ownership and next is through aspect.
• A planet could be related to a house in more ways than one e.g. it could own the house and
placed therein or own the house and have its depositor occupy the house. Stronger the
relationship, better and more certain will be its occurrence.
• The Planet and House may be related in any of the following way-
• A house is as strong as the owner of its sign (house lord). A planet gives results primarily of the
house that have its Mooltrikone sign.
• A house becomes strong, if its lord aspects or occupies it, regardless of the strength of the house
lord or the sign of the house.
• A house becomes strong if the Nakshtra lord of its mid-cusp is strong or aspects it.
• A planet gets related to the house if it is related to its owner or the Nakshtra lord of its sensitive
(mid-cusp) point.
Relationship between a planet and the House Planets
The Planet and House may be related in any of the following way-

• A planet shall occupy a sign in Navamsha chart. The lord of the sign in Navamsha where
planet is posited gets related to planet in birth chart.

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• A house becomes strong if its Karaka planet is strong.

• A house becomes strong, if it is occupied by a strong planet which is compatible with its
house lord. The planet gives results relating to that house.

• A planet shall be related to a house, if it projects an aspect to its sensitive point within 5
degrees. In case of luminaries it could be more.
About Yogas.. Yogas
• The yogas formed by planets and other integrated factors play an important
role in evaluation of a chart in predictive astrology.
• Planets represent concentration of life force, Their placement in different

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houses represents the exertion of life force in areas represented by their
• Planets occupying specific signs get influenced by the nature & characteristics
of these signs.
• The eventual results depend upon how well the life force represented by the
planets, finds expression in modifying significations of houses & signs.
• In astrology, the yogas are formed by planets placed in a specific pattern,
relative to the ascendant or Moon, with an inherent linkage.
• This linkage could be involving planets only or between planets & house/
signs, or any other combination of the above.
• Yogas bestow success & gains in any or every field to the maximum extent
possible or cause Arishta/ evils/ misfortunes of untold variety & magnitude.
About Yogas.. Yogas
• Every native has a mixture of good yogas and Aristha operating at different
periods of one's life.
• Normally no single yoga is ever operative to the exclusion of any other yoga.

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• However, it is possible to distinguish a certain accent of one over the other in
a chart.
• Factors influencing Yogas- A yoga is strong or weak depending upon its
constituents. In addition to nature strength of planets involved, other factors
that significantly modify results relevant yogas are as under:-
• The signs where such planets are placed.
• The signs owned by Sun, Mars & Saturn, transmit their natural malefic
& aggressive tendencies to planet occupying these.
• Similarly signs owned by Moon, Mercury, Jupiter & Venus are
inherently benign and even malefics occupying these acquire some
About Yogas.. Yogas
• Each house & its lord transmit its qualities to a yoga, which associates with it.
• Houses one to seven represent invisible/ dark half of the chart, which keep
the native & his activities somewhat in oblivion.

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• Houses seven to one represent visible/ luminous half, which bestow native
better exposure & reward.
• Again planets posited close to Mid-cusp gives better results.
• Lordship of the relevant planets makes them functional benefic/ malefic.
• Proximity of relevant planets decides the concept of conjunction, association
and Nakshtra lord.
• Effects of Rahu, Ketu and retrograde planets, are normally not good unless
they are well placed in a Trikone or Kendra.
About Yogas.. Yogas
• As per Jatak Parijaat (7:58) and Saravali (34:14), the strength of Yoga can be
assessed by examining the position of Planet causing the yoga in following
positions in a sign –

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• For the Benefic Planets
Positon Result for Benefic Planet Result for Malefic Planet
Exaltation 100% benefic 3 % benefic
Mooltrikone 75% benefic 6 % benefic
Own sign 50% benefic 12% benefic
Friendly sign 25% benefic 25% benefic
Inimical sign, 12% Benefic 50% benefic
Debilitation 6% Benefic 75% benefic
Fully combust. 3% Benefic 100% benefic

• The above order should be reversed for malefics i.e in exaltation gives only 3%
benefic and in debilitation 75% benefic results.
Factors influencing Yoga Yogas

The sign wherein such planets are placed.

The house/ houses involved.

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Lordship of planets constituting yogas.
Extent of proximity between planets.
Effect of Rahu & Ketu and Retrograde planets.
Planetary aspects.
Dasha System.
Factors influencing Yoga Yogas
The sign wherein such planets are placed.
 The seven planets from Sun to Saturn imparts their natural/ inherent
characteristics to the sign they own. The signs owned by Sun, Mars & Saturn have

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their naturally malefic & aggressive tendencies, which get transmitted to the
planets occupying these. “Benefic Posited in Malefic houses acquire malfic qualities”
 Similarly the signs owned by Moon, Mercury, Jupiter & Venus are inherently
benign and even malefics occupying these signs acquire some benevolence. For
example, Saturn, a natural malefic loses its malevolence when occupying signs of
Jupiter or Venus. “Malefic Posited in benefic signs acquire malefic qualities”
 However the occupancy of a sign takes precedence over the lordship.
 For example if Sagittarius is occupied by Mars and Jupiter is not associated with its
sign, then the Jupiter will give results of Mars as well.
Factors influencing Yoga Yogas
 The sign wherein such planets are placed.
 The 12 signs of zodiac have been classified as per their mobility as movable (signs 1,
4, 7 & 10), fixed (signs 2, 5, 8 & 11) and dual/ common (signs 3, 6, 9 & 12). The yogas

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arising out of planets occupying movable signs have mobility, changeability,
adjustability, adaptability, and sharp decisions.
 Those arising out of fixed signs, are characterized by immovability, fixity,
stubbornness, reliability, perseverance, consistency and lack of adaptability.
 The dual signs give mixed results. Other qualities of signs also influence the results
of the yoga formed therein
 A planet gives best results when it is in its sign of exaltation and its strength keep
on diminishing in its position in Mooltrikone sign, own sign, friend's sign, neutral
sign, inimical sign and is least when in its sign of debilitation.
Factors influencing Yoga Yogas
The house/ houses involved.
 Houses one to seven of a chart represent the invisible/ dark half of it. The planets
in this area keep the native or his activities somewhat in oblivion and do not get

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full exposure in life.
 Houses seven to one represent visible/luminous area of the chart. Placement of
planets in this half makes one a better entrepreneur, famous & well known, and
one's activities find better exposure and reward.
 Again planets placed close to house-cusp or BhavaMadhya gives much better
results than those placed near the Bhava-Sandhi.
 Each house and its lord transmit its qualities to a yoga, which associates with it.
 Ownership of certain houses, makes the planets functionally benefic or malefic.
 Planets, as lords of certain houses, impart their qualities to the yogas they
participate in.
 Thus functionally benefic lords participating in a yoga give benevolence and
functionally malefics produce malevolence.
Factors influencing Yoga Yogas
 The house/ houses involved.
 The houses are broadly divided into two groups- malefic and benefic.
 Trikone (1st, 5th & 9th) houses & lords are always benefic & auspicious.

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 2nd & 12th houses & lords are neutral and their auspiciousness is judged by
their association or the ownership of the other house.
 Kendra lords lose their natural qualities i.e. benefics-Jupiter, Venus, Mercury &
Moon, lose their benevolence and malefics- Sun, Mars & Saturn, lose their
malevolence. So the ideal situation is if Kendra are owned by malefics, but
occupied by benefics.
 Role of Malefic Houses
 6th, 8th, & 12th houses are Trika/Dustana and their lords generally produce evil
results when yogas get associated with these houses or their lords except in
special cases.
 Trishadya houses ( 3rd, 6th & ll th) and their lords are also malefic though to a
lesser degree.
Factors influencing Yoga Yogas
 The house/ houses involved. - Role of Malefic Houses…
 11th house & lord is bad for health (being 6th of 6th house), but not for wealth.
Trishadya lords when placed in own or 3rd, 6th, or 11th from their house, gives

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good results.
 Yogas formed in or associated with Trika houses/ lords manifest struggle, ill-
health, obstacles, or losses in any form. Planets posited in these houses also
produce evil results.
 Any house lord when placed in 8th from its own house, gives ill-results.
 Association of Mars, Saturn or Rahu (any two) with Trika lord in a Trika house,
may cause danger from fire, explosion and may cause painful death. However
Sun in 3rd, Mars in 6th, Mercury in 8th and Venus in 12th are exceptions.
 When Trikone lords secure lordship over a Trika house, the malefic effects of
the Trika house is considerably reduced.
Factors influencing Yoga Yogas
 The house/ houses involved.
 - Role of Benefic Houses
 The other houses and lords are generally benefic.

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 Yogas involving lagna & lagna lord influence nature, health, status & longevity
of the native.
 2nd house & lord influence wealth, speech, & family.
 3rd house & lord influence younger siblings, mobility, & change.
 4th house & lord generally produce happiness & satisfaction and influences
mother & comforts.
 5th house & lord influence progeny, creative abilities & mental attitude.
 7th house & lord influence marriage, spouse, sex, marital relations, business
partnership & longevity.
 9th house & lord influences luck, father, virtues & religious pursuits
 10th house & lord influences one's profession, status & power.
Factors influencing Yoga Yogas
 The house/ houses involved.
 - Role of Benefic Houses
 11th house & lord influences elder siblings, friends and gains/ accomplishment

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of all sorts by all means.
 12th house & lord indicates losses, expenses & forbidden pursuits.
 Lordship of planets constituting yogas. -Role of Lords of houses
 Lords of Kendra & Trikones are always auspicious, whether they are natural
malefic or benefic. Even malefics or lords of malefic houses, when related with
Trikones or Trikone lords becomes auspicious.
 2nd, 4th, & 10th houses are auspicious in conferring benefic results.
 But when lords of 3rd, 6th, or 11th secure lordship of these houses, they
 lose strength to deliver benefic results.
Factors influencing Yoga Yogas
 Lordship of planets constituting yogas. -Role of Lords of houses
 Yogkaraka Planets:
 A planet, that is simultaneously lord of a Kendra and a Trikone house, is called a

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Yogkaraka planet.
 Such a planet is the most beneficial planet for that particular lagna and does
not suffer even if it is combust.
 This honour is given to only three planets- Mars for Cancer & Leo lagna, Venus
for Capricorn & Aquarius lagna, and Saturn for Taurus & Libra lagna.
 Extent of proximity between planets.
 The pIanetary proximity alter the vary nature of pIanets.
 When two planets are located close to each other, their mutual strength either
increases if they have similar nature or decrease if they have opposing nature.
 The planets which lie close to each, tend to retain their conjunction in Vargas or
divisional charts.
 When placed further apart, though in the same sign in a birth chart, they tend
to separate in Vargas and results of their conjunction do not manifest fully.
Factors influencing Yoga Yogas
 Extent of proximity between planets.
 Another interesting feature is the proximity of the longitude of planet with that of
the lagna (minus sign).

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 It is observed that those planets which are degree wise close to degree of lagna
manifest their significations in much better & favourable way than others
 Similarly the yoga producing planets, if placed in their respective house at close
degree (minus sign) manifest better resuIts.
 Combustion: A planet is said to be combust or eclipsed when it disappears within a
particular proximity from the Sun in either direction, its light being overpowered by
that of the Sun temporarily.
 Combustion ranges (within degrees) for various planets are for Moon- 12; Mars 14;
Mercury 14, but 12 if retrograde; Jupiter 11, but 8 if retrograde; Venus 10, but 8 if
retrograde: Saturn 16. Rahu & Ketu never get combust; rather Rahu eclipses Sun when
very close. Combustion is cancelled if: (i) The combust planet comes out victorious in
planetary war. (ii) It is a Yogkaraka planet. (iii) Sun itself is debilitated or eclipsed by
Factors influencing Yoga Yogas
 Extent of proximity between planets.
 Planetary War: Two planets are said to be in planetary war (except Sun and
Moon), when they are in conjunction and within one degree of each other.

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 The one with lesser degree wins the war. If they have an identical longitude to
the minute, then one in higher latitude is winner. The loser in war becomes
powerless to deliver any good result.
Factors influencing Yoga Yogas
 Rahu Ketu and Retro Planets
 These two planets generally do not figure in any classical yoga. However they
are very important and their role must be appreciated, while making any

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prediction. Both Rahu & Ketu are considered highly malefic.
 They have bluish complexion resembling smoke. They are wild in looks,
intelligent and of windy disposition.
 Rahu is like Saturn & Ketu like Mars in its malevolence.
 It is believed that they represent that portion of Prarbdha/ destiny, which is
 essential to undergo.
 They generally give results of planets whom they conjoin or of their depositor.
When conjoined with their house lord, they boost up the significations of the
house & its lord manifold.
 If unafflicted, they are considered good in Trikone houses and cause Raj yoga in
4th & 10th house; but are bad in 2nd or 12th house.
 They behave as Yogkaraka when they occupy a Kendra with a Trikone lord or
occupy a Trikone with a Kendra lord.
Factors influencing Yoga Yogas
 Rahu Ketu and Retro Planets
 As per shri Mantreshwar, a retrograde planet, malefic or benefic, if in a Kendra/
Trikone becomes super strong and super powerful.

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 He then helps the native in every possible way for his self improvement and also
for taking him to the top at least for a short while.
 But these planets in 3rd, 9th, & 12th houses, produce very bad results. The
following broad principles will further enlighten the position of retro planets
 A retrograde planet creates deficiency in one of the aspects of the house in
which it is placed.
 It destroys the significations of the house of which he is the lord.
 The strength of the planet conjunct with the retrograde planet is usually
 A planet retrograde in natal chart, during its dasha, gives good results when it is
in direct motion and a planet in direct motion, during its dasha, gives good
results when it is in retrograde motion.
Factors influencing Yoga Yogas
 Rahu Ketu and Retro Planets
 As per Saravali, A retrograde planet, becomes extrastrong, being Chesta bali,
conferring good or evil according to its functional nature, provided it is not

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 Retrograde Saturn in 10th house confers highest honours and later knocks the
bottom out of the native.
 Retrograde Saturn, if 5th lord, indicates sufferings due to progeny.
 Effects of slow moving retrogrades in transit are far more prominent than the
fast moving ones.
 Retrograde planets influences favourably the house, he occupies, aspects or
owns, in his dasha or in the dasha of its Nakshtra lord.
Factors influencing Yoga Yogas
 Impact of Planetary aspect on Yoga
 The intensity of the influence depends as under:
 When the two planets aspects mutually each other, the related Influence is full.

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 When one planet aspects the other, but does not get aspected in return, the
influence is not intense or the relationship is only half.
 When the aspecting & the aspected planet have more or less the same
longitude, their influence is the maximum.
Factors influencing Yoga Yogas
 Dasha System
 The presence of various yogas in a horoscope, indicates the existence of a
promise which needs something else for fructification.

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 The existence of a promise is the static aspect and the extent & timing of
fructification of the promise is its dynamic aspect.
 This dynamic aspect is shown by the dasha system in a horoscope.
 The dasha scheme is the wheel of time. It unfolds the promise inherent in a
horoscope. If the horoscope holds a big promise, but the appropriate dasha
does not operate at the right time, the promise is of no use. A chart may contain
yogas for great wealth and high status, but poor longevity or the concerned
planetary dasha operates in early childhood or very late in life, it does not
bestow the desired resuIts.
 The role of dasha scheme is to precipitate an event or fructify an inherent
promise at the appropriate time.
Factors influencing Yoga Yogas
 Dasha System
 The Yogas in a horoscope are generally subservient to the dasha scheme except
Nabhas yogas who are operative during the entire period of life of a native.

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 The Panch-Mahapurush Yogas also only partly depend upon the dasha system.
 The presents of potent yogas become meaningless in the absence of an
appropriate dasha.
 Equally so, an adverse/ arishta yoga present in the horoscope manifests only
during relevant dasha and not otherwise.
 The yogas fully fructify while the concerned planets are strong & unafflicted and
their depositors & Nakshtra lords are also strong & well placed.
Factors influencing Yoga Yogas
 Dasha System
 Fruitification of Yogas during Dasha Period
 In such cases, the fructification is seen during the dasha of The periods of

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planets forming the yoga, when they are not afflicted.
 The periods of planets posited in the house owned by Yogkaraka.
 The periods of planets associated with or aspectin the Yogkaraka.
 The periods of lords of Navamsha signs in which the Yoga causing planets are
 The periods of nodes if they happen to be in benefic houses free from malefic
association or aspect.
• Yoga Bhang-
• A yoga may get cancelled or fails to deliver expected results, if: -
• Yoga causing planets are weak in Shadbala / Dasvarga or are conjunct/
aspected by malefics

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• One of the planets causing yoga is debilitated, combust or retrograde.
• Saturn as debilitated or combust is potent to mar any yoga by conjunction/
• Conjunction of Rahu-Ketu with Yoga causing planets in a Trika house.
• Yoga causing planets are posited in 6th 8th 11th or 12th houses.
• Lord of a Trika/ Trishadya/ Kaam Trikone/ Badhak house, if joins any or all yoga
causing planets.
• The depositors of Yoga causing planets are weak or ill-placed.
• If lagna/ Moon is conjoined/ aspected by at least one auspicious planet.
• When any two of the planets-Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Saturn or Yogkaraka, is
• Combination for Power

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Raja Yogas
Vipareeta Raja Yogas
Neecha Bhanga Raja Yogas
Maharaja Yoga
Akhanda Samrajya Yoga
Maha Bhagya Yoga
Dharma Karmadipathi Yoga
Pancha Maha Purusha Yoga
Gaja Kesari Yoga
Combination for Power - Raja Yogas
The word "Raj yoga" literally means royal union, which means a yoga that gives happiness
like a king. These yogas are so called because they elevate the status of a native and bestow
on him name, fame, power, honour & happiness I ike that of a king.

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Even the humblest of human being would at least like to avoid & shun disgrace & dishonour,
though he cannot achieve fame, recognition & position in the society. Only a handful of
people shoot up to brilliance, achieve power, fame & success in their respective fields.
According to astrology it is the Prarbdha/ luck denoted by 5th & 8th houses, which measure
the degree of success that one achieve in his/ her life
The Raj yogas are formed by the association of planets and the houses they rule.
According to Parashar, four Kendras/ angles (houses 1, 4, 7 & 10) are Vishnu-sthan (abode of
lord Vishnu), while three Trikones (houses1, 5 & 9) are Lakshmi-sthan (abode of Lakshmi, the
goddess of prosperity).
If a lord of Kendra establishes relationship with the lord of a Trikone, it leads to Raj yoga of
a very high order and is very auspicious throughout the life of a native.
Combination for Power - Raja Yogas
As per Uttara Kalamrita, when there is mutual relation between the planets
of following six groups, they form auspicious Raj yoga:
Planets in their exaltation, own houses, friend's house and Trikones (1,

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5, & 9) houses.
Planets in Kendra (1, 4, 7 & 10) houses and Vargottam.
Planets aspected by or conjoined with benefics, and those that are
between benefics.
Planets posited in their Mooltrikone signs.
Planets moving towards their exaltation.
Those that own both a Kendra and a Trikone house.
Combination for Power - Raja Yogas
There are 25 Raj yogas of highest type.
There are over a hundred other Rajyogas. Thus it is seen that Raj yoga is
not a specific yoga.

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The Raj yoga analysis includes:
1. Type of Raj yogas present
2. Number of Raj yogas present
3. Aspects on Raj yoga forming planets
4. Time of fructification,
5. Ways to utilize full impact of the Raj yoga.
Combination for Power - Raja Yogas
There are 11 Kendra-Trikone Yogas as under:
Lagna lord on one side and the lord of 4th, or 5th, or 7th, or 9th or 10th

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house on other house (five combinations).
Lord of 4th house on one side and lord of 7th or 10th house on other side
(Two combinations).
Lord of 5th house on one side and lord of 7th or 10th house on other side
(Two combinations).
Lord of 7th house on one side and lord of 9th on other side.
Lord of 9th house on one side and lord of 10th on the other side.
Combination for Power - Raja Yogas
Out of the above, the best results are given by lords of 9th & 10th
(Dharma-karm-adhipati yoga),

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followed by lord of lagna with 9th lord (Lagna-bhagy-adhipati Yoga) or
10th lord (Lagna-karm-adhipati Yoga).
Still better results are seen when these yogas occur in a Trikone/
These combinations are so important that it overcomes slight blemish
of lordship of 3, 6, or 8th house.
All the above combinations bestow auspicious results during their
dasha, antar-dasha or Pratyantar dasha periods.
Combination for Power - Raja Yogas
The native had Lagna lord Venus
with Yogkaraka (4-5th lord)

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Saturn in 10th house (the best
Kendra) forming a great Raj yoga.

She was great singer of divine

vocal/ classic Karnatak music and
was awarded "Bharat Ratna" in
1998 during Saturn-Mercury for
her services to the music world.
Combination for Power - Raja Yogas
If three or more planets are in their exaltation/ own sign, it forms a
Rajyoga. Ex- Lord Rama

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The stronger the planets, better will be the results.
16 different variations of Raj yoga may result when three or four
exalted planets in different Kendras and for different lagna are

Lagna, 10th house or Moon when influenced by four or more planets

forms strong Raj yoga (there are 33 variants, each of lagna, 10th house &
Moon) giving powerful results
Combination for Power – Vipareeta Raja Yoga
"Vipreet" is a Hindi word meaning contrary/ opposite.
In astrology 6th, 8th & 12th houses are considered the most evil in any chart. Their
lords normally spoil the Bhava wherever they are posited and planets, when posited

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in these houses, spoil the significations of the houses whose lord they are. However,
in certain circumstances, contrary to this general concept, they manifest results as
good as Raj yogas.
As per Phaldeepika, any planet, if unafflicted, posited in own house is deemed good
& strong, even if the house is a Trika (6th, 8th, or 12th) house. Based on the concept
that two negatives make a positive statement, an evil lord in his own evil house,
when unafflicted, produces Raj yoga
Combination for Power – Vipareeta Raja Yoga- Types
Harsha Yoga: An unafflicted 6th lord, when posited in 6th house produces Harsha
This yoga will give happiness, enjoyment, good fortune, life free from disease and strong

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The native will overcome enemies, and will be afraid to commit sinful acts. He will be
friend of illustrious people.
Sarala Yoga: An unafflicted 8th lord in 8th house produce Sarala Yoga.
The native with this yoga will be long lived, resolute, without fear, will have children &
riches, will achieve success, and will be pure & widely celebrated.
Vimal yoga: An unafflicted 12th lord in 12th house produce Vimal Yoga.
The native with this yoga, will spend little and save more.
He will be good to every body, will be happy, content, have respectable profession/
conduct and will be well known
Combination for Power – Vipareeta Raja Yoga- Example
The native had 8th lord
Jupiter (R) in 8th house and
12th lord Moon in 12th house,

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producing Sarala & Vimal
During the dasha of 12th lord
Moon from Sep '67 to Sep'77,
he enjoyed Raj yoga and was
chief minister of Haryana
twice and union cabinet
minister during emergency
1975- 77
Combination for Power – Vipareeta Raja Yoga- Types
Uttar Kalamrita, Vipreet Raj yoga occur only when
6th lord occupies 8th or 12th house,
8th lord occupies 6th or 12th house

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12th lord occupies 6th or 8th house.
• This yoga gives extremely benefic results during the dasha of planet forming the
Vipreet Raj yoga.
• The natives are self-made persons. The rise in their life is sudden, steep and unexpected.
• However they are known to take back what they give by the end of the dasha.
• The results of this yoga are name, fame, prosperity & royal favours.
• This yoga gives better results if lagna & its lord are strong and Trika lords are not
related to them.
• These yogas are not formed retro planets.
• This yoga is also get cancelled if planet forming this yoga is simultaneously
conjunct/Aspected by Malefic.
Combination for Power – Vipareeta Raja Yoga- Example Yogas
• The native is a famous
• He had 6th Lord Jupiter in 8th and

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8th lord Saturn in 12th and 12th lord
Mercury in 6th
• Lagna not aspected by Trika
lords and Lagna lord is in Kendra.
• 12th Lord Mercury is associated
with Sun and 6th Lord is
associated with Jupiter in the
last degree, these two couldn’t
give best results. However, 8th
Lord Saturn Dasha was good.
Combination for Power – Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga
“Neech" means debilitation, "Bhanga" means cancellation/breaking. So when a
Yoga, cancels the effects of debilitation of a planet, it forms a Raj yoga as good as
an exalted planet.

