Study of Ethical Hacking: Micro Project

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Academic year: 2020-21



Program: Information Tech. Program code: IF6I

Course: ETI. Course code: 22618

Name of Guide: - Dr. G V GARJE SIR

This is to certify that Mr. GHODE AJIT G. Roll No. 1551 of 6th Semester of Diploma in
Information Technology of Institute, GOVERNMENT POLYTECHNIC NANDED has
completed the Micro Project satisfactorily in Subject –ETI(22618) for the academic
year 2020- 2021 as prescribed in the curriculum.

Place: Nanded

Date: ……………………… Exam. Seat No: ………………...........

Subject Teacher Head of the Department Principal





1 Discussion and finalization of Topic
2ND Discussion and finalization of Topic
3RD Preparation and submission of Abstract
4TH Literature Review
5TH Collection of Data
6TH Collection of Data
7TH Collection of Data
8TH Collection of Data
9TH Discussion and Outline of Content
10TH Formulation of Content
11TH Editing and 1st Proof Reading of Content
12TH Editing and 2nd Proof Reading of Content
13TH Compilation of Report and Presentation
14TH Seminar
15TH Viva-voce
16TH Final submission of Micro project

Sign of the student Sign of the faculty


Evaluation Sheet for the Micro Project
Academic Year: 2020-21 Name of the Faculty: DR. G V GARJE SIR
Course: ETI. Course code: 22618 Semester: VI

Title of the project: STUDY OF ETHICAL HACKING

Cos addressed by Micro Project:

A: Study Types of Hacking
B: Study of hackers

(a) Practical outcome:

Study of Ethical Hacking
(b) Unit outcomes in Cognitive domain:
1) Study of Ethical Hacking Process
2) Study of Hackers Mindset

(c) Outcomes in Affective domain:

1) Follow safety practices.
2) Practice good housekeeping.
3) Demonstrate working as a lead 1 team member.
4) Maintain tools and equipment.
5) Follow ethical practices.

Marks out of 4 for Marks out of 2for

performance in performance in oral/
Roll Student Name group activity presentation Total out of 06
No (D5 Col.8) (D5 Col.9)
1551 Ghode Ajit G.

(Signature of Faculty)


2 Need of ethical

Types of Ethical Hacking
● Web application hacking
● Social engineering
● System hacking
● Hacking wireless networks
● Web server hacking

4 types of Ethical Hackers

1)White Hat Hackers
2)Black Hat Hackers
3)Grey Hat Hackers
4)Miscellaneous Hackers

5 Professional Hackers in India


To crack passwords or to steal data? No, it is

much more than that. Ethical hacking is to scan
vulnerabilities and to find potential threats on a
computer or networks. An ethical hacker finds
the weak points or loopholes in a computer, web
applications or network and reports them to the
organization. So, let’s explore more about Ethical
Hacking step-by-step.
Hacking is the activity of identifying
weaknesses in a computer system or a network to
exploit the security to gain access to personal
data or business data. An example of computer
hacking can be: using a password cracking
algorithm to gain access to a computer system.
Computers have become mandatory to run a
successful businesses. It is not enough to have
isolated computers systems; they need to be
networked to facilitate communication with
external businesses. This exposes them to the
outside world and hacking. System hacking
means using computers to commit fraudulent
acts such as fraud, privacy invasion, stealing
corporate/personal data, etc. Cyber crimes cost
many organizations millions of dollars every
year. Businesses need to protect themselves
against such attacks.
Who is a Hacker?
A Hacker is a person who finds and exploits
the weakness in computer systems and/or
networks to gain access. Hackers are usually
skilled computer programmers with knowledge
of computer security.

Need of ethical hacking

We hear that attackers are hacked the big
companies and big systems. Sometimes ago, a
hacker hacked the Uber website. Due to this, the
important information of around 50 million users
was exposed. Many big companies like Google,
Yahoo, Instagram, Facebook, Uber, they hire
hackers. The hackers try to hack their systems.
After hacking the system, they tell all the places
where they found the weakness so that the
company can fix it. Many companies also
perform bug bounty programs. In this program,
all the hackers around the world try to hack the
website or web of that company. If the hacker
finds any bug, the company will pay them a
reward for the bug.
Ethical hacking is used to secure important
data from enemies. It works as a safeguard of
your computer from blackmail by the people
who want to exploit the vulnerability. Using
ethical hacking, a company or organization can
find out security vulnerability and risks.

types of ethical hacking

● Web application hacking
● Social engineering
● System hacking
● Hacking wireless networks
● Web server hacking

Web application hacking

Web Applications acts as an interface
between the users and servers using web pages
that consist of script code that is supposed to be
dynamically executed. One can access web
applications with the help of the internet or
intranet. Web hacking in general refers to the
exploitation of applications via Hypertext
Transfer Protocol (HTTP) which can be done by
manipulating the application through its
graphical web interface, tampering the Uniform
Resource Identifier (URI) or exploiting HTTP

Social Engineering
In the context of information security, social
engineering is the psychological manipulation of
people into performing actions or divulging
confidential information. This differs from social
engineering within the social sciences, which
does not concern the divulging of confidential
information. A type of confidence trick for the
purpose of information gathering, fraud, or
system access, it differs from a traditional "con"
in that it is often one of many steps in a more
complex fraud scheme.

