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Date: 3-1-23 Teacher Name & CMT: Megan Heiss with Jess Lukens Class: Humanities

(social studies)

Grade Level: fifth Unit Name/Topic: Lesson Number: 1 Length: 45 minutes

Slavery in Americas

Academic Content Standard(s):

5.3.11 Describe the ways Native Americans, Africans, other immigrant groups, and colonists adapted to variations
in the physical environment.
5.1.20 Using primary and secondary sources to examine an historical account about an issue of the time, reconstruct
the literal meaning of the passages by identifying who was involved, what happened, where it happened, what
events led to these developments, and what consequences or outcomes followed.

Enduring Understandings / Goals (Why): Essential Question:

Students will describe life in West Africa in the 1500s What was the impact of slavery on African people?
and how the trade of enslaved people began.
Students will identify the components of triangular - What legacy does slavery contribute to?
trade. - How were enslaved people treated?
Students will analyze how Africans survived the - How do images give insight on slavery?
Middle Passage and responded to a life of slavery in
the colonies.

Student (SMART) Objectives(s):

Outcome(s) students will be able to demonstrate . . .
Students will be able to demonstrate the origins of West African people before they were forced into the evil
institution of slavery. They will progress in comprehending the impact slavery had on African people from the first
arrival of slaves to present day legacies. Students will show their knowledge by completing the Learned column on
the KWL chart that I have access to.

Stage 2: Evidence of Learning (Assessments)

Performance Task(s) tied to: Other Evidence

Students will show their learning by . . . Formative:
Demonstrating knowledge by restating information they Students will show they understood the readings and
know about slavery activities from Monday and Tuesday by completing the
Show curiosity and engagement by asking questions “Know” column. Students will show they analyzed the
about what they want to know 1619 book by making comparisons to the textbook and
Making connections to textbook readings new information presented to them by filling out the
Summarize what they learned about the impact of “Learned” column.
slavery on African people after reading 1619 Born on
the Water Summative (if any beyond the performance task):
Evaluative Criteria: I have access to see the “learned” column to ensure
Students' success would look like. . . students are grasping new information, but I assume
- Verbal participation with the KWL chart there will be a summative assessment at the end of our
- Actively listening during 1619 Born on the slavery unit. The KWL chart gives insight to what they
Water reading have understood from Monday and Tuesday lessons and
- completing KWL activity on paper
what they have recently learned about slavery after
- Learning new information that helps get closer to
answering the essential question listening to 1619 Born on the Water book. I taught
- Positive attitude and embracing the Monday’s lesson, so I can help guide students to make
uncomfortableness of this unit connections between textbook and picture book.

Stage 3: Learning Plan

General Methods for Instruction:

(Highlight all that apply)
Group Discussion Guided Practice Question/Answer Teacher Modeling Problem-based

Simulation Cooperative Learning Lab Learning Stations Writing to Learn Inquiry Learning

Independent Learning Small Group Direct Instruction Workshop Role Play Game Other:

Where will this lesson take place? General Education Classroom Resource Room or Other:

Targeted Support(s) for Diverse Learners Technology Integration (purpose):

Specific Support and Who will provide that? One Note is a technological tool that my CMT loves to
Since we will be doing one teach and one observe (my use. It is similar to Google Docs, but it is more
CMT is observing me), I will cater to the needs of collaborative and videos can be added. Since Zionsville
diverse learners or students who may need Middle School West is 1:1 with technology, all of them
individualized support. Because this is my first lesson, if
should have access to a laptop or tablet where they can
I am not equipped to give specific support, my CMT
knows when to jump in. I do not anticipate this, but if take notes. I considered using Onenote, but because I do
there is an emergency in the classroom because this is a not have access to it after I leave Zionsville West Middle
tough topic to teach, my CMT will help me. School for the day, I decided to make note-taking for the
Why? What’s the intention KWL chart on paper. I will make it clear that I will
The intention behind this is to ensure the needs of all collect their notes to assess their learning. When I read
students are met, and since there are two teachers, this the book, students will be sitting on the rug with no
classroom organization makes it much easier to work computers so there should not be any distractions. They
individually with students and talk through their should be engaged by listening to the words and
concerns and questions. analyzing the intricate illustrations. They have been
Needed (Special support? Education Support
frequently using their computers in Language Arts
(support be provided? and/or accommodations and
because they have been working on a research project,
so this lesson will give them a technology break.
I have honestly not dealt with any major behavior
problems with any of the students. If they begin getting
too talkative, I remind them of what voice level they
should be at. If students are getting antsy, we do a
movement activity. If they are on their computers too
long, they can get distracted, so I am limiting computer
Intentional Co-Teaching or Grouping Strategies:
❏ 1 Teach 1 Observe (gather specific data)

