Terreinbestuurder - Site and Building Manager

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A. Posbeskrywing:

1. Die bestuur en instandhouding van die skool se geboue en terrein - insluitend:

➢ HGH Koshuis
➢ Alle gedeeltes van die skoolterrein, aasook die onderskeie sportvelde (hokkievelde,
krieketvelde, rugbyvelde, atletiekbaan, netbalbane, en so meer)
2. Instandhouding, beheer en lisensiëring van skoolvoertuie
3. Beheer en bestuur van terreinpersoneel
4. Beheer van alle skool toerusting, gereedskap en ook voorraadaankope van gereedskap en/of
enige adhok aankope vir enige vorm van opgraderings, verbouings en vervanging van gereedskap
5. Instandhouding van kragopwekkers
6. Bestuur en beheer oor enige en alle bouprojekte asook oorsiening van personeel betrokke by
7. Dra kennis van die skool se veiligheid- en gesondheidsplanne en dat terreinpersoneel ten alle tye
veiligheidsprotokol volg
8. Beskikbaar wees vir na-uurse aktiwiteite soos deur die Hoof/Adjunkhoofde vereis
9. Ten alle tye as ambassadeur vir die skool optree
10. Enige billike en regverdige opdrag van die Hoof, Adjunkhoofde en Beheerliggaam uitvoer

B. Vereistes:

1. ‘n Energievolle persoon wat oor ‘n Mediese-Rooikaart beskik wat die persoon instaat sal stel om fiks
en gesond te wees en onder andere op ‘n industriële fabrieksvlak te kan werk, wat hoë hoogtes
2. Beskik oor basiese rekenaarvaardighede wat insluit: Word, Excel, Outlook, samestelling van verslae
en beplanning van aktiwiteite
3. ‘n Derde Afrika-taal sal ‘n bonus wees
4. Moet sonder toesig kan werk, kriesisbeheer kan toe pas en inisiatief kan neem
5. Moet beskik oor goeie kommunikasievaardighede en ‘n positiewe beeld kan uitleef ten opsigte van
leerders, personeel en die publiek
6. Beskik oor goeie tydsbeplanning sodat daaglikse herstelwerk en instandhouding van skoolgeboue,
masjinerie, sportterreine en tuine gehandaaf kan word
7. Moet oor goeie bestuursvaardighede beskik en organisatoriese vermoëns toon
8. Ondervinding in elektrisiënswerk, loodgieterwerk, sweiswerk en boukonstruksie is ook ‘n vereiste
9. Moet ‘n geldige publieke swaarvoertuiglisensie besit en/of ‘n openbare bestuurspermit kan werf
indien aansoek gedoen word

C. Vergoeding:

Vergoedingspakket sal gedurende die onderhoud bespreek word. Diensaanvaarding sal ooreengekom
word met die Beheerliggaam.

Sluitingsdatum vir aansoeke: CV’s moet voor/op …… om 13:00 per e-pos gestuur word na:
hghposte@gmail.com - vir aandag: Die Hoof. Indien u nie deur die skool gekontak word, voor/op …… nie,
aanvaar asseblief dat u aansoek ongelukkig nie suksesvol was nie. Baie dankie vir u tyd!
A. Job description:
1. The management and maintenance of the school's buildings and grounds - including:
➢ HGH Hostel
➢ All parts of the school grounds, as well as the respective sports fields (hockey fields, cricket fields,
rugby fields, athletics track, netball courts, and so on)
2. Maintenance, control and licensing of school vehicles
3. Control and management of site personnel
4. Control of all school equipment, tools and also stock purchases of tools and/or any ad hoc purchases
for any form of upgrades, conversions and replacement of tools
5. Maintenance of generators
6. Management and control of any and all building projects as well as supervision of personnel involved
in projects
7. Be aware of the school's safety and health plans and that site staff follow safety protocol at all times
8. Be available for after-hours activities as required by the Head/Deputy Heads
9. Act as an ambassador for the school at all times
10. Carry out any fair and just assignment of the Head, Deputy Heads and Governing Body

B. Requirements:

1. An energetic person who holds a Medical Red Card which will enable the person to be fit and healthy
and able to work amongst other things at an industrial factory level, which includes high altitudes
2. Has basic computer skills including: Word, Excel, Outlook, compiling reports and planning activities
3. A third African language would be a bonus
4. Must be able to work unsupervised, apply crisis management and take initiative
5. Must have good communication skills and be able to project a positive image towards learners, staff
and the public
6. Have good time planning so that daily repairs and maintenance of school buildings, machinery,
sports grounds and gardens can be attained
7. Must have good management skills and demonstrate organisational abilities
8. Experience in electrical work, plumbing, welding and building construction is also a requirement
9. Must hold a valid public heavy vehicle license and/or be able to obtain a public driving permit if
applied for

C. Compensation:

Remuneration package will be discussed during the interview. Service acceptance will be agreed with the
Governing Body.

Closing date for applications: CVs must be sent by email before/on …… at 13:00 to:hghposte@gmail.com- for
attention: The Head. If you are not contacted by the school, before/on……, please accept that your application
has unfortunately not been successful. Thank you very much for your time!

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