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CSP - Conlutas 1

2 CSP - Conlutas

e dedicated this pamphlet to the
late comrade Dirceu Travesso, Didi.
He who was one of the founders of
CSP-Conlutas, has boosted international
initiatives and had a fundamental role in the
construction of internationalism within the
Central. Didi will always be present in our
CSP - Conlutas 3


CSP-Conlutas And The Reorganization Of The Brazilian Labor Movement............................................... 04

The Origin of the CSP-Conlutas .............................................................................................................................................06
CSP-Conlutas Decision-Making Bodies ............................................................................................................................ 07
Principles, Strategy And Program Of The CSP-Conlutas ........................................................................................ 08
The Centrality Of The Working Class...................................................................................................................................... 09
A Rank-And-File Based Organization...................................................................................................................................... 10
About The Social Composition Of The Federation.......................................................................................................................................10
The Defense Of Direct Action Combined With Other Secondary Means Of Action (Parliamentary,
Legal, Etc.) ..............................................................................................................................................................11
The Defense Of The Unity Of The Federation And Of Working Class Struggles......................................12
Organizational, Political And Financial Independence Vis-à-vis The State, The Bourgeoisie,
Governments And Other Political And Religious Institutions.................................................................................12
Fighting Back The Attacks Against indigenous Brazilians and the Peoples of the Forests.................13
A New Labor Federation That Takes On All Struggles Against Oppression....................................................14
The Caucus Of Black Workers And Quilombolas........................................................................................................ 15
The Women’s Movements In CSP-Conlutas....................................................................................................................17
The LGBTQI Caucus ........................................................................................................................................................................ 18
Building In Practice An Internationalist Unionism..................................................................................................... 19
The Construction Of An International Labor Network To Push Forward Labor Struggles............... 20
The Birth Of The International Labor Network Of Solidarity And Struggles (ILNSS) In 2013...........21
ILNSS goes To Ukraine With Workers’ Aid Convoy And Distributes Donations.............................23
Let’s Build The ILNSS By Developing Local And Regional Grassroots Committees Of Struggle
In All Countries....................................................................................................................................................................... 24
4 CSP - Conlutas

The CSP-Conlutas And The Reorganization

Of The Brazilian Labor Movement
The Labor movement and the experience with the PT (Workers Party)

Workers Session in Conat (National Workers Congress)

C SP-Conlutas originally began as a coalition

of trade unions and popular movements that
was born to be at the service of the workers and
The most notable of such changes is the ca-
pitulation of the CUT to a shameless form of gov-
erning in the name of the workers. As the largest
the poorest people and to fight for their demands. union federation in Brazil and the PT’s trade union
Among its key characteristics, it distinguishes it- arm, relinquishing all their independence from the
self for its independence from the bosses and the government, the CUT started to support measures
governments, and its democratic methods led by that they had previously opposed, measures that
the rank-and-file. hurt workers and diminish their rights.
The election of the charismatic former union Rank and file members of the CUT have become
leader Lula, an iconic trade union leader of the CUT increasingly disillusioned and angry both with the
(Central Unica dos Trabalhadores, Central Workers’ PT and the CUT’s leadership. This happened espe-
Union) and of the Workers Party (PT) to the Presi- cially after the union leaders failed to wage a fight
dency in 2003 resulted in profound changes in the against major attacks and social losses like the
Brazilian trade union movement. In 2003, the Lula social security reform for civil service employees,
government imposed a bill to reduce public em- the increase of the interest rate of the payments
ployees’ pension rights. The CUT’s leadership did made to international banks like the IMF, or the
not support the spontaneous and growing protests privatization of the salt flats. The case of “Men-
of public employees, and divided the movement by salão” in 2005, a corruption scheme involving high
keeping private sector workers apart, preventing officials of the PT “buying” votes and loyalty to the
them from joining the struggle. Lula government from other party members in Con-
CSP - Conlutas 5

gress also damaged worker’s trust in the PT and the unions decided to break with the CUT.
CUT. The union leadership participated in all kinds One of the founding unions of CUT in the 1980s,
of manipulations to defend and protect important the Sao Jose dos Campos Metalworkers Union,
members of government and historical figures of which organizes most of the automotive indus-
the PT despite the blatant evidence of corruption. try, followed the decision to break with the CUT in
Moreover, both the PT and the CUT developed a 2004, affirming the decision at a historic meeting.
strategy of co-optation of key union leaders and ac- This gesture of worker’s self-determination was
tivists of the social movement. Many paid positions similar to the one that had created the CUT in the
and material perks were created and distributed to first place 30 years prior. Industrial workers and
trade union leaders and organizers, who ended up teachers decided that the CUT was no longer able
leaving the rank and file and going to work in gov- to represent their interests, nor was it possible to
ernment departments. reform it in a timely manner to push the struggles
This is why many honest and committed union (because of its entrenched adaption to the govern-
organizers began to realize that the CUT could ment apparatus). They had to create a new and in-
no longer be considered a tool at the service of dependent labor union, this time with clearer pro-
workers’ struggles or interests. Therefore, several gram, principles and strategy.