Lesson Agenda with Discipline-Specific Learning Activities

Time: Teacher Will Be (Planned Students Will Be (Learning Rationale: (Based on

Supports tied to objectives & build Tasks connect to prior knowledge Research/theory)
in checks for understanding) & assets):

9:15-9:25 At 9:15, the first period begins. The As always, students will be eager to Every book I have read
agenda slide will already be posted learn. They will be excited when I emphasizes the importance
on the board. I will briefly outline have the agenda slide on the board. of routines in the
what we will be doing this class They will rely on prior context from classroom. The students are
period. Then, I will inform students Monday and Tuesday to jot down used to sitting in their seat
to pull out a piece of paper to take what they already know about when the bell rings and
notes on what they already know and slavery. They will fold a piece of listens to what Mrs. Lukens
want to know. I will instruct them to paper so that it has three columns. has to say about the
fold their piece of paper into three First, they will reflect on Monday upcoming lesson. They are
columns and label each column. I will and Tuesdays lesson along with familiar with circle time on
model this. For the next 5 minutes or prior knowledge to display what the rug so they will be very
so, students will silently first write they already know. A few people excited about that. Inquiry
down what they already know about will share their thoughts. AS a class, based learning encourages
slavery and then we will share out as we can come up with a few students to ask questions
a class. As a class, I will ask them questions about what we want to and find answers, and the
what they want to know and write know. Hopefully, students can want to know column of the
down a few questions. At this point, answer these questions by the end of KWL chart allows for that.
two of the columns of the KWL today’s lesson, but they will Students demonstrate what
should be filled out and I will make definitely find the solution to them they already know in the
that clear. by the end of the slavery unit. After know column and building
the two columns of KWL chart are on prior knowledge is key
filled out, they will meet me at the for student success.

9:25-9:50 I will instruct students to leave their Students listen to the 1619 Born on 'Born on the Water' gives
KWL chart on their desks and meet the Water book. They know it is a Black children in America
me sitting down on the rug. I will heavy yet important topic. Active their origin story. This book
introduce the book 1619 Born on the listening looks like eye contact, appropriately informs
Water and read it aloud. If I notice a appropriate facial expressions, students on the horrific
connection to the textbook, I will sitting still, hands in lap, and realities of slavery and
point it out. I have practiced the retaining information. After I am images to go along with it.
pronunciation of terms I am not done reading the book, I can ask This book is an honest
familiar with and I am aware of when about textbook connections and representation about slavery
to change my tone. At the end, we other questions. Students and encourages students to
can discuss the book and I have a few demonstrate retaining information talk about race. This text is
questions to guide their thinking. by responding to these questions to a great resource for a
deepen their understanding. culturally and historically
responsive classroom.

The last 5 to 10 minutes of class will The last 5 to 10 minutes of class KWL charts have an
9:50/55-10 be silent because the students are will be silent because the students abundance of benefits.
reflecting on what they learned. I will are reflecting on what they learned. I They are easy to use, show
instruct them to walk back to their will instruct them to walk back to the level of knowledge and
seats and complete the learned their seats and complete the learned gaps in understanding,
column. Throughout all parts of the column. Students will silently be encourage and engage
KWL chart, I will walk around the filling out a few sentences or bullet students in the learning
room during silent work and answer points about what they learned after process, monitor progress
any clarification questions. I will reading 1619 Born on the Water and and learning outcomes,
collect the KWL charts by 10 because making connections to textbooks. introduce a new form of
they are a form of formative Students will hand their KWL charts note taking, and can easily
assessments. If we have time, I will to me by 10 because that is when the be adaptable or
allow students to share out what they bell rings. Students can explain what differentiated to fit
have learned after they turned their they have learned if extra time students’ needs.
assessment in. After all their hard allows.
work, they can do a dance break
during the passing period.
Data-Driven Reflection and Decisions
Based on the specific objective(s), Performance Task(s), and Evaluative Criteria set for today’s lesson, what was the
result? How well did the class do collectively on meeting the objective at the level you expected? Were there any
patterns, collective misconceptions/gaps? Who needs specific support/reteach? Now, justify your next step in planning.
What will you do next? Why (research-based)? What do you anticipate the result to be?

Honestly, I think this lesson was beautifully executed. I started with the agenda, so students knew what to expect.
Movement was prioritized when students scurried over to the rug for circle time. I read the 1619 Project: Born on
the Water picture book. It contains heavy information because the realities of slavery are covered. The students
listened attentively and responded respectfully. They demonstrated what they learned through the KWL chart.The
objectives were met because their knowledge of slavery increased which is a success in my eyes. Some students had
more prior knowledge on slavery than others, but there were no major gaps in the learning. I collected these and
wrote intentional and positive feedback on every students’ KWL charts. For my first lesson I created, I think it went
extremely well! My next lesson will be about the Quartering Acts in the road to the Revolutionary War, and I will
implement student focused instruction of course.

Slideshow link:

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