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No 3 (48)

Influence of Social Factors on Consumer Behaviour: Context of Euro Integration

Aušra Skrudupaitė1, Regina Virvilaitė2, Rita Kuvykaitė2

Kauno technologijos universitetas
Panevėžio institutas
Nemuno g. 33, LT-35209, Panevėžys
Kauno technologijos universitetas
Laisvės al. 55, LT-44309, Kaunas

This article highlights the conception of consumer behaviour.

behaviour and its beginning, it analyzes manifestation of The analysis of social factors in the context of Euro
social factors in consumer bahaviour in the theoretical integration unfolds the changes in family structure and
level and points out the main social factors that influence distribution of roles in European households. The con-
consumer behaviour. Consumer behaviour and influence ception of a traditional family still exists nowadays, but
of social factors on it was researched by these authors: vis-à-vis time and space, there is a variety of families and
W. J. Stanton, M. J. Etzel ir B. J. Walker, E. J. McCarthy households in Europe. Besides traditional families, there
and W. D. Perreault Jr., E. N. Berkowitz, R. A. Kerin, S. are one-person or multi-person households; there are a
W. Hartley and W. Rudelius, W. G. Zikmund and M. growing number of re-married families, unmarried cou-
d‘Amico, S. Dibb, L. Simkin, W. M. Pride and O. C. ples and a number of single mothers (fathers).
Ferrell, Ph. Kotler and F. Bliemel, D. A. Statt, M. Solo- A lot of European countries have a typical “dia-
mon, G. Bamossy, S. Askegaard and others. mond“ like type distribution of social classes, where the
Theoretical studies on how social factors influence largest part of people is the middle class. The rise of the
consumer behaviour exhibited that the main social fac- living standard fortifies economic opportunities of this
tors, which influence consumer behaviour, are family, social class and determines the changes of consumer
influence groups, social class and culture. Determination behaviour. The research showed that it is becoming more
of separate social factors’ influence and fluctuation ten- and more difficult to understand consumer behaviour of
dencies helps to ensure the efficiency of marketing pro- the Europeans. Two tendencies may be noticed here.
gramme and to project the perspectives of the company‘s Firstly, middleclass Europeans tend to save when they
development in the future. Currently, marketing special- purchase daily goods. Secondly, in order to achieve the
ists unanimously agree that consumer behaviour is de- oneness or to emphasize its social status, the same group
fined not only by what is going on at the moment when of consumers tends to purchase goods- the symbols of the
money in the hands of consumer is exchanged for goods status.
or services; consumer behaviour must be treated as a Free movement of people, goods and capital in the
non-stop process. Having summarized different defini- European Union has also determined the development of
tions of consumer behaviour, we may state that consumer influence groups and culture, which in turn forms new
behaviour is a continuous process that covers individual nutrition, spending of leisure time and other changes of
acts from the origination of the problem, which may be consumer behaviour.
resolved by purchasing a commodity, to the reaction re-
Keywords: consumer behaviour, social factors, family,
lated to the commodity already purchased.
influence group, social clase, culture.
The importance of consumer behaviour recognition
unfolds in the stage of strategical planning of the com-
pany. As practice shows, consumer behaviour research
still lacks proper attention from business subjects. When Relevance. New business opportunities unclose when
marketing strategies are created, they very often narrow Lithuania’s integration into the European Union is con-
to the main marketing elements. A consumer’s attitude cerned. Membership in the EU stimulates a closer eco-
towards an item, his motivation to act in one way or an- nomic, political and cultural cooperation of the country
other, determine the creation of marketing complex pro- with European as well as other counries of the world. The
gramme. Euro integration processes are closely related task of Lithuanian companies is to stand competition of
to economic, legal, cultural and social changes of the global companies in the Lithuanian market and to re-
environment and open new opportunities to business as orientate their activities to global markets.
well as the coming of new foreign companies to Lithua- Recognition of consumer behaviour becomes a
nian market, so when forming the strategy and trying to growing importance in the context of market globaliza-
maintain as well as to increase the competitiveness of tion thus becoming a foundation-stone, when companies
Lithuanian business companies, it is necessary to con- must stand competitive abilities in local markets and to
sider the changes related to these processes in consumer strengthen their positions in foreign markets. Under-