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The debilitated planet and the planet who cancels the debilitation confer the results
of this yoga in their dasha/ Antar dash a in a sudden/ unexpected manner.
The debilitated planet or the planet cancelling the debilitation should not be in 6th,
8th or 12th house to get full benefit of this yoga.
Whenever the debility is cancelled in two or more ways, the benefic effects are very
strong. However as the name suggests, initially it does give some kind of trouble/
humiliation/ adverse results.
Combination for Power – Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga
Neech Bhang Rajyoga formed-
If the depositor of the debilitated planet is exalted.
For example Jupiter gets debilitated in Capricorn, if lord of Capricorn i.e. Saturn is

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exalted, it cancels the debility of Jupiter.
If the debilitated planet is conjunct with an exalted planet.
For example, Venus is debilitated in Virgo, but if it is conjunct with Mercury who is
exalted here debility of Venus is cancelled.
The debilitated planet or its depositor is located in a Kendra from Lagna or Moon.
For example mercury is debilitated in Pisces, In following circumstances Neechabhang
Rajayoga happens -
-If the Lagna is Cancer, then, the dispositor of Mercury ie., Venus posited in Kendra
from lagna [Cancer, Libra, Capricorn, Aries Signs]
-If the Moon is in Leo, the dispositor of Mercury ie., Venus posited in Kendra from Moon
[Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Taurus Signs]
Combination for Power – Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga
Neech Bhang Rajyoga formed by:
The debilitated planet is aspected by its depositor.
For Example: Mars is debilitated in Cancer, If the debilitated Mars aspected by its

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despositor Moon from Capricorn. Then debilitation cancels.

If the lord of debilitation sign and the lord of exaltation sign are in mutual aspect,
the debilitation is cancelled.
For example, Moon the ruler of Cancer, where Mars gets debilitated, and Saturn, the
lord of Capricorn where Mars is exalted, are in Kendra from each other or have mutual
aspect, the debilitation of Mars is cancelled.

The debilitated planet is exalted in Navamsha.

For Example, Sun debilitated in Saturn. If in Navamsha if he is exalted, it causes Neecha
bhang Raja yoga.
Combination for Power – Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga
Neech Bhang Rajyoga formed by:
The lords of the debilitation sign of the planet and lord of the exaltation sign of the
planet are in mutual Kendra.

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The lord of the sign in which the planet is debilitated and the lord of exaltation sign
are in trine to lagna or Moon.

The debilitated planet is aspected by another debilitated planet.

The Nakshtra lord of the debilitated planet is in exaltation/ own sign

Combination for Power – Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga
The native is queen of Britain since 6Feb

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She has debilitated Jupiter in her lagna.
However the debility of Jupiter is
cancelled in four ways.
• Jupiter himself is posited in Lagna.
• He is associated with Mars, the
exaltation lord of Capricorn.
• He is aspected by his depositor
Saturn, which is in Trikona from
• Hence Jupiter became extra strong to
give her Raj yoga. The Jupiter aspects
5th & 8th house.
She is the longest serving crown and
enjoying her family life with her husband
& children.
Combination for Power – Maha Raja Yoga
Maha Rajyoga forms if the following conditions are full filled:
 Lord of the 1st house being conjoined to, or in exchange with the lord of

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the 5th house in either the 1st house or the 5th house.
This is known as Maharaj Yoga and has a reputation for bestowing
success, greatness, popularity, happiness and even great wealth, all
things considered.
Lord of first House
The first house, or lagna, is considered to be the most pivotal house in the
horoscope, having as it does, attributes of both the trikona (1,5,9) houses
and the kendra (1,4,7,10) houses.
It has rulership over the physical body, particularly the head and brain; the
limbs, one’s happiness or lack thereof; strength, dignity, longevity,
appearance, self respect, honour, charisma and how one relates to the
world at large.
Combination for Power – Maha Raja Yoga
Maha Rajyoga forms if the following conditions are full filled:
Lord of 5 House

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The second component to make up the Maharaj Yoga is the 5th house/5th
lord. The 5th house holds sway over one’s level of intelligence; the mind,
educational awards, creative and procreative potential, the employment
of mantras for specific ends, literary scholarship, authority to rule.
 The 5th is a very fortunate house, known – along with houses I and 9 – as
a “Lakshmi Sthana”, or ‘place of good fortune’.
Lakshmi is the wife and consort of Lord Vishnu and is the Hindu goddess
of wealth, good fortune and prosperity, all of which are potentials
inherent in the 5th house. The 5th is also the house of “Purva Punya” – the
place of past life credit.
Combination for Power – Maha Raja Yoga

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Combination for Power – Akhand Samrajya Yoga Yogas
This yoga is formed when Jupiter is strongly placed and at least one of the lords of
2nd, 9th, 10th, or 11 th is posited in a Kendra from Moon.
The native with this yoga has a legendary rise in his financial status in later half of his

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life, there after his position remains undisturbed and he leads a long & fortunate life
• The native has a strong Lagnesh Jupiter posited in
10th house.
• He also has 2nd lord Saturn and 9th lord Sun in
Kendra from Moon with Moon strong both in
Pakshbala & Digbala. Thus Akhand sarajya yoga is
• He had a humble beginning. He was born &
initially brought up at Shantiniketan in Kolkata. He
worked as professor of economics at jadavpur
and at Delhi University.
• In 1971, he joined school of Economics, London
and later returned to trinity college He aws
awarded Noble Prize for Economics in 1998 and
"Bharat Ratna" in 1999.
• Today he enjoy a very eminent and wealthy
position in international society.
Combination for Power – Maha Bhagya Yoga Yogas
This is another rare Rajyoga, which manifest through out life regardless of dasha
The "Mahabhagya" is a Hindi word, which means great fortune.

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The lagna, Sun and Moon represent the body, soul and mind respectively.
Thus they are the three critical pivotal points, around which the life of any native
revolves. Odd signs are masculine signs, while even signs are female signs.
Odd/masculine signs are strong in day time, and even/ female signs are strong.
Often we find a mixture of masculine and feminine qualities in any chart.
Definition: The formation of this yoga has different criteria for male and female
For Male natives:
The birth should be of day time (from sunrise to sunset).
The Sun & Moon should be posited in odd signs.
For Female natives:
The birth should be of night time (from sunset to sunrise).
The Sun & Moon should be posited in even signs
Combination for Power – Maha Bhagya Yoga Yogas
One born in yoga is pleasant to look at, liberal widely renowned, wealthy, a pleasure
to others, generous, of blameless character, lord of lands, a king or equivalent to king

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and lives to a good old age.
A female born with this yoga will possess all feminine qualities & virtues, grace, good
fortune, good character, wealth, and good children.
Combination for Power – Maha Bhagya Yoga Yogas

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Combination for Power – Dharma Karmadhipathi Yoga Yogas
Lagna, 10th house or Moon when influenced by four or more planets forms
strong Raj yoga (there are 33 variants, 11each of lagna, 10th house & Moon)
giving powerful results. The native had lagna occupied by 9th

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lord Sun & 10th lord Mercury
(Dharma-Karmadhipati yoga) and
11th lord Venus.
Lagna is also aspected by 5th lord
Mars from 10th house and by Ketu
from 9th house. Lagna lord Jupiter
associated with Saturn, aspects 10th
house. This produces strong Raj
yoga during dasha of Mercury-
Saturn, when he was first Home
Minister and later Prime minister of
India, though for a short duration
Combination for Power – Pancha Maha Purusha Yoga Yogas
All these yogas are formed by position of planets and are not related to their
This literally means combination of five great men. This is not a specific yoga,

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but is a group of five different yogas, one each for Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus
and Saturn.
All our actions are effective through our sense organs only. The planets
representing our senses are given prominence here.
Mars represents the sense of sight, Mercury, the sense of smell, Jupiter, the
sense of hearing, Venus the sense of taste and Saturn represents the sense of
touch. Hence these five planets are considered for conferring the Panch
Mahapurush Yoga.
The Kendra houses are pillars of strength for any horoscope. It is therefore
natural that the Panch Mahapurush yogas are formed when these planets (Mars
to Saturn) occupy a Kendra house in their own/ exaltation sign.
Combination for Power – Pancha Maha Purusha Yoga Yogas
If Sun or waning Moon (less than 72 degree away from Sun) joins the planet
causing one of these Mahapurush yogas, one does not get the fruits of these

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If Sun also occupies a Kendra from Mahapurush yoga causing planet, or it
combines with them, it may cause great upheaval in the life of the native.
A waxing Moon on the other hand enhances the significations of the planet
causing the yoga.
The Rahu/ Ketu by their close conjunction/ aspect invariably spoil the
significations of the Yoga.
Again at times two exalted planets causing Mahapurush Yoga are in mutual
aspect. For example Mars and Jupiter may simultaneously be exalted causing
Ruchika & Hamsa yoga or Sun and Saturn may simultaneously be exalted
(though Sun does not confer Mahapurush Yoga), the Mahapurush yogas will not
deliver expected results.
Combination for Power – Pancha Maha Purusha Yoga-Ruchika Yoga Yogas
Ruchika Yoga
This yoga is formed when Mars, or in Mool trikona house, exalted (in Capricorn)
or in its own signs (Aries/ Scorpio) is located in a Kendra

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Mars is the strength of Kaal Purush, and hence instill in the native
courage,capacity for valour, adventure & dominance, youthfulenergy, victory
over foes.
One born in Ruchika Yoga is good looking, a prominent face, and darkish
He is bold & courageous, fuII of strength & vigour, of royal bearing, ever intent
on combat, pursues adventurous activities, commander of an army or leader of a
group and annihilator of his enemies.
However Mars is a malefic planet with Tamsik nature. These qualities give him a
distinct character, name & fame
Combination for Power – Pancha Maha Purusha Yoga-Ruchika Yoga Yogas
Ruchika Yoga
Ruchika Yoga confers on the native a capacity for discrimination, devotion to elders &
preceptors and is an expert on Mantras/ magic spells directed at his enemies to kill/
subjugate them.

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He is prone to injuries and bears on his body scars from fire, injuries or surgical
He lives a long life of about 70years and is wealthy & prosperous with lands, sibling &
Ruchika yoga is nullified or reduced considerably if;
Saturn and Mars are mutually aspecting.
The Moon and Mars are in 6-8 position from each other.
The Mars & Mercury are in 6-8 position from each other.
Rahu is conjunct with Mars.
The Mars is combust or in Paapkaratari yoga.
If Mars transits shravan or 2nd & 3rd padas of Anuradha.
Combination for Power – Pancha Maha Purusha Yoga-Ruchika Yoga Yogas
• The native was military chief and
President of Pakistan.
• He has apparently two

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Mahapurush Yoga in his chart.
• Exalted Jupiter is in lagna causing
yoga and Mars in his
• Mooltrikone sign in 1Oth house
conferring Ruchika yoga.
• The Hamsa yoga is non-
operational because Jupiter is
• associated with Sun & Rahu and is
aspected by Mars.
• Mars is Yogkaraka planet for Cancer lagna and its placing in 10th house causing Ruchika yoga
conferred on the native an excellent army career.
• The debilitation of Lagna lord Moon is doubly cancelled by Mars and by Mercury & Venus
posited in Kendra from Moon. He became Moon dasha he became army chief and later took
over power of Pakistan through a military coup. He ruled Pakistan with full control during entire
dasha of Mars.
Combination for Power – Pancha Maha Purusha Yoga-Bhadra Yoga Yogas
Bhadra Yoga
The Bhadra yoga is formed when Mercury, exalted (in Virgo) or in its own sign
(Gemini), is located in a Kendra house.

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This yoga can arise only in a dual sign lagna and cannot be in a movable/ fixed
lagna. Mercury is the only planet to get exaltation in his own sign. Both Mercury
& its Mooltrikone/ exaltation sign are of Earthy Tatwa, and he represenets
speech of the Kaal Purush.
The Bhadra yoga manifests the significations of Mercury as a planet and as lord
of Gemini & Virgo sign for the benefit of the native.
The two signs of Mercury are on either side of the two luminaries and Mercury
himself is never more than 28 degrees away from Sun.
Hence it has retained most of the royal qualities & Satwik nature and is often
called the "Royal Prince" with a youngish and attractive appearance with
fondness for fun.
Combination for Power – Pancha Maha Purusha Yoga-Bhadra Yoga Yogas
Bhadra Yoga
 One born in this yoga, will be physically strong, healthy, tall & attractive, have a prominent chest,
looks like a lion & walks like an elephant.
 It confers learning of various sorts, virtues, deep thinking, aptness in acquiring knowledge &

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intelligence, eloquence, skill in fine arts, cleverness & discriminative power in negotiations &
 The native will be long lived (over 80years), and rich with a happy married life, children &
conjugal bliss.
 He is an expert in handling situations and loved by all his relations, friends, and praised by
learned people.
 The native is very independent, goodbusinessman, charitable, passionate and loved by females.
 The stress here is on learning, intelligence, generocity & virtues.
 The native acquires status and wealth through his own pursuits and enjoy their consequent
 The Bhadra Yoga gives best results in Gemini & Virgo lagna and the least favourable in 7th Bhava.
It is a Badhak and marak lord here and if associated with a malefic, it creates marital discord in 7
th Bhava.
Combination for Power – Pancha Maha Purusha Yoga-Bhadra Yoga Yogas
• The native had exalted Mercury in
10th house conferring Bhadra Yoga
with 9th lord Sun.
• Lagna lord Jupiter is in gth house

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with 5th lord Mars & 2-3rd lord
• He was the legendry engineer and
• During Saturn dasha he was chief
engineer & Dewan of Mysore
• After Independence, during
Mercury dasha, he was awarded
"Bharat Ratna" for his outstanding
services to the nation
Combination for Power – Pancha Maha Purusha Yoga-Hamsa Yoga Yogas
Hamsa Yoga
This yoga is formed when Jupiter in exaltation (in Cancer) or in his own signs
(Sagittarius or Pisces) is located in a Kendra.

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This yoga can arise in Movable or dual lagna, but not in a fixed lagna.
Jupiter is the significator of this yoga.
He is knowledge, wisdom & happiness of Kaal Purush. He is the embodiment of
goodness/ purity, knowledge/ wisdom, magnanimity, virtues, religious faith/
customs, Mantra shastra, eloquence, happiness through wealth,
wife, & children.
He also signify Guru, preceptors, elder brother, friends, minister, diplomacy,
husband (for females), and treasury. He loves elegance, law & charity.
Jupiter is a deeply earthy planet who enables his beneficiaries to live
righteously, best - necessary for right living and contentment.
Jupiter protects the soul for its full development and growth to fuIfill its
Combination for Power – Pancha Maha Purusha Yoga- Hamsa Yoga Yogas
Hamsa Yoga
The native with Hamsa yoga will have a fair complexion, prominent nose &
cheeks, beautiful face, skin with golden luster, and eyes have pallor of honey. He

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has lovely physical form and fondness for water sports.
His sexual urge is insatiable and has sweet voice like that of a swan (Hamsa).
He is bold, courageous, virtuous like a king or his close minister and has a thirst
for knowledge & scriptures. He is blessed with long life, lot of grace & dignity,
riches, beautiful wife, good children, friends, and all types of material comforts.
Normally ownership of Kendra by Jupiter, spoils his benefic nature due to
Kendradhipati Dash.
But if Hamsa yoga is present, the general principle loses its importance.
This yoga is famous for producing people of immense moral values and sterling
character. There is no harm even if Jupiter is retrograde.
Combination for Power – Pancha Maha Purusha Yoga- Hamsa Yoga Yogas
Hamsa Yoga
The effect of Hamsa yoga is nullified or vastly reduced in resuIts if:
Moon is in 6-8 position from Jupiter (Sakata yoga).

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There exists malefic Kaal Sarpa yoga.
Jupiter is in close conjunction with Venus whether in planetary war or not.
There is mutual aspect with Rahu in close degrees.
Mercury is within 3 degree conjunction with Jupiter.
There is mutual aspect with Mars.
When Saturn aspects Jupiter with 10th aspect (Chandrakala Nadi) .
Jupiter is combust.
An eclipse occur in the house occupied by Jupiter, even if Jupiter is not in
Combination for Power – Pancha Maha Purusha Yoga- Hamsa Yoga Yogas
• The native had exalted 3-6th lord Jupiter in
10th house conferring Hamsa yoga.
• But his lagna being in Rahu-Ketu axis,
during Rahu dasha, he was taken prisoner

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by German forces during Second World
• But with advent of Jupiter dasha in 1946,
during Jupiter-Jupiter, he was elected
youngest bishop of Poland.
• Continuing his steady ascendancy, during
Saturn-Jupiter dasha on 160ct 1978, he was
elected youngest, first non-Italian Pope.
• With Dhankaraka Jupiter and & 10th lord
Moon aspecting 2nd house of wealth, he
was one of the richest Pope.
• This is further confirmed as Moon & Jupiter
combined in 11 th house in Navamsha.
• He was widely traveled and was very
learned man and authored five famous
Combination for Power – Pancha Maha Purusha Yoga- Malavya Yoga Yogas
Malavya Yoga
This yoga is formed when Venus exalted (in Pisces), or in its own sign (Taurus/
Libra) is located in a Kendra house.

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This yoga is possible in all signs. The significations of Venus are fully reflected in
natives with Malavya Yoga. Venus is the planet for sensual desires & comforts of
Kaal Purush.
Venus signifies wife, marriage, marital relations, affection, beauty, sex, attractive
personality, passions, genital organs, semen, urine, happiness, luxuries, comforts &
vehicles, wealth, properties, apparels, jewelary, dance, music, fine art, theatres,
sciences, eyesight and addictions of various types.
Venus is considered good when ahead of Sun (Specially in 3rd house). It is never
away from Sun by more than 48 degrees. It is powerful when retrograde
Combination for Power – Pancha Maha Purusha Yoga- Malavya Yoga Yogas
Malavya Yoga
Native born under this yoga has a beautiful body, graceful appearance, deep
sensual voice, and a bright complexion like full Moon.

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This yoga confers learning & wealth through own efforts with inclination towards
material/ physical comforts.
He is powerful, lucky and strong with females, but with little political influence.
He will acquire conveyance, properties and pleasures. He is clever, learned and well
versed in scriptures, but has a liking for extra-marital relations.
The native is resolute and immensely rich with material comforts gain precedence
over spiritual advancement.
A females has extra attraction for costly & beautiful apparels and jewellery.
Combination for Power – Pancha Maha Purusha Yoga- Malavya Yoga Yogas
Malavya Yoga
Venus is a good natural benefic planet.
Hence its owning Kendra house should attract Kendradhipati Dosha but it lose its

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meaning when Venus occupies Kendra for Malavya yoga.
This yoga can take place in all lagnas. However their results are grouped under
following three categories:
Most favourable results are conferred under Capricorn, & Aquarius lagna for
Venus is Yogkaraka here and in Pisces, because Venus gets exalted here.
Least favorable results are expected in Taurus, Scorpio lagna because the
Moola trikona sign of Venus is a Trika [6th,12]house and in Virgo lagna
because exaltation sign is Bhadaka and Marka
Other lagnas produces moderate results
Combination for Power – Pancha Maha Purusha Yoga- Malavya Yoga Yogas
Malavya Yoga
The results of Malavya Yoga is greatly reduced or nullified if-
Ketu Conjuncts Venus

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Mars in Ruchika Yoga and in Mutual Aspect
Mars is in conjunct with Venus.
Saturn is in Sasa Yoga and Conjunct.
Conjunctions and close aspect of Rahu cause pervert results
Combination for Power – Pancha Maha Purusha Yoga- Malavya Yoga Yogas
famous Yoga-guru, who brought out
the advantages of Yoga in everyday life.
During dasha of Venus from Jun
1964- '84, he had the best of time.

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He had enormous influence on Ms
Indira Gandhi, the then Primeminister
and enjoyed all possible comforts of
Association of 8th lord Moon, caused
him to break all "Maryada" of Yog
Sadhna for fulfillment of his
materialistic/ sensual desires.
So after Venus dasha, his fame faded
out soon and during dasha of Moon, he
died mysteriously in a helicopter crash.
Combination for Power – Pancha Maha Purusha Yoga- Sasa Yoga Yogas
Sasa Yoga
This Yoga is given rise to when Saturn occupies a Kendra, which should be his own
(Capricorn/ Aquarius) or exaltation (Libra) sign.

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Birth in movable/ fixed signs can confer this Yoga by a certain disposition of Saturn;
but dual signs are exempt.
Saturn's inherent nature plays a dominant role in conferring this yoga. Saturn is the
miseries of Kaal Purush.
Saturn is cruel, lazy, undignified, sinful, fault finding, vindictive, delay causing. He is
hard boiled, industrious and of prodding nature.
He is responsible for welfare of masses, deep thinking, mysteries, research. Ill
health, poverty, sorrow, degradation, humiliation, self sacrifice and renunciation.
He represents longevity, reproach, sin, misfortune, servitude, loneliness,
agriculture, factories, jail and captivity.
As per jatak Paarijat, Saturn is strong in all signs when retrograde.
Combination for Power – Pancha Maha Purusha Yoga- Sasa Yoga Yogas
Sasa Yoga
The native born with Sasa yoga is brave but cruel, slender & thin, medium height
with a slow but regular gait.

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He has dark complexion, roving eyes, competent, learned, keen to find fault of
others, but devoted to mother.
He loves working hard for long hours, in agriculture or factories and roams around
in jungles/ hills. He is famous, king, minister, powerful, a natural leader of masses,
workers or nomads, but with perverse sexual outlook and employing any
unscrupulous means to gain other's wife and wealth.
When Saturn is exalted he may have many servants and be head of a town/ state
When he is free from affliction from other planets, he confers really good results.
He isadept in metallurgy, science of chemicals and occultsciences.
There is physical enjoyment but physical suffering as well.
Combination for Power – Pancha Maha Purusha Yoga- Sasa Yoga Yogas
Sasa Yoga
The Caner & Leo lagna produce the least benefic results for in Cancer, Saturn is 8th
lord; in Leo, Saturn as 6-7th lord in 7 th house is a Marak and detrimental to family

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Taurus, Libra & Aquarius confers most auspicious results,for Taurus & Libra, Saturn
is Yogkaraka,
In Libra it gets exalted and Aquarius, it produces great saints & Noble persons
Aries, scorpio & Capricorn lagna gives moderate resuIts only.
The Sasa yoga loses its good resuIts if:
It is associated or is in mutual aspect with Sun.
Saturn is weakened due to combustion, or association with Sth lord.
Exalted Venus joins exalted Saturn in Libra.
Afflicted or weak Moon joins this Yoga.
Combination for Power – Pancha Maha Purusha Yoga- Sasa Yoga Yogas
• The native has exalted Saturn in 4 th
house, conferring Sasa yoga.
• Lagna lord Moon is exalted but weak in
Paksh bala & Digbala and forms Gaj kesari

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Yoga with Jupiter in 5- 11 axis giving him a
large family.
• He also had exalted Yogkaraka Mars
conferring Ruchika yoga in 7th house.
• He has in 10th house Mercury aspected by
the two Mahapurush yogas giving the
native name and fame concurrently in
politics as well as in film industry as a
famous script writer in Tamil films.
• Rahu, the Karaka of films & TV, from 2nd
house also aspect 10th house.
• Saturn made him a popular mass leader.
Mercury as 3rd lord in 10th house
indicates that all his name & fame is due
to his own efforts.
• He has been five times chief Minister of
Tamilnadu during dasha of Jupiter, Saturn
and Mercury.
Combination for Power – Cancellation of Pancha Maha Purusha Yoga Yogas
cancellation of any Maha Purush Yoga, as under;
If the lord of exalted sign of a yoga producing planet is conjoined or aspected by its
debilitation lord, the effect of yoga producing planet stands nullified.

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If the yoga producing planet is conjoined by Ketu, its effects are nuIIified.
 Yoga- Planet Lord of exaltation Sign Lord of Debilitation Sign Yoga for Cancellation
 Ruchika-Mars Capricorn-Saturn Aries-Mars Sat+ Mar or Mars aspects sat
 Bhadra- Mercury Virgo- Mercury + Pisces-Jupiter Mer+ Jup or Jup aspects Mer
 Hamsa – Jupiter Cancer-Moon Scorpio-Mars Mon+ Mar or Mars aspecting Mon
 Malvya –Venus Pisces Jupiter Capricorn –Sat Jup + sat or Sat aspecting Jup
 Sasa – Saturn Libra-Venus Virgo-Mercury Ven + Mer or Mer aspecting Ven
Combination for Power – Gaja Kesari Yoga Yogas
This is one of the most powerful & dignified Raj (royal) and Dhan (wealth) Yoga,
which would not allow a native to suffer or profligate.
In regard to efficacy to prevent evils, this yoga has been found to work with

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amazing results.
The term "Gajkesari" is a twin Hindi word meaning an elephant & a lion, both
nature's most impressive creatures and giants among animals.
This yoga is supposed to confer on the native the vigour of a lion, yet the solemnity
of an elephant.
It might also mean the capability to ride a lion and an elephant, suggestive of
excessive strength and a very high status.
Combination for Power – Gaja Kesari Yoga Yogas
This yoga is said to confer when Jupiter occupies a Kendra (1, 4, 7 or 10th) position
in relation to the Moon.
This is a standard definition, although some classics differ slightly here and there

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As per Jatak Parijat, if the Moon is aspected by the remaining benefics (Mercury,
Jupiter & Venus) and if these participants are neither debilitated nor combust, nor
in enemy house, the resulting yoga is again referred to as Gajkesari yoga.
Sage Parashar consider that this yoga forms if Jupiter is in a Kendra from the Moon
or the lagna.
An added stipulation is that such a Jupiter should be aspected by or associated with
benefics and be not combust or debilitated or placed in 6th house.
To this one may add that Jupiter should not be retrograde or aspected by a malefic.
This yoga is peculiar since two natural benefics are participants under benefic cover
Combination for Power – Gaja Kesari Yoga Yogas
This is a very powerful yoga and makes the native wealthy, prosperous, learned,
intelligent, illustrious, virtuous, happy, long lived, with sterling qualities, liked by
the king and his men and enjoys lasting fame.