Workers commemorate the foundation of Conlutas as a Trade Union

6 CSP - Conlutas

The Origin Of The CSP-Conlutas

Flag of Conlutas extended in plenary of Conat

“Conlutas”, which is the short name for “coordination sociations, and the presence of 108 student delegates
of struggles” (Coordenação Nacional de Lutas), was cre- from universities and schools.
ated first by hundreds of rank and file union activists On 2010, Conlutas and other organizations called
as a tool to coordinate the already existing struggles the Working Class National Congress for June 2010
against this regressive reform and against the pen- to build a merger with other labor and activist orga-
sion reform. Their goal was to unite public workers nizations. Unfortunately at the end of an impressive
unions who went on strike for 40 days. Among the main 3,150-delegate congress, some organizations disagreed
unions that formed Conlutas were the ANDES (Univer- with the unification, but others merged creating a new
sity Professors National Union) and the Sindicato dos organization: the CSP - Conlutas (Labor and Popular
Metalúrgicos de São José dos Campos (Sao Jose dos Federation - Conlutas). The new federation unified all
Campos Metalworkers Union that represents the main the unions under a common banner and a common pro-
GM plant in Brazil). gram: the defense of the interests of the working class,
On March 13 and 14th 2004, Conlutas was officially its oppressed sectors and popular movements, against
formed in a National Meeting in Luisiânia-GO, which capitalist exploitation and all forms of oppression.
gathered 1800 participants from 181 local unions and On April 27-30, 2012, CSP-Conlutas held its first na-
associations. Conlutas was further establisshed at a lat- tional congress in Sumaré city near Campinas attended
er National Workers Congress in May of 2006 in Sumaré by 1,809 elected delegates and 302 observers.
(Sao Paulo) with 2729 delegates elected in local assem- On June 4-7, 2015 it held its 2nd national congress at
blies, plus 235 observes, and 268 guests from 529 local the same venue attended by 1,702 delegates and 572 ob-
unions. servers from from 271 labor organizations (unions and
In July 2008, the Conlutas Federation held its First opposition caucuses), 30 people’s movements (home-
National Congress in Betim (Mina Gerais) with 2814 del- less and landless movements), 2 movements against
egates from 305 local unions officially affiliated and oppression (Movement Women in Struggle and Quilom-
dozens of opposition caucus in other sectors, plus 70 bo Race and Class) and one student union (ANEL). All
local, regional and national social movements and as- of them came from 24 states plus the Federal District
CSP - Conlutas 7

(Brasilia). cussed and organized struggles against Bolsonaro

On Octuber 12-15, 2017 it held its third national con- and his ultra-right and authoritarian government.
gress that surpassed the number of participants in In many regards, the CSP-Conlutas is a new kind
2015, which had 2,664 people present. The congress of organization in Brazil, as it brings together both
attended by 1,953 delegates and delegates, 264 ob- labor federations and anti-oppression organizations
servers, 24 guests and 113 representations from and community groups through an independent and
different countries. The 4th congress took place in democratic method, with the goal of fighting as one
Vinhedo, Sao Paulo, on 2019, and the movements dis- and standing in solidarity with each other.

CSP-Conlutas Decision-Making Bodies

The structure of the Conlutas is defined democratically, through national coordination

National Congress: Hold every two years, it is the coordination, to carry out all decisions taken. All
highest decision-making body. The National Coordina- members must be representatives of affiliated or-
tion is responsible for calling the Congress and for de- ganizations or social movements.
ciding the criteria for proportional representation of Fiscal Committee: three-member body, with
all its affiliated organizations and social movements.
three deputies, elected by the national coordina-
National Coordination: Hold every two months, it is tion for a revocable two-year mandate in accor-
the main decision-making body between national con- dance to the bylaws.
gresses. All affiliated organizations and social move-
ments in good standing are entitled to send delegates State-level: State and regional coordinations,
in accordance to the criteria of proportional represen- executive secretariats and fiscal committees like-
tation decided by the national congress. wise the national bodies except for the congresses.
National Executive Secretariat: 27-mem- The student unions and the movements against
ber-body, with 8 deputies, elected for a re- oppression combined cannot make more than 5%
vocable two-year mandate, by the national of the members of any decision-making body.
8 CSP - Conlutas

Principles, Strategy And

Program Of The CSP- Conlutas
Summary of the points of unity as approved by the Working Class National Congress
of 2010. Overcoming capitalism and building socialism, fighting back
against sectorialism and economicism

National coordination is the democratic body in which decisions are made

Labor unions and popular movements that intend construction of a classless society, a socialist society.
to fight in a coherent way in defense of the interests The Federation shall carry out, in every concrete
of the workers and other exploited and oppressed mobilization that we have in our union or movement,
sectors of our society must have a common strategy the denunciation of capitalism and the questioning
to overcome capitalism, the root of our problems. of the institutions of this society, as a way of raising
Capitalism, in its current decadent phase, has al- the political consciousness of the working class and
ready proved to be incapable of improving the lives its education for the coming struggles for the trans-
of workers. Every little conquest obtained through formation of our society.
struggle is soon taken back by the numerous instru- Both sectorialism, which limits the action of labor
ments that capital has at hand, as it controls the eco- exclusively to the immediate issues of a given sec-
nomic and political powers in this society. tor, and economicism, which focuses exclusively on
This does not mean that CSP-Conlutas must move “bread and butter” issues, and dissociates the spe-
away from the daily struggle in defense of the eco- cific demands of a sector from the general demands
nomic and other specific demands of each sector. of the working class as a whole, must therefore be
On the contrary, we need to fight every struggle for challenged by the Federation. These union ideologies
every demand (big or small) with the understanding lead to a reformist practice, counterposing demands
that there is only one definitive solution in the long that should be combined, and worst of all, lead to
run: the liberation of the workers from all their hard- a type of action that is not able to defend even the
ships, through the destruction of capitalism and the most basic demands and rights of the workers.
CSP - Conlutas 9