standing consumer behaviour is one of the most impor- knowledge on internal factors of consumer behaviour.
tant tasks of modern organizations. Business representa- Consumer behaviour research allows company man-
tives may predict future purchases of consumers as well agers to understand consumer actions, to envisage their
as sales and profits of their companies only when they behaviour in the future. In order to foresee which item
understand the reasons and motives of consumer behav- consumer is going to accept and purchase, it is necessary
iour. to research consumer behaviour in the market.
Problem. Lack of knowledge on consumer behaviour Consumer behaviour – individual actions related to
is felt among business subjects. Two aspects of the prob- acquisition of items and their usage that cover his actions
lem show up here. Firstly, despite the fact that there are a from the origin of the problem, which may be resolved by
lot of studies on consumer behaviour abroad, improper having purchased the item in question to the reaction to
attention is paid to consumer behaviour in Lithuania. the item already purchased (Virvilaitė, 2000).
Secondly, a lot of studies on consumer behaviour centre According to M. Solomon, G. Bamossy and S. Aske-
on the research of consumer behaviour in the process of gaard (1999), “the current conception of consumer behav-
purchasing. But it has never been researched how con- iour has expanded a lot“. Meanwhile, during earlier re-
sumer behaviour changes due to the influence of separate searches of consumer behaviour, a buyer‘s or purchasing
social factors in Lithuania. related behaviour was emphasized more frequently and
particular weight was given to buyer‘s and producer‘s
Scientific novelty. Studies of social factors manifes- interaction at the moment of items purchasing. S. Dibb, L.
tation in the theory of consumer behaviour made in the Simkin, W. M. Pride and O. C. Ferrell (1997) research
theoretical level. the behaviour of final consumers in the purchasing proc-
Work goal – to highlight the importance of social ess, when acquisition of articles for personal use or
factors influence on consumer behaviour in the context of household articles is concerned. W. G. Zikmund and M.
euro integration. d‘Amico (1992) analyze consumer behaviour and define it
Work object – peculiarities of social factors mani- as human activities consisting from selection of goods,
festation in consumer behaviour. acquisition of goods and their usage in order to satisfy
human needs and desires.
Work tasks: Interest in consumer behaviour was first shown in the
1. To exhibit the conception and the beginning of 19th century. During two centuries there were several
consumer behaviour. consumer behaviour theories developed, their originators
2. To research manifestation of social factors in the were economists. The development of consumer behav-
theory of consumer behaviour. iour research may be conditionally grouped into four
3. To exhibit the tendencies of social factors changes stages, i.e.:
in the EU. − predisciplinary stage(till 1960);
4. To present conclusions and recommendatory pro- − evolutionary stage (1960-1974);
posals so that companies may sustain competitive − cognitive stage (1975-1981);
advantages due to constantly increasing conditions − modern stage (since 1981 up till now).
of the competition.
Work methodology – a comparative analysis and Predisciplinary stage. Economists – the first re-
summing-up of scientific literature. searchers of consumer behaviour – tried to find out the
factors that influence product needs and demand. They
thought that consumer is satisfied when he purchases the
Conception and beginning of consumer
cheapest item at a shop of bottom prices. But actually,
behaviour maximum satisfaction was far away. Different empirical
In the process of market research, consumers are ex- studies were used for the research of consumer behaviour
amined in large groups. Firstly, the entire market is re- and its characterization; they used theories and concep-
searched, then separate segments of the market are re- tions of other sciences.
searched and their qualities are sorted out. A different In 1940-1950, the first desultory research was car-
logic of the research is also possible: the behaviour of ried out with the aim to find out why people purchase
separate individuals is researched first and the research particular products, in other words, motives were re-
results are summed up afterwards. Consumer behaviour searched“. In 1950, G. Catona and his co-workers wrote
research is based on the latter. a work on consumerism economy, where they proved
Market research as well as consumer behaviour re- that the knowing of consumer’s attitudes and needs does
search is trying to find answers to the questions asked. influence consumer purchasing model. G. Catona was
But in the process of market research, more knowledge is the first to evaluate the influence of psychological fac-
accumulated on consumer external qualities that deter- tors on consumer behaviour. According to him, “Not
mine consumer behaviour. The goal of consumer behav- economic, but psychological factors influence consumer
iour research is to find out typical nuances of individual behaviour most of all“. G. Catona‘s theory states that
behaviour, the consistency of decision-making, influen- consumer behaviour in the process of purchasing, apart
tial factors in different situations. from economic factors, is under the influence of psycho-
Knowledge on how external factors influence consumer logical factors: motivation, knowledge, attitudes, view-
behaviour is accumulated during sociological market re- points and consumer expectations about the future (Ur-
search. This knowledge is supplemented by psychological banskienė, 2000).