System Hacking
System hacking is a vast subject that consists
of hacking the different software-based
technological systems such as laptops, desktops,
etc. System hacking is defined as the
compromise of computer systems and software
to access the target computer and steal or misuse
their sensitive information. Here the malicious
hacker exploits the weaknesses in a computer
system or network to gain unauthorized access to
its data or take illegal advantage.

Hacking wireless networks

Cracking a wireless network is defeating the
security of a wireless local-area network
(back-jack wireless LAN). A commonly used
wireless LAN is a Wi-Fi network. Wireless
LANs have inherent security weaknesses from
which wired networks are exempt.
Wireless cracking is an information network
attack similar to a direct intrusion. Two frequent
types of vulnerabilities in wireless LANs are
those caused by poor configuration, and those
caused by weak or flawed security protocols.

Web Server Hacking

Over the past decade, more individuals have
access to the internet than ever before. Many
organizations develop web-based applications,
which their users can use to interact with them.
But improper configuration and poorly written
codes in web servers are a threat and can be used
to gain unauthorized access to the servers'
sensitive data.
This article tries to give an overview on Web
Servers. We will be covering some topics which
include working of a server, top web servers in
the industry,web server vulnerabilities, web
server attacks, tools and some counter measures
to protect against such attacks.

Types of Ethical Hackers

5) White Hat Hackers
6) Black Hat Hackers
7) Grey Hat Hackers
8) Miscellaneous Hackers

Hackers can be classified into different

categories such as white hat, black hat, and grey
hat, based on their intent of hacking a system.
These different terms come from old Spaghetti
Westerns, where the bad guy wears a black
cowboy hat and the good guy wears a white hat.
1)White Hat Hackers
White Hat hackers are also known as Ethical
Hackers. They never intent to harm a system,
rather they try to find out weaknesses in a
computer or a network system as a part of
penetration testing and vulnerability assessments.
Ethical hacking is not illegal and it is one of
the demanding jobs available in the IT industry.
There are numerous companies that hire ethical
hackers for penetration testing and vulnerability

2)Black Hat Hackers

Black Hat hackers, also known as crackers,
are those who hack in order to gain unauthorized
access to a system and harm its operations or
steal sensitive information.
Black Hat hacking is always illegal because
of its bad intent which includes stealing
corporate data, violating privacy, damaging the
system, blocking network communication, etc.

3)Grey Hat Hackers

Grey hat hackers are a blend of both black
hat and white hat hackers. They act without
malicious intent but for their fun, they exploit a
security weakness in a computer system or
network without the owner’s permission or
Their intent is to bring the weakness to the
attention of the owners and getting appreciation
or a little bounty from the owners.

4) Miscellaneous Hackers
Apart from the above well-known classes of
hackers, we have the following categories of
hackers based on what they hack and how they
do it −
1) Red Hat Hackers
Red hat hackers are again a blend of both
black hat and white hat hackers. They are usually
on the level of hacking government agencies,
top-secret information hubs, and generally
anything that falls under the category of sensitive
2) Blue Hat Hackers
A blue hat hacker is someone outside
computer security consulting firms who is used
to bug-test a system prior to its launch. They
look for loopholes that can be exploited and try
to close these gaps. Microsoft also uses the term
BlueHat to represent a series of security briefing
3) Elite Hackers
This is a social status among hackers, which is
used to describe the most skilled. Newly
discovered exploits will circulate among these
4) Script Kiddie
A script kiddie is a non-expert who breaks
into computer systems by using pre-packaged
automated tools written by others, usually with
little understanding of the underlying concept,
hence the term Kiddie.
5) Neophyte
A neophyte, "n00b", or "newbie" or "Green
Hat Hacker" is someone who is new to hacking
or phreaking and has almost no knowledge or
experience of the workings of technology and
6) Hacktivist
A hacktivist is a hacker who utilizes
technology to announce a social, ideological,
religious, or political message. In general, most
hacktivism involves website defacement or
denialof-service attacks.
List of Top 10 Best
Professional Hackers in India
● Vivek Ramachandran
● Benild Joseph
● Ankit Fadia
● Sunny Vaghela
● Falgun Rathod
● Anand Prakash
● Koushik Dutta
● Pranav Mistry
● Trishnit Arora
● Rahul Tyagi
In conclusion, ethical hacking is not a criminal
activity and should not be considered as such.
While it is
true that malicious hacking is a computer crime
and criminal activity, ethical hacking is never a
crime. Ethical
hacking is in line with industry regulation and
organizational IT policies. Malicious hacking
should be
prevented while ethical hacking which promotes
research, innovation, and technological
breakthroughs should
be encouraged and allowed

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