The Centrality Of
The Working Class
Unions are the most important means of mass so-called “developing economies” like China, India or
organization in Brazil, bringing together the portion Brazil they are booming.
of the working class that has the most weight in the Another important transformation we must ac-
struggle against capital, because of their large num- knowledge is the restructuring of labor processes,
bers and their social and economic role in society. including both waged-labor and non-wage labor, with
In this context, the industrial or productive sector multiple forms of informal labor, including the gig
of the working class is the most important sector in economy. This tendency towards an increased pre-
the struggle for the transformation of society, for it carization of labor, together with structural unem-
plays a key role in the production of commodities and ployment, which creates a legion of dispossessed in
realization of profits. the peripheries of the great urban centers, poses the
Contrary to the analyses that foresee both the possibility of bringing all of these sectors of our class
“end of labor” as the source of wealth and the decline into a common struggle with a working class perspec-
(or even the extinction) of the working class, we see a tive.
growth of the working class globally, in particular with This is why it is not enough to build strong unions in
the incorporation of the Chinese proletariat into cap- the productive sectors. This new reality demands the
italist production in recent decades. If it is true that alliance of all sectors of our class around a workers’
the industrial sectors of the economy are no longer and socialist perspective with emphasis on the most
mostly located in the imperialist centers, it does not exploited and oppressed sections of the workers, of-
mean they have shrunk or disappeared. In many of the ten not protected by mainstream labor organizations.

The Federation defends the combative and independent action of governments with the workers
10 CSP - Conlutas

A Rank-And-File
Based Organization
In order to develop a militant, working class ori- specific policies for the organization of elections
ented and socialist intervention, we must overcome of union reps or shop stewards by the members,
one of the major obstacles in the labor movement active workplace committees to involve the rank-
today: the lack of union organization in the work- and-file in campaigns, Cipas (Safety and Health
places, and member involvement at the shop floor Committees); and whenever it is needed clandes-
level. Without building a base among rank-and-file tine grassroots groups and trade union opposition
activists, through democratic methods, our unions caucuses.
will not be able to fight back the current attacks. In Brazil, this core principle of our strategy also
There are objective difficulties to dingo so, such requires a broader national fight: a political cam-
as workplace repression and the firing of activists, paign for job security (adoption of ILO 158 Conven-
as well as subjective ones such as lack of political tion on Termination of Employment), and for the
understanding about the need for a grassroots and right to conduct union organizing inside workplac-
rank-and-file led organization. es (OLT in Portuguese).
This task should be understood as a permanent If we do not protect and improve our union and
priority for the Federation which shall carry out labor rights, activists will continue to be fired.

The union defends the

organization based on
grassroots work

About The Social

Composition Of The Federation
CSP-Conlutas is a labor and community federa- State Coordination of the Federation, with minor-
tion which strives to preserve a working class char- ity representation. This is why student’s unions
acter. Affiliate organizations that are not strictly and organizations against oppression cannot hold
labor unions participate in the National and State combine more than 5% of the combined votes in
Executive Secretariats and in the National and any decision-making body of the Federation.
CSP - Conlutas 11

The Defense Of Direct Action

Combined With Other Secondary
Means Of Action (Parliamentary, Legal, Etc.)

The union defends that institutional and legal battles are useful as long as they are a collective work of the workers

The Federation understands that true social lar moment in concrete struggle and, therefore,
transformation will come through collective di- they should always be based upon the mobiliza-
rect action and therefore adopts it as its perma- tion of the rank-and-file.
nent strategy. Thus the Federation efforts should be placed in
Institutional and legal battles can and should the permanent construction of mobilization and
be used as long as they are subordinated to this struggle, involving union members in the planning
strategy of building for the collective direct ac- and implementation of these actions, and reject-
tion of the membership. Thus we defend the di- ing the prevalence of negotiation over workers’
rect action of workers as our primary method of mobilization.
struggle. Even when the mobilization of workers is not
This does not mean disregarding the impor- possible, the Federation and its affiliated orga-
tance of other means such as acting in parliament nizations have a role to play in this domain. They
or legal struggle; nor does it mean not using nego- should guide their intervention with the goal of
tiations and agreements when necessary. educating workers on the best strategy in the
However, the bargaining processes are the re- struggle against capital, building up their confi-
sult of the relation of forces existing at a particu- dence and aiming at developing workers power.
12 CSP - Conlutas

The Defense Of The Unity Of The

Federation And Of Working Class Struggles
The Federation strives for the unity of workers in
the struggle to defend their rights and interests
Unity is critical to strengthening workers in their sion of minorities in all its bodies. The decision-
struggles, but it must not be used to sacrifice work- making processes of their policies shall be based
ers’ class independence. on broad participation of the organizations and the
Unity cannot be used either to impose top-down rank-and-file.
decisions. The Federation shall provide the means All affiliated organizations enjoy complete inde-
for a rich internal debate, ensuring democracy, re- pendence, whether ideological, organizational, pro-
specting the diversity of opinions, and the expres- grammatic or political.