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It is very rare that all good significant effects of Jupiter and Moon pertaining to this
yoga are realized.
If wealth & comforts are to be enhanced as an effect of this yoga, then progeny &
perception will become less.
Combination for Power – Gaja Kesari Yoga Yogas
• The native is a great music composer &
• He was born in a Mudalior Tamil family as
"Dileep Kumar".

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• He started training under master Dhanraj
since 1977.
• During Jupiter-Jupiter, he converted to
Islam, in 1989, following serious illness to
his younger sister with name of AR (Allah
• Rakha) Rehman.
• He had Retrograde Jupiter (as 9-12th lord)
in lagna and 4th lord Moon in 10th house
conferring a weak Gajkesari yoga, in the
• However the results of Gajkesari yoga were manifested during dasha best of Kendra houses.
of Saturn (from Sep2003), who was Moon sign lord and aspected lagna • Jupiter was in the Kendra from both lagna
& Jupiter placed therein. and Moon.
• His greatest international hit music was in film "Siumdog Millionaire" in • The Moon was weak in Pakshbala as well
2008. Time magazine, in 2009, placed him as one of the "most as in Digbala.
influential people of the world" as "Mozart of Madras". • He made his debut as music composer in
• He has so far received 13 Filmfare, two Grammy, two Academy, one Tamil film "Roja" in 1992 during Jupiter-
BAFTA and one Golden Globe award. He was conferred "Padma Saturn.
Vibhusan" award in 2010

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• Combination for Wealth
Dhana Yoga
Laxmi Yoga
Indu Yoga

Combination for Wealth – Dhana Yoga

This yoga is peculiar since two natural benefics are participants under
benefic cover
INDU LAGNA – Dhana Yoga
How to calculate and find out the Indu Lagna or Dhana Lagna (Wealth Ascendant):
Values assigned to the planets are mentioned below:
Planet Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn

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Value 30 16 6 8 10 12 1

**The planets Rahu and Ketu are not used in this calculation.
 9th House from lagna and note down the value.
 9th House from Moon and note down the value
 Add both values; & divide by 12 and note down the remainder, which will be between 0 to 11.
 Count the Remainder from the position of the Moon; and the house identified will be the Indu Lagna or
Dhana Lagna or Wealth Ascendant.
 If the remainder is zero, the house/sign falling in the twelfth house from the Moon Or the previous house
from the natal Moon’s position will be considered as Indu Lagna or Dhana Lagna or Wealth Ascendant.
 If the remainder is one, the house/sign occupied by the Moon will be considered as Indu Lagna or Dhana
Lagna or Wealth Ascendant.

For your convenience and better understanding; let us do the calculation for one example horoscope,
which belongs to famous celebrity Shahrukh Khan.
Native is born in Simha Lagna, 9th house is ruled by Mars. The
value assigned to Mars is 6.
From Moon 9th house is ruled by Mercury; and, the value
assigned to Mercury is 8.
8 + 6 = 14/12. Remainder is 2
Indu Lagna_Dhana Lagna_Wealth Ascendant is Kumba (2nd
house from Moon)
Counting two positions from the Moon gives Aquarius zodiac
(Kumbha Rashi); which will be the Indu Lagna or Dhana Lagna
or Wealth Ascendant for Shahrukh Khan’s horoscope.

After ascertaining the Indu Lagna or Dhana Lagna; the next

step is to analyze it. As the name suggests, Dhana Lagna or
Wealth Ascendant is meant for analyzing the financial
prospects of a horoscope. The basic rules, in this regard, are
as under:
 The planets placed in the first, second, fourth, seventh, tenth and eleventh houses of Indu
Lagna or Dhana Lagna are told to be the giver of wealth and financial gains to the native.
 The planets having their aspect on the first house of Indu Lagna or Dhana Lagna are also
considered to be supportive for generating financial gains for the native.
 Debilitated, weak or malefic planets, in the above situation, are considered to be the
destroyer of wealth. However, if such malefic planet is exalted or otherwise strong and/or
receiving auspicious planetary influences; it can also generate financial gains.
 Planets disposed in third, sixth, eighth and twelfth houses from the Indu Lagna or Dhana
Lagna are considered to be inauspicious for wealth and financial prospects of the
 The results of these planets are experienced during their Dasa and/or Antardasa and in
accordance with their strength and disposition.
In the example horoscope Saturn, Rahu, Mars, Mercury, Ketu and Venus are considered to be giver
of wealth. Besides this, Jupiter should also be considered as such it is having its aspect on the first
house (Aquarius/Kumbha) of Indu Lagna or Dhana Lagna.

Limitations : It does not consider Navamsha or other divisional charts; due to which it can generate
similar and/or wrong conclusions for more than one person.
Confusions may also be there in correlating the results of Lagna Chart with Indu Lagna or Dhana

During the Mahadasa of Jupiter (April 1992 to April 2008), the native enjoyed good amount of
wealth and money. As per the Lagna Chart, Jupiter in 11th house is auspicious and supportive for
financial gains and fame.

How to decide which chart (Lagna Chart or Indu Lagna Chart) is dependable and/or responsible for
this aspect? Besides this, the Lagna Chart remains operational for around two hours; and, the Moon
remains in one zodiac sign for around 54 hours. And, that can generate very similar results for
people taking birth during the same Lagna within those 54 hours.

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• Combination for Penury
Arista Yoga
Dharidra Yoga
Nirbhagya Yoga
• Combination Arista Yoga
Arista Yoga is a major group of yoga formed by the house rulerships.

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This is basically the yoga of suffering and misfortune.
Usually the suffering is physical, but could be mental also at times.
The combination of the rulers of the most difficult (Trika or Dusthana-6,
8 & 12th) houses are combined with the ruler of the other auspicious
houses, this brings the suffering to the individual. Again any
combination of these house rulers would constitute Arista Yoga.
These combinations nullify auspicious results and produce hardships.
Sometimes, through our suffering spirituality may also sprout.
Therefore this yoga will produce generally sufferings, but at times
generates spiritual opportunities as well
• Combination Arista Yoga
Malefic associated with the 6th, 8th and 12th houses or Mars, their lords;
Malefic aspects on a weak Moon
Sun, Mars, and Saturn in the 5th house

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 Saturn, or Sun in the 5th house
Malefic aspect on weak lagna lord, Sun or Moon
Sun, Mars, Rahu and Saturn (at least two) in Lagna
Exchange of signs between Jupiter and Mars
Mars and Saturn in 2nd while Rahu occupies the 3rd house
Rahu in the 4 th, and Moon in the 6 th or 8th house
Mars in the 7th , Venus in the 8th and Sun in the 9th House
Malefic in the 7 th and 12th houses
Jupiter, Sun, Rahu and Mars occupy signs of malefic planets while Venus is in the 7 th
Lagna lord associated with a malefic or flanked by two malefics, and a malefic
positioned in the 7 th house
Saturn in 8th, & Moon in lagna, or Venus & Moon in the 6th or 8th House
Moon and Mercury in the 6th or 8th house.
• Combination Dharidra Yoga
These Yogas lead to penury & sufferings. Poverty is the greatest curse,
greater than any suffering/ illness or even death.

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When lagna, 9th or lOth house or their lords are weak & afflicted, native
faces all varieties of problems and lead a wretched life.
Association of lords of Trika houses or other inauspicious houses like 3rd,
2nd or 7th house, makes the life more unpalatable.
 Persons born in Daridra Yoga suffer deprivations of different intensities
and meet unlucky and trying conditions of life.
They earn by foul means. Their social life is dishonourable. They meet
unexpected failures in life.
Saturn is the main karaka of miseries & sufferings. There is a general
overlap of Daridra with Dainya/ Arishta yoga.
Some of the combinations of Daridra yoga are as under
• Combination Dharidra Yoga
If majority of planets are in debility or in inimical signs in Navamsha, even if some
of them may be in exaltation/ own sign in natal chart, makes a native poor and

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involved in base or wicked deeds.
If Sun, Mars, Saturn & Rahu (any two) are in 11 th house aspected by a malefic,
one will be poor.
If Moon, Venus & Saturn are in Kendras, Mars in 8th & Sun in 12th (or both in 8th
or 12th), one does not stay in one place and face adversity in life.
If there is no planet in 10th from lagna, 8th from Moon, and 11th from Sun, native
will be poor.
If 2nd; 11th lord is combust/ debilitated and combined with or aspected by a
malefic in a Trika house, one will be poor.
If all Kendra are vacant or occupied by malefics/ Trika lords, and Lagnesh is in a
Trika house, native will be poor.
If 8th lord from Sun makes any relation with Sun, one takes birth in a poor family.
• Combination Dharidra Yoga
If 8th lord occupies 10th and afflicted Saturn aspect 10th house, one will invite
wrath of the state and will be poor throughout.
The Sun & Moon conjoined in one sign aspected by/ associated with a malefic

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and located in each other’s sign in Navamsha.
The Sun in the 2nd house aspected by Saturn and without any benefic
Lord of lagna & 12th exchange their position and are associated with or
aspected by 7th lord.
Afflicted lord of lagna & 6th exchange their position and the Moon is
aspected by 2nd; 7th lord.
Ketu & Moon occupy lagna without any benefic influence.
Lagna lord is in 8th aspected by 2nd/ 7th lord.
Lagna lord is in 6th; 8th house subject to malefic influence.
Lord of lagna or Navamsha lagna is in 6th/ 8th aspected by/ conjunct with
malefic/ maraka planets.
• Combination Dharidra Yoga
 2nd, 4th, & 5th house/ lords from Jupiter, the Karaka of wealth, are all

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Jupiter as lord of the 8th or the 1st exceeds the strength of the 9th lord,
and the 11th lord is not in a Kendra house or is combust
Debilitated and combust Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, or Mercury occupies the
11th, 6th, 12th, 8th or 5thhouse.
 Saturn is in 9th aspected by malefics, while Mercury is associated with
the Sun and occupies lagna and has Pisces Navamsha
Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Saturn, and Mars occupy in any order 8th, 6th,
12th, 5th, and 10th houses, and the 12th lord weakened by Sun's aspect,
has greater strength than the lagna lord.
Depressed Venus, Jupiter, Moon, and Mars occupy any four of the 1st ,
10th, 11th, 6th, 7th, and 8th houses
• Combination Nirbhagya Yoga
 If the lord of a house (other than a Trika house) is in an evil
place or the house tenants or is aspected by malefics

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If lord of 9th House is in an Malefic house or the placed in
malefic house or is aspected by malefics Nirbhagya Yoga is
The Yoga is called Nirbhagya which means luckless. He
brings about ruin of immovable ancestral property by
neglect, or by mortgaging or selling it away under financial
pressure; is irreligious, talks ill of and does not respect his
religious preceptors and ascetics; is poorly dressed, and
suffers much distress.

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• Other Important Yogas
Saraswathi Yoga Gouri Yoga
Sankya Yoga Kalasarpa Yoga
Vasumathi Yoga Kedara Yoga
Pushkala Yoga Raja Bhanga Yoga
Parijatha Yoga Srinatha Yoga
Kusuma Yoga 12 Duryogas
Srikantha Yoga Nabhasa Yoga
Parvatha Yoga
Saraswathi Yoga
 If Jupiter, Venus and Mercury occupy Kendra, Trikone
or 2 nd house jointly or severally, with Jupiter being in

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friendly, own, or exaltation sign, the combination is
called after the goddess of learning as "Saraswati
One born in this yoga is highly learned, scholarly, very
well versed in prose, poetry and in sacred scriptures,
rich, praised by all, and with good wife & children.
Saraswathi Yoga
The native has Venus & Mercury in 2 nd house of
Speech & wealth and Jupiter is in Sth house in
exaltation, thus conferring Saraswati yoga on

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native. In addition, there are two exchange yogas
of lagna lord Jupiter & 5 th lord Moon and 2 nd lord
Mars & 4 th lord Mercury.
These have caused a great Rajyogas.
These yogas have made him a great creative
The combination of exalted Sun, 3 rd lord Venus
and 4 th lord Mercury in 2 nd house caused
another Gyan yoga.
These yogas made him a great poet, writer, singer,
dramatics, painter and philosopher: Combust
8th lord Venus aspected by Rahu caused his wife to
die early in 1901.
During dasha of exalted Sun he established "Shanti
During Moon-Mercury in 1913, he won Noble prize
for his collection of poems "Gitanjali" (offering of
songs) .
Sankhya Yoga
 There are Seven Sankhya yo gas as per classics.
They depend upon the number of houses over which

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the seven planets are distributed in a given chart.
According to Parashar, none of these seven (except
Gala) yogas will be effective if other Nabhas yogas are
The more the spread of planets in a horoscope, the
more balanced & prosperous the native would be. As
against this if the planets are crowded in a few houses,
no doubt such houses will gain strength but it will be
at the expense of otherhouses.
Sankhya Yoga – 1. Gola Yoga
 Gola Yoga: If all the seven planets are confined to one house/
sign only, this yoga is formed.
This yoga is not easy to find in normal horoscopes. However in

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India, natives born on or about4/ 5 Feb 1962, had all the seven
planets plus Ketu in Capricorn sign.
It causes a lot of imbalance in the horoscope.
Some of the planets may be combust or involved in planetary
For the prediction, one has to rely on divisional charts. The
results will also be modified as per the house where this sign
However generally, natives with such a yoga are illiterate,
destitute, poor, of mean mentality, wicked, miserable and ever
wandering aimlessly.
Sankhya Yoga – 2. Yuga/Yugala Yoga
 Yuga/ Yugal Yoga: It means in Hindi, pair of two.
If all the planets are placed in any two signs of the
horoscope, this yoga is formed.

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Its results are modified by the mutual relationship between
the two houses where the signs fall and their specific
characteristics of the houses.
It is worst if the two are in 6/ 8 positions and the best if
they are in 5/ 9 position.
However this yoga indicates that the native is generally
poor, heretic, shameless, socially rejected, bereft of logic,
devoid of love & support of parents, and of virtues.
But see an exceptional favourable case.
Sankhya Yoga – 1. Yuga/Yugala Yoga
This is a typical chart wherein six planets
and Ketu are placed in 3rd house
(Capricorn sign) with only Moon straying

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into 11th house.
The two houses are in 5/ 9 position and
both Sun & Moon lagna are very strong.
The only flaw is that the six planets are in
Rahu Ketu axis.
The native is a lady doctor who is running
a private nursing home with her illustrious
doctor husband in Delhi.
She did her MBBS in 1984 and got married
in J an1987.
On 22Nov 1990, the couple met with a
serious road accident (during RahuKetu
dasha) when her husband broke his chest
ribs while she lost her vision in left eye.
Luckily both of them recovered well and
are now a billionaire doctors.
Sankhya Yoga – 3. Shool Yoga
 Shool (Thorn) Yoga: If all the planets are placed in any
three signs in a horoscope, this yoga is formed.

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The native with this yoga are of quarrelsome nature, harsh
speech, hot tempered, cruel, generally work in some force.
At times they become so impulsive & assertive that they
become a Shoo/ or thorn in the flesh of others.
The native may have sudden/ unexpected rise, a spectacular
achievement and an equally sudden fall.
For example, please refer Chart No 4 of Adolf Hitler; may
also see case of shri Rajiv Gandhi or Michael Jackson.
Sankhya Yoga – 4. Kedar Yoga
 Kedar Yoga: This yoga is formed when all the planets
occupy any four signs/ houses.

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A native with this yoga is will be rich, religious
minded, charitable, and always willing to help others.
He will have agricultural land or may be associated
with agricultural pursuits.
He is not over ambitious and capable of taking both
physical and metaphysical view of life.
Sankhya Yoga – 5. Paasha Yoga
 Paasha (bondage) Yoga: When all planets are
distributed over five signs/ houses, this yoga is formed.

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One born with this yoga has a large family to support.
He is adept in work, skillful in earning easy money,
crafty, impolite, and has many drawbacks.
He generally works in police or some other public
dealing office.
He indulges in many worldly activities and creates for
himself a bondage in spiritual sense.
Sankhya Yoga – 5. Paasha Yoga
 Daamini Yoga: This yoga is formed when all planets
are distributed over six signs/ houses.

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This is a very fair distribution of energy within a
horoscope provided the houses involved are not evil.
Such a native is active, attains fame & prosperity,
virtuous, charitable and will have spiritual inclinations.
For example, please refer Chart No. 3 of S.
Sankhya Yoga – 5. Paasha Yoga
 Veena Yoga: This yoga is formed if all the seven
planets are spread over any seven signs/ yogas.

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It gives excellent results if Trikone houses are
included and Trika houses are avoided.
Such a natives are rich, virtuous, learned, skillful, fond
of fine arts & music, looks after sustenance of many
and are shrewd political leaders.
Sankhya Yoga – 5. Paasha Yoga
The native was ex-Maharaja of Gwalior: He
had seven planets in seven houses. He was
royal, learned, charitable, popular, elected to

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Parliament nine times, was union
Cabinet minister, and fond of music & sports.
However the position of planets was not
He had one planet each in 3rct, 6 th & Sth
house and no planet in lagna & gth
He had g th lord Moon conjunct with Ketu in
2nd house and Saturn associated with Rahu in
s th house.
This reduced his life considerably.
Vasumathi Yoga
 Vasumati Yoga; If benefic planets Jupiter, Venus and Mercury
(Unafflicted) occupy Upchaya (3rd, 6th, l0th & 11th)houses from lagna or
the Moon, this yoga is formed.

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The native will never be dependant on others, and will alwayshave
plenty of wealth and prosperity.
This yoga is primarily for wealth.
If the benefics are in exaltation, the yoga becomes extremely powerful.
Since the benefic planets are only three, all the four Upchaya houses
can never be occupied.
Malefics could be placed in 6th or 11th house to give good results.
The native was a great industrialist of India.
In the chart, Upachaya houses from Moon denotes strong benefics
Juiter in own Nakshtra in 6th, Venus in her Mooltrikone
Pushkala Yoga
 Pushkala Yoga is formed when –
Lord of Lagna and Lord of Moon occupy a kendra or in

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a house of great friend and Lagna lord is aspected by
strong planet.
Such a native leads a life of king wealthy, famous,
sweet speech and many people to look after his
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Pushkala Yoga
Vasumathi Yoga
sign in lOth and Mercury in n th house. In Navamsha,
Jupiter, Venus and Mercury are in mutual aspect along 5-

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n axis. Strong gth lord Venus in lagna with n th lord Sun
and aspect of Yogkaraka Saturn from n th gave him huge
inheritance from his illustrious father, Shri G. D. Birla. Moon
is Digbali in own Nakshtra aspecting lOth house. There
are many Raj & Dhan yoga present in the chart.
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Vasumathi Yoga
Parijatha Yoga
Parijaat Yoga: Depositor or Navamsha lord of
depositor of lagna lord if in exaltation or in a Kendra/

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Trikone from lagna, constitute Parijaat yoga.
A native with this yoga has to struggle in early part of
life, but in middle and later part of life, will be like a
powerful & respectable king, kind hearted, fond of
war, and with a very high social status.
Kusuma Yoga
Kusum Yoga: It has two variants.
Either Jupiter in lagna, with Moon in 7th and Sun in

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2nd house;
Saturn in 10th house with Venus in a Kendra in a fixed
sign and a weak Moon in a Trikone house causes this
One with this yoga is born in aristocrat family of
illustrious lineage, attain high status in the society,
blessed with all the enjoyments, has unblemished
glory and is charitable.
Srikant Yoga
Shrikant Yoga:
This yoga is formed when Lagna lord, Moon and Sun

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are in Kendra/ Trikone from lagna jointly or severely in
their own, friendly or exaltation signs.
 A native born with this yoga is virtuous, religious,
good scholar, free from malice and famous.
It has 2 variants
1. Either lagna lord or 12th lord in mutual kendra

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2. Benefics are posited in kendra, with 6th & 8th house
vacant (or occupied by benefics only).
Native born in this yoga will become head of the state
and assumes power. Wealthy, prosperous, humorous,
liberal, passionate.
Gauri Yoga
Either the 9 th lord is placed in a Kendra/ Trikone
(preferably in own/ exaltation sign), and lagna is strong.
Alternately lagna lord and 9 th lord together aspect lagna.

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This forms a Laxmi Yoga.
When Laxmi Yoga aspected by Moon, the Gauri Yoga is
This yoga confers uninterrupted financial affluence,
learning , fame, happiness, authority and all material
It further denotes that the native belongs to a respectable
family and has good progeny
Kala Sarpa Yoga
KaalSarpa Yoga
This yoga is said to be formed if all the planets are hemmed
between Rahu and Ketu. It is said to result in destruction of

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rulers and the native suffers in general scheme of life.
Strictly speaking, this yoga does not find a mention in
classic astrological literature. How this yoga gained
currency and gathered such a sinister meaning is not
According to a large section of astrologers, this yoga is
operative only when all the planets are hemmed between
Rahu & Ketu in their retrograde motion and does not hold
good if the planets are between Ketu and Rahu.
Kala Sarpa Yoga
The above definition by and large holds good. The general belief is that this is an
evil yoga restraining all the other good Yogas present in the horoscope and will
bring setbacks in life.
If any of the planet is outside this axis or even if any planet, though posited in the

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same house as the node, is outside the axis longitudinally, this yoga is not
However, experience suggests that though such natives do suffer in only some
specific sphere of life, they excel in other fields.
While interpreting Kaal Sarpa Yoga, we should consider which houses are
occupied by Rahu & Ketu.
In each case the results are likely to be different.
Generally it is seen that if the axis involves 1st & 7th houses, it is not good for
marital happiness.
The marital life may become oppressive and marred by frequent clashes and want
of understanding.
But if 7th lord & Venus are well-placed, then evil results should not be predicted.
If the houses involved are 4th & 10th houses, it may cause set-backs in one's
career & domestic happiness, unless 10 th/ 4th house and its lord & karaka are
well placed.
Kala Sarpa Yoga
Similarly if this yoga is in 5th & 12th axis, it could indicate incarceration or
spiritual elevation, depending upon the presence/ absence of powerful
Bandhan yoga.