J. P. Ewans carried out the first formal research on sumer research association in order to improve further
consumer behaviour in 1957. He researched the qualities research. New topics were discussed and new ideas were
of Ford and General Motors vehicles – Ford and Chevro- suggested – importance of consumer emotions and infor-
let – users. mation; economic effect was analyzed too. It was noticed
Evolutionary stage. Consumer behaviour research that improper attention is paid to fashion and consumer
separated from other similar research and formed a sepa- sociology.
rate branch thanks to such scientists as Catona, Ferber, The opinion of what influences the success of the mar-
Goward in 1960. Specialists absorbed all knowledge on ket changed in1990. It was noticed that consumer motiva-
consumer behaviour from marketing, social psychology, tion changed, consumers started to look at the goods the
sociology, anthropology and other fields. price of which did not suit the quality, the external view or
Two stages show up in the evolutionary stage. Con- impression, taste, etc. with distrust. According to R. Ur-
sumer behaviour was behaviourism based and was char- banskienė and others (2000), a new slogan was raised
acterized by behaviorism based research till 1965. “closer to consumer”. T. Piters urged that marketing spe-
Behaviorism – is one of the most important trends cialists should spare at least 25 % of their time for better
of American psychology of the 20th century, which is recognition and research of their consumers.
based on the proposition that states that psychology Consumer behaviour research allows company man-
must research human behaviour and not human mind. agers to understand different behaviour of consumers, to
Behaviour is treated like human reaction to different envisage their behaviour in the future. Marketing special-
changes of the external environment. Edward Torndec is ists must:
considered to be a founding father of behaviorism; John − know consumer needs and their purchasing habits;
Watson was an „inventor” of this term and also an or- − be able to influence consumers so that they pur-
ganizer of the first programmes of this new psychology chase their goods and purchase even more.
trend. Theories on the foundation of human attitude and
its changes were borrowed from social philosophy and Currently, marketing specialists acknowledge that
efforts were made to apply them for the creation of be- consumer behaviour is a nonstop process and this is not
havioral models. the moment when money in the hands of consumers is
During the second stage, starting from 1965, con- exchanged into goods or services (Solomon, 1999).
sumer behaviour research that started from narrow and Very closely associated disciplines such as experi-
borrowed theories of other areas, started a more com- mental psychology, clinical psychology, clinical psychol-
prehensive research, there were a lot of behaviour mod- ogy, microeconomics, social psychology, sociology, mac-
els prepared that broadened the limits of consumer be- roeconomics, semiotics, demography, history and cultural
haviour theory. In 1968, the first edition of the book anthropology help in current consumer behaviour re-
„Consumer behaviour” in America invoked a lot of dis- search.
cussions. In 1971, the Journal of Consumer Research The beginning of consumer behaviour research was
was published. It consolidated consumer behaviour re- first discovered in the works of scientists in the 19th
search as separate and independent research and the area century. The entire development of consumer behaviour
of applied science. research may be grouped in 4 stages: predisciplinary,
Cognitive stage recognized consumer and different evolutionary, cognitive and modern. Having summa-
functions related to consumption process. During 1975- rized different interpretations about consumer behav-
1981, the research trends expanded and they covered iour, we may state that consumer behaviour is a nonstop
three areas: process that covers individual actions from the origina-
tion of the problem which may be resolved by purchas-
− research on consumer information conception, ex- ing item in question and end up with item already pur-
perience, attention and memory influence when se- chased.
lecting goods or services;
− research on formation of consumer opinion and its
change; Manifestation of social factors in the theory of
− research on consumer decision-making process, etc. consumer behaviour
Consumer behaviour steps in the process of goods The way we think, perceive and act depends a lot
purchasing were well researched. Consumer was regarded upon social factors. These factors were analyzed by a
as a rational being which is trying to resolve his problems number of scientists such as W. J. Stanton, M. J. Etzel
in a logical way. and B. J. Walker (1991). They highlighted five social
Modern stage is interesting, because the established factors that influence consumer behaviour: culture, sub-
association of consumer research prepared conferences, culture, social class, influence groups, family and
continued research of economic influence and dealt with households (Table 1). According to the authors, “social
the influence of emotions and fashions on consumer be- factors influence consumer behaviour directly and indi-
haviour. One could notice manipulation of psychological rectly“. Indirect social factors act through psychological
theories and the results of separate psychological re- factors. This means that social factors do influence the
search, it was tried to better recognize consumer formation of psychological factors (consumer motiva-
thoughts, objectives and needs. The main researchers tion, perception, attitude, etc) that in turn influence con-
consolidated together in 1981 at the conference of con- sumer behaviour.

Manifestation of social factors in theoretical studies of consumer behaviour

Solomon- Stanton- McCarthy- Berkowitz- Zikmund- Dibb- Kotler- Statt
Social factors Bamossy- Etzel- Perreault Kerin- d‘Amico Simkin- Bliemel (2003)
Askegaard Walker (1991) Hartley- (1993) Pride- (2001)
(1999) (1991) Rudelius Ferrell
(1992) (1997)
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Influence groups 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

Social class 5 5 5 5 5 5

Culture 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

Subculture 5 5 5 5

Roles 5 5 5
Personal influence 5

Attitudes 5

Income 5 5

Situational factors 5

Differently from other authors, E. N. Berkowitz, R. A. Tendencies of social factors variations in the
Kerin, S. W. Hartley and W. Rudelius (1992) highlight a European Union
group of socio-cultural factors and attribute the following
factors to it: personal influence, influence group, family, Sociology initially tried to reveal the laws of social
social class, culture, subculture. Ph. Kotler and F. Blie- changes and development. Sociology pioneers O. Kont
mel (2001) present a detailed model of factors that influ- and H. Spencer made use of numerous historical materi-
ence consumer behaviour and attribute 3 factors to the als in order to understand why and how communities do
group of social factors, i.e.: influence groups, family, change.
roles. D. A. Statt (2003) spares most of the attention to According to V. Pruskus (2004), “the concept of so-
consumer psychology research when consumer behaviour cial variation captures the very fact of social variation in
research is concerned. This author highlights 6 factors some areas or changes in a broad sense“. Furthermore,
and analyzes their influence on consumer behaviour in social variations can not be understood as any variations
the social aspect, i.e.: family, development and socializa- of the community. It is necessary to highlight social
tion, groups, social class, culture, attitudes. D. A. Statt variations that are to be attributed to any social sphere –
regards family education, development and socialization economic, political or spiritual and social variations. So,
as the most important factors among social factors. By when speaking about social variations in the sociological
analyzing the influence of small groups on consumer sense, only spheres that are a discipline of sociology and
behaviour, this author means direct or indirect depend- not any sphere (economic, political, technological or
ence of consumers to formal, informal and other groups. generally social), are meant. In other words, these are the
According to this author, every person may be attributed variations of interaction among social systems, social
to 2 large groups: social class and cultural group. Finally, stratification, social processes, institutes and organiza-
author studies how opinion towards goods is formed and tions.
how it changes in all social groups mentioned. According to V. Pruskus (2004), “human actions and
Table no. 1 presents the summary of social factors variations of behaviour and the conscious that are closely
manifestation in consumer behaviour analysis. related to the human social status, are to be attributed to
The analysis of scientific literature sources has the sphere of social variations“. It is clear that human
shown that different authors attribute different factors to social status is determined by education, activity content
a group of social factors. When summarizing the analysis and character, income and wealth level. Cultural content
results, we may state that main social factors that influ- varies least (for example, values, standards, habits) and
ence consumer behaviour are family, influence groups, national self-awareness. Variations in economic sphere
social class and culture. happen more frequently. So, the definition „social varia-

tions” means different changes happening some time. family still exists nowadays, but with regard to time and
Family variation tendencies in the EU. According to space, the variety of families and households has formed in
M. Solomon, G. Bamossy and S. Askegaard (1999), “fam- Europe. In picture No.1 authors present the components of
ily conception has changed recognizably during the last „modern family” that allow us to form a clear view about
decades. “. Despite the fact that conception of traditional modern European households.


