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CA5.2 What Does the Future Hold?

: Visions of the future


1. Start by ​doing the self-correcting exercises ​which you can find in the classroom in the
Resources ​section​: What does the future hold?: Visions of the Future​. As you are
working through the exercises, take note of any new language you learn. You will need this
to prepare the Tasks below.

When you have finished, share one thing that you have learnt from these resources (e.g.
vocabulary, expressions or grammar) to the ​I have learnt something today ​folder in the

2. Prepare for Task 1: writing a section of a ​campaign website ​in groups.

In this task, you and your group should work together to produce part of a campaign website
for a candidate in an upcoming election. As part of a campaign, you will need to persuade
the reader/voter that your candidate is the most suitable candidate for the job!

In the classroom, go to the ​Discussion area ​in the ​Work group space​. As a group, please
do the following:

1. Choose a spokesperson for your group. The spokesperson will be responsible for:
● Organising the group’s work.
● Opening a ​Google Document and sharing it with the rest of the group and
the teacher. Name your doc ​CA5.2 + your group name​.
● Telling the teacher when the first draft of your group campaign website is
● Publishing the final draft of the campaign website in the ​Forum.

2. Decide ​which one of the following campaigns you will do:

a. candidate for the class representative (in a school, this UOC class, etc.)

CA5.2 What Does the Future Hold?: Visions of the future
b. candidate for the presidency of a (local or national) sports club
c. candidate town/city to host the summer or winter Olympic games
d. candidate for king or queen of carnival
3. Choose a candidate. The candidate can be real or fictional.
4. Decide ​which four areas will be covered on the campaign website. For example, if
the campaign is for the carnival king, you could talk about the theme (including the
costumes and the decoration of the float), the people who will be in the king’s
entourage, the dancing and performances and the different events the king will
5. Make proposals for each of the four areas covered on the website, explaining what
you ​will do, how it ​will be different to previous years and what the expected impact
will​ be.
6. Organize your campaign website by assigning one area to each group member.

You may find the following ​Organisational Chart ​useful for organizing yourselves.


Name Area to be covered Ideas Finish date

on the website Class rep. candidate: Bart Simpson

1 Short semester, holidays, ..

2 Exams, homework, ..

3 Class rules, punctuality bonus, ..

4 Perks: free parking,discount card, ..

Task 1

Task type To do Where Length % CA mark
Group Campaign Google 800 words (40+20)=60*
website document (total website)

*There are two marks for this task. Group writing mark (40%) and an individual editing participation
mark (20%). For more information on this see ​CA MARKS​ below.

CA5.2 What Does the Future Hold?: Visions of the future
In this task, your group will work together to write part of a campaign website. ​Teamwork is
KEY to this task!​ Please see ​Group work: A survival guide​.1

Here is a breakdown of the steps to follow in order to carry out this task:

1. Each group member should write their individual part of the campaign website in the
Google Document. Please indicate which part is yours by writing your name above
your paragraph! Each person needs to write approximately ​200 words​.

2. Your teacher will give feedback on ​some​ of the text in the Google document.

3. Look at your teacher's comments and ​work together to edit the campaign
website. Give suggestions and discuss possible changes. ​Look at the whole text,
not just your personal written contribution​. Do not delete or make changes to other
students’ work! Use the “Insert comment” or “Suggesting” function.

4. The chart below contains some of the key points to check. ​All group members
should choose a different grammar point from the one done in CA3 in order to
revise the campaign website​. Decide in your group who will revise which point.

Name Grammar point Points to pay attention to:

Have the right verb tenses been used (e.g.

Verbs to express the future)? Are they consistent
with their singular or plural subjects?

Do all the verbs have a subject? Are the

pronouns consistent with the nouns (i.e.
Subject and singular/plural; masculine/feminine/neutral)?
pronouns Do any of the verbs have a “double subject”
(e.g. “this it is good” should be either “this is
good” or “it is good”)?

Are they complete, i.e. do they have a

Sentence subject and verb (and object if required)? Do
structure they need to be split into smaller units?

Word order Is the subject before the verb? Is the object

after the verb? Do you need to change the
word order for questions?

CA5.2 What Does the Future Hold?: Visions of the future
You should all also look at other areas such as articles, prepositions, vocabulary (e.g.
avoiding repetition and false friends), etc.

5. When you have all finished editing the text and you are happy with the final version,
the spokesperson should post the campaign website to the ​CA5 Visions​ folder in the

For this task you will need to use the following structures in the ​CA5 self-study resources​:
Visions of the future: describing the future​. When you write your campaign website, pay
special attention to your use of the future tenses.

Please see ​Assessment and Feedback ​in the classroom.


There are two marks for this task:

1. A group writing mark where all group members who actively participate in creating the
campaign website receive the same mark (40%)

2. An individual editing participation mark (20%)

You do not qualify for a group writing mark (40%) by simply belonging to a group, you must
submit your part of the writing to get a mark. If you fail to submit your part of the campaign
website, your mark will be 0.

Similarly, you do not qualify for the individual editing mark (20%) if you do not help
throughout the editing process. If you fail to help​ ​in the editing process, your mark will be 0.

Task 2


Read at least ​two of your classmates’ group campaign websites and think about them
carefully as you read. Think of a question to ask about what you’ve read.

You can ask questions about the content of their websites or ask them to clarify something
you didn’t understand.

Feel free to continue responding to your classmates in a dialogue!

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