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This yoga has its brighter shades as well.
It makes the native industrious, hard-working, and aware of his ability
despite mental restlessness. (Please refer chart no. 87 of Nelson
Mandela) The natives under this yoga may get
betrayed by trusted friends and relations. This knowledge & experience
make his mind strong and mellows his
outlook. This yoga may raise the native to the top position in their
specific field of choosing, provided good Rajyogas
are present. It is also by and large agreed that if lagna,
Moon, gth & lOth lords are strong, the evil effects of this yoga are
mitigated to a large extent.
Kala Sarpa Yoga
The native was ill-famous dictator
of Italy during World War II. He had
Rahu-Ketu axis in 12th & 6th houses
and all the remaining seven planets

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are hemmed between Rahu & Ketu
in their retrograde motion. Thus
kaaiSarpa Yoga was fully operative.
He had gth lord Moon exalted and
conjunct with lagna lord Mars in 7th
house. Association of Mars &
Saturn with Moon in 7th house of
War, made him aggressive partner
of the Axis forces. He became head
of state of Italy in 1926 during the
dasha of Jupiter-Mars and ruled
Italy for almost 20 years till end of
World War II and fall of Axis
powers. He was shot dead on
Srinatha Yoga Yoga
Shrinath Yoga: This yoga has two variants.
Either 9th lord, is in mutual Kendra/ Trikone with

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Venus and Mercury is in own, friendly or exaltation
sign; or
7th lord is in its exaltation sign in 10th house; but in
either case, the 9th lord should be related with 10th
lord. Such a native will be wealthy, religious, & clever
and loved by all like a king.
Srinatha Yoga Yoga
The native was owner of T-series. He
had an ordinary childhood Followed
by a sudden rise in career during

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dasha of exalted gth lord Jupiter: The
native had Shrinath yoga as 9th lord
exalted Jupiter is in mutual Trikone
with exalted 2-7th lord Venus, while
Mercury is in friendly sign of Venus
in 2nd house and exalted 10th lord
Saturn aspected exalted 9th lord
This has also made him highly
religious, clever and loved by millions.
Nabhasa Yoga Yoga
Ashraya (i.e. refuge/ shelter- where planets take refuge) Yogas: Yogas
-Rajju, Moosal, Nata
 Their formation depends on whether the planets take refuge in movable, fixed or dual signs.
Dala (rival group or faction) Yogas:

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 It includes Maala , Sarpa/ Bhujang Yogas
Aakriti (appearance) Yogas:
 These include three divisions-
 Kendra group consisting six -Gada, Shakata, Pakshi, Vajra, Yava, & Kamala Yoga;
 Non-Kendra group consisting of three- Vaapi, Shringata, & Hala Yoga;
 Arc group consisting of 11- Yoopa, Shara, Shakti, Danda, Nauka, Koota, Chhatra, Dhanush, Ardha-
chandra, Chakra, & Samudra yogas.
 These yogas are formed by placement of planets in specific houses of the horoscope.
 One of these, Gada yoga, has four variant; so the effective number of yogas may be counted as
Sankhya (number) Yogas: These include seven- Veena, Daama, Paasha, Kedar; Shoola, Yuga and
Gola yoga.
 Their formation depends upon the number of houses over which the seven planets are
Ashraya Yoga – Rajju Yoga

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 Rajju (a tuft) Yoga: If all the planets or majority of them are in movable signs (i.e. Aries,
Cancer, Libra & Capricorn), especially if lagna is also in movable sign, this yoga is
 Such a native is ambitious, and moves from place to place in search of name, fame &
 He likes to travel, takes quick decisions and adapts fast to different situations.
 He is progressive, dynamic, intelligent and has an open mind.
 On the negative side, predominance of planets in movable signs, makes a native one of
ever changing nature, indecisive, fickle minded, and he undergoes continuous struggle
and generally do not succeed in building many assets.
 According to Parashar, he is also cruel and mischievous.
Ashraya Yoga – Rajju Yoga
• The native has majority of planets (5

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out of 7) including lagna, Moon &
Sun, all in movable signs.
• In the course of his work, he has been
traveling a lot, and has earned lot of
name & fame including "Padma
• He has an ever changing and
indecisive nature in personal life,
including his girl-friends
Ashraya Yoga – Moosal (Pestle) Yoga

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 Moosal (Pestle) Yoga:

 All or majority of planets occupying fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio & Aquarius) and
preferably lagna also in a fixed sign, forms Moosal Yoga.
 One born with this yoga is proud, learned, wealthy, liked by authorities, famous, stable
nature, fixity of purpose, rigid, man of principles, and blessed with many children.
 As per Parashar, he has honour, wisdom and wealth. As per Satyacharya, the native will
be proud, wealthy and engaged in many works.
Ashraya Yoga – Moosal (Pestle) Yoga
• The above chart is of famous

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astrologer, Dr BV Raman.
• He had all his planets (excluding
Sun) and lagna in fixed signs.
• He exhibited fixity of nature
manifesting all traits of fixed
signs in all spheres of life.
Ashraya Yoga – Nata (Reed) Yoga
• Nata (Reed) Yoga:

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• This yoga is formed when all or majority of planets occupy dual or Dwiswabhava signs.
• It is important to note that dual signs belong to two beneficsMercury & Jupiter, the planets
of intelligence & wisdom.
• The first half of signs may represents fix signs and later half, the movable signs. Thus this
yoga manifests a mixture of both movable & fix signs.
• When majority of planets occupy dual signs, spirituality and intellectualism tend to
• However, initially there may be tendency to lose opportunism, leading to disappointment &
• One is resolute, clever, of fluctuating wealth and fond of dear & near ones.
• As per Satyacharya, one will be defective in limbs, resolute and shrewd
Ashraya Yoga – Nata (Reed) Yoga
The chart is of famous spiritual
leader Swami Yoganand, who

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earned great name & fame in India
& abroad.
However in initial life, he had
number of interruption in his
Dala Yoga – Maala/Srak (Wrath) Yoga
Maala/ Srak{wreath} Yoga:

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• It is a Dala yoga, which is formed when all benefics are in three Kendra houses with no
malefic in any Kendra, giving shape of a garland (Maala).
• One born with this yoga is blessed with constant enjoyments, wealth, prosperity, vehicles,
good food & clothes.
• He is a good orator also. According to Satyacharya, he will enjoy in different ways.

Sarpa/ Bhujang{Serpent} Yoga:

• This yoga is formed when all malefics are in three Kendras with no benefic in any Kendra.
• A native with this yoga will be poor & crooked, scheming, miserable, destitute, and
dependent on others for substance.
• As per Satyacharya, he will suffer many miseries
Aakriti Yogas

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• Most of these yogas are named because of the likely appearance, that the specific location
of planets forming these yogas, apparently produce, particularly in a North Indian type of
charts. There are 20 such yogas, which may be put in three sub-groups as under:
Akriti-Kendra Group – Gada Yoga
• The Kendra Group

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• Gada {Mace) Yoga: This yoga is formed when all or majority of the planets are placed in two
adjacent Kendra.
• Four variations of this yoga are described in classics depending upon which two adjacent
Kendra are occupied by the planets.
• When lagna & 4 th house contain all the planets, it is called Gada Yoga.
• When 4 th & 7 th houses contain all the planets, it is called Shankha yoga.
• When 7 th & 10 th houses contain all the planets, it is called Vibhuka Yoga.
• When 10 th house & lagna contain all the planets, it is called Dhwaja Yoga.
• The native with any of these yogas is wealthy, learned, industrious, prosperous, well versed
in Mantra, Tantra & music and envious of others
Akriti-Kendra Group – Gada Yoga
• The chart belong to great, learned,

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social worker & chairperson of
Theosophical society and of Indian
National Congress.
• She had two planets (Moon & Jupiter) in
4 th house and Sun, Mercury & Venus in
7 th house.
• However presence of Sun & Rahu
(Sepeartist planets) with 7th lord &
Karaka of marriage Venus, denied her
marital life and she was separated from
her husband very early in life.
Akriti-Kendra Group – Shakata (cart)Yoga
• The Kendra Group

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• Shakata (Cart) Yoga: This yoga is formed when all or majority of planets are located in lagna
& 7th house.
• This yoga is different from the yoga of same name formed by Jupiter & Moon in 6/ 8 position
from each other.
• One born with this yoga suffers penury & privations, ill-health, discord with a wicked wife,
and hardly to make livelihood through hard labour.
• The planets occupying two opposing Kendra create a lot of confusion & conflict.
• The native suffers through struggles all his life.
• When majority of planets occupy opposite Kendras, the planets escaping 1/ 7 axis indicates
extent of relief according to their nature, strength and placement
Akriti-Kendra Group – Pakshi (Bird)Yoga

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• The Kendra Group
• Pakshi/ Vihanga (bird) Yoga: If all or majority of planets are placed in 4th & 10th
houses from lagna, it depicts the shape of a bird with wings spread out and
therefore, is called a " Pakshi or Vihanga" yoga.
• Native with such a yoga is always on move and can not stay at one place for long.
• Such natives are wanderer, servile, quarrelsome, transporter, ambassadors.
• The concentration of planets in 4/ 10 axis, emphasis shifts towards profession.
• Such natives may rise high in their profession, but are likely to have frequent
transfers during their career:
Akriti-Kendra Group – Pakshi (Bird)Yoga
• The chart belong to famous French

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astrologer of 16th century. The native had
five planets in 4/ 10 axis- Moon,
• Jupiter & Saturn in 4th and Sun & Mercury
in 10th house.
• The other two planets- Mars & Venus were
in 5th & 11th house respectively.
• His strong 4th & 10th house gave him a
doctorate in medicine and great proficiency
in astrology.
• His wife & children died early. He moved
extensible in France and abroad in course
of his career.
• He is respected even today for his accurate
predictions on various issues.
Akriti-Kendra Group – Vajra (Weapon)Yoga

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• The Kendra Group
• Vajra (lethal weapon of Indra) Yoga: This yoga is formed when benefics are placed
in lagna & 7 th house and malefic are in 4 th & 10th house.
• The native enjoys well during early and later part of life due to the presence of
• benefics in lagna & 7 th house; but one suffers in middle life due to the presence of
malefic in 4 th & 10th houses.
• A person with this yoga will be good in looks, hard working, bold and courageous,
but generally struggles in life due to his poor financial condition.
• His remuneration for work done, is much less in proportion to the efforts made by
• However thing could improve if one or two planets are well placed in 2, 5, 9, or 11 th
• According to Yavaacharya, Sun is considered neutral and not a malefic.
Akriti-Kendra Group – Yava (Good

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• The Kendra Group
• Yava (good luck) Yoga: It is just opposite of Vajra yoga.
• This yoga is formed when all benefics are in 4 th & 10th houses and malefic are in
lagna & 7 th house.
• According to Parashar, such a native is consistent in nature, follow restraint &
auspicious pursuits, happy, wealthy, charitable and have good family life during
middle ages.
Akriti-Kendra Group – Kamala Yoga

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• Kamala (lotus) Yoga: Here all planets are placed in Kendra houses.
• This yoga is quite similar to two yogas discussed above with the only difference
being that there is no distinction in nature of planets occupying Kendra.
• All planets occupying Kendra strengthens them and raises the status of the native.
This yoga gives results similar to Chatusagara yoga.
• It strengthens the chart and cancel many afflictions.
• However it suffers as no planet occupies wealth giving houses- 2nd, 5 th, 9th or 11th
• However such natives are beautiful to look at, acquires wide renown, have long life,
spiritual inclination, and royal status
Akriti-Kendra Group – Yava (Good

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• The chart belong to famous Bengali &
Hindi film actor, Uttam Kumar.
• He had Moon, Jupiter & Venus in 1/ 7
axis and Saturn & Mars (both exalted) in
4/ 10 axis.
• He was born in an ordinary family, but
rose from a petty clerk to a matinee idol
of millions.
Non-Kendra Positions –Vaapi(wellorwater
reservoir) Yoga
• This yoga occurs when all or majority of planets occupy houses other than Kendra. This is

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a very good yoga for wealth.
• The native has an unsatiable desire to earn money and accumulate wealth & property.
• He has all material comforts of life, long life, sweet tongued and is an influential person
of the society.
• He is also interested in fine arts. However he may not have good health.
• This yoga is said to have following variants:
• 1. All planets occupying Panphra ( 2, 5, 8 & 11) houses.
• 2.All planets occupying Apoklim (3, 6, 9 & 12) houses.
• On the line of Vajra yoga, Yavanacharya has described following four yogas by placement
of planets in opposing houses.
• The first two are considered auspicious, while the remaining two result in benevolence
and fame
Non-Kendra Positions – Yogas
• Garta (Pit} Yoga: This is formed when benefic planets are placed in 3rd & 9th houses and

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malefic in 6th & 1 2th house
• Pipeelika (ant} Yoga: This is formed when malefic planets occupy 3rd & 9th houses and
benefics 6th & 1 2th houses
• Nadi (river} yoga: This is formed when benefic planets are in 5th & 11 th houses and
malefic are in 2nd & 8 th houses.
• Nada (large river} Yoga: This is formed when malefic planets occupy 5th & 11 th houses
and benefics 2nd & 8 th houses
Non-Kendra Positions – Yogas
• The native was an important trade

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union leader and union cabinet
minister during non-congress
• He acquired lot of wealth & fame and
enjoyed many comforts in his long life
of over 75 years.
• However he did not have harmonically
family relations with his family due to
adverse influence of Mars & Rahu on
7th house.
• He also had bad health during last years
of his life
Non-Kendra Positions – Yogas
• Shringataka (a hill or pinnacle} Yoga:

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• This yoga is formed when all planets are placed in Trikone (1st 5th & 9th ) houses. When
majority of planets are placed in Trikone house, an excellent yoga is formed
• The natives with this yoga rise very high and they are blessed with comforts, courage,
wealth, wisdom, intelligence, devotion to spouse, and elders.
• Hala (Plough) Yoga:
• This yoga is formed when all or majority of planets occupy the trinal houses beginning
with any house other than lagna- 2, 6 & 10th or 3, 7 & 11th or 4, 8, & 12th houses.
• One born in this yoga will eat a lot, servile, blessed with friends, liked by good people,
living by agriculture or mining, and tormented by poverty.
Arch Group Positions – Yogas
• Yoopa (a pole to tie the animal while perfoming Yajna) Yoga:

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• This yoga is formed when all or majority of planets occupy house number one to four.
The emphasis here is on first four houses, which are concerned with self (1st house),
wealth & possessions (2nd house), personal effort & courage (3rd house) and home &
happiness (4th house).
• The native with this yoga looks after his worldly duties, attains prosperity, pursues his
material, religious & spiritual functions while staying at home and contended.
• The planets in first four houses fall in invisible half of the horoscope. These planets are
about to rise or just rising and tend to produce favourable results
Arch Group Positions – Yogas • This chart belongs to famous
producer of cartons & animated
films for enjoyment & dreams of

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children world over.
• He had six planets in first four
• Only Venus as 2·9th lord had
strayed in 5th house, thus giving
further boost to the horoscope.
• He and his brother established a
company at his native place and
produced many animated films
like Mickey mouse, Donald Duck,
Three little pigs, Snow White &
Seven Dwarf etc.
• He was a brave, courageous &
contended man.
Arch Group Positions – Yogas
• Shara(arrow) Yoga:
• If all or majority of the yoga occupy from 4th to 7 th houses, Shara yoga is formed.

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• The 4th house represent home & happiness, the 5 th intellect, investment & amusement,
the 6 th crime, conflict & competition, and the 7th sensual pleasure.
• The four houses fall in invisible half of the horoscope.
• The native tends to earn money at a greater distance away from home.
• Greater adventure, competition, risk & courage to overcome enemies/ difficult situations
are there as 6 th house is involved.
• There is greater emphasis on sensual enjoyment & material comforts due to the 7th
house. So they can not confer very good results
Arch Group Positions – Yogas• Native is a daughter of an Air force
officer. She has six planets from 4th to
7th house; only 10th lord Moon has

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strayed into 12th house, indicating her
major activities in foreign.
• The chart shows great gains as all the six
planets aspects lagna.
• In addition 2 nd lord Mars and 3-6th lord
Jupiter aspects gth house.
• These made her a unique person
climbing world fame although
• Her afflicted 4- 5th lord Saturn and 9-12th
lord Mercury provided her a misdirected
• The infamous lady amassed huge wealth
in Europe causing great embarrassment
to many politicians.
Arch Group Positions – Yogas
• Shakti (power/ energy) Yoga:
• If all or majority of planets occupy houses 7th to 10th, this yoga is formed.

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• The 7th house is of marriage, sensual pleasure & business partnership, the 8th of mystery,
obstacles, & suddenness, 9th of luck and 10th of various activities & status of the native
• The houses being part of visible half of the chart, it gives public exposure, fame/ notoriety,
recognition, virtues and obstacles/ luck to achieve the objective.
• The native is outgoing, long lived & good fighters.
• The involvement of 7th & 8th houses tends to obstruct one’s progress and gives sudden
fluctuation of fortunes.
Arch Group Positions – Yogas
• Danda (rod/ punishment} Yoga:
• If all or majority of planets occupy houses from l Oth to lagna, this yoga is formed.

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Although this yoga involves two of the best house, lag na (self & health) & 10th (Karma &
status), it also involves two evil houses, lf 11th ( Trishadya) & 12th (expenditure & losses)
• The planets fall in visible arc of horoscope and are ascending.
• The native tend to become a servile, wanderer, bereft of comforts, and seeking spiritual/
saintly activities.
• He gets more failure/ disappointments than success, as if getting punishment for his evil
deeds of past Karmas.
• In modern context international relations & work related to foreign countries fall under
this yoga.
Arch Group Positions – Yogas
• The chart belongs to a famous

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astrologer, a living legend, of modern
• He has six planets in l Oth to 1st
houses, with only Yogkaraka Saturn
straying into 3rd house.
• He has no planet in 11th ( Trishadya)
• All through his life, he has been a
wanderer, bereft of luxury, visiting
several countries in his quest for
spiritual & saintly aspects of astrology.
• Three planets in lagna made him an
egoist and denied him marriage.
Arch Group Positions – Yogas
• Nauka (boat) Yoga:
• If all planets are placed in the first seven houses from lagna to 7 th house in a continuous

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order, giving a shape of a boat, this yoga is formed.
• Houses one to seven involve the invisible half of a horoscope.
• Hence all the achievements/ deficiencies of the native do not get recognition.
• Persons with this yoga are generally engaged as a sailor on a ship, navy or merchant navy
or is associated with business dealings with distant places in water related pursuits.
• The native is normally a famous, greedy, ambitious, and of a fickle nature.
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Arch Group Positions – Yogas
Arch Group Positions – Yogas
• Koota (vertex/ deception) Yoga:
• This yoga is formed when all planets are placed from 4 th to 10th house in a continuous

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• In this yoga, half the houses fall in the invisible half and the other half in visible half of the
• horoscope.
• It also includes two adverse ( Trika) houses, 6 th & 8th. The adverse houses indicate
persistent struggle, competition and deviations from accepted norms, so that some of the
modern day professions & activities prosper:
• This yoga is not praised in the classical texts.
• Such natives are untruthful, cruel, wrestler, jail attendant, poor, and works on construction
of roads & bridges or deceptive pursuits.
Arch Group Positions – Yogas
• Chhatra (King's crown/ shield) Yoga:
• This Yoga is formed when all the planets occupy houses from 7 th to lagna continuously.

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This yoga involves all houses falling in visible half the chart.
• Such natives derive fame from the ruler and the ruler derives fame from them.
• Such natives get involved in public life and tend to neglect their own family & domestic
• This is a very benefic yoga.
• Natives having this yoga are virtuous, wise, wealthy, famous, kind-hearted, long lived,
dutiful, man of principles, guides an organization or a nation.
Arch Group Positions – Yogas
• The chart belongs to "father of
nation", Mahatma Gandhi.

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• He had all the planets from 7th house
to lagna; only Saturn,the Yogkaraka,
had strayed into 2nd house indicating
• He jumped into public life even
neglecting his personal & family life.
He was a man of principles.
• He led India's independence struggle
successfully using noble path of
Ahimsa and non-cooperation, and
thus showed to the world a path of
non-violence & peace.
Arch Group Positions – Yogas
• Dhanus/ Chaap (bow) Yoga:
• When all planets fall continuously from 10th to 4th house.

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• This is just opposed to Koota Yoga as here also half the houses fall in visible half and the
other half in invisible half of the chart.
• The natives with this yoga are clever, alert, tactful, brave, and engaged in work with
intelligence agencies, but proud, cruel, skilled in archery, and happy in middle portion of
• As per Parashar, such a native is fond of wandering in hills or forests.
Arch Group Positions – Yogas
• Ardha-Chandra (crescent Moon) Yoga: This yoga is formed when the seven planets occupy
seven contiguous houses starting from a house other than a Kendra.

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• They could start from 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 8th, 9th, 11th or 12th house from lagna. There could
thus be eight variant of yogas.
• Those starting from 2nd, 5th, 9th or 11th are superior to others and natives born with these
are good in looks, brave, wealthy, honoured by rulers or commander of an army.
• Natives born with yogas starting from other houses are ugly in appearance and do not rise
to any position.
• However the results of eight variants will also depend on the characteristics of houses
involved, how many are in visible half of the chart, how many evil houses are involved, and
where the strayinq planet if any are placed.
Arch Group Positions – Yogas
• The native is ex-Prime minister
of India. He had all the seven

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planets placed in houses from
11th to 5 th .
• He had also been Chief Minister
of U. P. and union cabinet
• He was a popular mass leader,
honest and from a royal family.
Arch Group Positions – Yogas
• Chakra (circle) Yoga: When planets occupy six alternate houses starting from lag na (i.e.
occupying the six odd houses), this yoga is formed.

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• The native is illustrious, lovely looking & king-like.
• As per Parashar, he will be an emperor, at whose feet kings having gems studed diadems
will prostrate.
• Samudra (ocean) Yoga: If planets occupy six alternate houses starting from 2nd house (i.e.
occupying six even houses), this yoga is formed.
• The native will be renowned, wealthy, happy, virtuous, likeable, and of stable mind.
• According to Parashar, he will have many precious stones & wealth. He will be dear to the
people and has much pleasure.
Types of Yogas Yogas
• Yoga Bhang-
• The panch Mahapurush Yogas fail to deliver in cases
Yoga Planet Lord of Lord of debility Yoga Cancellation

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Exaltation of planet of Exalted
planet Planet
Ruchika Yoga Capricorn/Saturn Aries/Mars Mars conjucts or Aspects Saturn
Bhadra/Mercury Virgo/Mercury Pices/Jupiter Jupiter conjucts or aspects Mercury
Hamsa/ Jupiter Cancer/Moon Scorpio/Mars Mars conjuncts or aspects Moon
Malavya/ Venus Pisces/Jupiter Capricorn/Saturn Saturn conjuncts or aspects Jupiter
Sasa/ Saturn Libra/Venus Virgo/Mercury Mercury conjunct Venus

• Note: Panch Mahapurush yogas are also said not to materialize if the Yoga
producing planet is conjunct with Ketu
Divisional Chart

Topic : 4 Divisional Charts

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• Divisional Charts for various aspects of life
• Importance of Navamsha
• Strength of Divisional Charts
• Vimsopaka Bala
• How to analyse Divisional Charts
• Aspects in Divisional Charts
• Yogas in Divisional Charts
Types of Divisional Charts

Divisional Charts for various

aspects of life
Types of Divisional Charts

Divisional Chart Division Purpose

Rashi/Lagna Chart – D1 Natal Chart Delineating of all aspects of life
Shadvargiya Charts

Hora – D2 House/2 = 15⁰ Wealth and prosperity

Dreshkan/Drekkana – D3 House/3 = 10⁰ Siblings, health/longevity
Navamsha Chart – D9 House/9 = 3⁰20’ Strength of planets, Marital life
Dwadashamsha – D12 House/12 = 2⁰30’ Parents, Parental Happiness
Trimshamsha – D30 House/30 = 1⁰ Arishtas and Miseries

Divisional Chart Division Purpose


Saptamsha – D7 House/7 = 4⁰ 17’ Progeny

Sapta Vargas = Shadvargas + Saptamsha or D-7
Types of Divisional Charts
Divisional Chart Division Purpose
Sapta Vargas +
Dasha Varga

Dashamsha – D10 House/10 = 3⁰ Professional Achievements, Honour

Shodashamsha – D16 House/16=1⁰52’30” Conveyances, General Happiness
Shastiamsha – D60 House/60 = 1⁰ Overall aspects of life
Divisional Chart Division Purpose
Dasha Varga charts +
Shodasha Varga Charts

Chaturthamsha – D4 House/10 = 3⁰ Finance, Movable/immovable assets

Vimshamsha – D20 House/20=1⁰30’ Spiritual/Religious Activities
Chaturvimshamsha – D24 House/24=1⁰15’ Education. Academic pursuits
Saptavimshamsha – D27 Hou/27=1⁰6’40” Strength & weaknesses of Horoscope
Khavedamsha – D40 House/40=0⁰45’ Auspicious indications
Akshavedamsha – D45 House/45=0⁰40’ Character, Conduct & Auspeciousness
Chart No. of Sign If Then If Then If Then If Then
Amshas Property
D2 2 Odd/Even 1st-Odd Leo 2nd-Odd Cancer 1st-Even Cancer 2nd-Even Leo
D3 3 - 1st D1 2nd D1 + 5 3rd D1 + 9
D4 4 - 1st D1 2nd D1 + 4 3rd D1 + 7 4th D1 + 10
D7 7 Odd/Even Odd D1 + Amsha Even D1 + 7 + Amsha
D9 9 Flexibility Chara D1 + Amsha Sthira D1 + 9 + Amsha Dwi D1 + 5 + Amsha
D10 10 Odd/Even Odd D1 + Amsha Even D1 + 9 + Amsha
D12 12 - All D1 + Amsha
D16 16 Flexibility Chara Aries + Amsha Sthira Leo + Amsha Dwi Sagg. + Amsha
D20 20 Flexibility Chara Aries + Amsha Sthira Sagg. + Amsha Dwi Leo + Amsha
D24 24 Odd/Even Odd Leo + Amsha Even Cancer + Amsha
D27 27 Tattwa Fiery Aries + Amsha Earthy Cancer + Amsha Airy Libra + Amsha Watery Capr. +
D40 40 Odd/Even Odd Aries + Amsha Even Libra + Amsha
D45 45 Flexibility Chara Aries + Amsha Sthira Leo + Amsha Dwi Sagg. + Amsha
D60 60 - All D1 + Amsha
About Divisional Chart Divisional Chart
• A divisional chart/ Varga is another unique concept of Vedic astrology and holds
the key to predictions and analyzing a horoscope for deeper analysis.
• They help in assessing the true strength of a planet related with the house and
to see the impact of planetary inter-play to ascertain their influence in

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microscopic study of a specific aspect of human life.
• The ascendant of the relevant Varga refers in essence to the matter that it
• If the lagna of the divisional chart happens to be a Mooltrikone sign or the same
as in birth chart, its lord becomes main determinant of the concerned field.
• A divisional chart can be analyzed independently for the purpose it is cast, but it
is prudent to study it as a complementary/ supplementary chart to the birth
• Sage Parashar has suggested Shodasvargas (16 important divisional charts). Each
Varga is an extension of a particular house and gives its microscopic view.
• Out of these at least two of the most important Drekkana (D-3) & Navamsha (D-
9) - which deals with general nature of a native and strength of a planet, should
be studied in details.
About Divisional Chart Divisional Chart
Utility of D-Charts
• Basically Vargas are studied for two purposes- firstly the D- charts are studied to
identify, confirm, modify or elaborate the results of a particular aspect of life by
studying the corresponding D-chart along with the concerned house of the Rasi

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• Secondly we study them to measure the true strength of planets as only strong
planets are capable of giving good results.
• The weak planets not only fail to deliver results of their significations but also
spoil the results of the Bhava where they are placed or over which they transit.
• Planets occupying benefic positions e.g. exaltation, Mooltrikone, own sign or
sign of his friend, in different Vargas become strong and would give good
• On the other hand if a planet is debilitated, in enemy's sign, combust, defeated
or other wise weak, it should be treated as malefic.
• The strength of a planet is measured on a scale of 20 (Vimsopaka) by occupying
continuously benefic position as above.
Divisional Chart

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Navamsha & its importance
Navamsha & its importance Divisional Chart
• Navamsha is the most important Varga in the Shodas-varga system of
Sage Parashar.
• Much of the credit of success of Vedic astrology goes to Navamsha.