All affiliated organizations must enjoy total independence, be it ideological, organizational, programmatic or political

Organizational, Political And Financial Independence

Vis-à-vis The State, The Bourgeoisie, Governments
And Other Political And Religious Institutions
The Federation shall have complete independence In this class-based society there is one side that
both from corporations and from any government exploits and oppresses: the bourgeoisie and its in-
and state institutions, both as it concerns political stitutions (governments, parliament, State, etc.); op-
and financial issues. posed to it is the exploited and oppressed side: the
The Federation shall not use resources from the workers and other exploited sectors of society.
state or employers to maintain and carry out its ac- Neutrality in such a situation implies support-
tivities. ing the stronger side. The constant and systematic
Organizational, political and financial indepen- struggle against the bourgeoisie, its governments
dence should not be confused with neutrality vis-à- and its state is the only way to make labor indepen-
vis governments and the State. dence effective.
CSP - Conlutas 13

Fighting Back The Attacks Against indigenous

Brazilians and the Peoples of the Forests

Thousands Join Climate Strike Protests in Sao Paulo

From the military regime to the Workers’ Party (PT) Real Time), Inpe system (National Institute for Space
and Bolsonaro governments, indigenous Brazilians, Research). In the Cerrado, the increase was 26%.
peoples of the forest and rural workers have been in- The president has already said that he will not grant
creasingly under attack: they face the seizure of their new reserves for indigenous Brazilians or Black people
lands, loss of rights and are victims of a silent and pre- nor for land reform. The far-right president Bolsonaro
meditated genocide by agribusiness and landowners. intends to legalize ore exploration in indigenous terri-
During the period of the military regime in Brazil, the tory. In addition, Bolsonaro promised to give licenses
Land Statute was established and intended to imple- to kill to landowners, letting them shoot anyone in their
ment the National Land Reform Plan, but the law was farmlands.
never implemented, making it yet another social re- In 2019, according to a preliminary survey by the Pas-
form not implemented by Brazilian elites. Since then, toral Land Commission, there were 17 conflict-motivat-
this initiative has gained the character of an economic ed killings in the countryside, 16 of them in the Amazon
policy, and that has allowed over the years the growth — from January to July 2018, there were 18 deaths, 14 in
and development of agribusiness. the Amazon region.
In recent decades, governments, even those sup- Land reclaiming is one of indigenous Brazilians’
ported by sectors of the labor movement and leftist strategies to take back stolen lands. CSP-Conlutas sent
parties, have maintained the same political structure a delegation to Mato Grosso do Sul, in August 2016, to
that helps to concentrate land in the hands of a few, and meet with some activists of indigenous cause and oth-
the policy in favor of agribusiness has continued. Even er popular movements to Guarani-Kaiowá reserves.
during PT (Workers Party) governments, the scenario
did not change. On the contrary, under the Lula admin- Agribusiness represents 33% of the balance of
istration, businessmen and landowners got countless trade and they elect countless MPs and senators who
concessions in the form of credit, debt forgiveness and support their land policies.
support programs. CSP-Conlutas, as a labor and people’s federation, de-
This situation resulted in, as a brutal consequence, fends the permanent mobilization against oppression
the death of indigenous, workers and rural leaders. At – we have a ongoing campaign to defend indigenous,
the same time in Amazonia, there was a 278% rise of quilombolas and rural people – and understands that
fires in July compared to the same period of 2018, ac- international support is fundamental for such issues to
cording to the Deter (Detection of Deforestation in gain political weight and gather broader solidarity.
14 CSP - Conlutas

A New Labor Federation That Takes

On All Struggles Against Oppression

CSP-Conlutas adopts a working class perspective to combat all kinds of oppression

In 2012 CSP-Conlutas held its first national con- struggle against all forms of oppression in our soci-
gress and in 2015 its second one gathering 250 or- ety: sexism, homophobia, transphobia, islamophobia
ganizations representing around 2 million workers in and all forms of racism being the most urgent ones.
Brazil, from industrial sectors (auto, metal, chemical, Our unions should also be spaces that take an active
printing, textile, oil, mining), construction, transport, stance against all forms of oppression in our work-
sanitation, mail, public education and healthcare em- places and inside our own organizations.
ployees as well as civil servants and bank employees. In order to do so, our unions need to transform the
Since the political crisis initiated in Brazil in 2013, forms and methods of organizing in order to be more
CSP-Conlutas has become a national reference point inclusive, and lead a conscious and international
for all the sectors that want to democratically orga- struggle for the transformation of ours class orga-
nize to defend their rights against the attacks of mul- nizations. This starts by developing special caucuses
tinationals and the Dilma/Temer administration. for women, LGBTQI, Black and Immigrant workers, and
The third congress was held on October 12-15, rules to combat oppressive behaviors as well as pro-
2017, followed by a Meeting of the International Labor active mechanisms to promote union leaders from
Network of the Americas against neoliberal reforms these oppressed sectors.
on October 16-18, 2017. CSP-Conlutas takes a working class perspective to
The 4th congress took place in Vinhedo, Sao Paulo, fight back all kinds of oppression and allows the affili-
on 2019, and the movements discussed and orga- ation of organizations of the oppressed that share its
nized struggles against Bolsonaro and his ultra-right program and perspective of independent mobiliza-
and authoritarian government. tion. In order to better understand how this is accom-
One of the key political struggles the labor move- plished, we describe briefly three major caucuses of
ment needs to address is the conscious and active the CSP-Conlutas.
CSP - Conlutas 15

The Caucus Of Black

Workers And Quilombolas

“Quilombo Raça e Classe” is an organization of black workers created within the CSP-Conlutas in 2008