Single-person Second family



Multi-persons Single mother

household (father) family


Figure. European households’ components (Solomon, 1999)

According to M. Solomon and others (1999), “a law like households reaches only about 10 percent. (Por-
number of marriages has decreased and a number of tugal, Italy and Spain).
divorces has increased noticeably in the EU since Noticeable decrease of families and households is ob-
1960“. Moreover, nowadays people get married one served in the EU too. In 1982, the mean of European
more time than they did up to 1960. It has been estab- household was about 2.8 person. Currently, this figure
lished that men get married for the second time more reaches 2.5 person. According to the data provided by the
frequently than women do. An average age of a woman Governmental Department of Statistics of the Republic of
which is getting married for the first time in Europe is Lithuania, at the beginning of 2003, an average family in
25, a man – 28. Portuguese spouses, if compared to the Lithuania consisted of 3.06 person. It was determined that
mean in the EU, are the youngest ones and the oldest modern women in Europe, if compared to their mothers
ones are to be found in Denmark. The biggest age dif- and grand-mothers, do not want to raise a lot of children
ference among spouses is in Greece, where it is common and to devote themselves only to family. More and more
that a man gets married when aged 35-40. Women in women are engaged at work and look for career opportu-
Greece get married when aged 25-28. The tendency of nities. The mean of children per woman in Europe has
late marriages determined the changes of households. fallen down to family regeneration level and was 1.44 in
Some time ago, some spouses used to stay at their par- 1993, meanwhile this figure in 1964 was twice as much.
ents‘home after marriage, others would live separately. Family size changes were determined by different factors
With the coming of the tendency to get married later, such as the rise of an educational level, a woman may
very often mature young people leave their parents‘ control birthrate, etc.
home and create one-person or multi-person households. It must be noticed that consumer related behaviour of
Nevertheless, common-law spouses like households are pensioners in the EU countries differs a lot from the be-
very popular among European youngsters. Some young haviour of Lithuanian pensioners. Nevertheless, life ex-
people live together before their marriage; others remain pectancy of westerners is longer than Lithuanians’. This
as common-law spouses their entire life. Such tenden- is determined by better living conditions, more provided
cies may be noticed in Lithuania also. The EU countries senility, and other. Senior generation of Western Europe
differ a lot and it is not advisable to follow common has got enough resources not only for acquisition of
tendencies of changes, especially when planning busi- medical services or medicine. This consumer segment,
ness expansion to one or another European country. For which is called according to R. Buber (2002) “50 plus”, is
example, the highest number of common-law spouses a very attractive one to travel agencies, because senior
like is to be found in Scandinavian countries (Denmark Europeans travel gladly. Another target of European
and Sweden it is about 73 percent). Traditional families marketing specialists is one-person or two-person house-
still make up the largest number of families in the holds, the number of which is growing rapidly. Childless
southern countries of the EU and a number of common- couples are also called “dinks”. Dinks (double income, no