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• Most of the astrological savants have given it equal or even more
importance than birth chart.
• A planet exalted in birth chart, but debilitated in Navamsha is of no
use; while a planet debilitated in birth chart, but exalted in Navamsha
may give good results.
• As per Mansagri & Devakerlam, all aspects of life can be gleaned
through Navamsha.
• Usually the birth chart & Navamsha are tagged together for proper
• While birth chart indicates basic promises in one's life, Navamsha
denotes fructification of those promises for which blessings or
Almighty are the Navamsha
Navamsha & its importance Divisional Chart
• Lagnesh and position of the ascendant Moon (whichever is strong) is
of vital importance.
• Kendra/ Trikones in a Navamsha are always benevolent, but malefics

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posited in Trikones to a particular damage the promise of that Kendra.
• As the name suggest it is 1/9th division of a sign, equivalent to spread
of quarter of a Nakshtra and is extension of 9th house of Dharma &
luck. It also denotes-

• All aspects of marriage, spouse & marital relations

• Relative strength of ascendant & all planets.
• Karkamsha chart, taking Navamsha sign of Atmakaraka as lagna
• Timing & mode of death.
• Rasi tulya Navamsha & Navamsha tulya Rasi.
Construction of Navamsha Chart Divisional Chart
• The first Navamsha of a Fiery sign (Aries, Leo or Sagittarius) begins with
Aries[from same sign];
• The first Navamsha of an Earthy sign (Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn) begins with

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• The first Navamsha of an Airy sign (Gemini, Libra or Aquarius) begins with
Libra; The first Navamsha of a Watery sign (Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces) begins
with Cancer.

Alternately same results will be obtained if counting of Navamsha parts in case

-Movable signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn) start with the sign itself;
-Dual/common signs (Gemini, Virgo Sagittarius or Pisces) start from the 5th
-Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius) star from the 9th sign from
More about Navamsha Divisional Chart
• Each Navamsha represents a spread of 3⁰26', which is equivalent of one quarter, charan or pada of
 1st pada of a Nakshtra indicate Dharma/ religion & fiery Tatwa;
 2nd pada denote finance (Artha) & earthy Tatwa;

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 3rd denotes love & desires (Kama) & airy Tatwa;
 4th denotes liberation (Moksha) & watery Tatwa.
Classifications of Navamsha-
1. Nature of natives-
• This is primarily used for matching horoscopes for matrimonial/ partnership deals.
• If Moon is placed in 1st, 4th or 7th part of a sign [Amsha], it is Dev or divine, denoting one supposed to
be virtuous, wealthy, generous, respectable, pious & religious.
• If Moon is in 2nd 5th or 8th part of a sign [Amsha], it is Nar or human denoting one to be social,
truthful, sincere, hardworking, powerful, willing to help & serve others.
• If Moon is in 3rd, 6th or 9th part of a sign [Amsha], it is Rakshas or devil denoting one to be cruel,
wicked, greedy, sinful, envious, stupid & adulterous.
• Similarly 88th Navamsha, counted from the Moon of the bridegroom should not be Navamsha
occupied by bride's Moon; or 108th Navamsha counted from the Moon of the bride, should not be
occupied by the Moon of the groom.
More about Navamsha Divisional Chart
• All classics have accepted the importance of a Vargottam planet/ lagna.
• Vargottam planet is one which occupies same sign in birth chart as well as in
Navamsha, meaning thereby that the dispositor in either case is the same planet.

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• Consequently such a dispositor has lasting impact.
• It makes the native leader in the class/ activity, which he belong to.
• Much importance is given to Vargottam-lagna and Vargottam Moon.
• The first Navamsha in a movable sign, middle (5th) Navamsha in a fixed sign and
the last (9th) Navamsha in a dual sign are known as Vargottam.
• However the results of all Vargottam planets cannot be the same.
• They have a wide spectrum of results varying from Uchha-Vargottam (say
Vargottam Sun in Aries) to Neech-Vargottam (say Vargottam Saturn in Aries).
Planets-Sun to Saturn- are Uchha Vargothama in Aries, Taurus, Capricorn,Virgo,
Cancer, Pisces and Libra respectively.
Vargothama Continued.. Divisional Chart
• In between there are Swakshetra Vargottam, Shubh-Vargottham ,Paap-
Vagottam, Chara-Vargottam, Sthira-vargotam, Dwiswabhava Vargottam,
Dharma-vargottam, Artha-Vargottam, Kaam-Vargotham, & Moksha-Vargotham

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giving results as suggested by their names.
• However Rahu in Taurus/ 2nd house is Vargottam and denotes that native's
son will be in grip of debts.
• A Vargottam planet in any house With more than 30 bindus enhances the good
results of the house to the greatest possible extent, in proportion to the
higher number of bindus.
• Quite reverse will be the case when Vargottam planet is associated with less
number of bindus.
Pushkar-Navamsha Divisional Chart
• The term "Pushkar" means anything which nourishing, fosters, rears,
nurtures, supports, augments, promotes, enhances or washes away
weakness of anything.

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 In Fiery signs (Aries, Leo & Sagittarius), the 7th Navamsha (Libra), & 9th
Navamsha (Sagittarius);
 In Earthy signs (Taurus, Virgo & Capricorn), 3rd Navamsha (Pisces) & 5th
Navamsha (Taurus);
 In Airy signs (Gemini) , 6th Navamsha (Pisces) & 8th Navamsha (Taurus)
 In Watery signs (Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces), 1st Navamsha (Cancer) & 3rd
Navamsha (Virgo) are called Pushkar Navamsha.
• Each signs has two Pushkar-Navamsha or the zodiac has 24 such Navamsha.
• They are all benefic Navamsha owned by benefic planets and produce
auspicious results in natal, horary, Mahurat and other matters.
Pushkara Navamsha /Pushkaramsha Divisional Chart
• Out of the 24, three Pushkar Navamsha are Vargottam
 Taurus Navamsha (5th one),
 Cancer Navamsha (1st one)
 Sagittarius-Navamsha (9th one).

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• Any planet posited therein bestows extra-ordinarily good results.

• However, they are different from Pushkaramsha, which are particular beneficial degrees in
any sign.
 In fiery signs, 21st degree
 In earthy signs, 14th degree
 In airy signs, 24th degree
 In watery signs 7th degree
• Any planet posited in these degrees bestows very good results.
• A native having rising Navamsha falling in Vargottam, Pushkar-Navamsha or Pushkaramsha, is
outstanding in his career.
• Placement of more planets in Pushkar-Navamsha will enhance the status, worth & prosperity
of the native.
• NT Ramarao (Ex-chief Minister of Andhra) had rising Navamsha and five planets-Sun, Moon,
Mercury, Jupiter & Ketu, in Pushkar-Navamsha, while Sun & Mercury were Vargottam.
Inauspicious Navamsha Divisional Chart
Certain Navamshas are very inauspicious and provide fertile ground for
germination of explosive criminal thoughts.
When these Navamsha are tenanted with or by lagna, lagna lord & Moon and/ or

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Moon & malefic Mars, Saturn & Rahu, they increase propensities to commit
crimes. These Navamsha are
8th & 9th Navamsha of Aries;
1st 6th & 8th Navamsha of Taurus, Leo & Scorpio;
1st 6th & 9th Navamsha of Gemini & Aquarius;
3rd & 9th of Cancer & Capricorn;
4th Navamsha of Virgo & Pisces;
9th Navamsha of Libra.
Nathuram V. Godse, Killer of Mahatma Gandhi, had Mars in Lagna in 6th
Navamsha of Gemini aspecting Jupiter (R) in 4th house in 4th Navamsha of Virgo,
both indicated propensity to commit crime.
Inauspicious Navamsha Divisional Chart
• 64th Navamsha-
• 64th Navamsha from Moon, ascendant or any other planet is a sensitive area in

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a chart and transit over these areas by Saturn is said to cause much distress or
even death.
• It will be the same Navamsha from the planet in its 8th sign e.g. if a planet/
ascendant is in Taurus at 19⁰40' in the 6th Navamsha from beginning of Taurus,
its 64thNavamsha will be the 6th Navamsha in Sagittarius.
• A simpler way to calculate the 64th Navamsha form any planet/ ascendant is to
note its sign position in Navamsha chart and the 4th sign from it will be its
64th Navamsha.
• The concept of 64th Navamsha has been developed by different astrologers
from various stand points.
• However the most important is when it is reckoned from Moon followed by
Inauspicious Navamsha Divisional Chart
• 64th Navamsha.. Continued….
• When the lords of 22nd Drekkana and of 64th Navamsha from Moon happens to
be the same planet, it becomes most malefic and if Saturn transits its Kaksha,

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the death is inevitable.
• When transit conjunction of major planets takes place in 64th Navamsha,
important events take place in one's life for good or bad.
• If the Navamsha lord of Moon is inimical, neutral or friendly to the lord of 64th
Navamsha therefrom, the longevity of the native will be short, medium or full.
• When lord of 64th Navamsha from natal ascendant occupies a Trika house and is
conjunct with Saturn, the native may die of poisoning; but if conjunct with a
node, the death may be by hanging.
• In case of Z.A. Bhutto (Chart No 2), the lord of 64th Navamsha from ascendant,
Saturn, was in 6th house conjunct with Ketu resulting in his death by hanging.
Again Nathuram Godse, had lord of 64th Navamsha from ascendant, Mercury,
was in 12th house conjunct with Rahu, resulting death by hanging.
Inauspicious Navamsha-Nidhanamsha Divisional Chart
• Nidhanamsha/ Ashtamamsha-
• Any planet if posited in a Navamsha owned by the 8th house-sign in natal chart
is said to be Nidhanamsha.

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• In chart No, 4 of Madhav Rao Scindhia, ascendant is Scorpio, so the 8th house
will be Gemini.
• Suppose the ascendant lord, Mars, is posited in one of the nine Gemini
Navamshas, the Mars is said to be in Nidhanamsha.
• lf the 7th lord is in Nidhanamasha, one will be sinful by joining other's women.
• If Jupiter is in 2nd house occupying Nidhanamsha, while Moon is in debility
Navamsha, native will be poor.
• If Ascendant lord is posited in Nidhanamasha, the native will die of starvation
or on ground with no blood relation by his side.
• Late Ms Indira Gandhi, had her ascendant lord Moon in Nidhanamsha. She died
on ground with no blood relation by her side.
Inauspicious Navamsha-Nidhanamsha Divisional Chart
• Nidhanamsha/ Ashtamamsha-
There can be only nine Nidhanamsha in a chart in nine different signs each at a
distance of 40⁰.

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When a planet occupies a sign in Navamsha which is the 8th sign from its natal
position is called Ashtamsha.
Suppose a planet posited in Libra in natal chart is posited in Taurus Navamsha, it
is said to be in Ashtamsha.
Please note that fixed signs have no Ashtamsha in them.
A planet in Ashtamsha denotes short life to the person whose Karaka it is.
Ashtamsha is a separate divisional chart as well, wherein each part is 1/ 8 part of a
sign or equal to 3⁰ 45’.
Navamsha-Continued.. Divisional Chart
• Timing of Death-
• As per Devakeralam, death of a native or his close relations can be indicated by
Navamsha. According to Sloka 354, "Take the particular Bhava representing native
(Lagna) or his close relations and note where the 8th lord from it is placed in

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• Again as per Sloka 526-527 ibid, "When Saturn (in appropriate age group) comes in
transit to that particular sign or to one of its Trikone, the death of the native/
relation may be fore-told". These guidelines are applicable for all lagna.
• Rasi Tulya Navamsha & Navamsha TulyaRasi –
• It is very significant that a Nakshtra quarter (pada) is identified with Navamsha.
• Both are not only of the same arc (3⁰20'), but their line of demarcation is also same.
• Imagine transpose of Navamsha chart on the natal chart, without changing lagna
sign of natal chart.
• In other words planets in this chart are placed in the same sign, which are occupied
by the planets in the Navamsha chart.
• This is called Navamsha Tulya Rasi. This provides a very important tool to evaluate
the relationship of planets with a house Nadi, or of a planet with other planets.
Navamsha Continued.. Divisional Chart
• As per DhurvaNadi, each planet is given a Special nomenclature according to his
bhava position of the Navamsha sign, in the natal chart.
• They are known as Bhaw Suchak-Navamsha. Planets in this chart may be treated
according to their position in Kendra Trikone, Trika house and so on and are called

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Nidhanamsha, Bhagyamsha, Vyayamsha and so on.
• lt may be noted that each Navamsha of 3⁰20'is projected into a full sign of 30⁰.
• In another classification, Navamsha sign falling in Kendra/ Trikone are called
Kendramsha/ Trikonamsha etc.
• These classifications are very important & useful in judging Rajyogas & worth of a
• If more planets fall in good houses, the native leads a happy & prosperous life.
• Conversely if more planets occupy evil houses, the native confronts many
difficulties in life. Saturn's transit in the sign identical with the Navamsha occupied
by the lord of the 8th house from a given Bhava or a Trikone thereof, will destroy
the good effect due to that Bhava.
• While Jupiter's transit in the same position, will indicate realization of the good
effects of that Bhava.
Divisional Chart

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Strength of Dvisional Charts
Vimsopaka Bala
Strength of Divisional Charts Divisional Chart
• The divisional charts provides excellent opportunity to measure the true strength of planets as
only strong planets are capable of giving good results. The weak planets not only fail to
deliver results of their significations but also spoil the results of the Bhava where they are
placed or the yoga they form. Planets occupying benefic positions e.g. exaltation,

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Mooltrikone, own sign or sign of his friend, in different Vargas become strong and would give
good results.
• On the other hand if a planet is debilitated, in enemy’s sign, combust, defeated or other wise
weak, it should be treated as malefic.
• The location of planets in the divisional charts materially influences the results of planets
constituting a yoga.
• The Navamsha is the most important Varga to indicate basic/inherent strength of any planet.
• A planet, which occupies same sign in natal & Navamsha chart is called Vargottam. As Per
Saravali, "A planet in own Decante bestows good results, in own Navamsha makes one lucky,
in own Sapthamsa bestows courage, name & fame, while in own Dwadasamsa makes one
devout & helpful".
• There are various grouping of Varga schemes, like Shad-varga, Sapt-varga, Dasvarga & Shodas
varga; but normally astrologers consider Saptvarga or Dasvarga scheme only.
Strength of Divisional Charts Divisional Chart
• The strength of a planet in any varga scheme is measured on a scale of 20 ( Vimsopaka) by
occupying continuously benefic position.
• The value of each Varga in Sapt-varga/ Dasvarga groupings in Vimsopaka (scale of 20) is as
under Rashi Score in Sapta Varga Score in Dasha Varga

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Rasi (D-1) 5.00 3.0
Hora (D-2) 2.00 1.50
Drekkana (D-3) 3.50 1.50
Saptamsha (D-7) 1.00 1.50
Navamsha (D-9) 4.50 1.50
Dasamsha (D-10) - 1.50
Dwadasamsha ( D-12) 2.00 1.50
Shodasamsha ( D-16) - 1.50
Trimsamsha (D-30) 2.00 1.50
Shashtiamsha (D-60) - 5.00
Total 20.00 20.00
Strength of Divisional Charts Divisional Chart
• To assess the benevolence/strength of a planet forming a yoga or otherwise, the astrologers
normally consider its position in Sapt-varga or Dasvarga scheme of charts.
• Depending on the number of times a planet occupies a benefic position in Sapt-varga/
Dasvarga groups of divisional charts, the strength of planet increases.

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• In Dasvarga scheme, the planet is assigned a specific name with its meaning as shown against
each asunder
Benefic in nos Name of type Indication of planet
of Div Charts of planet
2 Parijat A wealthy, happy, reputed & virtuous person
3 Uttam A noble, humble, wealthy & religious
4 Gopur A man of all round prosperity &
5 Simhasan One is object of praise and head of clan
6 Paravat A King-like man knowing all science & arts
7 Devlok A highly charitable and very high dignity
8 Brahmlok An emperor like person with name,
9 Iravat Name fame, and many subordinates.
10 Sri Dham One highly spiritual & owner of all virtues
Strength of Divisional Charts Divisional Chart
• Contrary to above, if a planet occupies malefic/ weak position
• a) In Nine Vargas: Causes destruction.
• b) In Eight Vargas: Gives sorrow & lamentation.
• c) In Seven Vargas: Denotes bad luck/ misfortune.

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• d) In six Vargas: Makes native unhappy, restless & worried.
Analysis of Dvisional Charts-General Principles Divisional Chart
• A Divisional chart or Varga is an ultimate analysis based on finer divisions of a
zodiacal sign upto 60 parts.
• The Varga system is used to assess the strength of various planets and their
influence on the native in different fields of life.

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• A true & accurate ascendant based on birth data is a must for this system of
• Any error in it will only multiply in Vargas and reveal inaccurate & conflicting
signals, making the whole picture out of focus.
• The main factors, which should be kept in mind while analyzing D-charts, are
Karya Bhava, Karyesh and the Karaka.
• Karya Bhava is the sign of the house that is significator of ruling activity.
• Karyesh is the lord of concerned house in the Rasi chart.
• This lord, the Lagna lord and the karaka will have to be well placed both in the
Rasi and the concerned Varga in order to yield benefic results.
• A Divisional chart should be studied in the same manner as a Rasi chart for the
specific facet of life for which the chart is meant.
Analysis of Divisional Charts-General Principles Divisional Chart
• Most important is the position of lords of Dasha and of sub-period in the Rasi and the
relevant D-chart.
• For finer analysis, the dignities of the planets representing the karyesh and the karaka
should be examined.

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• Their exaltation/debilitation, their placement in a friendly/ inimical sign and their
association/ aspects in Rasi as well as in the concerned Varga will provide a complete &
composite understanding.
• A planet occupying sign of its exaltation, Mooltrikone, own or of a friend in a number of
Vargas is considered strong & beneficial and gives good results.
• Besides sign, a planet occupying Kendra/ Trikone in a Varga also makes him strong &
• On the contrary, a weak/afflicted planet does not give desired results and might cause
problems & obstructions in his main/subperiod in matters related to the concerned Varga.
• If a planet is weak in Rasi or Navamsha chart but is strong &benefic in other Vargas
including the concerned one, it would give good results in only the concerned fields of the
D-chart during its main or subperiod over-riding the possible evil effects of the Rasi chart.
Divisional Chart

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D-2 or Hora Chart – Wealth & Prosperity
D-2 or Hora Chart – Wealth Prosperity Divisional Chart
• Hora chart is studied to assess the wealth, prosperity, happiness, intelligence, power
to discriminate, face, food, behaviour, relations with other members of the family and
other 2nd house significations.
• To facilitate these, lord of 2nd house and karaka of 2nd house, Jupiter, should also be

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• The results are dependent on a two fold strength i.e. strength of Sun & Moon, in whose
Hora various planets are placed, and the strength of planets other than the Sun &

• Lord/ Diety Hora Odd signs (1, 3,5,7,9,11)&Lord Even Signs (2, 4,8, 10 & 12)& Lord
• Devas 0⁰ to 15 ⁰ Leo - Sun Cancer - Moon
• Pitr/Manes 15⁰ to 30⁰ Cancer- Moon Leo- Sun
D-2 or Hora Chart – Interpretation Divisional Chart
• If the lord of Hora is Devas, it indicates that the native has come from the land of deities
or some pious soul has taken birth due to the grace of Devas.
• Such a native would be ambitious, virtuous, spiritual, rich, generous, intelligent, skilled
worker and a born leader.

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• If the lord of Hora is Pitr/ manes, the soul is of someone from the ancestors of the
• He has come to repay or recover some old debts. Remember Moon represents mind,
nectar & forefathers.
• The planets falling in the Lagna will signify that either the native is sober, good natured
& serves his family well or is revengeful, obstinate, selfish, and cause disturbance in the
• If the Hora Lagna belongs to Sun, native earns wealth in his own country.
• He may suffer during childhood, but would become wealthy, renowned & prosperous
later through his own efforts. If afflicted, the native would be cruel, wicked, vagabond,
immoral, selfish and engaged in satisfying his lust for wealth & women by illegal means
D-2 or Hora Chart – Interpretation Divisional Chart
• If Hora Lagna belongs to Moon, native earns wealth in land far away from place of
• He would be prosperous during early parts of life, but would face lot of adverse
calamities during old age.

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• He would be virtuous, religious, helpful to others, gets name & fame in the society and
affection from subordinate staff.
• If afflicted, he would be worried regarding about disobedient children and his financial
& social status. He will be sexy, of diseased body, and face problems due to enemies &
• If Sun is in Moon's Hora, Moon in Sun's Hora and more planets in the Sun's Hora, the
native will be rich & prosperous
• If natural malefics, including Rahu, Ketu, are in Sun’s Hora, native would be bold,
aggressive, courageous, determined, powerful & rich, but if they are in even sign, all
virtues will be only 60-70% potent
• The benefic planets in Sun's Hora in odd signs, the native will be soft:, mild, sober but
intelligent & enjoy continuity of happiness from wealth & children
D-2 or Hora Chart – Interpretation Divisional Chart
• If Hora Lagna belongs to Moon, native earns wealth in land far away from place of
• He would be prosperous during early parts of life, but would face lot of adverse
calamities during old age.

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• He would be virtuous, religious, helpful to others, gets name & fame in the society and
affection from subordinate staff.
• If afflicted, he would be worried regarding about disobedient children and his financial
& social status. He will be sexy, of diseased body, and face problems due to enemies &
• If Sun is in Moon's Hora, Moon in Sun's Hora and more planets in the Sun's Hora, the
native will be rich & prosperous
• If natural malefics, including Rahu, Ketu, are in Sun’s Hora, native would be bold,
aggressive, courageous, determined, powerful & rich, but if they are in even sign, all
virtues will be only 60-70% potent
• The benefic planets in Sun's Hora in odd signs, the native will be soft:, mild, sober but
intelligent & enjoy continuity of happiness from wealth & children
D-2 or Hora Chart – Interpretation Divisional Chart
• Malefic planets when posited in Moon's Hora, become neutral losing their evil effects
to a large extent.
• Benefic planets in Sun's Hora would become less benefic more so if they are posited in
even signs, making native indecisive & nervous to face unpleasant situations

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• The Karaka of 2nd house, Jupiter, if in Sun's Hora cause chronic illness and may cause
premature death. He is greedy, hot tempered does sinful acts secretly.
• Jupiter in Moon's Hora makes native brilliant, religious, fortunate, attractive and a
devoted friend.
• If Hora Lagna is occupied by 2nd & 11th lords, native becomes rich respected and lives in
D-2 or Hora Chart – Interpretation-Example Divisional Chart
• Analysis – D-1 Chart
• 4th lord Sun in Nakshtra of friendly Mars
associated with Digbali 2nd & 5th lord
Mercury is in Lagna and is receiving aspect
of Yogkaraka 9-10th lord Saturn in

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Nakshtra of 2nd-5th lord Mercury.
• This is a very strong Rajyoga and makes
native rich, prosperous & fortunate.
• Lagnesh Venus is in 2nd house in Nakshtra
of Jupiter & in own Sub and is aspected by
11th lord & karaka of 2nd house Jupiter
from 1oth house. This gives wealth &
prosperity to the native.
• Exchange of house between Lagnesh &
2nd lord and between 10th & 11th Lords
• Analysis – D-1 Chart gives great success and profit in
• Lagna is influenced by Venus (Lagna lord). Mars (Nakshtra lord) & Saturn profession
(Sub-lord) and is aspected by Saturn (sign lord Jupiter) 11th lord, Nakshtra
lord Mercury- 2-5th lord & Sub-lord Moon-3rd lord). The combination
made him a successful industrialist in automobile sector.
• The evil effects of Rahu-Ketu posited along 7th -1st axis are neutralized to a
large extent because they are debilitated and are in the Nakshtra of
Jupiter and Sun respectively.
D-2 or Hora Chart – Interpretation-Example Divisional Chart
• Analysis – D-2 Chart
• As Hora Lagna belongs to Sun, native has
earned his wealth in his own country and
through his own efforts.
• 2. Hora Lagnesh Sun in his own Hora

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indicates that native is ambitious, hard
Working, prosperous with lust for power
& to rule over others.
• Moon in Moon's Hora makes native
enthusiastic, generous, honoured by rulers
and loved by beautiful women.
• As Moon's Hora has only benefics - Moon,
Mercury & Venus, makes native intelligent,
virtuous, eloquent speaker, lover of art &
music and attached to family/ wife. He
• Jupiter in Sun's Hora gives native chronic illness in liver or upper part of gets high place in society and gains
abdomen. favours from govt.
• Lagnesh Venus & Karyesh Mercury are fast friends, had exchanged places • Presence of malefics- Mars & Saturn in
in D-1 and are together in Moon's Hora denotes great success in Sun's Hora gives native wealth, friends &
profession. luxuries in abundance and control over his
• In D-1, Lagna is in Rahu-Ketu axis, but both malefics being in Moon's Hora senses.
become neutral in D-2.
Divisional Chart

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D-3 Drekkana/ Dreshkon/ Decante
For Siblings/General Health and Longivity
Drekkana/ Dreshkon/ Decante Divisional Chart
• This chart in basically meant for in depth study of 3rd house significations.
• If 3rd house has a Mooltrikone sign then its significations will have better
dynamic configuration.
• Signification of 3rd house will be good during sub-periods of 3rd lord, of

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Karaka Mars, of Drekkana lord or of planets associated with 3rd house.
• Each sign is divided into three equal divisions to give Drekkana of 10 degree
• Predominant relationship of male planets with 3rd house gives birth to
younger brother (s) and of female planets younger sister (s).
• Planets/ lagna falling in 1st Drekkana belongs to the same sign, 2nd Drekkana
goes to 5th from the sign and the to 3rd Drekkana 9th from the sign.
• 1st Drekkana of each sign is called Karma Drekkana,
• 2nd as of each sign is called Bhog Drekkana
• 3rd as of each sign is called Nash Drekkana.
• Drekkana divisions, trine to each other, convey apparent & hidden
personalities & nature of the native.
Co-born from Drekkana Divisional Chart
• Co-borns are seen from 3rd (younger) & 11 th (elder) house from Lagna and
Karaka Mars & Jupiter respectively.
• In case of sisters, Venus also acts as Karaka.

