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Name: Keneni Tegene

Student number: 20213842

Department: Business Administration (PhD)

Instructor: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Hanife Bensen Bostanci

Course name: Education For Learning (GCC602)

1. With regard to the live lecture, What kind of teaching methodology (ies) have you
experienced? Were/Was this methodology (ies) effective? Why, Why not?

My experience of studying in the elementary level was not bad even if it was teacher oriented
method of teaching, there was some teacher’s wants to student participate in the class and try to
make the teaching and learning process to become interesting. And I believe that the teachers in
my elementary period have a great impact on my education life and it was the time that I built a
strong ground to my education journey.

When I started my high school level that means from year 2008-2011 that was the very hard
moment for me, as I mentioned earlier in my elementary experience it was kind of mixed type
method but when I entered high school its 100 percent teacher oriented teaching method and for
me that was boring and very frustrating that I was only trying to pass the subjects. Critical
evaluation of oneself and others is not an inherent feature of teacher-centered learning because
the learner is only evaluated by the teacher or instructor. A conventional top-down methodology
is included in standardized grading and monopolized evaluation. Assessments are frequently
conducted only as summative evaluations rather than formative ones, and they infrequently deal
with qualitative aspects of the learner's progress.

When I come to my bachelor studies completely opposite of my high school learning method
happed which is student oriented teaching method, for me I can’t say it was bad experience but
steel there was some negative side of the teaching method because some teachers didn’t give a
lecture they give only materials for reading and assignment. On my opinion it is better to interact
with students with their teachers or instructors. I have encountered some drawbacks to teacher-
oriented teaching methods during my Bachelor's studies. When students work alone, they don't
learn to collaborate with other students, and their communication skills may suffer. It can also be
boring for students, cause their minds to wander, and cause them to miss important facts.

And also in my masters studies it was a good experience for me even though it was distance
education we have a chance to get an important lecture once in a month and we take exams in
person and we submit our assignments online and we present our projects on class and also
online for me my masters study was quit good and interesting.
2. Taking into account your department, What kind of teaching methodology (ies) will you
employ in your lectures? Why?

As I am a PhD student in Business Administration there is a huge possibility that I might be a

lecture. As a lecturer I defiantly use an interactive method of teaching in my feature class.
Interactive procedure of teaching which contains: question and answer method, interactive
procedures, group discussion, tutorial, seminar, panel discussions and symposium methods. The
following are benefits of interactive methods: more student-teacher and student-classmate
contact, a predominance of student participation during the learning process, The students
actively engage in instructional activities, act out professional scenarios, do creative and research
work, have debates with other students, learn to support their points of view with evidence, and
talk about dispute resolution techniques. The teacher's role is to provide the framework for the
pupils' initiative as their activity takes precedence over their own.

Interactive methods are able to arouse the students' interest; they encourage the active
participation of everyone in the educational process, appeal to the feelings of each participant,
contribute to the efficient absorption of the material being studied, have a multifaceted impact on
students, allow giving feedback, form life skills and promote the behavior change. I think it’s
very important thing to make the learners implement what they study in class in their real life.
For example by showing different peoples that they become successful in their business by
giving a chance to discuss about the organizations of successful individuals in the business world
that motivate students to get to the thing or business that they may afraid to start.

By giving different case studies that related to the business that they are interested in enhancing
the capacity of analyzing and interpreting business theories will be my one way of teaching
method, because as much as the students acquire different knowledge of theories they can easily
apply it in to their business or daily life and I want to focus more on practical methods rather
than theoretical. Because as a business students at the end of the course they must be able to
answer all questions that might be difficult in their privies life or business environment.
3. Based on our live lecture, when planning your lectures what will you take into

There are a number of strategies and tools that I can use to engage my students in learning at the
beginning of class but I want elaborate some important points I would like to consider when I
plan a lecture:

- Offer a gripping anecdote pertinent to the course material. The students' interest may be piqued
by this interesting fact, case, or news item.

- Provide pupils with a thought-provoking or content-related question to consider. Students can

either write their responses on note cards to be gathered later or I can use a clicker to ask them a
question. The class session can begin with a discussion of the student responses.

- Give a demonstration to the class that is pertinent to the information covered that day.

- Request a summary of what the students studied in the last lesson.

- Give students a course map to help scaffold their learning.

- Outline the lesson's learning goals for that day's class.

In addition, some examples of end-of-class instruction include:

- Review the course objectives once more.

- Request a summary of the lessons learnt from the students.

- Question learners about any remaining areas of uncertainty. For instance, I could instruct the
students to write down on note cards their "muddiest points," or subjects or ideas about which
they are still unclear. These muddiest points can be discussed during a subsequent class.

- I start preparing students for the next class by giving a preview and connecting what they
learned during the present class with material to come.
4. How will you address your learners' different learning styles?

I think that every student has a unique learning style. Each student in my class can choose a
different learning method, which might make it challenging for me to be the best teacher
possible. However, I will do my best to reach the majority of my pupils by including a variety of
teaching strategies into my lessons and by knowing the optimal style of instruction for each of
my learners. I'll attempt to describe various teaching approaches below;

Visual Learning Style

A person with a visual learning style prefers items that can be seen or observed, such as images,
diagrams, presentations, demonstrations, handouts, movies, flip charts, etc. These pupils will say
things like "show me," "let's look at that," and "let's look at that," and they will be better able to
complete a new activity after reading the instructions or watching someone else do it first. These
are the students who will follow written lists, instructions, and guidelines.

Auditory Learning Style

An individual with an auditory learning style prefers to learn by listening to spoken words,
whether they are their own or those of others, as well as sounds and noises. These students will
say things like "tell me," "let's talk it over," and they will be better able to complete a new task
after hearing instructions from a professional. These are the pupils who are happy being given
spoken instructions over the telephone, and can recall all the words to songs that they hear!

Kinesthetic or Tactile Learning Style

Kinesthetic learners appreciate tactile experiences such as touching, feeling, holding, doing, and
real-world hands-on activities. These pupils will use expressions like "let me try" and "how do
you feel?" and will be able to complete a new activity to their best ability by just starting it and
learning as they go. These are the students who like to experiment hands-on without first reading
the directions!

I will try to categorize my students with regard to their best learning style and preparing a
material that makes them to enjoy the teaching and learning journey interesting will be my major

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