kids) – is a derivative from the first two letters of the creased down to 16 percent. .i.e. more than 3 times. This
words. These households boast of the highest income per means that people nowadays may spend more money on
person. goods or services.
Marketing specialists must carefully observe current Scientists of Western Europe actively research how
changes of family structure and its size, because this will the rise of living standard changes consumer behaviour. It
influence goods demand in the future. A number of fami- is becoming more and more difficult to understand Euro-
lies, where a married couple lives together with their pean consumer behaviour. According to J. M. Gillies
children is decreasing and a number of one-person or (2003), “a weekend of a German couple may be like this:
two-person households is constantly increasing. During a 19 Euro flight to France with „German Wings” on Sat-
one decade (1980-1990), a number of traditional house- urday, a luxury dinner for 160 Euro at “L’Ape Piera”
holds (4-5 persons) decreased from 34 to 25 percent. restaurant, purchase of “Prada” handbag for 590 Euro and
Meanwhile, a number of one-person or two-person a flight back for 19 Euro“. According to the author, “a
households increased from 22 to 26 percent. A number of frequent consumer applies a formula before purchasing
deliberately living loners in Europe is constantly grow- goods: “Aldi“and “Armani“, “Lidl“and “Louis Vuitton“,
ing. New terms describing groups of people have “Plus“and “Prada“. This example proves that a modern
emerged. For example, “metro sexual – a metropolitan European consumer may be at the same time attributed to
resident, who spends a lot of time and effort for aestheti- the high end as well as low end consumer segment. Here
cal expression of his appearance and his living.“ (Sabali- we may point out 2 noticeable tendencies. First, a middle
auskaitė, 2004). According to K. Sabaliauskaitė (2004), social class or a high social class European tends to save
“a metro sexual has nothing to do with unconventionally when purchasing food and he usually shops at widespread
sexually orientated people“. According to the author, “a shopping centres throughout all Europe. A typical Euro-
metro sexual is man, who tries to fill emotional gapes in pean is in the constant hunt for daily cheaper goods. On
his life by visiting a fashionable barber or a hairdresser, the second hand, the same consumers, in order to become
aroma therapy or massage in beauty salon or by looking exceptional and to emphasize their social status in the
for the newest miraculous eye cream in town“. Having society, seek after famous trademarks. In other words,
recognized this group of people as a separate market they purchase clothes or other status symbols with “fa-
segment, a service-sector and industry, of course, gain mous labels”; they budget for leisure, entertainment and
profit from it. pleasure.
Tendencies of influence groups change in the EU. Generally speaking, in the West a lot of attention is
The biggest influence of influence groups on consumer paid to material values: a house, a vehicle. A higher so-
behaviour was and remains among young people. A lot of cial human status is also characterized by a possibility to
present 40-50 year old people remember hippie times, spend his vacation abroad once or 2 times a year. The
when galligaskins were worn, long hair was grown and symbols of social status are different in different coun-
all people listened to „The Beatles” and other classical tries of course.
songs. Then, back in 1970, Europe suffered from sexual High society of the Western Europe usually shops at
revolution. Present young people develop in a compara- (including food) only highest-level shops, where goods
tively democratic society and revolutions usually occur in offered are expensive and of the highest quality. Such are
families during children‘s maturation period. Friends, the shops that offer a very high level of service. Similar
various pop stars and sports stars play the biggest role behaviour is typical to high society in all countries of the
among young people. Lithuanian young people are not EU, therefore famous trademarks “Versace”, “Escada”
exceptional and the same tendencies may be observed and other are good sellers among such people.
here too. A very strong influence of influence groups Tendencies of cultural change in the EU. According
among young people is determined by the fact that during to J. Tomlinson (2002), “due to global every-day experi-
this period of life, a personality of a young man is only in ence, it is becoming more and more difficult to retain a
the process of formation. A very clear influence of pur- constant sense of “local” cultural and national identity,
poseful groups may be observed in the process of person- because our daily life is becoming more and more pene-
ality formation – their behaviour, dressing style and man- trated and full of foreign influence and experience. Ac-
ners are imitated, etc. cording to the author, “a modern European suffers from
Tendencies of social classes change in the EU. Ac- de-teritorization“. Raymond Williams described this ex-
cording to M. Solomon and others (1999), “a social class perience in this western-style living picture: “Once there
not only defines the sum of money a person spends, but lived an Englishman, who worked in the USA located
also the way he spends it“. According to Ph. Kotler and office of one international corporation from London. One
other (2003), “currently the EU Commission supports a evening he drove home in his Japanese vehicle. His wife,
lot of projects that pursue improvement of the quality of worked in a firm, which exported German kitchen instal-
socio-economic and other statistical indices in Europe. lation, was already at home. When traffic was heavy, her
Lower classes in a lot of Western countries gain height – small Italian vehicle was faster. After good supper – New
consumer behaviour is changing and it is becoming simi- Zealand lamb, Californian carrots, Mexican honey,
lar to the one common to higher classes. All this relates French cheese and Spanish wine – they both sat down to
to the rise of educational and living standard“. For exam- watch TV made in Finland. Celebration of anniversary
ple, in 1950, a four-person family in the former GFR, commemoration of war for the Falklands was on. Their
would spend about 50 percent of all income on food. patriotic feelings awoke and they felt proud being British
Basing on the data collected in 1998, this figure has de- when while they were watching the programme.”