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• D-3 chart can be read as birth chart of coborns.
• 1st younger co-born is seen from 3rd house, next from 5th and so on.
• Similarly 1st elder co-born is seen from 11th house, next from 9th (11th of 11th)
and so on.
• The relation between lords of lagna & of that house will represent relations
with that co-born.
• If Drekkana lagna & its lord are under malefic influence, it denotes problems
to & from co-borns.
• The nature of co-born will be according lord of house in Drekkana chart
where 3rd lord of d-1 chart is posited.
• If this lord happens to fall in Rahu-Ketu axis, this may indicate youngest co-
Drekkana/ Dreshkon/ Decante Divisional Chart
• Planets in the 1st Drekkana give results in beginning of their dasha, in 2nd
Drekkana during middle of their dasha, and in 3rd Drekkana during end of
their dasha.
• This chart is 3rd in order of importance after birth & Navamsha charts.

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• This chart is extensively used in natal, mundane, horary & medical astrology
This chart is useful for various aspects such as:-
• The number, welfare and happiness to & from siblings.
• The nature, valour, comforts & prosperity of the native.
• The inclination or propensity for noble or criminal activities
• Role in identifying the diseases.
• Timing & nature of death of the native.
• Time of commencement/ occurrence of any incident/ event like journey,
litigation, accident, acquisition of property etc.
Types Drekanna Divisional Chart
Depending on movability of a sign, Drekkanas are termed good, moderate or
bad as under:
Drekkana/ Sign Movable Fixed /Dual Fixed /Dual

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Part-0⁰to 10⁰ Good Bad Bad
Part-10⁰to 20⁰ Moderate Good Moderate
Part-20⁰to 0⁰ Bad Moderate Good

• If more planets are in good Drekkanas, native will be powerful, noble, hard-
working, happy, healthy, and takes interest & initiative to achieve his goal.
• Planets in moderate Drekkanas make native slow, pleasure loving,
aggressive, avoid responsibilities and must lead a disciplined life to avoid a
• Planets in bad Drekkanas make one pessimist, lazy, incapable of hard work,
but hot tempered & ruthless and lead a frugal & unattached life
Drekannas Divisional Chart
Ayudh Drekkanas-
• This indicates a native armed with weapon and ready to fight. A planet in it
may make one violent, cruel, intolerant or killer.
• Journey made in the Drekkana may lead to defeat, loss or litigation.

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• Ayudh Drekkanas are 1st & 3rd of Aries & Sagittarius; 2nd & 3rd of Gemini &
Leo; 1st & 2nd of Virgo; 3rd of Libra & Capricorn; and 2nd of Pisces.
Sarpa/ Vyala Drekkanas-
• It indicate a wicked & vicious person, a villain/ rogue, one ready to cause
harm to others, Journey in this Drekkana may lead to failure/ arrest.
• Moon in it may make one short tempered, aggressive or cause Balarishta.
• This Drekkana includes 2nd & 3rd of Cancer & Aquarius; 2nd of Leo; 1st & 3rd
of Scorpio; 1st of Capricorn; and 3rd of Pisces.
Paash Drekkana-
• It means a cord, chain, fetter or noose.
• These may cause adverse verdict in court cases & Balarishta.
• It includes 1 st Drekkana of Taurus; and 2nd of Scorpio & Capricorn.
Drekannas Divisional Chart
Khag/ Pakshi Drekkana-
• It indicates a person who is angry, likely to cause injury and fly away.
• One born in this Drekkana is fickle minded, fond of travel, and does not

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stick to one job/ place for long.
• Planet in it make one a wanderer or work related to travels.
• It includes 1st Drekkana of Leo & Aquarius and 2nd of Libra.
Quadruped/ animal Drekkana-
• If benefics aspect these Drekkanas, native is of soft, amiable & gentle
• If malefics aspect, one will be poor & unscrupulous or may lose vehicle/
• Moon in these may make one immoral and behave like an animal.
Phal-pushpa Drekkana-
• It indicates a very generous & good person.
• 1 st Drekkana of Cancer indicates this Drekkana.
Drekannas Divisional Chart
Ratna Bhandar Drekkana-
• It indicates a wealthy & prosperous native.
• Mars here denotes prosperity of younger brother, Jupiter of elder brother,

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and Venus of sisters.
• 1 st Drekkana of Libra & 2nd of Sagittarius falls in this category.
Khar Drekkana-
• 22nd Drekkana counted from rising Drekkana in birth chart is called Khar
• This is represented by the sign placed in 8th house in Drekkana chart.
• Its lord & planets occupying or transiting this house have the potential &
capacity to cause maximum harm, adversities and even death.
Drekannas - Rules Divisional Chart
• If the Decanate lord be a malefic, Sun, Mars or Saturn, native will be cruel,
wicked, miser, pessimist, immoral & hot tempered
• If the Decanate lord be a benefic, native will be rich kind, religious, intelligent,
fortunate and will be liked by members of family & friends

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• A D-3 chart can be read as birth chart of co-borns First younger co-born is seen
from 3rd lord from Decanate Lagna, next from 5th and so on. Similarly first
elder co-born is seen from 11th lord, next is seen from 9th and so on. In case of
sisters, Venus also act as Karaka
• The relation between lords of Lagna & of the house representing individual
co-born, will decide the relations with that co-born
• If the Decanate lord of individual co-born, is well placed, conjunctor aspected
by benefics both in natal as well as Decanate chart, this co-born live a long
healthy & prosperous life
• The planets in 1st Decanate gives results in the beginning of their Dasha, in the
2nd Decanate in the middle of their Dasha and in 3rd in the end of their Dasha.
The results of retrograde planets including Rahu/Ketu will be in reverse order.
Drekannas- Rules Divisional Chart
• If lords of 3rd & 11th and significators Mars & Jupiter are strong and well
placed in D-3, native will be brave happy, hard working and gets love &
support of brothers/ sisters
• If D-3 lord occupies in natal or D-3 chart a Kendra/ exalted sign or own sign or a

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friendly sign, the native s born in the family of a royal or of a senior executive
or of a respected person
• In D-3 chart, if Lagnesh is in exaltation, own or friendly sign in Kendra
aspected/ associated with benefics, good & favourable results follows
• In D-3 charts, if Lagnesh is debilitated, in inimical sign or associated/aspected
by malefics, native gets sorrow, grief, frustration & failure
• If D-3 lord is debilitated or posited in houses 6, 8, 12th or of an enemy and is
afflicted, the native would suffer serious illness or depression and will have
suicidal tendencies
• If Moon is in his own or friendly Decanate, native will be handsome &
virtuous; if in any other's Decanate, native will get characteristics of the lord
of that Decanate
Drekannas- Rules Divisional Chart
• Malefic Decanate (Sarpa or Paasha) rising in Lagna, associated or aspected by
malefics cause death in childhood
• 22nd Decanate from Lagna & its lord denote timing & nature of death.
• First half of a Decanate if afflicted, indicates hereditary diseases/evils of

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unknown origin in parts denoted by the Decanate
• 2nd half of a Decanate if afflicted, indicates problems/ diseases caused due to
accident, negligence, own conduct or enemies.
• It also indicates proper physical & mental growth of the native
• Rising Decanate indicates nature & appearance of thief in case of theft and
possible location of missing article
• Decanate indicates time of commencement/ occurrence of an action/ event
like journey, purchase of a house, vehicle or cattle, litigation, accident etc.
• Previous birth is delineated by gth house, 9tt1 lord & planets associated with
them, while 5th house/ lord & planets associated with them reveal the
position of the native in his next birth.
Drekannas Divisional Chart
• Conjunction with 3rd lord Saturn and in mutual
aspect with 2-5thlord Jupiter. This made native
very bold, intelligent,skilful & hardworking.
• 3rd lord Saturn and karaka of 3rd house, Mars,

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are in close conjunction in 6th house and in
inimical Nakshtra of Ketu & 12th lord Venus
(functional malefic) respectively. This indicates
that native will have a younger brother during
Saturn Mars but he will have weak health.
• 3rd house is strong as 3rd lord Saturn & 9th lord
Moon aspect 3rd house. 3rd lord Saturn
occupies 6th house conjunct with 1-6th lord
Mars and 2-5th lord Jupiter & Ketu aspect them.
Sun Ketu is also the Nakshtra lord of cusps of
both Lagna & 3rd house. This made native
hardworking, brilliant, wealthy & Jup Mon
expert in computers.
Drekannas Divisional Chart
• Mars as Lagnesh & karaka for 3rd house is well
placed giving native health & happiness.
• Influence of 7-12tt1 lord Venus as lord of
Nakshtra & Sub of Lagnesh Mars on it, made the

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native go abroad and settle there
• D-3 Chart Analysis
• Lagna is in Pisces in 2nd Decante of a fixed sign
(in Agastya/ Bhog Decanate). Occupied by 6th
lord Sun and aspected by 2-9th lord, Mars. It
confirms native to be bold, intelligent, hard
working, wealthy, fortunate and determined to
achieve her goal.
• 2. Lagnesh & 10th lord Jupiter, in Nakshtra of
Rahu and Sub of Saturn, is posited in 12th house
aspected by Rahu from 4t11 house and Mars &
Saturn from 6th.
Drekannas Divisional Chart
• It confirms native's going abroad and her
interest in computers. Jupiter as Decanate lord
makes her brother healthy, generous & long

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• Saturn aspects 3rd house and 3rd lord Venus
occupying 5t11 with 5th lord Moon (both in
Nakshtra of Saturn) makes the brother a textile
• Sun, in Nakshtra of Jupiter, is posited in Lagna in
Decanate of Jupiter who is also 10th lord. 3rd
from Mars is Mercury in Nakshtra of Jupiter &
Sub of Venus. This made her brother do business
along with his father.
• Moon posited in her own sign in Rasi & Decanate
is strong and being in Nakshtra & Sub of Saturn
makes her intellectual, learned, wealthy but
suffer from insecurity/inferiority complex at
Divisional Chart

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D-4 or Chaturtamsha Chart
Finance, Movable/immovable assets
Chaturthamsha D-4 Divisional Chart
• The Chaturthamsha or Turyamsha or Paadamsha, as it is a called, is the Varga division of 4th
house. Here a sign is divided into four equuaI parts of 7-30' each.
• Being within the material plane (1st cycle). It would denote luck of the native, his immovable
assets & liabilities e.g. land buildings or construction/ owning houses.

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• This chart is also studied for family happiness, childhood, peace of mind or contentment.
• In the case of girls, as marriage means leaving the parental home, affliction to 4th house also
denotes timing of marriage
• If 4th house has a Mooltrikone sign, it gives more favorable results. If not, 2nd or 11th house
should also be seen if that has a Mooltrikone sign.
• If Sun or Moon are lord of 4th house or closely influence it, the assets will be rich in nature.
• Next to them in giving affluence are Jupiter and Venus. But if Saturn be in such a position, the
assets will be meager. Vehicles & other movable luxuries are not to be seen from this chart;
for them one should study Shodasamsha (D-16).
• The D-4 chart is not included in Shadvarga or Dashvarga systems, but included in
Shodasavarga. This only explains that our ancient sages gave little importance to material
Chaturthamsha D-4 Divisional Chart

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Sanak, Sananda, sanat & sanatan, are the four Manasputras of Lord Brahma. Individually they
denote as under
1. Sanak, the lord of 1st division, literally means to acquire or receive gifts graciously. He
stands for love, worship or honour by giving gifts.
2. Sananda stands for bliss, happiness & prosperity. A planet posited in 2nd part of sign, gives
happiness and bliss to the native.
3. The word Sanat means always or perpetually; a planet in this division would give results
4. Sanatan stands for firm, fixed, ancient, eternal or permanent. A planet in 4th part gives
happiness on a permanent or eternal basis.
Chaturtamsha D-4 - Rules
• The Karaka for land is Mars and of buildings is Ketu.
Divisional Chart
• Saturn is the prime enemy of Mars and when associated with 4th house can cause a lot of damage to land/
• Types of house is seen from planetary influence on 4th house viz.
a) An exalted planet in 4th denotes large residence.

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b) Sun indicates huts/ thatched houses in open areas.
c) Moon if associated with Venus/ Jupiter denotes palatial house.
d) Mars & Ketu indicate a brick or clay house.
e) Jupiter indicates a house made of wood.
f) Saturn & Rahu denotes old houses of stones or rocks.
• Connection between 2nd & 3rd houses shows gain from property through leasing, renting etc.
• The Maraka Sthan (2nd & 7th) from 4th house i.e. 5th & 10th house are important to see destruction of
property/ building.
• 5th house, 3rd from 4th, shows how the competition or enemy may deny ones own gains.
• Influence of benefics on 4th house and Moon indicates bright childhood, family happiness and gains from
• As per 5arvarth Chintamani, a movable sign in 4th under benefic influence indicates many houses at various
• Similarly a fixed sign in 4th will keep the native at one place.
• As normally a girl has to leave her parental home atthe time of marriage, timing of her marriage can be
ascertained by noting affliction to 4th house/ lord
Chaturtamsha D-4 - Rules Divisional Chart
• Analysis of D-1 chart
• Lagna is cancer and its lord Moon in 10th giving fame.
This is confirmed by Arudha Lagna being in 7th from
• 4th house has Ketu, Mercury & Sun with Mars and

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Venus on either side of it forming a Yoga for royal
• 2nd lordSun (in Nakshtra of Jupiter and Sub of Moon)
in 4th with 3- 11 th lord Mercury confirm birth in royal
• There is sign of abundant wealth indicated by
Vasumati yoga formed by benefics (Venus, Jupiter &
Moon) in Upachaya Sthan.
• As 4th is a movable Mooltrikone sign of Venus
aspected by 8th lord Saturn from 2nd house, it gave
him many royal resorts at various places in the world
as part of family inheritance.
• 4th lord debilitated Venus in Nakshtra of Moon, Moon
in Nakshtra of Ketu and 4th house & Moon being in
Rahu-Ketu axis reduced his state of happiness and
denied him the crown of U. K.
Chaturtamsha D-4 - Rules Divisional Chart
• Analysis of D-4 chart
• 4th house of Rasi is Lagna with Lagnesh Venus (in
Nakshtra of Moon & Sub of Sun) in 9th house.
• Lagna is aspected by Moon (in Nakshtra of Ketu)
indicating many large houses.

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• 4th house has again Ketu & Mercury aspected by
Yogakaraka Saturn (in Nakshtra of Ketu & Sub of
Mercury) confirming many old houses made of
different material but mainly of brick & clay.
• Karaka of buildings, Ketu the 2nd lord has exchanged
places with Saturn, the 4th lord and Karaka of public,
showing a lot of earnings coming from the public.
• Jupiter in Nakshtra of Ketu is in mutual aspect with
Venus shows that these buildings are leased for
tourism to generate income.
• The native will have Vimshotri Dasha of Rahu-Sun
from July 2008. Sun is weak in last degree in Nakshtra
of Jupiter is in 10th and continues to be in Rahu-Ketu
axis denying him the prospect of being king
Divisional Chart

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D-7 or Saptamsha Chart
Saptamsha - Rules Divisional Chart
• Saptamsha is the sevenfold division of a sign.
• Each division extends 4-17'-8.5", which for simplicity sake is considered as 4-17'
only, and the last one is given an additional minute to finalize the division.
• The Saptamsha is a division of 7th house showing main focus on activity of 5th

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house i.e. progeny.
• The probable explanation is that 7th is house of sexual interaction and 5th is
house of gains/ fruits (11th from it) i.e. progeny. Hence Parashar advised to look
to Saptamsha for children & grand-children and happiness derived from them.
• The basic promise for children i.e. ability to conceive should however be
checked first in Rasi chart.
• The sex, number, welfare of progeny and happiness from/ relations with them
could then be confirmed from Saptamsha during a particular planetary sub-
• However consequent to follow small family norms, all rules of classical texts
regarding number of children as per one's horoscope have become
Saptamsha - Rules Divisional Chart
• In addition to D-3, Saptamsha also confirms number of brother/ sister and
happiness from them by studying Lagna & 3rd house of D-7.
• As per Jatak Parijata this divisional chart also indicates character or
temperament of the native.

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• The deities presiding over the seven divisions are not gods as such, but
represent the spirit of certain objects/ Rasa which we use for sustaining
ourselves. The seven Rasa in order for odd signs are
• Kshar (pungent alkali).
• Kshir (milk).
• Dadhi (curd/ yoghurt).
• Ajyam (Ghee).
• Ikshu Rasa (sugarcane juice).
• Madya (wine) and
• Suddha Jala (pure water).
• This order is reversed in even signs starting with pure water.
• The significations of each Rasa are as follows
Saptamsha - Rules Divisional Chart
• Kshar Saptamsha- A native born in this division, has no comfort from children. Children
aggravate the pain and add insult to injury. The native suffers humiliation, anxiety & grief
because of them.
• Ksheer Saptamsha - This gives native modest, faithful & well mannered children. They nourish
& sustain the socio-economic status of parents.

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• Dadhi Saptamsha- A native born in this Saptamsha is blessed with steady, sober, soft &
attractive children. The children are delicate, tender, possessive and maintain their identity
and give happiness to their parents.
• Ajyam Saptamsha- Such natives are blessed with righteous, religious & respectful children
who give name, fame & prosperity to the native. It gives Satwik qualities of service & sacrifice
to an individual.
• lkshrasa Saptamsha- This gives native sweet natured, straight forward and comforting
children. As per some, the children could be rough, strong and firm also.
• Madya Saptamsha- The children of such natives are fun loving, easy going, full of joy, live in
their own world of illusion but help the native.
• Shuddha Jal Saptamsha- Native is blessed with chaste, religious, innocent children with clean
habits & upright character who need protection against company of bad people. They bring
comfort, honour & happiness to the native’s life
Saptamsha - Rules Divisional Chart
Results of Planets as Saptamsha lord (Vargesh)
• Sun- The native is brave, renowned, valorous, reputed, powerful and engaged in noble deeds.
• Moon- The native is pious, religious, modest, noble, romantic and learned.

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• Mars-The native is strong, powerful, unbeatable and egoist.
• Mercury- The native is modest, sweet tongued, poetic, skilled in art & craft, learned and an
eloquent speaker.
• Jupiter- The native is talented, genius, virtuous, wise, steady and holds a high position among
the learned people.
• Venus- The native is sensuous, romantic, fond of entertainment, music, wit & humour and an
expert in sexual relations.
• Saturn- The native is foolish, lethargic, wicked, immoral and engaged in sinful activities
Saptamsha - Rules Divisional Chart
• Concept of Beej and Kshetra Sphuta
• This concept has been successfutty used in Vedic as well as in Tajik system in natal as well as in
• However it has not been used much in divisional charts, but I am of the opinion that this

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concept ought to hold good in study of Saptamsha chart also.
• The Beej and Kshetra Sphutaare sensitive points indicating male and female capability to
ascertain potency/ sterility to produce a child.
• Beej Sphuta of a male is calculated by adding the longitudes (including sign) of Sun, Venus &
Jupiter. If the resultant figure is more 12 deduct 12 and the point so obtained is Beej Sphuta.
• Kshetra Sphuta is calculated by adding the longitudes of Moon, Mars & Jupiter of a female.
The placing of the Sphuta in a native's chart and influence on it determines the possibility or
otherwise of birth of a child.
• Beej Sphuta in an odd sign or Kshetra Sphuta in even sign is considered good and the reverse
Saptamsha - Rules Divisional Chart
• The Lagna, 5th house/ lord, Significators of progeny and position of Jupiter in D-1 and
septamsha Lagna and 5th & 9th house/ lords from it are studied for the consideration of
• 1st child is seen from 5th house and subsequent ones 3rd there from i.e. from 7th, 9th & 11th

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from Lagna
• Sun, Mars, Jupiter & Rahu are male planets Moon, Venus and Ketu are female and Mercury &
Saturn are eunuchs.
• Aries, Cancer, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius & Pisces are male signs and other six are female signs
• If the house indicating child birth has more male influence, male child will be born, otherwise
female child.
• Nature of malefic influence on Beej/ Kshetra Sphuta denotes type of problem in child birth
and its remedy if possible
• 2nd, 6th & 10th houses (being 2nd from Lagna 5th & 9th and 8th & 12th being 8th from Lagna
and 5th' house Arishta of the child or one may adopt a son or there may be enmity with son
• Moon is the Karaka of motherhood, and its weakness in D-7 denotes inability of the mother to
bear the child. This should be appeased by worship of Moon & mother and consuming the
Rasa occupied by Moon
• If Mars associates the house of child birth, there may be caesarian delivery. If other malefics
like Saturn/Rahu also associates, there may be miscarriage
Saptamsha - Rules Divisional Chart
• If Saptamsha Lagna is in odd sign and is conjunct/aspected by benefics, son gives pleasure &
happiness to native.
• If Lagna is in even sign, daughter is source of pleasure to the native.
• If instead malefics influence Lagna, opposite are the results

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• In a Saptamsha chart, study lord of Lagna & 5th. If they are strong & well placed, children will
give all types of pleasure to the parents and achieve name &status
• The Dasha periods of lords of 5th or 9th house from Lagna, Saptamsha and planets in 5th
house or of Jupiter normally bless progeny
• The house of prospective child should be considered as Lagna for the child. If its lord has good
relations with Saptamsha lord, the relations between parent and child will be good
• If Saptamsha Lagna is afflicted, the native may not have children or remain worried about
• If 3rd house of 0-7 is influenced by male planets, native gets a brother younger to him and
gets power & position. He sometimes gets a son after the death ofa friend (Varahmihir).
• If 3rd house is influenced by female planets, one gets a sister younger to him.
• If female planets occupy D-7 Lagna, one gets daughters
• If Saptamsha lord is a malefic occupying sign of another malefic, the native would get bad
results regarding children, wealth & social status; but if a rich, happy and blessed with
talented children (Varahmihir)
Saptamsha - Rules Divisional Chart
• If Moon or a strong benefic is posited in Saptamsh Lagna, the native is strong, famous, co-
operative & a warrior. He is friendly and spreads happiness all around
• If in 3rd house of D- 7, there is Sun, Mars or Jupiter the native becomes rich by honest means
• If a planet Is in last Saptamsha and is in own/ exaltation sign, the native is fond of riding or

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adventurous activities. He lives away from his brothers/ friends
• The planets inimical to childbirth are Mercury & Saturn, as they cause infertility. If Venus also
associates with them in Lagna or Trikone of D-7, native has had excessive sexual encounters
depleting his vitality to produce children.
• Saturn as 5th lord in 6th shows that the native will be courageous, licentious, obstinate,
destroyer of enemies, but will have little education, few children and agricultural prosperity.
• As per Mansagari, Navamsha should also be seen for children
Saptamsha - Rules Divisional Chart
• Lagna is Scorpio in Nakshtra of Mercury & Sub of Jupiter. 2-
5th lord exalted Jupiter from 9th house aspects Lagna & 5th
• Lagnesh Mars is weak as it is in 12th house in RahuKetu axis
but is in Nakshtra of Rahu & Sub of Jupiter.