Over the past years, CSP-Conlutas has developped manifestations of racism, including police brutality
a strong internal caucus of Black workers (Sectorial against Black youth in the favelas. But it also pushes
de Negros e Negras) across the different affiliated beyond those immediate demands and advocates for
unions, to fight against racism, unequal pay and dis- reparations for slavery and racism.
crimination in the workplace. In 2014 it organized “Quilombo Raça e Classe” has organized many
regular national gatherings of Black workers which “marchas da periferia” (demonstrations and rallies in
gathered 1,500 participants. Since then, it organizes the inner cities where most of the Black communities
regular conferences for debate and joint organiza- are). These mass protests gained significant popular-
tion, as well as seminars of political education on the ity and strength in 2015 and 2016. The goal of those
connections between racism and capitalism. mobilizations is to have a strong presence of orga-
Linked to this caucus, we have the “Quilombo Raça nized Black youth in the streets, with an independent
e Classe” which is an organization of Black workers and working-class perspective, in order to fight the
created inside the CSP-Conlutas in 2008 by Black government and police brutality. The militant slogan
men and women workers as well as youth to mobilize put forward by “Quilombo”, which refers to communi-
and fight racism in society. This caucus works with a ties formed by free and escaped slaves in Brazil, is
clear working class perspective, which differentiates “Aquilombar para as reparaçōes” (“Break free for repa-
it from many other Black movements in Brazil. rations”). Their goal now is to develop popular coun-
In Brazil more than 55% of the working class is cils in the poor Black communities to fight for and
Black, yet there is a strong push to erase blackness in demand the implementation of reparation measures.
Brazilian society. “Quilombo Raça e Classe” denounc- In order to understand their working class per-
es the “myth of racial democracy” in Brazil and world- spective, it is instructive to see their approach to-
wide. It seeks to organize and fight back against all wards the Obama administration, setting them apart
16 CSP - Conlutas

from the many other Black organizations that took campaigns and workshops in the different union lo-
the election of Obama as a positive step and avoided cals to combat racist ideologies and behaviors.
criticizing him.
The quilombola struggle reveals the institutional
The 2016 second union seminar organized by the racism of successive governments, aggravated by
Black Caucus of the CSP-Conlutas gathered more the Bolsonaro government, who have never applied
than 200 union activists from 83 different union lo- affirmative or reparative policies to quilombola and
cals across the country. It discussed the epidemics of indigenous communities, and have allowed or even
violence against the Black Brazilian population and imposed a lack of protection, resulting in activists
youth and the daily experience of Black workers in facing death threats and assassinations.
their workplace.
The Seminar had important educational panels See below the poem from the 20th century most
like: “There is no capitalism without racism”, “How does important Brazilian Black poet Solano Trindade was
racism manifest itself in the workplace and in society”, recited all the time the issue of Obama administra-
“Fighting daily against racism in our unions, popular tion was brought about, showing their clear working
organizations and society”. The goal was to develop class orientation for the struggle against racism.
a common understanding of the challenges ahead
for the federation and to begin to implement shared See below in both Portuguese and English:

Negros Blacks
(Solano Trindade) (Solano Trindade)

Negros que escravizam Blacks that enslave

E vendem negros na África And sell blacks in Africa
Não são meus irmãos Are not my brothers.
Negros senhores na América Black Lords in America
A serviço do capital At the service of capital
Não são meus irmãos Are not my brothers.
Negros opressores Black oppressors
Em qualquer parte do mundo Anywhere in the world
Não são meus irmãos Are not my brothers.
Só os negros oprimidos Only oppressed blacks
Escravizados Enslaved
Em luta por liberdade In struggle for freedom
São meus irmãos Are my brothers.
Para estes tenho um poema For these I have a poem
Grande como o Nilo Great as the Nile.
CSP - Conlutas 17

The Women’s Movements In CSP-Conlutas

Movements in CSP-Conlutas has a different approach, as it advocates a clear strategy for the working class to fight for women’s rights

Feminist movements in CSP-Conlutas advocate ence of Working-Class Women of the CSP-Conlu-

a clear strategy for the working class to fight for tas federation, gathering 2,300 participants. They
women’s rights, maintaining their independence discussed women’s oppression in society and the
from all government with links to corporations. need to organize and fight back for women’s rights
The MML (Women In Struggle Movement), one beginning with mobilizing labor unions to do so,
of the movements that built CSP-Conlutas, up- for workers, when united, have the power to end
holds that working class women have only one the material root of oppression: class society.
way forward: to unite, organize and fight for their Currently CSP-Conlutas has other important
rights. Regarding the issue of racism, the MML movements and currents of women who work and
recognizes that the feminist movement has yet to help build our labor union, such as Juntas, Cedes
take up the struggles and agenda of Black women. and the Marielle Vive Movement.
Fighting against sexism is not enough. The MML Representatives of the women’s activist move-
supports Black women’s own priorities and role in ments and currents of our labor union strength-
the struggle as the way to address this historical ened other important women’s struggle agendas
failure and to overcome divisions among the op- such as legalizing abortion, for example.
pressed. In 2018, a delegation of the CSP-Conlutas was
In 2010 and 2012, the Women Caucus organized in Argentina, to defend and monitor the vote on
an important conference of the women workers the abortion legalization law in the Senate, and
of the CSP-Conlutas, to share experiences and could build fundamental ties to the international-
develop a common strategy to confront sexism ist struggle of women.
and discrimination in the workplace and the la- These past years, all movements of CSP-Conlu-
bor movement. The MML and the Women’s Caucus tas mobilized strong union contingents for March
have held numerous workshops in local unions on 8th, International Working Women’s Day, to rein-
women’s rights and violence against women. vigorate a militant and labor perspective into the
In 2013, the MML organized the first Confer- working class women movement.
18 CSP - Conlutas