(Tomlinson, 2002). enced by less wealthy travelling people (labour migrants
Nowadays all shops in Europe are full of different or independent tourists with little money).
“foreign” food. Some meals (for example macaroni and The importance of social factors in the context of
pizzas) are not regarded as something special and are Lithuania‘s euro-integration. The last decade of the 20th
supplied in bulk as daily family meal. On the other hand, century is often described by historians as the stage of
a lot more of exotic food is sold in Europe: Mexican ta- biggest political, economic and social changes, which
cos, Thai curry, Italian polenta, etc. It is quite natural that continues up till now: the fall of Berlin border, liberation
one may purchase imported fruit and vegetables at any of the Soviet block countries and restoration of their in-
time of the year – common and exotic ones. dependence. The year 2004 was special to Lithuania –
These nutrition culture related changes may be ex- Lithuania joined NATO and the EU. All this relates to
plained by the globalization of food industry that started changes in different areas. Some Europeans were and still
in the XIX century. Canning, mechanization, retail and remain adversely minded towards new countries in the
transportation development in the West has changed EU. Old European countries feel frightened of menacing
nourishment of most people. Traditional dishes of the major burden of taxation. But the driving force of capital
countries did not disappear of course. But we must con- – Western businessmen and investors – regard newcom-
sider that a very common nourishment “style“was very ers of the EU as potential market for goods as well as
popular among people in the sixties. Nowadays everyone implementation of different ideas.
may choose from a number of other meals. Our business representatives create “conquering”
According to J.Tomlinson (2002), „the essence of to- plans of Europe. Recognition of consumer and their be-
day‘s culture is globalization“. He says that „globaliza- haviour becomes very important, especially when goods
tion defines a very rapidly developing and constantly are intended for final consumer. According to J. Stanke-
thickening network of interpersonal relationship and in- vičienė (2000), “consumer behaviour is one of the most
terdependence necessary for modern social life. important aspects of marketing, which receives insuffi-
McGrew speaks about globalization as “intensifica- cient attention from Lithuanian companies. In the process
tion of global interpersonal relationship” and highlights of marketing strategies creation, they are very often lim-
multiple relationships: “Nowadays goods, capital, people, ited by main marketing elements. Consumer attitude to-
knowledge, images, crimes, pollution, drugs, fashions wards goods and his motivation to act one way or another
and beliefs easily flood through territorial boundaries. determines the creation of marketing complex pro-
Trans-national networks, public movements and relation- gamme“.
ship is spread in almost every sphere – starting from aca- Having summarized the tendencies of social factors
demical and ending up with sexual sphere” (Tomlinson, changes in the EU, we may state that during the last 5
2002). According to J. Tomlinson (2002), “sources of decades, family institution has suffered from a lot of
scientific literature are full of global proximity meta- changes. Some time ago, a major part of families were
phors: starting from famous “global village“ by Marshall traditional ones. Nowadays, at least several components
McLuhan and ending up with the saying recently coined of modern European family (household) highlighted:
y the United Nations “our global neighborhood”. traditional family, second family, one-person households,
Current communication and transportation technolo- multi-person households, single mother (father)family,
gies have totally changed the notion of distance. Physical common-law households.
change of location becomes common and it lasts several The biggest influence of influence groups was and
hours. A modern European measures distance not in kilo- still remains on young people, only fashions, symbols,
meters, but in hours or minutes. For example, the Spanish purposive groups and their leaders change, young people
live the same 5500 miles away from the Mexicans the “worship” them and imitate them.
way they lived to. The difference is that in the XVII cen- The improvement of socio-economic factors in many
tury, it would take several moths to cover this distance, countries of the EU determined the rise of living standard
nowadays it is only an 11 hour flight. Perception of real that is related to transition of people to a higher social
distance is lost, when distances are covered at such high class and changes of consumer behaviour. It has been
speed and this global proximity influences culture. This is established that Europeans of average and medium social
where cultural homo-genetics shows up. International classes are prone to the 2 extremes: 1) they look for vari-
standards are created so that people would suffer less ous discounts and try to purchase cheaper goods in the
cultural shock and would adapt themselves faster to the segment of daily goods; 2) they pay a lot of attention to
environment: all global airports follow the same order; famous trademarks and try to demonstrate belonging or
international 5 star hotels provide all necessary means of wish to belong to a higher social class in the segment of
communication (telephone, fax, etc.), international busi- social status goods.
ness press and international cuisine. All this creates The cultural factor in Europe as well as in all the
global space and interconnecting corridors that facilitate word is strongly affected by globalization. Nutrition,
the movement of capital, goods and personnel. We must leisure pursuits and other changes relate to globalization.
notice that globalization tendencies may be noticed not The cultural differences of countries remain, but their
only in business, but also in tourism industry. For exam- influence of consumer behaviour is weakening.
ple, one can travel to Spain, to stay there in a 4 star hotel Consumer behaviour becomes the most important as-
with conditioning system, to visit several cities and mu- pect of marketing in the context of Lithuania‘s euro-
seums during organized tours and come back again. Con- integration, this is why recognition of consumer behav-
siderably more intense cultural differences are experi- iour and determination of factors that influence consumer