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• 5th house is Pisces with 4th lord Saturn & 7-12th lord Venus
aspected by Jupiter, the Karaka of children, in own Nakshtra
and Sub of Rahu. 5th lord Jupiter is in 9th aspecting Lagna &
5th house.
• Beej Sphuta is in 6th house associated with Rahu and
aspected by 6th lord Mars, indicating strength.
• A look at the above table will show that Jupiter is either lord
of Nakshtra or of Sub of Lagna, Lagnesh, Karya Bhava,
Karyesh & Karaka for progeny, Jupiter. Rahu is Nakshtra lord
of Lagnesh Mars and Sub lord of 5th lord & Karaka Jupiter.
Again Rahu had the main period for the native during crucial
• However due to the effect of Rahu & Mars, phase of life from 22 to 40 years of age. Hence they play
first delivery was premature but Sub lord important role in blessing progeny.
Jupiter saved the child. • 5th house is of Jupiter and 7th of Venus. Hence the first child
• In D-9, Putrakaraka Jupiter is Vargottam was male during Rahu-Jupiter period and second a female
exalted in 5th house as 1st - 10th lord.
during Rahu-Ketu (female planet) period.
Saptamsha - Rules Divisional Chart
• Lagna is the same as in D-1, so 1st, 51t1 & 91t1
house and lords of the chart remain same as in
D-1. The Lagna being in Shuddha Jala Saptamsha,

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the native is blessed with chaste, religious &
innocent children who will bring, comfort,
honour & happiness to him.
• D-7 lord being Mars denotes that native is
strong, powerful & full of vitality.
• Jupiter & Rahu are in 3rd & 91t1 house aspecting
mutually. Lagnesh Mars also aspects Rahu from
2nd house of Jupiter’s Mooltrikone.
• Lagna is in even sign aspected by Sun and Rahu,
hence there are less chances of happiness from
son than from daughter.
• Jupiter in 3rd house indicates that the native will
be rich b honest means.
Divisional Chart

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D-9 or Navamsha Chart
Strength of planets, Marital life
Navamsha - Rules Divisional Chart
• Effects of Number of Navamsha on LagnaAs per Varahmihir, Lagna of D-9 indicates
complexion, character and behaviour of the native. Each Navamsha of Lagna indicates as
• 1st Navamsha- Native is fickle minded, sinful, slanderous impudent, a thief, criticizes and

Bangalore III Chapter- Delineation

speaks ill of others.
• 2nd Navamsha- Native is truthful, honest, religious,learned, enthusiastic with strong
• 3rd Navamsha- Native is peace loving, impartial and judicious. He is comfort loving, passionate
and loves company of young Ladies.
• 4th Navamsha- Native is anxious to acquire everything seen or imagined and fulfills all his
• ambitions.
• 5th Navamsha- Native is virtuous, wealthy, lives long and is blessed with many sons.
• 6th Navamsha- Native is a coward, fraudulent, over ambitious, timid, revengeful and lacks in
male potency.
• 7th Navamsha- Native is brave, a warrior, invincible, strong willed, enthusiastic and clever.
• 8th Navamsha- Native is self disciplined, chaste, virtuous, has strong faith in self made values
and kind to subordinates.
• 9th Navamsha- Native is expert in his job, keep his senses in strict control, cruel and not
willing to listen to others.
Navamsha - Rules Divisional Chart
• Results of Various Navamsha Lords in D-9
• 1. Sun- Native has well proportioned body, fair complexion, brilliant, religious, bold, cruel,
destroyer of enemies, virile, has ups & down financially and suffer due to children.
• 2. Moon- The native is beautiful, virtuous, with a medium size body, attractive eyes, hairy skin,

Bangalore III Chapter- Delineation

happy and prosperous.
• 3. Mars- native is fair, brown hair, round eye and a cut mark on the head, bold, destroyer of
foes. If afflicted, he could be cheat, adulterous, wicked and greedy.
• 4. Mercury- Native has beautiful eyes & teeth, shining soft skin, long hair, well proportioned
body, He is famous, free from enemies and blessed with wealth, wisdom & happiness. He is
expert in commercial dealings.
• 5. Jupiter- Native is tall, handsome, beautiful eyes, lovely hair and complexion with a large
belly. He is talented, intelligent, virtuous, wealthy, generous, respectful to elders, adored by
women, rich voice with good children.
• 6. Venus- Native is handsome, virtuous, wealthy, generous and helpful. He has beautiful hair &
eyes, long neck, slightly dark complexion and refined taste in music, art & poetry. He is
blessed with gems, jewels, company of affectionate children & ladies.
• 7. Saturn- Native is tall, lean, devoid of physical beauty an attraction. He has dark complexion,
penetrating eyes, prefers to be alone. He is intelligent, hardworking, short tempered and
skilled in various craft & artesian works with limited income
Navamsha - Rules Divisional Chart
• Female Horoscopy
• 1. Planets as lord in D-9 chart
• a) Sun- Husband is amiable, hardworking & respectable.
• b) Moon- Husband is passionate, sensuous, gentle & modest.

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• c) Mars- Husband is hot tempered, quarrelsome & adulterous.
• d) Mercury- Husband is wise, skilful, youngish & learned.
• e) Jupiter- Husband is chaste, virtuous, learned & wealthy.
• f) Venus- Husband is handsome, faithful & keeps lady happy.
• g) Saturn- Husband is old, weak & sickly.
• 2. Planets in Lagna in D-9 chart
• a) Moon+Mercury- Lady is virtuous, intelligent, happy & skilled.
• b) Moon+Jupiter- Lady is mature, wealthy, respectful & learned.
• c) Moon+ Venus-She is beautiful, youngish, happy & envious.
• d) Mercury+Venus- She is attractive, artistic & loved by husband.
• e) Mercury+Jupiter- She is happy, talented, healthy & wealthy.
• f) Mars+Venus- She is bold, attractive but with loose moral.
Navamsha - Rules Divisional Chart
• Planets in 7th house in D-9
• Two or more malefics without benefic influence makes widow.
• Mars & Venus together or exchange house denotes possibility of extra-marital relations.
• Moon & Venus in Navamsha of Mars/ Saturn and aspected by Rahu/Ketu denote illicit relation

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of the lady.
• Benefic planet occupies in Navamsha of benefic, she is chaste, fortunate and loved by
Navamsha ChartInterpretation- Rules Divisional Chart
• Planets related to Lagna in D-9, give benefic results in the starting of their main or sub-
periods. These planets give mixed results during middle periods and weak/ bad results at the
end of their periods.
• Navamsha of naturally benefic planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus & Jupiter) are auspicious and

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capable of benefic results Navamsha of malefic or enemy planets (Sun,Mars, Saturn, Rahu &
Ketu) are inauspicious and give evil or bad results.
• A planet in exaltation / Mooltrikone/ own sign makes native clever, talented, wealthy, happy &
• A planet in last Navamsha and not Vargottam is inauspicious makes one ordinary/ low man in
society, devoid of happiness from family members and melancholy.
• Sun, Moon or Lagnesh if in exaltation/ Mooltrikone in D-9 gives one name, fame, prestige and
high position in society and marries a beautiful, intelligent and illustrious wife bringing good
luck to him.
• If D-9 Lagnesh occupies a Kendra in D-1, native marries early in teens; if in a Trikone, native
marries before 25 years of age.
• If in D-9 Lagnesh occupies 7th house and 7th lord is in 12th native marries around 25years of
age; if the sign of 8th house in D-1 becomes 7th house in D-9 and Venus occupies Lagna of D-9,
one marries around 30 years of age.
Navamsha ChartInterpretation- Rules Divisional Chart
• If D-9 Lagnesh occupies 6th/8th house and is associated with malefic planets, native marries
late after 30 years of age. If affliction is severe, native might remain unmarried.
• In D-9 chart if Lagnesh is exalted, spouse will be affectionate, noble and belong to a rich &
royal family and if it is debilitated, one marries a mean minded or vile spouse. If Lagnesh is

Bangalore III Chapter- Delineation

associated or aspected by benefics free from affliction, one gets a beautiful & faithful wife
without much effort.
• In D-9 Lagnesh occupies 8th house, native may cause the death of his wife. If sun conjoins
Rahu in 8th wife is poisoned; if associated with Mars, death of wife is caused by fire burns.
Afflicted Moon in 8th house gives an immoral wife.
• In D-9 if 7th house/lord is associated or aspected by benefics and Venus is well placed, native is
happily married. If 7th house is occupied or aspected by malefics, one may not have a happy
married life. If 7th lord is Sun/ Mars, native is affectionate, loyal and faithful to his spouse. If
Sun & Mercury are in 7th house, one might have physical/ emotional relations with other
person. If Venus as 7th lord is exalted and occupies 1st / 7th house with Mars, one might have
relations with many persons.
• In D-9, if 5th house/ lord is associated or aspected by benefics, native gets children and
happiness from them; but if by malefics, native is worried about children.
• If a natural malefic as 12th lord is placed in 3, 6, 10, or 12th house and 5th & 7th houses are
occupied by malefics, one suffers loss of children.
Navamsha ChartInterpretation- Rules Divisional Chart
• Strong & unafflictec:I planets occupying or aspecting 5th house decide the number of
children. Male planets (Sun, Mars & Jupiter) decide sons and female planets (Moon, Mercury
& Venus) decide daughters. Saturn, Rahu or Ketu may cause abortion, delay or denial of

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• 7th lord of D-1 if posited in Kendra/ trine in D-9, one is fortunate to have noble children who
would help the native to prosper in life. But if it is influenced by evil planets, one is worried
due to children.
• As per Varahmihir, 10th house/ lord in D-9 would decide the profession of the native. The
Navamsha lord of 10th lord of D-1 chart also denotes the means of livelihood as per its
• The malefics, if debilitated or in enemy sign, give auspicious results. Such a native is proficient
in many branches of knowledge. But if they are exalted or Vargottam in D-9, native becomes
arrogant, haughty, ungrateful, poor and is troubled by authorities.
Navamsha Chart Example Divisional Chart
• Analysis of Rashi Chart
• Lagna is in Nakshtra of Rahu and Sub of Moon and is
• occupied by Moon alone in Kemdrum Yoga making native
sick and indecisive. It is aspected by 3rd lord Sun, Lagnesh

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Mercury, 8 lord Saturn and Rahu, making Lagna weak.
Moon , Lagna & Lagnesh in odd signs deprives the native of
• 8-9th lord Saturn, in Paapkartari in Nakshtra of weak Moon
and Sub of afflicted Venus, aspects all Kendras including 7th
and lords of 2nd, 5th , 7th , & 12th, thus afflicting all Karakas
of marriage namely Venus, Moon and Jupiter.
• 5th lord Venus is in 6th in inimical sign & Sub and is in
• Sun in 7th delays marriage and is in Nakshtra of Venus and
Sub of Ketu.
• 7th lord Jupiter is Marak as well as Badhak for Gemini
Lagna and suffers from Kendradhipati Yoga and Papadhi
yoga as 6th, 7th & 8th from it are occupied by malefics.
• Rahu is in own Nakshtra & Sub placed in sign of Saturn and
aspects Lagna, 5th house and 11th lord Mars
Navamsha Chart Example Divisional Chart
• Analysis of Navamsha Chart
• Lagna & Lagnesh Jupiter are well placed, but Jupiter is
associated with 6th lord Sun and 8th lord Venus.
• 7 th house has no planet, but is aspected by Saturn. Its lord

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Mercury is in 3rd house aspected by Mars.
• 2nd house has no planet but is aspected by Mars & Saturn.
• 12th house has no planet, but is aspected by Ketu. Its lord
Saturn is in 6th from it.
• 5th house is occupied by 12th lord Saturn and 5th lord is
with Rahu
• 8th house is occupied by Mars exchanging place with 8th
lord Venus. Result-
• Though native belongs to middle class affluent family, he is
still unmarried
Divisional Chart

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D-10 or Dashamsha Chart
Professional Achievements, Honour
Dashamsha Chart Interpretation- Rules Divisional Chart
• Dasamsha, as the name suggests, is a chart with one tenth of each zodiac sign. Thus each
division is of an arc of three degrees.
• Dasamsha is a chart for studying professional affairs of a native. It is quite a tricky and the
most sought after field of predictive astrology. It covers numerous areas and highly charged &

Bangalore III Chapter- Delineation

competitive environment be it service, business, politics, social works or new emerging
• This makes it very difficult for the decision makers to identify one which would be most
suitable and successful keeping the potential of the native.
• Success in any field depends on leadership qualities, native’s inclination and the blessings of
the cosmos.
• This chart also indicates prestige, power and importance in the society. It helps to study social
status, prosperity, success and fame. The chart reveals the field of activity that brings good
fortune to the native.
• This chart is basically an extension of 10th house that represents Zenith in the horoscope.
• This is the most important Kendra that signifies Karma in a native's life that a person does to
earn his livelihood and to earn recognition by society/ authorities or to seek salvation.
• This chart is also used to assess the inclination or aptitude of the native for a profession or
field of activity which can bring good fortune and the level of his success therein
Dashamsha Chart Interpretation- Rules Divisional Chart
• Construction & Study
• The counting of Dasamsha is to be made from the same sign for a planet posited in an odd
sign; and from the 9th sign in case of an even sign.
• Each Dasamsha represent one of the 10 cardinal sign and their lords as the presiding deity i.e.

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Indra, Agni, Yama, Raksha, Varun, Vayu, Kubera, Ishan, Brahma and Ananta are the lords of the
Dasamsha in case of an odd sign; and for even signs the order of the lords is reversed.
The Karakas for 10th house or Dasamsha are:-
• Sun- To gain power, position & authority or to organize/
cultivate a diligent team. It also gives political career.
• Mercury- It rules analytical and communicative skills and
generates wealth business or profession.
• Jupiter- It rules honesty, knowledge & dependability and
signifies progress & growth in business or service.
• Saturn- It rules the 10th & 11th house of natural zodiac, hence
the natural Karaka. It signifies hard work, steel & cement,
machinery, farming and labour force.
Dashamsha Chart Interpretation- Rules Divisional Chart
• Construction & Study
• While analyzing Dasamsha, the "Arthtrikone" of 2nd, 6th & 10th house be studied in detail.
Seventh house being 10th from 10th is also very important.
• 6th house rules service and 7th the business. So if 6th house is strong, native will get a good

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job and 7th is strong,native will succeed in business. If a debilitated malefic planet is there in
7th house, native is forced to do service. 4th house is also vital as planets posited here directly
aspect 10th house.
• The interpretation of 5th and 6th houses and their lords gets some what modified. 5th house/
lord gives inauspicious results as 5th is death (8th) of Karma (10th) and gain (11th) of opponent
(7th); where as 6th is luck/ fate (9th) of Karma (10th) or Karma (10th) of boss, fate or father
• Saturn is important as it is lord of Capricorn, the sign of 10th house in the natural zodiac. If
Capricorn & its lord Saturn are afflicted, the native may perform cruel, heinous and criminal
deeds. If such Saturn contact Lagna/ Lagnesh, native become dependent on others as his own
financial position is lowered. Otherwise if 10th house coincides with Capricorn, native may be
dutiful, influential and brilliant in profession.
• The boss is seen from 9th house/ lord and subordinate staff/ help is judged from 5th house/
lord. Malefic influence on 9 will cause problems & humiliation due to boss and benefic
influence denotes a good and helpful boss.
Dashamsha Chart Interpretation- Rules Divisional Chart
• If Lagnesh is posited in 9th house, one likes to be his own boss and business is indicated. 2nd
house indicates availability of finance for starting a business. The Kendras to 2nd house i.e. 5th
8th and 11th denotes money to be put in by a partner, loan from bank and self finance

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• In a chart, Lagna denotes self, 6th house service, 7th the business and 10th the success or
power attained.
• 3rd houses from these i.e. 3rd 8th 9th and 12th house/ lord cause problems during their Dasha.
3rd house indicates short leave, 12 long leave and 8th the retirement.
• Association of Sun-Saturn in 6th or 10th house from Lagna or Moon. Moon denotes conflicts
with superiors.
• Rahu in Lagna in D-10 shows fluctuations in fortunes and changes native's career.
• Planets in Kendras during their main/ sub-periods give promotion and profits. Whereas 5th or
9th lords during their period/ sub period would give favour/ fortunes through friends/
• Association of Saturn, or a malefic or debilitated planet with 10th house/ lord, cause problems
in profession or loss of reputation.
Dashamsha Chart Interpretation- Rules Divisional Chart
• If Lagnesh is posited in 9th house, one likes to be his own boss and business is indicated. 2nd
house indicates availability of finance for starting a business. The Kendras to 2nd house i.e. 5th
8th and 11th denotes money to be put in by a partner, loan from bank and self finance

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• In a chart, Lagna denotes self, 6th house service, 7th the business and 10th the success or
power attained. 3rd houses from these i.e. 3rd 8th 9th and 12th house/ lord cause problems
during their Dasha. 3rd house indicates short leave, 12 long leave and 8th the retirement.
• Association of Sun-Saturn in 6th or 10th house from Lagna or Moon. Moon denotes conflicts
with superiors.
• Rahu in Lagna in D-10 shows fluctuations in fortunes and changes native's career.
• Planets in Kendras during their main/ sub-periods give promotion and profits. Whereas 5th or
9th lords during their period/ sub period would give favour/ fortunes through friends/
• Association of Saturn, or a malefic or debilitated planet with 10th house/ lord, cause problems
in profession or loss of reputation.
• 10th house has Argala on 6th (enemy).7th (servant). 9th (fortune) and 12th (expenses) houses.
11th . 1st, 2nd and 8th houses have Argala on 10th house and are capable of affecting one's
career, business and social status.
• Transit of relevant planets with reference to Moon gives accurate results with precise timings
in matters related to D-10
Dashamsha Chart Interpretation- Rules Divisional Chart
• Analysis of Rashi Chart
• Native is born in 8th Navamsha of Cancer giving her a bell shaped head
and beautiful looks. She works slowly but steadily. Being in 3rd Decanate
of cancer, she has settled in a foreign country and follows her own
standard of morality & righteousness. For this Lagna, Saturn & Jupiter are

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functional malefics. Lagna is occupied by 7-8th lord retrograde Saturn in
own Nakshtra & Sub of 6 lord Jupiter, but is aspected by Yogakaraka Mars
from 6th house giving good health and immense stamina to fight back
and regain status.
• Lagnesh Moon in Nakshtra of Rahu and Sub of Jupiter is in 12th and is
aspected by 9th lord Jupiter and 10th lord Mars gave her Rajyoga at a place
far away from her native place. Moon is also hemmed between Rahu &
Saturn making her indecisive at critical moments.
• 4th lord Venus in 4th gave her Malavya Yoga and with 9th lord Jupiter gave
a good Rajyoga as well.
• 10th house is Aries aspected by 9th lord Jupiter (own Nakshtra &. Sub of
satum) and 4-11 th lord Venus giving her all the comfort&. luxuries
• in life. But aspect by 7-Bth lord 5aturn (R) in own Nakshtra & Sub of Jupiter acts as a dampener.
• 10th lord Mars in Nakshtra of Ketu & Sub of Venus is weak being in state of infancy. It aspects 9th house, Lagnesh & Lagna
and denotes great struggle to maintain position & prestige Karaka for power & politics, Sun, is 2nd lord in 5th but
• combined with Ketu. She is currently having Mercury period since Aug 1995, which gives her ruling power, but
association of Ketu is known to give political reverses and a cover of mask/ cloud. Sub-periods of malefic Jupiter &
Saturn may cause downfall
Dashamsha Chart Interpretation- Rules Divisional Chart
• Analysis of D-10 Chart
• 4th house of D-1 is Lagna and is aspected by Yogkaraka
Saturn from 11th house of gains.
• Lagnesh Venus aspected by 2-7th lord (of in-laws'

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wealth) Mars. She got wealth, fame & power due to her
husband & in-laws.
• 10th house is occupied by 9-12th lord Mercury and Rahu
and is aspected by 2-7th lord Mars (10th lord of D-1) from
• Hence during Mercury- Mars, she got power though
truncated. But aspect of Mars on Rahu may also cause
sudden downfall
• 10th lord Moon exchanges place with 12th lord Mercury.
10th lord Moon, Moon is also aspected by 11th lord Sun
and 3-6th lord Jupiter. But Mercury being in Rahu-Ketu
axis put a mask over her power.
• 5. The sub-period of Saturn may not be lucky for her as
Saturn is Retrograde and cause Dasha Chhidra. This
Saturn is in Lagna in D-1, in 10th house in D-9 and in 11th
aspecting Lagna in D-1
Divisional Chart

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D-12 or Dwadashamsha Chart
Parents, Parental Happiness
Dwadashamsha Chart Interpretation- Rules Divisional Chart
• The Dwadasamsha (also known as Suryamsha) is denoted by D- 12. It is the last division in the
first cycle of physical awareness/ existence or it is the first harmonic of the 12th house of the
Rasi chart.
• As per Maharishi Parashar, Dwadasamsha refers to readings about the parents. 12th house is

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indicative of the family into which a native is born. 1st house is seat of birth and 2nd from 12th.
Thus the birth of the native is the fruit of the parents' efforts to continue their dynasty
• In this chart each sign of the zodiac is divided into 12 equal parts of 2 degree 30 minutes or 2.5
degree of angular space. It is one of the six Shadvargas. This chart is studied to know about
the predecessors, their longevity & comfort, social & financial standing and amount of
happiness one can derive from them.
• As D-12 is connected to physical plane only, it denotes parents and grandparents from both
sides and their dose relations.
• The Karma coming from more distant generations are indicated in D-40 or D-45 charts. Thus
• this chart provides a link between the past and future lives.
Dwadashamsha Chart Interpretation- Rules Divisional Chart
• In this chart, counting always starts from the sign itself i.e. the first division of any sign will
belong to the sign itself. The whole zodiac is divided into 144 Dwadasamshas each covering an
arc of 2°-30’.
• The lords/ deities of the Dwadasamshas are Ganesh, Ashwani Kumars, Yama and Sarpa/

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Vasuki. They repeat three times in each sign. Maharishi Parashar by giving lordships to these
divisions, has suggested that to strengthen a planet, the native should worship the deity thus
indicated to remove the malefic effects of the planet during its Dasha period or transit. The
role of deities are:-
• Ganesh; He is lord of 1, 5 & gth divisions. He is the beloved son of Lord Shiva and mother
Parvati. Ganesh is the lord of wisdom, prosperity and remover of obstacles. He is very learned,
intelligent, brave, noble, pious, faithful to parents and lord of common people.
• Remembering Ganesh during crisis or at the commencement of any work, success is assured.
• Ashwani Kumars: They are lord of 2, 6 & 10th divisions. The male twins of Sun god are
physicians to the deities. They are very wise, young; intelligent, skilled & expert in the science
of healing and restoration of health.
• Even today many surgeons & physicians worship them to cure their patients.
• Yama: He is lord of 3, 7 & 11th divisions. Yama is also son of Sun god. He is Lord of death and
rules over hell. He signifies restraint, self control, moral values, impartiality, justice, equality,
endurance, duty and responsibility.
Dwadashamsha Chart Interpretation- Rules Divisional Chart
• Sarpa or Vasuki: He is lord of 4, 8 & 12th divisions. It denotes wickedness, cheating, revenge,
killing and last part of the day. It also denotes love for solitude, cleanliness, power of
endurance and satisfaction
• There is another variation of group of Deities/lords suggested by sage Parashar for 12

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different Dwadasamshas of any nativity in any given sign.
• Each deity has an implied meaning and bestows different results for Lagna or any planet
when it falls in a particular amsha. These deities represent each Dwadasamsha along with
their implied meaning as under:
Of the deities mentioned above, Kubera, Kirtee,
Mohana & Indra (nos. 1, 4, 7 &10) are most
auspicious; Patanga, Maayaavi, Kinnara & Leela
(nos. 2, 6, 8 & 11) are mediocre; and Hala,
Vihwala, Sarpa & Kokila (nos. 3, 5, 9 & 12) are the
least auspicious as stated by Parashar.
This system has been amply tested by Justice
S.N. Kapoor and by Dr. Suresh Chandra Mishra.
Dwadashamsha Chart Interpretation- Rules Divisional Chart
• Karakas, Houses & Planets
• Karakas- Sun and Moon are the natural Karakas for father and mother. Jupiter is the karaka
for paternal relations including grandparents and Mercury is for maternal relations/ grand
parents. Some astrologers consider Rahu for paternal grandparents and Ketu for maternal