The LGBTQI Caucus

The LGBTQI caucus of CSP-Conlutas is part of of homophobic trends that exist everywhere.
the structure of the Federation. It emerged from In 2013, similarly to the other caucuses of the
the unification congress of 2010, and since then it federation, the LGBTQI Caucus organized a first
has been growing and expanding its activities. national conference of LGBTQI workers. The Con-
The CSP-Conlutas LGBTQI caucus does not be- ference voted, among other deliberations, to carry
lieve that capitalist society is able to end discrimi- educational activities in local unions in order to
nation. That is why an alliance with labor and social educate workers around LGBTQI issues and rights,
movements is critical. combat transphobic and homophobic behaviors,
Its goal is to have LGBTQI demands addressed by and to further the internal organizing of the cau-
labor organizations since homophobia and trans- cus.
phobia are present at workplaces, universities In 2019, the ultra-right government of Bolsona-
and schools, poor neighborhoods and in society ro, with its conservative ministries, represented by
in general. LGBTQI workers and activists join and Damares Alves, with its economic austerity plans,
strengthen the struggle for social change in the has its motto attacking the oppressed sectors and
construction of policies and practices that get rid targeting LGBTQI people.

The LGBT sector emerged from the 2010 unification congress

CSP - Conlutas 19

Building In Practice An Internationalist Unionism

Some key campaigns of international solidarity

CSP-Conlutas defends that a real internationalist strategy to fight back in this crisis is needed

Haiti: CSP-Conlutas stands in solidarity with work- back far-right backlash.

ers against MINUSTAH occupation troops led by the France: Solidarity with the Yellow Vests’ move-
Brazilian government. Our labour federation visited ment working together with Solidaires Labour Feder-
the country after disastrous 2010 earthquake. USIH ation in France, fighting back Macron administration
(Haitian Immigrant Social Union) emerged from the policies of poor living conditions and casual work.
institutional and political support of our labor federa- China: Solidarity with Hong Kong workers and
tion. Youth for democratic rights together with the Inter-
Venezuela: CSP-Conlutas delegation went to Ro- national Labour Network for Solidarity and Strug-
raima to build solidarity with Venezuelan refugees in gles. We also stand in opposition to the Chinese dic-
2018. The ANIV (National Association of Venezuelan tatorship that suppresses historical achievements of
Immigrants) emerged from the institutional and politi- working class.
cal support of our labor federation. Palestine: CSP-Conlutas stands in solidarity with
Argentina: CSP-Conlutas supported the 2018 the struggle for liberation of Palestine. It supports
struggles against neoliberal reforms and for legal the BDS campaign and refuses any links with the rac-
abortion in Argentina. We sent a strong delegation to ist Israeli labor federation Histadrut.
join the protests against G20 summit and now we were Arab Revolutions: CSP-Conlutas has joined dem-
active in the campaign to free political prisoner Daniel onstrations in solidarity with all popular uprisings
Ruiz and to stop Macri administration crackdown on and revolutions in the Arab world including Syria. It
democratic freedoms. opposes any foreign imperial intervention, as well as
USA: CSP-Conlutas and the International Labour totalitarian and oppressive governments.
Network for Solidarity and Struggles held, in 2017, the Africa: CSP-Conlutas supports the social and pop-
Meeting of the Americas which took a stand against ular movements in Sub-Saharan Africa fighting for
Trump and imperialism and sought joint action to fight justice and reparations.
20 CSP - Conlutas

The Construction Of An International

Labor Network To Push Forward Labor Struggles

We need to build an independent international labor

federation, around core and simple principles
that unite us in our common struggle

CSP-Conlutas defends the need

for a true internationalist strategy
to confront this crisis

Because we are facing multinational corporations Confederation) and the WFTU (World Federation of
(from General Motors to UPS, Monsanto or Apple) Trade Unions). The ITUC is today the largest one (af-
and international organizations that set the econom- ter the unification in 2006 of the ICFTU and WCL),
ic policies for our national governments (IMF, World it represents 176 million workers through its 328 af-
Bank, World Trade Organization, European Central filiated organizations within 162 countries. This mass
Bank), international solidarity and the international labor federation to which the AFL-CIO, the Brazilian
coordination of our struggle is a key necessity to win. CUT and the French CGT belong, among others, was
In CSP-Conlutas and the International Labor Network traditionally the federation linked to the social demo-
of Struggles and Solidarity (ILNSS) we think a real in- cratic parties in Europe, which in the last decades
ternationalist strategy to fight back in this crisis is have been implementing neoliberal reforms and at-
needed. tacks to workers. Internationally this labor conglom-
The international trade union movement repro- erate advocates for collaboration with corporations
duces the same limitations we have faced in Brazil, in in negotiating contracts and reaching “compromises’
the US and all over the world when it comes to demo- when governments, or the European Union, seeking to
cratically organizing rank and file workers to fight for attack workers rights and benefits.
our rights. Today most national labor federations are The WFTU is a smaller international federation
affiliated to one of the two major mainstream inter- created in 1945, which rallied the national trade union
national ones: the ITUC (International Trade Union federations affiliated to the Communist Parties. This
CSP - Conlutas 21