behaviour as well as its research, becomes the most im- which is related to transition of people to a higher social
portant task of every company, which is trying to remain class and consumer behaviour changes. When assessing
competitive in local as well as global market. Consumer the tendencies of a cultural factor, we may state that the
behaviour changes are common to the countries of the EU most important peculiarities of the current period are the
and they are conditioned by social factors changes that variety of the existing styles and opinions, paradoxical
will undoubtedly reach Lithuania too. Now one can no- combinations of their elements and disappearance of lim-
tice similar tendencies of family changes related to later its among different styles. It is indicated that the spread-
marriages, distribution of family roles, etc. Recognition ing globalization processes influence the changes men-
of consumer behaviour is the key, when meeting of con- tioned a lot, they are determined by expansion of tele-
sumer needs and company competitiveness in markets is communications means, a growing number of trips and a
concerned. So, that is why basing on the tendencies of possibility to purchase different goods and services any-
social factors changes in the EU countries, it is necessary where in the world.
to emphasize the importance of these factors to Lithua-
nian business companies and to envisage their influence Recommendatory proposals:
on consumer behaviour in the future. In order to reason the importance of social factors
manifestation in consumer behaviour research, it is nec-
Conclusions essary to point out that changes determined by globaliza-
Having analyzed and summarized scientific literature tion influence the changes of social factors. Retention of
on the importance of social factors on recognition of con- competitiveness is becoming very important in the proc-
sumer behaviour, we may conclude that: ess of euro-integration. The predicted increase of global
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manifestation of social factors in the theory of marketing, positions of local business subjects. Recognition of con-
consumer behaviour and in practice is a more extensive sumer and his behaviour is becoming very important and
and more important than it is thought. That is why it is the determination of social factors change tendencies
necessary to pay a lot of proper attention to the variety of allows predicting consumer behaviour in the future.
social factors influence and its binding to consumer be-
haviour. References
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28. Zikmund, G.W. Marketing / G.W.Zikmund, M.d’Amico. Minneapo- tys didžiausią įtaką vartotojų elgsenai, tai:
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29. Žvirelienė, R. Vartotojų elgesį įtakojantys veiksniai // Ekonomika ir • įtakos grupės;
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• kultūra.
Aušra Skrudupaite, Regina Virvilaitė, Rita Kuvykaitė Straipsnyje atskleidžiamos svarbiausios pagrindinių socialinių
veiksnių kitimo tendencijos. Europos Sąjungos šalyse. Socialinių
Socialinių veiksnių įtaka vartotojų elgsenai: eurointegracijos veiksnių tyrimas bei jų kitimo tendencijų nustatymas padeda numatyti
vartotojų elgsenos pokyčius ateityje. Tai neabejotinai svarbi informa-
cija verslo atstovams, leidžianti priimti tikslesnius sprendimus
planuojant rinkodaros veiksmus tiek vietinėje, tiek užsienio rinkose.
Eurointegracijos procesai Lietuvoje skatina įvairius socialinės, M. Solomon, G. Bamossy ir S. Askegaard (1999) teigimu, per
ekonominės, technologinės, politinės ar kitos aplinkos pokyčius ir pastaruosius kelis dešimtmečius šeimos samprata labai pakito. Nors
kelia vis naujų reikalavimų organizacijoms. Siekiant didinti tradicinės šeimos koncepcija tebeegzistuoja iki šiol, tačiau laiko ir
konkurencingumą vietinėje bei globalioje rinkoje, itin svarbiu uždav- erdvės atžvilgiu Europoje susiformavo šeimų bei namų ūkių įvairovė.
iniu tampa vartotojų elgsenos bei ją sąlygojančių veiksnių pažinimas. Anot autorių, Europos namų ūkį arba „šiuolaikinę šeimą“ sudaro šie
Vartotojo elgsenos tyrimo tikslas – išsiaiškinti tipiškus individo komponentai:
elgsenos niuansus, sprendimo priėmimo nuoseklumą, vienose ar • tradicinė šeima;
kitose situacijose įtakos turinčius veiksnius. Paprastai sociologinių • pakartotinai sukurta šeima;
rinkos tyrimų metu kaupiamos žinios apie išorinių veiksnių įtaką • vienišos motinos (tėvo) šeima;
vartotojo elgsenai. Jos papildomos ir psichologinėmis žiniomis apie • vieno asmens namų ūkis;
vidinius vartotojo elgsenos veiksnius. Vartotojų elgsenos tyrimai • multi-asmenų namų ūkis;
leidžia įmonės vadovams suprasti vienokius ar kitokius vartotojo • sugyventiniai (kartu gyvenančios nesusituokusiųjų poros).
poelgius, numatyti jų elgseną ateityje. Siekiant nuspėti, kokią prekę
M. Solomon ir kt. (1999) akcentuoja, kad nuo 1960 m. Europos
vartotojas pripažins ir pirks, būtina ištirti vartotojo elgseną rinkoje.
Sąjungoje pastebimai sumažėjo santuokų ir išaugo skyrybų skaičius.
Vartotojų elgseną formuojančių veiksnių išskyrimas bei kiekvieno
Be to, šiais laikais žmonės daug dažniau susituokia dar kartą. Var-
atskiro veiksnio įtakos vartotojų elgsenai įvertinimas leidžia tiksliau
totojų elgsenos pokyčiams turi įtakos ir vidutinis pirmą kartą besi-
nustatyti galimus vartotojų elgsenos pokyčius.
tuokiančiųjų amžius. Vėlesnių santuokų tendencija suformavo namų
Straipsnio objektas – vartotojų elgsenos socialinių veiksnių ūkio pokyčius bei naujus vartojimo įpročius. Atsiradus tendencijai
raiškos ypatumai. vėliau kurti šeimas lėmė tai, kad šalia tradicinės šeimos atsirado
Straipsnio tikslas – išryškinti socialinių veiksnių įtakos svarbą vieno asmens ar multi-asmenų namų ūkiai. Be to, tarp Europos jaun-
vartotojų elgsenai eurointegracijos kontekste. imo plačiai paplitę sugyventinių namų ūkiai. Šios tendencijos paste-
Šiame straipsnyje, remiantis rinkodaros specialistų moksliniais bimos ir Lietuvoje. Tačiau planuojant verslo plėtrą, į vieną ar kitą
darbais, atskleidžiama vartotojų elgsenos pažinimo reikmė, api- Europos valstybę bendromis pokyčių tendencijomis vadovautis
brėžiama vartotojų elgsenos samprata ir ištakos, atskleidžiama so- nepatariama, kadangi Europos Sąjungos šalys labai skiriasi. Sta-
cialinių veiksnių raiška vartotojų elgsenos teorijoje, pateikiamos tistiniai duomenys rodo, kad daugiausia kartu gyvenančių nesusituo-
socialinių veiksnių kitimo tendencijos eurointegracijos kontekste. kusių porų yra Skandinavijos šalyse, tuo tarpu pietinėse Europos
Vartotojų elgsenos tyrimų raidoje sąlygiškai išskiriami keturi Sąjungos šalyse, kaip Portugalija, Italija, Ispanija vis dar didžiausią
laikotarpiai: priešdisciplininis (iki 1960 m.), evoliucinis (1960-1974 šeimų skaičių sudaro tradicinės šeimos, o sugyventinių namų ūkių
m.), kognityvinis, arba pažinimo (1975-1981 m.) ir šiuolaikinis (nuo skaičius tesiekia apie 10 proc.
1981 m. iki dabar). Pasak M. Solomon, G. Bamossy ir S. Askegaard Europos Sąjungoje pastebimas ir šeimos bei namų ūkių dydžio
(1999), dabartinė vartotojų elgsenos samprata labai išsiplėtė. Apiben- sumažėjimas. Šiuos pokyčius sąlygojo įvairūs veiksniai – išsilav-
drinus mokslinės literatūros analizės rezultatus, galima teigti, kad inimo lygio kilimas, išaugęs dirbančių moterų skaičius, atsiradusi
vartotojų elgsena yra nenutrūkstamas procesas, apimantis individo galimybė moteriai kontroliuoti gimimus ir kt. Rinkodaros specialistų
poelgius nuo problemos, kurią gali išspręsti prekės įsigijimas, at- užduotis yra stebėti dabartinius šeimos struktūros bei dydžio poky-
siradimo, iki reakcijos į jau įsigytą prekę. čius, kadangi jie turės įtakos prekių paklausai ateityje.
Straipsnyje plačiai išnagrinėti tokių autorių kaip W. J. Stanton, Žmogaus dalyvavimas įvairiose socialinėse grupėse – tai dar vi-
M. J. Etzel ir B. J. Walker, E. J. McCarthy ir W. D. Perreault Jr., E. enas svarbus veiksnys, kuris sužadina vartotojų poreikius ir, žinoma,
N. Berkowitz, R. A. Kerin, S. W. Hartley ir W. Rudelius, W. G. atitinkamą elgseną. Žmogaus tikslas yra patenkinti įgimtą bendrumo
Zikmund ir M. d‘Amico, S. Dibb, L. Simkin, W. M. Pride ir O. C. jausmo poreikį. Mums labai svarbu, kad kiti mus vertintų, pripažintų
Ferrell, Ph. Kotler ir F. Bliemel, D. A. Statt, M. Solomon, G. ir kad būtume reikalingi. V. Legkausko (2001) teigimu, žmogus yra