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grandparents. The 3rd and 4th in the order of Char Karakas acts as Pitrukaraka and
Matrukaraka. Their connection with Atrnakaraka will denote transfer of Rajyoga or power
from the parents.
• Houses- The father should be judged from 9th house from Lagna or Sun and the mother from
4th from Lagna or Moon. Paternal grand father is seen from 5th (9th from 9th) house and
paternal grand mother from 12th C4th from 9th) house from Lagna or Sun.
• Maternal grand parents are seen from 7th and 12th house from Lagna or Moon.
• The 2nd and 7th houses from these are Maraka Sthan for these relations who may die in
Dasha lorded by planets conjoining or lording them.
• The Lagna indicates native's nature towards parents & family in general and the influences he
gets from them. It also denotes events around the birth of the native.
• The Arudha Lagna indicate show others see him in connection with his family. The 2nd house
denotes childhood of the native and the maintenance provided by the parents during
Dwadashamsha Chart Interpretation- Rules Divisional Chart
• 12th house indicates parental existence or any harm/ trauma suffered by them at the time of
birth. The 3rd & 11th houses denote relations with siblings in terms of parents' filial attraction.
11th house also denotes occasional gains or support later on after marriage.
• 6th house indicates debts incurred by parents which may become a burden on native or a debt

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towards them. 8th house denotes the inheritance or a loan from parents. 10th house indicates
vocational skills taught by the father.
Dwadashamsha Chart Interpretation- Rules Divisional Chart
• If Lagnesh is a strong benefic or associated/ aspected by a benefic, native is fortunate,
wealthy, prosperous and blessed with a noble wife. A weak / malefic Lagnesh denotes hard
life and poverty.
• If 7th lord is associated/ aspected by benefics, native gets noble virtuous wife, good children

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and affection from maternal lineage. An afflicted 7th house/ lord denote troubles from wife
and maternal relations.
• If Lagna or Lagnesh of D-12 chart is placed in Rasi chart in
• Lagna- The native is as rich & prosperous as his father
• In a Trika house- Native is deprived of any comforts from father.
• Is debilitated, combust or associated with malefics- native gets very bad results. He is
• troubled by fire, thief or authorities.
• In 11th house- Native enjoys father's wealth and becomes rich and prosperous.
• Sign of exaltation or own or with a strong benefic- It is lucky both for native as well as for
parents and all help and happiness from parents would be forthcoming.
• Unobstructed Argalas on 8th house denote nature of inheritance, on 11th the ways parents
help the native and on Badhak Sthans from Lagna the ways relatives obstruct the native from
• D-12 is the last division of the first cycle of Vargas and thus should be used for finer analysis
along with other charts
Dwadashamsha Chart Interpretation- Rules Divisional Chart
• Analysis of Rasi Chart
• Native is a female born at night with Lagna,
Lagnesh & Moon in even sign makes
Mahabhagya Yoga giving her birth in an

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aristocratic family.
• Her Sun is in 5th with 12th lord Mercury
aspected by 9th lord Jupiter and Yogkaraka
Mars,which further confirms it.
• Her Lagna is Cancer in Nakshtra of Mercury
(12th lord) and Sub of Rahu (representing
grandfather) showing their influence on her.
• For this Lagna Saturn & Jupiter are functional
• Lagnesh has exchanged sign with 7th lord, 5th
lord has exchanged with 11th lord and 2nd lord
has exchanged with 5th lord. Again Mars as
Yogkaraka aspects 9th house and 9th 4.
• lord aspects 10th lord Mars. All these create
powerful Rajyoga.
Dwadashamsha Chart Interpretation- Rules Divisional Chart
• Analysis of D-1 Chart
• 4th lord Venus is in 5th house in Rahu-Ketu axis
and Moon (Nakshtra of Sun & Sub of Saturn) in
inimical Capricorn is aspected by malefics

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Saturn and Jupiter (R) causing chronic illness
and early death of her mother
• Her 9th lord Jupiter is retrograde, functional
malefic (being 5th lord) and posited in Badhak
Sthan from Lagna.
• Her 9th house from Sun is afflicted by 8th lord
Saturn and Sun itself is in Nakshtra & Sub of
Saturn and aspected by Jupiter. Hence native
could not have love & care of his father during
early life.
• Native suffered from Kuja Dosha as Mars is in
2nd house afflicted by Rahu.
• Mars aspects 8th house of Mangalya and 8th
lord Saturn afflicts Lagna. She did not have
good marital life and became widow at an early
age of 41.
Dwadashamsha Chart Interpretation- Rules

Divisional Chart
Analysis of D-12 Chart
• Taurus is the Lagna, hence Jupiter & Mars are functional
• Venus being Lagnesh made her brave, bold, prosperous,
wealthy and an eloquent speaker.

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• She was born in Varna Dwadasamsha giving lot of self
control, restraint, endurance power, duty and
• 7th lord Mars is aspected by 8th lord Jupiter & Ketu from
6th house and the Jupiter is placed in 7th giving her
troubled marital life.
• Lagnesh Venus occupies 5th house of D-1, depriving her
love & care of father during early life.
• This is further confirmed as Karaka Sun is in 8th house
aspected by Rahu and Saturn.
• Moon as 3rd lord is associated with Saturn and aspected
by 8tn lord Jupiter, 4th lord Sun is afflicted in 8th and
4th from 4th (7th) is occupied by 8th lord hemmed
between Ketu and Sun. Hence she lost her mother early.
• 5-12th lord Mars placed in 10th house of Saturn is in
mutual aspect with 1-6th lord Venus and is also aspected
by 8th lord Jupiter & Ketu from 6th. This at times
denotes immoral nature.
Divisional Chart

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D-30 or Trimshamsha Chart
Arishtas and Miseries
Trimshamshamsha Divisional Chart
• Trimsha means thirty and this Varga Should indicate 30 divisions of a sign. However in
practice, divisions are done quite differently. Each division has relevance to longevity and
• D-30 basically delineates 30= 12x2+6 or 6th house significations in the 3rd cycle of sub-

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conscious plane. This chart is used to determine all types of evils, adversities, misfortunes and
calamities, one has to suffer due to past karmas.
• Among all the Vargas, D-30 is special to female nativity describing her moral character and all
possible calamities that she may have to face.
• 3. Trimshamsha deals with all diseases and evils represented by Trika houses 6th, 8th and 12th
• Diseases can be of two types:
internal disease which affect either the body (8th house) or mind (5th & 8th house).
• External diseases are also of two types;
• Known (6th house) and unknown (Badhak & Badhakesh). This chart also suggests remedial
approach to face various calamities.
Trimshamsha Divisional Chart
• In this chart, the two luminaries, Sun & Moon, are excluded from any lordship. Moreover, the
divisions instead of being proportional, are based on a different principle, as under:
Odd Signs Even Signs Diety/Lord Weakness
Degree ⁰ Amsha of Degree ⁰ Amsha of

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00⁰-05⁰ 5 Mars/Aries 00⁰-05⁰ 5 Venus/Taurus Fire Madhya/Intoxicated
05⁰-10⁰ 5 Saturn/Acuq 05⁰-12⁰ 7 Mercury/Virgo Air Maansa/Meat
10⁰-18⁰ 8 Jupiter/Sagitta. 12⁰-20⁰ 8 Jupiter/Pisces Indra Matsya/Fish
18⁰-25⁰ 7 Mercury/Gem. 20⁰-25⁰ 5 Saturn/Capricorn Kuber Mudra/Wealth
25⁰-30⁰ 5 Venus/Libra 25⁰-30⁰ 5 Mars/Scorpio Varuna Maithuna/Sex

• The purpose of assigning lordship to different deities are to ascertain the root cause of the
problem faced by the nat1ve and suggest a suitable remedial measure to him. The deities are
based on five elements as under:
• a) Fire: He represents anger, grief and denotes bilious problems. It is ruled by Mars. The native
may suffer from high temperature burns, lnjuries, blood related diseases, abortion,
miscarriage, surgical operation etc. one may suffer due to electric shock or injuries by fire
arms. Its worshipping deity is Sun.
Trimshamsha Divisional Chart
• The purpose of assigning lordship to different deities are to ascertain the root cause of the problem
faced by the nat1ve and suggest a suitable remedial measure to him. The deities are based on five
elements as under:
• Fire: He represents anger, grief and denotes bilious problems. It is ruled by Mars. The native may

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suffer from high temperature burns, lnjuries, blood related diseases, abortion, miscarriage, surgical
operation etc. one may suffer due to electric shock or injuries by fire arms. Its worshipping deity is Sun.
• Air: It is ruled by slow moving Saturn. The native may suffer from complex and chronic diseases, with
slow recovery. One may suffer from paralysis, cancer, hysteria, lunacy, theft or injury due to a fall.
Native may also suffer from rheumatism, respiratory or joints problems. Its worshipping deity is lord
• Indra: He is king of deities and falls in the division of Jupiter. The native may suffer from obesity,
anemia, jaundice or some conflict over a religious place. One may also suffer from curse of a Brahmin
or a conflict with senior officers or judiciary. The deity is lord Narayana
• Kuber: He is giver of wealth and prosperity being treasurer of gods and rules over divisions of
Mercury. The native may suffer due to strained relations of maternal side, poor memory, nervous/
emotional break down, insanity, skin diseases, financial losses or penalties imposed by state
authorities. Its deity is Lord Ganesha.
• Varun: He is god of water and controls divisions of Venus. The native might suffer due to defects in
generative system, kidney, sex or water-borne diseases. One may also suffer due to flood or ghosts. Its
worshipping deity is Devi.
Trimshamsha Divisional Chart
• The purpose of assigning lordship to different deities are to ascertain the root cause of the problem
faced by the nat1ve and suggest a suitable remedial measure to him. The deities are based on five
elements as under:
• Fire: He represents anger, grief and denotes bilious problems. It is ruled by Mars. The native may

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suffer from high temperature burns, lnjuries, blood related diseases, abortion, miscarriage, surgical
operation etc. one may suffer due to electric shock or injuries by fire arms. Its worshipping deity is Sun.
• Air: It is ruled by slow moving Saturn. The native may suffer from complex and chronic diseases, with
slow recovery. One may suffer from paralysis, cancer, hysteria, lunacy, theft or injury due to a fall.
Native may also suffer from rheumatism, respiratory or joints problems. Its worshipping deity is lord
• Indra: He is king of deities and falls in the division of Jupiter. The native may suffer from obesity,
anemia, jaundice or some conflict over a religious place. One may also suffer from curse of a Brahmin
or a conflict with senior officers or judiciary. The deity is lord Narayana
• Kuber: He is giver of wealth and prosperity being treasurer of gods and rules over divisions of
Mercury. The native may suffer due to strained relations of maternal side, poor memory, nervous/
emotional break down, insanity, skin diseases, financial losses or penalties imposed by state
authorities. Its deity is Lord Ganesha.
• Varun: He is god of water and controls divisions of Venus. The native might suffer due to defects in
generative system, kidney, sex or water-borne diseases. One may also suffer due to flood or ghosts. Its
worshipping deity is Devi.
Trimshamsha Divisional Chart
Delineation of Lagna
• The Lagna of any chart shows the native himself. We have to focus on Lagna, 6th, 8th and 10th house
to know the weakness caused by Shadripus. These are indicated by Kaama/ lust by Venus, Krodh/
angerby Mars, Lobha/ greed by Rahu, Maha/illusion by Ketu, Mada/ proud by Saturn and Matsarya/

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jealousy by Mercury. Planets in Lagna will show weakness acquired during current birth directly
related to bodily weakness.
• In addition Lagnesh and planets in Lagna will indicate the Tatwa that has gone weak or strong. 10th
house shows mental weakness developed due to various pressures which mind fails to cope. 8th house
shows weaknesses inherited from past births.
• If D-30 Lagna is ruled by Mars, native would be cruel, wicked, less intelligent, ugly, poor, cunning,
interested in other's wealth/ lady. Such a native could be merciless, foul- mouthed and fickle minded.
• If D-30 Lagna is ruled by Saturn, the native may be nasty, Lazy, lethargic and devoid of education. He
may be ugly, impotent, ungrateful, greedy, speaks ill of others and enjoys misdeed
• If D-30 Lagna is ruled by Jupiter, native is noble glorious, rich and prosperous. He may be learned
religious, long lived, reputed and blessed with meritorious children.
• If Mercury is Lagnesh, native may be rich learned hospitable, generous and having good friends. At
time he may be egoistic and attracted by beautiful girls, scents and flowers.
• If Venus is Lagnesh, native is beautiful, generous, kind hearted and friend of wise & noble people. He is
sensuous, happy, rich and prosperous.
Trimshamsha Divisional Chart
Delineation of Planets in own Trimshamsha
• Mars in own sign makes the native strong, powerful, brave, generous and blessed with costly clothes/
• Saturn in own sign makes the native weak sick cruel poor, unhappy and ill-reputed. He may suffer loss

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of wife/ children and may have illicit relations with other’s wife.
• Jupiter in own sign makes the native rich, reputed,brilliant, learned, lucky, enterprising, happy and
healthy. He enjoys all comforts and bliss of life.
• Mercury in own signs makes native clever, good orator, lover of music & arts. He is a skilled craftsman
with good technical knowledge.
• Venus in own sign makes native handsome, happy, healthy, Prosperous, loved by friends and has a
happy married life. If afflicted, native may be adulterous despite a loving & faithful wife.
• Sun if in sign of Mars, native is brave, valorous and conquers enemies. If in sign of Saturn, one wanders
aimless with an evil mind and disrupts peace. If in sign of Jupiter, one is rich, reputed, prosperous and
happy. If in sign of Mercury, native worships deities, preceptor and learned people. He is loved by
noble persons/ friends. If in signs of Venus, one is handsome, happy, healthy and sensuous
• Moon in sign of Mars, makes one lazy, lethargic and clumsy. If in sign of Saturn, makes native cruel,
hard hearted and a killer. If in sign of Jupiter, one is peace loving, prosperous, wealthy and wise. If in
sign of Mercury, native is learned, well versed in scriptures, sensuous and a good orator. If in sign of
Venus, one is rich, popular, reputed and respected in the society.
Trimshamsha Divisional Chart
Delineation of Planets in Female Horoscopes

If placed in Leo in D-1 and D-30 Lagna is of

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• Mars- Native is bold, aggressive, authoritative and manly. She is extrovert and least feminine in
• Mercury- Native is cruel, deceptive, wicked and with manly qualities.
• Jupiter- Native is married into a royal and rich family. She is honoured and appreciated by the
• society.
• Venus- Native is seductive and adulterous. She is easily excited and sexually passionate.
• Saturn- Native is ill famed, immoral, having sexual relations with low class people.

If placed in Cancer in D-1 and D-30 Lagna is of

• Mars- She is independent, do thing as per her wishes and believes in free sex.
• Mercury- She is an expert in technical matters and various arts. She is talented, virtuous and sweet
• Jupiter- Native is brilliant, genius, virtuous and happy.
• Venus- Native is beautiful, lusty, immoral. She believes in free sex and spoils family name.
• Saturn- She may be a widow, kill or torture her husband, or be instrumental in killing her husband.
Trimshamsha Divisional Chart
Delineation of Planets in Female Horoscopes

If D-1 Lagna is of Mars and D-30 Lagna is of

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• Mars- She is aggressive, independent and believes in free sex with person of her choice.
• Mercury- Native is crafty, illusive, cunning and clever.
• Jupiter- Native is modest, virtuous, righteous and kind hearted.
• Venus- She is passionate, immoral and obsessed with sex.
• Saturn- She may be a maid servant or manages house hold affairs as one

If placed in Mercury in D-1 and D-30 Lagna is of

• Mars- She will be cunning, illusive and guileful. She safe guards her secrets or expert in espionage.
• Mercury- Native is talented artist and well versed in music, dance and drama.
• Jupiter- She is righteous, virtuous and faithful to husband.
• Venus- She will work a lot and have high sexual desires
• Saturn- Native is cold or averse to sex, control her mind and senses or as per Phaldeepika may be a
Trimshamsha Divisional Chart
Delineation of Planets in Female Horoscopes

If D-1 Lagna is of Jupiter and D-30 Lagna is of

Bangalore III Chapter- Delineation

• Mars- Native is meritorious, talented, hard & sincere and just wonderful.
• Mercury- She is wise, intelligent, with a scientific temperament and expert in managing home and
related issues.
• Jupiter- She is virtuous, religious and practical. She gets love and affection of her husband.
• Venus- Native is beautiful, talented and sexually liberated. She is faithful to husband and may be a Sati.
• Saturn- Native is cold, contended and free from sexual desires. She may be slow and lethargic

If placed in Venus in D-1 and D-30 Lagna is of

• Mars- Native is wicked and immoral.

• Mercury- She is intelligent and expert in all forms of art.
• Jupiter- Native is religious, virtuous, respectable and faithful to her husband.
• Venus- She is beautiful, chaste but lusty. She enjoys all luxuries of life.
• Saturn- She becomes widow or remarries after divorce
Trimshamsha Divisional Chart
Delineation of Planets in Female Horoscopes

If D-1 Lagna is of Saturn and D-30 Lagna is of

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• Mars- She is a maid servant, works hard and manages her home well.
• Mercury- Native is cunning, deceptive and crooked.
• Jupiter- She is religious, chaste, intelligent and like to control her husband.
• Venus- Native is intelligent, well versed in Shastras but may be childless or sterile.
• Saturn- Native is narrow minded and moves in company of bad males doing misdeeds
Trimshamsha – Interpretation Rules Divisional Chart
• If Lagnesh of D-30 if posited in a Kendra/ trine or influenced by benefics, native enjoys prosperity and
• all comforts of life free from any anxiety, grief or calamity.
• If Lagnesh is combust, debilitated or posited in evil (6tn, 8th or 12th) Houses, opponents and enemies

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• the native increases.
• Benefics in evil houses give a peaceful death whereas malefics there cause accidental death.
• A planet occupying own Trimshamsha gives strong results corresponding to the house it owns in D-1,
• whereas a planet weak or badly placed or associated with enemy in D-30, would give evil effects
pertaining to the house owned by it in D-1.
• If Rasi chart is fiery and D-30 shows its opposite (Jala tatwa). There is bound to be problems during
dashaantar dasha of hostile planets like Sun-Saturn, Venus-Saturn or Mercury- Mars.
• Natural period is a vital tool to find out period of negative experience, one is likely to face.
• The natural ruler of a native age band of-
• Below 10 is Mercury,
• 10 to 18 is Mars,
• 18 to 32 is Venus,
• 33 to 50 is Jupiter
• above 50 is Saturn.
• Any affliction to these planets will show negative experience in corresponding age group.
Trimshamsha – Interpretation Rules Divisional Chart
• The luminaries, Sun & Moon, are excluded from the lordship of any part presumably on the belief that
as life giver & life sustainer they do not cause any calamity.
• As Trimshamsha Lagna shows one's weakness, a proper remedy may take care of it. If D-30 Lagna is of
Mars, light a lamp and worship Sun, if it is Mercury, do Japa and worship Ganesha; for Jupiter, do

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meditation and worship Narayana; for Venus, do donation and worship goddess Devi; and for Saturn,
do pranayama and worship lord Shiva.
• If Satwik planets- Sun, Moon & Jupiter are strong and well placed in D-30, the native is virtuous &
• If Rajsik planets, Mercury and Venus, are strong, native is passionate, lover of art & music, aggressive
and determined;
• If Tamsik planets, Mars, Saturn & Nodes, are strong, native is fraudulent, illusive & lazy.
Divisional Chart

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D-16 or Shodashamsha Chart
Conveyances, General Happiness
Shodashamsha Divisional Chart
• Shodasamsha or D-16 is also called Kalamsha or Nirupmamsha. The word Kala refers to 16 stages of
increasing Moon and Moon denotes happiness and riches. So this chart indicates general happiness
• This chart is the first important one beyond the first cycle of Vargas and is included in Dasvarga
scheme of Maharishi Parashar.

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• It is the 2nd harmonic of the 4th house that puts focus on the happiness (4th house) the mind (2nd
harmonic) experiences through luxuries and material comforts like Vehicles.
• It differs from income or immovable assets and lays stress on enjoyment of wealth. /ls the name
suggests, in this chart each zodiac sign is divided into 16 equal parts of 1 degree 52 minutes 30 seconds
or 1-52.5' of angular space.
Shodashamsha –Construction and Deities Divisional Chart
• For planets located in movable signs, counting starts from Aries onwards. For planets in fixed signs,
counting starts from Leo onwards and for planets in dual signs counting starts from Sagittarius

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Shodashamsha –Rules for interpretation Divisional Chart
• Jupiter is the Karaka of luxuries & Sukha (happiness) and shows from where this happiness comes
from. However Venus being the Karaka for vehides is equally important.
• The Marakas (2nd & 7th) from the 4th house or Arudha of 4th (Sukhapad) are detrimental towards
luxuries and during Dasha related to planets associated with them, native may have loss of luxuries or

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accidents like vehicle accidents, air crash/ shipwrecks.
• 2nd house being 11th from 4th, will show gain/ wealth from vehicles which is obstructed by 6th house
indicating competition/ enemy.
• 3rd house being 12th from 4th, should be checked fo leasing out vehicles. The same is obstructed by 5th
house which shows followers/ lineages use of an object like weapon, vehicle etc. which a native may
• Between Lagna & 7th house, if Lagna is stronger, native uses the conveyance himself, but if 7th house
is stronger, the conveyance is used for commercial purposes.
• The Arudha pada of 4th house will show how the native goes about in acquiring the luxuries and who
help him/her to do so.
Shodashamsha –Example Divisional Chart
• Analysis of D-1 chart
• Lagna is Taurus in Nakshtra & Sub of Moon, occupied by 7- 12th
lord Mars in Nakshtra of Moon & Sub of Venus. It is not aspected
by any planet. Thus Lagna is under influence of Moon.
• Lagnesh Venus (Nakshtra of 4th lord Sun & Sub of 8-12th lord

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Jupiter) is strong as it is in 5th with debilitation cancelled due to
being in Kendra from Moon.
• Jupiter, Karaka for space, happiness & prosperity, is in 2nd in
Nakshtra of Yogkaraka Saturn & own Sub aspecting Saturn &
Moon in 8th forming Gajkesari Yoga giving luck & lasting fame to
the native.
• Both the Karakas are in Kendra to each other and aspected by
Yogkaraka Saturn associated with Moon.
• This blesses native with all luxuries and makes him research
oriented in matters of air and space.
• Jupiter is posited in 2nd (11th from 4th) house indicating gain/
wealth and Venus as 6th lord is in 5th (12th from 6th) denotes
end of any challenge to native's gain/ fame.
• 4th house is occupied by 2-5th lord Mercury (Nakshtra of Saturn
& Sub of Jupiter) aspected by 7-12th lord Mars and by Rahu. 4th
lord Sun is in 3rd hemmed between the benefics Jupiter &
Shodashamsha –Example Divisional Chart
• Analysis of D-16 chart
• Lagna is Capncorn, under the lordship of Mahesh (9th
house sign of D-1), occupied by 7th lord Moon and is
aspected by 4-11 th lord Mars & 1-2nd lord Saturn both

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from 7th house.
• Lagnesh Saturn, Yogkaraka 9-10th lord of D-1, is
associated with 4-11 th lord Mars. There is exchange of
sign between Lagnesh Saturn and 7th lord Moon
indicating help from colleagues & superiors.
• D-1 Lagnesh Venus is associated with 9th lord Mercury in
12th house indicating favour of fortune in achieving
mental happiness/ success.
• 4th house is aspected by 3-12th lord Jupiter denoting that
native is bold & brave with great power of sustenance.
• 4th lord Mars is associated with 1-2nd lord Saturn, aspects
10th house, Moon in Lagna and Sun in 2nd house. This
gives native eternal happiness which his mind
experienced through his bold adventure in space vehicle.
Types of Divisional Charts

Divisional Chart Division Purpose

Rashi/Lagna Chart – D1 Natal Chart Delineating of all aspects of life
Shadvargiya Charts

Hora – D2 House/2 = 15⁰ Wealth and prosperity

Dreshkan/Drekkana – D3 House/3 = 10⁰ Siblings, health/longevity
Navamsha Chart – D9 House/9 = 3⁰20’ Strength of planets, Marital life
Dwadashamsha – D12 House/12 = 2⁰30’ Parents, Parental Happiness
Trimshamsha – D30 House/30 = 1⁰ Arishtas and Miseries

Divisional Chart Division Purpose


Saptamsha – D7 House/7 = 4⁰ 17’ Progeny

Sapta Vargas = Shadvargas + Saptamsha or D-7
Types of Divisional Charts
Divisional Chart Division Purpose
Sapta Vargas +
Dasha Varga

Dashamsha – D10 House/10 = 3⁰ Professional Achievements, Honour

Shodashamsha – D16 House/16=1⁰52’30” Conveyances, General Happiness
Shastiamsha – D60 House/60 = 1⁰ Overall aspects of life
Divisional Chart Division Purpose
Dasha Varga charts +
Shodasha Varga Charts

Chaturthamsha – D4 House/10 = 3⁰ Finance, Movable/immovable assets

Vimshamsha – D20 House/20=1⁰30’ Spiritual/Religious Activities
Chaturvimshamsha – D24 House/24=1⁰15’ Education. Academic pursuits
Saptavimshamsha – D27 Hou/27=1⁰6’40” Strength & weaknesses of Horoscope
Khavedamsha – D40 House/40=0⁰45’ Auspicious indications
Akshavedamsha – D45 House/45=0⁰40’ Character, Conduct & Auspeciousness

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