federation which had a strong weight in soviet Russia faced in Brazil in the last decade are similar all over
and the Eastern Bloc, China, Cuba and Yugoslavia has the world. The labor unions have become bureau-
been losing its membership as the bureaucratic gov- cratic formations that do not help the advancement
ernments of those so-called “socialist/communist” of the struggle and our living conditions, and whose
countries betrayed workers’ struggles and eventu- leaderships have more in common with ministers and
ally implementeed the full restoration of capitalism. CEOs than the workers they represent. This is why it is
Unfortunately, most of the time the local and national impossible to fight for worker’s rights and self-eman-
unions that left the WFTU went directly to the ITUC. cipation in the trade-union movement of one country
Today it has some pull in Europe (the Rail Maritime alone: we need to build an independent international
Trade Union in Great Britain, the Unione Sindicale di labor federation, around core and simple principles
Base in Italy), in South Africa (COSATU) and in some that unite us in our common struggle.
Latin American countries (Workers’ Central Union of Without it, it will be very difficult to win and secure
Cuba, Bolivia Workers Center). The WFTU does not any significant preservation or improvement of our
have a real strategy to fight for workers interests and living conditions for our class. This is why making a
lead the way to their emancipation. The reality is that priority of building internationally we can a stronger
today its members are looking for alternatives as the and more active ILNSS, so we can fight back, putting
leadership increasingly tails the ITUC bureaucratic our political principles of internationalism, democ-
methods and alliances with corporate powers. racy and class independence at the forefront of our
Therefore we see that the problems CSP-Conlutas joint struggle.

The Birth Of The International Labor Network Of

Solidarity And Struggles (ILNSS) In 2013
The ILNSS arose from the need to bring Venezuela independent from the Chavez gov-
together dispersed independent union ini- ernment.
tiatives, reform caucuses and currents, and Under the slogan “we are many voices but
to unify workers and popular or community one struggle,” the 2008 Conference made a
struggles against the attacks of governments step forward in coordinating an independent
and bosses throughout the world. workers response to the many attacks labor
Our goal is to promote union actions with unions and working people were facing in Latin
a combative and internationalist character America.
aimed at strengthening the working class in Even though the ELAC encounter was mainly
the struggle against capital and governments, composed of Latin American and Caribbean
and to promote international solidarity. delegates, other countries around the world
In July of 2008, the Conlutas union hosted sent observers, such as the ILWU Local 10 from
the Latin American and Caribbean Conference San Francisco, the MOVICE movement from
co-organized with the Bolivian COB (Central Colombia and the bus drivers union from Bar-
Obrera Boliviana - Bolivian Workers Federa- celona. The ELAC was committed to seeking
tion), Bataye Ouvrié (Workers Struggle) from partners for an alternative union current ev-
Haiti, the Tendencia Clasista y Combativa erywhere in the world. And this project mate-
(Classist and Fighting Union Current) from rialized in the folowing years, mainly because
Uruguay and the C-CURA, a union current from of the major struggles and rank and file led
22 CSP - Conlutas

strikes led in many countries (Spain, France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium, UK, Tur-
Portugal, South Africa) against austerity mea- key, Algeria, Morocco, Egypt, Argentina, Para-
sures, and of course the democratic revolu- guay, Chile, Colombia, Peru, Haiti, Canada, In-
tions in North Africa and the Middle East. In donesia and Benin.
many cases these qualitative developments In 2015, the CSP-Conlutas, Solidaires and
of workers grassroots struggle led to the cre- the CGT from Spain called for a second inter-
ation of reform caucuses, workplace commit- national conference of the ILNSS this time in
tees and even embryos of independent unions. Campinas (Sao Paulo, Brazil). This second in-
Our goal is to bring them together. ternational union gathering, with 184 activists
On March 2013, in the midst of the economic from 24 countries, voted for an international
crisis, a very important step forward was ac- platform of struggle and a week of actions
complished with the constitution of the Inter- against austerity plans and for labor rights on
national Network of Solidarity and Struggles. October of 2015. The second conference is-
CSP-Conlutas and the Union Syndicale Solid- sued statements supporting women’s rights,
aires (SUD) from France held a very important immigrant rights, for workers’ control and
conference in Paris that brought together ma- against the criminalization of protests and so-
jor players of a new generation of alternative cial movements and union struggles. The third
union activists and currents. The beginning international conference took place in Madrid
of a real joint project and collaboration with on January 26th to 28th, 2018. Issues of the
SUD/Solidaires in France and the CGT in Spain LGBT struggle, the struggle against sexism and
marked a qualitative step forward in the con- other forms of oppression were part of discus-
struction of this international network. sion, showing the experiences from different
parts of the world, as well as discussing colo-
SUD was created as an independent union in
nialism, its consequences, migration, repres-
France in 1981, yet it became a key player in the
sion and self-management.
1995 wildcat railroad workers strikes against
the privatization of the public train system in From 12 to 14 April 2022 in Dijon, France,
France (SNCF), supporting the strikes and or- the fourth Meeting of the International Labour
ganizing a broad solidarity coming from other Network of Solidarity and Struggles was held.
sectors. SUD has played a key role in major mo- This very important meeting brought to-
bilizations, for example in the CPE student and gether around 200 participants from 39 orga-
young workers strikes in 2006, it supported ac- nizations, from 21 different countries, coming
tively the student and worker unity and helped from four continents. A significant represen-
involve postal workers, rail workers, teachers tation considering the difficulties present at
and other sectors in joint mobilizations. Today the time, given the ongoing health crisis.
it is one of the pillars of resistance against the
The ILNSS Manifesto was updated collec-
new French labor law (Loi El Khomri). Since then
tively. The new document of common principles
it has grown in public education and public ser-
and objectives defends the strengthening of
vices (postal workers), and went from repre-
union movements to rupture with capitalism,
senting 0.4% of the French workforce in 1992
to guarantee the independence of the labour
to 3.82% in 2013, negotiating labor contracts
movement, which mobilizes and fights effec-
across more than 40 sectors, and still growing.
tively, as a key issue of this period. The orga-
The 2013 Paris conference gathered union nization stated that it is the ILNSS’s duty to
representatives from 22 countries: Brazil, continue upholding these positions, since the
France, Spain (with representation of Catalo- pandemic has proven the failure of the capital-
nia, Galicia and the Basque Country), Portugal, ist system.
CSP - Conlutas 23