nesuvokiamas ir net neįmanomas be jį palaikančios ir jo palaikomos to, daug pinigų skiria laisvalaikiui, pramogoms ir malonumams.
socialinių santykių sistemos, buvimo ir bendravimo su kitais žmonė- J. Tomlinson (2002) akcentuoja, kad „dėl globalizuojamos kas-
mis. Socialinės psichologijos autoriai M. B. Brewer (1991) bei R. F. dienės patirties darosi vis sunkiau išlaikyti pastovų „vietinio” kultūr-
Baumeister ir M. R. Leary (1995) postuluoja egzistuojant fundamen- inio ir tautinio tapatumo pojūtį, kadangi į kasdienius mūsų gyvenimus
talų motyvą, skatinantį jungtis į grupes – „priklausymo poreikį“, t.y. vis labiau įsismelkia iš toli atklydusios įtakos bei patirtys. Mechani-
norą bendrauti ir palaikyti santykius su kitais žmonėmis. Priklausy- zacijos, mažmeninės prekybos ir transporto plėtra pakeitė daugumos
mas ar siekimas priklausyti vienai ar kitai grupei turi įtakos žmogaus gyventojų vartojimo įpročius. J. Tomlinson (2002) teigimu, šiuolaiki-
kaip vartotojo elgsenai. Didžiausias įtakos grupių poveikis vartotojų nės kultūros esmė yra globalizacija. Anot autoriaus, globalizacija
elgsenai buvo ir tebėra tarp jaunimo. Moksliniai tyrimai rodo, kad net nusako sparčiai besiplėtojantį ir nuolat tankėjantį tarpusavio ryšių bei
iki 80 proc. žmonių yra konformistai. Vadinasi, daugumos vartotojų tarpusavio priklausomybės tinklą, būdingą šiuolaikiniam socialiniam
elgsenai įtakos turi kitų žmonių nuomonė. gyvenimui.
M. Solomon ir kt. (1999) teigimu, socialinė klasė ne tik api- Eurointegracijos kontekste vartotojų elgsena tampa svarbiu rin-
brėžia, kiek pinigų žmogus išleidžia, bet ir kaip juos išleidžia. Ph. kodaros aspektu. Vartotojų elgsenos pažinimas bei veiksnių, turinčių
Kotler ir kt. (2003) akcentuoja, kad pastaruoju metu Europos Ko- įtakos vartotojų elgsenai, nustatymas bei tyrimas tampa bene svarbi-
misija remia daugelį projektų, kuriais siekiama pagerinti socioeko- ausiu kiekvienos įmonės, siekiančios išlaikyti konkurencingumą tiek
nominių ir kitų statistikos rodiklių visoje Europoje kokybę. Dauge- vietinėje, tiek globalioje rinkoje, uždaviniu. Europos Sąjungos šalims
lyje Vakarų šalių žemesniosios klasės kyla aukštyn – kinta vartotojų būdingas vartotojų elgsenos kitimas, sąlygotas socialinių veiksnių
elgsena, ji panašėja į aukštesniųjų klasių elgseną. Tai susiję su išsi- pokyčių neabejotinai turės įtakos Lietuvos vartotojų elgsenos poky-
lavinimo bei gyvenimo lygio kilimu. Vakarų Europos mokslininkai čiams. Jau dabar pastebimos panašios šeimos kitimo tendencijos,
aktyviai nagrinėja, kaip gyvenimo lygio kilimas keičia vartotojų susijusios su vėlesniu šeimos kūrimu, vaidmenų pasiskirstymu šei-
elgseną. Suprasti europiečių vartotojišką elgseną darosi vis sudėtin- moje ir pan. Vartotojų elgsenos pažinimas padės patenkinti vartotojų
giau. Čia galima išryškinti dvi pastebimas tendencijas. Pirma, viduti- poreikius bei išlaikyti įmonės konkurencingumą rinkose. Todėl būtina
nės ir aukštesniosios socialinės klasės europietis pirkdamas kasdienio akcentuoti šių veiksnių svarbą Lietuvos verslo įmonėms ir numatyti
vartojimo prekes yra linkęs taupyti ir dažniausiai apsiperka visoje jų įtaką vartotojų elgsenai ateityje.
Europoje plačiai paplitusiuose prekybos centruose. Antra vertus,
siekdami išskirtinumo ir norėdami pabrėžti savo socialinį statusą Raktažodžiai: vartotojų elgsena, socialiniai veiksniai, šeima, įtakos grupės,
visuomenėje, tie patys vartotojai vaikosi garsių prekinių ženklų, be socialinė klasė, kultūra.

The article has been reviewed.

Received in March 2006; accepted in June, 2006.


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