ILNSS goes To Ukraine With Workers’

Aid Convoy And Distributes Donations

We took up practical and concrete internationalist solidarity and we will continue

campaigning in defense of ukrainian workers in resistance against Russian invaders

The International Labour Network of Solidarity The convoy followed guidelines from the Kryvyi
and Struggles is part of the Workers’ Aid Convoy to Rih workers’ resistance organization and prioritized
the Ukrainian Resistance and arrived in the country, sending emergency items like baby food, ready-
specifically in Lviv, on 29th April 2022. made food and technical equipment, resources
The initiative is from members of the Interna- needed in a situation of critical shortages in the
tional Labour Network of Solidarity and Struggles. supply of food as well as electricity and heating.
Since its arrival, activists have met with labor union- Kryvyi Rih is the country’s industrial centre and
ists and activists from several countries like Brazil had about 615,000 inhabitants. Currently, the city
(CSP Conlutas), France (Solidaires), Italy (ADL Co- is 60 km away from Russian troops. Petrovich re-
bas), Lithuania (G1PS) and Poland (IP – Inicyatywa ported that more than 3,000 union members have
Pracownicza), Austria (Workers’ Aid Int), besides re- enlisted in the resistance forces.
sistance fighters from Ukraine. We uphold the need to maintain solidarity among
Around 800 kg of donations for the population of our class that goes beyond public expressions and
Kryvyi Rih were delivered directly to the president state4ments of support. With the convoy, we took
of the Independent Labour Union of Metalworkers up practical and concrete internationalist solidar-
and Miners of the city, union militant Yuri Petro- ity and we will continue campaigning in defense of
vich. The initiative was supported logistically by the these working people, who despite their few re-
Sotsyalnyi Rukh organization and was considered a sources have kept up a firm resistance against the
success. Russian invaders.
24 CSP - Conlutas

Let’s Build The ILNSS By Developing

Local And Regional Grassroots
Committees Of Struggle In All Countries

CSP-Conlutas and the ILNSS invite trade unionists to build the fight network together

CSP-Conlutas and the ILNSS want to develop con- pressed, or is complicit of these attacks.
nections with rank and file workers, collectives and In order to build an alternative unionism that
local unions all over the world that share our union can fight back, we need to bring together those who
perspective. It is especially important for us to fur- are already organizing, leading local and regional
ther our connections with the embryos of indepen- struggles and building a base into a shared organiz-
dent and democratic unionism existing in key coun- ing space. To create regional bodies to coordinate
tries like the United States, the UK, India or Pakistan. struggles proved to be, for us in Brazil, the first step
We think it is important to bring together grass- to build an independent and fighting alternative for
roots movements against racism, police brutality, for the labor movement, becoming a pole of attraction
immigrant and women’s rights, and to link them with for the most combative sectors, and eventually set-
the sectors of the labor movement that want to fight ting real conditions to start building an alternative to
for those demands. The unity of labor, youth and the the CUT.
oppressed is today more important than ever. We think the working class can win and defeat the
This unity in solidarity has become especially ur- bosses and governments that are launching now a
gent in the United States, where the Trump adminis- new round of austerity measures and attacking our
tration further divided working people by deepening most basic rights. Yet to do that, we need to build ef-
the attacks to immigrant, indigenous, Black, Muslim fective and democratic instruments of struggle that
and LGBTQI communities, women and youth. We can- allow us to build this necessary unity and solidar-
not wait or remain silent when the official union lead- ity across sectors of our class and across countries.
erships refuses to fight for the rights of the most op- Come build the ILNSS with us!
CSP - Conlutas 25
26 CSP - Conlutas

Produced by the Departament of Communication

of the CSP-Conlutas and Metalworkers Union of
São José dos Campos and Region, (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
Texts: Fábio Bosco, Florence Oppen, Herbert Claros
and Samia Teixeira
Translation: Fábio Bosco and Florence Oppen
Photos: Union Archive
Desktop Publishing: Diego Plenamente and Samia Teixeira
Supervision: Herbert Claros
CSP - Conlutas 27
28 CSP - Conlutas

Contact Us:
Rua Boa Vista, 76 – 11° andar - Centro
São Paulo-SP - Brazil
Zip Code: 01014-000
Telephone: +55 (11) 3107-7984

Website: cspconlutas.org.br
Email: internacional@cspconlutas.org.br

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